The Sialkot Stallions Fan Club

Then what exactly was the point of your post? This can apply to every team in the competition.

It's my 'everybody'. I can include whoever I want in it.

You want to support them, you can make your own 'everybody'.
They have the best T20 captain of the world. I wish shoaib malik leaves stallions after this edition.
I want them to lose the most

Its about time
They have the best T20 captain of the world. I wish shoaib malik leaves stallions after this edition.

Lol. They have an awsome team simple...I think this year without Asif they have a little weaken attack but hey see who can beat them this time...They will still whip all the teams as ever.:ajmal:malik:asif :iamlegend
i Hope stallions win again and my main man Imran Nazir gets man of the tournament :iamlegend
I whole heartedly support both khi teams but I have to appreciate the fact that SS are one professional unit and they can easily win this yr's competition as well...........They are almost like AUS of early 2000 era, I only wish If shoaib malik had lead the pakistani cricket team with same passion and respect for the SS.......they r the king of this domestic t20 jungle........But I would definitely like them to get thrashed by khi dolphins or any team in tournament..........
Yeah the SS kits are sad looking too.

I like Faisalabad's kits though. I always like black kits.
Abbottabad's is also a very special shade of purple :))

The match between Lahore Lions and Abbottabad Falcons yesterday was a painful affair for the eyes.

lol yeah......I think KD and Wolves have got the best kit............:shafiq :ajmal
People only hate the Sialkot Stallions because they are led by :malik. I hope they win again just to infuriate there haters even more. The fact is not only are they are good side, they have by far got the best name aswell. :D
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People only hate Stallions because they are led by :malik. I hope they win again just to infuriate there haters even more.

This insignificant team is on its way to oblivion in a couple of years at most. So enjoy :malik 's captaincy till then.
This insignificant team is on its way to oblivion in a couple of years at most. So enjoy :malik 's captaincy till then.

lol, I never suggested that Malik was great in his role, hes as bad as Afridi, lol. As for being on there way to oblivion, you being a dolphin fan are likely to say fact youve been saying that since Sialkot one the first of there five.
lol, I never suggested that Malik was great in his role, hes as bad as Afridi, lol. As for being on there way to oblivion, you being a dolphin fan are likely to say fact youve been saying that since Sialkot one the first of there five.

6 has always been my lucky number. SS are on their way down.
I like them a lot even though I still support Karachi Dolphins, this is always a team to look forward to seeing play.
from gujranwala so the closest city would be sialkot all the way boys like u been doing it for the past 5 years so lets hear it for the stallions...;)
I hope Rams dont eliminate Shoaib Mirza's donkey XI. Mein nahi chahta inhein baad mein koi ronay ka mauqa miley (Yaar Stallions nahi thi to jeet gayee)

For Dolphin's sake, please qualify so that we can teach you a good lesson in the knockout phase :p
so, why are they so good? one thing i've noticed is they're very professional with their fielding.
I always liked and supported Stallions after what I felt they were robbed of a place in the final in the first edition.
And many of you saying they are better because of individual players haven't seen all the past tourneys SS keep winning because they play as a team and get all the basics right unlike all the other pakistani teams.
They will be the most disciplined in the field, in running between the wickets will try to bat out all the overs when they loose early wickets they know their strengths and know how to utillize them properly.
whats with the 2nd and 3rd teams.....

there should be one team you support...
sab gadhay ghoray aik hi team main hain :D best of luck.
I enjoy watching SS play.. Their commitment is exemplary and they are certainly the best fielding side.

But that doesn't mean I'm supporting SS :p
Same here...(since then I support SS and Malik)

Since Shoaib Malik admitted to openly cheating and losing on purpose?

I guess this was the time when deliberate underperforming became a habit in the national side as well thanks to Mrs.Mirza
kidz have a party tonight coz after the match you will be gone.

A message from Karachi Beast " Leave it for the Big Boys" its time for Dolphins to grab.
Since Shoaib Malik admitted to openly cheating and losing on purpose?

I guess this was the time when deliberate underperforming became a habit in the national side as well thanks to Mrs.Mirza

No need to tell you as you know fully. That was a Protest.
When you rob someone, you better expect some sort of reaction.
Stallions always remain good at being Stallions

jealousy is wifting through this thread eh some sore losers from last time round eh..... karachi never get past us hah

Go Sialkot Stallions!!!! Make us proud again because we dont need to be the best we are already the best
No need to tell you as you know fully. That was a Protest.
When you rob someone, you better expect some sort of reaction.

I remember that but I don't remember why. was it over an umpiring decision?
I remember that but I don't remember why. was it over an umpiring decision?

"On being asked by a commentator about why he lost the game, Malik was quoted by the Nation as having said, "Where were they [the critics] when our team lost on slow over-rate against Lahore Eagles. Our timing was going fine in that match and even umpires told us that we bowled in time but we were penalised and we lost the match."

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Sialkot in Pakistan resemble Australia in world cricket. Both on their way down.
I've said it before and I'll say it again.. Malik is not the same guy after his marriage. Priorities change, you know. :))