The Middle East Crisis

Mortar fire has hit the University of Damascus, killing at least 10 students

Syrian state TV blamed rebels for the attack, saying a number of people had also been injured.

It said the mortars had hit the university's faculty of architecture.

The Syrian capital is in the grip of heavy fighting between government and rebel forces, who have recently intensified the use of mortars in the city.

The attack on the university was also reported by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), a UK-based activist group, AFP news agency said. It said several rounds had hit but did not give further details.

At least five people have been killed by mortar fire in the centre of Damascus since Monday, AFP said.

it just goes to show how poor the west have been in all this.

I remember before the Iraq war, blair was using one of the kurdish women who had been raped as a mouthpiece against the iraqi regime. blair several times tried to justify war using a moral justification based on how bad the regime was to it's population.

anyway, we know now in Syria it's in all the countries interest both near and far, to see this conflict continue. those who claim to stand for oppression against women are mainly silent now on Syria.

the people who are suffering most are the women and children. It is a terrible civil war, where countries like Russia and China are profiteering from selling arms and countries like Iran, Qatar, Saudia Arabia are trying to make regional moves. and where you have growing influences from Hizbullah group and Alqaaeda affiliated groups. All recipe for a big disaster, not that it isn't a disaster already
No one knows what to do. Acting against Syria would be a declaration of war...who knows what Assad would do then. He's apparently already using chemical weapons on his people. He's in an "all of nothing/ready to die" type of mentality. God bless the Syrian people. They're getting torn apart at every angle. I don't know what I could even do to help, without encouraging further oppression of innocent people.
I advise you to read the thread. Yet another American poster who has been misinformed about Syria.

The so called Free Syrian Army has recently publicly declared to be Al-Qaeda, yet the Americans are arming them. These have always been mercenaries fighting on behalf of the US-Saudi alliance for the benefit of Israel. Assad isn't the terrorist here.
lol. I heard Americans love a challenge, and I accept a debate on Syria.

Why do you believe Assad is in a 'all of nothing/ready to die' mentality?

Why should Assad give up power to the FSA?

What right have the yanks got to meddle in Syria?
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I advise you to read the thread. Yet another American poster who has been misinformed about Syria.

The so called Free Syrian Army has recently publicly declared to be Al-Qaeda, yet the Americans are arming them. These have always been mercenaries fighting on behalf of the US-Saudi alliance for the benefit of Israel. Assad isn't the terrorist here.

The FSA is not one entity. One of the islamist brigrades which is not free syrian army but may work with them forva common goal is called jabhat al-nusra. this group is affiliated with alqaeeda officially and was/is on Americas list of terrorist organizations.

some of the brigrades are full of eives, others are backed by different countries qatar, saudi, turkey.

but to call FSA one unified fighting force would be incorrect analysis of the situation on the ground. clearly Jabhat nusra and others don't all get their weapons from Saudi.

to say Assad isn't a Terrorist here is just plane stupid. to be honest if that's what you think i can only think you are literally blind. you may see a million youtube videos of crimes of Assad Terrorism. Let's even say, yes these guys in FSA are all one, and they are CIA agents etc. and funded by saudi... How can Assad justify sending huge rockets, scud missiles, shabiha gangs to the local poulation and kill them and do unspeakable things to innocent children?

If you think Assad is an innocent party here, then i don't know what to say. can i ask what you think Iran and Hizbullah are doing in Syria or if you even think they are. Or is it ok for them to be there?
The FSA is not one entity. One of the islamist brigrades which is not free syrian army but may work with them forva common goal is called jabhat al-nusra. this group is affiliated with alqaeeda officially and was/is on Americas list of terrorist organizations.

some of the brigrades are full of eives, others are backed by different countries qatar, saudi, turkey.

but to call FSA one unified fighting force would be incorrect analysis of the situation on the ground. clearly Jabhat nusra and others don't all get their weapons from Saudi.

to say Assad isn't a Terrorist here is just plane stupid. to be honest if that's what you think i can only think you are literally blind. you may see a million youtube videos of crimes of Assad Terrorism. Let's even say, yes these guys in FSA are all one, and they are CIA agents etc. and funded by saudi... How can Assad justify sending huge rockets, scud missiles, shabiha gangs to the local poulation and kill them and do unspeakable things to innocent children?

If you think Assad is an innocent party here, then i don't know what to say. can i ask what you think Iran and Hizbullah are doing in Syria or if you even think they are. Or is it ok for them to be there?

Assad didn't start the carnage in Syria. The conflict is nothing but a result of foreign powers sending in weapons and arms to mercenaries. Of course they are not a united group, this proves there is no genuine revolution.

I use the term the FSA as they are all supposed to be fighting for their original agenda. Assad wasn't sending any rockets or troops into any town in Syria before the foreign backed terrorists started blowing up people. Most Syrians back Assad, most Syrians want the terrorists to be wiped out, most Syrians understand the larger geo-political game at play here. Besides many of the so called atrocities by Assad have been proven to be fake or suspected to be carried out by the terrorists.
lol. I heard Americans love a challenge, and I accept a debate on Syria.

Why do you believe Assad is in a 'all of nothing/ready to die' mentality?

Why should Assad give up power to the FSA?

What right have the yanks got to meddle in Syria?

If you actually took the time to read what I posted, I said I didn't understand what is happening in Syria or why. What I do know is that there are almost a million or more refugees, women and children being raped, and people being slaughtered in the street like dogs. Or is that a Zionist/CIA conspiracy? Is it only real when Pakistani/Afghan women and children are raped? That's "real" to you?

As to who's doing it and why? That's very cloudy. And again, reading is fundamental, I never said the "yanks" had a right to meddle in Syria. I am completely against non-disaster/non-humanitarian aid. The US involving itself in another M/E conflict would be a worst case scenario.

As for Assad...most dictators usually are killed, very few have graciously stepped down. Assad can maintain his status because he has a strong government and the military supports him. He also has the backing of Iran, and somewhat of Israel. Other than that...I have no clue.
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Assad didn't start the carnage in Syria. The conflict is nothing but a result of foreign powers sending in weapons and arms to mercenaries. Of course they are not a united group, this proves there is no genuine revolution.

I use the term the FSA as they are all supposed to be fighting for their original agenda. Assad wasn't sending any rockets or troops into any town in Syria before the foreign backed terrorists started blowing up people. Most Syrians back Assad, most Syrians want the terrorists to be wiped out, most Syrians understand the larger geo-political game at play here. Besides many of the so called atrocities by Assad have been proven to be fake or suspected to be carried out by the terrorists.

Where are you getting your news? Every Syrian I know is against Assad, and have been so for the last few YEARS.
Outrage at Syrian rebel shown 'eating soldier's heart'

A video which appears to show a Syrian rebel taking a bite from the heart of a dead soldier has brought strong condemnation.

US-based Human Rights Watch identified the rebel as Abu Sakkar, a well-known insurgent from the city of Homs, and said his actions were a war crime.

The main Syrian opposition coalition said he would be put on trial.

The video, which cannot be independently authenticated, seems to show him cutting out the heart.

"I swear to God we will eat your hearts and your livers, you soldiers of Bashar the dog," the man says referring to President Bashar al-Assad as he stands over the soldier's corpse.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) says Abu Sakkar is the leader of a group called the Independent Omar al-Farouq Brigade.

"The mutilation of the bodies of enemies is a war crime. But the even more serious issue is the very rapid descent into sectarian rhetoric and violence," HRW's Peter Bouckaert told Reuters news agency.
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“Start Quote

For months now, the noises from Western capitals have vacillated between the cry 'Something must be done!' and the forlorn reply, 'But what?'”

image of Mark Mardell Mark Mardell North America editor

Read more from Mark

HRW said those committing war crimes on either side had to know that there was no impunity and that they would be brought to account.

The human rights group said Abu Sakkar had been filmed before, firing rockets into Shia areas of Lebanon and posing with the bodies of guerrillas from the Lebanese Hezbollah movement killed fighting alongside Syrian government forces.

The video, posted on Sunday, is one of the most gruesome to emerge among the many thrown up by more than two years of carnage in Syria, says the BBC's Jim Muir in Beirut.

The UN says 70,000 people have been killed since the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad began in March 2011. The UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights puts the death toll at more than 80,000.

Many Syrians have fled the country to escape the fighting and more than a million are registered as refugees, according the UN. At least 300,000 are estimated to be living in Turkey.
Where are you getting your news? Every Syrian I know is against Assad, and have been so for the last few YEARS.

cant be true, if syrian people are against assad, and they think its a genuine jihad then assad cant stay for 5 days. he has support among sunnis too which are moderate in syria as compared to wahabis in saudi and qatar.
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bashar al assad on turkish tv.
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disgusting from the FSA COMMANDER qho did this and he's in charge of a brigade. these "rebels" are nothing but savages and may Allah swt wrath be upon them. These are the people the Prophet PBUH warned us about near the end times. They would ahve religion on their toungues and would shave their heads but would be the fuel of hellfire.(not accurate hadith translation by the way)
That's disgusting. Syria is right now a living hell for all those inhabiting the country. The Assad-backed forces and the rebels, of whom there is a significant infiltration of Al-Qaeda, are barbaric savages.
disgusting from the FSA COMMANDER qho did this and he's in charge of a brigade. these "rebels" are nothing but savages and may Allah swt wrath be upon them. These are the people the Prophet PBUH warned us about near the end times. They would ahve religion on their toungues and would shave their heads but would be the fuel of hellfire.(not accurate hadith translation by the way)

Yusair b. 'Amr reported that he inquired of Sahl b. Hunaif: Did you hear the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him) making a mention of the Khwarij? He said: I heard him say (and he pointed with his hand towards the east) that these would be a people who would recite the Qur'an with their tongues and it would not go beyond their collar bones. They would pass clean through their religion just as the arrow passes through the prey.

Sahih Muslim Book 005, Hadith Number 2336.
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Read about that yesterday.Disgusting.These rebels are even worse than animals.
Assad didn't start the carnage in Syria. The conflict is nothing but a result of foreign powers sending in weapons and arms to mercenaries. Of course they are not a united group, this proves there is no genuine revolution.

I use the term the FSA as they are all supposed to be fighting for their original agenda. Assad wasn't sending any rockets or troops into any town in Syria before the foreign backed terrorists started blowing up people. Most Syrians back Assad, most Syrians want the terrorists to be wiped out, most Syrians understand the larger geo-political game at play here. Besides many of the so called atrocities by Assad have been proven to be fake or suspected to be carried out by the terrorists.


Saudia Arabia and Qatar are actively supplying weapons to these terrorists.Shame on them.

Rebel eats a soldiers heart (above) ....... UK, France and USA want to arm these people (below).

UK, USA and France are disgusting for openly wanting to arm terrorists in other nations. Bottom line will be oil. Help overthrow current goverment and then put into power puppets who will sell oil on the cheap.

These countires are hypocrites, they will help blood shed for their own cause.
The arms deal should surely not go ahead. Why on earth would western governments want to arm what is essentially the Syrian wing of Al-Qaeda ?
Atrocities in Syria [ALL NEWS & DISCUSSION IN HERE]

Ladies & gentlemen..these are the 'rebels' the West is arming. Shame on them.

I dont remember IRA being considered as rebels? I clearly remember them as terrorists.

These westerners armed the 'Rebels' in Afghanistan and now they are chasing those 'Rebels' aka the Taliban .

Best part is the entire World will sit back and watch it happen again.

I dont remember IRA being considered as rebels? I clearly remember them as terrorists.

These westerners armed the 'Rebels' in Afghanistan and now they are chasing those 'Rebels' aka the Taliban .

Best part is the entire World will sit back and watch it happen again.

Atrocities in Syria [ALL NEWS & DISCUSSION IN HERE]

When this was happening in Libya I came across a video on Facebook which appeared to show a black Libyan soldier being made to eat his friends brain at gun point .
Western powers have no choice but to condemn cannibalism and the use of chemical weapons by their proxy...whats interesting is even the media are doing it which they weren't for Libya when things like ethnic cleansing were going on for why?...

The US has no plans to intervene here...the plan was simply destabilisation and with the Gulf providing weaponry the rebels are actually doing a competent Libya the rebels were getting well and truly battered so NATO needed to Syria that isnt the case...

Some have taken Western condemnation to mean lack of support...that is a naive view...the rebels can eat as many hearts as they want providing they keep this war going on for as long as possible...
Look at what the former general secretary of hezbollat said in an interview

i will translate it for you

Q: Are the those hezbollat fighters who die in syria shaheed or martyrs?

A: Martyr because he murderd children of muslims? martyr because he terrrorised them? martyr because he destroyed their homes? martyr because he's liberating palestine? No he's not a martyr. He will end up in jahanam. And this is a fact based on the quran al kareem

here's a video of qusayr between the mujahideen and the hezbollat mercenaries

40 dead hezbollat just yesterday alone trying to storm qusayr

The bloodbath is to continue.

Russian arms 'to deter foreign intervention in Syria'

Russia says it will go ahead with deliveries of S-300 anti-aircraft missiles to Syria, and that the arms will help deter foreign intervention.

Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said the missiles were a "stabilising factor" that could dissuade "some hotheads" from entering the conflict.

Russia also criticised a decision by the EU not to renew an arms embargo on the Syrian opposition.

Mr Ryabkov said the move would harm the prospects for a peace conference.
Assad is a mass murderer,a fascist,an idiot,who has butchered lakhs of his own people.And some stupid,cold blood people still believe in that crap conspiracy theories.shameless people.
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Atrocities in Syria [ALL NEWS & DISCUSSION IN HERE]

Assad is a mass murderer,a fascist,an idiot,who has butchered lakhs of his own people.And some stupid,cold blood people still believe in that crap conspiracy theories.shameless people.

What conspiracies ?
Common now,dont be that naive:afridilike US and itsallies are right behind everything happening in middleeast,like all these revolutions were sponserd,things like thatt....
Threads like these venture beyond discussion.

Why is there so much concern toward random countries on the map? I'm flattering them by calling basket cases like Burma, Syria and Sudan countries by the way. I understand that there is a feeling of Muslim brotherhood or whatever, but if you as a Pakistani are going to start worrying about the fate of every Islamic individual within every corner of the planet, you're never going to stay still.

In this case, Syrians. Let them worry about themselves. There can't be more than a handful of Pakistanis in that country anyway.
Assad is a mass murderer,a fascist,an idiot,who has butchered lakhs of his own people.And some stupid,cold blood people still believe in that crap conspiracy theories.shameless people.

What mass murder took place before this descended into a civil war?...
Atrocities in Syria [ALL NEWS & DISCUSSION IN HERE]


No-one here is defending the Assad side...and no-one here is claiming that his side have good conduct when they fight...but its a complete joke to think that the rebels are not murdering civilians and fighting a dirty war...both sets are a bunch of animals and its the majority of Syrians who are having to suffer because of this war between the Gulf and Iran...

This . Why can't people see this ?
As for there being no outside influence i don't believe that .
This . Why can't people see this ?
As for there being no outside influence i don't believe that .

Its not even a conspiracy to suggest there is outside influence...its all very open...the Gulf and Turkey are supplying weapons and support...

On the other side its Russia and Iran supplying Syria...

However only one side is constantly being accused of wrong...
One of the issues with the Middle East is that so many countries that occupy the region are completely artificial, with its borders drawn up by the British and the French after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War.

This is why you have such a flotsam and jetsam of ethnicities and sects in these countries, making so many of these 'nations' such flashpoints for conflict.

Is a redrawing of borders in the Middle East necessary ? Many of these nations simply do not seem to be viable.
Its not even a conspiracy to suggest there is outside influence...its all very open...the Gulf and Turkey are supplying weapons and support...

On the other side its Russia and Iran supplying Syria...

However only one side is constantly being accused of wrong...

This.The atrocities of the rebels are being ignored.
but its a complete joke to think that the rebels are not murdering civilians and fighting a dirty war...both sets are a bunch of animals and its the majority of Syrians who are having to suffer because of this war between the Gulf and Iran...

The problem is the same people who are angry at Assad cheer when the rebels kill civilians.
A TV Reporter was killed by a rebel sniper recently, and ther response of Anti-Assad people was to call her a ***** who slept around.

Similarly when minorities, civilians or otherwise are killed, "Muslims" in Islamic sites go around typing in all caps "ALLAHUAKBAR" , "XYZ killed by Mujahiden".

The Syrian case is all about sects, and it ashames me that so many of my fellow Sunnis are advocating full out genocide .
MusliM "scholars" have said that it is permissible to kill civillians if they are supporting government.

McCain the murderer is also in Syria
have to applaud your mindboggling should for once try your hand at scriptwriting,:asif
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Ironic the British want to arm people who behead soliders, as long as it's not their soldiers it must be o.k. How people take these western governments as genuine is very strange.

If Muslims cut out their sectarian views, they will see Assad is fighting against Zionism. Those fighting against Assad are in league with Zionism. How people cannot figure this out after 2 years shows their lack of brainpower.

Anyway the Russian Bear has made it stance very clear to Israel and it's stooges in the western world. Russia will deliver the S-300 so next time an invading fighter jet crosses into their land it will be shot down.

Syria will not kneel before Zionism.

SYRIAN IRANAN shia terriorist army burying 12 people alive ..including some children ..

shame on the pig al assad ..inshallah he will be tortured to death for crimes against humanity

Thats not Syria but Jordan.Its propaganda video.Do a bit of research and you will find that out.The Jordanian
Army's training video which I must say is really weird.Anyways,thats not the Syrian Army and not in Syria.
Thats not Syria but Jordan.Its propaganda video.Do a bit of research and you will find that out.The Jordanian
Army's training video which I must say is really weird.Anyways,thats not the Syrian Army and not in Syria.

can u show me the proof bro ? ...I really hope its just some weird training video

Lol what a pathetic me what massacre Bashar has committed prior to this civil conflict...referring to Hama during his fathers rule is ridiculous...

Lets also not forget that individuals such as Abdel Halim Khaddam who were involved in what happened in Hama allied with the Muslim Brotherhood as part of the opposition...your reference to Hama holds no weight...

Tell me what massacre Bashar committed...not what his father did...
One of the issues with the Middle East is that so many countries that occupy the region are completely artificial, with its borders drawn up by the British and the French after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire at the end of the First World War.

This is why you have such a flotsam and jetsam of ethnicities and sects in these countries, making so many of these 'nations' such flashpoints for conflict.

Like the 'Balkanisation' pre-WW1, and the resulting horrors after Tito died.
I don't see why Israel would want to back the rebels, why would they want the Al Nusra Front to come to power ? Surely the better the devil you know ?
I don't see why Israel would want to back the rebels, why would they want the Al Nusra Front to come to power ? Surely the better the devil you know ?

The aim isn't to get Al Nusrah power just as it was never the aim to give Al Qaeda the reigns in Libya...

Destabilisation also is just as useful as regime change if not more...the aim is to weaken Iran and Hezbollah...keeping the conflict going weakens both Iran and Hezbollah...

Hence the lack of intervention...keep both sides fighting...the desire isnt for the rebels to win but just to undermine...

Saudia Arabia and Qatar are actively supplying weapons to these terrorists.Shame on them.

Turkey also.

I've read the London press describe this as a broadly Sunni vs Shia conflict. It's most curious to me.

I see that the rebels have been offered Assad's seat at the Arab League.

I don't know what the West hopes to gain from arming and training the rebels/terrorists (delete according to your beliefs), because they will most likely turn and bite the hand that fed them, as did OBL.

Perhaps the ultimate goal is destabilisation of Syria with a view to negotiating with whatever remains, but why do this when Assad was playing ball with the West to begin with?
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I don't see why Israel would want to back the rebels, why would they want the Al Nusra Front to come to power ? Surely the better the devil you know ?

These are terrorists not rebels, don't digest whatever you are fed by the BBC or CNN.

The terrorists are backed by the CIA while Assad supports the resistance against Zionist entity.

Anyone who supports the so called 'rebels' is backing Zionists.
Rebels, guerrillas, militants, terrorists, its all semantics. Anyway, they are not a unified outfit at all, they have just denounced the Syrian National Coalition.

Syrian rebel groups based inside the country accused the exiled opposition of failing to represent the movement fighting Bashar al-Assad, complicating Russian and U.S. efforts to convene peace talks between the warring sides.

The statement by four groups calling themselves the Revolutionary Movement in Syria also demanded half the leadership positions within the National Coalition.

The six-month-old exiled grouping “is unable to fulfill its obligations due to the ongoing discord among the different parties represented,” according to a statement on the website of the Local Coordination Committees.
It may be semantics to you but try calling the woolwich killers rebels and you will be accused of appeasing terrorists. It's actually a very important point, William Hague and his cronies are arming these rebels, if the British were fighting them they would be called terrorists.

These Zionist puppets have been getting a severe beating recently which is why the friends of Israel are desperate to arm them with even more weapons so they can kill innocent Syrians.
The garbage some people believe in here is quite sad really.

It would be easy for me to go off on a rant. But i will just say one thing.

this twitter user

he is one of many stuck in a town called qusayr. besiged on all sides by hezbollah dogs and bashar thugs. For a year. 10,000 men against couple of hundred defenders. Anyone who tries to get out is killed by those who surround the city.

Try leaving in a city with no access to water and food for a year.

then try and come back here and spout your usual garbage about zionist rebels. I swear to Allah you only expose you ignorance and jahiliya.

Picture this.

2006. people of qusayr give food and shelter to hezbollat fighting israel

2013 hezbollat pays back the service by shelling and killing qusayr citizens.

@ robert

this is a sunni and shia war now. A war between the majority of the people and a ruling bloodthirsty minority who are hell bent of killing and destroying syria before they relinquish anything.

Dont let anyone else convince you otherwise
^ It's very simple anyone aligned with Zionists Israel and the US are the enemy of Muslims. The refugees leaving should only blame the terrorists who aren't fighting any just Jihad but are mercenaries fighting for money. If they believe in Allah so much why ask Israel for help?

This is not a Shia/Sunni war, complete nonsense. This is Shia/Sunni uniting in Syria fighting Zionist puppets. The majority of the Syrian army is Sunni. Hezbollah along with the Syrian army are giving a good hiding to these puppets.
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Well said by Somali Pirate.

Zionist rebels lol. This is broadly a Muslim vs Muslim war, obviously except those against Assad are mostly Sunni and those in government are Shia.

But I really believe its not about the ethnicity (apart from the extremests on both sides who want to portray that way.
It's really a case of Hardcore Police state which has had rampant corruption, favouritism and widespread human right abuse.
Remember the Protests started off peacefully 2 years ago - only when the regime started killing them including many children did this bloodbath.

I am disgusted with Hizbollah - how dare they send thousands of thier fighters into Syria that has absolutely nothing to with them. I supported this group in thier conflict with Israel in 2006 but never again.
I will not excuse any of the terrible and outrageous crimes by some of the rebels but please there is no comparison to what the government backed milita have been accused of - you can see this in many independent Human rights organisations.
yes the massacre was commited by his dog father but he is a supporter of that massacre ..he has put up giant statues of his father in every city of Syria u believe germans would have let hitlers son rule them (if he had any)..and hes a dictator who has ruled with an iron fist body in Syria prior to the freedom struggle was able to critise rat al assad ....and muslim brotherhood was considered a terriorists in Egypt ..just because they are against dictators ..see who won a landmark in Egypt ..same would have happened if they won against hafiz al dog ..

thanks bro

So tell me about Abdel Halim Khaddam...there are people involved in that massacre who are part of the opposition...

You can pick some point in history to legitimise this uprising...everyone does...but facts are that the massacres have been taking place under Bashar's reign post civil conflict...

Lol the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt were perfect proxy against the popular Nasser...these Islamic groups have always always done the Wests and what bs about dictators...who supports these Islamic groups if not dictators from the Gulf...
Well said by Somali Pirate.

Zionist rebels lol. This is broadly a Muslim vs Muslim war, obviously except those against Assad are mostly Sunni and those in government are Shia.

FACT 1.....The majority of soldiers in the Syrian army are Sunni.

FACT 2.....Assad is an Alawite, not othrodox Shia.

FACT 3.....The FSA and others are working with Israel, CIA, MI5

But I really believe its not about the ethnicity (apart from the extremests on both sides who want to portray that way.
It's really a case of Hardcore Police state which has had rampant corruption, favouritism and widespread human right abuse.
Remember the Protests started off peacefully 2 years ago - only when the regime started killing them including many children did this bloodbath.

You should try something else other than Al-Jazeera. After Libya many of those terrorists arrived in Syria to do what they did in Libya. There was never any intention of any peaceful protests. lol

I am disgusted with Hizbollah - how dare they send thousands of thier fighters into Syria that has absolutely nothing to with them. I supported this group in thier conflict with Israel in 2006 but never again.
I will not excuse any of the terrible and outrageous crimes by some of the rebels but please there is no comparison to what the government backed milita have been accused of - you can see this in many independent Human rights organisations.

If the CIA can send it's mercenaries into Syria then Syria can call on it's allies too. Hezbollah aren't no rag tag fighters like the FSA, they are highly trained and already smashing the Zionist puppets. Lebanon's future depends on what is happening in Syria, they have an important interest.
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FACT 1.....The majority of soldiers in the Syrian army are Sunni.

FACT 2.....Assad is an Alawite, not othrodox Shia.

FACT 3.....The FSA and others are working with Israel, CIA, MI5

You should try something else other than Al-Jazeera. After Libya many of those terrorists arrived in Syria to do what they did in Libya. There was never any intention of any peaceful protests. lol

If the CIA can send it's mercenaries into Syria then Syria can call on it's allies too. Hezbollah aren't no rag tag fighters like the FSA, they are highly trained and already smashing the Zionist puppets. Lebanon's future depends on what is happening in Syria, they have an important interest.

That initial point seems lost on people...Alawiite are a minority in the country...they can not defend Bashar by themselves...

You are indeed correct that Alawiites aren't seen as Shia...the defence by Hezbollah isn't to do with Shia and Sunni it is to do with Iran...and to prevent an anti shia leadership in Syria...

What I will say however is unlike Libya where it was a tiny minority who chose to fight against Gaddafi during this conflict Bashar has less support...hence the lack of a need for a direct intervention...

I also find it bizarre how Islamists get all behind this all while insulting the Gulf countries...confused folk...
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The garbage some people believe in here is quite sad really.

It would be easy for me to go off on a rant. But i will just say one thing.

this twitter user

he is one of many stuck in a town called qusayr. besiged on all sides by hezbollah dogs and bashar thugs. For a year. 10,000 men against couple of hundred defenders. Anyone who tries to get out is killed by those who surround the city.

Try leaving in a city with no access to water and food for a year.

then try and come back here and spout your usual garbage about zionist rebels. I swear to Allah you only expose you ignorance and jahiliya.

Picture this.

2006. people of qusayr give food and shelter to hezbollat fighting israel

2013 hezbollat pays back the service by shelling and killing qusayr citizens.

@ robert

this is a sunni and shia war now. A war between the majority of the people and a ruling bloodthirsty minority who are hell bent of killing and destroying syria before they relinquish anything.

Dont let anyone else convince you otherwise

First, some of the words you used in your post are quiet objectionable. Maybe you are correct in your opinion but I think using words as “dogs” and “thugs” are not appropriate.
Respectfully, I disagree with your opinions and I would like you to reconsider the points you made. Factually, the city of Qusair or Al Qusayr was controlled by Free Syrian Army (FSA). This information is based on the news from correspondents covering the Syrian news. (I would be glad to provide you with the links). Additionally, the main military airport of the city was controlled by FSA. However, Syrian Army and Hezbollah fighters have captured most of the city back from the FSA in the past few weeks.

There is no question that many innocent people have been killed as part of this insurgency in Syria. Regardless of their religion or sect, every life is precious and the President of Syria and those who are supporting the FSA should take responsibility of these killings. I believe all the neighbors of Syria are equally responsible in this mess. There is not a single country to blame.
what dissapoints me among other things is Turkey's invovlment. what is in it for them?
what dissapoints me among other things is Turkey's invovlment. what is in it for them?

Turkey have had to take on thousands of Syrian refugees, plus their relations with Syria have historically been strained due to water, disputed territory and alleged Syrian backing of the PKK.
Some of the comments written above are simply despicable and unwarranted. This conflict should not be seen as fight between Sunni and Shia Islam. How much efforts did Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Turkey and Western Countries have put together to help Palestanians?? Last time I checked they are all Sunni Muslims. I don't know why the plight of People in Syria required such efforts that everyone is willing to send money and weapons to help those fighting in Syria. The fact is that this support to certain groups in Syria is only to end the influence of Iran on Syria and Hezbollah. This fact is very clear.

On the other hand Hezbollah and Iran are helping Assad regime as they perceive him a key support for Hezollah in Lebanan. I think it was a mistake on Hezbollah to fight along with Assad and it's troops. There is no question Syrian Army has been involved in criminal acts against civilians. Certainly, they are not gaining any support in the country with such acts. The fact is that majority of the people in that country is against the current president and Assad wants to hang on to the power by every means. Ideally, Assad's neighbors and other Arab countries should have pressed for elections and not sending fighters in that country. This act have paved way for Hezbollah to send its fighters in that country as well.
I am quite ignorant on this topic but would like to start forming a credible opinion.

Any chance of an objective summary or analysis?

Thanks in advance.
Ali Hussein Al-Maliki the nephew of the Prime Minister of Iraq (Nouri Al-Maliki) has been killed in homs Syria he was fighting for assad ...he came to fight against western funded "wahabi" terriorists in Syria ..but he didn't knew his uncle is a stoog of the west
I am quite ignorant on this topic but would like to start forming a credible opinion.

Any chance of an objective summary or analysis?

Thanks in advance.

Another year, another sectarian war in the Middle East.

To put it crudely, Shia countries such as Iran, Iraq and the Shia paramilitary based in Lebanon, Hezbollah and the Alawite (branch of Shiaism) regime in Syria is on one side, and the insurgency, which is mainly Sunni (Syria is a mainly Sunni population) is backed by the Sunni Gulf states such as Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and the West. It must be said that there is an element of Al-Qaeda in the insurgency - the Al Nusra Front. The insurgents are quite a broad and unstable coalition, from secularists to theocrats.

Israel seem content with this current state of stalemate, as the Assad regime is being weakened, but they will not fully back the insurgency as there is an Islamist element to it, Hamas themselves have supported the insurgents.

It is a barbaric civil war quite frankly, with horrific atrocities being committed from both sides. In Lebanon they had a civil war from 1975-1990, so this may go on and on. It will look like the only way this is going to end is a fight to the death, political resolutions are remote right now.
lol do people here hate Assad since he is leading a secular Islamic state? Yeah remove him from power and let the rebel Al-Qaeda come into power and drive the nation into further turmoil. Israel always strikes first on empty threats, this is not how it works.
It is Jabhat Al-Nusra that leading the fight in Al-Qusayr against Hizbollat and Assad dogs.

“They [rebels] are powerful not only because they apparently have very good training and very sophisticated weaponry,” Jawad (hizbullah fighter) said, citing the brutality of Chechen fighters among the ranks of the Nusra Front.

“Nusra is strong because [the fighters] are fearless. I can sense that from the way they launch raids against us,” Jawad continued. “It’s like they really don’t care if they die. They are ruthless and fearless.”
I am quite ignorant on this topic but would like to start forming a credible opinion.

Any chance of an objective summary or analysis?

Thanks in advance.

In short...

There are legitimate grievances with Assad and there were legitimate protests against Assad...

However things got under control due to strong arm tactics by Assad and the fact that the Gulf and Turkey armed factions of the opposition...the armed opposition ended up hijacking what was a legitimate protest and transformed it into a civil conflict...

The purpose for arming the rebels was not for the rebels to win...but simply to destabilise the Iranian ally...

Whatever some on here say there are very few supporters of Assad...what is being stated is that the rebels and likes of Al Nusrah front do not represent the masses...neither does Assad...but a war is being fought by the Gulf through its proxy at the expense of the Syrians...

Neither side is interested in fighting a clean war...althought the like of UmarAkmalFan would have you believe otherwise...civilians are being murdered on all sides...and are being actively targeted by both sides...

Its a barbaric conflict which one side is trying to present as some kind of just revolution...