The Middle East Crisis

In short...

There are legitimate grievances with Assad and there were legitimate protests against Assad...

However things got under control due to strong arm tactics by Assad and the fact that the Gulf and Turkey armed factions of the opposition...the armed opposition ended up hijacking what was a legitimate protest and transformed it into a civil conflict...

The purpose for arming the rebels was not for the rebels to win...but simply to destabilise the Iranian ally...

Whatever some on here say there are very few supporters of Assad...what is being stated is that the rebels and likes of Al Nusrah front do not represent the masses...neither does Assad...but a war is being fought by the Gulf through its proxy at the expense of the Syrians...

Neither side is interested in fighting a clean war...althought the like of UmarAkmalFan would have you believe otherwise...civilians are being murdered on all sides...and are being actively targeted by both sides...

Its a barbaric conflict which one side is trying to present as some kind of just revolution...

Reminds of the iran-iraq war
Unfortunately some of the videos posted above are not implying what the posters are trying to do. For example, in one of the videos the subtitle is suggesting that "... the solider is abusing the old man and now he is abusing Allah..." I do not think the Arabic voice is suggesting anything like this. Can another Arabic speaker see this video and confirm that????

Also, the videos above do not suggest that the abusers are Assad or Hezbollah, at least the one I have seen in this thread. I am not saying that Syrian Army or Hezbollah are not or can not commit attoricties. At least the evidence posted above is not suggesting that.
Thanks for the information guys. So do you think the West/UN will intervene again and is there an argument for this idea?
By the way anyone who describes this as a civil war doesnt know what he's talking about. And there quite few on this thread.

This is a genocide. By a minority alwaite ruler against the majority of the country. 100k dead. 5 million displaced. thousands injured and many missing.

There is not even a moral equivalency between both sides.

When you send war planes to bomb cities mossques schools and bakeries you automatically forfeit your right as a ruler.

I have a funny thing to share with you. You know how the shias always like to go on about yazeed and imam hussein RA rebellion against a tyrant? Well its so hilarious that the shia support of bashar has made a complete mockery of their so called history. Irony at its finest
What drivel...but not unusual drivel...

Israel supporting Assad and Hezbollah...please do try and substantiate that fairy tale...

If you haven't noticed...the Gulf has forever supported Israel and it is their support and arms that is helping the rebels...the Israeli's are enjoying everything...the rift between Hamas and Hezbollah...the weakening of Iran and Lebanon...the destruction of Syria...

If your going to make up stories at least try and make them somewhat credible...

indeed israel is enjoying it.

watching hezbollah pouring into syria to kill syrians in their own country.

at least this shia has some shame

saudi sent army/police to crush shia revolt in behrain....please ask ksa and gce countries to send police/army in syria

feel sorry for innocent victims...

but i am amazed on shameless hypocrites
Thanks for the information guys. So do you think the West/UN will intervene again and is there an argument for this idea?

The reason behind intervention in Libya was because the rebels there were small in number and were getting crushed...the Jamariya had retaken control in every area other than was a consensus view that Benghazi would fall quickly also hence the intervention...

The difference here is the rebels are actually doing a good job...they have more support than the rebels did in Libya and are more competent as a fighting force...there is no need to intervene while their proxy stays competitive...

saudi sent army/police to crush shia revolt in behrain....please ask ksa and gce countries to send police/army in syria

feel sorry for innocent victims...

but i am amazed on shameless hypocrites

Well they have sent arms and support to the rebels...the difference in Bahrain is the regime is actually an ally...the rebels in Syria are dispensable proxy whose lives are meaningless to the Saudi regime...
Some of the comments written above are simply despicable and unwarranted. This conflict should not be seen as fight between Sunni and Shia Islam. How much efforts did Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Western Countries have put together to help Palestanians?? Last time I checked they are all Sunni Muslims. I don't know why the plight of People in Syria required such efforts that everyone is willing to send money and weapons to help those fighting in Syria. The fact is that this support to certain groups in Syria is only to end the influence of Iran on Syria and Hezbollah. This fact is very clear.

On the other hand Hezbollah and Iran are helping Assad regime as they perceive him a key support for Hezollah in Lebanan. I think it was a mistake on Hezbollah to fight along with Assad and it's troops. There is no question Syrian Army has been involved in criminal acts against civilians. Certainly, they are not gaining any support in the country with such acts. The fact is that majority of the people in that country is against the current president and Assad wants to hang on to the power by every means. Ideally, Assad's neighbors and other Arab countries should have pressed for elections and not sending fighters in that country. This act have paved way for Hezbollah to send its fighters in that country as well.
Some of the comments written above are simply despicable and unwarranted. This conflict should not be seen as fight between Sunni and Shia Islam. How much efforts did Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Western Countries have put together to help Palestanians?? Last time I checked they are all Sunni Muslims. I don't know why the plight of People in Syria required such efforts that everyone is willing to send money and weapons to help those fighting in Syria. The fact is that this support to certain groups in Syria is only to end the influence of Iran on Syria and Hezbollah. This fact is very clear.

On the other hand Hezbollah and Iran are helping Assad regime as they perceive him a key support for Hezollah in Lebanan. I think it was a mistake on Hezbollah to fight along with Assad and it's troops. There is no question Syrian Army has been involved in criminal acts against civilians. Certainly, they are not gaining any support in the country with such acts. The fact is that majority of the people in that country is against the current president and Assad wants to hang on to the power by every means. Ideally, Assad's neighbors and other Arab countries should have pressed for elections and not sending fighters in that country. This act have paved way for Hezbollah to send its fighters in that country as well.

Lol Palestinians are insignificant just as the Rohingya are and the many Muslims who suffer around the world...

And Syrian lives are also insignificant...arms are not being provided to save Syrian lives but to prolong a conflict...there is no interest in bringing about a peace and no interest in the livelihood of Syrians...keep them fighting, keep them dying...a perpetual conflict is precisely what the Gulf frankly the value of Syrian lives and even its proxy is just as worthless as other Muslims...creation of a civil conflict was the aim not simply the result...

Neither side is gaining any credit...neither has shown any respect for civilian life...
Lol Palestinians are insignificant just as the Rohingya are and the many Muslims who suffer around the world...

And Syrian lives are also insignificant...arms are not being provided to save Syrian lives but to prolong a conflict...there is no interest in bringing about a peace and no interest in the livelihood of Syrians...keep them fighting, keep them dying...a perpetual conflict is precisely what the Gulf frankly the value of Syrian lives and even its proxy is just as worthless as other Muslims...creation of a civil conflict was the aim not simply the result...

Neither side is gaining any credit...neither has shown any respect for civilian life...

I don't have issue with your comment apart from the last sentance.

While i agree the rebels are not one monolithic group and therefore difficult to analyse - it is quite clear when dividing the syria conflict including the proxy participants that the majority group of civilians i.e. sunnis - are being slaughtered and attacked at a much higher level. In fact i can't really tell you about any widespread massacres for any alawite village yet there are plenty of well documented massacres of many sunni villagers by the assad side.

It is a case of a minority group oppressing the majority population and even if they were justified in using strong action (which they are not) - they are collectively punishing whole cities and towns. Jabhat alnusra didnt appear on the scene in any aignificant form until relitively late in the rebellion. Anyone can check their past youtube video collection to show how lack of western and in particular US action, has bought more ofthe local sunni side to at least tolerate the likes of jabhat more than they would have before.

It's quite clear for any neutral observer, Assad and his bamd has gone beyond all limits - it is worse in this case because he is from a minority group - which has oppressed and punished the majority collectively. No good people can just stand by and watch such devastation and evil on innocent people, especially the neighbours.

It just shows, none of the neighbours come out of this looking good, aside from maybe Turkey who have perhaps shown too much restraint in their actions aginst Assad (being bobmed, having fighter jets shot down, syrian regime shells landing in turkish villages etc)
Thanks for the information guys. So do you think the West/UN will intervene again and is there an argument for this idea?

Things are currently reaching a boiling point in terms of US intervention. Senator McCain has recently met with rebel groups in syria, just last week.

Russia seem to be going all in, as are hezbollah and Iran (and malikis Iraq by extension) - all in support of Assad

the gulf sunni kingdoms of saudi and qatar and also sunni turkey in the north all support the rebels but have been restricted in helping the rebels with game changing weapons i.e. MANPADS by the USA and by extension Israel - who are the real wildcard in all of this.

I would argue, it has long been in the wests interest to intervene in this war/conflict long before it reached this point - for their own national security. Obamas recent comments on drone attacks had some coded message relating to this conflict too.

If the west had intervened, or at least allowed the sunnis to fully arm the moderate groups in Syria even without MANPADS, conflict would have probably been over by now - you'd probably would have had a more tolerant less islamist (perhaps pro western) government and would have dented Iran and evenRussia to a lesser extent.

The current long fight favours Israel as hezbollah are taking a hit as are iran. But recently, and especially with russia promising s-300 weapons system and eu lifting arm embargo. And with rebels seemingly on the brink of defeat in key town of qusair - things have looked like they have turned if only slightly - If the Assad side does take qusair, it will mean a big win for Assad, Iran, Hezbollah and Russia (with their port in tartous). so that why i beleive it finally looks like US and maybe UK/France might finally intervene.

They wont supply manpads but will give other advanced weapons to some of the groups to bring Assad down or maybe prolong the fight if Russia fulfill their promise of new weapons too.

In the end, the Syrian sunnis will suffer most and we probably will see repraisal attacks against shia both in lebanon and iran much further down the line.
Nice interesting thread. But I dont understand why is this being seen as a case of Alawaite minority oppressing Sunni majority ?

Isnt the Syrian National Army predominantly Sunni as well ? Or is Assad using an exclusive Shia Army to fight against Sunni rebels and massacare Sunni Villages ?

Is Assad so powerful that he is killing Sunnis people / rebels through the predominantly Sunni National Army ? I dont believe that the Sunni Armymen would go on to butcher there own people on the orders of an Alawaite Leader.

If that is the case then I dont understand why is the National Army so loyal to Assad ? There should have been a rebellion against Assad by the Army , atleast by the Predominantly Sunni armymen.
Nice interesting thread. But I dont understand why is this being seen as a case of Alawaite minority oppressing Sunni majority ?

Isnt the Syrian National Army predominantly Sunni as well ? Or is Assad using an exclusive Shia Army to fight against Sunni rebels and massacare Sunni Villages ?

Is Assad so powerful that he is killing Sunnis people / rebels through the predominantly Sunni National Army ? I dont believe that the Sunni Armymen would go on to butcher there own people on the orders of an Alawaite Leader.

If that is the case then I dont understand why is the National Army so loyal to Assad ? There should have been a rebellion against Assad by the Army , atleast by the Predominantly Sunni armymen.

Well, you've sort of summed up what actually happened with your questions. The defections from the army have taken place, others are compelled and yet others are kept in the dark and held up in barracks or shot/tortured by the Alawite generals.

The war has turned very secterian especially in recent months with more and more outsiders from sunni and shia based countries entering the fray.

Regarding the defection from the army, while solving some of the problem, it has also caused some other problems for the so called "FSA" free syrian army which consists of many former army SAA - Syrian Arab Army soldiers. The truth is many of these soldiers are not in it for 'freedom, democracy or even islamism' - They are fighting to steal and make money. Extorting money from civilians under the guise of the FSA. That's why most of the successes on the ground from the rebel side, have come from Islamist battalions - like the alqaeeda linked Jabhat alnusra and the salafist linked Ahrar alsham. It is also fair to say these islamist battalions have backers to provide them weapons and resources from elsewhere (jabhat obviously from alqaeeda in iraq, and ahrar probably from individual wealthy donors from the gulf)

The first and only provincial capital "liberated" fully so far is Raqqa. And what is going there now is really interesting, as it was liberated by Islamists (ahrar al sham with help from jabhat al nusra). so the islamists are running the city and providing services and there are also protests (peaceful) from democracy supporters - but what is surprising is the level of tolerance and order so far in this place. It basically is turning out SO FAR as a decent argument for islamist rule.

The SNC which is the stand in political group recently had a meeting in istanbul chaired with other gulf states and US. which now seems to give the green light for FSA support on the ground. Whether this will translate to liberated cities under The more secular FSA remains to be seen. But the way things are going, its either going to be Shia militia winning and causing many massacres on sunni, islamists, alqeeda-jabhat or the FSA backed by SNC. Under all those groups i see most stability under the FSA scenario, although getting there will be hard. While the islamists havn't really done anything majorly wrong so far and trying to win hearts and minds - I just can't see the western powers and Israel allowing it to prosper peacefully without drone attacks etc.
Fascinating reading, much appreciated.

My feeling with the civil war/sectarian violence and evidence of nerve gas deployment is that there's actually a strong argument for Western intervention - but the shameful ghosts of Blair, Bush and Iraq have made the West unusually hesitant.
The bloosthirsty syrian army who murder children and rape women in front of their husbands are now entirely full of alwaites. The Suunis have defected and the ones that havent are in barracks in damascus with the threat of death on them.

Why do you think Assad is asking hezbollah and iran for men? he doesnt have an army anymore.

He lost half the country because he doesnt have enough man power.

saudi sent army/police to crush shia revolt in behrain....please ask ksa and gce countries to send police/army in syria

feel sorry for innocent victims...

but i am amazed on shameless hypocrites

please. save the crocodile tears for yourself. The bahrainis never sent migs and tanks on to houses of people. they didnt rape women or kill children with knives.

bring something that compares to what assad has done

In case you are wondering what we are dealing with i have it here

That's what's happening in syria on daily basis. Thats how far shias of syria are willing to go.

This is what iran hezbollah russia and china support.

The americans brits the gulf and turkey are just useless wimps. The syrians have to free themselves like how they freed raqqa. Depending on the west? Remember bosnia? deja vu?
please. save the crocodile tears for yourself. The bahrainis never sent migs and tanks on to houses of people. they didnt rape women or kill children with knives.

bring something that compares to what assad has done

In case you are wondering what we are dealing with i have it here

That's what's happening in syria on daily basis. Thats how far shias of syria are willing to go.

This is what iran hezbollah russia and china support.

The americans brits the gulf and turkey are just useless wimps. The syrians have to free themselves like how they freed raqqa. Depending on the west? Remember bosnia? deja vu?

no tears at my end...i am just spectator... (no sympathy for any sunni or shia living in islamic world, they are their worst enemies)

however i enjoy the hypocrisy of people like you...

Iraq was rulled by a sunni for decades...with the support of GCE kings and west...
Saddam used Chemical Weapons against such noise in Sunni world...
Terrorists killing shias in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq in day out ...(just recently Shias in Iraq started to respond....still too little)

Abdullah and Husni begged Assad (few years back) to leave irani camp and join them...Assad refused...

Abdullah sent his resources (uae did the same) to curb the revolt in behrain)...why a minority ruling a majority?

Abdullah tried his best and supported husni to the end...against a public support...

Abdullah supported hamas in election and hamas declared hazb-o-llah "kafir" during election campaign... (Palestinian are sunnis...why iran and hazb-e-llah helping them...while gce are doing lip service)

IF iran today becomes usa' and israel's ally (just like ksa/kuwait/qatar/oman/uae), we will see a free arab world in less than ten years...

Abdullah begged israel (as per israeli newspaper) to attack iran :)

why not ksa just attack iran directly (iran is in financial mess and vulnerable)..why causing so much misery by fighting a proxy war?

no one is with chance for abdullah...can he do this?

but he cannot as it would be a catch-22 for Arab world...
even if iran loses...still it would be an end of arab kingdoms...
I don't have issue with your comment apart from the last sentance.

While i agree the rebels are not one monolithic group and therefore difficult to analyse - it is quite clear when dividing the syria conflict including the proxy participants that the majority group of civilians i.e. sunnis - are being slaughtered and attacked at a much higher level. In fact i can't really tell you about any widespread massacres for any alawite village yet there are plenty of well documented massacres of many sunni villagers by the assad side.

It is a case of a minority group oppressing the majority population and even if they were justified in using strong action (which they are not) - they are collectively punishing whole cities and towns. Jabhat alnusra didnt appear on the scene in any aignificant form until relitively late in the rebellion. Anyone can check their past youtube video collection to show how lack of western and in particular US action, has bought more ofthe local sunni side to at least tolerate the likes of jabhat more than they would have before.

It's quite clear for any neutral observer, Assad and his bamd has gone beyond all limits - it is worse in this case because he is from a minority group - which has oppressed and punished the majority collectively. No good people can just stand by and watch such devastation and evil on innocent people, especially the neighbours.

It just shows, none of the neighbours come out of this looking good, aside from maybe Turkey who have perhaps shown too much restraint in their actions aginst Assad (being bobmed, having fighter jets shot down, syrian regime shells landing in turkish villages etc)

Sunnis are the majority hence they are being killed often by other Sunnis who form the majority of the Syrian army...the sectarian angle is being overdone frankly...

Hizbollah's unity with Assad is somewhat sectarian...but not cos of unity with Assad or cos they are shia cos Assad isn't considered shia or Muslim by sunnis or shia...but the simple fact that an MB or Al Nusrah victory does not bode well for them...

I agree Assad has gone beyond limits but the underlying point remains that NEITHER side is interested in fighting a clean war...the presentation however is different...
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no tears at my end...i am just spectator... (no sympathy for any sunni or shia living in islamic world, they are their worst enemies)

however i enjoy the hypocrisy of people like you...

Iraq was rulled by a sunni for decades...with the support of GCE kings and west...
Saddam used Chemical Weapons against such noise in Sunni world...
Terrorists killing shias in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq in day out ...(just recently Shias in Iraq started to respond....still too little)

Abdullah and Husni begged Assad (few years back) to leave irani camp and join them...Assad refused...

Abdullah sent his resources (uae did the same) to curb the revolt in behrain)...why a minority ruling a majority?

Abdullah tried his best and supported husni to the end...against a public support...

Abdullah supported hamas in election and hamas declared hazb-o-llah "kafir" during election campaign... (Palestinian are sunnis...why iran and hazb-e-llah helping them...while gce are doing lip service)

IF iran today becomes usa' and israel's ally (just like ksa/kuwait/qatar/oman/uae), we will see a free arab world in less than ten years...

Abdullah begged israel (as per israeli newspaper) to attack iran :)

why not ksa just attack iran directly (iran is in financial mess and vulnerable)..why causing so much misery by fighting a proxy war?

no one is with chance for abdullah...can he do this?

but he cannot as it would be a catch-22 for Arab world...
even if iran loses...still it would be an end of arab kingdoms...

What you're forgetting in all this is the huge support iran recieved from israel during the iraq war

What you're forgetting in all this is assad isn't shia or muslim ,he's an alawite heretic
Fascinating reading, much appreciated.

My feeling with the civil war/sectarian violence and evidence of nerve gas deployment is that there's actually a strong argument for Western intervention - but the shameful ghosts of Blair, Bush and Iraq have made the West unusually hesitant.

Plus which, the US and UK are currently skint.

Syria has a modern integrated air defence network. Dismantling it would be extremely expensive in terms of human resources and munitions. Add to that the massive humanitarian cost when their power, communications, water and medical infrastructure is broken down.

And our adventure in Iraq suggests that the geopolitical outcome will be bad anyway.
Syrian Civil War

Any vulgar pictures or videos that are posted on PakPassion will be removed along with the immediate banning of the poster.

The ongoing fighting may not be civilized, but no need to bring it over to Time Pass.
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Sunnis are the majority hence they are being killed often by other Sunnis who form the majority of the Syrian army...the sectarian angle is being overdone frankly...

Hizbollah's unity with Assad is somewhat sectarian...but not cos of unity with Assad or cos they are shia cos Assad isn't considered shia or Muslim by sunnis or shia...but the simple fact that an MB or Al Nusrah victory does not bode well for them...

I agree Assad has gone beyond limits but the underlying point remains that NEITHER side is interested in fighting a clean war...the presentation however is different...
Sorry but this analysis of yours, seems to belie the actual facts on the ground which are currently taking place. just do a simple google search on Nasrallah - hezbollah leaders last speech. He now openly admits to fighting for regime. 10k shia from iraq, yemen, lebenon and elsewhere have pledged to fight to save the sayidah zainab shrine.

if you have not seen this, it shows you are not well informed, even MSM are reporting this, so i cant see any reason someone would deny it unless they had secterian motives themselves.
Plus which, the US and UK are currently skint.

Syria has a modern integrated air defence network. Dismantling it would be extremely expensive in terms of human resources and munitions. Add to that the massive humanitarian cost when their power, communications, water and medical infrastructure is broken down.

And our adventure in Iraq suggests that the geopolitical outcome will be bad anyway.

This was a war, which the western powers could have taken part albeit as proxy parties as the gulf sunni states were more than happy to fork up the bill. In fact economies could have benefitted greatly - like the russians have by selling arms to the syrian regime.

There would be no need for soldiers as plenty of FSA (moderates) former sunni army fighters would have been willing to take up arms.

Plus, the reason why France/UK/USA all of a sudden seem so keen on taking action is not due to the lives of 100k already lost or thousands/millions displaced or the use of chemical weapons - but rather due to the growing threat of Iran/Hizb/Shia millitia/Russia power shift. not only does it threaten Israel and their future plans to bomb iran nucleur sites. there's been tension growing for a long time now in the relationship between UK/France vs Russia. Putin has several times snubbed them diplomatically and other times in more open ways.this is building up, and if the west acts now - even though it "has been late coming"- as kerry said today, it can deal a sevear blow to Russian ambitions in the region, and still leave itself in favour with any future moderate syrian government which will obviously be strongly anti-russian without doubt.

IMO, the west had a choice at the beginning of this conflict to act. It was a choice between two bad scenarios - which made it difficult to choose. But now after all the reasons both economical and moral as well as considering the clear geo-political aims of all proxy parties - the choice is much easier now - even if it is a case of two very bad scnarios - one scenario is still much better than the other in both short term and long term.

Supporting rebels now brings a negative of the possible unknown - but not doing anything which is the other option still allows the status quo to contine. And also brings about other negatives which will happen in the first scenario anyway i.e. jihadist being trained and experianced there but also a much bigger negative impact on all the pro-western governments there i.e. Israel, Saudi Arbia, Qatar, Jordan and Turkey. plus all 'enemy' type states Iran and Assad Regime and hezbullah all greatly benefit in that scenario. russia becomes stronger while weakening geo-political influence of the western states. Option of arming (moderate) rebels is still the best option even if it comes with great dangers.

syrian so called air defence is just an excuse and was frankly used as an excuse to do nothing. Israel showed in one go what it could do, just a few weeks back striking at the heart of Assads power.

A war involving the western powers at least more willing to act directly now - rather than through Saudi,Qatar, Jordan and Turkey looks distinctly on the horizon now. the MSM are now being fed the stories about Sarin and chemical weapons etc so that action of supplying weapons can be justified to the tax paying phblic. But there is little doubt now and the Russians know it as do others. there's been a whole lot of signs of impending arming of rebels from the lifting of EU arms embargo, to the closing of Jordan border to the staging of "peace" negotions in Istanbul and Geneva....along with the host of other signs showing the intentions of western nations to do significantly more to help the rebels with arms. A batch of Patriot missles and F16 are heading to Jordan now. In the North the Turks have been drumming up action more so in recent weeks where NATO patriot missiles are a
Ready deployed.. Expect a no fly zone to be anounced in the coming months in both the north and south and then expect sunni FSA rebels to be armed to the teeth either with Croation weapons (which have unique ammo) - therefore can restricted in access or in a less likely scenario by western weapons - alThough that would make more financial sense. The Gulf states of qatar and Saudi Arabia have already forked out the bill and have warehouses full of weapons in Turkey and Jordan but have not been allowed to give to the rebels yet (due to the rebels disorganised state and infighting).

Russia and Israel are other parties in this which can cause significant changes to any future plans with their ability to conduct and influence action of the ground - so things could still go into the unknown. on the other side you have extremist alqaeeda linked rebels who may throw a spanner in the works and may even fight the more moderate sunni FSA unites once they start making progress with western/croat weapons.
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Sorry but this analysis of yours, seems to belie the actual facts on the ground which are currently taking place. just do a simple google search on Nasrallah - hezbollah leaders last speech. He now openly admits to fighting for regime. 10k shia from iraq, yemen, lebenon and elsewhere have pledged to fight to save the sayidah zainab shrine.

if you have not seen this, it shows you are not well informed, even MSM are reporting this, so i cant see any reason someone would deny it unless they had secterian motives themselves.

You talking about the speech where he says:

Mr Hasrallah said if Sunni Islamists took over in Syria, they would pose a threat to the entire Lebanese population - Shia and Sunni Muslims, as well as Christians.

He said his movement could never be aligned with Syrian rebels who, in his view, were supported by the United States and Israel.

I don't see how this disagrees with what I have written...a MB or Jabat Al Nusra win would be a disaster for Hezbollah and Iran...hence why they have a very clear reason for fighting in this has nothing to do with protecting Alawiites or Bashar but protecting against the possibility of an anti Shia government...

My point about sectarianism being overstated is the link to Bashar as if he is in the Shia camp...he isn't and the majority of his army are not Alawiite's either...this isn't saying that a rebel victory won't have serious implications sectarian wise in the region however...of course it will...
You talking about the speech where he says:

Mr Hasrallah said if Sunni Islamists took over in Syria, they would pose a threat to the entire Lebanese population - Shia and Sunni Muslims, as well as Christians.

He said his movement could never be aligned with Syrian rebels who, in his view, were supported by the United States and Israel.

I don't see how this disagrees with what I have written...a MB or Jabat Al Nusra win would be a disaster for Hezbollah and Iran...hence why they have a very clear reason for fighting in this has nothing to do with protecting Alawiites or Bashar but protecting against the possibility of an anti Shia government...

My point about sectarianism being overstated is the link to Bashar as if he is in the Shia camp...he isn't and the majority of his army are not Alawiite's either...this isn't saying that a rebel victory won't have serious implications sectarian wise in the region however...of course it will...

If you have seen the speech and also the countless youtube videos from hizb fighters themselves and those where strong secterian language is used you will see nasrallah previous arguments of non-secterian line is just empty talk. Nasrallah in the same speech (last one) mentioned "takfiris" several times, and hizb fighters have been using takfiri-wahabi in their promotional latmiyah recruiting songs. jabhat Nusra andmother been using similar secterian language regards "nusayris" and "rafidah" in their videos especially since hizb from lebenon openlY joined the fighting. today there was a video leaked of Assad generals trying to recruit millitia from the shia* villages in the north nubol and zahra. They were promised lots of money and future jobs in government aswell as being part of future aleppo regional capital. all this with the extra bonus of "cleansing sunnis from the area". you even have shia houthis from yemen and afghan shiaa fighting there now especially in defence of shrines. clearly secterian war going on and increasing enmity and language from both sides.
Sunnis are the majority hence they are being killed often by other Sunnis who form the majority of the Syrian army...the sectarian angle is being overdone frankly...

you are frankly clueless.

how would you describe this then?

I am sorry you dont speak arabic but get a friend who understands that and translate it for you. Warning it will make your blood curdle in horror at what these assad beasts are doing.

There is a video on youtube of a woman raped by assad thugs then thrown into the streets as bait as fsa soldiers try to rescue her and then they shot her.

I wont post it seeing the mods are getting abit touchy

The question arises what kind of animals would do that to a unarmed defensless woman?

I will be honest with you shaykh. You dont even know a tenth of whats happening in syria. If you did you wouldnt be talking about the garbage that comes out of your mouth half the time.

By the way there is no sunni army in SAA. Most of the defected. the rest have been killed and the ones that serve do so because their families would be killed other wise
you are frankly clueless.

how would you describe this then?

I am sorry you dont speak arabic but get a friend who understands that and translate it for you. Warning it will make your blood curdle in horror at what these assad beasts are doing.

There is a video on youtube of a woman raped by assad thugs then thrown into the streets as bait as fsa soldiers try to rescue her and then they shot her.

I wont post it seeing the mods are getting abit touchy

The question arises what kind of animals would do that to a unarmed defensless woman?

I will be honest with you shaykh. You dont even know a tenth of whats happening in syria. If you did you wouldnt be talking about the garbage that comes out of your mouth half the time.

By the way there is no sunni army in SAA. Most of the defected. the rest have been killed and the ones that serve do so because their families would be killed other wise

Lets go about this another way...I have no doubt that many Sunnis have defected...there are also Christians and Alawiites that oppose Bashar too...

However Alawiites comprise just 12% of the population...the army is not solely Alawiite and wouldn't be able to defend itself if it were...yes Alawiites have all key position and yes they have got the help of Hezbollah and Iranians...

Much like the FSA is taking assistance from foreign fighters like Chechens now...the presence of Hezbollah in Qusayr isn't proof of a lack of fighters in the Syrian army...

The current Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces is Sunni... General Fahd Jassem al-Freij...

Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun the Grand Mufti in Syria a Sunni has sides with Bashar...

Bouti the sunni scholar that got killed urged Sunnis to fight in the army...

Also the opposition do not comprise solely of Sunnis either...Wasn't Bashar's uncle Riad leading a battalion fighting for the opposition lol?...

There are Sunnis who don't want the likes of Nusrah to take power...

The opposition doesn't comprise a monolithic Sunni entity...there a various religions, ideologies, sects involved...the army seem more united then this apparent Sunni movement is...

I don't doubt that sectarianism has a role in this conflict...but it is overstated...

If this was as simple as Sunni VS Shia then this conflict would have been over ages ago...I'm not buying it...
If you have seen the speech and also the countless youtube videos from hizb fighters themselves and those where strong secterian language is used you will see nasrallah previous arguments of non-secterian line is just empty talk. Nasrallah in the same speech (last one) mentioned "takfiris" several times, and hizb fighters have been using takfiri-wahabi in their promotional latmiyah recruiting songs. jabhat Nusra andmother been using similar secterian language regards "nusayris" and "rafidah" in their videos especially since hizb from lebenon openlY joined the fighting. today there was a video leaked of Assad generals trying to recruit millitia from the shia* villages in the north nubol and zahra. They were promised lots of money and future jobs in government aswell as being part of future aleppo regional capital. all this with the extra bonus of "cleansing sunnis from the area". you even have shia houthis from yemen and afghan shiaa fighting there now especially in defence of shrines. clearly secterian war going on and increasing enmity and language from both sides.

As I said I don't doubt that sectarianism has a part to play but as I have stated it is overstated...check my post to Somali Pirate for why I say that...

Hezbollah hate Wahabis not Sunnis to my understanding...the hardline rebels view Shia as heretics...

I will again say that neither side is one entity...

Syrian army is a combination of Sunni, Shia, Alawiite, Druze etc...those in position of influence are Alawiite but as stated the commander in chief for instance is a sunni as are many who are still fighting in the army...not EVERYONE has defected...some have...and they aren't just Sunnis...

Would you even call the opposition a Sunni opposition?...really?...Bashar's own family have opposed him...Riad...

The likes of Abdel Halim Khaddam a Baathist who was involved in Hama has opposed him...

Plenty of different ideologies, religions and sects involved in the opposition claiming it is purely sectarian is doing a disservice to the non Sunni opposition that exists....

Its all too easy to frame it as Sunni V Shia...
you are confused
or trying to confuse

He is confused...he manages to contradict himself in the same sentence...

Either they are in the army or they are not...he cant have it both ways...
no tears at my end...i am just spectator... (no sympathy for any sunni or shia living in islamic world, they are their worst enemies)

however i enjoy the hypocrisy of people like you...

Iraq was rulled by a sunni for decades...with the support of GCE kings and west...
Saddam used Chemical Weapons against such noise in Sunni world...
Terrorists killing shias in Pakistan, Iran, Iraq in day out ...(just recently Shias in Iraq started to respond....still too little)

Abdullah and Husni begged Assad (few years back) to leave irani camp and join them...Assad refused...

Abdullah sent his resources (uae did the same) to curb the revolt in behrain)...why a minority ruling a majority?

Abdullah tried his best and supported husni to the end...against a public support...

Abdullah supported hamas in election and hamas declared hazb-o-llah "kafir" during election campaign... (Palestinian are sunnis...why iran and hazb-e-llah helping them...while gce are doing lip service)

IF iran today becomes usa' and israel's ally (just like ksa/kuwait/qatar/oman/uae), we will see a free arab world in less than ten years...

Abdullah begged israel (as per israeli newspaper) to attack iran :)

why not ksa just attack iran directly (iran is in financial mess and vulnerable)..why causing so much misery by fighting a proxy war?

no one is with chance for abdullah...can he do this?

but he cannot as it would be a catch-22 for Arab world...
even if iran loses...still it would be an end of arab kingdoms...

Good. at least your honest. bear in mind the syrians will die first before they accept tears from people like yourself

Instead of focusing on the whats happening right now you are talking about **** that happened in the 80s and 90s. forgetiing the fact that shia death squads killed more sunnis after the fall of saddam than saddam managed in his entire rein you seem to wailing at nothing in particular

The palestinians do not need the worthless help of hezbollah and iran. Majoosi shias have cut all aid because suprise suprise the palestinians decided to support the syrian people's right of self determination

in 1400 years of islam what have the shias ever done for islam? Name me one thing.

Umar bin al khattab whom the shias hate so much freed jerusalem.

Salahuddin al ayubi another ahlu sunnah freed jerusalem.

The shias on the other hand are experts in being the fifth column in the ummah. The mongols and tartars killed 1 million muslims in baghdad during ibn taymiyyah's time. All thanks to shia treachery.

Dont let me bring the history books and beat you over the head with it

you are confused
or trying to confuse

oh the irony

Lets go about this another way...I have no doubt that many Sunnis have defected...there are also Christians and Alawiites that oppose Bashar too...

However Alawiites comprise just 12% of the population...the army is not solely Alawiite and wouldn't be able to defend itself if it were...yes Alawiites have all key position and yes they have got the help of Hezbollah and Iranians...

Much like the FSA is taking assistance from foreign fighters like Chechens now...the presence of Hezbollah in Qusayr isn't proof of a lack of fighters in the Syrian army...

The current Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces is Sunni... General Fahd Jassem al-Freij...

Ahmad Badreddin Hassoun the Grand Mufti in Syria a Sunni has sides with Bashar...

Bouti the sunni scholar that got killed urged Sunnis to fight in the army...

Also the opposition do not comprise solely of Sunnis either...Wasn't Bashar's uncle Riad leading a battalion fighting for the opposition lol?...

There are Sunnis who don't want the likes of Nusrah to take power...

The opposition doesn't comprise a monolithic Sunni entity...there a various religions, ideologies, sects involved...the army seem more united then this apparent Sunni movement is...

I don't doubt that sectarianism has a role in this conflict...but it is overstated...

If this was as simple as Sunni VS Shia then this conflict would have been over ages ago...I'm not buying it...

You are such a simpleton. The reason why the conflict is not done and dusted is because the rebels are running low on ammunition. All the stocks have dried up. the worthless GCC dogs and the turks have shut all weapon supplies because the americans and europeans want a political solution. AKA the geneva charade.

Meanwhile assad has supplies daily from iran russia and more men from hezbollah.

Just today 4000 hezbollah dogs arrived in alleppo. Assad has no men and weapons. The FSA have men but no weapons.

This fight would be over if the FSA had anti aircraft manpads and anti tank missiles. have you seen fsa videos? Did you ever see anyone with a helmet? You see my point?

As for the SAA army, no self respecting sunni is present in the army. ALmost all of them have defected and the rest are forced. Why do you think assad needs hezbollah fighters? He has no army to speak off. Its a ragtag bunch of murderrs and rapists of women. The sabiha thugs who commit the worst crimes have become the SAA army now

As for the muftis dont make me laugh. You think anyone cares what some two bit paid mufti says to the people of qusayr allepo homs and daarya?

This is a shia sunni war. No amount of excuses reasons or ******** is going to change that.

If you knew a single word of arabic and seen the news coming out of syria you wont be saying that nonsense again and again.

Funny the western kaffir writing the new york times can see what's happening.

But you it seems cant. sad
Good. at least your honest. bear in mind the syrians will die first before they accept tears from people like yourself

Instead of focusing on the whats happening right now you are talking about **** that happened in the 80s and 90s. forgetiing the fact that shia death squads killed more sunnis after the fall of saddam than saddam managed in his entire rein you seem to wailing at nothing in particular

The palestinians do not need the worthless help of hezbollah and iran. Majoosi shias have cut all aid because suprise suprise the palestinians decided to support the syrian people's right of self determination

in 1400 years of islam what have the shias ever done for islam? Name me one thing.

Umar bin al khattab whom the shias hate so much freed jerusalem.

Salahuddin al ayubi another ahlu sunnah freed jerusalem.

The shias on the other hand are experts in being the fifth column in the ummah. The mongols and tartars killed 1 million muslims in baghdad during ibn taymiyyah's time. All thanks to shia treachery.

Dont let me bring the history books and beat you over the head with it

oh the irony

You are such a simpleton. The reason why the conflict is not done and dusted is because the rebels are running low on ammunition. All the stocks have dried up. the worthless GCC dogs and the turks have shut all weapon supplies because the americans and europeans want a political solution. AKA the geneva charade.

Meanwhile assad has supplies daily from iran russia and more men from hezbollah.

Just today 4000 hezbollah dogs arrived in alleppo. Assad has no men and weapons. The FSA have men but no weapons.

This fight would be over if the FSA had anti aircraft manpads and anti tank missiles. have you seen fsa videos? Did you ever see anyone with a helmet? You see my point?

As for the SAA army, no self respecting sunni is present in the army. ALmost all of them have defected and the rest are forced. Why do you think assad needs hezbollah fighters? He has no army to speak off. Its a ragtag bunch of murderrs and rapists of women. The sabiha thugs who commit the worst crimes have become the SAA army now

As for the muftis dont make me laugh. You think anyone cares what some two bit paid mufti says to the people of qusayr allepo homs and daarya?

This is a shia sunni war. No amount of excuses reasons or ******** is going to change that.

If you knew a single word of arabic and seen the news coming out of syria you wont be saying that nonsense again and again.

Funny the western kaffir writing the new york times can see what's happening.

But you it seems cant. sad

Western sources would prefer to frame it as your NY Times reference is somewhat irrelevant...

The point of bringing up the mufti is your presumption that this is purely Sunni V Shia and Alawiite...the commander in chief of Bashar's army is Sunni...

Also how do you account for the fact that there is significant opposition to Bashar that isn't just I mentioned Bashar's uncle was commanding a brigade against him...

As for the soldiers being forced thats your presumption...many have defected...whats stopping the rest of them?...

I do agree that the rebels aren't as well armed but that isn't all that is in play...the reason he has survived so long is cos the opposition is so isn't this unified Sunni group you speak of...its all sorts of religions...nationalists, Islamists, secularists...Sunnis, Shias, Druze, Christians...also a dislike for Bashar doesn't automatically mean a liking for a specific faction...not everyone desires an Al Nusra run state for instance...some many not be particularly impressed with Khatib...

You mention Hezbollah...Al Nusra certainly seem to be finding new fighters coming from abroad also...

Out of interests which of the many factions in this conflict do you support and what do you think the end goal is?...

I can agree that the FSA are preferable for the US...but the Islamists like in Libya are useful yet not a long term solution for the West...
Good. at least your honest. bear in mind the syrians will die first before they accept tears from people like yourself

you are supposed to answer (point-wise)...instead of ranting...if you want to convince us,,,,
otherwise you are giving us the impression of some crazy dude.

P.S: you rejected my points as those incidents happened looooooooooooong time ago in 1980/90s and presented an incident that recently happened under president halaku :)
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The problem is that many believe that siding with the Syria government means you are automatically on the wrong side is nothing more than just propaganda and a smear campaign. The ground reality is not supporting this. For example, many claim that Syrian Army is committing all the atrocities in the country, which is not true. The opposition forces are committing the same degree of violence and cruelty in the country. On the face of it, there is no doubt it is turning into a Sunni vs. Shia war, if it has not already become. Maybe some parties are trying hard to make this a war as it is the only way victory can be achieved. The need of the time is to stop the war and get the aid as quickly as possible. I do not think Syrian government is capable of doing that, certainly a more integrated effort is required by all the neighbors. I mentioned earlier and I will reiterate again, all the neighbors of Syria including Hezbollah and Turkey should stop sending troops or should stop becoming the conduit to bring fighters in this war. A lot of damage has already been done. This war is not going to provide any help; it is only killing Muslims, irrespective of their sect. Assad has already lost his mandate to rule Syria and he should not be thinking about hanging on to the throne. A political agreement is the only way to bring peace in that country, which should include peace for all communities in that country.
The problem is that many believe that siding with the Syria government means you are automatically on the wrong side is nothing more than just propaganda and a smear campaign. The ground reality is not supporting this. For example, many claim that Syrian Army is committing all the atrocities in the country, which is not true. The opposition forces are committing the same degree of violence and cruelty in the country. On the face of it, there is no doubt it is turning into a Sunni vs. Shia war, if it has not already become. Maybe some parties are trying hard to make this a war as it is the only way victory can be achieved. The need of the time is to stop the war and get the aid as quickly as possible. I do not think Syrian government is capable of doing that, certainly a more integrated effort is required by all the neighbors. I mentioned earlier and I will reiterate again, all the neighbors of Syria including Hezbollah and Turkey should stop sending troops or should stop becoming the conduit to bring fighters in this war. A lot of damage has already been done. This war is not going to provide any help; it is only killing Muslims, irrespective of their sect. Assad has already lost his mandate to rule Syria and he should not be thinking about hanging on to the throne. A political agreement is the only way to bring peace in that country, which should include peace for all communities in that country.

The question is...who replaces Assad?...

Al Nusrah want to establish an Islamic State...their argument is the people want it and frankly regardless of whether they do or not...that is their aim...public opinion has rarely ever mattered in establishing their version of Islam...look at Mali most recently...

The issue also with framing it as a Sunni V Shia conflict is that frankly it isn't...there are Alawiite's leading brigades for instance...the commander in chief of the Syrian army is a Sunni...

The opposition is fractured...whether it be Islamists, nationalists, secularists, Sunni's, Shia's, Alawiites...they are unified in their dislike for Bashar but are not unified in their vision of Syria's future...

They run the risk of it becoming mob rule much like Libya has become...a sham democracy where militias run the country...with one mob boss monopolising you actually have a degree of safety...when the boss falls then you have anarchy with violence coming from all quarters...even if Assad goes whats next?...

Islamists fighting Shias, fighting secularists, fighting nationalists, fighting other Islamists etc...

Those who have supported this conflict have had nothing but the most nefarious of intentions...its kind of right that Turkey is facing its own problems right now considering its role in exploding Syrias...
The problem is that many believe that siding with the Syria government means you are automatically on the wrong side is nothing more than just propaganda and a smear campaign. The ground reality is not supporting this. For example, many claim that Syrian Army is committing all the atrocities in the country, which is not true. The opposition forces are committing the same degree of violence and cruelty in the country. On the face of it, there is no doubt it is turning into a Sunni vs. Shia war, if it has not already become. Maybe some parties are trying hard to make this a war as it is the only way victory can be achieved. The need of the time is to stop the war and get the aid as quickly as possible. I do not think Syrian government is capable of doing that, certainly a more integrated effort is required by all the neighbors. I mentioned earlier and I will reiterate again, all the neighbors of Syria including Hezbollah and Turkey should stop sending troops or should stop becoming the conduit to bring fighters in this war. A lot of damage has already been done. This war is not going to provide any help; it is only killing Muslims, irrespective of their sect. Assad has already lost his mandate to rule Syria and he should not be thinking about hanging on to the throne. A political agreement is the only way to bring peace in that country, which should include peace for all communities in that country.

" The opposition forces are committing the same degree of violence and cruelty in the country"

I don't see this. care to back this up in terms of numbers of where you know CIVILIANS - women and children have been raped, killed etc?

even one incident of this nature is terrible... But to have this go on in a systematic way as the regime has done is unforgivable - no one can Live under such a regime now that such atrocities have been comitted on a daily basis. We are talking about scale here - I would even challenge you to bring me one instance of when the rebels as bad as they are have killed and massacred civilians in a shia/alawite village?

there is no reason to beleif anything the Syrian Regime says regarding wanting a peace. And what is actually happening is the systematic destruction of the country with consistent aid for the regime from Iran, Russia in twrms of heavy weapons, training and arms - as well as manpower from powerful secterian militia like hizbullah - who have just today taken Qusair centre - once the SAA and Regime millitia move into the residential areas we will wait to see if any further punishment/atrocities are meated out to the population.
Syrian army retakes key town of Qusair from rebels

Hezbollah's TV channel showed a man planting a Syrian flag on Qusair's clock tower

Syrian pro-government forces have taken full control of the strategic town of Qusair, state TV and the rebels say.

The town, near the Lebanese border, has been the centre of fighting for more than two weeks between rebels and Syrian troops backed by fighters from the Lebanese militant group Hezbollah.

Syrian state TV said a large number of rebels had died and many had surrendered.

The rebels said they withdrew overnight in the face of a massive assault.....
Foreign Rebels

Syrian rebels 'execute teenager' in Aleppo
Fighters reportedly shot dead a boy they accused of committing blasphemy in the northern city of Aleppo.

Rebels fighting the Syrian regime have shot dead a 15-year-old boy in front of his parents and siblings after accusing him of blasphemy, an activist group said.

Al Jazeera was told that the boy, a street vendor selling coffee, was from the Shaar neighbourhood of the northern city of Aleppo. He has been named locally as Mohammad Kattaa.

Reports indicated that he was arguing with another boy on Saturday and used the name of Prophet Muhammad in a common phrase used by Syrians at which point he was picked up by fighters, beaten, and then shot.

"An unidentified Islamist rebel group shot dead a 15-year-old child who worked as a coffee seller in Aleppo, after they accused him of blasphemy," said Syrian Observatory for Human Rights director Rami Abdel Rahman.

Abdel Rahman said the rebel group likely comprised foreigners.

"They spoke classical Arabic, not Syrian dialect," he said.

"They shot the boy twice, once in the mouth, another in his neck, in front of his mother, his father and his siblings," he added.

'Criminal act'

The Observatory condemned the execution as "criminal" and said it was a gift to the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

"This kind of criminality is exactly what makes people in Syria fear the fall of the regime," Abdel Rahman said.

Activists have frequently lashed out against some rebel groups that have taken advantage of the security vacuum in Aleppo to commit rights abuses.

It is thought Kattaa's customer was trying to get a free coffee and the boy responded "Even if Muhammad comes down, I will not give it as debt."

This was misinterpreted by the foreign fighters who took it for blasphemy.

Meanwhile, government troops on Sunday were preparing to launch an offensive in the north of the country.

Syrian daily al-Watan said the army has "started to deploy at a large scale in Aleppo province, in preparation for a battle that will be fought in the city and its outskirts".

Rebels last July launched a massive assault on Aleppo, once Syria's commercial hub. The city has since suffered daily regime bombardment and clashes.
The BNP's Nick Griffin, as an MEP, has visited Syria as part of a delegation.

BNP leader Nick Griffin has said the Syrian opposition movement is dominated by Islamist jihadis committing terrorist acts.

The MEP, who is on a visit to Damascus, said the conflict risked turning Syria from a "stable secular state into an Iraq-style hell of sectarian hate".

Any attempt by the UK to arm opposition forces would be madness, he said.

A BNP spokesman said Mr Griffin was not endorsing President Assad but speaking up for those opposing UK intervention.

Mr Griffin had been invited by the Syrian government as part of a delegation of MEPs and MPs - including representatives from Belgium, Russia and Poland - and was not being paid by the authorities, the party added.

The UK government has said President Bashar al-Assad must give up power to bring an end to the violence that has seen 80,000 killed in the past two years, and pave the way for a political transition.

Foreign Secretary William Hague will discuss the situation with his US counterpart, John Kerry, in Washington on Wednesday.

Announcing his visit on Twitter, Mr Griffin said he was on a "fact-finding mission" and had crossed into Syria from Lebanon.

He said he had witnessed the aftermath of an opposition suicide bomb in Damascus, describing it as "vile" and a terrorist act.

"[Prime Minister David] Cameron & Hague plan to send UK money & weapons to rebels dominated by Islamist jihadis," he wrote.

"Why turn stable secular state into Iraq-style hell of sectarian hate? More madness from the people who dragged us to costly war in Iraq & Afghan[istan]."

'Proper view'
The BNP said Mr Griffin was seeking to give people "a proper view" of events in Syria.

"He wants to ascertain just how many British citizens are fighting out there for the so-called Free Syrian Army and other elements opposed to Assad," said a party spokesman.

"He is representing the point of view of ordinary British people who don't want any engagement in the Middle East and its troubles, any more than they wanted to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq."

The UK has said its focus remains on securing a negotiated settlement but current international policy is failing and lifting the arms embargo was necessary to keep up the pressure on the Assad government.

It says the UK will only send weapons to opposition forces in concert with its allies and with strict controls in place, but many MPs have warned it will only escalate the conflict.

The BBC's deputy political editor James Landale said discussions over arming the opposition were "coming to a head", with both the UK and US governments conscious that the situation was rapidly deteriorating.

The US has said it has seen evidence of chemical weapons being used in Syria.

Human Rights Watch has accused the Syrian government of carrying out indiscriminate attacks on civilians and torturing prisoners but said there was also evidence opposition groups have been responsible for abuses.
its amazing how when some rebels kill someone innocent ASSad supporters go on a rampage on how these r "Saudi funded Zionist wahabi" terriorists r killing animals baby killers blah blah ..but they wont say a bad word about ASSad when he is bombing the whole citys full of innocent ppl ..these ppl say rebels r fighting assad because asssad was anti Israel ..Israel has attacked Syria many times in assads time .they bombed syrian nuclear power plants in 2009 ..they took Golan heights from assads father by force ..and till this day assad has never fired a shot at Israel ..all he does is bark like a mad dog like his iranin fathers ...

and then there r ppl who say we don't support the rebels because they r getting funds from the "Zionist west" ..well these were the same ppl who supported the afghan jihad against the soviets ..and everyone knows who funded the afghan mujahedeen's

fact is Syrian ppl got tired of the dictator and decided protest against it but when assad started to kill the protesters ppl started to fight back and most of assads sunni army defected that is when assad started recruiting radical shias from around the world and this war became a shia sunni war ..

and if these "Saudi qatri Zionist funded wahabis" r working for the west why would the west put JABAT AL NUSRA as a terrorist Syrian army has been begging the west for help but all they r getting is false promises one is helping them

and just go to youtube and check out the torture videos of the great "ASSad army" ...there r videos of them

stabing to death
stoning to death an old men
burying an old men alive
cutting off fingers of ppl
setting 2 handcuffed guys on fire
beating a teenager to death

and check out the banyas massacre

this is just a tip of the icebearg ..and ppl r outraged over the guy eating hearth of a dead ASSad soldier
BEIRUT, Lebanon — At least 30 Shiite Muslim residents of a village in eastern Syria were killed in a reprisal raid by rebels, the government and opposition fighters and activists said Wednesday, the latest in a string of massacres underscoring the increasingly sectarian nature of the Syrian conflict.

The Risk of Doing Too Much in Syria

Video Feature
Mother Says She Watched Jihadists Kill Her Son
MAP: Religions Across the Middle East

U.S. Blacklists Fund-Raisers for Hezbollah (June 12, 2013)
As Syrians Fight, Sectarian Strife Infects Mideast (June 2, 2013)

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The Syrian government called the killings, which were reported to have taken place on Tuesday in Hatlah, a village in the oil-rich province of Deir al-Zour, a massacre of civilians, saying that 30 died. Anti-government activists put the toll at 60 and said most of the dead were pro-government militia fighters who had attacked rebels one day earlier. But some of the activists nonetheless condemned the Hatlah attack as a destructive act of revenge that showed the powerlessness of moderates among the mostly Sunni rebels to rein in extremists.

What was not in dispute was that several battalions of Sunni rebels, including members of extremist Islamist groups, stormed the village and, in video posted online by anti-government activists, could be seen setting houses on fire as they shouted sectarian slogans, calling Shiites dogs, apostates and infidels.

“This is your end, you dogs,” a man off camera said as he panned across what he said were the corpses of “pug-nosed” Shiites, including one with what appeared to be a gunshot wound to the head.

We have raised the banner of ‘There Is No God but God’ over the houses of the rejectionist Shiite apostates,” one fighter chanted in another clip as a black cloud billowed above the village and jubilant gunmen brandished black flags often used by the extremist Al Nusra Front and other Islamist fighting groups.

“Here are the jihadists celebrating their storming of the rejectionists’ houses! The Shiite rejectionists!,” the fighter added. Some extremist Sunnis refer to Shiites as rejectionists because the sect arose from a group that rejected the early successors of the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century.

The Syrian conflict began as a popular uprising demanding political rights, but gradually has taken on a more sectarian tone. As the conflict became militarized, with the government cracking down on demonstrators, some of its opponents, mostly Sunni army defectors and others, took up arms. Sunni jihadists from across the region have also joined the fight, and extremist groups have been able to count on financing from like-minded private donors, making them increasingly influential on the battlefield.

Shiite fighters from Lebanon and Iraq have also entered Syria to defend Shiite shrines and fight alongside a government they see as protecting their interests.

Sectarian tensions further grew in recent weeks as Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militant group, fought a full-scale battle in Syria, helping the government to recapture the town of Qusayr last week. Syrian rebels fired rockets at Shiite neighborhoods in retaliation.

President Bashar al-Assad, who is from the Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shiite Islam, draws some of his support from minority groups that fear reprisals or oppression from extremists among the country’s majority Sunnis.

The Syrian government has created paramilitary fighting groups across the country, arming residents to protect their areas. The government has heavily recruited for the militias in Alawite, Shiite and Christian areas. Some of the militias have been accused of massacring Sunni civilians, as in the May attacks in the coastal towns of Bayda and Banias.

Some opponents of Mr. Assad accuse his supporters of playing on minority fears and more recently of using sectarian slogans. A video said to have been leaked from a recent recruiting session in the largely Shiite village of Nabl in the northern province of Aleppo, for example, showed a crowd of recruits praising Hussein, a central figure in Shiism, and the recruiter promising, “We will fight under the banner of Hussein.”

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based anti-government watchdog group with a network of contacts across Syria, said the attack killed 60 people, mostly from a pro-government militia. A rebel spokesman, Omar Abu Layla, said that the fighters had captured militiamen who told them they were planning to attack rebel leaders.

But the state news agency, SANA, said that members of Al Nusra, whom it called terrorists, had “perpetrated a massacre” of “30 civilians, among them women and children.”

In Kuwait, a Sunni sheik who has used sectarian invective against the Assad government appeared to applaud the “slaughter” of Shiites in Hatlah and to threaten the Shiite villages of Nabl and Zahraa in Aleppo province, in a video noted by Hassan Hassan, a columnist for the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National, who is from eastern Syria.

“Today, we took the village of Hatlah and we slaughtered the bad with knives,” the sheik, Shafi al-Ajmi, said in the video. “Like you slaughtered our women and children in Qusayr, we slaughtered one of your symbols” – a man he referred to as “the bad Hussein.”

“As for tomorrow,” he added, “we have a date with Nabl and Zahraa.”

“Every day they will have new deaths and injured,” the sheik said, adding, in a reference to Hezbollah, “I swear that Syria will be a grave for the devil’s party.”

Ragheb Bashir, an anti-government activist from Deir al-Zour who is currently in Turkey, condemned the attack on the Shiites there.

“Such attacks should be against the regime and not against each other,” he said in a telephone interview, adding that he had visited Hatlah many times since the uprising began and that the small Shiite population had grown increasingly anxious.

“They became armed because they were afraid,” he said. “My advice was, ‘do not attack us, and we won’t either.'”

He added, “Since the moderate Syrians were left powerless, we will see more such attacks.” He was referring to the reluctance of the United States and others among the Syrian uprising’s international backers to provide direct military support.

Much as the Syrian conflict is fueled by political and strategic rivalries across the region, the fighting in Deir al-Zour springs from local conflicts that are economic and political, residents said.

In the 1990s, some people in the overwhelmingly Sunni province, including hundreds in Hatlah, converted to Shiism, as Mr. Assad’s father and predecessor, Hafez al-Assad, drew closer to Shiite-led Iran. Some saw the converts as seeking financial and social advantage, while others said they came from tribes that were originally Shiite and were returning to their roots.

There was “dormant jealousy” against Shiites who tended to be wealthier, Mr. Bashir said. Tensions have also grown in the area over control of oil fields, he said.

In recent weeks, the government organized one of its new militias, formally known as the National Defense Forces, in Hatlah, drawing only from the 600 Shiites in the village of 12,000, said Mr. Abu Layla, who identified himself as a spokesman for the Eastern Syria chief of staff of the Free Syrian Army, the Western-backed rebel umbrella group.

On Monday, hundreds of the militiamen launched a surprise attack on a rebel post, killing four, activists said.

After that, thousands of Sunni rebels, including members of the Free Syrian Army and the Nusra Front, attacked the village, according to the Observatory and Mr. Abu Layla.

Mr. Abu Layla said they surrounded the village and used loudspeakers to ask people to surrender.

Government forces stationed in a nearby military airport unleashed an artillery barrage on the battalions, killing two rebels and injuring a dozen, the Syrian Observatory said, but the rebels managed to seize control of the village within hours.

Mr. Abu Layla said that 55 men were killed during the clashes.

Hundreds of Shiite fighters fled seeking refuge in the government-held village of Jafra located across the Euphrates River, the Syrian Observatory said.

Hwaida Saad contributed reporting.

innocent rebels :)
Syrian Civil War

Bro I am glad your interested in this and you want to know what's going on in the world .Many of our generation are ignorant to the truth .Don't think too much about it because its just depressing tbh .
Syria: 60 Shia Muslims massacred in rebel ‘cleansing’ of Hatla
Opposition activists claim attack on Hatla was incited by President Assad’s decision to arm villagers

Up to sixty Shia Muslims have been killed in an attack by opposition fighters in the eastern Syrian town of Hatla. A video posted online on Tuesday, entitled “The storming and cleansing of Hatla”, showed fighters waving the black Salafi flag and celebrating.

“We have raised the banner ‘There is no God but God’ above the houses of the apostate rejectionists, the Shia,” the voice of the cameraman says.

The British-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights claimed that thousands of rebels participated in the killings, although the footage of the attacks pictured just a handful of fighters. The death toll could not be independently verified.

Activists denied that the killings were sectarian in nature, claiming instead that they were a response to an attack on a Free Syrian Army checkpoint by 30 armed villagers from Hatla. The activists claim the opposition fighters were incited by the Assad regime’s decision to arm the population of Hatla, one of the only Shia villages in an area that has been firmly under rebel control for more than a year.

However, the language used in the videos is explicitly sectarian. “This is the Shia, this is the Shia carcass, this is their end,” the cameraman says as a blanket is lifted from one of the victims. That video, posted by a pro-Assad group, indicates those responsible were non-Syrians, possibly from Kuwait.

A Syrian government official spoke of a “massacre against villagers in which older people and children were killed”.

Lebanese militant group Hezbollah, which has recently joined the fighting in support of the Assad regime, called the incident an act of sectarian cleansing that was inspired by Sunni clerics in the region.

In a speech in front of the Lebanese embassy in Kuwait, Salafi Sheikh Shafi al Ajmi, one of the most outspoken supporters of the Syrian opposition, said the attack was retaliation for the recent fighting in Qusayr. The town on the Lebanese border was recaptured from rebel control by the Syrian army and Hezbollah fighters last week. He said Syria would be “a burying ground” for Hezbollah.

Meanwhile, a Syrian government helicopter fired three missiles into the Lebanese border village of Arsal, injuring one. The rockets hit the centre of the predominantly Sunni town, which supports the uprising against Syrian president Bashar al-Assad, himself a Shia.

Arsal lies just 15km across the border from Syria and is currently home to more than 20,000 refugees, many of them from Qusayr. Although the helicopter strike is the first attack on an urban centre inside Lebanon by Syrian forces, the Lebanese border area has been facing assault from opposition fighters for months.

Six rockets also hit the town of Hermel, a Hezbollah stronghold, on Tuesday, wounding four people and killing one. Blaming the attacks on the rebel presence in Arsal, militants from Hermel killed Ali Ahmed Hujeiri, an Arsal resident, in what appears to have been an ambush.

Reporters at the scene said relatives claimed the man had been shot in the stomach, but the perpetrators had scattered shrapnel on the road to make it look like a shell strike. As the body had already been buried, the reports could not be corroborated.

The Hujeiris are the most influential family in Arsal; the victim’s brother is the mayor while another brother, prominent Salafi sheikh Mustafa Hujeiri, called for his supporters to engage in jihad and avenge his brother’s death. The attacks are the latest in a conflict that has killed more than 80,000 people, according to the United Nations.
innocent rebels :)

poor assads army massacres hundreds of sunnis in a village called Baniyas is a video of assads army guys guys laughing about what they call Baniyas purifying Baniyas of sunni "filth " after commiting the crime ..

anyone who wants to search about it please see pics and videos of this massacre ..u will see children as old as 5 being stabbed to death ..old people burned and young women shot in head after being raped
Bro I am glad your interested in this and you want to know what's going on in the world .Many of our generation are ignorant to the truth .Don't think too much about it because its just depressing tbh .

This, the world is depressing, I shouldn't be interested, but I rather not be ignorant around situations such as what's going on Syria, Iran, North Korea etc.

Point is...stuff is going on both sides...neither side is showing any mercy or restraint...yet your the one acting as though the rebels are is here defending Bashar but you reply to every crime committed by the rebels with 'well Bashar is doing this' claiming Bashar is showing restraint...

I've given up on these people...awful people on all sides and everyone loses...
The conflict is now approaching a major crossroads. The sunni islamist rebels a couple of days ago started wiping out Sia village in deir ezzor - the village converted to shism in the 90's under shia backing and money from kuwait or Iran.

A councel of well respected of sunni religious scholars have today said this Jihad is for every sunni capable now. Similar to what Saudis did in the 80s with Afghanistan. So far Saudi have restrained their public in this conflict, but since the fall of Qusair - there have been a lot of calls even from so called moderates like al-qardawi (egypt/qatar) to start drumming up secterian ferver and hate.

Many Saudi have been making there way to Syria anyway, but now it seems they will soon get government backing.

The one thing, the west and even the Saudi and Gulf Monarchs would not want, is an Islamist takeover on their doorstep. And the west and Israel fear this more than anything else. Assad while killing his own people, provided security for Israel for 40 years on the Golan border.

In all of this Americas inaction or even sabotage of Gulf countries to provide game changing weapons to the more moderate elements in the rebels i.e. secular leaning FSA types, has been the biggest own goal in all of this.

France, UK and now maybe even Obama are recognising this. But to be honest I think it's all too late. Too late for the Syrian people - the seculars from the FSA were promised help over a year ago - and now these weapons are being held back, when their enemies from Iran, Hizb and Russia are backing Assad all the way - they have no where to run or even trust except the Islamists.

The Islamists on their part have always maintained that you can't trust the Americans - and so this has become a self fullfilling prophecy from all sides. Assad at the start of the demonstrations claimed it was "terrorists" who were demonstrating - this was when it was all peacefull and 11 year old boys were being returned to their parents mutiliated and totured to death.... in the end it has become terrorists fighting him. The strange thing is, the terrorists from the Islamists are using IEDs which are much more accurate in targetting enemies and Assads forces are using indiscriminate SCUD missiles and MIG planes turning populated civilian areas to dust. In this battle of good vs evil - BNP leader griffin is on the side of Hizb, Iran and Assad - he visited Damascus of Assads call - that should tell you about this conflict something if nothing else does.
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US have now decided to arm the rebels. Instead of giving covert support to the Gulf states in their backing of the rebels, it looks like the US are now going to be directly involved.

Also proposals for a no-fly zone in some parts of Syria.
Do you know why obama's dumb red line has suddenly been crossed?

because the guld states have had enough. hezbollat and iranian meddling has made it personal now.

The saudis and the turks have decided to go it alone with or without american approval. Uncle same couldnt take it.

The call for jihad by high ranking sunni scholars yesterday in cairo and ulema in saudi arabia simply sealed it for obama.

Watch the news in the next few weeks. Hezbollat and assad are going to get some really painful introductions.

In a way hezbollat entering the war was a positive. It galavanised the entire gulf and khaleej at last

Point is...stuff is going on both sides...neither side is showing any mercy or restraint...yet your the one acting as though the rebels are is here defending Bashar but you reply to every crime committed by the rebels with 'well Bashar is doing this' claiming Bashar is showing restraint...

I've given up on these people...awful people on all sides and everyone loses...

you will never find rebels killing women and children. never.

even in hatla they killed pro government militia who started the fight a day before
Re: Syrian Civil War

Both sides are crazy.

Can't believe this stuff can be done in the name of Islam.
Former Liberal Democrat Leader Paddy Ashdown was rather melodramatic on the radio this morning, saying that this could potentially lead to a 'third world war'.

Britain and France have been leading the calls for the rebels to be armed, although Obama has been reluctant up until now. NATO have welcomed the statement but a spokesperson for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon told the BBC that he remained against "any further militarisation" of the conflict in Syria, saying the people there need peace not more weapons.

The key is what weapons are going to be given ? The rebels have been wanting anti-tank and anti-aircraft weaponry but it looks like the US will give small arms and ammunition.
^They already have numerous ATGM,anti-tank guided missiles.They also have stingers.
you will never find rebels killing women and children. never.

even in hatla they killed pro government militia who started the fight a day before

What rubbish...I've seen the images with my own eyes...and naturally the refutation that comes from people like you is 'the rebels would never do this'...'assad did it etc'...

The Arab League's own observers at the beginning of the conflict stated that the rebels were using indiscriminate force and were targeting CIVILIANS...

Its pathetic that some are making out that one side is fighting a clean war...neither side is...
Syrian Civil War

What rubbish...I've seen the images with my own eyes...and naturally the refutation that comes from people like you is 'the rebels would never do this'...'assad did it etc'...

The Arab League's own observers at the beginning of the conflict stated that the rebels were using indiscriminate force and were targeting CIVILIANS...

Its pathetic that some are making out that one side is fighting a clean war...neither side is...

+ 1 million
I can't believe people are this ignorant .
+ 1 million
I can't believe people are this ignorant .

Its amazing it really is...the power of partisanship...after that 93,000 figure was announced I saw Islamists on Facebook spin it to 'Assad has killed 93,000'...

Any challenge of that point is deemed support for Assad...

They produce videos and images that are Assad's forces and then deny all the others that show the rebels...

Its pathetic frankly...
My friend is claiming that this is finally the trigger now for World War 3...
What rubbish...I've seen the images with my own eyes...and naturally the refutation that comes from people like you is 'the rebels would never do this'...'assad did it etc'...

The Arab League's own observers at the beginning of the conflict stated that the rebels were using indiscriminate force and were targeting CIVILIANS...

Its pathetic that some are making out that one side is fighting a clean war...neither side is...

First they will claim no civilians are killed, then they will say its ok because they are Shias

Just check out the takbeers whenever Shias are killed, in some islamic forums.

Same for the other side.
93,000 killed now. The figure just keeps soaring...

Please don't take what you read in the western media as fact and post the figures as if they have been independently verified. Most of the reports on Syria by the BBC etc are plain and simple fabrications.
its amazing how when some rebels kill someone innocent ASSad supporters go on a rampage on how these r "Saudi funded Zionist wahabi" terriorists r killing animals baby killers blah blah ..but they wont say a bad word about ASSad when he is bombing the whole citys full of innocent ppl ..these ppl say rebels r fighting assad because asssad was anti Israel ..Israel has attacked Syria many times in assads time .they bombed syrian nuclear power plants in 2009 ..they took Golan heights from assads father by force ..and till this day assad has never fired a shot at Israel ..all he does is bark like a mad dog like his iranin fathers ...

Syria doesn't have the firepower for war with Israel so it instead has supported the legitimate resistance in Palestine and Lebanon for many years. No doubt Assad's army has committed crimes against the Syrian people but they didn't start the bloodshed as claimed.

and then there r ppl who say we don't support the rebels because they r getting funds from the "Zionist west" ..well these were the same ppl who supported the afghan jihad against the soviets ..and everyone knows who funded the afghan mujahedeen's

Afghans were fighting invaders and occupiers, they had a right to resist regardless of who helped them or not. The so called 'rebels' have been given an opportunity for talks but refuse until Assad steps down, hardly an sign of them wanting the bloodshed to stop.

fact is Syrian ppl got tired of the dictator and decided protest against it but when assad started to kill the protesters ppl started to fight back and most of assads sunni army defected that is when assad started recruiting radical shias from around the world and this war became a shia sunni war ..

The Libyan 'rebels' openly declared they would start a conflict in Syria and that's what they did. The majority of the Syrian armed forces are still Sunni.

and if these "Saudi qatri Zionist funded wahabis" r working for the west why would the west put JABAT AL NUSRA as a terrorist Syrian army has been begging the west for help but all they r getting is false promises one is helping them

The CIA made up Al-Qaeda, it's not a real organistion. They hire mercenaries to act as religious warriors for their own imperial Zionist agenda. You don't go around the world hunting your arch enemy only to later supply them with weapons. lol Don't fall for this nonsense bro.

and just go to youtube and check out the torture videos of the great "ASSad army" ...there r videos of them

stabing to death
stoning to death an old men
burying an old men alive
cutting off fingers of ppl
setting 2 handcuffed guys on fire
beating a teenager to death

and check out the banyas massacre

this is just a tip of the icebearg ..and ppl r outraged over the guy eating hearth of a dead ASSad soldier

The 'rebels' have committed masses of war crimes in Syria.

This is a larger proxy warfare battle which has developed between Nato/Israel and Russia. The 'rebels' aren't interested in democracy for Syria, they are armed militias looking for money and power. Nato and Israel don't give a damn about the Syrian people, they want to further their own agendas.

Syria was a nation fairly stable with all sorts of people living together in peace and now it's a hellhole because of the outside interference and the terrorist militias.
Please don't take what you read in the western media as fact and post the figures as if they have been independently verified. Most of the reports on Syria by the BBC etc are plain and simple fabrications.
Western media ? Its a figure from the UN. Figures from the UN are fabrications ?
Western media ? Its a figure from the UN. Figures from the UN are fabrications ?

The media likes to promote such reports but doesn't tell you one of the sources is the Syrian government. Most of the sources used by the UN have various interests so this number is not accurate imo.
The UN Human Rights Council on Friday condemned the use of all foreign fighters in Syria's civil war, including Lebanese Hezbollah militants backing the government, but stopped short of calling for a halt to the flow of arms.

The Geneva forum adopted a resolution brought by Arab and Western powers, urging all parties to refrain from contributing to a further escalation of a conflict in which at least 93,000 people had been killed by the end of April.

Only Venezuela voted against the text, presented by Qatar on behalf of Britain, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, and the United States - which all back rebel forces. Thirty-seven states backed the motion. Nine abstained.

"Ecuador calls the Council's attention to that fact that the main proponents of this draft resolution are the ones contributing to continuation of violence by providing arms to opposition groups, thus contributing to the escalation of violence," Ecuador's Ambassador Luis Gallego Chiriboga said.

Other Latin American and Asian countries, including Brazil and Pakistan, voiced concerns that the Council had failed to use stronger language to denounce the weapons pouring into Syria.

"If we fail to condemn the transfer of arms in the resolution it is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire," Costa Rica's deputy ambassador Christian Guillermet-Fernandez said.

The heated debate was held a day after the United States said it would now arm rebels, having obtained what it said was proof the Syrian government used chemical weapons against fighters trying to overthrow President Bashar Assad.

Venezuela's representative, Felix Pena Ramos, referring to the U.S. accusation on the Syrian government's use of chemical weapons, said: "I am sure these are same people who confirmed there were weapons of mass destruction in Iraq."

Syria and its ally Russia rejected the text as unbalanced and counterproductive as efforts were being made to convene an international peace conference.

"It turns a blind eye to the presence of jihadists that come from more than 40 countries," Syrian Ambassador Faysal Khabbaz Hamoui said. "Certain countries that sponsored the resolution have financed, trained and supported them."

Russia, whose delegation has observer status and cannot vote, regretted that the United States was one of the initiators of the text despite their joint efforts to convene peace talks.

"The latest one-sided resolution on Syria talks about Hezbollah, but they don't seem to be worried about 1,000 highly-paid and heavily armed rebel groups," said Russian second secretary Roman Kashaev.
The media likes to promote such reports but doesn't tell you one of the sources is the Syrian government. Most of the sources used by the UN have various interests so this number is not accurate imo.

So what figure should we take ? Even the non western media Al Jazeera is going by these figures.
So what figure should we take ? Even the non western media Al Jazeera is going by these figures.

Al Jazeera is the Gulf's mouthpiece...its no different to the Western media...sources for their figures are the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights which is an opposition organisation...

Frankly we don't know what the real figures are...more importantly however is who is responsible for those figures and how that is presented...if you were to believe some...the rebels haven't killed a single civilian and every single death has been caused by Assad...this is the fiction that is currently being peddled...
So what figure should we take ? Even the non western media Al Jazeera is going by these figures.
I do not know about whethet the figure is real or not but Al Jazeera is very biased.During the Libyan crisis,It also provided one sided coverage,they potrayed the rebels as heroes and also ignored their atrocities.It has been heavily influenced by the Qatari government which supported the rebels is Libya and are doing the same in Syria.
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi says Egypt has decided to cut all ties with Syria and will withdraw the country's envoy from Damascus.
there will be civil war in egypt....soon...

terrorist are with no one...

and usa planned to arm only moderate rebel groups...

otherwise usa will have to handle a bigger issue...
if syria (another arab country after Tunisia, Egypt and iraq, become democratic country, it would put more pressure on qatar, kuwait, uae, behrain, oman and ksa)

i hope that now kurd also get active and get the rights they deserve...

turkey has been useless in world politics and practically good for nothing...i will be happy if it divides...
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Sarah Palin just gets weirder, saying the conflict should be left for 'Allah to sort out'.

John McCain has also called for humanitarian intervention, along with Tony Blair - so you know what that means people, if those two nimrods are saying it, take the polar opposite view.
Dear God, Iran is to send in 4,000 troops into Syria to aid Assad.
there will be civil war in egypt....soon...

terrorist are with no one...

and usa planned to arm only moderate rebel groups...

otherwise usa will have to handle a bigger issue...
if syria (another arab country after Tunisia, Egypt and iraq, become democratic country, it would put more pressure on qatar, kuwait, uae, behrain, oman and ksa)

i hope that now kurd also get active and get the rights they deserve...

turkey has been useless in world politics and practically good for nothing...i will be happy if it divides...

The Syrian ARAB Army (SAA) were one of the most racist towards the kurds. In fact, assad only gave them their autonomy when things kicked off so they could provide problems for Turkey. but Erdogan has does reasonably well to have made peace with the PKK armed "terrorist" kurds.

Many of the ones Protesting at Taksim in Turkey now, are with CHP and other extreme racist groups.
Now that does raise the stakes

Rumours are floating around that Saudi Arabia are going to do something really suprising... But thing are going to escalate as more becomes at stake for all the various "players".

Things will get worse before they get better