The END of the Man United era and Sir Alex Ferguson


Local Club Regular
Apr 28, 2010
Anyone thinks that Man U and Fergusons era is coming to the end. Out of the champions league in the group stages in a very easy group. Out of the carling cup. Got Man City in the Fa Cup so dont think they will go past them. Europa League - well thats probably the only thing they probably could win this season but with Man City in their too its going to be a struggle to win that. And the Premier League I dont think they will challenge Man City, Recent month has showed Man Us weakness in every department and the lack of quality, I wont be surprised if they dont finish in the top 4 because other teams are playing much better and getting results too. And to sum it all up their arch rival Man City will be the ones that will win the league, knock them out of the Fa Cup and beat them in the Europa League aswell, also they have already beaten them 6-1 at OT in the league. Balance of power has certainly shifted in Manchester. Now its going to be all about Man City for a long time. Either Man U need to spend very big on few players next month or this is going to be the worst season ever. And if they cant spend its time for Ferguson to go because his success really relies on him spending big but dont see Man U spending that kind of money so it it the end of Ferguson?
thats what people said in 2005 when Man United got knocked out in the Champions League group stage like they did today

In the next 6 years Man United won:
4 League Titles
1 Champions League, and played 3 finals
3 Carling Cups iirc
I am going to bookmark this. I got to say, I LOVE threads like this. :))
thats what people said in 2005 when Man United got knocked out in the Champions League group stage like they did today

In the next 6 years Man United won:
4 League Titles
1 Champions League, and played 3 finals
3 Carling Cups iirc

Well i dont see them competing with Man City in any department. If they dont finish in the top 4 this season well i tell you its certainly is the end for sure. Man U need to spend big to win things and they seem not to spending big recently. Man Us and Fergusons most success has come when they spend big money on players and i dont see that happening so its worrying time for Man U fans for sure with Europa league waitng for them.
I am going to bookmark this. I got to say, I LOVE threads like this. :))

Thank you. Im sure you will be remembering this thread when you get knocked out the Fa Cup very soon and come end of the season when Man City be lifting the Premier League.
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thats what people said in 2005 when Man United got knocked out in the Champions League group stage like they did today

In the next 6 years Man United won:
4 League Titles
1 Champions League, and played 3 finals
3 Carling Cups iirc

And also in 2005 despite getting knocked out the champions league group stages they won the carling cup and finished 2nd in the league and also they had a good squad anyway to overcome that with the likes of Ronaldo, Vidic, Rooney, Ferdinand, Evra, Scholes, Giggs, Van der sar with most of them hitting their peak after that.
But you look at their squad now no Van der sar, no scholes they have never replaced these 2. Ferdinand is not the same any more hes finished at top level, without Vidic their defence is shaky and hes always injured these days and now out for a long time. Evra is coming to an end too, Rooney is too un-consistent, Young had a great start to but has faded away, Nani performs once a month, Hernandez is doing good. And the rest of the squad well they aint really good enough.
Well i dont see them competing with Man City in any department. If they dont finish in the top 4 this season well i tell you its certainly is the end for sure. Man U need to spend big to win things and they seem not to spending big recently. Man Us and Fergusons most success has come when they spend big money on players and i dont see that happening so its worrying time for Man U fans for sure with Europa league waitng for them.

I have heard this were we suppose to compete with Chelsea? :D
Thank you. Im sure you will be remembering this thread when you get knocked out the Fa Cup very soon and come end of the season when Man City be lifting the Premier League.

Is that how you feel when we hold the trophy up?
I have heard this were we suppose to compete with Chelsea? :D

Yes but at the time when Chelsea where winning, Man U also had a good squad so they could challenge them and overcome them but if you tell me now that the squad you got can challenge then well your very deluded. The squad Man U have will struggle to finish top 4 let alone winning anything. All i am saying that they need to spend big on few good players to get out of this mess but that dont seem likely for Man U with these owners so im afraid its really bad times for Man U because Ferguson needs the money to get Man U success he cant managed this bunch of squad to win anything this season.
Is that how you feel when we hold the trophy up?

Looks like your feeling alot already, its going to be a long season for Man U fans to suffer especially getting over taken by your neighbours.
Can see Man Utd going out and buying Goetze in the summer. Fergie maybe a dinosaur but he can evolve better than most. :moyo
Can see Man Utd going out and buying Goetze in the summer. Fergie maybe a dinosaur but he can evolve better than most. :moyo

Dont think Goetze would want to go their in the summer if Man U struggle and also he has stated he would go rather go ARsenal or Barcelona. Think Wenger would pay big for him next month or in the summer. Man U seem to not spending big anymore.
Kicking United when they are down is getting old, now.

We always come back and then the same people go into hiding. :))
Brilliantly perceptive thread. :14: Remarkably prescient too, no doubt.

Reminds me of this gem by a 'proper' football journalist, published on 31 July 2006:

Shredding his legacy at every turn

Sir Alex Ferguson's brilliance famously knocked Liverpool off their perch. Now his incompetence is doing the same to Manchester United. How did it come to this, wonders Rob Smyth

It was John Cleese, in Clockwise, who said: "I can take the despair. It's the hope I can't stand." Manchester United fans would beg to differ. Usually, the best thing about pre-season is the hope: reality's incisors have yet to pierce the gums of optimism, and fans can live off the balmy, often barmy belief that this is their year. For supporters of most of the other 91 English clubs, that's the mood right now. For United fans? Forget it. After three seasons of papering over the cracks, it seems most United fans are awaiting the moment that the fault lines tracing a veiny path across Old Trafford are exposed.

Almost everything about the club reeks of disarray. Owned by the Glazers, who push buttons from a remote hideaway like Dr Evil; run by a manager who shreds his legacy at every turn; almost exclusively represented by the inadequate (Darren Fletcher and Kieran Richardson) and the odious (Rio Ferdinand); unable to close a deal for West Brom's reserve keeper, never mind the new Roy Keane. The signing of Michael Carrick, a Pirlo when a Gattuso was needed, is a band aid for a bullet wound, and a ludicrously expensive one at that.

If anything, it's a surprise that United have bought anyone at all. This summer, they have been like a pathetic drunk lumbering across a dancefloor at 1.45am, trying to get off with everything that moves. No matter how many people they move in for - and if reports are to be believed, United have made offers for dozens of players - nobody wants to go near them. And the one person who surely would, Damien Duff, was allowed to slip into the arms of Newcastle for less than United paid for Patrice Evra. You couldn't make it up. You don't have to.

United finished second last season, but that as much about the deficiency of the Premiership as their own quality. Arsenal will surely not have a four-month blind spot this season, while all evidence suggests that Liverpool's gradient will continue on its upward trajectory. With Tottenham getting stronger, even with the loss of Carrick, it is conceivable that, if they start slowly and get significant injuries, United could finish fifth; in today's environment, that would be disastrous.

The problems are so obvious, so fundamental, as to be beggar belief that they have not been addressed. Just as the glory years of 1992 to 2001 will only fully be appreciated in 20 years' time, so will Ferguson's subsequent failure. It is particularly bewildering that a man who once exerted such an unyielding grip on every single aspect of the club that he had to be virtually coerced into delegating has let things slip to this extent. Take the Cristiano Ronaldo situation: Ferguson said recently that he had not even spoken to Ronaldo since the World Cup, a dereliction of duty that is in total contrast to the us-against-the-world protection that he gave to David Beckham - and for which, for a time, he was so thrillingly rewarded - in 1998.

Once upon a time Ferguson could play 'who blinks first' with fate and win every time, his iron will shaping his destiny exactly as he wanted. Now he is reduced to uttering garbage like "it's like having a new signing" of Paul Scholes, Ole Solskjaer, Gabriel Heinze and Alan Smith, the irrational if-I-say-it-enough-it-might-happen gibberish you'd associate with a serial loser like Kevin Keegan. These days, the man they call The Hairdryer is full of nothing but hot air.

Ferguson's squad, once so taut, is a baggy mess of has-beens, never-will-bes and Liam Miller. The simple repetition of 4-4-2, of Giggs, Scholes, Keane, Beckham, Cole and Yorke, has given way to myriad tactical and personnel changes, to a ruinous obsession with utility players and tinkering. It's a truly appalling fact that, with Ruud van Nistelrooy gone, none of United's outfield players have played in only one position at the club. A nadir was reached in the FA Cup game at Wolves last season, when nearly £60m of defensive and attacking talent (Ferdinand and Wayne Rooney) was used in the centre of midfield.

It is an increasingly inescapable conclusion that, unwittingly or otherwise, Ferguson is winding down, a prizefighter who no longer has the stomach or the wit for an admittedly enormous challenge which, once upon a time, he would have fervently inhaled. Like he did with Liverpool. Ferguson's almost maniacal yearning to "knock Liverpool off their ****ing perch" was arguably the single most important factor in United's 1990s renaissance. It makes it all the more vicious an irony that, 10 years later, he should knock United off the perch he had made for them through increasingly rank mismanagement.

Indeed, it must irk him beyond belief that United are making exactly the same mistakes that Liverpool did: lack of pheromones in the transfer market; laughable, fall-back signings at suspicious and ridiculous prices; deluded ramblings ("we are as good as Chelsea, no question") - and, worst of all, a dressing-room where playing the field seems as important as playing the game. Liverpool's Spice Boys were bad, but they have nothing on Merk Berks like Ferdinand, Richardson and Wes Brown.

Ferguson has taken this end-of-an-empire template and, incredibly, managed to develop it: he's added a sprawling, outsized squad chock-full of obscenely well-paid deadwood; insultingly obvious spin that a two-year-old could see through (the Van Nistelrooy saga); economy with the truth (Ferguson ridiculed a journalist for saying that Paul Scholes had been scouting for United; a few days later Scholes confirmed the story); a coaching set-up that had Wayne Rooney playing wide for a season and turned Ronaldo from the world's most thrilling off-the-wall talent into a run-of-the-mill winger when he plays for United, as was confirmed by his liberated displays for Portugal at the World Cup.

Ferguson, an essentially honourable man, is partly suffering because of the impossibly high standards he set, and he carries the fatigued incomprehension of a man who is out of time. When he cites his favourite United team it is not the Treble-winners of 1999, but the Double-winners of 1994: Schmeichel, Bruce, Pallister, Ince, Keane, Hughes, Cantona, Robson - a team that dripped masculinity, who bonded over blockbusting Saturday-night sessions, who embodied the old-school values to which Ferguson can relate. Real men. The gentrification generation - sarong-wearing, pink champagne-swigging metrosexuals - are entirely beyond his comprehension. He could handle one, David Beckham, for a time before eventually giving up on him. Now he has a pack of them, for whom the hairdryer means only one thing - a trip to Toni & Guy. It is a different world. Ferguson probably doesn't even know what 'merk' means.

Everywhere, principles are being sacrificed. In years gone by Ferdinand - who for all his irrefutable ability is the type of character whose presence in a United shirt symbolises much of what has gone wrong with the club - would've been out the door faster than Paul Ince could say 'big-time Charlie', but now Ferguson can't afford to lose his only world-class defender. In years gone by he wouldn't have considered signing someone like Patrick Vieira, on grounds of age or character, but now he is left looking for someone, anyone, to appease the fans. In years gone by he would never have given a game to someone like John O'Shea, whose sole use is to put the podge in a hodgepodge midfield, or someone as meek as Darren Fletcher. In years gone by, he would never have sanctioned the mediocre football that, except for a few giddy weeks in the spring of 2003, United have played ever since Carlos Queiroz arrived in 2002 spouting gobbledygook disguised as continental sophistication.

And the thing is, it is only going to get worse: Liverpool, Arsenal and Tottenham have all made shrewd, cheap signings and are going in one direction. United are going the other way: they are hugely dependent on Ferdinand and Rooney, but no number of Carling Cup medals is going to sate their ambition. Then there is the Glazer factor, the full, inevitable horror of which is only just beginning to emerge. United fans think this season is going to be bad. It hasn't even started.
:))) :))) :)))

One of the funniest articles I've ever read - and as a United fan, funny will do very nicely indeed today, the morning after. :)

Of course, can't really have a go at Smythie above - he's not only a lifelong and deeply committed United fan too, he's also a lifelong fan of Pakistan cricket - and one of the best sports writers around, the cream of the crop (along with Sid Lowe) of an excellent Guardian sports desk.


Smyth predicted a fifth place finish, he predicted a Liverpool and Tottenham resurgence and an Arsenal back at top; he lauded Damien Duff and said Patrice Evra is useless. Vidic was treated as a non-entity and Ronaldo's influence at United was described as pretty ineffectual.

So he got it slightly wrong :))

Immediately after the above article, here's what this has-been manager with a useless squad achieve:

2006/07 - Champions of England, Runners-up FA Cup
[that's the season we were supposed to be 5th]
2007/08 - Champions of England, Champions of Europe
2008/09 - Champions of England, League Cup winners, FIFA Club World Cup, Second in Europe
2009/10 - Second in the Premier League, League Cup winners
2010/11 - Champions of England, Second in Europe


So the point of the above is not to ridicule Smyth. Its to point out that even 'seasoned' football "experts" can get it remarkably wrong. When it comes to our team and to our manager, they more often than not do. Sure, we won't win anything this season - two trophies are gone and the other three are unlikely.

So bloody what? :) One season without silverware is hardly the end of the world as we know it. Does it mean we'll be also rans? Somehow, I doubt it. Consider.

1. - Future strength and success comes from support - well, even in our deepest darkest days when we hadn't won even a bingo contest for 25 years, we were still the best supported team in the whole country! Even after relegation to the old Second Division, we had the biggest gates, week in, week out. We still have the biggest crowds and will continue to do so.

2. - Future success is built on young players' potential - well, our squad is as good as any in England on that front. Sure, many of them are not there yet, but quite a few of them are seriously high-potential and there's no reason why the youngsters like Hernandez, Rafael, Jones, DDG, Lindegaard, Cleverley, Smalling and Welbeck etc cannot develop into very good players. And that's just from the first team - some equally talented kids in the lower ranks too.

3. - Future success requires, in this day and age, money. Lots of it. Well we have the biggest global fanbase; the most-followed and best marketed club with the largest revenues and the most valuable brand. So that is not an issue either.

4. - And of course, all success requires sound management and stability. This is where United truly have an edge. Not only do we have a manager who has done it all and is among the best around, we have a Board who has full faith in the manager, and we have a operational set-up that's ultra-professional and has been for almost two decades.

So no - the rumours or our demise, I'm afraid, have been great exaggerated. :)
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We heard this in 95.
In 2003.
In 2006.
Now 2011.

Well who ever said this in 95, 03 or 05 didnt look at man uniteds squad they had a good team at those times so they managed to come back stronger especialy in 2006. But the squad man united have at the moment aint good enough and wont get any better.
This is just a wake up call, need a good central midfielder in the centre of the park along with a defender and a striker and we are fine :)
I am going to bookmark this. I got to say, I LOVE threads like this. :))

I love threads like this too, because it usually means Man U got dun. mwahahahahah.

It may well not be the end, but we can enjoy it in the short term, no?

This is just a wake up call, need a good central midfielder in the centre of the park along with a defender and a striker and we are fine :)

So all Man U need is a whole new backbone to the team and they're fine? I would say most premiership sides are 'a good defender, central midfielder and striker' away from being a team challenging for the title!

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who cares, let's just laugh at them now.

:))) :))) :))) :)))


:))) :))) :))) :)))
What a joke of a thread.

Granted that this was a poor European campaign but to say this is an end of an era?!

I'm not sure how old the OP is but Ferguson has had worst tests in his career and come out the other side.

We were poor last night but this is no end of era and have heard this incorrectly on many occasions!
well Ferguson is almost 70 and with money like city on the horizon as well as chelsea still having the ability to spunk 70million in one window and 15m on a manager it would be unwise for him to take the bait of another fight
The end of Manchester United and Ferguson? No.

However, the end of Manchester United's dream to win the CL, this season? Certainly. :))
However, the end of Manchester United's dream to win the CL, this season? Certainly. :))

Didn't come across many United fans with that "dream", either before yesterday, or even a few weeks or few months ago.

We were the second-best team in Europe last season, but it was apparent that whilst we hadn't improved (and even regressed in some key areas), many other sides had.
Didn't come across many United fans with that "dream"

I think it's any fans dream to see their club lift a trophy which is regarded as high as the Champions league.

If it isn't a dream for a fan to see it's club lift that trophy, then it's worrying indeed.

We were the second-best team in Europe last season

... And this made those specific Manchester United fans I know more determined and eager to lift the trophy this season - as they thought Manchester United had improved and gotten stronger, compared to last season's squad.

Also hoping for a final with Barca again this season - stating their much more capable of beating Barca this season then last season.

It's any fans dream to see their club lift the CL.
^^ I guess it was more of a dream in the category of "I dream of being a billionaire / being President of the US / being Queen of Pakistan / of having Jolie or Kunis or Justin Bieber as my wife" dreams that some people have :p And thus not a realistic / achievable aspiration for the season. :)
^ well at least one Red Devil got a trophy this year. :)))

^ That's actually quite a good one :))

And with the greatest of respect and affection, 'tis much better, in my very humble opinion, than your rather lame and abysmal efforts on Twitter which our mutual friend has already satisfactorily silenced :D
they cant match city's spending power

city are in a different league to that of chelsea in terms of spending power

however they wont finish outside of the top 4
man i hate threads like this

albeit very funny :)) because when a successful team does bad everybody enjoys it...
but its something only most arrogant plastic united fans would do to other teams lol...

(not the diehard ones now)
Sir Alex Ferguson this season has seen his team beaten 6-1 at home by his rivals, been knocked out the Carling Cup at home by lower league opposition, and now exited the Champions League at the group stage.

But sir alex is a legend and am sure he will get his team to rise from the ashes again!
thus not a realistic / achievable aspiration for the season. :)

Hence why I did not mention the term 'realistic' / 'target' OR 'aim' in my original post. Instead used the word 'dream'. :p :defensiveapproach
Well, they should have got through this group easily but you have to remember how this season started. United were playing better than ever. It hasnt helped to have 20 different combinations in the defence. But I doubt any manager in the world has proven himself when down more than Ferguson. I for one would never doubt him. And many people still forget that United pointwise have done a lot better in the PL than previous seasons when they have won the league. They usually hit top form after Christmas. And when some idiot here says that they dont have the same players they did back in 2005 etc. Cleverley, Chicha, Jones,Smalling, the twins, De Gea. Future is still looking bright. PLayers like Nani and Rooney will hopefully get better as well.
It was certainly funny seeing Man-U get knocked out, especially considering they had an easy draw yet they messed it up BUT I most certainly would not say this is the start of their demise, far from it

I can't stand Fergie, think he is a mong BUT the guy is a great manager. The one thing he has done and done very well is to pick up his team after moments like this and go on another successful run
hahaha this thread made my day.

doubting Fergie one of the biggest mistakes you can make in life
Mr Ferguson believes United are closing in on Barca
ESPNsoccernet staff,, Updated: 19/10/2011 08:07

Mr. Ferguson says Manchester United are fast closing the gap on reigning European champions Barcelona.

Ferguson's side suffered a 3-1 defeat to Pep Guardiola's men in last season's Champions League final, but believes momentum has begun to shift back toward the Premier League club.

"That's always going to be the challenge [catching Barcelona]," Ferguson is quoted as saying in The Mirror. "We've introduced some young players to the club this season who have tremendous ability and a great energy and spirit about them.

"So I think we're making great strides towards that level Barcelona have reached these past two or three years.

"Sometimes these things go in cycles and at the moment Barcelona are in the middle of a fantastic cycle of having a tremendous squad of players. But that changes over time and at the moment English football is in a good cycle in terms of the four teams that are represented in Europe every year.

"In the last few years we've got to finals and semi-finals in Europe. So I think England and Spain are at the top at this moment in time, but Barca are obviously the target for everyone."

Ferguson has tipped Barca, along with their Spanish rivals Real Madrid and German giants Bayern Munich, to fight it out for this season's European title alongside the Premier League clubs in the competition.

"The fact Bayern are going to have the final on their own ground is a big incentive for them," said Ferguson. "They haven't lost many goals, they've been very strong defensively, so you'd have to look at them as one of the teams that will be challenging to be there in the final. Playing on their own ground would be a fantastic advantage for them.

"Barcelona and Real Madrid, without a doubt [are among the favourites]. But I think the English teams like ourselves, Chelsea and Manchester City will make a good show of it."

For more on Football, visit
Mr Ferguson believes United are closing in on Barca
ESPNsoccernet staff,, Updated: 19/10/2011 08:07

Mr. Ferguson says Manchester United are fast closing the gap on reigning European champions Barcelona.

Ferguson's side suffered a 3-1 defeat to Pep Guardiola's men in last season's Champions League final, but believes momentum has begun to shift back toward the Premier League club.

"That's always going to be the challenge [catching Barcelona]," Ferguson is quoted as saying in The Mirror. "We've introduced some young players to the club this season who have tremendous ability and a great energy and spirit about them.

"So I think we're making great strides towards that level Barcelona have reached these past two or three years.

"Sometimes these things go in cycles and at the moment Barcelona are in the middle of a fantastic cycle of having a tremendous squad of players. But that changes over time and at the moment English football is in a good cycle in terms of the four teams that are represented in Europe every year.

"In the last few years we've got to finals and semi-finals in Europe. So I think England and Spain are at the top at this moment in time, but Barca are obviously the target for everyone."

Ferguson has tipped Barca, along with their Spanish rivals Real Madrid and German giants Bayern Munich, to fight it out for this season's European title alongside the Premier League clubs in the competition.

"The fact Bayern are going to have the final on their own ground is a big incentive for them," said Ferguson. "They haven't lost many goals, they've been very strong defensively, so you'd have to look at them as one of the teams that will be challenging to be there in the final. Playing on their own ground would be a fantastic advantage for them.

"Barcelona and Real Madrid, without a doubt [are among the favourites]. But I think the English teams like ourselves, Chelsea and Manchester City will make a good show of it."

For more on Football, visit

well we did beat them 2-1 in the summer so whats your point.

or u just being a typical bin dipper which 99% of the liverpool fans our. worry about your club mate because you rant doing that well either.

how is andy carroll treating ya
well we did beat them 2-1 in the summer so whats your point.

or u just being a typical bin dipper which 99% of the liverpool fans our. worry about your club mate because you rant doing that well either.

how is andy carroll treating ya

England beat Spain recently BUT it would be daft to suggest they are closing in on Spain
I think Chelsea will win on Monday night, so the lead at the top could very well be only 2 points, all of a sudden this end of an era comment will look daft
Mr Ferguson believes United are closing in on Barca
ESPNsoccernet staff,, Updated: 19/10/2011 08:07

Mr. Ferguson says Manchester United are fast closing the gap on reigning European champions Barcelona.

Ferguson's side suffered a 3-1 defeat to Pep Guardiola's men in last season's Champions League final, but believes momentum has begun to shift back toward the Premier League club.

"That's always going to be the challenge [catching Barcelona]," Ferguson is quoted as saying in The Mirror. "We've introduced some young players to the club this season who have tremendous ability and a great energy and spirit about them.

"So I think we're making great strides towards that level Barcelona have reached these past two or three years.

"Sometimes these things go in cycles and at the moment Barcelona are in the middle of a fantastic cycle of having a tremendous squad of players. But that changes over time and at the moment English football is in a good cycle in terms of the four teams that are represented in Europe every year.

"In the last few years we've got to finals and semi-finals in Europe. So I think England and Spain are at the top at this moment in time, but Barca are obviously the target for everyone."

Ferguson has tipped Barca, along with their Spanish rivals Real Madrid and German giants Bayern Munich, to fight it out for this season's European title alongside the Premier League clubs in the competition.

"The fact Bayern are going to have the final on their own ground is a big incentive for them," said Ferguson. "They haven't lost many goals, they've been very strong defensively, so you'd have to look at them as one of the teams that will be challenging to be there in the final. Playing on their own ground would be a fantastic advantage for them.

"Barcelona and Real Madrid, without a doubt [are among the favourites]. But I think the English teams like ourselves, Chelsea and Manchester City will make a good show of it."

For more on Football, visit


OP is totally correct. Utd winning the league numerous times in a decade is over. They may win the league or the FA cup now and again from now on but it's a new era for them.

They are nowhere near Barcelona, no club outside Spain is. A silly dream.

OP is totally correct. Utd winning the league numerous times in a decade is over. They may win the league or the FA cup now and again from now on but it's a new era for them.

They are nowhere near Barcelona, no club outside Spain is. A silly dream.

forget barca..they are nowhere near basel level :akhtar
I think Chelsea will win on Monday night, so the lead at the top could very well be only 2 points, all of a sudden this end of an era comment will look daft

This Chelsea team just dosent seem good enough anymore unless they do what Liverpool did and have 3 CM who run their socks off.
If Chelsea want to win this they need to go in with Remires, Romeu and Merilies In the middle.
This Chelsea team just dosent seem good enough anymore unless they do what Liverpool did and have 3 CM who run their socks off.
If Chelsea want to win this they need to go in with Remires, Romeu and Merilies In the middle.

I think that is exactly what we will see, with Mata and Sturridge just off the main striker

I was impressed with Romeu against us, very solid player
Over dramatic OP. A shock yes but no where near the end of an era ... As long as Fergie's at the helm.
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I think that is exactly what we will see, with Mata and Sturridge just off the main striker

I was impressed with Romeu against us, very solid player

There is a reason why Barca put in a buy out clause in his contract, the kid is going to be some player.

Take a player schooled by Barcelona, fine tuned by a top coach, who has learned to play at the pace of the Premier League and put him in the time and space of La Liga and he will be sensational.
It happened with Pique, happened with Fabregas and will happen with Romeu the way he is playing.

Matter of fact when Man Utd inquired about Thiago earlier in the summer they were happy to sell him for cheap BUT wanted to put in a buy out clause. United refused the next day he signed a new contract.
Well, they should have got through this group easily but you have to remember how this season started. United were playing better than ever. It hasnt helped to have 20 different combinations in the defence. But I doubt any manager in the world has proven himself when down more than Ferguson. I for one would never doubt him. And many people still forget that United pointwise have done a lot better in the PL than previous seasons when they have won the league. They usually hit top form after Christmas. And when some idiot here says that they dont have the same players they did back in 2005 etc. Cleverley, Chicha, Jones,Smalling, the twins, De Gea. Future is still looking bright. PLayers like Nani and Rooney will hopefully get better as well.

But you look at this squad do you think with Vidic out for the rest of the season and Hernandez out for a while they will be able to cope. And the squad they have now is no where near 2005, they had Ronaldo, Vidic, Ferdinand, Evra, Scholes, Giigs, Van der sar most of these players were on their peak after 2005 onwards but now you have cleverley who looks good but hasnt even played alot to be judeged on, Chicha is really good but is out for a while now, Jones and smalling were good at the start of the season when Vidic is around them but they are starting to get caught up, De gea well hes no where near van der sar and looks likely to make a mistake every game, the twins well just remember them getting run of the park by some crystal palace player in the carling cup and they are not Fergusons first choice anymore.

Mr Ferguson believes United are closing in on Barca
ESPNsoccernet staff,, Updated: 19/10/2011 08:07

Mr. Ferguson says Manchester United are fast closing the gap on reigning European champions Barcelona.

Ferguson's side suffered a 3-1 defeat to Pep Guardiola's men in last season's Champions League final, but believes momentum has begun to shift back toward the Premier League club.

"That's always going to be the challenge [catching Barcelona]," Ferguson is quoted as saying in The Mirror. "We've introduced some young players to the club this season who have tremendous ability and a great energy and spirit about them.

"So I think we're making great strides towards that level Barcelona have reached these past two or three years.

"Sometimes these things go in cycles and at the moment Barcelona are in the middle of a fantastic cycle of having a tremendous squad of players. But that changes over time and at the moment English football is in a good cycle in terms of the four teams that are represented in Europe every year.

"In the last few years we've got to finals and semi-finals in Europe. So I think England and Spain are at the top at this moment in time, but Barca are obviously the target for everyone."

Ferguson has tipped Barca, along with their Spanish rivals Real Madrid and German giants Bayern Munich, to fight it out for this season's European title alongside the Premier League clubs in the competition.

"The fact Bayern are going to have the final on their own ground is a big incentive for them," said Ferguson. "They haven't lost many goals, they've been very strong defensively, so you'd have to look at them as one of the teams that will be challenging to be there in the final. Playing on their own ground would be a fantastic advantage for them.

"Barcelona and Real Madrid, without a doubt [are among the favourites]. But I think the English teams like ourselves, Chelsea and Manchester City will make a good show of it."

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Well Ferguson who was saying they are closing the gap on Barcelona before the season started now sees his side knocked in the group stages shows how weak this Man U team is.

OP is totally correct. Utd winning the league numerous times in a decade is over. They may win the league or the FA cup now and again from now on but it's a new era for them.

They are nowhere near Barcelona, no club outside Spain is. A silly dream.

Thanks atleast someone agrees with me, Forget Barcelona they are being over taken by Man City and i wont be surprised if other teams over take them in England too.

Brilliantly perceptive thread. :14: Remarkably prescient too, no doubt.

Reminds me of this gem by a 'proper' football journalist, published on 31 July 2006:

:))) :))) :)))

One of the funniest articles I've ever read - and as a United fan, funny will do very nicely indeed today, the morning after. :)

Of course, can't really have a go at Smythie above - he's not only a lifelong and deeply committed United fan too, he's also a lifelong fan of Pakistan cricket - and one of the best sports writers around, the cream of the crop (along with Sid Lowe) of an excellent Guardian sports desk.


Smyth predicted a fifth place finish, he predicted a Liverpool and Tottenham resurgence and an Arsenal back at top; he lauded Damien Duff and said Patrice Evra is useless. Vidic was treated as a non-entity and Ronaldo's influence at United was described as pretty ineffectual.

So he got it slightly wrong :))

Immediately after the above article, here's what this has-been manager with a useless squad achieve:

2006/07 - Champions of England, Runners-up FA Cup
[that's the season we were supposed to be 5th]
2007/08 - Champions of England, Champions of Europe
2008/09 - Champions of England, League Cup winners, FIFA Club World Cup, Second in Europe
2009/10 - Second in the Premier League, League Cup winners
2010/11 - Champions of England, Second in Europe


So the point of the above is not to ridicule Smyth. Its to point out that even 'seasoned' football "experts" can get it remarkably wrong. When it comes to our team and to our manager, they more often than not do. Sure, we won't win anything this season - two trophies are gone and the other three are unlikely.

So bloody what? :) One season without silverware is hardly the end of the world as we know it. Does it mean we'll be also rans? Somehow, I doubt it. Consider.

1. - Future strength and success comes from support - well, even in our deepest darkest days when we hadn't won even a bingo contest for 25 years, we were still the best supported team in the whole country! Even after relegation to the old Second Division, we had the biggest gates, week in, week out. We still have the biggest crowds and will continue to do so.

2. - Future success is built on young players' potential - well, our squad is as good as any in England on that front. Sure, many of them are not there yet, but quite a few of them are seriously high-potential and there's no reason why the youngsters like Hernandez, Rafael, Jones, DDG, Lindegaard, Cleverley, Smalling and Welbeck etc cannot develop into very good players. And that's just from the first team - some equally talented kids in the lower ranks too.

3. - Future success requires, in this day and age, money. Lots of it. Well we have the biggest global fanbase; the most-followed and best marketed club with the largest revenues and the most valuable brand. So that is not an issue either.

4. - And of course, all success requires sound management and stability. This is where United truly have an edge. Not only do we have a manager who has done it all and is among the best around, we have a Board who has full faith in the manager, and we have a operational set-up that's ultra-professional and has been for almost two decades.

So no - the rumours or our demise, I'm afraid, have been great exaggerated. :)

Dont know who Smyth is and this is nothing to do with 2005, Smyth must have been some stupid guy, how could Man U going to struggle with that team they had of Ronaldo, Scholes, Giggs and plenty more. Its not about one season without a trophy its about getting beaten to all trpohies by your neighbours and being over taken by them. But i really think at this point you are being over taken by Man City which you lot dont want to see or admit, with the money abd board they have they will be unstopabble and i dont see Man U challenging them in the coming seasons, because Man U seem to not have that money to spend big on players or dont want to. I have nothing against Ferguson, think hes the best manager that has been in England but dont think he will take the challenge to fight Man City because he knows it will take him a while as Man City has the edge of money so they could get anyone and plus Ferguson is getting old.
Nad your on about young talented players well im afraid Man U so called youngsters comibined of the first team and reserve team have always failed to impress when given a chance e.g carling cup vs Crystal Palace.

Also now Vidic is ruled out for rest of season without him Man Utd defence has been really poor so they are really going to struggle and Hernandez is out for a while too so looks like a long and painful season for Man Utd, They really need a few big signings in Januray but dont see that happening. If they dont sign anyone in the transfer window im afraid top 4 will be a struggle and that will be the end of Ferguson.
Shak, we heard the same crap when Chelsea got money and look at that we did to them. That is not to say Citeh won't win the title. I said two years ago they would win it within the next five years, only a matter of time (they are for sure going to win it before Arsenal ;-) ).

In fact 2005, our team was a lot worse and looking uncertain. Scholes was questionable due to his eye injury. We lost Beckham a season or two before. People wanted Giggs sold. Ronaldo was a "show pony" by the media and Vidic and Evra looked two horrid buys along with a GK situation that was problematic since 1999. This team had a bad run but the foundation is strong. Jones, Smalling, Welbeck and Cleverly have all showed what they are capable of. We have some deadweight, who doesn't (considering half your squad is getting carried by one striker) but we have many good younger players who willl learn and grow from this.

That is how United is. We always build from the base up and you won't win every year. Heck, 1 PL title per 1.5 seasons is an incredible feat that won't be matched for a long time. You are nothing but a troll so this will be my last post addressing any of your points, because really you are a delusional fool who will realize who is really demising at the end of the season. ;-)
Man City are a complete different story to Chelsea, Man Unt dont have the same spending power which they had back in 2005 now so they will always stay behing Man City for a very long time.

And no dont think in 2005 your team was worser thats a complete joke from you seriously, only some stupid Man U fan will believe that lol. You have much more issues in your team then you think or you just dont want to accept Man Unt demise that is starting. And well this posts aint about Arsneal being carried by one striker or If City will win it before Arsenal their are other posts on this forum regarding that so discuss that their and well we see how Man U cope without Vidic for rest of season. And dont really see any good young players in your squad are you talking about the players that lost to Crystal Palace and have struggled to step in when needed.
Well forget about winning you should be happy if you finish in top 4 this season.
And i didnt tell you to post on here my friend im just giving everyone my point of view of things and if you read my first point i mentioned "Anyone thinks that Man U and Fergusons era is coming to the end?" I Was just asking for an opinion of what people think on here.
And your a bigger fool hiding your demis by bringing other teams in the topic lol. Well we wait till the end of season then i will get back to you dont go hiding then lol.
good way to start 'The END of the Man U era and Ferguson" with a 4-1 victory

am i the only one who thinks i will be bumping this thread a lot during the season...
good way to start 'The END of the Man U era and Ferguson" with a 4-1 victory

am i the only one who thinks i will be bumping this thread a lot during the season...

Never thought we would see people celebrate Man U beating a team like Wolves at home, this certainly does show their demise.

Yes you would be bumping this thread alot of times when Man U play at home against very weak oppositions. but i am sure you will be hiding come end of the season.
Sack Fergie, Sell Giggs

These were the cries from some back in 2005 - Promising youngsters were only those in Rooney and Ronaldo who many said were both not destined to be top players!

Smalling, Jones, De Gea, Pogba*, Welbeck, Da Silva Twins, Morrison, Cleverley, Rooney Not to mention Nani and Anderson (Who played superbly when United started brilliantly this season)

Carrick was sorely missed in Basel.

That will be the core of the team not long from now;

Still challenging for the PL which is and has always been the standard bearer of success; Just ask Liverpool fans!

Wenger is a fantastic coach/manager and he hasn't won anything in the past 6 years!

SAF will be back; Write-off him and Man United at your peril.

Just ask Alan Hansen...
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Sir Alex Ferguson

"That is the problem with potential. People don't identify [it]. We are very good at it. I have identified it all my life. I know potential. I know where it can be developed and how to develop it. I have faith in it.

"That is what this club is about. When you see Manchester United at the moment, with 14 players under 22, you don't see the Manchester United for years ahead."
This will be quite an amusing thread, if we end up winning the league. :))

Andy Carroll. 35M. Genius.

Oh, and that Gerrard picture; is that how many months he'll be out for? Or how many years he's got left to win a League Medal?
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Interesting... I see Stevie G is still on the crutches! :))

Cheers for the update.

why is the Arsenal fan so upset? :asif

... Because Liverpool haven't even tasted CL for over a year - and yet they insult Mutd as if they've just won the CL. No upset, just find it funny... To be honest.

Interesting... I see Stevie G is still on the crutches! :))

Cheers for the update.

... Because Liverpool haven't even tasted CL for over a year - and yet they insult Mutd as if they've just won the CL. No upset, just find it funny... To be honest.

Your wishes are our reality. Liverpool Football Club: Only Club from British Isles to be permanent owner of European Cup. We will win our Sixth European Cup before a London Club (Arsenal, Chelsea, Spurs etc) win their First European Cup.

I know they arnt many people on here who like united But come on this thread is disgraceful and shows the lack of respect people are giving to Sir Alex.

I guess he will prove you wrong like he has over the past 25 years. Btw it's funny how Liverpool fans are biting the most.
@ OP.

I'm a Manchester United season ticket holder, I have been for six years now. And I would like to say, you sir, are an idiot.

Finish outside the top four? Good joke. Sorry but we've got Cleverley, Jones, Anderson, Fabio, Rafael, Smalling, De Gea, Welbeck, Hernandez, Amos all at the age of 22 or under. We've got Rooney, Nani, Valencia, Young who are all 26 or younger. Then we've got the likes of Macheda, Pogba, Morrison coming through the academy. Not to mention we've got the best CB in world football, the best left back in the world bar none and one of the worlds best wingers.

People said this in 1996, then in 2002, then in 2006, 2009 after Ronnie then Now. So far its Alex Ferguson 4 Stupids fans and journalists 0. It's going to be 5-0 soon. Yeah, the CL was a big disappointment but it was more to do with luck than anything. How many sitters did United miss in that game vs Basel?

And all those foreign fans dissing United. Do me a favour and go back to your hole. How many of you have a season ticket, or even better how many of you actually go watch your team? I can tolerate City fans from Manchester having good banter with me, I can tolerate Scousers gloating about 5 CL's, what I can't stand is some bloke living in Pakistan who has never watched a football game in his life live try and tell me that my club is in decline when they clearly don't know jack all about football.
^ :))

I don't live in Pakistan and have supported Liverpool since a small kid. Your club Manchester United is in decline.

You got beat you at home 6-1, this hasn't happened for how long?

You got dumped out of the CL before Xmas, this hasn't happened for how long?

Poor season so far or decline, I'll take decline.

Respect for being a true Man Utd fan though instead of the glory hunters who have never set foot in Manchester. :)
@ OP.

I'm a Manchester United season ticket holder, I have been for six years now. And I would like to say, you sir, are an idiot.

Finish outside the top four? Good joke. Sorry but we've got Cleverley, Jones, Anderson, Fabio, Rafael, Smalling, De Gea, Welbeck, Hernandez, Amos all at the age of 22 or under. We've got Rooney, Nani, Valencia, Young who are all 26 or younger. Then we've got the likes of Macheda, Pogba, Morrison coming through the academy. Not to mention we've got the best CB in world football, the best left back in the world bar none and one of the worlds best wingers.

People said this in 1996, then in 2002, then in 2006, 2009 after Ronnie then Now. So far its Alex Ferguson 4 Stupids fans and journalists 0. It's going to be 5-0 soon. Yeah, the CL was a big disappointment but it was more to do with luck than anything. How many sitters did United miss in that game vs Basel?

And all those foreign fans dissing United. Do me a favour and go back to your hole. How many of you have a season ticket, or even better how many of you actually go watch your team? I can tolerate City fans from Manchester having good banter with me, I can tolerate Scousers gloating about 5 CL's, what I can't stand is some bloke living in Pakistan who has never watched a football game in his life live try and tell me that my club is in decline when they clearly don't know jack all about football.

You do know that describes majority of Man-U fans?
You do know that describes majority of Man-U fans?

Yep. I fully admit that my club is infested with armchair glory supporting fans. Thats the price you have to pay for success though.
I don't live in Pakistan and have supported Liverpool since a small kid. Your club Manchester United is in decline.

You got beat you at home 6-1, this hasn't happened for how long?

You got dumped out of the CL before Xmas, this hasn't happened for how long?

Poor season so far or decline, I'll take decline.

Respect for being a true Man Utd fan though instead of the glory hunters who have never set foot in Manchester.

Thats fair enough then. If you've supported 'pool as a kid then there's not much I can say. It's those late teens, young adult types who think "ooo, they're pretty good, I'll support them" that irk me.

We got beaten 4-1 to you guys in 2009 and that felt just as bad to be honest. The last time this has happened was in 2005 and two years later we won the double. If there's any man I'd have at the helm to bring us back from the brink its Fergie.

Of course, I may we wrong and in five years time I may be sat on my own in the Stretty end surrounded by empty seats watching us play Carlisle United but I don't think this is going to happen due to the sheer force that is Fergie.
Doesn't matter where you are. it's whether you want to love the History of the club and the club as a whole..

Fair-do's to the makers of the otherwise dire film GOAL with John Abraham as the lead. They paid a decent tribute to Manchester United and there comeback after Munich.

Far more respect than people who might follow the club, even go to watch, but are too knee-jerkish to appreciate the massive impact Fergie has had.

After all Liverpool and Manchester United love capitalizing on their International fan base.

I started supporting Manchester United because when BBC Grandstand was on as a kid in the early 90's, and living in Manchester, I couldn't decide which to support.

The Socialist in me decided that Manchester United sounded more Inclusive and so I picked them over City, as I genuinely didn't want to exclude anyone.

Usain Bolt remember, supported Pakistan on account of Waqar, and My little Nephew who used to support United, supports Real because of Ronaldo!


How's the Return of the Messiah coming along? Any chance of Fourth?

Will the owners get rid of the King if you don't clinch a CL place? Weren't they proponents of Money-ball afterall?
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Of course, I may we wrong and in five years time I may be sat on my own in the Stretty end surrounded by empty seats watching us play Carlisle United but I don't think this is going to happen due to the sheer force that is Fergie.

The Special One will continue the success...
@ OP.

I'm a Manchester United season ticket holder, I have been for six years now. And I would like to say, you sir, are an idiot.

Finish outside the top four? Good joke. Sorry but we've got Cleverley, Jones, Anderson, Fabio, Rafael, Smalling, De Gea, Welbeck, Hernandez, Amos all at the age of 22 or under. We've got Rooney, Nani, Valencia, Young who are all 26 or younger. Then we've got the likes of Macheda, Pogba, Morrison coming through the academy. Not to mention we've got the best CB in world football, the best left back in the world bar none and one of the worlds best wingers.

People said this in 1996, then in 2002, then in 2006, 2009 after Ronnie then Now. So far its Alex Ferguson 4 Stupids fans and journalists 0. It's going to be 5-0 soon. Yeah, the CL was a big disappointment but it was more to do with luck than anything. How many sitters did United miss in that game vs Basel?

And all those foreign fans dissing United. Do me a favour and go back to your hole. How many of you have a season ticket, or even better how many of you actually go watch your team? I can tolerate City fans from Manchester having good banter with me, I can tolerate Scousers gloating about 5 CL's, what I can't stand is some bloke living in Pakistan who has never watched a football game in his life live try and tell me that my club is in decline when they clearly don't know jack all about football.

By the way i was born in England and live in England and have followed football all my life so shut it. Only a stupid Man U fan like you can not see your clubs decline. Out of the champions league in the group stages, getting thrashed by your neighbours 6-1 and most of the players you mentioned Pogba, Morrison, Rafael, Fabio and some of your other players like Berbatov could not even get past Crystal Palace if thats Man Us future then yes that looks very good lol. Best centre and left back in the world that is a joke. Vidic is a good defender and is your best but not the best in the world and also he is out for the rest of season and take my word you will struggle without him. And your left back well hes past his best is having a very below average season so far. Soon you will get kicked out of the FA Cup then we will see what you have to say.
s.h.a.k has a point......I mean who else knows a team is in decline better than s.h.a.k? He has 6 (going onto 7) years of experience about this subject.

S.H.A.K, I'm not going to take your posts seriously from now on in because you're clearly a kid, at most 15 who cant even spell and use correct grammar. Were we in decline when we were analling just about every team at the start of the season? As soon as it goes **** up bandwagon jumps in.

We're having an off season. Doesn't mean we're in decline. Manchester United is, has been and always will be a force in European and International club football.

S.H.A.K, I'm not going to take your posts seriously from now on in because you're clearly a kid, at most 15 who cant even spell and use correct grammar. Were we in decline when we were analling just about every team at the start of the season? As soon as it goes **** up bandwagon jumps in.

We're having an off season. Doesn't mean we're in decline. Manchester United is, has been and always will be a force in European and International club football.

By the way im not 15 years old. Im older then you kid. You dont need to worry about my grammar or anything because I post on my phone and Post it quick so dont go through my post. And if you dont want to take this post seriously then dont bother commenting on it.
The way you and some Man U fans are reacting it does seem you lot are in decline and by the sounds of it your just one of those glory supporters.
Best start in 5 years in PL. Everyone should decline if thats a decline.
I cannot believe, I repeat, I cannot believe that Manchester United lost to Basel!!!!

I'm not a big football fan and would consider myself as a barca suppoter but I always thought Man U is a strong team so its seems they have fallen so down that they couldn't even beat a joke a club Basel.
Finish outside the top four? Good joke. Sorry but we've got Cleverley, Jones, Anderson, Fabio, Rafael, Smalling, De Gea, Welbeck, Hernandez, Amos all at the age of 22 or under. We've got Nani, Valencia, Young who are all 26 or younger. Then we've got the likes of Macheda, Pogba, Morrison coming through the academy.

Yep, and I'm sure when they're good enough and have the right experience, Real Madrid will take their pick.

I can tolerate Scousers gloating about 5 CL's, what I can't stand is some bloke living in Pakistan who has never watched a football game in his life live try and tell me that my club is in decline.

Tut tut. You're going to have to get over this mentality if the interest payments on those massive Glazer debts are to be serviced.

ManU is owned by businessmen who need cash, not local fans. Embrace the Chinese, Pakistani, Indian, Chileans, for the people to whom the club really belongs, the Americans (not you local season-ticket holders, or spectators as I like to call them), need their money.
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I cant believe the guy making this thread is a Arsenal-supporter. He doesnt watch a lot of football only reasonable explanation that come to mind. OR he might just be blind.
oh an Arsenal supporter made this thread, tbh i had my money on the OP being a liverpool fan (bitter as usual). Im pretty sure most Arsenal supporters who are right in the head wouldn't agree with this thread.

I think its time Mods delete this nonsense of a thread
I cant believe the guy making this thread is a Arsenal-supporter. He doesnt watch a lot of football only reasonable explanation that come to mind. OR he might just be blind.

I watched more football then you have in you life. I only asked for peoples opinion and the way you are reacting to this thread I can easily tell that you know that you are being over taken by Man City.
I think its time Mods delete this nonsense of a thread

Why? Esteemed footballing writers have been discussing this very topic recently?

Perfectly valid discussion!

And when Man U win the league, you lot can bump this thread.
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