The Middle East Crisis

The Geneva talks are on again, off again.

No end in sight. 15,000 refugees fleeing Aleppo have amassed at the Turkish border.
Well Assad is taking regions back. There's not going to be peace talks. Saudi Arabia and Turkey will just gear up to invade Syria now under the pretext to fight ISIS.
Well Assad is taking regions back. There's not going to be peace talks. Saudi Arabia and Turkey will just gear up to invade Syria now under the pretext to fight ISIS.

KSA has suggested about sending Army but they also put so many pre-conditions...Today Iranian Military chief actually considered Saudi statement as Bluff and challenged KSA to send troop.

As soon as Russian planes helping Syrian and Iranian troops, ISIS and USA/KSA/Turkey supported rebels are losing big time.

at least we can see light at the end of tunnel.

Regarding peace talks, rebels actually set pre-condition that syrian army first lift the siege of their controlled cities...
not gonna happen...

Europe has no will to remove Assad..for them he is just another dictator in the region...among so many others.

Obama cannot send troops in his last his policy of training rebels by CIA (and funded by KSA $$) is completed busted...(just recently it was leaked that Obama went against pentagon's strong advice no to train rebels in syria in 2012...but Obama reject that advice :( )

IMO, in this human tragedy, KSA, USA and Turkey are the main culprit...

P.S. I am against all dictators..
Obama can't win - if he does nothing he is accused of letting Assad win and if he does something he's accused of supporting Jihadis. Nevertheless his dithering over this issue and others has been pretty embarrassing from an American pov. It will be interesting to see what changes under the next POTUS.

Obama’s Disastrous Betrayal of the Syrian Rebels

How the White House is handing victory to Bashar al-Assad, Russia, and Iran.

What a difference a year makes in Syria. And the introduction of massive Russian airpower.

Last February, President Bashar al-Assad’s regime and its Shiite auxiliaries mounted a large-scale attempt to encircle Aleppo, the northern city divided between regime and rebels since 2012 and battered by the dictator’s barrel bombs. Islamist and non-Islamist mainstream rebels — to the surprise of those who have derided their performance, let alone their existence — repelled the offensive at the time. What followed was a string of rebel advances across the country, which weakened Assad so much that they triggered Moscow’s direct intervention in September, in concert with an Iranian surge of forces, to secure his survival.

Fast-forward a year. After a slow start — and despite wishful Western assessments that Moscow could not sustain a meaningful military effort abroad — the Russian campaign is finally delivering results for the Assad regime. This week, Russian airpower allowed Assad and his allied paramilitary forces to finally cut off the narrow, rebel-held “Azaz corridor” that links the Turkish border to the city of Aleppo. The city’s full encirclement is now a distinct possibility, with regime troops and Shiite fighters moving from the south, the west, and the north. Should the rebel-held parts of the city ultimately fall, it will be a dramatic victory for Assad and the greatest setback to the rebellion since the start of the uprising in 2011.

In parallel,

Russia has put Syria’s neighbors on notice of the new rules of the game.

Russia has put Syria’s neighbors on notice of the new rules of the game. Jordan was spooked into downgrading its help for the Southern Front, the main non-Islamist alliance in the south of the country, which has so far prevented extremist presence along its border. Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian military aircraft that crossed its airspace in November backfired: Moscow vengefully directed its firepower on Turkey’s rebel friends across Idlib and Aleppo provinces. Moscow also courted Syria’s Kurds, who found a new partner to play off the United States in their complex relations with Washington. And Russia has agreed to a temporary accommodation of Israel’s interests in southern Syria.

Inside Syria, and despite the polite wishes of Secretary of State John Kerry, the overwhelming majority of Russian strikes have hit non-Islamic State (IS) fighters. Indeed, Moscow and the Syrian regime are content to see the United States bear the lion’s share of the effort against the jihadi monster in the east, instead concentrating on mowing through the mainstream rebellion in western Syria. Their ultimate objective is to force the world to make an unconscionable choice between Assad and IS.

The regime is everywhere on the march. Early on, the rebels mounted a vigorous resistance, but the much-touted increase in anti-tank weaponry could only delay their losses as their weapons storages, command posts and fall-back positions were being pounded. Around Damascus, the unrelenting Russian pounding has bloodied rebel-held neighborhoods; in December, the strikes killed Zahran Alloush, the commander of the main Islamist militia there. In the south, Russia has fully backed the regime’s offensive in the region of Daraa, possibly debilitating the Southern Front. Rebel groups in Hama and Homs provinces have faced a vicious pounding that has largely neutralized them. Further north, a combination of Assad troops, Iranian Shiite militias, and Russian firepower dislodged the powerful Islamist rebel coalition Jaish Al-Fatah from Latakia province.

But it is the gains around Aleppo that represent the direst threat to the rebellion. One perverse consequence of cutting the Azaz corridor is that it plays into the hands of the al Qaeda-affiliate Jabhat Al-Nusra, since weapons supplies from Turkey would have to go through Idlib, where the jihadist movement is powerful. Idlib may well become the regime’s next target. The now-plausible rebel collapse in the Aleppo region could also send thousands of fighters dejected by their apparent abandonment into the arms of Nusra or IS.

The encirclement of Aleppo would also create a humanitarian disaster of such magnitude that it would eclipse the horrific sieges of Madaya and other stricken regions that have received the world’s (short-lived) attention. Tens of thousands of Aleppo residents are already fleeing toward Kilis, the Turkish town that sits across the border from Azaz. The humanitarian crisis, lest anyone still had any doubt, is a deliberate regime and Russian strategy to clear important areas of problematic residents — while paralyzing rebels, neighboring countries, Western states, and the United Nations.

Assad all along pursued a strategy of gradual escalation and desensitization that, sadly, worked well. Syrians already compare the international outcry and response to the IS’ siege of Kobane in 2014 to the world’s indifference to the current tragedy.

To complicate the situation even more, the regime’s advances could allow the Kurdish-dominated, American-favored Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) to conquer the area currently held by the Free Syrian Army and Islamist militias between the Turkish border and the new regime front line north of the Shiite towns of Nubl and Zahra. This would pit the SDF against IS on two fronts: from the west, if the Kurds of Afrin canton seize Tal Rifaat, Azaz and surrounding areas, and from the east, where the YPG is toying with the idea of crossing the Euphrates River. An IS defeat there would seal the border with Turkey, meeting an important American objective.

The prospect of further Kurdish expansion has already alarmed Turkey. Over the summer, Ankara was hoping to establish a safe zone in this very area. It pressured Jabhat al-Nusra to withdraw and anointed its allies in Syria, including the prominent Islamist group Ahrar al-Sham, as its enforcers. True to its record of calculated dithering, President Barack Obama’s administration let the Turkish proposal hang until it could no longer be implemented. Turkey faces now an agonizing dilemma: watch and do nothing as a storm gathers on its border, or mount a direct intervention into Syria that would inevitably inflame its own Kurdish problem and pit it against both IS and an array of Assad-allied forces, including Russia.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the rebellion’s main supporters, are now bereft of options.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia, the rebellion’s main supporters, are now bereft of options. No amount of weaponry is likely to change the balance of power. The introduction of anti-aircraft missiles was once a viable response against Assad’s air force, but neither country — suspecting that the United States is essentially quiescent to Moscow’s approach — is willing to escalate against President Vladimir Putin without cover.

Ironically, this momentous change in battlefield dynamics is occurring just as U.N. envoy Staffan de Mistura yet again pushes a diplomatic track in Geneva. But the developments on the ground threaten to derail the dapper diplomat’s peace scheme. Fairly or not, de Mistura is tainted by the fact that the United Nations is discredited in the eyes of many Syrians for the problematic entanglements of its Damascus humanitarian arm with the regime. Despite U.N. resolutions, international assistance still does not reach those who need it most; in fact, aid has become yet another instrument of Assad’s warfare. Neither Kerry nor de Mistura are willing to seriously pressure Russia and Assad for fear of jeopardizing the stillborn Geneva talks.

Seemingly unfazed by this controversy, de Mistura’s top-down approach relies this time on an apparent U.S.-Russian convergence. At the heart of this exercise is Washington’s ever-lasting hope that Russian frustration with Assad would somehow translate into a willingness to push him out. However, whether Putin likes his Syrian counterpart has always been immaterial. The Russian president certainly has reservations about Assad, but judging by the conduct of his forces in Chechnya and now in Syria, these are about performance– not humanitarian principles or Assad’s legitimacy. For the time being, Moscow understands that without Assad, there is no regime in Damascus that can legitimize its intervention.

Ever since 2011, the United States has hidden behind the hope of a Russian shift and closed its eyes to Putin’s mischief to avoid the hard choices on Syria. When the Russian onslaught started, U.S. officials like Deputy Secretary of State Tony Blinken predicted a quagmire to justify Washington’s passivity. If Russia’s intervention was doomed to failure, after all, the United States was not on the hook to act.

Russia, however, has been not only been able to increase the tempo of its military operations, but also to justify the mounting cost. And contrary to some pundits, who hailed the Russian intervention as the best chance to check the expansion of IS, Washington knows all too well that the result of the Russian campaign is the strengthening of the jihadist group in central Syria in the short term. This is a price Washington seems willing to pay for the sake of keeping the Geneva process alive.

The bankruptcy of U.S. policy goes deeper. The United States has already conceded key points about Assad’s future — concessions that Russia and the regime have been quick to pocket, while giving nothing in return. In the lead-up to and during the first days of the Geneva talks, it became clear that the United States is putting a lot more pressure on the opposition than it does on Russia, let alone Assad. Just as Russia escalates politically and militarily, the Obama administration is cynically de-escalating, and asking its allies to do so as well. This is weakening rebel groups that rely on supply networks that the U.S. oversees: In the south, the United States has demanded a decrease in weapons deliveries to the Southern Front, while in the north, the Turkey-based operations room is reportedly dormant.

The result is a widespread and understandable feeling of betrayal in the rebellion, whose U.S.-friendly elements are increasingly losing face within opposition circles. This could have the ironic effect of fragmenting the rebellion — after years of Western governments bemoaning the divisions between these very same groups.

It’s understandable for the United States to bank on a political process and urge the Syrian opposition to join this dialogue in good faith. But to do so while exposing the rebellion to the joint Assad-Russia-Iran onslaught and without contingency planning is simply nefarious. Washington seems oblivious to the simple truth that diplomacy has a cost, as does its failure — probably because this cost would carried by the rebellion, for which the United States has little respect or care anyway, and would be inherited by Obama’s successor.

The conditions are in place for a disastrous collapse of the Geneva talks — now delayed until late February — and a painful, bloody year in Syria. All actors understand that Obama, who has resisted any serious engagement in the country, is unlikely to change course now. And they all assume, probably rightly, that he is more interested in the appearance of a process than in spending any political capital over it. As a result, all the parties with a stake in Syria’s future are eyeing 2017, trying to position themselves for the new White House occupant. This guarantees brinksmanship, escalation, and more misery. 2016 is shaping up as the year during which Assad will lock in significant political and military gains.
From the Tehran journalist Sadegh Ghorbani:

#SecKerry reportedly has sent a secret message to #Syrian President Assad in October & said that "the US did not want him to be removed."

Must-Read: #SecKerry quoted as answering to critics of US policy in #Syria: "Wht do u want me 2 do? Go 2 war w Russia? Is that what u want?"

Kerry reportedly said that "it was the (#Syrian) opposition that didn’t want to negotiate and didn’t want a ceasefire, & they walked away."
KSA has suggested about sending Army but they also put so many pre-conditions...Today Iranian Military chief actually considered Saudi statement as Bluff and challenged KSA to send troop.

As soon as Russian planes helping Syrian and Iranian troops, ISIS and USA/KSA/Turkey supported rebels are losing big time.

at least we can see light at the end of tunnel.

Regarding peace talks, rebels actually set pre-condition that syrian army first lift the siege of their controlled cities...
not gonna happen...

Europe has no will to remove Assad..for them he is just another dictator in the region...among so many others.

Obama cannot send troops in his last his policy of training rebels by CIA (and funded by KSA $$) is completed busted...(just recently it was leaked that Obama went against pentagon's strong advice no to train rebels in syria in 2012...but Obama reject that advice :( )

IMO, in this human tragedy, KSA, USA and Turkey are the main culprit...

P.S. I am against all dictators..
Good points!

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Senior Hezbollah commander killed in Damascus.

The man believed to be Hezbollah's most senior military commander in Syria's war has been killed in Damascus.

Mustafa Amine Badreddine died in a large explosion near Damascus airport, the Lebanon-based militant group said in a statement on its al-Manar website.

Hezbollah supports Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and has sent thousands of fighters into Syria.

In 2015, the US said that Badreddine was behind all Hezbollah's military operations in Syria since 2011. The US treasury, which imposed sanctions on Badreddine last July, said at the time he was behind the movement of Hezbollah fighters from Lebanon to Syria, and was in charge of the key battle for the town of al-Qusair in 2013.

Badreddine was also charged with leading the assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri in Beirut in 2005. An initial report by Lebanon's al-Mayadeen TV said that Badreddine, 55, died in an Israeli air strike. But a later statement by Hezbollah on al-Manar's website did not mention Israel.
The Russians really have turned this war on its head and are handing victory to Assad. His forces continue to retake rebel territory.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Syrian uprising’s most famous stronghold is about to fall to Assad’s government<a href=""></a></p>— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) <a href="">26 August 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Even after he supposedly turned over his entire stockpile of chemical weapons three years ago, Bashar Assad is still crossing Barack Obama's "red line," a U.N. investigation has found.

U.S. officials confirmed Wednesday that the probe had determined that the Syrian president and his regime were responsible for at least two cases of the deadly use of chlorine in the Arab country's civil war since 2013. Investigators also blamed the Islamic State terrorist group in an incident involving mustard gas.
The conflict between Turkey and the Kurds seems to be picking up steam. I wonder in whose hand Al-Bab and Manbij will fall in the end.
I wonder why this is still being described as a civil war when there are clearly major world powers who have a stake in this.
I wonder why this is still being described as a civil war when there are clearly major world powers who have a stake in this.

That's what I said in 2014 when it was clear this was a geopolitical war between US/Sauds/Qatar and Assad/Iran.
The Russians really have turned this war on its head and are handing victory to Assad. His forces continue to retake rebel territory.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">The Syrian uprising’s most famous stronghold is about to fall to Assad’s government<a href=""></a></p>— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) <a href="">26 August 2016</a></blockquote> <script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

do we have a map of how much territory he has regained?

I will say this and I have been saying it for a while. Assad will win the war. and saudi will be the biggest loser in the region. I expect a major succession battle within the next decade or two. And that will trigger a internal civil war or major civil strife.

Turkey has now occupied jarablus in the north and is bent on creating a buffer zone to protect its southern flank from kurdish terrorists. ISIS is merely a mirage to hide wider geopolitical games being played. The US is now actively in league with AQ and kurdish terrorists. More groups for it to use in future civil strife if required.

In all of this israel emerges as the winner.
do we have a map of how much territory he has regained?

I will say this and I have been saying it for a while. Assad will win the war. and saudi will be the biggest loser in the region. I expect a major succession battle within the next decade or two. And that will trigger a internal civil war or major civil strife.

Turkey has now occupied jarablus in the north and is bent on creating a buffer zone to protect its southern flank from kurdish terrorists. ISIS is merely a mirage to hide wider geopolitical games being played. The US is now actively in league with AQ and kurdish terrorists. More groups for it to use in future civil strife if required.

In all of this israel emerges as the winner.

What country on earth recognizes YPG as terrorists?
For the first time since 2013, ISIS has no border with NATO
BEIRUT — Turkish troops and Syrian rebels on Sunday pushed the Islamic State out of the remaining stretch of territory the group had controlled along the Turkish-Syrian border, severing the militants’ last access to the outside world.

Since 2013, when the group announced its formation, it has had territory bordering a NATO state — Turkey — but the sweep by Turkish forces and rebels fighting under the umbrella of the Free Syrian Army has brought that to an end.

According to the official Turkish news agency Anadolu, the Turkish army helped Syrian rebel allies secure 57 miles of border territory stretching from the Syrian towns of Azaz and Jarabulus by ejecting the militants from a string of villages on Sunday.

The Islamic State’s defeat in the border area had been inevitable since Turkey dispatched troops and tanks into Syria on Aug. 24 into Syria to support a long-stalled Syrian rebel offensive there, bringing new muscle to the fight.

But their removal from the border nonetheless marks a symbolically important moment in the war against the militants, who had long relied on their access to Turkey for supplies.

Above all, the border had served as the main conduit for the foreign fighters who have swarmed to participate in the militants’ ambitious experiment in Islamic governance, formalized in 2014 into what the group’s leadership termed a caliphate.

The traffic went both ways, and operatives who participated in attacks in Turkey as well as Paris and Belgium had crossed back across the border from Islamic State territory.

At one point the militants controlled towns along a stretch of the border spanning hundreds of miles. But they have been steadily pushed back by the efforts of the different groups working against them, including the Kurds farther east and the Syrian rebels in locations farther west.

The conquest came as President Obama pledged support for Turkey’s stepped-up role in the fight against the militants after meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan at the Group of 20 summit in China.

The Turkish government has made it clear that its incursion into Syria is also intended to prevent Syrian Kurds from expanding the areas under their control. In comments to reporters after meeting Obama, Erdogan reiterated that the Kurds are as much of a target of Turkey’s Syria intervention as the Islamic State.

“Turkey’s fight against all terror organizations including Daesh and YPG will continue with determination,” he said, referring to the Islamic State and the main Syrian Kurdish militia, the People’s Protection Units.

Good to see Turk brothers pushing out these inhuman isis barbarians. Even though this might have something to do with Kurds at least they cut the supply line. Hopefully isis will be defeated soon, the sooner they are defated the sooner world will be able to focus on Assad regime.
US and Russia agree to co-ordinate air strikes against ISIS and for Syrian forces to end operations against certain opposition groups.

Russia and the US have agreed to coordinate air strikes against Islamist militants in Syria, part of a detailed agreement to reduce the violence there.

The plan will begin with a "cessation of hostilities" from sunset on Monday. Syrian forces will end combat missions in specified opposition-held areas.

Russia and the US will then establish a joint centre to combat jihadist groups, including so-called Islamic State (IS).
It's horrific to see what's going on in Syria right now. All sides have blood on their hands meanwhile the average Syrian suffers.

Where will it end?
It's horrific to see what's going on in Syria right now. All sides have blood on their hands meanwhile the average Syrian suffers.

Where will it end?

A Trump Presidency. As crazy as it sounds, Trump reiterated the need to stop fighting Assad/funding rebels and just focus on ISIS while cooperating with Russia.

I think Putin is basically waiting until November 8th to make powerplays against U.S.

Syria is basically the epicenter right now of a proxy war between the two nuclear superpowers and the Sunni/Shia power blocs. Gotta feel for the people in that country.
Boris Johnson is demanding that stop the war protesters go outside the Russian embassy !

Like that's going to make a difference !

This Buffoon should instead do something tangible like cutting off trade or diplomatic ties to really send a message to Putin and his cronies.
Boris Johnson is demanding that stop the war protesters go outside the Russian embassy !

Like that's going to make a difference !

This Buffoon should instead do something tangible like cutting off trade or diplomatic ties to really send a message to Putin and his cronies.

They should get the lorry drivers to go on strike at fuel pumps too
Who needs Russian gas
Syrian government troops now control more than two-thirds of east Aleppo, including the historic Old City.

Over 800 people have died in the last 26 days. Winter is setting in and there are dire shortages of food, medicine and other supplies.
What is the purpose of bombing hospitals ? How is it a legitimate military target ?
Wissam Al Buraki at the age of 41 has moved to Toronto Canada along with his wife and 3 children and he intends to settle in Calgary.

He is free to practice and preach his religion with freedom in the country in which he has just migrated.

His deeds will attract many more.
Syrian government troops now control more than two-thirds of east Aleppo, including the historic Old City.

Over 800 people have died in the last 26 days. Winter is setting in and there are dire shortages of food, medicine and other supplies.

If it is a "final stage", those numbers are actually very very for this time. I doubt those numbers are accurate though.
Apparently Assad is on the verge of regaining control of Aleppo
Ceasefire in Aleppo. All rebels and civilians will be evacuated to west of Aleppo city. Congrats to Assad for capturing ruins. Hopefully western countries won't pay a penny to him. Let the Russians and Iran rebuild the city.
Ceasefire in Aleppo. All rebels and civilians will be evacuated to west of Aleppo city. Congrats to Assad for capturing ruins. Hopefully western countries won't pay a penny to him. Let the Russians and Iran rebuild the city.

We have yet again failed as humans.

Bilal Abdul Karim's exclusive message to Muslim Ummah

There are reports of mass executions by Shia militias. UN is extremely concerned.

No words from Gulf countriess or other Muslim countries, who would be first to cry if this was America or Israel

I was driving on my way back to work when I was hearing the radio reports that civilians were being exectured including women and children by Syrian backed Iranian/Russian forces.

Your last paragraph was the first thing that sprung to mind. The Muslim world has become very hypocritical and the silence on this massacre being perpetrated by Asad's cronies (esp Arab World) has been deafening.
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I was driving on my way back to work when I was hearing the radio reports that civilians were being exectured including women and children by Syrian backed Iranian/Russian forces.

Your last paragraph was the first thing that sprung to mind. The Muslim world has become very hypocritical and the silence on this massacre being perpetrated by Asad's cronies (esp Arab World) has been deafening.

May Allah(swt) destroy all the middle eastern dictators. They are the primary reason Muslims are suffering all around the world.
I was driving on my way back to work when I was hearing the radio reports that civilians were being exectured including women and children by Syrian backed Iranian/Russian forces.

Your last paragraph was the first thing that sprung to mind. The Muslim world has become very hypocritical and the silence on this massacre being perpetrated by Asad's cronies (esp Arab World) has been deafening.

I think we have to be careful of what we hear from sources which are not neutral.

A ceasefire is good for all. Let's hope it sticks.
Been some attacks on social media against the UK's vote not to proceed with air strikes against Assad in 2013 amidst the Aleppo crisis.

This is dangerous historical revisionism. Ed Miliband and the 39 Coalition MPs who voted against Cameron were right. Had we proceeded with air strikes, the black flag of ISIS would be flying over Damascus. These "moderate forces" are a small minority and have been routed by Islamist forces time and again. It may well have triggered a fresh wave of migration of civilians and left a dangerous power vaccum as we've seen in Iraq and Libya with the destruction of central government in Syria.

There is no guarantee air strikes without ground forces would have rolled back Assad's forces. Syria is not Libya. Syria have more sophisticated air defences and SAMs funded by Russia. It would've also led to a huge risk of mission creep. What if a Western jet had been shot down ? Would that lead to war and entry of ground troops in a dangerous battlefield where Hezbollah, Iranian backed Shia militias, Al Nusra, ISIS, Kurdish forces and Syrian govt troops are fighting to the death?

In any event, we managed to disarm Assad of many of his chemical weapons stocks PEACEFULLY through a UN brokered deal.

Some of our MPs really have no understanding of the nuances of foreign policy. The people calling for military intervention now have no monopoly on humanitarian concern for Syrian civilians.
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Let me see, muslims killing muslims. Meh! Nothing to see here, its all good. Call me if israel gets involved so i could give my valuable fatwa.
Been some attacks on social media against the UK's vote not to proceed with air strikes against Assad in 2013 amidst the Aleppo crisis.

This is dangerous historical revisionism. Ed Miliband and the 39 Coalition MPs who voted against Cameron were right. Had we proceeded with air strikes, the black flag of ISIS would be flying over Damascus. These "moderate forces" are a small minority and have been routed by Islamist forces time and again. It may well have triggered a fresh wave of migration of civilians and left a dangerous power vaccum as we've seen in Iraq and Libya with the destruction of central government in Syria.

There is no guarantee air strikes without ground forces would have rolled back Assad's forces. Syria is not Libya. Syria have more sophisticated air defences and SAMs funded by Russia. It would've also led to a huge risk of mission creep. What if a Western jet had been shot down ? Would that lead to war and entry of ground troops in a dangerous battlefield where Hezbollah, Iranian backed Shia militias, Al Nusra, ISIS, Kurdish forces and Syrian govt troops are fighting to the death?

In any event, we managed to disarm Assad of many of his chemical weapons stocks PEACEFULLY through a UN brokered deal.

Some of our MPs really have no understanding of the nuances of foreign policy. The people calling for military intervention now have no monopoly on humanitarian concern for Syrian civilians.

I agree. This situation is no-win for the UK.
عراق کے ایک عالم شیخ محمد رضا شبیبی فرماتے ہیں

الا لیت شعری ما تری روح احمد
اذا طالعتنا من علٍ اواطلّت
و اکبر ظنّی لو اتانا محمد
للاقی الذی لاقاہ من اھل مکۃ
عدلنا عن النور الذی جائنا بہ
کما عدلت عنہ قریش فضّلت
اذن لقضیٰ لا منھج الناس منھجی
ولا ملۃ القوم الاواخر ملّت

ترجمہ: اگر احمد مجتبیٰ ﷺ کی روح عالم بالا سے ہمارے حالات سے واقف ہوجائے یاہمیں جھانک کر دیکھ لے تو معلوم نہیں ہمارے متعلق کیا رائے قائم کرے ۔ میرا ظن غالب ہے کہ محمد ﷺ آج ہمارے پاس تشریف لے آئیں تو آپ کو آج بھی اس قوم کے ہاتھوں اسی قسم کے مصائب اور انکار حق سے دوچار ہونا پڑے گاجس طرح آپ اہل مکہ کے ہاتھوں دو چار ہوئے (کیونکہ ) ہم اس نور حق سے جسے آپ لے کر مبعوث ہوئے تھے اسی طرح روگردانی کر چکے ہیں جس طرح قریش نے اس سے منہ پھیرا تھا۔ اور گمراہی کے گڑھے میں جا پڑے تھے۔ پیغمبر خدا ﷺ ہماری زبوں حالی اور راہ حق سے بیزاری دیکھ کر یقیناًیہ فیصلہ کریں گے کہ لوگ جس ڈگر پر چل رہے ہیں یہ میرا بتایا ہوا راستہ نہیں ہے اور آخری زمانہ کے لوگوں نے جس مذہب کا طوق ڈال رکھاہے وہ میرامذہب ہرگز نہیں ہو سکتا ۔
Been some attacks on social media against the UK's vote not to proceed with air strikes against Assad in 2013 amidst the Aleppo crisis.

This is dangerous historical revisionism. Ed Miliband and the 39 Coalition MPs who voted against Cameron were right. Had we proceeded with air strikes, the black flag of ISIS would be flying over Damascus. These "moderate forces" are a small minority and have been routed by Islamist forces time and again. It may well have triggered a fresh wave of migration of civilians and left a dangerous power vaccum as we've seen in Iraq and Libya with the destruction of central government in Syria.

There is no guarantee air strikes without ground forces would have rolled back Assad's forces. Syria is not Libya. Syria have more sophisticated air defences and SAMs funded by Russia. It would've also led to a huge risk of mission creep. What if a Western jet had been shot down ? Would that lead to war and entry of ground troops in a dangerous battlefield where Hezbollah, Iranian backed Shia militias, Al Nusra, ISIS, Kurdish forces and Syrian govt troops are fighting to the death?

In any event, we managed to disarm Assad of many of his chemical weapons stocks PEACEFULLY through a UN brokered deal.

Some of our MPs really have no understanding of the nuances of foreign policy. The people calling for military intervention now have no monopoly on humanitarian concern for Syrian civilians.

I agree with you that it was the right decision to not get involved in the battle for Syria, but of course the upshot of that is that the Russians DID get involved to an extent which turned the battle decisively. What that means is that Russia is basically the major power now in the middle east.
Let me see, muslims killing muslims. Meh! Nothing to see here, its all good. Call me if israel gets involved so i could give my valuable fatwa.

The Mahdi and Messiah was expected to come at a time of sectarian strife, when Muslim leaders would behave barbarically towards their followers and when the spirituality of Islam would seemed to have disappeared from the Earth (Sahih Bukhari, Kitabul Tafsir and Ibn Babuya, Thawab al-A’mal).

Interestingly, the very return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is also mentioned as a sign that the Mahdi and Messiah would have appeared (Q. 17:105).

In short, the heaven and earth are full of such signs, many among the Muslims are waiting for the return of the Jesus AS of two thousand years ago to address these issues.

Some may wonder what on Earth all this has to do with the current conflict in Syria ?

The two issues are in fact intimately related, for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) made it clear that after the coming of the Mahdi and Messiah, a War of the most horrendous proportions would begin in which the true followers of the Mahdi and Messiah would be spared (Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fitan). This promise is reiterated in the Qur’an (Q. 21:97-105).
The Mahdi and Messiah was expected to come at a time of sectarian strife, when Muslim leaders would behave barbarically towards their followers and when the spirituality of Islam would seemed to have disappeared from the Earth (Sahih Bukhari, Kitabul Tafsir and Ibn Babuya, Thawab al-A’mal).

Interestingly, the very return of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is also mentioned as a sign that the Mahdi and Messiah would have appeared (Q. 17:105).

In short, the heaven and earth are full of such signs, many among the Muslims are waiting for the return of the Jesus AS of two thousand years ago to address these issues.

Some may wonder what on Earth all this has to do with the current conflict in Syria ?

The two issues are in fact intimately related, for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) made it clear that after the coming of the Mahdi and Messiah, a War of the most horrendous proportions would begin in which the true followers of the Mahdi and Messiah would be spared (Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fitan). This promise is reiterated in the Qur’an (Q. 21:97-105).

Thanks for sharing this.
It does look like we are heading towards world war 3.
Some may wonder what on Earth all this has to do with the current conflict in Syria ?

The two issues are in fact intimately related, for the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of God be upon him) made it clear that after the coming of the Mahdi and Messiah, a War of the most horrendous proportions would begin in which the true followers of the Mahdi and Messiah would be spared (Sahih Muslim, Kitab ul Fitan). This promise is reiterated in the Qur’an (Q. 21:97-105).

You mean one side in Syria will have to die? What nonsense. Only reason this war keeps going on is because pampered dictator doesn't want to handover his power. U.S. needs to have permanent bases in both Northern Irsq and Syria. Iran got its chnace to dominate region peacefully and they blew it. Trump should go back in Middle East.
To inflict terror on civilians.

actually thats not entirely true. The hospitals were deliberately targeted so that rebel fighters could not find anywhere to recuperate and tend to their wounded. In a sick way, it actually accelerated the recapture of the city. As for the civilians well nobody has cared about them since the war started. They were used by the west to start the war and now by Assad to finish it.

Moving onto the wider implications of the Aleppo going back to Assad. I said this at the beginning of this war, what did the rebels think was going to happen? What has their so called rebellion achieved? nothing but rubble and misery. Assad maybe a dictator but what made the rebels any better?

this just shows the pathetic state our Muslim world is in. My prayers are with the poor civilians caught up in this mess!!
You mean one side in Syria will have to die? What nonsense. Only reason this war keeps going on is because pampered dictator doesn't want to handover his power. U.S. needs to have permanent bases in both Northern Irsq and Syria. Iran got its chnace to dominate region peacefully and they blew it. Trump should go back in Middle East.

Trump wont go anywhere (at least thats what he says). He doesnt want US to be world police.
Experts are suggesting rise in extremism in syria saying syrians wont forget that the world failed them and the anger of the young people will be exploited.
You mean one side in Syria will have to die? What nonsense. Only reason this war keeps going on is because pampered dictator doesn't want to handover his power. U.S. needs to have permanent bases in both Northern Irsq and Syria. Iran got its chnace to dominate region peacefully and they blew it. Trump should go back in Middle East.

This is a hadith. I am not interpretting it in any way.
actually thats not entirely true. The hospitals were deliberately targeted so that rebel fighters could not find anywhere to recuperate and tend to their wounded. In a sick way, it actually accelerated the recapture of the city. As for the civilians well nobody has cared about them since the war started. They were used by the west to start the war and now by Assad to finish it.

Moving onto the wider implications of the Aleppo going back to Assad. I said this at the beginning of this war, what did the rebels think was going to happen? What has their so called rebellion achieved? nothing but rubble and misery. Assad maybe a dictator but what made the rebels any better?

this just shows the pathetic state our Muslim world is in. My prayers are with the poor civilians caught up in this mess!!

Yep, herein is wisdom @Great Khan.
Syrian Child is reciting holy quran during operation as the facility of anaesthesia is not there.

:'( :'/
I have no love for Jabat Al-Nusra and the various Islamist rebels under the supposed guise of "moderate opposition" but surely this heavy handed approach will only radicalise a generation of young Syrian Sunnis ?

Assad may be faced with a Sunni insurgency for years to come after this. Aleppo may only be the end of the beginning, I don't think this'll end the conflict.
We forget that a minority sect is holding rest of the country hostage....and has been for decades. This a small victory in an unwinable war for the alawhites.... just like sunnis are in an unwinnable position in Iraq. Vast swades of Syria are occupied by Kurds and other forces, this is Afghanistan of the Middleast. One side loses ground, they will retreat and live to fight another day.

The underlying causes of the war need to be addressed. Assad has to step down and a democratic set agreeable to all has to be put in its place. Lebanese system can serve as a template.
I have no love for Jabat Al-Nusra and the various Islamist rebels under the supposed guise of "moderate opposition" but surely this heavy handed approach will only radicalise a generation of young Syrian Sunnis ?

Assad may be faced with a Sunni insurgency for years to come after this. Aleppo may only be the end of the beginning, I don't think this'll end the conflict.

Pretty late to the party bro, Sunni insurgency has been going on since 2011. You just realized Assad is being heavy handed? There would be no Nusra and ISIS in Syria if it wasn't for Assad's heavy handed approach back in 2011. Btw Nusra never pretended to be moderate. "Moderate" rebels recieved anti tank Tow missiles from West. There is no evidence of Nusra ever getting them. They mostly use weapons captured from Assad's army. Nusra controls Idlib province right next to Aleppo province and has been targeted by American drones. Aleppo was the last urban stronghold of western backed rebels and it's gone. Ahrar and JFS/Nusra are the strongest groups in Northern Syria now. They are extremely sectarian and do not depend on Western powers. They will now do whatever they want to do. Unfortunately dark days ahead for civilians and humanity. Thanks to Assad for lending legitimacy to sectarian groups by attacking western backed rebels first.

Btw you might be interested in learning about Assad regime's antics before the war. Here is an article from 2009.
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Al Nusra Commander: “The US is on our side”

The U.S. has supplied with BGM-71 TOW (an American anti-tank missile) and military advisers the Al-Nusra Front, a terrorist organization operating in Syria, according to a Commander of the Jihadist Group in an interview with the German Journal Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

According to the commander, named Abu Al Ezz, Washington is sponsoring this extremist group indirectly, through countries that support the Al Nusra Front. “But we are still not satisfied with this support”, the commander said, because he considers that the Jihadists should be receiving more sophisticated weapons from their “godfathers” to defeat the Syrian government’s forces.

Al Ezz highlighted that the Al Nusra Front “has won battles thanks to the anti-tank missiles. Thanks to those missiles we reached a balance of strength” against the Syrian Army. “The government’s forces have an advantage because they have aircrafts and missile launchers, but now, we have the anti-tank missiles made in the U.S. and the situation, in some areas, is under control”, he said, clarifying that these weapons were “directly destined” to the terrorist organization by the Pentagon.

It’s not only the U.S.

He also mentioned that when the Al Nusra Front was surrounded, they were supported by “officials from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the US”. When asked if the North American military advisers were present in the Jihadist lines, Al Ezz said: “The US is on our side”.

He also said that the terrorist organization has received tanks and multiple rocket launchers shipped from Libya through Turkish territory. The Al-Nusra Front has also received financial support from Washington, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. “The money came from the governments of these states, not from private individuals” he said.

For its part, the US has denied having supported the terrorist group. “We have never provided the Al-Nusra Front any kind of help. We see it as an international terrorist organization affiliated to Al Qaeda and we are after its destruction” said Deputy Spokesman, Mark Toner.

Al Nusra Commander: “The US is on our side”

The U.S. has supplied with BGM-71 TOW (an American anti-tank missile) and military advisers the Al-Nusra Front, a terrorist organization operating in Syria, according to a Commander of the Jihadist Group in an interview with the German Journal Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger.

According to the commander, named Abu Al Ezz, Washington is sponsoring this extremist group indirectly, through countries that support the Al Nusra Front. “But we are still not satisfied with this support”, the commander said, because he considers that the Jihadists should be receiving more sophisticated weapons from their “godfathers” to defeat the Syrian government’s forces.

Al Ezz highlighted that the Al Nusra Front “has won battles thanks to the anti-tank missiles. Thanks to those missiles we reached a balance of strength” against the Syrian Army. “The government’s forces have an advantage because they have aircrafts and missile launchers, but now, we have the anti-tank missiles made in the U.S. and the situation, in some areas, is under control”, he said, clarifying that these weapons were “directly destined” to the terrorist organization by the Pentagon.

It’s not only the U.S.

He also mentioned that when the Al Nusra Front was surrounded, they were supported by “officials from Turkey, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Israel and the US”. When asked if the North American military advisers were present in the Jihadist lines, Al Ezz said: “The US is on our side”.

He also said that the terrorist organization has received tanks and multiple rocket launchers shipped from Libya through Turkish territory. The Al-Nusra Front has also received financial support from Washington, Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait. “The money came from the governments of these states, not from private individuals” he said.

For its part, the US has denied having supported the terrorist group. “We have never provided the Al-Nusra Front any kind of help. We see it as an international terrorist organization affiliated to Al Qaeda and we are after its destruction” said Deputy Spokesman, Mark Toner.


Ever heard of something called credible source? Btw can you post a video of Nusra using Tow missiles. You have been posting conpiracy theories on PP for quite sometime and no body counters it. Nusra's propoganda is anti American and they have attacked American backed rebels. For example early in 2016 they attacked Jaish Tahreer, which is backed by America.
An American drone also killed Nusra's senior leader few months ago. These are just few examples.

If you can believe a Nusra commander supposedly saying this then you should have no problem with believing everything else they claim.
Ever heard of something called credible source? Btw can you post a video of Nusra using Tow missiles. You have been posting conpiracy theories on PP for quite sometime and no body counters it. Nusra's propoganda is anti American and they have attacked American backed rebels. For example early in 2016 they attacked Jaish Tahreer, which is backed by America.
An American drone also killed Nusra's senior leader few months ago. These are just few examples.

If you can believe a Nusra commander supposedly saying this then you should have no problem with believing everything else they claim.

Conspiracy theories? I have been against them from day one. I have said multiple times that this conspiracy hogwash has destroyed Pakistan. Well, this is from a video interview which was conducted by a German newspaper.
Conspiracy theories? I have been against them from day one. I have said multiple times that this conspiracy hogwash has destroyed Pakistan. Well, this is from a video interview which was conducted by a German newspaper.

Link of that German newspaper. Also why you didn't provide the original source in the first place? Perhaps it easier to post link of your favorite sites. :broad Yes it is a conspiracy theory if you believe America has been supplying Nusra front. Usually this kind of non sense is pushed by Putin or Assad. You have not provided a link of Nusra using Tow missiles that were provided to them by America.
Link of that German newspaper. Also why you didn't provide the original source in the first place? Perhaps it easier to post link of your favorite sites. :broad Yes it is a conspiracy theory if you believe America has been supplying Nusra front. Usually this kind of non sense is pushed by Putin or Assad. You have not provided a link of Nusra using Tow missiles that were provided to them by America.

Favorite sites? Dawn is read by many. It is difficult to ascertain all the complexities of this very messy war. Well, the U.S has been publicly against the Al-Nusra Front and it has also blacklisted it. This report came as a surprise. Well, you never to which level the U.S can stoop to,in order to fulfill its agendas.

In all this mess, Syrians are the biggest casualties.

The video on which the report is based on.
Favorite sites? Dawn is read by many. It is difficult to ascertain all the complexities of this very messy war. Well, the U.S has been publicly against the Al-Nusra Front and it has also blacklisted it. This report came as a surprise. Well, you never to which level the U.S can stoop to,in order to fulfill its agendas.

In all this mess, Syrians are the biggest casualties.

The video on which the report is based on.

Are you sure you're not mistaking this dawn site for the Pakistani one? This one is Palestinian and obviously anti Israeli and Anti American. So it will obviously do anything to make America look bad.

As for the video there is no evidence this guy is even from Nusra front. This guy used words like Nusra and daesh. Nusra no longer calls itself Nusra, they changed their name to Jabhat Fatah Sham. I doubt Nusra commander would calling his group Nusra. Also Nusra guys usually call ISIS Tanzeem Dawla, not daesh. It is difficult to figure what is going on but you can't expect me to believe in it without any evidence. America wouldn't be killing Nusra's senior leaders if it was really supporting them. Nusra wouldn't be targeting American backed groups. They might have taken Tow missiles through force or provided by Saudis but there is no evidence of America providing them or media would see Nusra using them a lot. Believing this just because a guy speaking arabic said so is absolutely a conspiracy theory. I went through few other sites claiming the same thing. One site named mint posted a picture of Nusra supposedly using a Tow missile. They forgot to crop out the logo because in the corner it clearly said Barka. That logo is used by ISIS not Nusra. All rebels and terrorist groups in Syria use their names as logo for their videos/pictures.

Russia and Assad has been churning out a lot of propoganda and its unfortunate that people simply believe it without any evidence.
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Are you sure you're not mistaking this dawn site for the Pakistani one? This one is Palestinian and obviously anti Israeli and Anti American. So it will obviously do anything to make America look bad.

As for the video there is no evidence this guy is even from Nusra front. This guy used words like Nusra and daesh. Nusra no longer calls itself Nusra, they changed their name to Jabhat Fatah Sham. I doubt Nusra commander would calling his group Nusra. Also Nusra guys usually call ISIS Tanzeem Dawla, not daesh. It is difficult to figure what is going on but you can't expect me to believe in it without any evidence. America wouldn't be killing Nusra's senior leaders if it was really supporting them. Nusra wouldn't be targeting American backed groups. They might have taken Tow missiles through force or provided by Saudis but there is no evidence of America providing them or media would see Nusra using them a lot. Believing this just because a guy speaking arabic said so is absolutely a conspiracy theory. I went through few other sites claiming the same thing. One site named mint posted a picture of Nusra supposedly using a Tow missile. They forgot to crop out the logo because in the corner it clearly said Barka. That logo is used by ISIS not Nusra. All rebels and terrorist groups in Syria use their names as logo for their videos/pictures.

Russia and Assad has been churning out a lot of propoganda and its unfortunate that people simply believe it without any evidence.

It was before the name change happened. My bad, I mistook it for Pakistani Dawn. You can find the news in other newspapers as well. All the news articles are based on that video taken by a German newspaper. There are German articles on the video.

You proved my point, it is difficult to ascertain the facts in this messy war.
It was before the name change happened. My bad, I mistook it for Pakistani Dawn. You can find the news in other newspapers as well. All the news articles are based on that video taken by a German newspaper. There are German articles on the video.

You proved my point, it is difficult to ascertain the facts in this messy war.

Still his wording tells me he is just a random guy. Exactly it is hard to believe any information coming from there. Blaming America based on gut feelings is not being honest.
Pretty late to the party bro, Sunni insurgency has been going on since 2011. You just realized Assad is being heavy handed? There would be no Nusra and ISIS in Syria if it wasn't for Assad's heavy handed approach back in 2011. Btw Nusra never pretended to be moderate. "Moderate" rebels recieved anti tank Tow missiles from West. There is no evidence of Nusra ever getting them. They mostly use weapons captured from Assad's army. Nusra controls Idlib province right next to Aleppo province and has been targeted by American drones. Aleppo was the last urban stronghold of western backed rebels and it's gone. Ahrar and JFS/Nusra are the strongest groups in Northern Syria now. They are extremely sectarian and do not depend on Western powers. They will now do whatever they want to do. Unfortunately dark days ahead for civilians and humanity. Thanks to Assad for lending legitimacy to sectarian groups by attacking western backed rebels first.

Btw you might be interested in learning about Assad regime's antics before the war. Here is an article from 2009.

No I'm saying the Sunni insurgency will become almost permanent like in Iraq in the future. Aleppo will not be the end of this.

Like we hear of car bombings in Baghdad on an almost weekly basis - this will be the fate of Damascus or other Syrian cities. These actions will do more to radicalise young Sunnis in Syria than anything Al Qaeda or ISIS ever do. Scenes from Aleppo will be repeated in the propaganda videos for years to come.

By adopting such a heavy-handed approach, there is no chance of a peaceful political settlement and unity between Assad and the opposition.
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how independent was she? We saw videos of Iraqi people celebrating the toppling of saddam statue and welcoming arrival of american forces but we all know it was staged for journalist because they were advised or ordered to accompany the army for the sake of their own life.
We see the destruction of the city that can only be caused by relentless bombing. A military operation must be careful and strategically planned otherwise they can always ask russia to drop an atomic bomb,there is no need for manpower.
here is an article refuting her statements
how independent was she? We saw videos of Iraqi people celebrating the toppling of saddam statue and welcoming arrival of american forces but we all know it was staged for journalist because they were advised or ordered to accompany the army for the sake of their own life.
We see the destruction of the city that can only be caused by relentless bombing. A military operation must be careful and strategically planned otherwise they can always ask russia to drop an atomic bomb,there is no need for manpower.
here is an article refuting her statements

Pretty sure everyone is on the PR fight on this but i think we both have an idea how the west has "staged" such adventures,anyhow anyone deserves to voice their opinion and counter-opinions on the same.
We forget that a minority sect is holding rest of the country hostage....and has been for decades. This a small victory in an unwinable war for the alawhites.... just like sunnis are in an unwinnable position in Iraq. Vast swades of Syria are occupied by Kurds and other forces, this is Afghanistan of the Middleast. One side loses ground, they will retreat and live to fight another day.

The underlying causes of the war need to be addressed. Assad has to step down and a democratic set agreeable to all has to be put in its place. Lebanese system can serve as a template.

Syria still has a "democracy" which is still million times better than GCC countries.

Syria may not win for long time (as USA/EU/KSA/Qatar/Turkey supporting the "rebels/terrorist") but it will not Russia/Iran and Iraq are with Syria.

2014 was better than 2013...and 2015 was lot better than 2014...and with recent wins against anti-state forces (rebels/terrorist) I see a clear path for assad ..
Ever heard of something called credible source? Btw can you post a video of Nusra using Tow missiles. You have been posting conpiracy theories on PP for quite sometime and no body counters it. Nusra's propoganda is anti American and they have attacked American backed rebels. For example early in 2016 they attacked Jaish Tahreer, which is backed by America.
An American drone also killed Nusra's senior leader few months ago. These are just few examples.

If you can believe a Nusra commander supposedly saying this then you should have no problem with believing everything else they claim.

No I'm saying the Sunni insurgency will become almost permanent like in Iraq in the future. Aleppo will not be the end of this.

Like we hear of car bombings in Baghdad on an almost weekly basis - this will be the fate of Damascus or other Syrian cities. These actions will do more to radicalise young Sunnis in Syria than anything Al Qaeda or ISIS ever do. Scenes from Aleppo will be repeated in the propaganda videos for years to come.

By adopting such a heavy-handed approach, there is no chance of a peaceful political settlement and unity between Assad and the opposition.

It's already much worse than Iraq. RT and other government sites propogate as if it is some kind of safe heaven. More than half million dead just because a dictator want to stay in power. But I agree Syria will be internally divided. Iranian and Hezbollah Image will take a hit. Hopefully I will see Israel cleaning some garbage in South Lebanon.
It's already much worse than Iraq. RT and other government sites propogate as if it is some kind of safe heaven. More than half million dead just because a dictator want to stay in power. But I agree Syria will be internally divided. Iranian and Hezbollah Image will take a hit. Hopefully I will see Israel cleaning some garbage in South Lebanon.

Maybe in some parallel universe...

In this world, profile of Iran is on rise...

Within few years, KSA will have no money to fund Terrorist/Rebels...and no way for Qatar's gas to reach EU.

on a short term, winners are Assad, Putin and Iran (and KSA, Qatar, USA are the losers)
and long term, Iran will be the winner...

(Not certain about Turkey though)
Information is scant really on the makeup of the Syrian army...what we essentially do know is they are armed by Russia who lead strikes...but how many of them are actually Syrians?...

This has become a full out proxy war from the Syrian side...the Iranians control the military....many of the soldiers are Iranians, Hezbollah are there as are Shia-Iraqi militias and Fatimids from Afghanistan...not quite sure tbh on how many Syrians are actually fighting for Assad or even if we can refer to this as HIS sovereign is Syria still?...

Explains some of the veracity by which massacres are being carried out since it appears to becoming increasingly sectarian...

Whilst Assad and his allies are being rightly condemned for the conduct of this war...there is of course a proxy war being fought in general...

Who arms the opposition?'s the Gulf states and Turkey...

Syrians just happen to be in the way...this war has very little to do with Syria or Syrians...
Information is scant really on the makeup of the Syrian army...what we essentially do know is they are armed by Russia who lead strikes...but how many of them are actually Syrians?...

This has become a full out proxy war from the Syrian side...the Iranians control the military....many of the soldiers are Iranians, Hezbollah are there as are Shia-Iraqi militias and Fatimids from Afghanistan...not quite sure tbh on how many Syrians are actually fighting for Assad or even if we can refer to this as HIS sovereign is Syria still

Just go through the social accounts of militias fighting in Syria. They post plenty of information about their antics. There are Pakistani Shias too in Syria and they have their own brigade named Zainabiyoun. This group has a YouTube channel too but content is mostly fasri nohay encourging people to fight for Zainab(as) in Syria.

As for the sovereignty, Qassem Soleimani visiting Aleppo before Assad, Israel bombing targets around Damascus at will and America striking Assad's troops around Deir Ezzor should give you a good idea.
The question here is who will blink first, the west or Russia. Russian economy is on the blink of collapse and being asphyxiated by sanctions and low oil prices while the west is seeing a rise in extreme-right russian cronies. All is not yet played in Syria and Ukraine, even more so if there is a second round through the kurds.
USA and other western states have been backing these Rebels who are actually just groups of extremist terrorist groups looking to topple to current pro democratic government to put into place their own regime.

This fits the bill perfectly for the West as they are sick of Assad's non cooperation with their interests and Syria's support for Western enemies Iran and Russia.

Personally I don't support either side as they both have blood on their hands however I do notice how the western media painted it as the city is about to be massacred even though death toll has been confirmed to be 84 people according to the United Nations.. BTW there was no mainstream media on the ground in Aleppo this whole time except for Russia Today.

I also find it interesting that there were bunch of videos posted in Aleppo saying their final goodbyes almost like a social media campaign created to sway public opinion, meanwhile there is no electricity food or water "aerial bombs remember". But apparently they still have beautiful 4G internet.

I think the powers-that-be (USA, Saudis) are worried sick that their "rebels" will be exposed as mercenaries and ex Militant, who have been carrying out their own atrocities..

In my opinion none of these governments taking part care about the people, it's all a power struggle to take control and exploit an area rich in minerals.

if you are interested in reading more about it then look up the gas pipe projects put forth by two separate alliances a few years ago which would basically run through Syria and supply the whole of Europe.. surprise surprise the first alliance is USA, Qatar and Saudi Arabia while the competing alliance is Syria, Iran and Russia..

This is simply a proxy war where greedy corporate interests alone have caused this mess by taking advantage of idiotic extremists who think they are doing the work of god while in reality they are doing the bidding of the West.

On a personal note i know many many Syrians and all support Assad no matter what sect they are from, they hate these militants who have taken over the country whether it be ISIS or Al Nusra or anyone else a part of the rebel movement.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">A message of hope to the children affected by the conflict in Syria. <a href="">@SavetheChildren</a> <a href=""></a></p>— Cristiano Ronaldo (@Cristiano) <a href="">December 23, 2016</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>
Saudi Arabia attacking sovereign Yemen was a Terrorist Act.

No justification at all.

The war crimes Saudi Arabia are carrying out in Yemen are similar to the war crimes Assad has carried out against his own people. Yet whilst the world goes mad at Assad (and rightly so) the silence is deafening when it comes to Saudi Arabia's actions in Yemen.