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The Official PP Landmark Thread

do you need 10,000 posts for that mr i want kashmir independence :P

congratulations though, mashallah brother

You have reached the ultimate stage for a regular poster.

Next step would be moderator, I suppose.

i dont really mean it, it only takes me closer to that magical milestone:yk
My next target is to get upto 20,000

Hopefully by the end of 2011
A fantastic 824 posts by me within 5 years. Surely I deserve some sort of recognition for this feat!!
yeh watercooler aapka hua!


Sallu man you are on amla type run.Not long ago we were both on 8000 post at the same time but fair play to you.
Now make sure you catch AF I will keep Freehit trailing behind me.
Sallu man you are on amla type run.Not long ago we were both on 8000 post at the same time but fair play to you.
Now make sure you catch AF I will keep Freehit trailing behind me.

if its for average then you have no competition, strike rate counts :afridi

anyways, it will take me years to get to where you are now 10,000+

life is too short for PP :ahmed
Start posting more and average will go up.

My age is of studying, religious and worldly wise too but i will have alot more time for PP once my Hifz is completed. so finger cross that done quickly, i will be defending the sulan-e-Pakistan, one and only Afridi :afridi
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Array maine bhi toh abhi kuch hi din pehle 19,000 runs pooray kiye...ab mujhe bhi toh koi inaam milna chahiye! LOL :D :afridi
Sallu man you are on amla type run.Not long ago we were both on 8000 post at the same time but fair play to you.
Now make sure you catch AF I will keep Freehit trailing behind me.

Reaching 33,000 and these days I'm NOT posting as I used to post.

Sallu man you are on amla type run.Not long ago we were both on 8000 post at the same time but fair play to you.
Now make sure you catch AF I will keep Freehit trailing behind me.

Haha okay I'll try

Problem is Amla has been playing for 5-6 years and Sachin has been playing for 20 :yk
I look up to the sky
And now the world is mine
i know that all my life
I made it, I made it!

i used to dream about
the life im living now
i know that theres no doubt
I made it...!!

Ladies and gentleman, pakpassion.net has a new member in the 10,000 club!:hamster:
congrats bro.......

may you have a long life on pakpassion

can you donate me some runs? :afridi

and yeah, ye hamara traditional taufa water cooler appa ka hua

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I just noticed the 'international debutant' tag on my username, so that is 2500+ posts I believe..:)
AF, I have a question. :D

How do you find so much time for PP(35,000+ Posts)?? :)
(Considering the fact that you are a doctor...)
Reaching the 1000 post yesterday eventhough joined in jun 2010 started posting recently
Closing in on the magical 20,000
Should be there in a month :yk
Sallu ji, push your self, 2010 world cup final....your 20,000 post should be "congrats Pakistan for winning World cup 2011"
Post No 37,000.

Last 1000 posts in just 5 days. I'm Loving my strike rate. :afridi

:))) :))) :))) :)))