Support for Pakistan in India during ICC World Cup 2023


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Sep 11, 2023
A fan of Pakistan Cricket Team has been spotted at Hyderabad Airport India, holding Pakistani Flag in hands.

When it was asked to Babar, about How much will the team miss Pakistan fans in the stadium?

BA: Unfortunately, we will be missing the fans. However, as far as I know, the games are all sold out so we will be playing in jam-packed stadiums. Although our fans will not be there, I know they will make sure their love is heard on social media. I have heard that the fans in India also show their love, although I have not experienced that as of yet but I am excited to play in India as well.

What do you think!! what can Pakistan expect in terms of support in India?

I want Pakistan cricket team to be treated with utmost respect and hospitality. In India, guests are treated as Gods as there is an age old Sanskrit proverb - 'Atithi Devo Bhava'.

However, can I be brutally honest (like always)?

I don't think Pakistan team will be getting support anywhere in India. Back during 2016 T20 WC they got a lot of support in Eden Gardens as Kolkata is a fairly liberal city. Remember how Chief minister Mamta Banerjee felicitated Imran Khan, Wasim and Waqar prior to the Ind-Pak match. But lot has changed in the last 7 years. The atmosphere is very polarized in India now and no one in his/her right mind would support Pakistan (willingly or unwillingly). In fact I won't be surprised if they get verbal abuse as well from fans while walking to airport or going to stadium etc. Lets put it this way, Indians don't want any Pakistani's to be in their soil 1 sec more than what is required for ICC tournament.

Pak players should just focus on cricket, stick to their schedule and only go to places they are allocated to go.
I want Pakistan cricket team to be treated with utmost respect and hospitality. In India, guests are treated as Gods as there is an age old Sanskrit proverb - 'Atithi Devo Bhava'.

However, can I be brutally honest (like always)?

I don't think Pakistan team will be getting support anywhere in India. Back during 2016 T20 WC they got a lot of support in Eden Gardens as Kolkata is a fairly liberal city. Remember how Chief minister Mamta Banerjee felicitated Imran Khan, Wasim and Waqar prior to the Ind-Pak match. But lot has changed in the last 7 years. The atmosphere is very polarized in India now and no one in his/her right mind would support Pakistan (willingly or unwillingly). In fact I won't be surprised if they get verbal abuse as well from fans while walking to airport or going to stadium etc. Lets put it this way, Indians don't want any Pakistani's to be in their soil 1 sec more than what is required for ICC tournament.

Pak players should just focus on cricket, stick to their schedule and only go to places they are allocated to go.
Me and a couple of friends have bought tickets for 25k each to watch pak-aus match in Bangalore and will be supporting Pakistan. Being an Indian, I dislike Indian team and don't want to win the cup. I feel that Pakistan public with all its been through, deserves the cup and happiness. Not everyone is polarized like you, many are happy to see Pakistan doing well. Don't spend too much time on twitter, it's polarized because that's how it is built and controlled.
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Kuch bhi.. Me and a couple of friends have bought tickets for 25k each to watch pak-aus match in Bangalore and will be supporting Pakistan. Being an Indian, I dislike Indian team and don't want to win the cup. I feel that Pakistan public with all its been through, deserves the cup and happiness. Not everyone is polarized like you, many are happy to see Pakistan doing well. Don't spend too much time on twitter, it's polarized because that's how it is built and controlled.

Obviously I am talking as an outsider as I don't live in India and have not visited for a long time. If things have changed, it is very good news indeed. I want Pakistan cricket team to be treated with utmost respect as other 9 teams will be getting.

Good luck for the Pak-Aus match :)
I want Pakistan cricket team to be treated with utmost respect and hospitality. In India, guests are treated as Gods as there is an age old Sanskrit proverb - 'Atithi Devo Bhava'.

However, can I be brutally honest (like always)?

I don't think Pakistan team will be getting support anywhere in India. Back during 2016 T20 WC they got a lot of support in Eden Gardens as Kolkata is a fairly liberal city. Remember how Chief minister Mamta Banerjee felicitated Imran Khan, Wasim and Waqar prior to the Ind-Pak match. But lot has changed in the last 7 years. The atmosphere is very polarized in India now and no one in his/her right mind would support Pakistan (willingly or unwillingly). In fact I won't be surprised if they get verbal abuse as well from fans while walking to airport or going to stadium etc. Lets put it this way, Indians don't want any Pakistani's to be in their soil 1 sec more than what is required for ICC tournament.

Pak players should just focus on cricket, stick to their schedule and only go to places they are allocated to go.

Indian hospitality at it's best.
Seems very poor scheduling. Only one day prior to nz warmup game .I won't be surprised boys are not 100 in first warmup game
What is your opinion bro?

Do you think Pak cricket team will get lots of support in India? Definitely not in Gujarat I would think?

There are millions of Pakistani cricket supporters in India. I won't dive deeper into it but I think you already know what I'm talking about.

But they're definitely not getting abused as you claimed. Yes there may well be a one odd miscreant here and there but nothing more than that.

Ahmedabad is going to be proper hostile two ways in that.
Indian hospitality at it's best.

It was just my pessimistic viewpoint but my fellow Indian posters have subsequently highlighted that I was wrong. Pakistan team apparently will get a lot of support in India. Infact we have an Indian poster here who had spend 25k INR to watch Pak-Aus game in Bangalore and would support Pak cricket team even over India this world cup.

So I stand corrected.
Welcome to my city of Hyderabad, Pakistan!

Pakistan will NOT get a hostile environment in Hyderabad, I can say that for sure. They might get that in North India buy certainly not here. Hyderabad is a beautiful, peace loving city, huge muslim population here, I know a lot of people who would support Pakistan in Non-India games.
Welcome to my city of Hyderabad, Pakistan!

Pakistan will NOT get a hostile environment in Hyderabad, I can say that for sure. They might get that in North India buy certainly not here. Hyderabad is a beautiful, peace loving city, huge muslim population here, I know a lot of people who would support Pakistan in Non-India games.

Yep one of our staff is from there and he knows all about Ramadan etc.
Saw the video of team’s arrival and it was really good to see the support they got, well done to the guys showing up with their support.
Saw the video of team’s arrival and it was really good to see the support they got, well done to the guys showing up with their support.

They looked scared not sure there was support there. Looked intimidated.
Pakistan team should get some support from the Indian fans but not when they will be playing against India. They don't get much chance to see Pakistan players play in front of them so they should enjoy the moment and appreciate watching these talented cricketers in front of them.
"The BCCI has assured the ICC that all teams will be provided the best security and will be well looked after so I don't expect anything different for our team. I don't think our team will face any issues in India," head of PCB management committee Zaka Ashraf told reporters before team's departure.
I want Pakistan cricket team to be treated with utmost respect and hospitality. In India, guests are treated as Gods as there is an age old Sanskrit proverb - 'Atithi Devo Bhava'.

However, can I be brutally honest (like always)?

I don't think Pakistan team will be getting support anywhere in India. Back during 2016 T20 WC they got a lot of support in Eden Gardens as Kolkata is a fairly liberal city. Remember how Chief minister Mamta Banerjee felicitated Imran Khan, Wasim and Waqar prior to the Ind-Pak match. But lot has changed in the last 7 years. The atmosphere is very polarized in India now and no one in his/her right mind would support Pakistan (willingly or unwillingly). In fact I won't be surprised if they get verbal abuse as well from fans while walking to airport or going to stadium etc. Lets put it this way, Indians don't want any Pakistani's to be in their soil 1 sec more than what is required for ICC tournament.

Pak players should just focus on cricket, stick to their schedule and only go to places they are allocated to go.

I attended that match in Kolkata. Many Pakistani fans travelled to India back then. I met some of them in city also. Not sure how many are travelling this time.

Currently I am staying in Hyderabad. Having lived in all major cities of India, I can say that Hyderabad is most easy going city and they should get good reception here.
Some keyboard warrior who never go in india are giving lecture about how Pakistan player's treated in india. If someone go there to cover Pakistan team know how they welcome in india .indian fans love Pakistani cricketers but not government and their army.
Saw the video of team’s arrival and it was really good to see the support they got, well done to the guys showing up with their support.
When world cup over and they return in Pakistan then asked Pakistani players how well they were Treated by fans .
Even the policmen cannot resist taking a video of The King :)

But but they are scared according to the amature expert

Sorry? We were told Pakistan is not welcome in India etc - so guess might be difficult to fathom this love?

Cuts both ways.
Sorry? We were told Pakistan is not welcome in India etc - so guess might be difficult to fathom this love?

Cuts both ways.
Had there any incident in past that Pakistani players harassed by authority or fans .Most Pakistani players including Wasim akram ,Injy have great fan following in india even more than Pakistan fans . I just some social media warrior who spread fake propaganda to increase their view
Among our big cities, Hyderabad has highest Muslim population at almost 50%, a lot of Islamic religious/cultural influence and in the older parts of the city the people support Pakistan against India as well. Hyderabad nizam wanted to merge with Pakistan in 1947. Expect lots of support there. Politicians there will be welcoming to Pakistan as well.

Kolkata and Chennai too have lot of support for Pakistan, but Chennai doesn't have a big Muslim population, just for some weird reason the crowds here like Pakistan. Politicians in these places are also pro-Pakistan, remember the Bengal CM felicitating Imran, Waqar, Wasim before the 2016 WT20 clash? It was surprising to see Kolkata supporting Pakistan over Bangladesh despite Bengal and Bangladesh having common language and culture.

Bengaluru will be strictly ok, not much support but neither hostility. Pakistan plays Australia and New Zealand in Bengaluru and Indian crowds tend to like players from those countries, maybe because of IPL or some other reason, tik tok, social media interactions, don't know. But certainly among visiting teams I see more support for Aus, NZ as opposed to England or Sri Lanka. Government there is Congress so don't expect any scene.

In fact in 4 of the 5 venues Pakistan will be playing, opposition parties are in power, not BJP. And these are not ordinary opposition parties but fiercely anti-BJP/RSS/Modi, and pro-Muslim. So you can expect some photo ops and felicitations thrown by the politicians to win over Muslim votes, like how Mamata Banerjee did in 2016.

Ahmedabad will be hostile, Gujarat is the bastion of BJP and of Narendra Modi, Amit Shah. Fiercely nationalistic crowd, and no love for Pakistan.

I have been as honest as possible here.
May Allah protect our team while in India. I will be fearing for their safety their and they come back home from world cup safely with the world cup.
If Pakistan reaches the final and India gets KO-ed in the semis again, I can guarantee that the game would have to be held behind closed doors or with reduced capacity.
"Indian hospitality at its best" someone said :)

The best thing about such events is that the true character comes out very quickly.

So in response to your little remark, please read the post my post was in response to.
If Pakistan reaches the final and India gets KO-ed in the semis again, I can guarantee that the game would have to be held behind closed doors or with reduced capacity.

Chances are a little less :)
It will take the players a couple of days to adapt to the Indian environment. Ofcourse their will be initial nerves in front of jam packed Indian crowds which they will likely have never experienced in their lives other than Australia but a few overs and minutes of playing time and the nerves should go away.
Among our big cities, Hyderabad has highest Muslim population at almost 50%, a lot of Islamic religious/cultural influence and in the older parts of the city the people support Pakistan against India as well. Hyderabad nizam wanted to merge with Pakistan in 1947. Expect lots of support there. Politicians there will be welcoming to Pakistan as well.

Kolkata and Chennai too have lot of support for Pakistan, but Chennai doesn't have a big Muslim population, just for some weird reason the crowds here like Pakistan. Politicians in these places are also pro-Pakistan, remember the Bengal CM felicitating Imran, Waqar, Wasim before the 2016 WT20 clash? It was surprising to see Kolkata supporting Pakistan over Bangladesh despite Bengal and Bangladesh having common language and culture.

Bengaluru will be strictly ok, not much support but neither hostility. Pakistan plays Australia and New Zealand in Bengaluru and Indian crowds tend to like players from those countries, maybe because of IPL or some other reason, tik tok, social media interactions, don't know. But certainly among visiting teams I see more support for Aus, NZ as opposed to England or Sri Lanka. Government there is Congress so don't expect any scene.

In fact in 4 of the 5 venues Pakistan will be playing, opposition parties are in power, not BJP. And these are not ordinary opposition parties but fiercely anti-BJP/RSS/Modi, and pro-Muslim. So you can expect some photo ops and felicitations thrown by the politicians to win over Muslim votes, like how Mamata Banerjee did in 2016.

Ahmedabad will be hostile, Gujarat is the bastion of BJP and of Narendra Modi, Amit Shah. Fiercely nationalistic crowd, and no love for Pakistan.

I have been as honest as possible here.
True. The further north / north west you go, the more hostile the crowds will be due to obvious shared history with them. The other states, although being part of India, don't have too much of shared history and will not hold the same hostility. The more east/south the venues get, the more easier pak team will find.
It will take the players a couple of days to adapt to the Indian environment. Ofcourse their will be initial nerves in front of jam packed Indian crowds which they will likely have never experienced in their lives other than Australia but a few overs and minutes of playing time and the nerves should go away.
Nothing is different between india and Pakistan environment .its same for both nation
With other teams everything will be professional when it comes to hospitality or crowd support. With Pakistan team you will see extremes. They will get special treatment in some venues, including invitations for dinner, gifts, honouring of players. In the 2012-13 series Kolkata or Chennai, I remember all previous Indian and Pakistani captains being invited and then getting some memento in the break. Then they were made to sit in vehicles (each vehicle carrying one Indian and one Pakistani captain) and had some lap of honour thing. So that kind of circus is something you can always expect.

In a place like Ahmedabad you may get extreme hostility. But safety will be top notch since Modi, Shah and leading politicians will be in attendance and also Modi wouldn't want any negative publicity before the world at a time when he already gets bad press in the west.
The best thing about such events is that the true character comes out very quickly.

So in response to your little remark, please read the post my post was in response to.
I'm very much aware of the 'previous remark' :) If I were in your place though, I'd rather take the actual welcome reception that the players received over a comment from a random NRI who's not been to the country for the past 9 years :)
Nothing is different between india and Pakistan environment .its same for both nation

Big Difference. The maximum capacity at the National Stadium and Qadhaffi Stadium is around 30,000 and very rarely do our players play in sold out games.

In comparison in India they will be playing in front of 100,000 crowds at Calcutta, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi and 99% of the support will be for the home team. This is something our players will not be used too.
Big Difference. The maximum capacity at the National Stadium and Qadhaffi Stadium is around 30,000 and very rarely do our players play in sold out games.

In comparison in India they will be playing in front of 100,000 crowds at Calcutta, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi and 99% of the support will be for the home team. This is something our players will not be used too.
Oh yeah that's the difference but I was talking about Culture ,nature , humidity etc
Big Difference. The maximum capacity at the National Stadium and Qadhaffi Stadium is around 30,000 and very rarely do our players play in sold out games.

In comparison in India they will be playing in front of 100,000 crowds at Calcutta, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi and 99% of the support will be for the home team. This is something our players will not be used too.
India vs Pakistan in Ahmedabad is expected to see an attendance of 135,000.

It is rumoured that the Brazil-Uruguay football world cup final in 1950 had 150,000+ spectators. Otherwise no non-racing sporting event, football, NFL, AFL etc. has seen a crowd of over 105,000.

Not just Pakistan, the group game between our sides will see a crowd seen only once before in the history of sports. MCG is puny in front of the stadium in Ahmedabad.
Big Difference. The maximum capacity at the National Stadium and Qadhaffi Stadium is around 30,000 and very rarely do our players play in sold out games.

In comparison in India they will be playing in front of 100,000 crowds at Calcutta, Mumbai, Ahmedabad, New Delhi and 99% of the support will be for the home team. This is something our players will not be used too.
Ahmedabad will sureshot have hostile crowds too. Win/lose, it should be quite an experience for the pak team. If they somehow manage to win there, they might go on to lift the trophy as the confidence will be sky high. But.. On the flip side if they lose there, the confidence could go down to nadir and might as well crash out in group stage. In the context of the tournament, it's such an important match for both India and Pakistan. Esply Pakistan.
If we lose in front of 135,000 of our own against Pakistan, the psychological damage will be severe. Pakistan has nothing to lose, we have everything to lose.
Yes if we lost against Pakistan then it's going to be most embarassing loss.Hope we Play well Shaheen Initial spell as after that I don't think we can lose
If we lose in front of 135,000 of our own against Pakistan, the psychological damage will be severe. Pakistan has nothing to lose, we have everything to lose.
Losing to this weakened Pakistani attack? Please! It's going to be a cakewalk for our Indian team to triumph over them in the World Cup, just as we always do. We practically own this rivalry!
Yes if we lost against Pakistan then it's going to be most embarassing loss.Hope we Play well Shaheen Initial spell as after that I don't think we can lose
Naseem would've been my greater threat IF he pitched the ball up as he can seam the ball the entire day. Shaheen relies on swing and these machine stitched balls stop swinging by the first 2-3 overs. They need to be passive aggressive during those overs putting bad balls away but still respecting the good deliveries and maybe use footwork to play around with Shaheen's lengths like Gill does.
Naseem would've been my greater threat IF he pitched the ball up as he can seam the ball the entire day. Shaheen relies on swing and these machine stitched balls stop swinging by the first 2-3 overs. They need to be passive aggressive during those overs putting bad balls away but still respecting the good deliveries and maybe use footwork to play around with Shaheen's lengths like Gill does.
Yea I rate Naseem Shah above Shaheen but both are world class bowlers . Naseem is natural seam and Swing Bowler like Wasim
Any news regarding Thackeray ? he used to threaten Pakistan team when ever they landed in india
Thackeray is long gone to his maker. His son has joined the Congress Alliance. I don’t think you will have trouble on that front in Mumbai, but there might be fringe political units trying to create drama.

In any other scenario, I would have been more concerned about Bajrang Dal and VHP, but those thugs will be controlled by BJP who will consider it an affront if somebody will try to cross their image. As it is, I have not read nor heard about anybody protesting against the Pak team arriving in India on social media. So hopefully all will be good.
I have a feeling Indian fans will be positive and supportive (minus the Ahmedabad game of course).
Good to see the support. This should motivate the boys. Thank you, Indian folk, who are open minded.
I guess any good team visiting India after so long will get similar welcome. I didnt see any indian channel telecasting any information or coverage regarding Pakistani team landing in Hyderabad. They want to keep the matter normal like they dont care. Only they care about Ind vs Pak encounter
In fact I won't be surprised if they get verbal abuse as well from fans while walking to airport or going to stadium etc. Lets put it this way, Indians don't want any Pakistani's to be in their soil 1 sec more than what is required for ICC tournament.

You obviously don't know what's going on in India. Which is why you support Modi, of course :rabada2

Pakistan has a better chance of being abused when it's a match not involving them than when they are playing here.

That's how weird Indian cricket fans are :rp

During the Ind-Pak game, obviously the support for India will be rabid as it should be. But I'm willing to bet, despite my dislike for anything coming out of Gujarat of late, that if a Pakistani batsman gets a hundred (might not happen), he will recive some generous applause.
There are millions of Pakistani cricket supporters in India. I won't dive deeper into it but I think you already know what I'm talking about.

But they're definitely not getting abused as you claimed. Yes there may well be a one odd miscreant here and there but nothing more than that.

Ahmedabad is going to be proper hostile two ways in that.
I have read stories of Indian fans being lynched or jailed for supporting Pakistan especially if they are muslim.
I have read stories of Indian fans being lynched or jailed for supporting Pakistan especially if they are muslim.
I also read that a Pakistan fan's celebrating Virat Kohli innings vs Pakistan arrested by Pakistan police during 2015 world Cup
Any news regarding Thackeray ? he used to threaten Pakistan team when ever they landed in india
The thackeray's are no longer a problem as they have now joined Congress and other secular parties. So they will no longer try to stir up any issues like earlier.
What is your opinion bro?

Do you think Pak cricket team will get lots of support in India? Definitely not in Gujarat I would think?
There is a difference between getting support and being treated well. Yes, majority of the public wouldn't support Pakistan even when playing against other countries just like most Pakistanis wouldn't support India. But I dont think the people would hate the pakistani players just like if India goes to Pakistan in 2025 the public wouldn't hate Indian players. Hospitality wise they will be treated royally be it Gujarat or anywhere.

Crowds like Chennai although may not root for Pakistan but if Pakistan plays well they will openly and warmly appreciate just like the Pakistan team got a standing ovation after winning the test match in 1999.
Look at the facial expressions and how nervous the police look.
Not sure what video you watched as a policeman was seen joking with Shaheen. The players looked relaxed with Babar even giving a thumbsup to fans (or paparaazi) calling his name.
Pakistan won't face any hostility anywhere in India especially not in bigger cities and state capitals.

It would be a nightmare for even the most extreme right wing organisation if they even attempt anything during a World Cup against a visiting side.

Also, Ahmedabad is still one of the bigger cities in India and has lots of industries , a large middle class etc.

No matter what their personal views are - everybody is gonna behave themselves . They have personal and larger reputations to uphold.

Also, the one advantage India has over PAK - is that , for better or for worse, there are no competing domestic factions like how you have a powerful military with its own interests in Pakistan.

Even the most negative posters about India will have to concede that everybody in India at least know who is in charge. If anyone acts in a way that is inimical to the ruling government's interests , there will be swift and brutal retribution.

So , you can hundred percent be assured of your safety under GOI, even if they have to do provide it with gritted teeth.

As for the fans, there are always these weird perceptions and generalisations about how Pakistan will feel safer in friendlier venues in South India and Kolkata.

These are only perceptions. Some of the loudest, craziest crowds have actually been in places like Bangalore and Kolkata .

The 96 QF was in Bangalore and it was absolutely electric when Jadeja was smoking Waqar and Sharda Ugra and other journalists recall it as one of the loudest crowds they ever heard.

It's a small ground and it's a pretty sports crazy city (RCB fans have a reputation of being loudest anyway.)

The echoing of the crowd definitely got to Waqar in 96, OZ bowlers in Titan Cup and to BD in that classic choke in World T20 2016.

Kolkata too can be very intimidating. Allan Border jokingly credits the 80,000 crowd that was strongly pro Australia for the 87 WC win.

And in the Eden Test the crowd was so loud and boisterous, Steve Waugh had to communicate to his players using sign language.

These crowds can make Mohali, Delhi, Amdavad and Mumbai crowds look like a big litter of cute huskies .

Your bowlers will 100 % be under pressure. That's a given no matter what venue.

But that's what Pakistan wil be up against India.

Against other teams it will be very neutral . You might find mild support or mild support for the opposition .

Good luck to Pakistan :inti
Sorry? We were told Pakistan is not welcome in India etc - so guess might be difficult to fathom this love?

Cuts both ways.
Who said Pakistani players are not welcome in India? Yes, the government has put a hold on bilateral cricket but that doesn't mean the public doesn't want the team visiting India. Recently a biker called Abrar rode all the way from kerala to wagah border and recieved overwhelming welcome in every city he crossed. Just check his YT videos. If a youtuber can recieve such love imagine the love and warmth Pakistani superstars like Babar or Shaheen will get. I am sure when Kohli visits Pakistan in 2025 he too will recieve massive love and support. Public on both sides have no issues.
My second best team/favourite team since the 90's is undoubtedly Pakistan. Its a fallacy that Indian fans hate pakistanies. Pakistan has history of producing super stars, characters . There tends to be a secret admiration for the arch rival. Pakistan cricket team will feel home . The hatred, rivalry is all politically motivated. From people to people, its always warmth and love. I see pakistan as my sibling culturally and historically.

welcome to India.

-unbiased Indian fan
My second best team/favourite team since the 90's is undoubtedly Pakistan. Its a fallacy that Indian fans hate pakistanies. Pakistan has history of producing super stars, characters . There tends to be a secret admiration for the arch rival. Pakistan cricket team will feel home . The hatred, rivalry is all politically motivated. From people to people, its always warmth and love. I see pakistan as my sibling culturally and historically.

welcome to India.

-unbiased Indian fan
Yes, I remember during the 2000 Benson and Hedges tri series in Australia involving India and Pakistan when Abdur Razzaq was hitting 5 4s in an over of Glen McGrath my friends and me were cheering wildly. McGrath in those days was unplayable and to see someone take him apart was surreal for us.

Most pakistani believe Indian fans will hate PCT because of the propoganda they are fed in their media. Just like Kohli has a huge fan base in pakistan and will recieve a huge reception if he travels to Pakistan, pakistani players too will recieve the same love everywhere in India. I think the public on both sides knows to diffrentiate between public and establishment.
If we lose in front of 135,000 of our own against Pakistan, the psychological damage will be severe. Pakistan has nothing to lose, we have everything to lose.
Have you not seen some of the posts?

There are an ugly minority of fans literally waiting on Babar to fail so that they can jump and say i told you so.

There is always pressure when you are representing Pakistan.

We have one of the most toxic and least intelligent fan bases in the world.
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Welcome to my city of Hyderabad, Pakistan!

Pakistan will NOT get a hostile environment in Hyderabad, I can say that for sure. They might get that in North India buy certainly not here. Hyderabad is a beautiful, peace loving city, huge muslim population here, I know a lot of people who would support Pakistan in Non-India games.
IA. Have met some Hyderabadi people and they are extremely nice and courteous. Their Urdu accent is indistinguishable from Pakistan's. Pak might get a fairly neutral environment in South as well I think (if any game is scheduled there)