The Walking Dead [Use Spoiler Tags!]


T20I Debutant
Nov 8, 2006
jus show the pilot episode of new zombie Tv show..its such an awesome premiere episode.. thought id share..y'all have to see it
yeah I watched this yesterday and I have to say it's the best tv show i've ever seen. Having said that, it was only the first episode
yea.. im kinda surprised how good it is... literally its the best show ive ever seen.. and thats only in one episode.. the acting, directing, story.. perfect from scene to scene
Just watched the trailer. Looks good.

I just don't want to start another show. I already have a long list I watch. :))
I can't wait to watch it! Downloading the first episode right now. Torrent zindabad!

Also rumor has it that this has all the makings to exceed even Lost.
Walking Dead one Episode > Whole "Lost" series.. trust me
The Walking Dead Season 2

Anyone see the premiere.. killer episode! finally something watchable after Game of Thrones season ended
I had been putting this series off for a while. I still have to catch up on season 1. Cant wait!
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Good episode but there were way too many commercials for my liking. Good grief.
Aaaaagh! Missed it.

The comic is horifically grim. I'm up to about trade paperback 11.
held a season premiere party at my place.....the ending delivered a knock out punch ...can't wait for next sunday's episode
anyone else find Zombies to be retarded lol.. they look scary.. but apparently easy to kill..
the 1st season was mind blowing. Waiting eagerly for the 2nd season... hope star world airs it soon here in India
Just watched episode three... the end was intense and very, very disturbing!!

The rest of the episode was just a tad dull though, too much dialog which was trying to be profound, bit of an over kill really.

The end though... :31:
Just watched the 3rd episode, the end was very disturbing. Over all liked it...
Well its ok, with so many Zombie themed movies and now this serial, this serial seems like stretching an already over stretched genre.
I do like this show overall (especially the 1st series) BUT this series has been a bit average, too much dialogue and also some inconsistencies which just make it silly

* In the 1st episode they hide under the cars, the Zombies don't know they are there yet in the 1st series they mentioned that the Zombies can smell them hence Rick and the Chinese kid had to cover themselves in Zombie blood

* How quick are the Zombies? They are like Usain Bolt now yet they were much slower in the last series

* Not sure about this BUT would like to know how the house they are at right now is powered?

Also the "twist" at the end of episode 3 was not much of a twist imo, as soon as Shane arrived alone it was clear he screwed the fat guy over in some way

It has already been renewed for a 3rd season, plus this season contains double the episodes of the last so not sure what direction they are going in. I hope they can pick it up and get it to the levels the 1st season was at
Watched a couple of episodes of the first season and don't really feel it's anything special.

It just reminds me of Resident Evil and Zombies mode on COD :))

Maybe it'll get better though.
I do like this show overall (especially the 1st series) BUT this series has been a bit average, too much dialogue and also some inconsistencies which just make it silly

* In the 1st episode they hide under the cars, the Zombies don't know they are there yet in the 1st series they mentioned that the Zombies can smell them hence Rick and the Chinese kid had to cover themselves in Zombie blood

* How quick are the Zombies? They are like Usain Bolt now yet they were much slower in the last series

* Not sure about this BUT would like to know how the house they are at right now is powered?

Also the "twist" at the end of episode 3 was not much of a twist imo, as soon as Shane arrived alone it was clear he screwed the fat guy over in some way

It has already been renewed for a 3rd season, plus this season contains double the episodes of the last so not sure what direction they are going in. I hope they can pick it up and get it to the levels the 1st season was at

Completely agree with you. This season is not as good as the last season. I am not enjoying it that much to be honest.
That being said, i am still hoping it gets better :).
Just watched the mid-season finale :O

Don't want to spoil it for anyone, but just have to say even though a few episodes this season have been disappointing, this was a great episode!

Well I'm not sure if 'great' is the best word to describe it- this show has on numerous occasions really shocked my system. The end of this episode is case and point, I had my eyes glued to the screen, and at the same time felt like throwing up lol...

Anyone else catch todays episode!?
I've read up to about issue 75 of the 90 published so far. It's faster moving than the TV show, and more horrible.
I think 'horrible' is an apt word to describe the show, Robert!

And I'm not even referring to all the gore and violence, but the suffering endured by the characters.

For example how we found out about Sophia's fate in this last episode. In any other show I'm sure after a few episodes of showing the desperation of the main characters, she would be miraculously found (perhaps just in the nick of time :p). But that's what seems to set this show apart from most for me, I usually find myself feeling quite disturbed by the events of an episode lol.

Regarding the comic series, I only recently found out the show was based on one. I've also heard that the show is taking a lot of creative license and has deviated quite a bit from the storyline of the comic. For example characters have been killed off that weren't supposed to be, whilst others have been kept alive!
Although I did not like the start of this series I loved the last episode, hopefully it can maintain that level of awesomeness
I have a feeling that the cast staying on the farm for so long is due to the budget cuts (250,000 per episode I believe). I haven't watched since before fake-Merle, been reading up on whats going on and have to say it all sounds very underwhelming. Last episode sounds like something I would've liked.

I wish Shane would die already.
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Regarding the comic series, I only recently found out the show was based on one. I've also heard that the show is taking a lot of creative license and has deviated quite a bit from the storyline of the comic. For example characters have been killed off that weren't supposed to be, whilst others have been kept alive!

Yeah, Shane gets taken out quickly in the book - he never got as far as Hershel's farm. He is about to shoot Rick in a fit of jealousy, but Rick's little son shoots Shane.

Otis lived quite a bit longer in the books.

Wait until they get to the prison......
Sucks that we have to wait till february for the enxt episode. However, my bro said that the girl doesnt die in the comic.
Yeah, Shane gets taken out quickly in the book - he never got as far as Hershel's farm. He is about to shoot Rick in a fit of jealousy, but Rick's little son shoots Shane.

Otis lived quite a bit longer in the books.

Wait until they get to the prison......

Otis was also quite the racist in the comics.

And I hate the fact Shane is still alive. I hate this guy. Also Lori, cheating skank.
wow .. midseason premiere <3 .. ending was crazy .. show gets better and better
Start of this season was a bit slow but has picked up, will watch the new episode tonight
Yeah, Shane gets taken out quickly in the book - he never got as far as Hershel's farm. He is about to shoot Rick in a fit of jealousy, but Rick's little son shoots Shane.

Otis lived quite a bit longer in the books.

Wait until they get to the prison......

Prison :danish

So they leave the farm :danish

Tell me Andrea is killed. That women is so irritating.
Last episode was crazy. Looks like the season finale is going to be sick!!

Absolutely loved last night's episode! Can't wait for the finale :D

Shane turns into a walker...without having been bitten. Wth is that all about?!?
Also we have a massive fight on our hands with all those walkers suddenly appearing in the woods. I just hope Daryl doesn't get killed, he is my favourite character by far. :fawad
Seems that the disease has found a new way to infect humans.

A couple of episodes back they were staring at a corpse without any bitemarks and someone said it could be from scratches. Now the prisoner boy and Shane...not just that the walkers who get up have head injuries meaning a blow to the head doesnt kill them?!!
hehe yea .. man whattay series though.. wish this and GOT were airing at the same time.. another 20 days or so for that
WOW I knew this was coming, thanks to the idiots over at AMC for spoiling it for us. It was a pretty good episode overall.

I have yet to start watching game of thrones. That's the next show on my list haha
Just finished watching episode 12. I don't get it, how come Shane and the other prisoner dude turned into walkers, without getting bit?

What's this new mode of getting infected...?
Just finished watching episode 12. I don't get it, how come Shane and the other prisoner dude turned into walkers, without getting bit?

What's this new mode of getting infected...?

I think we will find out in next episode.
There's a debate on facebook about this. The virus appears to lay dormant in everybody due to transmission through scratches or other contact through zombie blood, and once the person dies (without a head wound), the virus activates and the dead person becomes a zombie.
Can you guys please post some spoiler alert before posting important plot points :murali? about to watch Se 2 Ep 10
it was an airborne virus, taking over the dead bodies, that's what really happened to Randal and Shane. I've been following this exciting show, I always like Shane, it's hard to be an antagonist where everybody hates you and he became a wackjob that's too morbid for him after all his sacrifices, really, Lori shouldn't be so emotional again and have him affected, for real, she's the bad virus!
Watched episode 12, thought it was brilliant. Seemed like the series was going a bit off the boil with a few meh episodes BUT they really pulled it back with the last 2
I think they should've kept Shane alive.. he was one interesting character..
I think they should've kept Shane alive.. he was one interesting character..

It will be interesting to see who will be the bad guy in the group now. My thoughts are that Merle will somehow make a re-appearance. For all we know he may be part of the 30 man group which Randall belonged to.
Watched episode 12, thought it was brilliant. Seemed like the series was going a bit off the boil with a few meh episodes BUT they really pulled it back with the last 2

The next episode is going to be really interesting with the horde of zombies coming there way.

So who will be Shane's replacement as Rick's number 2?
Daryl ? Glenn ? T-Dawg?

I think they need to give T-Dawg more coverage, the poor guy is reduced to a clean-up guy, he needs to pick up on his leadership and decision making.
Good series. Shane has been brilliant in his role, so has been Glenn. Any Dexter fans here by the way?
The next episode is going to be really interesting with the horde of zombies coming there way.

So who will be Shane's replacement as Rick's number 2?
Daryl ? Glenn ? T-Dawg?

I think they need to give T-Dawg more coverage, the poor guy is reduced to a clean-up guy, he needs to pick up on his leadership and decision making.

T-dawg said like 7 lines last episode. 7 LINES!! it's a pretty good start lol.

Anyways, I've read that there is another "badass" coming in the next season. Similar to Shane, although I'm gonna miss him. This show is based on the comics so there was a picture of the dude from next season, he sort of looked like machete, have you seen that movie?

Daryl is awesome man, I think he'll be Shane's number 2. It's only logical. There's no way Rick is gonna look up to Glenn at this point, it has to be Daryl.

What if Merle is part of the other group? Can't wait for the next episode!!!
********SPOILERS ALERT********

Good finale, lots of action. I can't wait until the next series, wonder who saved Andrea and what that building is they showed right at the end

Though I don't understand why the group seem to be turning against Rick, they all know Shane was an idiot, especially Lori, it was only a few episodes ago where she was pretty much trying to convince him to kill Shane yet she acts all shocked and horrified, odd
how have you seen the finale already? FX only aired the last one of friday. unless you watched it online :yk
Spoiler Alert

that thing at the end was freaky.. one who saved andrea lol.. oh and the castle/fort at the end.. next seasonnn can't wait!
Zomg!!! :O :O :O

What ayee line!

Aye, it's a big double-page splash panel of him in close-up shouting in 100-point type:


a.m.a.z.i.n.g finale! Loved the foreshadowing at the end with that thing with the sword and two walkers as pets!?!? and the super fortress. Great episode overall! I think next season is gonna be awesome. They're finally out of the farm so time for some action!

Rick is finally turning into someone I can get on board with haha
When is the next season starting? I know they are saying in the fall but what date?
most of this series was a drag but what a finale! that freaky thing in the end was awesome. can't wait :iq
Can someone tell me what that thing with the sword is? Like whoever has read the comics...actually tell me how it all ends. I don't care!
Actually, never mind. Don't tell me how it all ends, I change my mind.

But yeah, what is that thing with the sword, chained to two walkers? :moyo
Guys just a note before writing spoilers, indicate that its a spoiler. I know some of ya'll.
*** SPOILER ***

That ending was insane.

The creature/human with the walkers chained to itself was crazy. Out of nowhere.
Finally got to watch the last episode. I thought it was the best of both series to date.

On to the prison for series 3 !