Shameful blasphemy incident in India


Local Club Star
Oct 31, 2010
When water started trickling down a statue of Jesus Christ at a Catholic church in Mumbai earlier this year, locals were quick to declare a miracle. Some began collecting the holy water and the Church of Our Lady of Velankanni began to promote it as a site of pilgrimage.

So when Sanal Edamaruku arrived and established that this was not holy water so much as holy plumbing, the backlash was severe. The renowned rationalist was accused of blasphemy, charged with offences that carry a three-year prison sentence and eventually, after receiving death threats, had to seek exile in Finland.

Now he is calling for European governments to press Delhi into dropping the case. And on the first leg of a tour around EU capitals on Friday, he warned that India was sacrificing freedom of expression for outdated, colonial-era rules about blasphemy.

"There is a huge contradiction in the content of the Indian constitution which guarantees freedom of speech and the blasphemy law from 1860 under then colonial rule," Edamaruku told the Guardian in an interview in Dublin.

"This blasphemy law can affect anyone in India – even a girl recently who wrote on Facebook against closing down a city because of the death of a famous local politician. She was prosecuted under the blasphemy law and another girl who 'liked' her comment on Facebook was also arrested and then charged with blasphemy."

When the state "miracle" was pronounced, he went to Mumbai and found that the dripping water was due to clogged drainage pipes behind the wall where it stood. His revelation provoked death threats from religious zealots and ultimately charges of blasphemy under the Indian penal code in the Mumbai high court.

"India cannot criticise Pakistan for arresting young girls for blaspheming against Islam while it arrests and locks up its own citizens for breaking our country's blasphemy laws," he said. "It is an absurd law but also extremely dangerous because it gives fanatics, whether they are Hindus, Catholics or Muslims, a licence to be offended. It also allows people who are in dispute with you to make up false accusations of blasphemy."

Edamaruku said his exposure of the weeping statue was also a contribution to public health in Mumbai as some believers were drinking the water hoping it could cure ailments. "This was sewage water seeping through a wall due to faulty plumbing," he said. "It posed a health risk to people who were fooled into believing it was a miracle."

He has been living in Finland since the summer. He was in Europe on a lecture tour in July when his partner rang to say the police had arrived at his flat. "I felt really upset because under the blasphemy law you cannot get bail until the court case begins. I would be in jail now if I had been at my apartment in Delhi," he said.

"The Catholic archbishop of Bombay, Oswald, Cardinal Gracias, has said that if I apologise for the 'offence' I have caused he will see to it that the charges are dropped. This shows that he has influence in the situation but he will not use it unless I apologise, which I will not do as I have done nothing wrong," he said.

"Blasphemy laws are very strange because they can be both very silly and also very sinister. They are very silly because you are talking about crying statues and moving statues or Virgin Marys appearing in tree stumps in Co Limerick. But on the other hand these type of laws are used in Islamic countries to jail people or sentence them to death. Or in Sanal's case facing a jail sentence for his work exposing bogus miracle


Absolute shameful. Catholics hated this guy ever since he questioned Mother Teresa's charitable claims. He recently wrote this article on that subject. Has religion come to a point where the keepers need miracles, hoaxes to keep the faith alive and attract new customers?? Blasphemy law is an abomination & unworthy of secular democracy.
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It is the same old shiit for South Asians. I did not even bother going through the whole artcles after reading a few lines. Pakistan and India are just two sides of the same coin. Same narrow minded mentality. Same short sighted comparison with each other on various on line forums in order to settle scores. That's a whole story of Pakistanis and Indians in a nutshell.

its amazing

some times i find so many identical things happening in both countries, when i go through times of india, i literally laugh, we are the same as far as moral and ethics are councerned.
I came across an article written by sanal,in which he mentions
"India has no reason to be grateful to Mother Teresa"
whats your take on this

i somewhat agree with that..i do like Mother Teresa for what she did which many were not doing..she personally went to poor and lepers..but one thing i dont like about her and her charity that it had big offices in western countries, taking donation for the poor in calcutta, but most was spent on the missionary organization..and not actually the poor...but it will be wrong of me to like someone only when he/she is perfect..she had flaws but she did some good work which us indians should have done.
It is often said that science can only answer "how" and not "why". More true is that religions even want take away the right to ask "how" and "why".
Charges still haven't been dropped against this man. What a joke this law is.

By Editorial Staff , Wednesday, 27th March 2013
Drop blasphemy charges against Sanal Edamaruku

One year after blasphemy complaints were filed against him, Indian rationalist Sanal Edamaruku remains at risk of imprisonment. We now call on the Indian Prime Minister to intervene in his case

It is now one year since blasphemy complaints were filed against the Indian rationalist Sanal Edamaruku, by Catholic organisations unhappy with his debunking of a supposed miracle in a Mumbai church. (Water was dripping from a crucifix statue in the church, and Edamaruku traced the source of the water to faulty plumbing nearby.)

Having been denied "anticipatory bail", Edamaruku would face imprisonment upon arrest, a fact which has forced him to remain away from his home in Delhi for much of the last year.

Last summer, we launched a petition calling on India's Catholic authorities to use their influence to encourage the Mumbai-based Catholic organisations to drop their complaints. The petition attracted more than 12,000 signatures from concerned individuals across the globe. Despite this international pressure, the Catholic Church in India has ignored the call to intervene in the interests of Indian free expression.
the atheists strike again. why not keep your rational views in your maths and physics textbooks, and leave matter of faith, belief and miracle to us,god loving people.
the atheists strike again. why not keep your rational views in your maths and physics textbooks, and leave matter of faith, belief and miracle to us,god loving people.

Not when people are consuming the sewer water believing them to be tears of Jesus. its a public health hazard.

Man, please!!!
lol, as if the water served in your taps and restaurants is any clean. again, leave matters of faith to us, and go preach your science to school kids who can do some good with education.
India is a place of suffering and people will find any thing as miracle to generate hope in their heart.

Even educated ones shutdown their rational mind and do crazy things thinking that these silly things are miracles. Poverty and suffering breeds faith.

There were mass conversions to Christianity in Mizoram and Manipur when similar miracle happened in North East part of country.
Sheeple converted in thousands to Christianity thinking that Mother Mary's statue is weeping or Jesus cross is shining.

Even in Hindus, Ganesh statue was drinking milk and people wasted thousands of gallons of milk in trying to feed the statue :facepalm:

Easy to fool suffering people with silly miracles. They always want to believe in something to recharge their spirits.
If the plumbing is faulty it's probably a good idea to fix it, even if it disappoints the faithful.
lol, as if the water served in your taps and restaurants is any clean. again, leave matters of faith to us, and go preach your science to school kids who can do some good with education.

Yes, you are right.

You should start drinking drainage water instead of muncipal tap water starting from today. Comeback in a couple of days and let us know how you are doing.
so how do you explain Ganesh drinking milk. you can try it now it wont drink, so why was the statue drinking milk that very day. let me hear a scientific explanation.
If the plumbing is faulty it's probably a good idea to fix it, even if it disappoints the faithful.

Sorry, according to some people(educated), all atheists and rationalists should shut the hell up and let sheeple drink the sewer water. Its a matter of faith alright.
Yes, you are right.

You should start drinking drainage water instead of muncipal tap water starting from today. Comeback in a couple of days and let us know how you are doing.

if it is dripping from the feet of jesus statue, i will drink it happily, because then it would be filtered.
so how do you explain Ganesh drinking milk. you can try it now it wont drink, so why was the statue drinking milk that very day. let me hear a scientific explanation.

Why Lord Ganesha, even Porky Pig drinks milk. I am amazed at your .....

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Gentleman is a true Indian spiritual. He is the type who would bathe in the Ganges next to floating sewage and faeces. Because he understands the true purpose of holy water is to cleanse the spirit and not the flesh.
Why Lord Ganesha, even Porky Pig drinks milk. I am amazed at your .....

i didnt ask you to give another example of the same miracle. i want a scientific explanation behind the miracle, and why it doesnt happen when i try it now.
Gentleman is a true Indian spiritual. He is the type who would bathe in the Ganges next to floating sewage and faeces. Because he understands the true purpose of holy water is to cleanse the spirit and not the flesh.

no captain, never saw floating faeces, but agree with the rest. we try to much to shut nature out of our lives..why not embrace nature..get dirty in the mud, drink unfiltered water straight from the ponds.. i never had any vaccine, and i am proud to say that i never fall sick (except once in a year when i catch cold). as a child i used to collect cow dung, which was a pleasure in the winters because it is so fresh and warm. ah, these protected and vaccinated generation, what will they know.
i didnt ask you to give another example of the same miracle. i want a scientific explanation behind the miracle, and why it doesnt happen when i try it now.

I am not going to waste time on this. May be you are not doing right.

The same thing has been experimented numerous times by many people. I posted a random video from youtube.

Try again properly. It will work. Make sure your idol has a small crack for the liquid to seep in.

I am not going to explain in detail, but please read this if you have time.
I am not going to waste time on this. May be you are not doing right.

The same thing has been experimented numerous times by many people. I posted a random video from youtube.

Try again properly. It will work. Make sure your idol has a small crack for the liquid to seep in.

I am not going to explain in detail, but please read this if you have time.

ok, got it. you are yourself not aware of what is the scientific reason why it happened in the past and not happening now.
the thing is, some catholics have learned tricks like "growing statutes of jesus,mary","weeping water/honey of st.mary's statute" and many such miracles. when rationalists expose them, these people cannot tolerate. but, rationalists are doing good here. exposing the fake miracles.
a personal note here: the latin catholic dioceses in western coast are powerful starting from kanyakumari to verapoly to mangalore to goa to mumbai. they can crush anyone talking against their will.

Devotees are flocking to St.Mary’s Forane Church, Tripunithura, to seek the powerful intercession of Mother Mary and to witness for themselves the great wonder that happens with the Statue of Maria Rosa Mystica in this Marian Shrine. As a sign of her special presence here, honey flows from the statue of the Blessed Mother venerated as ‘ROSA MYSTICA’, the Mystical Rose.
In the Spring of 1947 the Blessed Virgin appeared as ‘ROSA MYSTICA’ to Pierina Gilli, a nurse, at Montechiari close to the city Brescia in Northern Italy. Since then there were several apparitions of Rosa Mystica in that place and it became a famous centre of Marian Pilgrimage. In 2008 Very Rev. Dr. Jose Puthiyedath visited Montichiari and he brought with him a small statue of Rosa Mystica. After he was appointed as the Vicar at St. Mary’s Forane Church, Tripunithura, this statue was used for the devotional prayers held on the First Saturday of every month. Then one day he had an inspiration to pray with the statue for nine days. Thus he gave this statue to Ms. Cicily, a pious woman and a fervent Marian devotee in the parish, to pray for nine consecutive days. She gladly accepted the mission and took the statue to her house on 6th of October, 2009. On the next day while she was reciting the Rosary, she noticed honey flowing from the image of Rosa Mystica. She informed the Vicar and he came to her house along with the Assistant Vicar. They saw for themselves the wonderful happening, tasted the honey and found it real. Hearing about the miracle people began to crowd the house. On October 31, 2009 the statue was brought to the church with great devotion and enshrined on the altar. People started flowing to the church to pray and to see the wonder.
Honey continues to flow from this miraculous statue for the last two years. It is collected by the priests in the church and given to the devotees who request for it. Thousands have taken the honey and many have reported wonderful cures and other miraculous results from the use of it. Their witness is attracting more and more people to this Marian Shrine. Thus the Divine Mother works her wonders as ROSA MYSTICA in this chosen spot of her motherly intervention.

Recently a replica of this miraculous statue was carried in solemn procession to all the houses in the parish symbolizing Our Lady’s visit to each family. This Marian itinerary took seventy-six days and it was a unique experience for all the people of Tripunithura. The important Offering (Nercha) of this statue is the Blessed honey.
India is a place of suffering and people will find any thing as miracle to generate hope in their heart.

Even educated ones shutdown their rational mind and do crazy things thinking that these silly things are miracles. Poverty and suffering breeds faith.

Easy to fool suffering people with silly miracles. They always want to believe in something to recharge their spirits.
Agreed with this. Economic recession, people are dirt poor, energy shortages, food prices etc. - what better way to distract yourself from your daily hardships with a 'miracle'.
what is the explanation of the rich people in the west being religious...maybe they want to distract themselves from the ennui caused by too much riches.
no captain, never saw floating faeces, but agree with the rest. we try to much to shut nature out of our lives..why not embrace nature..get dirty in the mud, drink unfiltered water straight from the ponds.. i never had any vaccine, and i am proud to say that i never fall sick (except once in a year when i catch cold). as a child i used to collect cow dung, which was a pleasure in the winters because it is so fresh and warm. ah, these protected and vaccinated generation, what will they know.

Getting dirty, playing in dirt are actually healthy in a long run, esp. if you have done it in childhood. Vaccine does the same thing by making you prepare before you inoculate disease.

I don't have to say that it's still better to get all vaccination for diseases that can leave debilitated conditions. i.e. MMR, Polio, Pertussis etc., you probably know this anyway.

Though I don't recommend drinking water from random, unknown pond, because there are certain protozoa that are incurable by our own immune system. ie. Naegleria (not found in India though)
the only injection i got was when a got bitten by a dog... of course i dont have rabies, but when i go near the sea or watch scenes involving the sea, i panic. but is is manageable now. hope it doesnt get worse later.

Universities in the US do not admit you if you have not been vaccinated. Take your trolling elsewhere please.

oh yes, i recall i had to take some injections before coming here. but i didnt have any vaccines as a child.
This is the problem with atheist. They want to force their opnion on others.... Who was hurting by this incident? Even if it is stupid by your perspective, if it is not harming anybody, why complain?
oh yes, i recall i had to take some injections before coming here. but i didnt have any vaccines as a child.

I actually doubt it. Children are given lots of vaccine right at birth almost everywhere in India, I am sure you had Polio, Tetanus, Pertussis etc.

Hepatitis is an expensive one, not given to many children, which you may have gotten it in US.

Do you have any vaccine mark on your deltoid?
cricketworm dude, those vaccines are outdated which leaves marks....
cricketworm dude, those vaccines are outdated which leaves marks....

I know but any child who was born in 80's may still have gotten it. I have the mark, most likely it was BCG.
no, i have no marks anywhere on my body..and i asked my mom too..she said i was given some drops when i was born, but wasnt taken anywhere for any vaccine.. i am averse to medicines myself..never took medicines when had fever or cold..also dislocated my shoulder which i fixed myself, but it keeps getting coming out of its socket sometimes.. my friends call me terminator the way i fix the damage to my body.
no, i have no marks anywhere on my body..and i asked my mom too..she said i was given some drops when i was born, but wasnt taken anywhere for any vaccine.. i am averse to medicines myself..never took medicines when had fever or cold..also dislocated my shoulder which i fixed myself, but it keeps getting coming out of its socket sometimes.. my friends call me terminator the way i fix the damage to my body.

:))) Kuch jyada ho gaya
Those some drops were the vaccines. Medicine ppl take for viral cold doesn't cure cold, it just control the symptoms, because Drs. usually give pain killers, when they suspect viral cold. Viral cold can easily be manage by our own body. When it's bacterial infection, that's when you need a proper antibiotic, esp. if bacterial load is very high.
the only injection i got was when a got bitten by a dog... of course i dont have rabies, but when i go near the sea or watch scenes involving the sea, i panic. but is is manageable now. hope it doesnt get worse later.

I was bitten by a dog once but i dont remember getting any injection. Sould i worry about it? Dog almost toke my penis off, it was that close.
Those some drops were the vaccines. Medicine ppl take for viral cold doesn't cure cold, it just control the symptoms, because Drs. usually give pain killers, when they suspect viral cold. Viral cold can easily be manage by our own body. When it's bacterial infection, that's when you need a proper antibiotic, esp. if bacterial load is very high.

so my fear for any water body is more psychological and not related to the dog bite? the fear is very real..i feel i am drowning when i watch a scene involving the sea. same happens when you post videos of the scares me. i dont know what caused this phobia.
so my fear for any water body is more psychological and not related to the dog bite? the fear is very real..i feel i am drowning when i watch a scene involving the sea. same happens when you post videos of the scares me. i dont know what caused this phobia.

Ok I am just going to make a guess. The reason why you have fear for both space and water is because your balance system, vestibular system is very highly inflexible. Whenever our body moves, the fluid of vestibular system (located close to middle ear, in inner ear) moves and keeps you in check with our body in space! (3 dimensions)

Usually, when someone has phobia such as phobia with water or space, their mind is afraid of dizziness and nausea, an inbuilt reflex to prevent us changing our body's position. (Of course there are other things such as fear of drowning or falling from space) So, when you train yourself such a way that it controls your dizziness or nausea bout, phobia can also be eliminated. It takes a bit of training and a technique to eliminate phobia. There are many cognitive behavioral way you can eliminate this phobia, I am sure if you search, you can by yourself eliminate this without any professional help. If you ever had panic attack, then I don't think you should attempt curing yourself. But if you are mildly afraid of water, then you can easily train yourself to eliminate it.

I see you haven't mention any incident like drowning in reality then you have started to have fear, means it's just visual perception 'self made' fear. I am sure you can fix that slowly with desensitizing method. Psych major or Psych resident may give you proper advice on this anyway, I am just a noob.
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Another pathetic blasphemy related case from India. A film critic calls Ram a dagulbhaji (a cheater) and because of that he's banned from entering Hyderabad for 6 months.

Controversial comment lands Telugu film critic Kathi Mahesh in trouble
Kathi Mahesh has been arrested for derogatory comments against Lord Rama and Sita during a television debate causing right-wing activists to attempt an attack on him on Sunday.

For me, Ramayana is just another story...I believe Rama is as much a cheater (dagulbhaji) as he is ideal in that story. And I think perhaps Sita would have been better, might have gotten justice if she had stayed with Ravana. What's wrong with that?

Film Critic Banned From Hyderabad For Comments On Lord Ram, Sita
Kathi Mahesh, 41, has provoked a massive controversy with the comments he made during a TV debate last week. He was arrested on July 2 after multiple cases were filed against him.
Hyderabad | Reported by Uma Sudhir, Edited by Soumyajit Majumder | Updated: July 10, 2018 19:29 IST
by Taboola Sponsored Links Sponsored

HYDERABAD: A film critic has been banned from Hyderabad for six months over allegations of "hurting religious sentiment" with his comments on Lord Ram and Sita. Kathi Mahesh was taken by the Telangana police from Hyderabad to his hometown Chittoor in neighbouring Andhra Pradesh on Monday and "restored to his parents".
Another pathetic blasphemy related case from India. A film critic calls Ram a dagulbhaji (a cheater) and because of that he's banned from entering Hyderabad for 6 months.

Maybe the liberals and tolerants don't mind when they or their family members are abused, but we the lesser people who dont live in airconditioned homes, and are not sophisticated with our expressions, know only anger when our faith and foundation of our life is attacked and insulted.
Maybe the liberals and tolerants don't mind when they or their family members are abused, but we the lesser people who dont live in airconditioned homes, and are not sophisticated with our expressions, know only anger when our faith and foundation of our life is attacked and insulted.

Perhaps you should use your religion(s) to change yourself then instead of trying to dictate what others can and can’t say in life.
Perhaps you should use your religion(s) to change yourself then instead of trying to dictate what others can and can’t say in life.

Perhaps the holier than thou liberals and tolerants should tolerate our expressions instead of trying to dictate how we must react to insults on our faith.

Liberals are free to insult us, we dont mind being called unwashed uneducated right wing trolls, but please spare our religious figures.
It should be called The Law for The Protection of The Honour And Dignity of Religion. One of the few good things we have.

Why do you need to protect the honor of Allah or Jesus or Ram? Are they like a 5 year old toddler that their tiny little ego will be hurt just because someone called them a petty name?
Ram a cheater LMAO cut the poor guy some slack. He could be called a lot of things but a cheater nah.
Why do you need to protect the honor of Allah or Jesus or Ram? Are they like a 5 year old toddler that their tiny little ego will be hurt just because someone called them a petty name?

Why do you need to insult them? Why don't the so called liberals spend their energy doing something worthwhile instead of instigating harmless people and claiming victimhood.
Why do you need to protect the honor of Allah or Jesus or Ram? Are they like a 5 year old toddler that their tiny little ego will be hurt just because someone called them a petty name?

IMO blasphemy law is a necessary evil in countries such as India which are inhabited by religious jahils.

Honestly I never understood the mindset of these pseudo liberals. Why would you go out of your way to insult a holy figured revered by billions just for the kicks knowing fully well the repercussions and the outrage it would generate?

Now I'm not religious at all and for me Ram is as real as some character from Tolkein's works but even I would argue that vilifying and reviling such an important figure for no apparent reason is asking for "aa bail mujhe mar".

Jiyo aur Jeene do yar.
Jiyo aur Jeene do yar.

But that is what they don't want. These pseudo liberals think they have a monopoly when it comes to opinions and only they know what is right and wrong. The ordinary masses who don't agree are subhuman savages fit to be ridiculed from their air conditioned drawing rooms.
But that is what they don't want. These pseudo liberals think they have a monopoly when it comes to opinions and only they know what is right and wrong. The ordinary masses who don't agree are subhuman savages fit to be ridiculed from their air conditioned drawing rooms.

Frankly I'm a little bit of liberal myself too but I have seen this kind of behavior from Indian liberals only.
Never seen a more whinier lot.
But that is what they don't want. These pseudo liberals think they have a monopoly when it comes to opinions and only they know what is right and wrong. The ordinary masses who don't agree are subhuman savages fit to be ridiculed from their air conditioned drawing rooms.

If there's one thing I can guarantee it is that you are typing this from an air-conditioned drawing room, but the sentiment is a worthy one, and as they say, it is the thought that counts. Although probably a bit less than the air conditioning.
Frankly I'm a little bit of liberal myself too but I have seen this kind of behavior from Indian liberals only.
Never seen a more whinier lot.

Sheltered, you are (as Yoda may have said). Come to London & read the Guardian for a while. Or just read it wherever you are (and the NY times as well). Your horizons re liberals will be forever broadened. And I speak as a bit of a lefty myself.