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The Official PP Landmark Thread

From aug to oct Great going nat.
I think you are the fastest in terms of time to have so many posts.
congratulations Natalia :14: :14: :14:

...very good...every post and thread of yours has been enjoyable to read and constructive...it is an honour to have u on PP....keep it going mate...your fast becoming one of my faviourite posters :19: ;-)
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the question is whether the other 999 were as pointless as the one you made at the start of the thread
I think u have nothing better to do....I'm not sure if I have 1000posts yet and I have been here since 2006
Congrats Natty:14:!!! Keep it up:19:!!!
Zohaib Shah said:
I dont think it was yesturday she posted that :)))
it was yesterday today 89 posts WOW!!! but i have to say her posts are constructive and fun to read :)) :19:
mnoman15 said:
And in last 4-5 hours, 35 more posts .. I guess she is after Amjid's record ....

lol let's not get carried away now... that's what they said about Afridi as well when he hit the fastest century on his first game... let's see how consistent she is...although she is a great poster...
Haha, you're puzzling Natalia ! :D
Never have I ever seen a more passionate cricketer from Singapore, especially since you're a girl :)
Introduce yourself !
Jamal said:
Haha, you're puzzling Natalia ! :D
Never have I ever seen a more passionate cricketer from Singapore, especially since you're a girl :)
Introduce yourself !

She has already, check the introductions forum.
I don't know what Natalia is thinking? first I mistakenly called her "brother", then our most respectable and lovable Mod called her "Nadia" and now you just asked her for an introduction where as she already introduced herself in an introductions forum. If I were Natalia, I would complain to Saj and have all of us banned for not reading the forums properly. :D ;-) Wait a sec. how do you ban a Mod? :P
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Caved12 said:
She has already, check the introductions forum.
I don't know what Natalia is thinking? first I mistakenly called her "brother", then our most respectable and lovable Mod called her "Nadia" and now you just asked her for an introduction where as she already introduced herself in an introductions forum. If I were Natalia, I would complain to Saj and have all of us banned for not reading the forums properly. :D ;-) Wait a sec. how do you ban a Mod? :P
While all three offenders need to be ashamed of their respective crimes, the three offences are not quite the same in enormity.

From all my experience of girls (which is not substancial, I am afraid) a girl won't mind a request to introduce herself one more time that much. She may not love it, but again, she won't be too disappointed either. The offender can be given the benefit of doubt on the basis of not knowing any better.

The same goes for being called a brother. Quite a gaffe, but again, benefit of doubt can be given on the same basis as above.

But being mistaken for another girl - another girl! - well this is extreme. And very very unforgivable! This deserves punishment. UnMOD him, I say.
Momo said:
While all three offenders need to be ashamed of their respective crimes, the three offences are not quite the same in enormity.

From all my experience of girls (which is not substancial, I am afraid) a girl won't mind a request to introduce herself one more time that much. She may not love it, but again, she won't be too disappointed either. The offender can be given the benefit of doubt on the basis of not knowing any better.

The same goes for being called a brother. Quite a gaffe, but again, benefit of doubt can be given on the same basis as above.

But being mistaken for another girl - another girl! - well this is extreme. And very very unforgivable! This deserves punishment. UnMOD him, I say.

I tried to shift her attention from my offense to Jamal's and PP's, but since you have proved that Jamal and I are innocent and the real culprit is PlanetPakistan...... I call for the immediate removal of PP from his position, not only that he also has to serve a sentence of "1000 days away from pakpassion.net" :D

Thanks for fighting our case Momo. :)
Momo said:
But being mistaken for another girl - another girl! - well this is extreme. And very very unforgivable! This deserves punishment. UnMOD him, I say.

You're right Momo :)))
My 2000th post :)

LOL, This isn't my 2000th post but I already just got it a few minutes ago
This is so pointless. but who cares this forum is called Time Pass anyways
Holy **** your on your 2000th and yet i'm still on my 500s O_O Talk about need for Speed :boom:
Little Master said:
sheesh... you need to get a life girl

if you want to say something like this just get off the freaking topic then, you don't need to post here

god, i wonder why mods even validate PP accounts for people like you
natalia said:
if you want to say something like this just get off the freaking topic then, you don't need to post here

god, i wonder why mods even validate PP accounts for people like you

LOL don't mind people like that it isn't like this world hasn't had enough of em already :po:
Congrats Natty:19::19:!!!

natalia said:
if you want to say something like this just get off the freaking topic then, you don't need to post here

god, i wonder why mods even validate PP accounts for people like you

Calm down, I think he was just joking:)!
I reached 3000 posts yesterday!
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This is to announce, with utmost humility, that as soon as I click the 'Submit Reply' button on the bottom of the text box, I would have completed 3867 posts on PP, none of them as useless as the present one. :yk
hussein said:
nadia, u shud find a hobby


my 1,000,000,000th post

This might be her hobby!!! lol

Between its been a year since I have been on PP now!
nice topic congrats to u al i need 1 topic till my tenth wicket ^^
This is my post #4792. Sum of the first two digits minus the third digit equals the last digit.

Surely one of the most significant milestones in the history of the universe.
Afridi_Fan said:
My 16,776th post. :D

You think anyone cares?? lol just messing...:P

but hey look at my post average its 20+ a day i think...i'll catch up dont worry.
Not far off 40,000 for me - scary to think how much time i have spent on this forum over the years
Geordie Ahmed said:
Not far off 40,000 for me - scary to think how much time i have spent on this forum over the years

No talk of divorce from your misses, i mean c'mon...PP+Newcastle supporter=a very p1ssed wife

Just messing:D
Mohsin said:
No talk of divorce from your misses, i mean c'mon...PP+Newcastle supporter=a very p1ssed wife

Just messing:D

Surprisingly not yet BUT i thank my son for that - keeps her busy :D

it took me ages to get to this milestone, and the major factor is that i hardly get involved in any kid of debates, and hardly post in a match thread, or to an indian thread :D
Free Hit said:

it took me ages to get to this milestone, and the major factor is that i hardly get involved in any kid of debates, and hardly post in a match thread, or to an indian thread :D
:14: :14: :14: :14:
