Torres - Back to His Best?


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Jun 1, 2001
I have a feeling that Torres will be back to his best this season.

A good rest, a new manager with diffferent tactics and quite literally a fresh start.
I dont think he will work with Chelsea in their system. My dream would be for him to go to Barcelona with him and Messi up front.
I have said it before i will say it now Modric will be the key where the title end up this season, and having Modric behind Torres, everyday will feel like Christmas for Fernando.
All depends on how he is played, he plays best as a lone striker with a playmaker playing just off him.

He isnt effectual when playing as part of a front two as his overall link up play isnt the best, If they start with him as a lone front man with Malouda and Modric providing him with the ammunition he will thrive.
He cant get any worse then he was last season. I think he will be better this season! Would have loved him at arsenal, he would have been perfect for the team!
He cant get any worse then he was last season. I think he will be better this season! Would have loved him at arsenal, he would have been perfect for the team!


and nah Torres will never be back to his 'best' and that was 07/08 and 08/09 season. He's lost that half a step but he'll still be amoung the league Leaders in goals scored I reckon, especcially if they get Modric.
He has been carrying injures for a while and essentially been forced to play through them with the Confederations Cup and the World Cup. This is his first summer off in a real long time and that does make a huge difference. I think we are going to see him back to his best sooner or later.

As for those who say he can't play 4-4-2, of course he can. Just that I don't think Drogba is the ideal partner to do it as they both are better at leading the line. Say Rooney with Torres, that is a deadly combo that would work. He essentially needs someone to be behind him like Gerrard was. I know a lot of talk of Modric but I never understood why Chelsea don't just play Frank up. He scores a lot of goals and would be more influential in that role.
Well the system he plays best in is one with a lone striker IMO. He needs a playmaker behind him be it Gerrard, Modric or even Benayoun.

Systems in this day and age are quite fluid, Sky can say that a team is playing 4-4-2 but the manager could in fact say that he is playing with a 4-4-1-1.

Its all mumble jumble really, what is for certain is that after paying £50m for a striker Chelsea will have to play to his strengths and in my opinion after watching him at Liverpool I believe that Malouda and Anelka should play on the wings with a new playmake playing behind Torres.
Torres will be class next season, he has had a long rest and I don't think there will be that huge pressure like there was in January when people expected instant results

Having said that how good he will be depends on what formation Chelsea use. As things stand it sounds like they will be keeping Drogba BUT signing young Lukaku, so doubt Torres will be played up front on his own with a playmaker just off him
Malouda is ****!! I'm a Chelsea fan, but he is one player that I absoultely want out of the team. Breaks down play too often and is just a one-leg wonder.
Malouda is ****!! I'm a Chelsea fan, but he is one player that I absoultely want out of the team. Breaks down play too often and is just a one-leg wonder.

Chelsea can only dream of having a player like Bale down the left hand side.

Chelsea look set to sign Lukaku.


I reckon 1 or 2 will leave, We need some good strikers so we want Drogba and Sturridge and with Vucinic and Adebayour in aswell, We could challenge for the Premier league title.
No thank you to Bale. I don't think he can play for a star-studded team like Chelsea, you can keep him.
He's looked sharp for Chelsea so far BUT sadly still hasn't managed to score which is very worrying for a striker - the only way he can build his confidence is by scoring, not putting in quality performances... It doesn't work like that all the time, certainly for a striker.

There was a time where he was scoring for fun BUT now he's helpess and just can't seem to be posing a threat to the 'keeper.
Crisis of confidence for Torres! He has looked good in patches, but I think largely it all stems to playing in an alien system. Atm it does not look like Chelsea's play is suited to Torres. Let's face it the Chelsea of old were too slow in buildup and attack, for me Torres flourishes best in a system in which attack buildup is quick. A system like United (quick passing) would suit him best. Fortunately, the latest signings show that the direction of the coach is to achieve just that. So I'm still backing him to do good. Also he needs someone who is on the same wavelength with him to exploit opposition defences (him and Gerrard formed a lethal partnership at Liverpool).
What Torres needs is a match against Arsenal. They are very good at bringing back form for the lost souls.

Ibrahimovic hadnt ever scored against and English side until he had faced Arsenal. This Arsenal defence will certainly bringg him back to his best.
He needs a few easy goals to get him going.

He needs to adapt to the system and make the best of it. A player of his talent should not be held scoreless this often.

He'll come around sooner or later.
Have said it once and will say it again, Torres will be a world beater if you play him as your star man and build the team around him.

Mata should play centrally just behind him, he is the guy who can unleash the beast. :afridi
Torres continues to flop, just think chelsea are the wrong club for him!
It's looking dim for him, he's certainly going to want to go back to Spain now
Dare i say he has been found out, its clear he does not like a physical challenge but thats not the whole story, he has lost a bit of pace after his injury.

He will be back to Spain next summer, its just not happening for him!
Cant say I havent got a cheshire cat like smile on my face at the moment :afridi but I reckon he will still come good.
Dare i say he has been found out, its clear he does not like a physical challenge but thats not the whole story, he has lost a bit of pace after his injury.

He will be back to Spain next summer, its just not happening for him!

Really wish Arsenal had the money few seasons ago to sign him!

Oh well! :(
If wenger plays his cards right, he can still lure him. We have quick midfielders who are young. He will be our highest profile, something he needs.
a comment from another forum - believe it if you want

I know from a very good source that he regrets moving there and is hankering for a move back to Spain already. He also misses Liverpool as a city but i'm not so sure the club and he was extremely gutted/angry about those little whoppers burning his shirt the night he left.

There was a lot of tension between him and a couple of senior players towards the end, which i think has come across in said players interviews since he has left.
Usually I'd say it's the usual ITK ********, but I know this lad was invited to Xabi Alonso's wedding (his bird is mates with Xabi's and I'm assuming that's his source), make of it what you will.

Interesting if its true, before the season started Torres was on a media rampage saying how he felt good and was going to justify his price tag.
Torres during the Hodgson reign was nothing short of a disgrace, dont know which players he was 'off' with but I can understand why this was the case.

Anyway we have moved onwards and upwards, hopefully he goes to a foreign league and returns to his oldself because he was ridiculously good; you as a united fan should be able to testify to that.
He provided 2 of the goals in Tuesday's opening Champions league match. It's great to see him providing the goals BUT nothing is going to improve, until he starts to score goals.

What actually is the issue with Torres? Has he lost it? OR is it just a issue regarding his lack of confidence OR formattion?
I'm getting a feeling he might score against Manu this coming weekend. Either of Rooney/Hernandez are almost guaranteed to score against us their form is just ominous atm. Back to topic I think the issue with Torres is lack of confidence. But we also cannot deny that Chelsea's system is different compared to the ones he experienced at Liverpool and Athletico Madrid.

I just feel that he's never been made to work hard for the ball and that's whats bothering him. Like Gerrard he always needs someone to provide him with a killer pass so that he can capitalize (and thats how he plays best). Last game we started to see the linkup play between Mata and Torres which is starting to show signs of improvement, Mata will definitely provide him with those passes.
im slighty worried to Torres will score against United this Sunday, especially as Vidic is out.

Torres hates physicalness si im expecting rio and Smalling to ruff him up a bit.
2nd goal in his Chelsea career, it was coming... He looked sharp and dangerous out there - what a finish it was!

This will do him wonders, especially in terms of confidence.
Unbelievable miss by Torres - beats the offside trap, rounds the keeper then misses an open goal. A pub league footballer would have scored that.
Like I said in the other thread, Boycott's mum would have scored that.

Despite the miss - that was Torres of old! Willing to run in behind and committing defenders. He had a top game. Once he missed that chance I knew thats all everyone would remember and forget about his overall performance.

He's back and I'm a United fan.
Amazing performance from Torres, Gary Neville said that all the press is going to be focusing on that miss but his overall play was amazing. Lampard's substitution at HT was probably the catalyst to his improved performance in the 2nd game. Very assured performance by him and we can only hope he gets better. If he can make the Utd defence dance around in circles then it bodes well for him.
Was amazing today, i mark that miss as a goal. He destroyed the keeper, which was enough for me to think that yes, this is the Torres we know and love.
I must say, Torres was mighty exciting to watch today. It's been a long time since he's put in such a performance.

Might be a rival, but class player.

Unbelievable miss, though. Can't imagine what he must have felt after fluffing that lollypop of a chance.
Played really well today but he's such a confidence player that i hope that miss does not put him back to square one again...
Played really well today but he's such a confidence player that i hope that miss does not put him back to square one again...

Same here. Sad that he did all the hard work in getting confidence back BUT that now has taken a big dent after that shocking miss.

Anyways... When Torres is back to his good old himself, he's capable of finishing chances like this, De Gea looking clueless there...

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>​
Another good game for Torres BUT another game in which his confidence or progress has taken a step backwards, after being sent off for a dangerous foul.

A short report on his peformances from Guardian.

Just before the half-hour, Juan Mata saw the Spaniard's clever left-to-right run inside the City area and dinked the ball into him; a chest-down, a swivel, then a sweet finish into the corner followed, and that was two in two games, following his strike at United last Sunday.

If this was the good (or very good), Torres followed with more of the same, precipitating the move that ended in Ramires scoring Chelsea's second.

Having dropped inside his own half, Torres found Ashley Cole, the left-back crept forward, then slid the ball across midfield to the Brazilian. His shot was struck well, but passed under keeper Michel Vorm .

Torres was flying. But now came the ugly. Near halfway, Torres launched both boots at Mark Gower and made contact. Out came Dean's red card, and off Torres marched, head down.
Awful tackle would have been a leg-breaking one had there been contact. On this instance it was merely the intention which got him a red. But performance wise it's going good for him and he's looking sharp and looks to have recovered that pace. On the striker front Drogba is back and more importantly he scored a goal as well so things are pretty much unchanged.
If Torres is back, then this is good news for our league. With all the talent in La Liga, it is essential that the Premier League has all its superstars playing their best football. We have some quality on show this season iunlike the last season!
Apart from his shocking miss against United. He looks full of pace and power and back to his very best.
If Torres is back, then this is good news for our league. With all the talent in La Liga, it is essential that the Premier League has all its superstars playing their best football. We have some quality on show this season iunlike the last season!

You are a Liverpool fan right? and you want Torres to succeed? LOL oh dear whats this world coming to :facepalm: I mean I dont give a sh*t about him now to be honest but WANTING him to succeed is going a bit too far lol.
You are a Liverpool fan right? and you want Torres to succeed? LOL oh dear whats this world coming to :facepalm: I mean I dont give a sh*t about him now to be honest but WANTING him to succeed is going a bit too far lol.

Hahaha that just reminds me of that Asian guy who wrote in his yearbook, "Its not that I should succeed, others should fail". Joe Cole went to Liverpool, although he turned out a flop did you see any Chelsea fans not wanting him to succeed?
You are a Liverpool fan right? and you want Torres to succeed? LOL oh dear whats this world coming to :facepalm: I mean I dont give a sh*t about him now to be honest but WANTING him to succeed is going a bit too far lol.

No... I'm not a Liverpool fan. Arsenal >>> Liverpool.

Im talking more in terms of the the level of the Premier League. I hate it how the Spanish league is luring the worlds best talent for only 2 good teams! And claiming that this is the best league, it certainly isnt as competitive as the Premier league, for that reason i want to see very high clas players distributed into top teams and enjoy bieng a fan of a team that certainly plays against tough competition week in week out! All the pundits of football want it to be like this. The premier league needs to hold on to its world class players an introduce them as well.

Suarez, Aguero, Gervinho, Mertasacker, Mata, Dzeko have been excellent additions this year.

Who doesnt want to see the likes of Rooney, Van Persie and Torres (world cup finalists) battle it out for the best CF in the world????
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3 games out and an international break and it'l take him another ten games to get back in form ,that's if he doesn't get injured
Torres is a useless player now he has too much arrogant did anyone see his miss against Man utd he can't play to save his life
Torres is a useless player now he has too much arrogant did anyone see his miss against Man utd he can't play to save his life

How exactly has Torres got too much arrogance?

There's no doubt that Torres has made a very difficult start to his Chelsea career, and has indeed shown signs of problems, especially during the period where he was struggling to find the net BUT I don't seem to recall any moments where his attitude has been circled along with a question mark.

Unlike Tevez... His attitude is more then fine. A true proffesional player who works his socks off and has been very composed during his tough experience some time ago.
He had 3-4 really good chances to get on the scoresheet against Valencia BUT sadly for him... Diego Alves had luck on his side and produced a MOM performance during the CL clash versus Chelsea.

Torres will now miss 3 PL games, frustating times for him as he could lose his place IF one of the replacing strikers end up doing very well.
What's going on with him? Thought he might go downhill after leaving Liverpool but didn't think he'd be this bad. For any chelsea fans here, is he really playing as bad as the stats suggest?

Where has this Torres gone?
Nah man i watch him week in week out although he works very hard but has just lost his golden touch chelsea better sign a regular goal scorer in the summer.
He cannot cope with the pace of the Premier League. Needs to go back to a league which plays at a slower tempo.
The quicker Chelsea get rid of him the better, interesting stat came out of the game against Everton.

Currently "Torres has more yellow cards then goals at his time at Chelsea"

seriously i sometimes wonder is he really the same player who had the best CB in Europe (Vidic) on toast most of the times he played against him
What a player he was, i never understood how he became so average within a season.
Chelsea's system does not seem to suit him at all. I think Liverpool employed a 4-4-2 during Torres's time there - atm Chelsea's system is far too narrow (not to mention a certain dearth of attacking midfielders) to allow Torres space to make his runs and take chances. I think a 4-4-2 (diamond) or a 4-2-3-1 would probably help Torres much better in terms of goal scoring.
Its not the system, he just looks lost, quiet hesitant and confused, thats not like Torres.
The fact is that yes the system does not suit torres and he doesnt really get alot of chances but still he has missed some absolute sitters this season.He should have scored against manu it was a sitter then he missed another sitter from 4 or 5 yards against blackburn then he should have taken a penalty against genk to end his goal drought but instead david luiz took it and missed it then against norwich another very good chance he missed then against manu in the 3-3 draw he was through on goal but delayed and took a touch to many when he should have just hit the ball at either side of the keeper so the point is that if he would have scored these easy chances he would have about 10 to 12 goals to his name for the season and he would have been alot more confident and more importantly these easy goals would have earned chelsea alot of valueble points but on the flip side of it torres hit the post against sunderland an villa aswell so luck has also played its part.all in all torres has lost his magic and its best that we sell him in the summer.
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^ Yes I know that, my post was just to illustrate one of the reasonings for his failing to show some spark. Would have to agree with you that he looks totally out of form but the system one plays goes a great deal to enhance particular traits a player possesses. Always felt that Torres would succeed in a squad which plays quick passing football and is excellent on the counter-attack as this system highlights his own traits of speed, movement and technique.

Let's face it Chelsea's system is built around Drogba as a central striker and his ability to hold-up the ball whilst midfielders and wingers arrive. Torres is hardly that kind of player now assuming Torres's form is consistent and he is amongst the goals his key attributes would be best exploited by a change in the system - that's the point I was trying to make.
Nothing with the system. People said Drogba was stifling him and now that Drog and Anelka both gone, Torres has done nothing. He has played in other formations and won (IE Spain). He just is really missing a lot of confidence.
Well Amir in regards to your post I would still mention that a certain dearth of attacking midfielders there is hardly the sort of service which any striker would like. With Drogba its different as he can use his strength to hold-up the ball whilst midfielders move forward. Now lets have a look at the midfield players available to Chelsea:

1) Mata: Can be used in midfield but under current formation is best utilized on wings.

2) Meireles: Holding midfielder, lacks killer pass and plus is slow.

3) Ramires: One decent player who has started to show his potential in recent matches.

4) Lampard: Can provide a decent pass but too slow and very hesitant.

5) JO Mikel: Defensive midfielder, cannot recall a single game where he has set the world
alight. Elephant level slow!

6) Essein: Got pace and has the x-factor as well but just coming off big injury.

7) Romeu: Defensive midfielder much better in breaking up play compared to the likes of Mikel.

Which is why the project for next year is I think going to focus on two things: 1) To get rid of some of the ageing and under-performing members of the squad (Mikel, Kalou, Malouda etc) and 2) To focus on getting more creative talent in the midfield department especially with quick, strong and technical players.
Well Amir in regards to your post I would still mention that a certain dearth of attacking midfielders there is hardly the sort of service which any striker would like. With Drogba its different as he can use his strength to hold-up the ball whilst midfielders move forward. Now lets have a look at the midfield players available to Chelsea:

1) Mata: Can be used in midfield but under current formation is best utilized on wings.

2) Meireles: Holding midfielder, lacks killer pass and plus is slow.

3) Ramires: One decent player who has started to show his potential in recent matches.

4) Lampard: Can provide a decent pass but too slow and very hesitant.

5) JO Mikel: Defensive midfielder, cannot recall a single game where he has set the world
alight. Elephant level slow!

6) Essein: Got pace and has the x-factor as well but just coming off big injury.

7) Romeu: Defensive midfielder much better in breaking up play compared to the likes of Mikel.

Which is why the project for next year is I think going to focus on two things: 1) To get rid of some of the ageing and under-performing members of the squad (Mikel, Kalou, Malouda etc) and 2) To focus on getting more creative talent in the midfield department especially with quick, strong and technical players.

Bloody agree with you mate we need to kickout the deadwood and bring in new players plus your assessment of the players is also pretty good but you seem to criminally underrate mata,now mata is one player that would walk into any premier league team at the moment whether he plays centrally or on the left wing.
Punisher, those midfield options are much better than half the PL. Look at what Darren Bent works with and he still scores goals. Would I have Bent over Torres? Hell no. Point being something wrong with Torres. That squad may be over the hill, but its good to get the job done against most PL teams and a return of 3 goals is poor for any striker (even Heskey) with those players behind him.

Torres has the ability, really lacking the confidence. He needs a game where he scores 2 goals. Not just one lucky goal....but two class finishes. I really think its all down to confidence, I fear the day he finds his feet cause he will make Chelsea lethal with Mata.
Punisher, those midfield options are much better than half the PL. Look at what Darren Bent works with and he still scores goals. Would I have Bent over Torres? Hell no. Point being something wrong with Torres. That squad may be over the hill, but its good to get the job done against most PL teams and a return of 3 goals is poor for any striker (even Heskey) with those players behind him.

Torres has the ability, really lacking the confidence. He needs a game where he scores 2 goals. Not just one lucky goal....but two class finishes. I really think its all down to confidence, I fear the day he finds his feet cause he will make Chelsea lethal with Mata.

Mate we are the only team in the bpl without any pace,creativity and width we are very stale at the moment no flair absolutely nothing to work with.
Definitely agree with you about the confidence part Amir but my post was more aimed at the wider issues I feel Chelsea need to contend with in order to put up a decent fight for the years to come.

Yes half of those players will get into any team in the PL but its just my personal opinion that the nature of the game has changed so much that having a team which is:

1. Slow in buildup
2. Lacks any creative talent in midfield (half of the midfield department is made up of defensive mids).
3. As Mufassir rightly mentioned no pace at all.

I feel that it is going to be a mighty uphill task to be able to compete consistently when teams around you have the ability to increase the tempo whenever they want. You saw that in the 3-3 game, we were lucky to be 3-0 up and I knew that United would come back because they have that ability to turn things up a notch, atm Chelsea do not have that. Apologize for the ranting but we created 2 fricking half-chances against Everton and there remains work to be done if we are to stand shoulder-to-shoulder against the great teams of the game.
Yes I am Mufassir and a very disgruntled one at the moment haha. Hopefully there is better news in store for next week's game against Napoli but have a feeling that they are going to be deadly on the counterattack with the likes of Cavani, Lavezzi and Hamsik!
Yes I am Mufassir and a very disgruntled one at the moment haha. Hopefully there is better news in store for next week's game against Napoli but have a feeling that they are going to be deadly on the counterattack with the likes of Cavani, Lavezzi and Hamsik!

Yeah you can just picture it bosingwa gettin eaten alive by the likes of lavezzi or vargas.
Out of the Chelsea squad, I hate Mikel the most. Why did they release Ballack? Sure he played much better with Leverkusen and Bayern but he was definitely better than Mikel.