"The advent of IPL in the UAE shows the hypocrisy of the BCCI" : Ehsan Mani


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Oct 2, 2004
A former President of the International Cricket Council (ICC), Ehsan Mani, is a vociferous proponent of good governance in the matters of running Cricket at a global level.

Mani's association with cricket started in his early life in Pakistan, where he was playing for the Rawalpindi Club and Government College Lahore XI from 1959 to 1965 as a right-hand batsman and a left-arm fast medium bowler. From 1989 to 1996, Mani represented the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) in the ICC. For the 1996 Cricket World Cup, he was on the advisory committee as the PCB representative. He was also on the same committee during the 1999 Cricket World Cup played in England. In 1996, he was elected by the ICC member nations to the position of Chairman of the ICC Finance and Marketing Committee.

He held on to this post until it was dissolved in June 2002. After that he took over as the Vice-President of the ICC Executive Board. He has also served on a number of ICC Committees, such as the Chairman's Advisory Committee, set up to advise Lord Cowdrey and Sir Clyde Walcott during their stint as ICC President. Other committees he has been a part of are the Rules Review Committee and the Governance and Organisation Committee. In June 2003, he became the ICC President, a position he held until 2006.

With this solid background of management of the game at the highest level, Mani was the first of many dissenting voices that spoke against the 'Big 3' proposals to overhaul the ICC's role in the running and development of cricket. This is a position that he maintains to this day, even after the initial furore over the changes to ICC's governance structure seems to be losing it's momentum.

In an exclusive interview with PakPassion.net, Mani spoke about the basis for his opposition to the influence of the 'Big 3 over the ICC's governance structure, criticized Pakistan Cricket Board for it's weak stance on the handling of the 'Big 3' and the Mohammad Amir issues and also questioned the moral stance of BCCI to allow IPL in UAE where they had refused to play Pakistan in the past.


PakPassion.net : You have always been outspoken against the influence of the ‘Big 3’ on the ICC. Has your stance changed in recent times, especially given a change in Pakistan’s position under Najam Sethi’s leadership?

Ehsan Mani : Absolutely not. It really does not matter whether it’s Pakistan or any other country that accepts this situation, the whole principle is wrong. My position would have been the same even if Pakistan was part of the initiative in the first place or had been part of ‘Big 4’. Simply speaking, what is being proposed is bad for cricket.

The whole governance structure of ICC has taken a huge step backwards. In the rest of the world and certainly in every developed economy such as the UK or Australia or New Zealand or for that matter even in India or Pakistan, corporate governance demands transparency in decision making processes and in the way moneys are earned and revenues accounted for. What is being proposed by the ‘Big 3’ lacks total transparency and is being mooted by people who have personal vested interests or who have conflict of interests and are a beneficiary of their own proposals. It is very disquieting as far as I am concerned and also for governance of world Cricket for this to be pushed through.

PakPassion.net : If it was one country pushing for this change then one could suspect some foul play, but here we have 3 members – 2 of which are well known for high standards of governance within their own systems? How would you counter that?

Ehsan Mani : To me, the 2 members of the ICC – Australia and England – are the real culprits in this situation. What they have done, because of their own self interest and in order not to upset India, is to impose standards of governance on the ICC which they themselves would not apply to their own organizations. If you were to compare the governance standards that the ICC has in place today with what these boards have, you would find a huge difference. So, it’s clear to me that the ECB and CA bear the most responsibility as to where cricket will find itself today.

PakPassion.net : The fact is that the many of the smaller nations are going along with the ‘Big 3’ which could be a result of a “carrot and stick” approach. How does that reflect on these nations?

Ehsan Mani : This is why I refer to the governance structure. The ICC’s mandate is to act in the best interest of ALL cricket playing nations and to promote the game worldwide and to expand it. Cricket will never flourish if 8 or 9 countries play the game at the highest level.

The ICC for years, and certainly upto and during the time I was president, had a priority to have a structural growth of cricket round the world. The idea was to bring in nations like the USA and China where they could start playing the game seriously and in the long term, they would produce huge amounts of money and resources for the ICC and its members. As we know, the American sports market is worth hundreds of billions of Dollars per year. Cricket gets excited over earning a few billions over 8 -15 years or so which is really nothing. The fact is that cricket today needs a vision or visionaries and not intellectual midgets who can run the game!

PakPassion.net : The Pakistan stance on the ‘Big 3’ has changed between the tenures of Zaka Ashraf and Najam Sethi. Is this change of stance based on sound reasoning or political expediency?

Ehsan Mani : No, I don’t agree with the Pakistan stance. What the PCB is trying to do is to come to an accommodation and to take a pragmatic decision. That doesn’t make it right. What the PCB is trying to do is make the best of a bad situation. That is the bind it finds itself in today.

Unfortunately due to the structure and mismanagement of cricket in Pakistan, we find ourselves in a situation that at a critical juncture when this was happening and proposals were being mooted earlier this year, Pakistan had no leadership. We had one Chairman who had been thrown out, went to the court and came back. The other one went out and is now back again! This does not bode well for Pakistan cricket. This basically exposed two things here. One was that there was absolutely no depth in the management in Pakistan Cricket. So basically, you remove the top man and the policy changes, followed by another change in direction as a new person comes in as Chairman. That tells me that the governance of Cricket in Pakistan is seriously flawed.

The Chairman, in my view, should be no more than a figurehead who carries out the policy of the Board and oversees the implementation of those policies. What we have instead, is that the Chairman of the Board sets out the tone and policy according to his mood and way of thinking, without being accountable to anyone. The whole structure is wrong in Pakistan.

PakPassion.net : The issue of governance aside, do you feel that Pakistan had an option or clout to disagree in with the proposals set forth by the ‘Big 3’?

Ehsan Mani : Pakistan had lots of options, which I really don’t want to go into the details now. However, I will say again that they were options which Pakistan could have taken and could still take now, which could stop the whole thing. One has to understand that there is very little sympathy for the ‘Big 3’ at the moment. If you look around the world, there are no great former cricketers who came out and said that this was good for world cricket. Equally, one would be hard pressed to find any international sports writer who says that this is wonderful for cricket. They all know why this is happening. This is happening because of greed and self interest of these three countries. It’s also due to the pressure and bullying tactics they have applied on other boards to give in. So all in all, there is very little sympathy but unfortunately the leadership in all the boards round the world leaves a lot to be desired. They have weak leaders and they will compromise and appease people. As you know, the policy of appeasement is not the answer. As history is witness, this is the type of policy that even lead to the 2nd World War, and that is the kind of stance which has lead to the position that the non 'Big 3' Boards find themselves in today.

PakPassion.net : What future do you see for the ICC with the ‘Big 3’ in charge of its policies?

Ehsan Mani : The ICC will be totally undermined as long as these 3 countries are involved with the three individuals who represent these countries in charge. They are clearly not acting in the best interest of the members. Certainly, when I was in charge of the ICC, Pakistan was just another member country for me like Zimbabwe, England, Australia, India or New Zealand. There were no special favours granted to Pakistan.

My responsibility was to every country in the world including the lesser known cricketing ones such as Singapore or Gibraltar. These people (‘Big 3’) on the other hand, are there to make sure that they can extract as much in terms of resources for their own countries. They obviously have a conflict of interest here. The sad thing is that in 2012, the ICC itself commissioned a governance review. The representatives from Australia and England who are there today, were themselves there when the Woolf Report was submitted regarding the governance of the ICC. There were a number of recommendations made by the review and these people have not seen it fit to implement even one of those. That tells us a bit about the agenda of these people and their motives which are clearly aimed at diluting the standing and authority of the governing body.

PakPassion.net : IPL in the UAE has been the subject of many discussions in the recent past. How do you see this development, especially in terms of future matches between Pakistan and India as well as development of the game in the region?

Ehsan Mani : The UAE has some fantastic facilities. They have 3 world class stadia in Dubai, Abu Dhabi and Sharjah. There is a huge population base of Pakistanis, Indians and Sri Lankans so there is bound to be huge support for a tournament like the IPL. It’s also a great tool for development of cricket in the Middle East and there is nothing wrong with that.

IPL has its own route. It’s a form of cricket which is really great for people who really don’t have the time to watch the longer form of the games, in particular Test matches. It’s great that this is happening in the UAE, however the advent of IPL in the UAE shows the hypocrisy of the BCCI, who for years said that they would not play in the UAE. They came up with all sorts of reasons such as corruption for not playing Pakistan whilst blaming their government for not allowing their team to play in UAE. All that has now been exposed as being based upon the money that the BCCI is now making from playing in the country, as opposed to any sound moral stance.

In my view, it would be great to see a revival of Pakistan-India cricketing relations. Cricket isn’t owned by the Boards. The main stakeholders are the millions of fans in India and Pakistan. Fans from both nations want an India-Pakistan series. A match between these two teams is watched by more people than any other cricket match in the world. It’s great for the game and it’s great for the promotion of the game. It’s also fantastic for the players to be part of that experience and of course, from a cricketing perspective, I welcome the resumption of ties between these two nations.

PakPassion.net : Are you concerned or disappointed about the non-participation of Pakistani players in the IPL, especially since part of it was held in UAE in front of a population with a large number of Pakistani supporters?

Ehsan Mani : Unfortunately, the BCCI plays a political card. Sometimes, they put the blame on the Government of India’s shoulders and at other times, it extracts concessions from the PCB. This is likely to continue for a while and the most frightening thing is that the same people who are running BCCI today are the ones who are looking to take over the reigns of the ICC as well. Can you now imagine what Pakistan’s position will be if this is allowed to happen?

PakPassion.net : Mohammad Amir’s ban is coming to an end by September 2015. Do you feel that he should be allowed back into cricket and has the PCB done enough to fight his case?

Ehsan Mani : The PCB is so badly structured that there has been no consistency in the approach to how they have handled the Mohammad Amir situation. Yes Amir was guilty, he admitted to his guilt as well and he was punished. However, what people forget is that the commission that imposed the sanction of a five year ban was sympathetic to him. If you read their report what they said was that they were not able to impose a lighter sentence on him as the rules of the ICC did not permit them to take that route.

If I had been running the PCB at the time of Amir's ban, what I would have done is to make a case to go back to the ICC and table a resolution to reduce the ban to a lesser degree. Make no mistake that in my view, he should have been banned and punished which he has been. However, even the commission that banned him felt that five years was too much and they actually invited ICC to reconsider their own rules to see if anything could be done. But as usual, the PCB leadership was weak and lacking to take this on a professional basis. The lack of professionalism is totally exposed when these things happen.

PakPassion.net : Do Mohammad Asif and Salman Butt also deserve similar sympathy by the PCB or is it more a case of political expediency when it comes to supporting Mohammad Amir?

Ehsan Mani : The case of Asif and Butt is different in my view and I would not lift a finger to help them. Their cases are different as are the judgements against them. These two kept on denying all along that they were involved in corrupt practices, whereas Amir admitted to his own guilt. They fought tooth and nail and even went to the Court of Arbitration for Sport in Lausanne and lost there. Then when every door was closed for them, they asked for mercy. They are lucky they got only five years as in my view, they deserved more than that.
Always enjoy speaking to Mani Sahib (and his brother Dilawar Mani)

His comments on PCB stance and BCCIs stance on IPL/UAE are spot on.
He talks a lot of sense but he does so from the outside- I mean he is now powerless in the cricketing world. He had 3 years as President of the ICC and did not do anything revolutionary whilst in power.

Yet now the man is full of ideas.
He says Pakistan have lots of options.What Options exactly?He doesnt mention a single one.It was PCB againist 9 other boards at the ICC and whether PCB wanted it or not the proposals would have gone through.He can say many things as he doesnt have to back even a single one of them.

IPL moved to India after the UAE govt guaranteed a lot of things to BCCI.Could PCB give such guarantees?And even if it did,after what happened in 2009 will any board trust them?

What concessions has BCCI extracted from PCB?

IPL is BCCI's tournament and they can exclude anyone they dont have good relations with.Thats simple enough.

Ehsan Mani is the same man who went to ICC as PCB represenatative in 2009 and demanded that WC be shifted from India and the whole SC as the whole SC is unsafe to hold cricket.I wouldnt give two hoots to what he says againist BCCI,because he is biased.
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He says Pakistan have lots of options.What Options exactly?He doesnt mention a single one.It was PCB againist 9 other boards at the ICC and whether PCB wanted it or not the proposals would have gone through.He can say many things as he doesnt have to back even a single one of them.

IPL moved to India after the UAE govt guaranteed a lot of things to BCCI.Could PCB give such guarantees?And even if it did,after what happened in 2009 will any board trust them?

What concessions has BCCI extracted from PCB?

IPL is BCCI's tournament and they can exclude anyone they dont have good relations with.Thats simple enough.

Ehsan Mani is the same man who went to ICC as PCB represenatative in 2009 and demanded that WC be shifted from India and the whole SC as the whole SC is unsafe to hold cricket.I wouldnt give two hoots to what he says againist BCCI,because he is biased.

Think you have too high an opinion about BCCI and it's influence on UAE.

Your suggestion that IPL moved to UAE was after "assurances by the UAE" govt is laughable.

If anything, BCCI would have given UAE assurances that the IPL is clean as it's also UAEs reputation which gets effected by holding dodgy sporting events.
Think you have too high an opinion about BCCI and it's influence on UAE.

Your suggestion that IPL moved to UAE was after "assurances by the UAE" govt is laughable.

If anything, BCCI would have given UAE assurances that the IPL is clean as it's also UAEs reputation which gets effected by holding dodgy sporting events.

I guess Cricinfo and other major media houses have made the same mistake as me.Because its them who reported that UAE.govt. gave assurances to Bcci.

There is also statement of the IPL chairman saying the same.

BCCI is the most powerful board in cricket and it doesnt give any assurances to any other cricketing nation.
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and as far as options are concerned, he has hinted on the fact that these proposals had no support apart from those greedy boards.
I guess Cricinfo and other major media houses have made the same mistake as me.Because its them who reported that UAE.govt. gave assurances to Bcci.

BCCI is the most powerful board in cricket and it doesnt give any assurances to any other cricketing nation.

What assurances do you think they gave them? These are the same assurances that UAE gives to any major tournament.

Like I said before, you seem to think too much of BCCIs importance around the world.
and as far as options are concerned, he has hinted on the fact that these proposals had no support apart from those greedy boards.

Of which there were nine.Againist one PCB.While PCBs stand was admirable and morally correct it became untenable later on.
Of which there were nine.Againist one PCB.While PCBs stand was admirable and morally correct it became untenable later on.

The issue is PCBs weak leadership and its own governance issues as well
"We can educate the players. We can create a bubble where we can secure the players' movements and them meeting people. Also, the government of UAE has told us they are going to provide us with the best of security. They have told us if we have any specific information on suspicious elements they will take swift action."

David East, the Emirates Cricket Board chief executive, confirmed the IPL was given all assurances. "The UAE government is entirely supportive of the IPL being here and will do everything to ensure it is a hugely successful tournament," East said.

It is understood that assurance from the UAE government with regards to keeping the event clean, made as late as Wednesday, swung the BCCI's decision towards staging the IPL in the Middle East.


An “assurance” from the UAE government that it would do everything to “protect the integrity” of the IPL went a long way in persuading the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) to stage the first 16 matches, at least, of edition No.7 in the Gulf state.

The window is between April 16-30.

“We’ve received an assurance from the UAE government that it would leave no stone unturned to ensure that the integrity of the IPL and the game itself didn’t suffer at all. We have no reason to believe things would be otherwise,” IPL chairman Ranjib Biswal told The Telegraph on Wednesday.


It was assurances directly from the UAE govt which swumg the BCCI decision in favour of UAE.I am not saying this,Cricinfo is.

“It was a massive challenge to put it all together in such a short span of time. We got massive support from the BCCI, their event managers IMG and the various government agencies to see it through,” he said.

Asked how they reacted on a war footing after the UAE was confirmed as an offshore venue only on March 19, East had a special note of thanks for Shaikh Nahyan Bin Mubarak Al Nahyan, Minister of Culture, Youth & Community Development and chairman of the ECB.

“In one of the very first meetings, Shaikh Nahyan impressed upon all the government departments like customs, immigration and police as to how important this event was for us.”

This is what someone in the UAE board had to say.

Sheikh Nahyan the culture minister was present during most of the IPL matches.The final match at Dubai was attended by the ruler of Dubai.

So you grossly under estimate the importance of BCCI in UAE and rest of the cricketing world.
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The issue is PCBs weak leadership and its own governance issues as well

Dont blame the PCB.They took a stand that was right.Except the revenue sharing proposal nothing else made sense then or now.But BCCI was able to are twist everyone to fall in line.What could PCB do?Either agree or risk being isolated.
Very interesting interview from a very intelligent individual.

It's a travesty that he's not involved in the running of the Pakistan Cricket Board.
Does anyone care? He tried his best to stop India from hosting the world cup. Ehsan mani is the last person BCCI should care about.
Btw MIG bhai

How is the weather in UAE during September as CLT20 may be held there?
Interesting points but honestly I dunno how he says PCB had a lot of options then and now reg Big 3 proposal.

What options?


It was assurances directly from the UAE govt which swumg the BCCI decision in favour of UAE.I am not saying this,Cricinfo is.

This is what someone in the UAE board had to say.

Sheikh Nahyan the culture minister was present during most of the IPL matches.The final match at Dubai was attended by the ruler of Dubai.

So you grossly under estimate the importance of BCCI in UAE and rest of the cricketing world.

I hope you are not suggesting that all of the above would have not happened if Pakistan were playing India?

The only "objection" BCCI had was to presence of corruption in Sharjah - how has that been addressed by the UAE govt?
Hot - but Australia did play at that time

CLT20 may be held this year there.And a Pakistani team will most likely play.I am sure that will make you happy again.

I hope you are not suggesting that all of the above would have not happened if Pakistan were playing India?

The only "objection" BCCI had was to presence of corruption in Sharjah - how has that been addressed by the UAE govt?

If India would have played then yes they would have wanted same assurances as for IPL.The BCCI directly dealt with ECB and UAE govt. here not via PCB.BCCI wants extra assurances if and when Indians play in UAE,because if anything happens the GOI will haul their ***** to oblivion.

If these were standard protocols of UAE govt then there would have been no need for the UAE govt. to reach out to BCCI and give them assurances of "No stone unturned".

Sharjah is part of the UAE.So ofcourse UAE govt. could address the issues.The minister of culture personally looked into the IPL affairs as you can see.
CLT20 may be held this year there.And a Pakistani team will most likely play.I am sure that will make you happy again.

If India would have played then yes they would have wanted same assurances as for IPL.The BCCI directly dealt with ECB and UAE govt. here not via PCB.BCCI wants extra assurances if and when Indians play in UAE,because if anything happens the GOI will haul their ***** to oblivion.

If these were standard protocols of UAE govt then there would have been no need for the UAE govt. to reach out to BCCI and give them assurances of "No stone unturned".

Sharjah is part of the UAE.So ofcourse UAE govt. could address the issues.The minister of culture personally looked into the IPL affairs as you can see.

Once again, the reason for India's refusal to play in UAE had nothing to do with security. It was the presence of corruption.

Btw, UAE is home to many Indians who live & work in substandard conditions so "hauling their *** to oblivions if something happens to Indians" sounds a little hollow.
Once again, the reason for India's refusal to play in UAE had nothing to do with security. It was the presence of corruption.

Btw, UAE is home to many Indians who live & work in substandard conditions so "hauling their *** to oblivions if something happens to Indians" sounds a little hollow.

Its security from the corrupt elements.The betting mafia controlled by Dawood and company.

Those who live and work there in substandard condition do it of their own volition.They are not sent their as represenatative of the nation.The security of players from the Mafia was the prime concern and Dawood has substantial presence and influence in UAE.The UAE govt.'s assurance was there fore needed to make BCCI believe that Mafia elements will be controlled in any which way possible.
Its security from the corrupt elements.The betting mafia controlled by Dawood and company.

As if India is free from the corrupt elements and the IPL has been squeaky clean every year, yes !
I still dont get it why are we Pakistanis still worried about some darn IPL ? it is the domestic tournament of Indian Cricket, and its in their interest that what ever they can do to harm cricket pakistan. Game aside, the matter is mostly political, so please my **** brothers stop worrying about ipl. BCCI is INDIAN GOV, and last time i checked we didnt have friendly relations with india. They got the leverage right now, and as we have also signed the big 3 b.s they are willing to play a series(#bccibully). If we got some self respect we should be busy doing our own business, and i say to hell with series against india ! !
As if India is free from the corrupt elements and the IPL has been squeaky clean every year, yes !

In India the Indian Authorities can take action,but in UAE they need the UAE authorities to be able to take action againist someone who is known to wield considerable influence in UAE.
In India the Indian Authorities can take action,but in UAE they need the UAE authorities to be able to take action againist someone who is known to wield considerable influence in UAE.

You are making it sound like Indian cricket, the IPL and BCCI are the cleanest of the clean. You are on thin ice if you believe that.
Very interesting interview from a very intelligent individual.

It's a travesty that he's not involved in the running of the Pakistan Cricket Board.

It is his luck and bad luck for the country, who never appreciate the talented people in the first place. His luck, because he would have to be humiliated and drag in the corner in every single step by all the media gangsters if he wont kiss their backside.
You are making it sound like Indian cricket, the IPL and BCCI are the cleanest of the clean. You are on thin ice if you believe that.

It was the Indian authorities who uncovered the IPL fixing saga last year and its the Indian courts who are doing the clean up job.

Now if a fixer or bookie or mafia man approaches players in UAE who will take action?Dawood holds huge influence in UAE and it would require high level people to get involve and protect the players from his Mafia in UAE,which is why BCCI asked for assurances from UAE govt.

The Srini regime is already in trouble with the courts and if there would have been even an inkling of fixing mafia getting anywhere near players in UAE,GOI would have thrown BCCI to the sharks.

Even if India plays Pakistan in UAE,i expect BCCI to be involved in security aspects of the series and asking for same assurances from UAE govt. that they gave to the IPL.
But didn't India say in the past that they can't play in UAE because of this betting, Dawood, etc issue?

I am sure the UAE government could have given them assurances THEN like they did now for IPL and India could have toured UAE to play Pak.

It just looks like India just didn't want to play Pak or its about some thing that I am not able to see.

Its NOT like BCCI chose UAE for IPL as the absolute last last resort with no other option available failing which they would be unable to conduct it this year. It was a choice which they preferred over SA and other countries (for many reasons).
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But didn't India say in the past that they can't play in UAE because of this betting, Dawood, etc issue?

I am sure the UAE government could have given them assurances THEN like they did now for IPL and India could have toured UAE to play Pak.

It just looks like India just didn't want to play Pak or its about some thing that I am not able to see.

Its NOT like BCCI chose UAE for IPL as the absolute last last resort with no other option available failing which they would be unable to conduct it this year. It was a choice which they preferred over SA and other countries (for many reasons).

Well for a long time after 2008 Mumbai attacks govt. clearance was an issue.Secondly as per media reports the decision to shift IPL to UAE was pretty late and only after UAE govt. gave "No stone unturned"assurances.Whether PCB could have extracted the same from UAE govt. and whether BCCI would trust PCB may have been the issue.

If India plays Pakistan in UAE in future Most likely BCCI will be dealing with things like security directly with the UAE authorities.

There is a huge trust deficit between BCCI and PCB post 2009,where Ijaz Butt/Eshan Mani/Zaka Ashraf have given Anti BCCI statements and also tried to take away the WC from India.None of this went down well with BCCI.
^ Thanks for clarifying that up.

By the looks of it, BCCI didn't exactly fancy playing Pak (for various reasons). If they truly wanted to, they could have taken the same efforts as they did to salvage IPL and dealt with the UAE authorities to get a "no stone unturned" assurance.

What's the gain for them?

The gain is when they tour UAE to play Pak, then automatically Pak has to come to India to play and that would generate huge revenues (assuming political situations are stable).

BCCI also has this history of holding grudges and acting like a bully so this isn't just about PCB Chairmens' shambolic acts.

For eg - the SA fiasco. let's assume Haroon Lorgat truly wronged BCCI and BCCI was angry at him. When CSA was considering Lorgat, BCCI did tell them that relations between them could nosedive. Ok this warning may be out of their jurisdictions but if Lorgat truly was at fault then its atleast understandable (even if its not acceptable). But BCCI didn't stop there. You see, its one thing to express concerns and ask a board not to appoint someone and totally another thing to go and shorten a tour knowing fully well that it would destroy CSA financially for that year. Legally everything is fine but we all know what happened. The WI tour arrangement was a classic case of "let me teach you a lesson" stuff from BCCI. Now that SA support the Big 3 proposal, all the wrong did by Lorgat evaporated away?

You see, its this kinda stuff that makes people NOT trust it. So even if BCCI has its own reasons not to fancy Pak, its hard to sympathize with them considering their actions.

I agree the PCB Chairmen didn't act the right way. It was pretty crappy of them to go and canvas for WC to be removed out of the SC but in this case involving BCCI, even Indians don't have sympathy for them.

They can be right legally (of course its their choice whom they want to tour) but as a leader in world cricket financially, BCCI's action leaves a lot to be desired.
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It was the Indian authorities who uncovered the IPL fixing saga last year and its the Indian courts who are doing the clean up job.

Does that include not naming the contents of that well known brown envelope.
^ That's understandable. Mudgal report is not the end of it because if the names are taken, it would cause irreparable damage to the players.

When Sreeshant, Chandila and Ankeet Chavan were caught with solid proof, they were named and shamed.

I don't see anything wrong with what Indian authorities are doing reg this. BCCI may be playing a game but Supreme Court is making sure no nonsense occurs.
Well half of the time PPers claim that they don't give a damn about IPL and other half of time there are statements from everybody that how it is unfair that Pak players are not there in IPL. Ever since IPL came into being, every year I would see comments about how IPL will soon fail. It seems no Pak players surely pinches many people even though they might claim to be otherwise

The same is the case with India refusing to play Pak. If they don't don't want to play then let it be the case. Pak should arrange series with 8 other test teams and 6 Associate teams. Why again and again give statements on the same
^ That's understandable. Mudgal report is not the end of it because if the names are taken, it would cause irreparable damage to the players.

When Sreeshant, Chandila and Ankeet Chavan were caught with solid proof, they were named and shamed.

I don't see anything wrong with what Indian authorities are doing reg this. BCCI may be playing a game but Supreme Court is making sure no nonsense occurs.

What makes me chuckle though is when some come on here and try and make it look like the BCCI and Indian cricket is whiter than white and that's the reason why they wouldn't play in the UAE previously.
What makes me chuckle though is when some come on here and try and make it look like the BCCI and Indian cricket is whiter than white and that's the reason why they wouldn't play in the UAE previously.

BCCI is a bully. Mean but smart bully. That's it.
IPL moved to India after the UAE govt guaranteed a lot of things to BCCI.Could PCB give such guarantees?And even if it did,after what happened in 2009 will any board trust them?

So why does the PCB need to make these guarantees if India play in the UAE? Shouldn't the same assurances the gov. of UAE gave for the IPL be enough?
What makes me chuckle though is when some come on here and try and make it look like the BCCI and Indian cricket is whiter than white and that's the reason why they wouldn't play in the UAE previously.

They are not white.But neither do they want to look like fools going to Uae,a place GOI thinks is not suitable for Indian players?If they go play there they want enough assurances to show GOI that we tried our best,in case any mafia approaches are made.

UAE was banned by GOI in 2000 and the same was reiterated in 2005.

So why does the PCB need to make these guarantees if India play in the UAE? Shouldn't the same assurances the gov. of UAE gave for the IPL be enough?

IPL is hosted by BCCI and they negotiated with Uae authorities.If PCB hosts India they also must get the same assurances from Uae govt.
Does that include not naming the contents of that well known brown envelope.

And why should the top most court in India name people who are not convicted or againist whom as of now no case is registered anywhere in India?The report says allegations were made againist these players and allegations must be investigated.

If the allegations are found untrue what will happen to the reputation of the players?Tarnished forever?
I think Saj bhai Mig bhai and few others are not understanding the point.

UAE is considered as hub of Dawoods activities and he is supposed to have huge influence there even among authorities.The GOI knew that if Indian players play their Dawood will try to influence them and without pressure from high authorities it will be difficult to stop him.

Bcci made an effort to play in UAE and extracted some commitments from UAE govt. In return to help them keep the mafia away.

Since 2008

1.Bcci and Pcb have been at loggerheads on various issues.

2.India and Pakistan have been having lots of trouble at govt. Levels.

3.BCCI making money without Pakistan matches or without their players.

4.PCB making statements againist Bcci.

Why in the face of this will BCCI make extra efforts and take risk and play in Uae to oblidge PCB?
The fact of the matter is that IPL was a huge success in the UAE and Pakistan players were not involved which may seem very unfair but thats life. Making these statements won't change anything. BCCI just used UAE and would do again if needed be.
Does that include not naming the contents of that well known brown envelope.

envelope contains the names of the players who are potential fixers which needs more investigation..
it doesnt mean that those names are involved in fixing .. they cant just release it without any proof
The stance of not playing in UAE would have changed years back if India where to play any other country other than Pakistan ...with Pak hosting its home matches in UAE no one has bothered .
You just have to see what Wasim bhai said about Ehsan Mani back in the day to know what he's worth. Like CJ said, its too convenient being all smarty once you're well and truly out of the game. This is the guy who was ICC president for quite a while and could do jack for Pakistan or SC. Now that he has no influence, he is full of ideas. Lol
Does that include not naming the contents of that well known brown envelope.

Oh there's no need to worry about the 'well known brown envelope'. You have to understand it's not the PCB that's involved here where we know what happened to official reports like the Qayyum report and it's advisories. Just count the number of people it requests to be kept away from the game and voila... Waqar Younis is a two time Pakistan coach. So please spare us the holier than thou attitude...

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People calling him intelligent and his comments "spot on" need a reality check.

His comments on Amir's ban is as foolish as one can get. Saying Amir "admitted his guilt" while Asif and Butt did not makes him look really stupid. The so called kid kept lying through his teeth till he was facing prison time.
The BCCI has got a taste for cricket in the UAE now, they've got a taste of the action and they know it's a market where they can make some money and use.

Get ready for more action in the UAE from the BCCI.
Trolling the BCCI wont get him a spot on the PCB...or any advisory capacity.
And why do you think he's looking for that spot?
Who knows what his intentions are, but if they are to serve the game in any capacity, he is not going to get anywhere with his principled obsession with all things BCCI.
LOL, here we go again. I guess the UAE is safe now for Indian cricketers in September. Perhaps the PCB should try to organize a series vs India during that window.

But then, I'm sure it will magically become too dangerous for Indian cricketers.
LOL, here we go again. I guess the UAE is safe now for Indian cricketers in September. Perhaps the PCB should try to organize a series vs India during that window.

But then, I'm sure it will magically become too dangerous for Indian cricketers.

Do you think putting BCCI in a tight spot will affect them? If you don't remember, they played IPL in UAE already without issues. There were no security issues then. BCCI doesn't want PCB to make money. They just haven't announced it directly. When will everyone understand this and stop being ignorant? BCCI does not care about PCB or any other board for that matter. They make more money through IPL than a lot of boards make in a year- combined. IPL had more revenue than Argentina Football League and CHina Super league last year (337 Mil Euros). They don't need the rest of the world. They just need the players from other countries and just like the European football clubs, IPL will start managing the international players in a decade or two.
Do you think putting BCCI in a tight spot will affect them? If you don't remember, they played IPL in UAE already without issues. There were no security issues then. BCCI doesn't want PCB to make money. They just haven't announced it directly. When will everyone understand this and stop being ignorant? BCCI does not care about PCB or any other board for that matter. They make more money through IPL than a lot of boards make in a year- combined. IPL had more revenue than Argentina Football League and CHina Super league last year (337 Mil Euros). They don't need the rest of the world. They just need the players from other countries and just like the European football clubs, IPL will start managing the international players in a decade or two.
I have no problem with that. They're free to do as they wish and play or not play whoever they want.

Simply pointing out their hypocrisy. Of course some BCCI cheerleaders will come and defend them.
I have no problem with that. They're free to do as they wish and play or not play whoever they want.

Simply pointing out their hypocrisy. Of course some BCCI cheerleaders will come and defend them.

Where is the hypocrisy? It's been blatant all along. They wanted to marginalize Pak, SA, SL and other boards. The Big 3 formation was an example of that. Their intentions for domination have been very clear and they are making their moves in that direction.
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And what purpose would that achieve?

That would mean that Pakistan can go to the international community and present a case against BCCI. If they muster enough support, they can probably put this to vote and put BCCI on notice.

BCCI is run by politicians and they know this. They will always hide behind GOI so that they can have an excuse for not letting Pak earn their rightful revenue.
That would mean that Pakistan can go to the international community and present a case against BCCI. If they muster enough support, they can probably put this to vote and put BCCI on notice.

BCCI is run by politicians and they know this. They will always hide behind GOI so that they can have an excuse for not letting Pak earn their rightful revenue.

Not sure if this is going to work. Pakistan has a habit of doing that on many international forums and it doesn't really solve any purpose, honestly.
Not sure if this is going to work. Pakistan has a habit of doing that on many international forums and it doesn't really solve any purpose, honestly.

ICC can't do anything if the governments intervene. Australia did not send their U-19 kids to BD due to security reasons. AUS did not play in SL during 1996 WC. A few teams did not play in ZIM during 2003 WC. As long as BCCI hides under the GOI cloak, they are untouchable.
It is not as black and white as u think. the world functions differently and not as u think
[MENTION=44808]Gotham Cronie[/MENTION] u read sharyar khans interview and u will clearly know about the govt of india approval clause and the govt didnt approve the tour. U dont have a leg to stand on this matter but u can moan,groan and cry on top of the world about hypocrisy
So, people actually expect the franchises to sign player for two week contracts? I don't understand, Imagine this. Afridi signs with MI, plays his matches in UAE but cannot go back to play in MI. It doesn't make sense. If I am not wrong India was deemed dangerous for pak player until very recently, and GoI had to dole out some rather expensive security mechanism. The while argument makes little sense.
[MENTION=44808]Gotham Cronie[/MENTION] u r talking about hypocrisy of bcci but what about pcb ? U made so much hue and cry before t 20 world cup about india being dangerous to pak players but here ppers are moaning about pak players not playing in ipl.what do you make of that ?
That would mean that Pakistan can go to the international community and present a case against BCCI. If they muster enough support, they can probably put this to vote and put BCCI on notice.

BCCI is run by politicians and they know this. They will always hide behind GOI so that they can have an excuse for not letting Pak earn their rightful revenue.

What case?

The BCCI agreed to play Pakistan in Sri Lanka,applied for the permission from GOI,which GOI accepted they have received.The permission never came.The GOI will not allow a series with Pakistan.

Well when BCCI plays in UAE and they did in 2014 they directly liasoned with the UAE govt.If i am not wrong the UAE minister of culture and sports or whatever portfolio that manages sports personally handled the IPL affair and was in constant touch with BCCI.It was all handled at a very high level and assurances were received at a very high level way beyond the level that other boards normally transact their business in. - See more at: http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/s...eas-this-September/page4#sthash.NKB8Vhhl.dpuf
[MENTION=44808]Gotham Cronie[/MENTION] u read sharyar khans interview and u will clearly know about the govt of india approval clause and the govt didnt approve the tour. U dont have a leg to stand on this matter but u can moan,groan and cry on top of the world about hypocrisy

Except the BCCI didn't even go to the GOI until after months of topi drama over deciding the venue. So much that even if the GOI had given permission right away, it would have been another shortened useless tour regardless.

[MENTION=44808]Gotham Cronie[/MENTION] u r talking about hypocrisy of bcci but what about pcb ? U made so much hue and cry before t 20 world cup about india being dangerous to pak players but here ppers are moaning about pak players not playing in ipl.what do you make of that ?

Yeah, the PCB is a joke. So what? Difference is that we're not afraid to admit when our Board is acting pathetic.
Except the BCCI didn't even go to the GOI until after months of topi drama over deciding the venue. So much that even if the GOI had given permission right away, it would have been another shortened useless tour regardless.

Yeah, the PCB is a joke. So what? Difference is that we're not afraid to admit when our Board is acting pathetic.

Oh okay! I admit BCCI is pathetic, what now?
Oh wait, nothing changed This is still happening.
What case?

The BCCI agreed to play Pakistan in Sri Lanka,applied for the permission from GOI,which GOI accepted they have received.The permission never came.The GOI will not allow a series with Pakistan.

Well when BCCI plays in UAE and they did in 2014 they directly liasoned with the UAE govt.If i am not wrong the UAE minister of culture and sports or whatever portfolio that manages sports personally handled the IPL affair and was in constant touch with BCCI.It was all handled at a very high level and assurances were received at a very high level way beyond the level that other boards normally transact their business in. - See more at: http://www.pakpassion.net/ppforum/s...eas-this-September/page4#sthash.NKB8Vhhl.dpuf


If PCB wants to host India in UAE, wouldn't the UAE govt. promise security? I don't get it
There's nothing wrong with that, with all the political tension between the two countries sports can take a back seat for now. This is not a child's play.
Well it was always obvious that BCCI is not playing Pakistan because GOI isn't interested in allowing.
[MENTION=44808]Gotham Cronie[/MENTION] u may think bcci is pathetic let it be so.nothing is going to change if u try to show bcci in bad light.it is not a new phenomenon pak ind cricket relations are entirely dependent on political situation between 2 countries .thats why there was no cricket for more than 15 yrs in between series and nothing is going to change in future. The more u cry the more desperate u r for cricket with india bcci will play games with pcb not actual games.please ask pcb to behave like grown who took everything on their chin amd move on and not behave like a jilted lovet
So, people actually expect the franchises to sign player for two week contracts? I don't understand, Imagine this. Afridi signs with MI, plays his matches in UAE but cannot go back to play in MI. It doesn't make sense. If I am not wrong India was deemed dangerous for pak player until very recently, and GoI had to dole out some rather expensive security mechanism. The while argument makes little sense.
They won't sign new players .It's the same squad that was signed for IPL initially .They are on annual contracts so will be available for any mini tournaments like the as long as they get NOC .
Dumbest and as amateurish as unborn child way to protest by the government of India, BCCI or whoever is having power trip.

And whoever is supporting this stance.
I'll support BCCI in this.

BCCI doesn't have the responsibility of looking after interest of other boards and shouldn't do also.

It is a professional board who is ruthlessly trying to be the dominant force in the business. And to those people who calls it hypocrisy, BCCI never did hide it's intentions. It was there all along. If you didn't see it even by now, then you are living in some other universe.

Due to commercialization and ruthless aggression, Indian cricketers are getting higher salary than before. More kids coming in to the sport where one can take it as a career even if he is never selected in the national team.

If you aren't an Indian, too bad for you. Cry, whine about unfair treatments.

But as an Indian, I appreciate the steps on ruthless aggression. If other boards can't compete, it isn't BCCI s fault. BCCI has worked hard for decades to reach the position that now it is in. Other boards were either incompetent or failed to capitalized.

BCCI doesn't have any obligation towards any other entities except Indian cricket, the players and the fans.
@ltachi reading your post it seems like the bcci are acting in the Internet of their country and players..... If that is the case then hard to criticise them.

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If PCB wants to host India in UAE, wouldn't the UAE govt. promise security? I don't get it
BCCI simply doesnt trust PCBs ability to get the same assurances from UAE govt.The issues run very deep and is extremely complicated.The BCCI moved the IPL 2014 to UAE after they got written commitments from ministers in UAE govt that security will be foolproof and that mafia elements no matter how powerful will be dealt with a heavy hand.BCCI simply doesnt trust the PCB on this.

Its a very complicated matter where very high level officials of UAE BCCI and GOI are involved.
@ltachi reading your post it seems like the bcci are acting in the Internet of their country and players..... If that is the case then hard to criticise them.

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It's a basic human fact that one will support whatever benefits him.

In election, you'll support an "X" party because you think that it will benefit the society and you. It doesn't concerns me (read the "people" in this context) what other countries think of that.

A Pakistani will want PCB to dictate terms.

A bangladeshi will want BCB to dictate terms.

Since BCCI came to power, all others became judgemental.

We people are hypocrite in nature. We criticise but if given chance, we'll do nothing different than the people whom we are criticizing now.

It's just a matter of.... Which side you fall into.....
Except the BCCI didn't even go to the GOI until after months of topi drama over deciding the venue. So much that even if the GOI had given permission right away, it would have been another shortened useless tour regardless.

Yeah, the PCB is a joke. So what? Difference is that we're not afraid to admit when our Board is acting pathetic.

So BCCI should go to GOI without fixing the venue and schedule?The GOI and BCCI doesnt work according to your wishes.There are rules and protocols to be followed.There many details that the BCCI has to provide to the GOI like schedule,venue,place of stay etc etc etc.

As soon as everything was fixed BCCI applied for permission and GOI didnt give it.
So BCCI should go to GOI without fixing the venue and schedule?The GOI and BCCI doesnt work according to your wishes.There are rules and protocols to be followed.There many details that the BCCI has to provide to the GOI like schedule,venue,place of stay etc etc etc.

As soon as everything was fixed BCCI applied for permission and GOI didnt give it.
Of course they shouldn't go to the GOI without the venues being fixed.

Question is, why did it take so long for the venues to be fixed?

Because of the BCCI's topi drama and double talk
Of course they shouldn't go to the GOI without the venues being fixed.

Question is, why did it take so long for the venues to be fixed?

Because of the BCCI's topi drama and double talk

Because the BCCI didnt want to play in UAE as they didnt trust the PCB's ability to negotiate the level of security that BCCI wanted.