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Philly is in Playoffs Yay!!!!!!!!!!! My hometown is buzzinnnnn, Santa came to us early this year.... Word is we will def have Westbrook & Maclin back during playoffs which makes us very tough to beat.. BIRD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!
Romali_rotti said:
Philly is in Playoffs Yay!!!!!!!!!!! My hometown is buzzinnnnn, Santa came to us early this year.... Word is we will def have Westbrook & Maclin back during playoffs which makes us very tough to beat.. BIRD UP!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't that what you guys say every year and pretty much by the end of the first round you just utter the words "next year!"
Amir said:
Isn't that what you guys say every year and pretty much by the end of the first round you just utter the words "next year!"
Yeah and its usually followed by the 'fire Reid' and 'trade McNabb' campaign. The birds give their fans false hope every year.
Amir said:
Isn't that what you guys say every year and pretty much by the end of the first round you just utter the words "next year!"

lol Yeah I guess we do have similar genes ala Buffalo Bills of the early 90's. All I can do is hope for the best and finally see my team bring it home...
Good to see BDawk back in town and even better to see the philly fans giving him a very wam reception.. Gmen out of the playoffs, but to be fair their side this season has been nothing short of rubbish. Philly taking on Dallas, must win situation for us so we can the 1st round bye in the playoffs, I am quite nervous about this one...
A lost cause for Big Blue. Hopefully we'll be able to draft some young O linemen and defensive players. In a must win game we were missing 2 of our O linemen and 4 of our defensive starters. Next year will be better. I'll be rooting for the Colts now for the playoffs.
Amir said:
When does Philly play Cowboys?

This Sunday man at 4:15....... I have to be a work I cant believe I am gonna miss this game but will be following it on the net... I dont think we will win but hoping for the best BIRD UP...
Not really worried about the loss to Dallas, it was a tactical move to study the Boys is how I felt from watching the game.....Although I dont think we will beat Cowboys this week.... We have to go after Julius Peppers in this years free agency....
Lol at Philly..hahahaha...get rid of Donovan..he WAS good..not nemore...even Garcia was better than him..c'mon...

Sure Jets won today..but still long way to go...not sure if we can pull out one more win against Indy or SD...i'd love to beat SD tho...

Let's go JETS :)
Romali_rotti said:
Not really worried about the loss to Dallas, it was a tactical move to study the Boys is how I felt from watching the game.....Although I dont think we will beat Cowboys this week.... We have to go after Julius Peppers in this years free agency....

Still not worried :D :P

34-14, what a victory. Bring back Emitt Smith and win the title!
I didnt think we would win but if Dallas wins another superbowl it would be painful the agony will give me plenty of sleepless nights.. I hope this will be a wakeup call for the philly front office when the offseason starts get; JULIUS PEPPERS & whomever else to win it all... No.5 will be back for 1 more year...
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Romali....uhhh, Bird Up for next season? :D :P (sorry, just having some fun)
Amir said:
Romali....uhhh, Bird Up for next season? :D :P (sorry, just having some fun)

Thats right BIRD UP for next season, every other season and for seasons after I am gone from this place... Keeping the faith, bleeding green............
Inswinger said:
How long before Tony Romeo fumbles it away once again?

Gawd I hope he does, if Dallas wins it will be painful for both of us but for me more...
Keeping the faith, bleeding green............

Now you just sound like a Pakistani fan. Bleeds green but continously disappointed :D
Amir said:
Now you just sound like a Pakistani fan. Bleeds green but continously disappointed :D

Haha Thank god I change colours to blue when I follow cricket :D.. Otherwise I would need to be put into a mental asylum if both my teams kept on letting me down at the same time lol....

Damnn it I am soo frustrated, Y do you do this to me on & on PHILADELPHIA EAGLES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I wouldn't mind it if the Colts, Cardinals, or Vikings won it all. I don't want to see the Cowboys, Jets, and Chargers to win it. Can't stand 'em.
Football Games Have 11 Minutes of Action


Football fans everywhere are preparing to settle in for the NFL's biggest and most electric weekend of the season—a four-game playoff marathon that will swallow up at least 12 hours of broadcast time over two days.

But here's something even dedicated students of the game may not fully appreciate: There's very little actual football in a football game.

According to a Wall Street Journal study of four recent broadcasts, and similar estimates by researchers, the average amount of time the ball is in play on the field during an NFL game is about 11 minutes.

In other words, if you tally up everything that happens between the time the ball is snapped and the play is whistled dead by the officials, there's barely enough time to prepare a hard-boiled egg. In fact, the average telecast devotes 56% more time to showing replays.

So what do the networks do with the other 174 minutes in a typical broadcast? Not surprisingly, commercials take up about an hour. As many as 75 minutes, or about 60% of the total air time, excluding commercials, is spent on shots of players huddling, standing at the line of scrimmage or just generally milling about between snaps. In the four broadcasts The Journal studied, injured players got six more seconds of camera time than celebrating players. While the network announcers showed up on screen for just 30 seconds, shots of the head coaches and referees took up about 7% of the average show.

If you think the networks are a little too fond of cheerleaders, you may be mistaken: In these broadcasts, only two networks showed cheerleaders at all. And when they did, they were only on camera for an average of three seconds. "We make it a point to get Dallas cheerleaders on, but otherwise, it's not really important," says Fred Gaudelli, NBC's Sunday Night Football producer. "If we're doing the Jets, I couldn't care less."

if there was ever a sport designed specifically for television consumption, American Football is it. and finally a major publication like the Wall Street Journal has something to say about it.

in your average game, there's:
11 minutes of actual playing time
17 minutes of replays
67 minutes of players just standing around.
Rumour: Not sure how legitimate this is but should Peppers make it to free agency he will be an Eagle on day 1 itself.. Please god, Please let this be true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Onto the positive note Cowboys lost :D...
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RumiNYC said:
Has any of you started to show some respect to JETS yet ? ;)

I dont mind the Jets, Rex Ryan son of the legendary former Eagles coach Buddy RYan mannnn tons of RESPECT right here from an Eagle fan...
Buddy Ryan was a bust as a HC but Rex has done well. Hopefully the Colts will put the Jets back into their place and knock 'em out. I can;t even turn on the radio or watch ESPN cause it's Jets, Jets, Jets all over the place. I don't give a damn about the Jets!!!
Isn't Giants season is already over Inswinger ? What are u still doing in this thread ;)
What Eli manning couldnt do in this rookie year, Sanchez is doing..sure he got lot to learn..i'm tired of this drought..Colts is good team..but they're one-man team..i dont see them beating Jets in next week. J-E-T-S ...jets jets jets
Inswinger said:
Buddy Ryan was a bust as a HC but Rex has done well. Hopefully the Colts will put the Jets back into their place and knock 'em out. I can;t even turn on the radio or watch ESPN cause it's Jets, Jets, Jets all over the place. I don't give a damn about the Jets!!!

Buddy as far from a bust, he put together one of the greatest Defensive lines in NFL history; Reggie WHite, Jerome Brown,Clyde Simmons etc with line backers Joyner, Evans along with dirty waters & Eric Allen patrolling the backfield. To put it bluntly that Eagle D of the mid 80's to the early 90's was better than any Steeler defense or any other team's D that includes the D which LT played for as well... Now Buddy was all about defense he couldnt care about any offense, I recall back in the 80's he wouldnt even know what play to call on offense so he would just go to Randall's ears and whisper; 'JUST DO IT' to get a first down lol... If only Buddy concentrated a bit more on his offense that Eagle side of his would have had atleast 2 superbowls.....
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RumiNYC said:
Isn't Giants season is already over Inswinger ? What are u still doing in this thread ;)
What Eli manning couldnt do in this rookie year, Sanchez is doing..sure he got lot to learn..i'm tired of this drought..Colts is good team..but they're one-man team..i dont see them beating Jets in next week. J-E-T-S ...jets jets jets
Sanchez is doing exactly what Big Ben did. That's what happens when you have a great defense and O--lone. Nothing special from Sanchez.
AFC and NFC championship matches today. I think Colts one started 2 hours ago and I just remembered. So going home to watch it
Good to see the Jest getting knocked out!! They had literally taken over NY over the past few weeks.
It seems that the Eagles will be parting ways with Westbrook. The Chargers released LT yesterday. Goes to show how unpredictable the career of a running back is.
^^^ think he got released today, thanks for the memmories was a true sportsman on and off the field. I hope he retires so he can lead a healthy life, you made enuff dough BWEST enjoy rest of you life and sorry you never got to win a championship but I am sure you will always bleed green deep down.... Onto the positive note; Julius Peppers almost certain to be an Eagle, Trent Cole on the Right & Julius on the left this spells doom for rest of the NFC East :D...
Inswinger said:
It seems that the Eagles will be parting ways with Westbrook. The Chargers released LT yesterday. Goes to show how unpredictable the career of a running back is.

You're finished before you hit 32, it's about as predictable as it gets
Big Mac said:
You're finished before you hit 32, it's about as predictable as it gets
By unpredictability I meant, one year you're on top of the league and the next year you might be toast.
Romali_rotti said:
^^^ think he got released today, thanks for the memmories was a true sportsman on and off the field. I hope he retires so he can lead a healthy life, you made enuff dough BWEST enjoy rest of you life and sorry you never got to win a championship but I am sure you will always bleed green deep down.... Onto the positive note; Julius Peppers almost certain to be an Eagle, Trent Cole on the Right & Julius on the left this spells doom for rest of the NFC East :D...
Nothing the Giants O-Line couldn't handle... :D
The guy I wanted was Wilfork but the Pats already franchised him. Next target should be Dansby to replace AP.
Inswinger said:
Nothing the Giants O-Line couldn't handle... :D

Gmen have the best Oline in the NFC East, I wouldnt be surprised if they handled Julius & Cole but I dont think the will be able to. I would be so upset if we didnt get Peppers by any chance...

The guy I wanted was Wilfork but the Pats already franchised him.

Nahh Wilfork is a Nose Tackle meant for a 3-4, you have guys like Fred Robbins in the middle I dont see how much better Wilfork will make big blue if you gat him..

Next target should be Dansby to replace AP.

Dansby would be the sensible thing to do would make Gmen a lot better but we would beat you regardless..

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I'd be very surprised if Fred Robbins is resigned. He's over 32 and had a very poor season last year. I expect them to resign Cofield but not Robbins. Haynesworth was also a 3-4 NT but did well in the Skins 4-3 defense.
Inswinger said:
I'd be very surprised if Fred Robbins is resigned. He's over 32 and had a very poor season last year. I expect them to resign Cofield but not Robbins. Haynesworth was also a 3-4 NT but did well in the Skins 4-3 defense.

Nah I dont think Haynesworth played on a 3-4 in Tennessee, I could be wrong... He had a below avg season for big ticket FA, however I do believe that was due to Skins wacky out of this planet defensive schemes which made no sense, then again SKINS dont make sense period... Actually the Giants gonna need a good secondary before they re-shuffle their Dline especially since they will be confronted with teams like Philly with speed... I am kinda nervous Giants getting their hands on Taylor Mays as I want Eagles to get him, seen a lot of this kid; he is raw but at 6-3, 230 pounds with under 10 percent body fat running 40s at 4.35 is just amazingg. He is not without cons however; not a good tackler and tends to bring opponents down with a shoulder hit rather than wrapping em up with his hands.. Nevertheless I do believe he can be taught the correct techniques under a decent D_Coordinator and eventually become a STUD..
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DAMN IT!!!! DAMN ITT !!!!! DAMN IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!, I DONT THINK EAGLES WILL GET PEPPERS.... If Mcnabb do get traded tommorow that means we are back in rebuilding phase again so no push for the superbowl this coming year :(... F*********************K
Peppers is close to signing with the Bears. Dansby will get a good deal from the Dolphins and the Giants will probably end up with Rolle. KP and Rolle will be great for us. Hopefully we can get a top MLB in the draft.
Peppers a bear :(..... Well done Front office another superbowl less season coming up.. I dont know why I follow this ****in team...
Romali_rotti said:
Peppers a bear :(..... Well done Front office another superbowl less season coming up.. I dont know why I follow this ****in team...
Any truth to the McNabb being traded rumors?
McNabb being traded I think is good for the long-term. Trade him for some youngsters. He is good QB but don't think he is a great one. Won't get you to the Super Bowl.
Inswinger said:
Any truth to the McNabb being traded rumors?

Word is Mcnabb was traded but Andy Reid wouldnt let it go through... It seems rest of the Eagles management wants to part ways with Mcnabb but Reid doesnt..Eagles are purposly leaking information to media saying; Eagles management wants to move on but Reid doesnt. I am not surprised as Reid is a big Mcnabb guy, after all he is the one who drafted him and I have also heard that even in practice Eagles defense is strictly not allowed to intercept any of Mcnabb's passes, sounds like a crazy love affair......
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Some pathetic decisions by the Eagle management here, not one free agent lined up for a visit to Philly. So much for our director Joe Banner's statement after we got our as* handed to us by dallas; 'We need to do a complete overhall and do what it takes to correct this loss'....As usual Eagles management stick to their basic principle of running things; just do enough to remain competitve each season doesnt matter if we win the big one, if by fluke we win it all GREAT THEN!!!!!...
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A source from Philly told me yesterday that Mcnabb might still get traded on Draft day for a late 1st or an early 2nd round pick, word is coach Reid & the Eagles management are high on Kevin Kolb our young QB waiting in the wings... Gonna be a wacky next few months in Philly,, news just keeps changing round and round so now it looks like Reid is ok with parting ways with Mcnabb.....Fingers crossed!!!! either way we aint winning the bowl for another 10 years WELL DONE FRONT OFFICE ;-) ...

If only McNabb had a decent wideout during his career we may well have won atleast 1 bowl by now. When we had TO we went all the way to the bowl atleast...
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I've heard rumors that the Rams might be willing to deal their second round pick (first pick in the 2nd round) for McNabb. By getting McNabb they wouldn't need to draft Bradford and could go after Suh to build their defense.

I can;t wait for the draft. I wan the Giants to get Rolando McClain, even if it means giving up a 2nd or 3rd to move up because he probably won't fall to 15.

Picture this:

A competent DC

A healthy D-line
Osi, Canty, Cofield, Tuck

Atheltic LBs
Sintim, McClain, Boley

Rejuvenated secondary
Ross, Phillips, Roller, Webster

Inswinger said:
I've heard rumors that the Rams might be willing to deal their second round pick (first pick in the 2nd round) for McNabb. By getting McNabb they wouldn't need to draft Bradford and could go after Suh to build their defense.

I can;t wait for the draft. I wan the Giants to get Rolando McClain, even if it means giving up a 2nd or 3rd to move up because he probably won't fall to 15.

Picture this:

A competent DC

A healthy D-line
Osi, Canty, Cofield, Tuck

Atheltic LBs
Sintim, McClain, Boley

Rejuvenated secondary
Ross, Phillips, Roller, Webster


Ive just been reading on McClain he is a beast at 6-5, 250 pounds he looks similar to our own Bradley but more athletic... Stud written all over him he would be a replacement and a half for Pierce, any chance Giants can make a move for Eric Berry ? if Gmen did that then they would have an awesome secondary....
With David Carr moving on to the 49ers, the Giants have signed Jim Sorgi as Eli's backup. So this will be his legacy, eh? A career backup for the Mannings:D First Peyton and now Eli. And both the brothers are two of the healthiest QBs in the league currently.
I wouldn't move up the draft to get Berry. If he falls to 15 and McClain is off the board then I'll take him. McClain is the only player I would move up for. Impact MLB.
Inswinger said:
I wouldn't move up the draft to get Berry. If he falls to 15 and McClain is off the board then I'll take him. McClain is the only player I would move up for. Impact MLB.

Most mock drafts Ive seen have you guys picking Brandon Spikes with ur 1st pick, I always thought Spikes wouldve been available in the 2nd round ? His stock mustve shooted up with a possible good show at the combine...
Inswinger said:
I wouldn't move up the draft to get Berry. If he falls to 15 and McClain is off the board then I'll take him. McClain is the only player I would move up for. Impact MLB.

McClain would be a prime draft pick if you guys get him. He seems to have a ton of potential and ability. In fact it would be weird to see him go all the way down at #15 in my opinion.

As far as Eric Berry goes -- it depends what you guys trade for him. He would be an awesome addition to the Giants. The guy is a brilliant defensive tackle - obviously not the best cause McCoy takes that spot however he's still worth it.
kingusama92 said:
McClain would be a prime draft pick if you guys get him. He seems to have a ton of potential and ability. In fact it would be weird to see him go all the way down at #15 in my opinion.

As far as Eric Berry goes -- it depends what you guys trade for him. He would be an awesome addition to the Giants. The guy is a brilliant defensive tackle - obviously not the best cause McCoy takes that spot however he's still worth it.


Eric Berry is a free safety, he is a Jake Reed prototype I think you might be thinking of someone else....
Romali_rotti said:
Most mock drafts Ive seen have you guys picking Brandon Spikes with ur 1st pick, I always thought Spikes wouldve been available in the 2nd round ? His stock mustve shooted up with a possible good show at the combine...
Spikes is the 2nd best MLB in the draft. He's a bit smaller than McClain but is a first round pick. I wouldn't mind taking Spikes at 15 if McClain is off the board.

It was revealed yesterday that "McClain has battled Crohn's disease since he was a freshman in high school. McClain said he takes four or five pills a day to help him manage the disease, which is a chronic inflammation of the intestines". He had to cut short his workout at Pro day because he wasn't feeling fell. I don't know if this will affect his draft value.

Only thing that worries me about McClain is that many draft guru's have questions about his ability to be a good MLB in a 4-3 defense. most agree that he's better suited as an ILB in the 3-4.

Berry is projecting to be a Top-10 pick.
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Inswinger said:
Spikes is the 2nd best MLB in the draft. He's a bit smaller than McClain but is a first round pick. I wouldn't mind taking Spikes at 15 if McClain is off the board.

It was revealed yesterday that "McClain has battled Crohn's disease since he was a freshman in high school. McClain said he takes four or five pills a day to help him manage the disease, which is a chronic inflammation of the intestines". He had to cut short his workout at Pro day because he wasn't feeling fell. I don't know if this will affect his draft value.

Only thing that worries me about McClain is that many draft guru's have questions about his ability to be a good MLB in a 4-3 defense. most agree that he's better suited as an ILB in the 3-4.

Berry is projecting to be a Top-10 pick.

If he does have the illness his stock will def drop, I thik he will go in the 3rd or 4th round, Philly has a history of picking players with medical conditions I reckon he might be wearing midnight green...
Romali_rotti said:
If he does have the illness his stock will def drop, I thik he will go in the 3rd or 4th round, Philly has a history of picking players with medical conditions I reckon he might be wearing midnight green...
I don't think he'll drop out of the first round. Might be a 15-30 pick rather than a top 10 pick, but I don't see such a drastic drop.
Inswinger said:
I don't think he'll drop out of the first round. Might be a 15-30 pick rather than a top 10 pick, but I don't see such a drastic drop.

You maybe correct, I am going by previous incidents, there was SS named Michael Lewis who was supposed to be the top 15 pick about 5 years ago but as soon as teams found out he was diagnosed with an irregular heart beat he dropped all the way down to the low 2nd round, Eagles snagged him at 2rd 24 pick lets hope thats the case again...
There have been rumors emanating from Giants camp that they are very interested in CJ Spiller. He's the best running back in this draft class but I honestly don't belie we have a need at this position. If McClain and Spikes are gone then Reese might pick him. Giants have a history of picking the best player available, regardless of their need.

Second round prospect Tony Washington's revealed a somewhat disturbing story.....
These checks by the NFL are very through and nothing is sacred.
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I have to say that Dallas Stadium is pretty impressive

Though i was shocked to hear it cost $1.3 Billion - thats a hefty amount like

I liked how they opened the roof yesterday even though there was no need - obviously they had to show it off
Geordie Ahmed said:
I have to say that Dallas Stadium is pretty impressive

Though i was shocked to hear it cost $1.3 Billion - thats a hefty amount like

I liked how they opened the roof yesterday even though there was no need - obviously they had to show it off
$1.3 is a hefty sum but that's how much the newer stadiums cost these days. the new Meadowlands Stadium that will be shared by the Giants and Jets cost about $1.6 billion.
The new Yankee Stadium, at $1.5 billion is the most expensive sports venue built in the USA for a single team.
Geordie Ahmed said:
I have to say that Dallas Stadium is pretty impressive

Though i was shocked to hear it cost $1.3 Billion - thats a hefty amount like

I liked how they opened the roof yesterday even though there was no need - obviously they had to show it off

Mehhh Thats nuthhin, Mukesh Ambani's house is worth a Billion US :9:
Inswinger said:
$1.3 is a hefty sum but that's how much the newer stadiums cost these days. the new Meadowlands Stadium that will be shared by the Giants and Jets cost about $1.6 billion.
The new Yankee Stadium, at $1.5 billion is the most expensive sports venue built in the USA for a single team.

The football stadiums built in this country are not anywhere near that amount

Take the new Wembley for example - that cost close to £800 BUT it should not have been anywhere near that amount - it was badly managed, it over ran and ended up costing that amount

The Emirates Stadium (Arsenal) which was managed properly cost £400 Million

Yankees Stadium looks canny BUT $1.5 Billion - thats mental :O :O
Geordie Ahmed said:
The football stadiums built in this country are not anywhere near that amount

Take the new Wembley for example - that cost close to [b[£800[/b] BUT it should not have been anywhere near that amount - it was badly managed, it over ran and ended up costing that amount

The Emirates Stadium (Arsenal) which was managed properly cost £400 Million

Yankees Stadium looks canny BUT $1.5 Billion - thats mental :O :O

That explains why the pitch is a craphole. :yk

Yeah and just look how bad their economy went. Spend spend spend....but not with their own money. If US was any other nation, like Greece...they be in a bigger hole right now. However, since they are so interconnected, everyone feels to the need to help them and purchase their bonds and such because the whole world will go down if US do.
Amir said:
That explains why the pitch is a craphole. :yk

Yeah and just look how bad their economy went. Spend spend spend....but not with their own money. If US was any other nation, like Greece...they be in a bigger hole right now. However, since they are so interconnected, everyone feels to the need to help them and purchase their bonds and such because the whole world will go down if US do.

Its shocking how bad the Wembley pitch is - the national stadium and thats the best they could muster

They should employ some decent groundsmen. Arsenal have the best pitch going and they play on that far more often than Wembley is used

Our pitch is brilliant now - we had a real problem with it a few years ago BUT we invested in those artificial lighting things which have helped - more clubs should do the same
RUMOUR: McNabb to the Rams by the end of the day or by the week for their 2nd round pick 33rd overall and all pro safety OJ Atogwe. Love number 5 but I think Eagles will be foolish to knock this one back...
Romali_rotti said:
Mehhh Thats nuthhin, Mukesh Ambani's house is worth a Billion US :9:

Awesome house from the inside. Although not sure what's up with the apartment building look its been given?

Can't believe someone would spend that much money on a house.
I love the super bowl for a laugh but how could anyone out side of the US take it seriously?
When you have rugby, rugby league and soccer, nfl is not a sport you have to be super fit to play!
Go Dallas,cheer leaders, the fitest people on the astro turf!haha

NFL is gay in so many way! I will leave it at that and not show the ways as itd well known!

Go the Cowboys!
Romali_rotti said:
RUMOUR: McNabb to the Rams by the end of the day or by the week for their 2nd round pick 33rd overall and all pro safety OJ Atogwe. Love number 5 but I think Eagles will be foolish to knock this one back...
That'd be great for us. McNabb has always tortured Big Blue and getting him out of the NFC East would be great. Kolb is talented but not anywhere close to McNabb. Get it done Philly!

According to profootballtalk.com, the Rams have denied it all.
sillyfan said:
I love the super bowl for a laugh but how could anyone out side of the US take it seriously?
When you have rugby, rugby league and soccer, nfl is not a sport you have to be super fit to play!
Go Dallas,cheer leaders, the fitest people on the astro turf!haha

NFL is gay in so many way! I will leave it at that and not show the ways as itd well known!

Go the Cowboys!
Go back to your cave.
Inswinger said:
According to profootballtalk.com, the Rams have denied it all.

Not surprised, I like McNabb but the #33 pick alone is too much to give up for him. Add Atogwe on top of that and Devaney would need to be fired on the spot for even thinking about that trade.
Bradford's Workout May Be Key To McNabb Trade
Written by Garry Cobb Thursday, 25 March 2010 01:57

He didn't stop there he took it too far. "I haven't talked to Philadelphia about any of their players," Devaney told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.

Now that was a ridiculous statement because not having talked to the Eagles at all would be incompetence on their part.

The Rams are in desperate need of a quarterback and the Eagles have three of them. It would be totally foolish for them not to at least inquire about the Eagles quarterbacks. Add to that quite a few members of their staff are former Eagles assistants and the statement is even more ridiculous.

Another serious sign of something major in the works was the report that Andy Reid and McNabb haven't talked in weeks. You know something isn't right when these two aren't talking.

I think the Eagles side of the equation is a done deal. I'm confident that McNabb is going to be dealt out of here, but the question is where is he going. Buffalo and Oakland are reported to be in running with St. Louis.

Reid also disclosed he was dreaming of having the first pick in the second round, which is the 33rd pick in the draft.

"I'd love to have that first pick of the second day," Reid said, referring to the 33d overall pick, "where you can sleep on it, regather your thoughts, which you normally don't get to do."

That happens to be the same pick the Rams are rumored to be in the process of trading to the Eagles for McNabb. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Something is in the works but there's one major problem standing in the way of the Eagles-Rams deal, and that's the fact that the Rams have the first pick in the draft.

The top quarterback prospect is Oklahoma's Sam Bradford, who has a workout next Monday, March 29 and there's no question that the Rams will be there.

Bradford missed the NFL Combine and Oklahoma's Pro Day, so I think the Rams are leaning toward getting McNabb, but they have to take a look at Bradford on Monday or they wouldn't be doing their jobs.

The former Sooner gunslinger has to be exceptional when throwing the ball in front of Rams offensive coordinator and former Eagles quarterback coach Pat Shurmur. He knows what McNabb can do, so you can believe Shurmur will have McNabb in the back of his mind as he's standing there looking at Bradford.

Bradford has to blow Shurmur out of the water with his workout.

When the Rams and Bradford finish that part of the exercise, they'll have their medical staff take a close look at Bradford and his shoulder. The St. Louis doctors are going to twist that thing every which way but loose because they don't want to draft damaged goods.

St. Louis must be assured that the shoulder which was torn up when he was slammed on an artificial surface will be durable enough to withstand being slammed on the artificial surface, which the Rams play on in St. Louis.

This is a huge decision for the Rams. They can't afford to draft Bradford and find out that his shoulder can't take the pounding required from an NFL quarterback.

If they're not sure, they have to go another route, which would likely be McNabb.

You know Shurmur would sleep better at night if he knew McNabb was his quarterback rather than the few other options which are out there.

The Eagles would probably be willing to wait until this situation plays out with the Rams because the offer that the two teams are reportedly talking about looks very attractive from the Philadelphia side.

If the Eagles could obtain the Rams second rounder and quality free safety Oshiomogho Atogwe, that’s probably the best scenario for a McNabb trade at this point. They could plug two holes in their defense with the trade.

Bradford’s performance on Monday and the thorough examination of him by the Rams' doctors are the keys not only to the Eagles quarterback situation, but the entire NFL draft.

Haran Knight Contributed to this article.


NEW RUMOUR: Apparently now Al Davis and Raiders making the strongest push for No.5 oh Al Davis and his OVER-PAY the max principles must have Andy Wetting HIS PANTS :O.... One thing is for sure No.5 is done in Philly, kinda sad to say I still remember the day he got selected all the Philly fans booing him yet he behaved with class and dignity. I wish him all the best Inshallah he will win a Superbowl before he retires and hope he will come to the nest and retire an Eagle... It's just too bad Eagles wasted his whole career without giving him a Star WO through out most of his career.
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First rumbles of McNabb-to-Raiders trade terms emerge
Posted by Mike Florio on March 25, 2010 6:37 PM ET
Every once in a while, we develop a tipster who builds a track record of providing tips that end up being true.

And one of our latest tipsters who has been accurate with past tips (for the most part) has now given us a tip regarding the trade terms that possibly would send Eagles quarterback Donovan McNabb to the Raiders.

Per the tip -- uncorroborated but nevertheless intriguing -- McNabb and cornerback Asante Samuel would go to Oakland, and cornerback Nnamdi Asomugha would go to Philadelphia.

We don't know whether an offer of this nature has been made. We suspect that the Eagles would, at a minimum, want to replace Samuel with Sheldon Brown.

Anyway, stay tuned. This is all uncorroborated, but we know that our friends in Philly are desperate for information, and that our friends in Oakland are desperate for hope.



Hmmmm lets see here; 2 pro bowlers in exchange for 1, Al Davis is not smart enough to pull this off and Eagles are not stupid enough to do this. Dont get me wrong love to have Asomugha he is the only true shut out corner in the league if he wears midnight green that would be the end of WO's like Miles Austin etc.. However would not do this trade with Samuel, I would do this trade with No.5, Sheldon Brown for Asomugha & their 2nd round pick..
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Big Mac said:
Not surprised, I like McNabb but the #33 pick alone is too much to give up for him. Add Atogwe on top of that and Devaney would need to be fired on the spot for even thinking about that trade.

Nat really, say you have No.5 with Steven Jackson in the backfield and if you can land TO (yes I know he is a headcase) No.5 and him have patched things up its been informed, that would make you an instant playoff contender and if you have a good free agency next year you guys might win another BOWL before Philly....
Romali_rotti said:
Nat really, say you have No.5 with Steven Jackson in the backfield and if you can land TO (yes I know he is a headcase) No.5 and him have patched things up its been informed, that would make you an instant playoff contender and if you have a good free agency next year you guys might win another BOWL before Philly....

He's going to be 34 halfway through next season, isn't the QB he used to be and sorry but he simply isn't worth the #33 pick, which is basically as good as a first rounder.

Adding Atogwe on top of that is madness given that he's one of the few playmakers we have on defence, iirc since Atogwe entered the NFL no player has forced more turnovers than he has. Even the mighty Ed Reed is lagging behind in second place.

I understand you've got the Philly blinkers on, and I'm a big McNabb fan too, but if Philly tried to offer that trade to the Rams they'd be laughed out of the office before they could take another breath. I'd like to have McNabb on the team, but never at that price.
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