The NFL Thread


Senior T20I Player
Feb 10, 2005
Thats right boys & girls the NFL season has started. Eagles have started the season with a thumping win, looking forward to watching my man Jason Peter's flat pancaking Osi Umeriyoria (or whatever his name is)... Onto a serious note we are a bit nervous with Mcnabb out for the next 4 weeks hopefully should come back stronger...

Lets go NFL FANS place your thoughts and opinions in this thread and lets keep it going till season end..
Can we re name this the 'Rugby for P*ssies Thread'?

No? ok thought it was worth a try :D

sorry guys couldnt help it just messing with you.
they are both different sports..different ruls.different ball, differnt players everything is different, the whole concept is (american) is a better sport though
Stupid Bills lost a game they had in the bag.

I always cheer for the Bills to see them never make the post season then I change alliances to my second favourite team the Colts.

This year I am changing alliances right away and cheering for the colts from right now. I don't even know why I cheer for the crappy Bills.
Beat me to it hasanb :afridi

NFL aka Rugby for Girls.

kingusama92 said:
Stupid Bills lost a game they had in the bag.

I always cheer for the Bills to see them never make the post season then I change alliances to my second favourite team the Colts.

This year I am changing alliances right away and cheering for the colts from right now. I don't even know why I cheer for the crappy Bills.

Thanks a lot to the bills for letting us have their stud Left Tackle Jason Peters. This dude is a beast and a half at 6-5 340 pounds I dont see any defensive players coming close to my QB :D, matter of fact I am already feeling sorry or any defensive lineman going against him...

P.S. I cant wait for the Gaints gameeee.....
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Romali_rotti said:
Thanks a lot to the bills for letting us have their stud Left Tackle Jason Peters. This dude is a beast and a half at 6-5 340 pounds I dont see any defensive players coming close to my QB :D, matter of fact I am already feeling sorry or any defensive lineman going against him...

P.S. I cant wait for the Gaints gameeee.....
Just and wait and see. Osi and Tuck will have Donavan 'broken rib' McNabb on his back more than once, that's if he decides to take the field........
Poison said:
Beat me to it hasanb :afridi

NFL aka Rugby for Girls.

Name one Rugby player who can stand up to Brian Urlacher or Ray Lewis. Even with the pads and protective geaar the NFL is a lot more dangerous than Rugby. Watch a game or 2.
Inswinger said:
Name one Rugby player who can stand up to Brian Urlacher or Ray Lewis. Even with the pads and protective geaar the NFL is a lot more dangerous than Rugby. Watch a game or 2.

Brian Urlacher? Ray Lewis?

Who are ya, Who are ya, Who are ya!

No offence but id rather watch a sport which is truly a global sport, not one which the americans just play amongst themselves.

However this is the sports corner and all sports should be welcome, so i will now stop my constant bashing :p
Inswinger said:
Just and wait and see. Osi and Tuck will have Donavan 'broken rib' McNabb on his back more than once, that's if he decides to take the field........

We have never really had any trouble with Tuck we always handled him well.. Only reason why Osi had that 6 sacks was because Justice who is a natural RT was playing LT just didnt have the technique to play there. However now good luck to Osi when he takes on Jason Peters probably the top 3 Left Tackles going around in the league, I see a lot of pancakes you hearing me >>>?????? :afridi

P.S.... DId you see the way my man Peters was dominating Peppers last week ? Peppers was huffing and puffing on the side lines and Osi is not in Pepper's class much much much below him :D..
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Poison said:
Beat me to it hasanb :afridi

NFL aka Rugby for Girls.


Problem with a lot of you who dont know squat about NFL, ya'll think just causes the guys play with pads they are girls.... For starters guys who play NFL is like 4 times the size of rugby players as well as way more powerful physically. Now an NFL season goes on for 16 weeks every year plus 3 games after it and the then final. Unlike one or 2 Rugby games here and there the human body just wont be able to handle the constant punishment for 16 straight weeks due to the duration and the superior strength/size of NFL athletes compared to the rugby counter parts without pads....
Inswinger said:
Name one Rugby player who can stand up to Brian Urlacher or Ray Lewis. Even with the pads and protective geaar the NFL is a lot more dangerous than Rugby. Watch a game or 2.

Roger that it is a very violent sport, now these are the hits the 'small' dudes in the NFL make, guys around 5-9, 5-10. You dont wanna know what the big 6-6 350 pound boys do when it comes to hitting...

Problem with a lot of people is they judge a book by its cover, I can gaurantee you rugby players if they sampled the NFL will get the wind knocked out of them.. Rugby dudes simply wont have the size or strength to survive in the NFL..
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hasanb said:
Brian Urlacher? Ray Lewis?

Who are ya, Who are ya, Who are ya!

No offence but id rather watch a sport which is truly a global sport, not one which the americans just play amongst themselves.

However this is the sports corner and all sports should be welcome, so i will now stop my constant bashing :p

Exactly. If we can discuss sub-par leagues such as Bundesliga, NFL deserves is time too. :D
Romali_rotti said:
Problem with a lot of you who dont know squat about NFL, ya'll think just causes the guys play with pads they are girls.... For starters guys who play NFL is like 4 times the size of rugby players as well as way more powerful physically. Now an NFL season goes on for 16 weeks every year plus 3 games after it and the then final. Unlike one or 2 Rugby games here and there the human body just wont be able to handle the constant punishment for 16 straight weeks due to the duration and the superior strength/size of NFL athletes compared to the rugby counter parts without pads....

Tell me how long actual gametime is in the NFL (ie, how long the four quarters go for?)

Now tell me how long the actual coverage for the game is (3 hours?). Thats a lot of resting/doing nothing for extended periods of time.

While athletes in the NFL may be "bigger and stronger", you need much more endurance, talent, and general athleticism to survive in sports like AFL and Rugby League. And you said Rugby games are "here and there"; there's an entire season of nearly 30 weeks of weekly games, so I dont know what you're smoking.

For the record - I don't like Rugby Union.
Inswinger said:
Name one Rugby player who can stand up to Brian Urlacher or Ray Lewis. Even with the pads and protective geaar the NFL is a lot more dangerous than Rugby. Watch a game or 2.

I did watch a game, yesterday in fact :afridi

I got bored after 20 minutes of constant stoppages, breaks in play, and general women-like actions. I give you an example;

"oh noes i dont want to be tackled i'll just run over teh sideline and gain some more meters yeah yeah yeah" :akhtar
Romali_rotti said:
Roger that it is a very violent sport, now these are the hits the 'small' dudes in the NFL make, guys around 5-9, 5-10. You dont wanna know what the big 6-6 350 pound boys do when it comes to hitting...

HOLY SMOKES at that.

but this is better, without any padding/helmets/general girl-like conduct

Poison said:
HOLY SMOKES at that.

but this is better, without any padding/helmets/general girl-like conduct


Like I said the hit you saw was by a little guy around 5-9 5-10 200 pounds.. I dont think your rugby boys would survive being thumped by a big 6-6 350 pound monster...
Yes true, Rugby players are notably smaller, probably the biggest player in the league would weigh in at around 250 pounds.

But they're more muscle rather than the massive boppers in the NFL.
Poison said:
Tell me how long actual gametime is in the NFL (ie, how long the four quarters go for?)

Now tell me how long the actual coverage for the game is (3 hours?). Thats a lot of resting/doing nothing for extended periods of time.

While athletes in the NFL may be "bigger and stronger", you need much more endurance, talent, and general athleticism to survive in sports like AFL and Rugby League. And you said Rugby games are "here and there"; there's an entire season of nearly 30 weeks of weekly games, so I dont know what you're smoking.

For the record - I don't like Rugby Union.

AFL??? bunch of girls running around in a bikini is all I see :))) .. Dudes like Micheal Vick, Deon Sanders etc are way more athletic than any rugby or AFL player till this date.. I have seen plenty of AFL and the white girls you see running around on the field cant even wipe the feet of the African American athletes that play NFL.. In Rugby ill give credit; it is a violent sport but athletic wise?? innnnnn noooo wayy can they be compared to the African American athletes of NFL who are wayyy faster and strongerr.
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Poison said:
Yes true, Rugby players are notably smaller, probably the biggest player in the league would weigh in at around 250 pounds.

But they're more muscle rather than the massive boppers in the NFL.

The 250 pound guy in NFL who is about 6-1 would look wayy more muscley than an rugby dude... Guys like Julius Peppers etc who is an african american athlete at 6-6 290 pounds is built like a body builder with hardly any body fat on him, the rugby dudes would crap their pants at the sight of him...
Romali_rotti said:
The 250 pound guy in NFL who is about 6-1 would look wayy more muscley than an rugby dude... Guys like Julius Peppers etc who is an african american athlete at 6-6 290 pounds is built like a body builder with hardly any body fat on him, the rugby dudes would crap their pants at the sight of him...

mate it depends how you classify atheticism, your overblown african beasts dont seem to have any stamina, they require a break after every play! To me that is the more girly behaviour. You have to think this way, why is it that absolutely NONE of the sports that were invented in america have caught on in the wider world. Why doesnt a single american sport have a world cup (apart from basketball which is catching on a bit). That is because they are on the whole ill concieved and fundamentally flawed.

Also Poison is talking only about rugby league, you will find that rugby union are on the whole a lot more heavily built. I remember a while back a player from Samoa called Palaamo was 310 pounds for example. Whilst Bill Cavubati of Fiji has the honour of being the heaviest built player in rugby union I believe (correct me if im wrong RU fans). He weighed in at around 363 pounds.
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hasanb said:
mate it depends how you classify atheticism, your overblown african beasts dont seem to have any stamina, they require a break after every play! To me that is the more girly behaviour. You have to think this way, why is it that absolutely NONE of the sports that were invented in america have caught on in the wider world. Why doesnt a single american sport have a world cup (apart from basketball which is catching on a bit). That is because they are on the whole ill concieved and fundamentally flawed.

Also Poison is talking only about rugby league, you will find that rugby union are on the whole a lot more heavily built. I remember a while back a player from Samoa called Palaamo was 310 pounds for example. Whilst Bill Cavubati of Fiji has the honour of being the heaviest built player in rugby union I believe (correct me if im wrong RU fans). He weighed in at around 363 pounds.

This is the problem; you dont know anything about the NFL, its not a break required by the players, it is break which is made so teams can strategize about their next move...

Here is Julius Peppers playing basketball in his College days:

Here is the same Julius Peppers in the NFL:

Now if you can show me a rugby dude who is 6-6 290 pounds that is more athletic than this guy, well then I agree Rugby players are more athletic.. There are tons of players with this ability in NFL cant same the same for rugby
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Romali_rotti said:
This is the problem; you dont know anything about the NFL, its not a break required by the players, it is break which is made so teams can strategize about their next move...

Here is Julius Peppers playing basketball in his College days:

Here is the same Julius Peppers in the NFL:

Now if you can show me a rugby dude who is 6-6 290 pounds that is more athletic than this guy, well then I agree Rugby players are more athletic.. There are tons of players with this ability in NFL cant same the same for rugby

The key point is, if you put a Rugby player on an NFL field he could handle it, maybe not do well, but he could still survive.

You put an NFL player on a rugby field and he'd want a break after a minute's play.

And AFL is pretty intense brother, the pace of the game is amongst the fastest and hardest in the world, and some of the centre players have been recorded running FOURTEEN KILOMETRES during the course of a game.
Poison said:
The key point is, if you put a Rugby player on an NFL field he could handle it, maybe not do well, but he could still survive.

You put an NFL player on a rugby field and he'd want a break after a minute's play.

And AFL is pretty intense brother, the pace of the game is amongst the fastest and hardest in the world, and some of the centre players have been recorded running FOURTEEN KILOMETRES during the course of a game.

Nahhhh man never really rated AFL that much it's just a cardio sport to me. Mind you thats not the reason why I dont follow it, I just dont find it exciting enough to watch... Darren Bennett who used to play in the AFL and the later went on to play in the NFL gave an interview to SBS TV, one of the questions he was asked was how he found the NFL in comparson to AFL and his reply was like this; In AFL he had to work harder as like you said a lot of running around etc but in the NFL the nature of Bennett's position required him to do little to no work however he did say that the NFL was much more intense/violent when compared to the AFL.

OZGOD knows all the sports that are mentioned in this thread; Rugby, NFL & AFL, would like to know his thoughts in regards to the above posts .. So OZ if you are reading this thread your input would be great...
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hasanb said:
Brian Urlacher? Ray Lewis?

Who are ya, Who are ya, Who are ya!

No offence but id rather watch a sport which is truly a global sport, not one which the americans just play amongst themselves.

However this is the sports corner and all sports should be welcome, so i will now stop my constant bashing :p
That's why 90,000 Englishmen pack into the Wembley Stadium to watch a sport they don't really care about?
Inswinger said:
That's why 90,000 Englishmen pack into the Wembley Stadium to watch a sport they don't really care about?

lol you think theyre englishmen? Theyre mostly american expats
Ok back to football:

Eagles lost, I wasnt really expecting a win with a rookie as our starting QB, praying a speedy recovery for No.5..Defense just didnt show up against the Saints & the special teams was horribleeeeeee, we gave up more points than the Lions F**** MEEEEEEEEEE :pissed: :po: ...

Giants had a good win against the Cowboys, but how serious is the injury to Tuck ?
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Romali_rotti said:
Ok back to football:

Eagles lost, I wasnt really expecting a win with a rookie as our starting QB, praying a speedy recovery for No.5..Defense just didnt show up against the Saints & the special teams was horribleeeeeee, we gave up more points than the Lions F**** MEEEEEEEEEE :pissed: :po: ...

Giants had a good win against the Cowboys, but how serious is the injury to Tuck ?
I don't think it'll keep him out next week. That Flozzel Adams is really a dirty player. He ought to be fined for tripping and injuring a player.
hasanb said:
lol you think theyre englishmen? Theyre mostly american expats

Not sure what your objective is in this thread. Someone enjoy NFL, you feel the need to come in and bash it. there was a thread, dissing Bayern and the league of Bundesliga (which in fairness, is sub-par) and you started to huff and puff.

Here is a solution: don't like NFL? Avoid such a thread. You like rugby? Post in its thread.
Romali_rotti said:
Ok back to football:

Eagles lost, I wasnt really expecting a win with a rookie as our starting QB, praying a speedy recovery for No.5..Defense just didnt show up against the Saints & the special teams was horribleeeeeee, we gave up more points than the Lions F**** MEEEEEEEEEE :pissed: :po: ...

Giants had a good win against the Cowboys, but how serious is the injury to Tuck ?

What happened to Vick and McNabb?

When do the Giants get to beat you?
Amir said:
Not sure what your objective is in this thread. Someone enjoy NFL, you feel the need to come in and bash it. there was a thread, dissing Bayern and the league of Bundesliga (which in fairness, is sub-par) and you started to huff and puff.

Here is a solution: don't like NFL? Avoid such a thread. You like rugby? Post in its thread.

First of all I was not the only one having a go at the NFL, and its not just the NFL but all american sports that I have a go at. If you look at my comments on the whole they are light hearted and I had already stopped with my comments but then you felt it necessary to revive that you can have a cheap shot at the bundesliga.

As I always say Amir, youre coming along very nicely with digging your own grave, progress is looking damn good.
Amir[B said:
]What happened to Vick and McNabb[/B]?

When do the Giants get to beat you?

Vick not eligible to play till Week 3 due to suspension. McNabb out with Fractured Ribs, hoping for a speedy recovery.. I dont see the Giants beating us with No.5 at the helm but if its Kolb well then this will be a long season for the Eagles...
Inswinger said:
I don't think it'll keep him out next week. That Flozzel Adams is really a dirty player. He ought to be fined for tripping and injuring a player.

Heard Flozell is deaf in one ear ? Either way I am against dirty plays if Flozelle tripped Tuck intentionally well then yeah he deserves a suspension atleast for a game.. I cant believe the Carolina dude who gave McNabb the broken ribs with the cheap shot wasnt fined, if this happened to Tom Brady the league would have set a new policy....
hasanb said:
First of all I was not the only one having a go at the NFL, and its not just the NFL but all american sports that I have a go at. If you look at my comments on the whole they are light hearted and I had already stopped with my comments but then you felt it necessary to revive that you can have a cheap shot at the bundesliga.

As I always say Amir, youre coming along very nicely with digging your own grave, progress is looking damn good.

Who said, I wasn't light hearted? Doesn't seem all that much fun, now does it?
Amir said:
Who said, I wasn't light hearted? Doesn't seem all that much fun, now does it?

Mate what happened? Cant bear to see your beloved north american sports being attacked a little bit? If you go back to the bundesliga thread you'll see that at no stage did I tell you or anyone else to get out or stay out of the thread. You know why, because no matter how much I might disagree with your views you still have every right to express those views.

Likewise me and a few others have been having a go at the nfl here and its upto the nfl fans to defend their sport and might I add the nfl fans such as inswinger and romali rotti have done a good job at defending it thus far. That was until you butt into it.

My suggestion to you would be, learn to take things like these rather than throwing all your toys out of the pram. Can I ask why this in particular hit such a sore spot with you? I mean I continually rib you about man u etc and youve never had such a reaction to that before.
hasanb said:
Mate what happened? Cant bear to see your beloved north american sports being attacked a little bit? If you go back to the bundesliga thread you'll see that at no stage did I tell you or anyone else to get out or stay out of the thread. You know why, because no matter how much I might disagree with your views you still have every right to express those views.

Likewise me and a few others have been having a go at the nfl here and its upto the nfl fans to defend their sport and might I add the nfl fans such as inswinger and romali rotti have done a good job at defending it thus far. That was until you butt into it.

My suggestion to you would be, learn to take things like these rather than throwing all your toys out of the pram. Can I ask why this in particular hit such a sore spot with you? I mean I continually rib you about man u etc and youve never had such a reaction to that before.

Amir is 5 foot tall and sour that he can't get into the NFL :D
Romali_rotti said:
Heard Flozell is deaf in one ear ? Either way I am against dirty plays if Flozelle tripped Tuck intentionally well then yeah he deserves a suspension atleast for a game.. I cant believe the Carolina dude who gave McNabb the broken ribs with the cheap shot wasnt fined, if this happened to Tom Brady the league would have set a new policy....
Flozell being deaf would explain why he leads the league in penalties. And I absolutely agree with you, there is so much double standard in the league.
Romali_rotti said:
:D... But no Diss to Rugby its a tough sport but NFL on another level in my eyes...

I strongly disagree but hey, to each his own eh :)
Pleased with the 49ers start to the season, although I think we will struggle at the Vikings this weekend.
Some really bad news for us Giants fans. Kenny Philips has been placed on IR and will miss the season. Big blow to the defense............:(
Just heard the Giants have lost starting SS Phillips to injury, tough luck for the Gmen. Their secondary was weak to begin with now it just got weaker....
Inswinger said:
Some really bad news for us Giants fans. Kenny Philips has been placed on IR and will miss the season. Big blow to the defense............:(

Yeah heard that.. In the meantime Eagles worked out the former Eagle himself Jeremiah Trotter who hasnt played in 2 years his legs are shot but it shows we are now officially desperate for a aggressive starting MLB.. Losing our starting MLB Bradley aka the next Urlacher was so detrimental it seems more and more as the weeks go by along with the loss of JJ (RIP) & Dawkins
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Romali_rotti said:
Yeah heard that.. In the meantime Eagles worked out the former Eagle himself Jeremiah Trotter who hasnt played in 2 years his legs are shot but it shows we are now officially desperate for a aggressive starting MLB.. Losing our starting MLB Bradley aka the next Urlacher was so detrimental it seems more and more as the weeks go by along with the loss of JJ (RIP) & Dawkins
The biggest blow to your defense was the loss of Jim Johnson. He truly was a defensive mastermind.
Can it get any worse? Reports are surfacing that Kenny Philips' injury is a potentially career threatening one. He's been diagnosed with patellofemoral arthritis (arthritis under the kneecap). What's more scary is that this condition is found in people a lot older than Philips.
Inswinger said:
The biggest blow to your defense was the loss of Jim Johnson. He truly was a defensive mastermind.

Yes Losing Jim Johnson was huge and it will be felt for many years. He was a master at creating chaotic matchup against anyone who locked horns with us. The more Jim studied an offense the more chaotic and intense the blitz packages he would create. I remember how he would plan a biltz heavy package and let No.20 (Dawkins) out of his cage and unleash him onto the opposing teams it was sight to behold..

Its been a tough year for our team we have lost a lot.....
Inswinger said:
Can it get any worse? Reports are surfacing that Kenny Philips' injury is a potentially career threatening one. He's been diagnosed with patellofemoral arthritis (arthritis under the kneecap). What's more scary is that this condition is found in people a lot older than Philips.

You hate to see this happening to any young and upcoming player regarless of the team he plays for... He was showing Pro Bowl potential but I am sure the G-Men will find a good replacement.....How do you feel about Chris Canty ? Was he worth the 40 Mill ? I personally believe the G-Men invested too much on an unknown player...
Romali_rotti said:
You hate to see this happening to any young and upcoming player regarless of the team he plays for... He was showing Pro Bowl potential but I am sure the G-Men will find a good replacement.....How do you feel about Chris Canty ? Was he worth the 40 Mill ? I personally believe the G-Men invested too much on an unknown player...
Canty is a very good player. Once he's healthy he will be a valuable asset coming off the bench. Keep in mind that we've lost Jay Alford for the year.
The G-Men absolutely put a clinic on both sides of the ball. Complete domination by Big Blue on their way to a 24-0 stomping of the Bucs. Giants at 3-0 are right on top of the NFC East.

Yes good win for the Giants, Eagles also won but thats nothing special. However there was something special that took place today; My hero Randall Cunningham got inducted into the Eagles Hall of Fame, hearing him speak after all these years brought back a lot of memmories from the 80's Ahhhhh the good ol dayssss....Randall will remain special player for me, thanks for all the memmories will never forget No.12......
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Yeah. Just read about it on
This fool ought to be suspended.
Green Bay will smash, sack and break down the drama queen Brett Favre this week
lmao at ppl who think rugby is a "mans" sport and Nfl is for "girls"
bring on the whole damn rugby players in the world and let them play against the defenses of the baltimore ravens, Pittsburgh Steelers, Patriots and Colts..then we will find out who the real men bring several ambulances cuz Ray Lewis and Terrell suggs will literally destroy every single bone in the weak bodies of stupid rugby players....
asifp said:
Green Bay will smash, sack and break down the drama queen Brett Favre this week
Who needs Brett Favre when they can have Aaron 'sack me' Rodgers.....
Inswinger said:
Big Blue 4-0. Real season starts in 2 weeks.

Eagles smelling blood, they know Eli has a bruised heel and your best linebacker Boley is out for 4 weeks...... Eagles/Giants not too far away, I think 3 weeks away from locking horns. If I was running the show for Eagles: I would rest Westbrook & Donovan for next 2 weeks against the Bucs & Raiders and then have them healthy & ready for the real season to start...
amar1212 said:
lmao at ppl who think rugby is a "mans" sport and Nfl is for "girls"
bring on the whole damn rugby players in the world and let them play against the defenses of the baltimore ravens, Pittsburgh Steelers, Patriots and Colts..then we will find out who the real men bring several ambulances cuz Ray Lewis and Terrell suggs will literally destroy every single bone in the weak bodies of stupid rugby players....

Easyy man, no need to diss Rugby players, its a tough sport...Lets keep this thread about NFL....Who do you follow ?
Colts will win the Super Bowl... I am pretty damn sure. Running game needs to continue and O-line needs to improve.. and then we are all set.
Crabtree signed a contract for six years. Will he disrupt 49ers momentum?

Romo is so over-rated. Coming from a 'boys fan.

Farve wanted to runup to score on Packers, lol. 3rd down play with few minutes to go with 16 points lead, he threw deep, lol. That is pure taunting.

Gaints are one hit away from tanking.

Big Ben is the man.

Brees breezing but Big Manning will teach him a lesson or two in throwing touchdowns.

Bench Russell. let him hold a clip board. QB rating of 40 won't wins game for sure.
^^^^ Wow Crabtree signed....... I am going to read bout it now.................
Sat through a three hour game because nothing else was on. Brett Favre is class.
SO the Jets finally got a true WR. If Braylon can hold on to the ball he will be a good pickup. He does have some off-field issues surrounding him.
In more important news, Eli Manning once again missed practice and will be a game time decision against the might Raiders. I'm guessing he'll be out there on Sunday with Carr coming in towards the second half. Canty, Ross, etc are still out.
Braylon has all the talent and physical ability to be a class wide out too bad his hands are made of stone and cant catch a cold.... I will be following the Giants and Eli very carefully so will the Eagles....
Eli don't need to be out there. Actually Giants don't need their offense out there. Russell will do the job for them by throwing interception returned for touchdown.

I had such high hopes for my THE RAIDERS but Al is just ruining everything. D-Mac should be very frustrated. Actually all players except Russell should be cussing Al.
BD-fan said:
Eli don't need to be out there. Actually Giants don't need their offense out there. Russell will do the job for them by throwing interception returned for touchdown.

I had such high hopes for my THE RAIDERS but Al is just ruining everything. D-Mac should be very frustrated. Actually all players except Russell should be cussing Al.
If Al had let the coaches keep Garcia as the starter for this year the Raiders could have been a decent team. How many of Al's big moves have worked out?
Eli was on the practice field today. Keep in mind that he has the 3rd longest consecutive games started streak following Favre and Peyton. He might want to keep that alive.
Big Blue absolutely hammered the Raiders. 44-7 butt kicking.

On a side note, how bad are the friggin Cowboys? Almost lost to KC.
Easy win for the GMen, Easier win for the Eagles... Like I said before the real season starts for both teams in about 2 weeks.. How about Brian Dawkins & The Broncos ? boy oh boy are the Eagles looking foolish now letting him gooooo and having replaced him with someone faster and younger only for him to not pick up our defense and warm the bench...
ALso Jeremy Maclin is finally coming through what a game he had today. I was regretting Eagles passing on Hakeem Nicks for Maclin but I am glad we have a super fast Maclin now :D...
Romali_rotti said:
ALso Jeremy Maclin is finally coming through what a game he had today. I was regretting Eagles passing on Hakeem Nicks for Maclin but I am glad we have a super fast Maclin now :D...
Maclin is speedier but Nick is the more complete wide out. He has good speed, size, and route running ability. A star in the making.
i really hope we see the eagles and saints at the Superbowl...this year and i hope the Seahawks are injury free next year
b0wld said:
i really hope we see the eagles and saints at the Superbowl...this year and i hope the Seahawks are injury free next year

Cant have Eagles & Saints in the superbowl both r NFC teams :afridi