SG SUPALITE PADS & GLOVES - pictures & review


Local Club Regular
Sep 18, 2009






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night rider nice review bro!
btw what batting gloves do u prefer?
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Good purchase.

How would you compare them to the GM light pads? They seem incredibly light.
thanks bro.
I play in GM South Notts league and I prefer the gloves in the pictures above.
Majid bhai, if you don't mind please do a comparison between different gear from different brands. Every 2 months you buy something new and say its the best you have used. It gives an impression that this is a highly innovative industry where things change month to month.

I would be very surprised if a lot changes even year to year. I hope you don't mind.
The GM RSB ones are expensive. £60.

Yeah I know. Its unfair to compare the weight of these to GM RSB pads because these are not that type of pads. These are like normal pads and they remind me bit of GM teknik lite.
You can compare the weight of SG Maxilite XL to GM RSB because both are very similar style of pads, incredibly light. SG softs do look much nicer..
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Interesting grip of the bat you've got there KR, do you use all four fingers on your bottom hand to grip the handle?
Interesting grip of the bat you've got there KR, do you use all four fingers on your bottom hand to grip the handle?

Oh yeah, well spotted SS. All my coaches used to tell me to have a slack bottom hand and a tight grip with my top hand.:azhar
Nahin yaaro.
I dont grip the bat tightly with bottom hand when I play properly in nets and matches. Its just for pictures I had to pose like this for while(10 mins) and that is why I gripped it like this.