[VIDEOS] Has Imran Khan turned against Pakistan?

Has Imran Khan turned against Pakistan?

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Sep 11, 2023
I'm deeply concerned about the recent tweets from Imran Khan and his social media team. As a Pakistani, I believe it's crucial to prioritize our country's stability and unity. However, the former Prime Minister's actions seem to be doing the opposite.

By openly criticizing the Pakistan Armed Forces and drawing parallels with Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, Imran Khan is creating a dangerous narrative. He's implying that the armed forces are complicit in wrongdoing, which can be seen as an attack on their credibility and integrity. This kind of rhetoric can divide our nation and create an "us versus them" mentality, leading to unrest and violence.

I understand that political differences are natural, but as leaders, it's essential to prioritize the greater good. Imran Khan's tweets are not only harmful but also irresponsible, given his influence and following. I urge him to reconsider his actions and work towards unity and stability in Pakistan.

Let's focus on building our nation together, rather than tearing it apart with divisive rhetoric.

The following tweets are examples of Imran Khan's rhetoric:

How do you build the nation together when you are a pawn to the establishment?
He supports PMLN, something he tried to hide when first pointed out to him.
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He supports PMLN, something he tried to hide when first pointed out to him.
Is it a crime to support PML-N?

Imran Khan is propagating divisive rhetoric, and PTI supporters seem to be turning a blind eye to it.

Is it a hard and fast rule that everything Imran Khan says and does is automatically correct?
He should have turned against Pakistan decades ago. He gave his life to the country and for what? To be incarcerated by men with half his calibre and watch lickspittles and yes men replace him to facilitate the looting of the country.
I'm deeply concerned about the recent tweets from Imran Khan and his social media team. As a Pakistani, I believe it's crucial to prioritize our country's stability and unity. However, the former Prime Minister's actions seem to be doing the opposite.

By openly criticizing the Pakistan Armed Forces and drawing parallels with Sheikh Mujibur Rehman, Imran Khan is creating a dangerous narrative. He's implying that the armed forces are complicit in wrongdoing, which can be seen as an attack on their credibility and integrity. This kind of rhetoric can divide our nation and create an "us versus them" mentality, leading to unrest and violence.

I understand that political differences are natural, but as leaders, it's essential to prioritize the greater good. Imran Khan's tweets are not only harmful but also irresponsible, given his influence and following. I urge him to reconsider his actions and work towards unity and stability in Pakistan.

Let's focus on building our nation together, rather than tearing it apart with divisive rhetoric.

The following tweets are examples of Imran Khan's rhetoric:

I think the likes of you and your ilk can't get over the fact that people of PK trust IK and not criminals that you support and can't win their seats. IK is being held hostage on fake cases so that he agrees to give them a free pass. Each day they beg and threaten at the same time. Let by gones be by gones but if you don't we will kill you and your wife. Have you ever thought that to be a threat to the PK state? If IK is killed and they are desperate, will that not be a threat. Their tout lawyer in all cases( i think his name is Amjad Pervez) is also the lawyer of the guy they hired to kill IK, why is that? One day he appears in the iddat case, next day he is on the cypher case.

It's the age old tactics( which I certainly fell for) that anyone that criticises these thugs for their oppression and cruelty must be anti PK. Tell us why the report into the BD debacle been released After 50 years? Why have the Generals and their puppets never allowed any institution to work, not one institution stands today that has any credibility. The army is run by a criminal that has allowed people to be killed and kidnapped, Why is the Police so bad? Who has turned the Police into a para millitary force that follows no laws and not forgetting the awful courts from the SC to the lowest court, no one can get justice except the selected few who just buy them. IK didn't overthrow the constitution to stop the KP and Punjab elections? He didn't change the results on 9th Feb or kidnap 10,000 people after 9th May..
answer these points
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He should have turned against Pakistan decades ago. He gave his life to the country and for what? To be incarcerated by men with half his calibre and watch lickspittles and yes men replace him to facilitate the looting of the country.
Apparently you supposed to love people that are happy to kill you. Your army is there to protect you, not kill you for plots and commissions.
Is it a crime to support PML-N?

Imran Khan is propagating divisive rhetoric, and PTI supporters seem to be turning a blind eye to it.

Is it a hard and fast rule that everything Imran Khan says and does is automatically correct?
Yes it is. They lost the elections and got 17 seats, then they stole the other seats. As this is against the PK law and constitution, aren't you abetting criminals?
realistically speaking imran khan supporters need freedom from pakistan, pakistan should be divided further otherwise things are going to go bad it will be in the best interest for both countries pakistan & naya pakistan

it will even solve our cricketing issues, rizwan, babar, shadab, iftikhar nawaz can play for naya pakistan and fakhar, harris, azam khan, imad and amir can play for pakistan
realistically speaking imran khan supporters need freedom from pakistan, pakistan should be divided further otherwise things are going to go bad it will be in the best interest for both countries pakistan & naya pakistan

it will even solve our cricketing issues, rizwan, babar, shadab, iftikhar nawaz can play for naya pakistan and fakhar, harris, azam khan, imad and amir can play for pakistan

Amazing that you bring in your political (sorry criminal beliefs) in to sport..
now understand the continuous hate certain players get.
Amazing that you bring in your political (sorry criminal beliefs) in to sport..
now understand the continuous hate certain players get.
It's Imran Khan and his friend Ramiz who brought politics into cricket by appointing Babar Azam as captain. This is why Imran Khan's supporters back Babar Azam, the same babar who has damaged Pakistan cricket by turning this team into yaari dosti.
It's Imran Khan and his friend Ramiz who brought politics into cricket by appointing Babar Azam as captain. This is why Imran Khan's supporters back Babar Azam, the same babar who has damaged Pakistan cricket by turning this team into yaari dosti.
Most of us are intelligent enough, actually it doesn't require much IQ, to keep politics and sports separate.

But, if I followed your lead and if Babar does indeed support IK, and hence is against the criminals that currently hold the country at gun point, then I for one will start to ease up on my criticism of Babar's captaincy
Is it a crime to support PML-N?

Imran Khan is propagating divisive rhetoric, and PTI supporters seem to be turning a blind eye to it.

Is it a hard and fast rule that everything Imran Khan says and does is automatically correct?

People should be free to support any party or group. People should also be free to choose their leaders . They can all have their views .

The country wouldn’t be in a mess if they simply allowed people to vote in their government.

Currently Pakistan is a client state with puppets in charge of the forces & government. All such states end up in ruins & long term slavery . Even African nations are freeing themselves of colonialism but Pakistan is going the other way with criminals in charge .
realistically speaking imran khan supporters need freedom from pakistan, pakistan should be divided further otherwise things are going to go bad it will be in the best interest for both countries pakistan & naya pakistan

it will even solve our cricketing issues, rizwan, babar, shadab, iftikhar nawaz can play for naya pakistan and fakhar, harris, azam khan, imad and amir can play for pakistan
And as for separating, well you are welcome to go to London and do your sazish, PK belongs to PKs not to criminals that you support
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It's Imran Khan and his friend Ramiz who brought politics into cricket by appointing Babar Azam as captain. This is why Imran Khan's supporters back Babar Azam, the same babar who has damaged Pakistan cricket by turning this team into yaari dosti.
Maybe engaging your brain would help to add something to the debate-Babar was brought back by Naqvi. He didn't have to, so why did he do it and even if IK hadn't made Babar captain, Babar would have become captain sooner or later.
IK isn’t wrong. The Pakistani establishment committed one of the most disgusting genocides of the 20th century against its own Muslim-majority population, largely due to the establishment and their political puppet’s refusal to accept the people’s mandate of a general election. If you have to rewrite history to such an extent to foster ‘national unity’, then your history is rotten to the core and has nothing worthy to live by. My eternal condolences are with the victims of the genocide of ‘71 and Awami League.
realistically speaking imran khan supporters need freedom from pakistan, pakistan should be divided further otherwise things are going to go bad it will be in the best interest for both countries pakistan & naya pakistan

In that case, Old Pakistan would be left with nothing, given that the PTI enjoys majority support in every province. Despite pre- and post-poll rigging, leadership bans, censorship, public rally bans, false convictions, appointment of bureaucrats as electoral officers, violence against citizens, and even the removal of PTI's election symbol, PTI still officially garnered the most votes in the recent election, with 18.5 million. Without all the obstacles these thugs threw at PTI, the party would have won the 2024 election with the largest margin in Pakistan's history.

It's all fun and games when those you're trying to oppress don't retaliate with the same intensity, but everything has a breaking point. Considering the current public sentiment, this gang of thugs' shelf life is expiring quickly. Things get especially dangerous when you're trying to oppress a group that constitutes the vast majority of the population.

Anyone who even remotely supports or justifies the current regime is completely devoid of any shred of morals. They're well aware of the consequences when the people's mandate is ignored, as seen in Bangladesh. Yet, they're determined to repeat the same mistake. As I said, completely devoid of any shred of morals.

it will even solve our cricketing issues, rizwan, babar, shadab, iftikhar nawaz can play for naya pakistan and fakhar, harris, azam khan, imad and amir can play for pakistan


Maybe engaging your brain would help to add something to the debate-Babar was brought back by Naqvi. He didn't have to, so why did he do it and even if IK hadn't made Babar captain, Babar would have become captain sooner or later.

Inserting a pointless cricket beef into serious political issues is incredibly petty. These people are utterly devoid of substantial arguments, resorting instead to topics that no sane person would prioritize over the real issues this country faces.

People should be free to support any party or group. People should also be free to choose their leaders . They can all have their views .

The country wouldn’t be in a mess if they simply allowed people to vote in their government.

Currently Pakistan is a client state with puppets in charge of the forces & government. All such states end up in ruins & long term slavery . Even African nations are freeing themselves of colonialism but Pakistan is going the other way with criminals in charge .

This is a point that a lot of individuals seem to miss.

Also, does anyone know if the regime plans on unbanning Twitter? PDM's whole 'I'm terrified of internet comments' act is becoming downright pathetic.
And as for separating, well you are welcome to go to London and do your sazish, PK belongs to PKs not to criminals that you support
pakistan belong to pakistan not foregners
In that case, Old Pakistan would be left with nothing, given that the PTI enjoys majority support in every province. Despite pre- and post-poll rigging, leadership bans, censorship, public rally bans, false convictions, appointment of bureaucrats as electoral officers, violence against citizens, and even the removal of PTI's election symbol, PTI still officially garnered the most votes in the recent election, with 18.5 million. Without all the obstacles these thugs threw at PTI, the party would have won the 2024 election with the largest margin in Pakistan's history.

It's all fun and games when those you're trying to oppress don't retaliate with the same intensity, but everything has a breaking point. Considering the current public sentiment, this gang of thugs' shelf life is expiring quickly. Things get especially dangerous when you're trying to oppress a group that constitutes the vast majority of the population.

Anyone who even remotely supports or justifies the current regime is completely devoid of any shred of morals. They're well aware of the consequences when the people's mandate is ignored, as seen in Bangladesh. Yet, they're determined to repeat the same mistake. As I said, completely devoid of any shred of morals.


Inserting a pointless cricket beef into serious political issues is incredibly petty. These people are utterly devoid of substantial arguments, resorting instead to topics that no sane person would prioritize over the real issues this country faces.

This is a point that a lot of individuals seem to miss.

Also, does anyone know if the regime plans on unbanning Twitter? PDM's whole 'I'm terrified of internet comments' act is becoming downright pathetic.
regardless bro its going to be a 50/50 split you will just have to fit your people in whatever space you get
pakistan belong to pakistan not foregners

regardless bro its going to be a 50/50 split you will just have to fit your people in whatever space you get
Yes it does. That's why 80% of the PKs voted for IK and not your thugs. We need answers
pakistan belong to pakistan not foregners

And Pakistanis didn't elect this criminal regime. So as that poster said, Pakistan belongs to Pakistanis, not to the corrupt cronies currently in power.

regardless bro its going to be a 50/50 split you will just have to fit your people in whatever space you get

Next time, try actually reading the post, 'bro'.
And Pakistanis didn't elect this criminal regime. So as that poster said, Pakistan belongs to Pakistanis, not to the corrupt cronies currently in power.

Next time, try actually reading the post, 'bro'.
Sorry don't have time to read a massive post like that
Imran Khan surely has his shortcomings but the guys he is fighting are the parasites for Pakistan.
No leader will be palatable to all and all politics means that you make choices and some choices will be the wrong ones. But if IK did .01 of the thugs have done, he would have been hanged and quartered in D Chowk. They have literally done everything they claimed IK might do- murder, kidnap, torture,stop elections, beat up judges, rig elections, and the list goes on and on.
realistically speaking imran khan supporters need freedom from pakistan, pakistan should be divided further otherwise things are going to go bad it will be in the best interest for both countries pakistan & naya pakistan

it will even solve our cricketing issues, rizwan, babar, shadab, iftikhar nawaz can play for naya pakistan and fakhar, harris, azam khan, imad and amir can play for pakistan

This says everything about the current administration and their supporters. Juvenile barbs about splitting the country so we can have two teams of equally useless cricketers looking for bribes. What a bright picture you paint of the future of naya Pakistan. :salute
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Sorry don't have time to read a massive post like that
But enough time to post on here but avoid the main questions. Why are your criminals that cant win their own seats holding PK and Pks hostage. Munir and the mafia got smashed by a banned party, surely even the most idiotic supporters can see that PKs dont want them
The only thing that will cause a division is when your voice is being silenced by the establishment.

The majority of Pakistani’s voted for one party, but instead they’re forced to live under a government they didn’t choose. Won’t that cause any division?

You have corrupt criminals targeting journalists, party workers and supporters, surely that’s going to cause some division?

There’s only one way Pakistan can come together and move forward, give the people what they want.

If the Sharif’s really cared about taking Pakistan forward, they would’ve accepted defeat instead of being puppets run by the military.
The only thing that will cause a division is when your voice is being silenced by the establishment.

The majority of Pakistani’s voted for one party, but instead they’re forced to live under a government they didn’t choose. Won’t that cause any division?

You have corrupt criminals targeting journalists, party workers and supporters, surely that’s going to cause some division?

There’s only one way Pakistan can come together and move forward, give the people what they want.

If the Sharif’s really cared about taking Pakistan forward, they would’ve accepted defeat instead of being puppets run by the military.

The sharifs & generals work for western regimes , hence why they regularly travel to Washington & London. Also why those two who are usually crying or free & fair elections, democracy & rest of their bs are silent, because they are supporting the current situation.
To stop the verdict of cypher case, the imported thugs have declared a holiday tomorrow. PK has United around IK, the thugs have united as a mafia to protect their billions
It's a fact IK has public power, so if the masses think likewise then what

‘Nothing to do with army’: PTI disassociates Imran from controversial 1971 X post​

The PTI on Tuesday distanced party founder Imran Khan from a controversial social media post on the 1971 civil war and the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report, saying that the post was not aimed towards the military and should be seen in a “political context”.

“The context and comparison that we drew with 1971 was in a political context and not otherwise — nothing about the army,” PTI leader and MNA Barrister Gohar Ali Khan categorically said today in an interview with digital news outlet Azaad Urdu.

In a post on social media platform X dated May 26, Imran’s account, which is managed by his social media team due to him being incarcerated in Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail serving sentences in multiple cases, shared a video along with a quote attributed to him: “Every Pakistani should study the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report and get to know who was the true traitor, General Yahya Khan or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.”

The video argued that the former military dictator was the one actually responsible for the country’s breakup, referring to alleged atrocities committed by the Pakistani military during the civil war.

The video also interspersed images of the current civilian and military leadership, alleging that they stole the party’s mandate in the general elections.

The PTI had doubled down on the post, saying that the report analysed the “role of the Pakistan military in the political-military involvement in East-Pakistan from 1947 to 1971”.

“Mysteriously all 12 copies created were either stolen or were destroyed. The uncanny resemblance with the current turn of events in last two years, involving military and civilian relationships makes one question,” the PTI had said, seemingly referring to the state crackdown under way against the party.

The posts generated intense blowback and controversy, particularly from the government ranks.

PPP Senator Sherry Rehman had said the post was “alarming” and the PTI was “continuously fueling the narrative of hatred and incitement” by comparing Imran to Sheikh Mujib.

The posts were harshly criticised in a meeting of the PML-N general council today where Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif lashed out at the PTI founder, saying: “Imran Khan’s ugly face has been exposed. He defames the Pakistan Army.”

Political maverick Mustafa Nawaz Khokhar had also said the post was akin to “misleading the youth of today”.

Responding to the criticism, the PTI earlier today said Imran had only asked people to read the report and did not compare himself with anyone.

In a longer post today, the party denounced the heated criticism against it as “poisonous false propaganda campaign of the mandate-thief government”, adding that the party had referred to the events of 1971 only to learn from history.

It said the party and Imran did not believe in handing out labels of treason.

In a video interview later today, Barrister Gohar Ali Khan elaborated on the intended meaning and purpose of the incendiary social media post.

“It was just our [meaning about the] political context,” he said, adding that a party’s mandate and majority were changed in 1971, similar to the PTI’s allegations about the current election result and government.

“Sometimes things are exaggerated. Imran Khan has nothing to do with this [post] because he did not see its content or other things.”

He said Imran was in prison and “does not approve each and every video or context”.

Barrister Gohar reiterated that just because the post mentioned the commission report or its contents, “it should not be interpreted in this context as if we are against them (the army) or that we are looking at [the matter in] a military context. Our version of the scenario was political context [then and now].”

Talking about access to social media in the country and its user statistics, Gohar said just because a post was seen on social media on a particular day, “it does not mean that a party has orchestrated a campaign. The PTI does not a run a campaign against anyone at any time.”

In a subsequent X post, Gohar reiterated: “Our comparison of 1971 was in political context … see what happened to the country in 1971 which is being done now. This is our narrative,” adding that the PTI was not the Awami League and nor was Imran Sheikh Mujib.

The incarcerated former prime minister has drawn comparison to the events of 1971 before as well.

In April, drawing a parallel between current developments in Pakistan with the circumstances leading to the 1971 Dhaka tragedy, Imran had warned that the present situation could result in economic collapse, reminding the powers that be that countries and institutions could not survive without a stable economy.

“In 1970, army chief Yahya Khan wanted a hung parliament, but when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s party got a clear majority army held a fraud by-election in which 80 seats of Awami League were snatched as Yahya Khan wanted to become president,” Barrister Salman Akram Raja had said, while narrating the PTI founder’s message during a presser at the National Press Club after the party’s legal team met Imran in Adiala Jail.

In March, Imran had said that it was the ‘stolen mandate’ of East Pakistan that was behind the 1971 tragedy, adding that the country could not survive without political stability.

In November 2022, Imran had compared his struggle for ‘real freedom’ with that of Sheikh Mujib and reminded that the country had split into two after a political party with a legitimate political mandate was denied its right to rule.

If it wasn't for the purpose of igniting anti-Pakistan sentiments, then what? The PTI is making one mistake after another.
PTI founder challenges Punjab cabinet’s decision of action against him

The Punjab cabinet earlier okayed undertaking legal action against incarcerated PTI founder Imran Khan and other party leaders over “hateful rhetoric against state institutions”.

As per details, the petition was filed by PTI founder’s counsel Sardar Latif Khosa and the Punjab government and others have been made parties.

The petition stated that the Punjab Cabinet had approved the nomination of PTI leaders in additional cases on May 24.

The petitioner argues that the federal and provincial governments are run by the PML-N, which has failed to bring economic stability to the country. They political revenge and wrong policies have pushed the country to brink of economic disaster.

In such circumstances, the Punjab Cabinet’s baseless decision will cause further damage, the petitioner argues. Therefore, the court is requested to declare the Punjab Cabinet’s decision of May 24 as null and void.

It is pertinent to mention here that the decision was taken during the provincial cabinet’s meeting, chaired by Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz Sharif, stated a statement.

Punjab Information Minister Azma Bokhari cited an inquiry report submitted by home department and said PTI members were “spreading mischief inside and outside the Adiala jail”.

The provincial minister claimed that the Imran Khan-founded PTI was “spreading hate as part of organised propaganda against state institutions”, adding that it was decided to file a complaint according to the report submitted by the home ministry.

“To spread incitement in the country, to spread hatred against the institutions in the country, that is the total agenda of this party,” she said.

Imran Khan must be careful, as the political situation is very tricky.
Imran Khan must be careful, as the political situation is very tricky.
But he didn't put PK in situation where there is no law or order, he didn't put PK in situation where elections are a joke or where party workers are locked without trial. He didn't put PK in a situation where the economy crashed? Why didn't you actually grow some courage and actually speak the truth.
If it wasn't for the purpose of igniting anti-Pakistan sentiments, then what? The PTI is making one mistake after another.
How is putting challenging criminality igniting anti PK sentiment. We need a full answer not glib statements.
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But he didn't put PK in situation where there is no law or order, he didn't put PK in situation where elections are a joke or where party workers are locked without trial. He didn't put PK in a situation where the economy crashed? Why didn't you actually grow some courage and actually speak the truth.
Buddy truth is he is trying to exploit these situations of lawlessness.
How is putting challenging criminality igniting anti PK sentiment. We need a full answer not glib statements.
I think you have no idea what we're discussing here, nor do you know what he posted on X. As Pakistanis, we have the right to support our political parties, but national dignity should never be compromised.
Is Imran Khan angel? he can never commit crime?
Which crime has he committed? Because based on what they weng with their top 3 cases, iddat, Toshakhana and cypher. He isnt guilty of any of those. What next? They saw him speeding in 30mph zone?🤣🤣🤣🤣
I ask Should you be locked up for supporting criminals because enabling and abetting is a crime? Isn't the stealing of an election and puppeteer the greatest crime against the PK people?
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I think you have no idea what we're discussing here, nor do you know what he posted on X. As Pakistanis, we have the right to support our political parties, but national dignity should never be compromised.
I am glad that you talked about National dignity because obviously you have about much clue about this as NS. National dignity is based on the rule of law and the respect for the rights of citizens. Where is the dignity when the inds have murdered PK citizens with full approval of Establishment, Did you post on this?

Why is IK in jail? Why have they locked up 1000s of party workers without trial. Any ideas.
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I'm not saying that Nawaz Sharif is not corrupt and his daughter is indeed corrupt. As a citizen, I reserve the right to criticize all politicians, including Imran Khan, who I believe has mismanaged Pakistan's economy, fueled anti-Pakistan sentiments among locals, and now openly promotes divisive rhetoric on social media. I cannot remain silent when anyone, including Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan, suggests breaking Pakistan. Pakistan is greater than any individual or political party.
I'm not saying that Nawaz Sharif is not corrupt and his daughter is indeed corrupt. As a citizen, I reserve the right to criticize all politicians, including Imran Khan, who I believe has mismanaged Pakistan's economy, fueled anti-Pakistan sentiments among locals, and now openly promotes divisive rhetoric on social media. I cannot remain silent when anyone, including Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan, suggests breaking Pakistan. Pakistan is greater than any individual or political party.

This is an extremely dishonest post.

I don't need to go in to details as you didn't reply to the many questions
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I'm not saying that Nawaz Sharif is not corrupt and his daughter is indeed corrupt. As a citizen, I reserve the right to criticize all politicians, including Imran Khan, who I believe has mismanaged Pakistan's economy, fueled anti-Pakistan sentiments among locals, and now openly promotes divisive rhetoric on social media. I cannot remain silent when anyone, including Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan, suggests breaking Pakistan. Pakistan is greater than any individual or political party.
You have every right to criticise IK because that is your right. You talked about dignity of PK but what is dignified about a lawless country that no one is safe in. What is dignified about killing innocent people and allowing Inds to Kill PK citizens because establishment have sold PK to the Americans? What is dignified where citizens votes don't count but establishment do?
As far as the economy is concerned, IK saved PK and PKs against all prevailing opinions during Corona. We were growing at 6% in the Corona period, that is an incredible achievement that stands with anybodies achievement during the pandemic around the World. We were stable and CAD was in decent position. Look at what has taken NS took over in 2022, economy totally crashed, inflation out of control and exports are down and imports have been stopped except wheat( but we know why). And the economy is in free fall.
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I'm not saying that Nawaz Sharif is not corrupt and his daughter is indeed corrupt. As a citizen, I reserve the right to criticize all politicians, including Imran Khan, who I believe has mismanaged Pakistan's economy, fueled anti-Pakistan sentiments among locals, and now openly promotes divisive rhetoric on social media. I cannot remain silent when anyone, including Nawaz Sharif or Imran Khan, suggests breaking Pakistan. Pakistan is greater than any individual or political party.
Could you delineate the concept of anti-Pakistani sentiment prevalent among the overwhelming majority of Pakistanis?

When individuals critique the establishment, the entities held accountable for Pakistan's current economic and security predicaments, it does not qualify as anti-Pakistani sentiment. Rather, it reflects the populace's awakening to the true perpetrators of their hardships and their insistence on holding them answerable. The notion of being anti-Pakistan would be pertinent in smaller factions, yet with over 70% of the populace, and a significant portion of the remaining 30%, cognizant of the adverse effects of the Pakistani army on the nation's prosperity, it underscores a seismic shift in public perception. Typically, it is the figureheads atop the Army hierarchy who bear responsibility.

Could you elaborate on the assertion that Imran Khan is advocating the dissolution of Pakistan?

Imran Khan is not advocating the breakup of Pakistan; rather, he has forewarned about the potential repercussions.

Throughout history, the true betrayer of Pakistan has consistently been the individual who, when addressing the nation on Pakistani national television, initiates their discourse with " Meray Aziz Humwatono...".
You have every right to criticise IK because that is your right. You talked about dignity of PK but what is dignified about a lawless country that no one is safe in. What is dignified about killing innocent people and allowing Inds to Kill PK citizens because establishment have sold PK to the Americans? What is dignified where citizens votes don't count but establishment do?
As far as the economy is concerned, IK saved PK and PKs against all prevailing opinions during Corona. We were growing at 6% in the Corona period, that is an incredible achievement that stands with anybodies achievement during the pandemic around the World. We were stable and CAD was in decent position. Look at what has taken NS took over in 2022, economy totally crashed, inflation out of control and exports are down and imports have been stopped except wheat( but we know why). And the economy is in free fall.
I am not part of the Pakistani establishment, and I do not support rigging in elections. I am questioning Imran Khan's movement to divide the country. In any case, is dividing a country ever justified?

By the way, when he came into power in the 2018 general elections with the help of the establishment, was that correct?
The narrative by Establishment is obvious: Imran Khan is speaking against Pakistan eventhough he is talking against corruption in the Establishment.
I am not part of the Pakistani establishment, and I do not support rigging in elections. I am questioning Imran Khan's movement to divide the country. In any case, is dividing a country ever justified?

By the way, when he came into power in the 2018 general elections with the help of the establishment, was that correct?

You mean he didn't get an overwhelming majority due to establishment rigging.
I am not part of the Pakistani establishment, and I do not support rigging in elections. I am questioning Imran Khan's movement to divide the country. In any case, is dividing a country ever justified?

By the way, when he came into power in the 2018 general elections with the help of the establishment, was that correct?
Yes you do. You support NS, who along with Munir and Isa rigged the elections. IK hasnt divided the country, he has united PK across all provinces, in any fair elections he would be in power in all the provinces, so in which world would that divide the country. The country is united, its you criminals that cant accept their defeat and let people that have their mandate rule them.
The narrative by Establishment is obvious: Imran Khan is speaking against Pakistan eventhough he is talking against corruption in the Establishment.
Apparently accountability is being confused as dividing the country.

The vast majority of Pakistani agree with Imran Khan.

Pakistani finally wants to subtract the corrupt establishment.
can we talk about those Khalaimakhlooqs in Pakistan?

The same ones mentioned by your supreme leader, NS?
No thanks.

You have to be a complete imbecile to believe anything that comes out of the mouth of that thief
The narrative by Establishment is obvious: Imran Khan is speaking against Pakistan eventhough he is talking against corruption in the Establishment.
Its not working. These losers have nothing to add. IK smashed in the elections and would be in power across all provinces. These criminals cant accept their defeat and are holding 250mn hostage at gun point.
The PTI claims that Imran Khan is not responsible for every tweet posted from his account, implying that if he's not monitoring his social media, his accounts might be used against him

Imran only wants talks with the empowered, says Alvi​

In yet another overture to the powers that be from the embattled party, PTI leader Arif Alvi said on Tuesday that Imran Khan is willing to talk, but only to quarters “who could offer something”, as dialogue with those who had come into power through ‘Form 47s’ would be a fruitless exercise.

In a quick interaction with reporters during an appearance at a PTI protest camp outside the Karachi Press Club, the former president also downplayed comparisons of the current political situation with the events preceding the fall of Dhaka, saying that “it’s never about the whole institution but a few individuals”.

In the same breath, however, he stressed the need to move quickly, saying that the prevailing situation was “pushing everyone towards a dead-end”, which could encourage someone to take the wrong decision that could set off a powder keg.

While being critical of the military’s role in politics, he said that it was the only stakeholder with whom meaningful dialogue was possible.

“We never invited the military to intervene in politics,” he said in response to a question. “But Imran Khan wants to talk to those who have the power to decide. Do you feel that those who have come to power through Form 47s have anything to offer? Holding talks with them would be fruitless.

“Those who want to unite and struggle for the restoration and supremacy of the Constitution should do that. But talks should only be held with those who can offer something and bring something credible to the table,” Dr Alvi said.

When asked if such an exercise would further weaken the “broken political system”, he said all this was being done in an effort “to fix the same broken political system”.

Earlier, while speaking to protesting party workers, he said: “For the last two years, Imran Khan has been calling for talks because he believes that dialogue should be held. But [on such proposals] we are insulted.

“If you don’t want to talk due to your ego and anger, it’s your choice. It was Imran Khan who sacrificed his ego and always called for dialogue. But if these talks aren’t held, it would further push everyone to a dead end.”

Clarifying what Imran Khan wanted to convey through his recent post on social media platform X about the fall of Dhaka, Dr Alvi said: “Imran Khan has just highlighted things and talked about individuals and not institutions. He gave an example that whatever had happened in 1971 or what damage was caused by General Yahya, we as a nation should learn from that part of our history.”

He said that successive governments had tried their best to cover the “mistakes” of the past, and went on to say that Imran Khan was one of the most loyal leaders in history, who had “kept national secrets” and “covered mistakes” despite facing charges as serious as treason.

“The civilians always cover the mistakes of the nation,” he said. “It was civilian prime minister [Zulfikar Ali] Bhutto who stopped the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report from going public, so that the mistakes made aren’t exposed. Now you are calling another PM a traitor? Filing a case of treason over the cipher [issue]?”

“Whatever mistakes are made, civilians take the blame. Imran Khan is the man who has kept a veil on so many national secrets. Yet, he’s facing cases of treason,” the former president regretted.

He also warned that the economy would never become stable and people would prefer to invest outside the country if political instability prevailed, adding that only popular support could bring stability on both, the political and economic fronts.


FIA to probe video posted from PTI founder’s X account​

The Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) Cybercrime Wing has decided to conduct an inquiry against Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf(PTI) founder Imran Khan.

According to the notification issued by the FIA Cyber Wing, the inquiry was decided on the uploading of Sheikh Mujib ur Rahman’s propaganda video from Imran Khan’s official X (formerly Twitter) handle.

A video was posted in the name of Sheikh Mujib ur Rehman from the founder of PTI’s X handle on May 26.

The notification states that Imran Khan is in Adiala Jail, his official handle was used to upload the propaganda video.

Sources said the FIA cyber wing will discuss the matter with 4 people from PTI. The FIA team will talk to Imran Khan, Barrister Gohar, Umar Ayub, and Rauf Hasan and determine whether the video was tweeted by the founder of PTI himself or with their permission.

It will also be seen who created and ran the anti-Pakistan propaganda, if this is done by the account holder, legal action will be taken against them.

“If the account holder does not tweet, he has to apply for their X account to be closed for illegal use”.

The amount of money ISI spends on keeping tabs on Politicians of their country across the world thinking they have the funding of CIA, is remarkable.

I’m almost certain these people(Pakistani Intelligence )will be good at fixing economy but hey where’s the fun in that.

‘Imran is not Mujib’: PTI’s Ali Muhammad rejects comparisons to 1971 crisis​

Ali Muhammad Khan, a leader of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), has dismissed comparisons between the current political situation and the 1971 crisis, asserting that PTI founder Imran Khan is not akin to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

In an interview on Express News's programme "Centre Stage" on Thursday, Ali Muhammad Khan stated, "The current situation bears no resemblance to the events of 1971, and PTI's founder is not Sheikh Mujibur Rahman." He added that PTI's stance on the matter is “purely political”.

In a post on the social media platform X dated May 26, Imran Khan's account, managed by his social media team due to his incarceration, shared a video with a quote attributed to him: “Every Pakistani should study the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report and get to know who was the true traitor, General Yahya Khan or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.”

The video argued that the former military dictator was responsible for the country's breakup, referring to alleged atrocities committed by the Pakistani military during the civil war. It also included images of the current civilian and military leadership, alleging they stole the party’s mandate in the general elections.

The post generated intense blowback and controversy, particularly from government ranks, who termed it “alarming” and accused the PTI of “continuously fueling the narrative of hatred and incitement” by comparing Imran to Sheikh Mujib.

During Thursday’s interview, Ali Muhammad Khan said, "Our demand is to respect the public mandate. We are the largest party in the country, and stripping us of our electoral symbol is an attack on democracy."

Regarding remarks by Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa about the technical nature of the NAB law case, Ali Muhammad Khan commented, "If billions were stolen, it directly concerns public interest. The proceedings should have been live-streamed. Why wasn't it allowed?"

He continued, "This is an important case, and there's no reason not to permit live streaming. The founder of PTI has the right to present as many arguments as necessary for justice." The Supreme Court had earlier rejected a request to broadcast the NAB amendments case live.

During the hearing, Chief Justice Isa remarked that the case was technical and did not involve a matter of public interest.


Imran-Mujib debacle: ‘No more posts on Imran’s X account sans prior approval’​

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Ali Muhammad Khan has announced that the party’s core committee will convene a meeting to discuss a controversial tweet from the official account of PTI founder Imran Khan. Moving forward, he said no posts will be made from the founder's account without his explicit approval.

In a post on the social media platform X dated May 26, Imran Khan's account, managed by his social media team due to his incarceration, shared a video with a quote attributed to him: “Every Pakistani should study the Hamoodur Rahman Commission Report and get to know who was the true traitor, General Yahya Khan or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.”

The video argued that the former military dictator was responsible for the country's breakup, referring to alleged atrocities committed by the Pakistani military during the civil war. It also included images of the current civilian and military leadership, alleging they stole the party’s mandate in the general elections.

The post generated intense blowback and controversy, particularly from government ranks, who termed it “alarming” and accused the PTI of “continuously fueling the narrative of hatred and incitement” by comparing Imran to Sheikh Mujib.

Speaking to the media outside Adiala Jail on Friday, Ali Muhammad said, "A core committee meeting has been called regarding the controversial tweet from the official X handle of our party's founder. Important decisions will be made, and henceforth, no posts will be made without the founder's permission."

He further said that their leader's stance is clear: the establishment should have no role in politics. He added that they have not been granted permission to meet with the PTI founder in prison. "The PTI founder has requested permission to consult with Supreme Court lawyers," he noted.

The FIA Cyber Wing has already launched an investigation over the controversial tweet.

The FIA Cyber Crime Cell team reached Adiala Jail after obtaining permission from the Judicial Magistrate in Islamabad to question the incarcerated PTI founder yesterday. However, Imran Khan refused to answer the FIA team's questions, insisting that he would only respond in the presence of his lawyers.

In an interview on Express News's programme "Centre Stage" on Thursday, Ali Muhammad Khan stated, "The current situation bears no resemblance to the events of 1971, and PTI's founder is not Sheikh Mujibur Rahman." He added that PTI's stance on the matter is “purely political”.

Why is he doing such work that creates controversy? Going against Pakistan will not solve the problems, may sanity prevail.
Mujeeb won the elections but the Generals and Bhutto never accepted the results and PK was split up. IK won the election and the Generals never accepted the results. So who are the bad guys?
No need to mince words here, they haven't done any crime here
PTI chairman, spokesperson and lawmakers give contradictory statements on party founder's controversial social media post

Zain Qureshi confirms PTI handles Imran's accounts, endorses posts.
After a controversial video regarding the Fall of Dhaka incident posted on Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder’s official X handle, his party leaders were seemingly confused over its endorsement or a clear rejection.

Commenting on the questionable X (formerly Twitter) post, the party’s lawmaker Ali Muhammad Khan claimed on Friday that Imran Khan was unaware of the post and decided to “personally approve” social media content in future.

The PTI lawmaker has dissociated the incarcerated former premier from the controversial video posted on the latter’s verified X account which drew severe criticism from all quarters, including Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif.

Quality Levels
Ali, while addressing a press conference in Islamabad today, clarified that Imran's point of view should be taken in a political context. He further said that the former ruling party was neither interested in discussing the 1971 incident or the elements behind it nor it was an appropriate time to recall them.

He went on to say that the Imran-founded party was only urging not to repeat the past mistakes of 1971 to 2018. The lawmaker, however, said that his party would always oppose the establishment’s role in political affairs.

When a journalist questioned the politico of the person behind handling the deposed prime minister's social media account, Ali did not name anyone and said that in future, social media content on the PTI founder’s account would not be published without the latter’s approval.

However, the party seemed confused over the matter as some of its leaders defended Imran's debatable X post.

Barrister Gohar Ali Khan, the PTI's incumbent chairman, said that the video was shared on Imran’s X account in the current political scenario.

On the other hand, PTI Central Information Secretary Raoof Hasan first demanded the conducting of a probe and then retracted his statement by saying that he did not watch the video.

Another PTI leader and a Member of the National Assembly (MNA) Zain Qureshi claimed during a private channel’s programme that Imran’s social media account was being handled by the party but not anyone from outside.

He also said that the party took approval from the incarcerated PTI founder before posting it to his social media accounts. To a question, Zain confirmed that Imran’s X posts were always shared by his approval and it would be endorsed as the party policy.

After facing a strong wave of criticism, the party’s core committee said in a statement today that they rejected the Federal Investigation Agency’s (FIA) probe into Imran’s social media post. It added that the registration of a new case against the PTI founder based on a social media post would be unwarranted.

The controversial X post was attributed to the former premier, which read: "Every Pakistani should study the Hamood ur Rahman Commission Report and get to know who was the true traitor, General Yahya Khan or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman."

Yesterday, the FIA's cybercrime wing decided to initiate action against Imran over his controversial tweet and reached Adiala Jail late Thursday night to question him.

However, the former premier refused to meet the intelligence agency’s anti-cybercrime team and become part of the probe related to his controversial social media post.

Source: Geo News
Just hang him

We know who sent him and who is goldsmith are

He wanted balkanisation and denuclureasiastion of pakistan.

And setup for his warrior race to regroup and attack pakistan.

The ttp Afghans and ethno fascists are the armed wing of pti .
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Just hang him

We know who sent him and who is goldsmith rotschild backers in his case rishtadar are

He wanted balkanisation and denuclureasiastion of pakistan.

And setup for his warrior race to regroup and attack pakistan.

The ttp Afghans and ethno fascists are the armed wing of pti .
So you are judge and jury for the losers that have hijacked PK. Why don't we hang losers that support criminals that have stolen our country. We are PK, not your criminals.
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Just hang him

We know who sent him and who is goldsmith are

He wanted balkanisation and denuclureasiastion of pakistan.

And setup for his warrior race to regroup and attack pakistan.

The ttp Afghans and ethno fascists are the armed wing of pti .
Do you have any proof for the things you said here?

Why don't we hang all the thugs of this country who looted Pakistan for last 5-6 decades??
Do you have any proof for the things you said here?

Why don't we hang all the thugs of this country who looted Pakistan for last 5-6 decades??

You have to wonder why the Goldsmiths would want a destruction of Pakistan whereas we all know that the USA controls Pakistan.

Honestly some of the stuff spewed here gives me little hope...?
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Just hang him

We know who sent him and who is goldsmith are

He wanted balkanisation and denuclureasiastion of pakistan.

And setup for his warrior race to regroup and attack pakistan.

The ttp Afghans and ethno fascists are the armed wing of pti .
The American's overthrow IK because they feared him after he said absolutely not. Look at this picture and tell what you see. After this shows it's not IK that needs to be hanged.
The American's overthrow IK because they feared him after he said absolutely not. Look at this picture and tell what you see. After this shows it's not IK that needs to be hanged.
View attachment 144153

Absolutely not

What has COAS done that he has signed off to usa

Where are those American bases, are they attacking afghanistan last time I checked they fled with their tails between their legs after squandering 2 trillion in 20yrs and realising afghan army are namak harams as well.

Has pakistan Pakistan Army distanced itself from China.

All I know ik signed over kashmir

Signed the imf programme

And stopped cpec projects which are now beginning to continue by pmln.

He also alienated our traditional allies in gcc which is source of major remittance and employment for Pakistan mazdur. And they are now signing agreements for trade .
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So you believe that COAS is acting on his own volition when he is begging the Americans and meeting Blinken( and that was after the Israelis had killed 1000s of Palestinians) and nor taking orders. Maybe you can explain why the Goldsmith free PK has banned anti Israel protests🤣🤣🤣.
BTW IK didn't sign over Kashmir, the Noora media cell you follow is making a chump out of you. According to many sources one of the reasons Bajwa and IK fell out was because Bajwa wanted IK to accept Ind and its control of Kashmir, another being that he wanted IK to accept Israel but this Goldsmith agent said Allah would never forgive me.
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