[PICTURES/VIDEOS] Imran Khan a mosaic in Pakistan's political history

He has access to international media from jail. It shows how comfortable and open he is in jail.

All that’s left for them now is to murder me – but I’m not afraid to die​

Today, Pakistan and its people stand in confrontation with each other. Almost two years ago, an engineered vote of no confidence was moved against my government and a government cobbled together by the military establishment came into being.

Since then, the military establishment, under direct guidance of Gen Asim Munir, the chief of army staff, has tried every tactic to decimate my party’s presence from the political environment of Pakistan.

The oppression, torture and denial of our election symbol have been extensively documented, but nothing has worked for the military and the powerless civilian leadership acting as its puppets.

Pakistan’s general elections on Feb 8 2024, showed the utter failure of their design.

With no single electoral symbol in a country where the vast majority of voters are guided by a party symbol, the people came out and voted overwhelmingly for candidates supported by my party, the Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI), despite standing as “independents” with a host of diverse symbols.

This democratic revenge by the people of Pakistan against the agenda of the military establishment not only was a national defiance by the people but also a complete rejection of the official state narrative of May 9 2023, when PTI supporters were falsely accused – as a pretext for a crackdown – of attacking military installations.

Unfortunately, instead of accepting the people’s mandate, the military establishment went into a fit of rage and electoral results were manipulated to bring into power the losers.

The same vote tampering was seen in the recent by-elections.

As a result, today Pakistan is at a dangerous crossroads. The people have shown in no uncertain terms their rejection of state electoral machinations and of the oppression, incarceration and torture of not just the PTI leadership but also of its workers.

The military leadership has been subjected to overt criticism at a level unseen before in our history. The government is a laughing stock.

More oppression and violence

The response of the state has been to unleash more oppression and violence not just on party workers but also on journalists and human rights defenders. Social media restrictions have been put in place with a complete ban on the X platform.

Perhaps the most ominous development has been the systematic attempt to destroy the independent functioning of the judiciary at all levels.

Judges have been subjected to all manner of pressures including blackmail and harassment of family members. As a result, our trials on false charges are conducted with no proper defence allowed and no concern for the law of the land and the constitution.

The chief justice of Pakistan (CJP) and of the Islamabad High Court have been found short of delivering unbiased justice.

But members of the senior judiciary have risen against the attempted destruction of the independence of the judiciary. Six brave judges of the Islamabad High Court have written a letter to the CJP highlighting instances of harassment and blackmail including of their families by intelligence agencies. Specific instances are cited and details given.

This is unprecedented in our history – although, informally, many knew what was happening to the senior judiciary but for such a letter to have come from these judges shows the level of despair, anger and frustration.

The sorry state of judicial affairs is reflected in the hesitancy shown by the CJP, who eventually felt compelled to act but instead of calling for a full bench hearing of the supreme court and summoning those named by the six judges, he has sought to put the six judges effectively in the dock.

With an economy in crisis, spiralling prices and a people politically angry at having their electoral mandate stolen and being economically beleaguered, the state stands isolated.

Unwilling to mitigate its grave errors which have led Pakistan to this precarious juncture and unable to go beyond its mantra of oppression and violence against critics, the State is treading the same path it trod in 1971, when it lost East Pakistan, now Bangladesh.

Upsurge in terrorism

At the same time, it is seeing an upsurge in terrorism and a growing alienation in Balochistan where the issue of enforced disappearances is growing in severity. On Pakistan’s borders, India has already admitted to undertaking assassinations inside of Pakistan and the international border with Afghanistan remains volatile.

The military establishment’s expectation of unquestioning support from the US, in return for the provision of access to airspace and related facilities to the US for military purposes, has been punctured after the publication of the latest US state department’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices which highlights the many human rights violations in Pakistan.

Again, seeking salvation by relying on support from the International Monetary Fund when there is a confrontation with the people will not result in any stability for Pakistan. There is no other way out of the crisis but to restore the people’s mandate and release all political prisoners including those being held for trial under military courts. The constitutional functioning of state institutions must be restored.

The military establishment has done all they could against me. All that is left for them is to now murder me. I have stated publicly that if anything happens to me or my wife, Gen Asim Munir will be responsible.

But I am not afraid because my faith is strong. I would prefer death over slavery.

PTI founder rules out ‘deal’, asks judges to expedite hearings of cases

Pakistan Terheek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan, who is incarcerated in Adiala Jail, ruled out ‘any deal to seek his release’ and urged the courts to expedite hearings of his cases, ARY News reported on Friday.

Talking to journalists in Adiala Jail, Imran Khan noted he has been saying for the past 18 months that he is ready for talks, but not for a deal, emphasising that deals are made by those who want to flee the country, like Asif Zardari and Nawaz Sharif.

The deposed prime minister noted he had constituted a three-member committee for dialogue, adding that no retired general has been tasked to hold talks. “We are ready to hold talks with everyone, except three political parties – PML-N, PPP, and MQM-P,” he added.

He asserted that dialogue occurs with adversaries, and PTI’s most formidable adversaries are the ones with whom dialogue will be initiated.

The PTI founder alleged that the government was trying to pressurise him through fake cases, but he will not give in. He claimed that the Toshakhana case is a clear example of political victimisation.

Imran Khan also mentioned that the references against Nawaz Sharif and Asif Ali Zardari been dismissed, while the government was trying to prolong the proceedings in the cipher case.

He requested the judges to decide his cases and not prolong the proceedings. He also alleged that the government is trying to create ‘drama’ in fake marriage case.

Earlier this month, PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Ali Khan said that they did not receive ‘any message’ for dialogues nor holding any secret dialogues with the incumbent government.

Speaking to journalists outside Adiala Jail, Gohar Khan said incarcerated PTI founder Imran Khan confirmed that he did not receive any message for dialogues. “We will publicly confirm if receive any invitation for talks,” he said.

Furthermore, the PTI chairman also rejected holding dialogues with the incumbent government and stated that his party would not hold any “secret talks”.

ARY News

Imran reaffirms willingness for talks with all except PML-N, PPP, MQM​

Former prime minister and incarcerated founding chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI), Imran Khan, has reiterated his openness to engage in dialogue with all stakeholders except for the PML-N, PPP, and MQM-P. Khan made it clear the formation of a three-member committee within his party is aimed at facilitating discussions, not striking deals.

During an informal conversation with journalists at Adiala Jail on Saturday, Khan said negotiations are typically conducted with adversaries rather than allies. He clarified that individuals seeking to evade legal consequences or exit the country are usually the ones inclined to make deals.

"We have been stating for 18 months that we are open to talks because negotiation is an integral part of politics. We are willing to engage with everyone except for the three parties mentioned, for which a dedicated committee has been established," Khan stated.

Clarifying his stance, Khan reiterated that the committee is solely authorised for negotiations and will not be involved in brokering any covert deals. He asserted that he harbours no desire to seek release from detention.

Addressing the impending legal challenges, Khan mentioned the potential initiation of another Toshakhana-related case against him, expressing his unwavering resolve despite mounting pressures.

Last week, reports emerged indicating Khan's consent for his party to engage in discussions with both the establishment and political rivals. However, Khan stressed adherence to established protocols and the need to establish clear Terms of Reference (TORs) before initiating any talks.

Confirming the readiness for dialogue, PTI leader Shibli Faraz outlined the party's prerequisites for negotiations, stressing the importance of a conducive environment for constructive dialogue.

During a Senate session a day earlier, PML-N Senator Irfan Siddiqui extended an invitation to PTI for talks on behalf of his party leadership.

On the same day, PTI leader Shehryar Afridi expressed intentions to engage in discussions with the military establishment. Afridi, speaking to a private TV channel, indicated that talks with the army chief and DG ISI would take place soon.

Afridi clarified that PTI's objective is not to seek a National Reconciliation Ordinance (NRO) for itself but rather to negotiate for the “betterment of Pakistan's future”.

He also mentioned Khan's longstanding desire to engage with the establishment from day one, lamenting the absence of a response thus far.

His stance is clear, but why doesn't he speak about his wife's friend's corruption?

Imran expresses intent to correspond with army chief​

Imran Khan, the former prime minister and founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), currently detained in Adiala Jail, has expressed his intention to correspond with army chief General Asim Munir regarding the prevailing situation in the country.

The revelation from the deposed prime minister caught many off guard, given his recent refusal to yield to military pressures. He stood firm against calls to apologise for the May 9 events and distanced his party from last year's violent protests that erupted nationwide following his arrest.

Khan's defiance follows the recent press conference by the Director General of Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), where he urged those involved in the May 9 protests to seek forgiveness and abandon the politics of "anarchy" before engaging in dialogue. The military spokesperson categorically dismissed the prospect of dialogue with individuals who targeted military installations and disrespected the nation’s martyrs.

Addressing the media within Adiala Jail on Monday, Imran Khan expressed his intent to correspond with the army chief regarding the country's state. He asserted, "A government must be formed in accordance with the public mandate, without which the country cannot function."

Khan highlighted the dire economic situation, citing a staggering Rs13.3 trillion in tax collection contrasted with Rs9.3 trillion paid in loan interest. He queried, "How can a nation of 240 million people sustain under such conditions?" Predicting further increases in electricity and gas prices ahead of the budget, Khan warned of impending turmoil for the salaried class.

Expressing concern over ongoing protests in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) against inflated power bills, Khan lamented what he perceived as the demise of democracy in the country. He cited recent governmental changes in AJK and Gilgit-Baltistan where his party’s government were recently ousted and predicted further unrest due to increased taxes and utility bills in the upcoming budget.

Regarding allegations against him, Khan addressed the matter of a £190 million contract, attributing secrecy demands to a property tycoon and the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA). He clarified that the funds seized in the UK were due to suspicious transactions, not money laundering. Khan underscored the losses incurred by Pakistan in foreign court cases and defended the allocation of funds to Al-Qadir Trust University.

He said that Nawaz Sharif bought a bullet-proof car for only Rs600,000 from Toshakhana (the state’s gift depository), and still he is believed to absolved of all charges. He said Zardari took three vehicles from Toshakhana, and he is seeking immunity from the court. Khan said Hasan Sharif sold property worth 18 billion rupees, and no one is discussing it. He mentioned a fourth case related to Toshakhana that is forthcoming against him. “I will not depart the country like Zardari and Nawaz Sharif... they possess palaces abroad and engage in shopping there,” he said.

Responding to questions about Shahzad Akbar and Farah Gogi, Khan clarified he had only met thrice with Gogi as she was related to his wife, Bushra Bibi, and hinted at repercussions for Akbar upon his return to the country.

“In current circumstances, if Shahzad Akbar comes [back to the country], he will be picked up from the airport… there is a law of the jungle in the country, and the king of the jungle is running everything,” he said in a veiled reference to army chief.

Khan acknowledged that the firebrand party leader, Sher Afzal Marwat, had contributed significantly to the party's efforts. Nonetheless, he said Marwat had been cautioned multiple times against breaching party policy.

Explaining the dynamics within a political party, Khan stated, “The conflict lies with external forces; there should be unity within the party... Yet, Sher Afzal persistently targeted party leaders, undermining discipline. When a party remains disciplined, it thrives; otherwise, it becomes akin to the elephant of Porus.”

Highlighting a specific incident, Khan noted Marwat's contentious statement during a visit by the Saudi delegation. He underscored the significance of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman convening the OIC conference twice at Khan’s request during his premiership.

Regarding Marwat's overall contributions, Khan recognised his efforts for the party but stressed the importance of adhering to party policies. “Even if he conforms to the party's guidelines, there's no issue... He's been served a notice, and if he responds, that would be satisfactory,” Khan remarked.

When asked whether he would entertain the idea of meeting Marwat in jail, the PTI founder declined to comment, leaving reporters without a response.

Source: The Express Tribune
IK has laid bare the badniyaat, crooked Establishment and their destruction of PK and its institutions. Not a single institution has left been standing, even the army is no better than the Punjab Police and just as corrupt as shown by the wheat scandal
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Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa instructed the government on Tuesday to ensure video link arrangements for incarcerated PTI founder Imran Khan to join proceedings of a case about changes to the country’s accountability laws and give his arguments.

A five-member bench led by the chief justice and comprising Supreme Court (SC) Justices Aminuddin Khan, Jamal Khan Mandokhail, Athar Minallah and Hasan Azhar Rizvi heard the case.

In 2022, amendments were made to the country’s accountability laws by the then-Pakistan Democratic Movement-led government. The amendments made several changes to the National Accountability Ordinance (NAO) 1999, including reducing the term of the NAB chairman and prosecutor general to three years, limiting NAB’s jurisdiction to cases involving over Rs500 million, and transferring all pending inquiries, investigations, and trials to the relevant authorities.

Imran had subsequently filed a petition in 2022 challenging the amendments, claiming that the changes to the NAB law were made to benefit the influential accused persons and legitimise corruption.

The petition had pleaded that the fresh amendments tend to scrap corruption cases against the president, prime minister, chief ministers and ministers and provide an opportunity to the convicted public office-holders to get their convictions undone.

The SC had reserved its verdict in the case on September 5, 2023, after 53 hearings, with the members of a three-judge bench debating the power of parliament to enact legislation with retrospective effect. The apex court had subsequently on Sept 15 ordered the restoration of corruption cases against public office holders that were withdrawn after amendments were made to the country’s accountability laws and declared Imran’s plea to be maintainable.

However, CJP Isa had dropped hints in an October 31, 2023, hearing as the apex court took up intra-court appeals (ICA) against the Sept 15 judgement that since earlier proceedings did not to satisfy the requirements of the Supreme Court (Practice and Procedure) Act 2023, proceedings in the matter could be started afresh if the counsel managed to “make a solid case” for the same.

Though it refused to stay proceedings in corruption cases underway in accountability courts, the apex court restrained trial courts from announcing their final orders till the next hearing of the appeals in the matter.

The apex court was seized with a number of ICAs moved by the federal government as well as by a private citizen Zuhair Ahmed Siddiqui, who was an accused in a corruption case but not a party to the challenges to NAB amendments case.

The larger bench also issued notices to respondent Imran with a direction that since he was incarcerated, the notice should be delivered to him through the jail superintendent concerned.

Today’s hearing
Justice Athar Minallah said that the PTI founder should be presented if he wanted to appear in a personal capacity, adding that Imran could not be denied his right to appear in front of the court since he was a party in the case.

“This is a matter concerning NAB and it is his right to appear in a personal capacity,” Justice Minallah said.

CJP Isa said that the matter was constitutional and not concerned with personal rights, questioning how a person who was not a lawyer would be helpful to the court in the matter.

“Our order was that he could present his arguments through his council,” the CJP said, following which the hearing was briefly adjourned.

After the break, the bench ordered to ensure Imran’s presence in court through a video link and said arrangements should be made for it accordingly.

The chief justice noted it was strange that Imran, who was a petitioner in the case and now a respondent in an appeal, was not present.

“If the PTI founder wants to give his arguments, he can give them through a video link,” CJP Isa said, adding that arrangements should be made for him to present his argument.

Consequently, CJP instructed the federal government to make arrangements for Imran’s appearance on Thursday (May 16) through a video link.

Source: Dawn News
PTI concerned over Imran’s health, alleges denial of medical care

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) has sounded the alarm regarding the health and medical treatment of their founding chairman and former prime minister, Imran Khan, expressing deep concerns over his well-being.

The party has raised questions about the denial of medical facilities to one of the country's most prominent leaders.

In a statement posted on social media, PTI criticised the Adiala Jail authorities for allegedly defying court orders and repeatedly refusing medical care for Imran Khan, who they claim is being unlawfully detained.

They questioned why the current regime, allegedly backed by the establishment, persistently denies Imran Khan's legal right to medical attention and prohibits necessary medical tests, including blood work.

The party also shared a copy of an application dated April 10, 2024, seeking the enforcement of a court order for a comprehensive medical examination and blood tests from Shaukat Khanum Hospital, as recommended by Dr Asim Yousaf during a previous medical assessment.

According to the application submitted to the accountability court judge, Imran Khan's legal team emphasised his decades-long service to the nation and highlighted the urgency of conducting the recommended blood tests.

The PTI leaders stressed that any delay in these tests could pose serious risks to Khan's well-being, especially considering his confinement in connection with what they described as "fake and bogus cases" lodged by political opponents.

Furthermore, the application stated the necessity for examination by an Ear, Nose, and Throat (ENT) specialist, Dr Kashif Iqbal Malik, to address specific medical concerns. They requested the court to direct the jail superintendent to promptly arrange the collection of blood samples by Dr Faisal Sultan of Shaukat Khanum Hospital and facilitate the ENT checkup by Dr Kashif Iqbal Malik, emphasising the urgency of the matter.


Writing letter to army chief for nation’s sake: Imran​

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder and former prime minister Imran Khan on Friday said that he will write a letter to the Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Syed Asim Munir, not for personal reasons, but for the sake of the country.

"I'll tell him what's happening in Azad Jammu Kashmir and we must think about the country’s direction. The army and the people are not brought face to face,” he said while talking to the media in Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail.

He said that when the beneficiaries of Form-47 are questioned, they begin to pressure the judges and the media.

"Form-47 beneficiaries are attacking Justice Babar Sattar," he stated. "All are trying to keep an artificial democracy running."

Khan claimed they dissolved Punjab and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa governments to avoid pressure from the intelligence agencies.

"After the [former] interim PM's statement, what justification does this government have?" he questioned. "[Anwaarul Haq] Kakar sent a message to Shehbaz Sharif by taunting Hanif Abbasi."

Saying that Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa was a courageous person, Imran questioned why the petitions of PTI about the May 9 events and the February 8 elections are not being heard.

"We want our trial conducted like the trials of Nawaz Sharif, Asif Ali Zardari and Yousaf Raza Gilani were conducted.”

Khan lamented that his Supreme Court appearance wasn't broadcast live. "I was eager to speak during the hearing," he said. "I hope my next appearance will be broadcast live."

The former prime minister said that if PTI senior leaders Pervaiz Elahi and Shah Mahmood Qureshi quit the party today, they will be released. On negotiations with the government, Imran said that there is no point in negotiating with those who have no power.

When asked about his wife Bushra Bibi's medical test, Khan said he does not trust the PIMS hospital's reports. "We suggested taking two blood samples, one for PIMS and one for Shaukat Khanum. I don't trust PIMS reports. They previously claimed my blood had cocaine. I sued them for that."

“Bushra Bibi also asked for samples to be sent to both labs. The medical staff refused, so she didn't give samples.” Khan reiterated his plan to write to the army chief. "Lawyers are preparing the letter," he concluded.

Special Message from Imran Khan, Founder Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf from Adiala Jail (Posted on the official PTI handle)


The basis of democracy is moral standards; democracy is run on moral force. If a democracy lacks ethics, it is not truly a democracy. The way democracy is being run with force in Pakistan is a mockery of democracy.

The manner in which Bushra Bibi was sentenced twice within five days in Adiala Jail is unacceptable. A reference will be filed against Judge Abul Hasanat and Judge Qudratullah for this misconduct. The Al-Qadir Trust case is being conducted at an unusually fast pace, while cases involving other politicians, which are pending in the same courts, are being given long delays. In contrast, cases against us are being expedited, with three or four hearings in a week. We want our trial proceedings to proceed in a normal manner.

Our question is, why are our petitions regarding May 9 and February 8 not being heard? Our trial should also be conducted in the same manner as the trials of Nawaz Sharif, Asif Ali Zardari, and Yousuf Raza Gilani.

This situation undermines the justice system, causing the common man to lose confidence in it.

Currently, the country is divided into two factions. One is supported by Form 47, which was used to manipulate power. When these beneficiaries are questioned, they attack, even targeting personalities regardless of their own status, to protect their lies. The pressure is immense on judges and the media.

On the other hand, there are those associated with Form 45, who have been subjected to oppression and violence, with their victories turned into defeats through fake Form 45.

This entire system is based on a lie, with its sole purpose being to protect that lie.

The President, Prime Minister, and Chief Ministers are all representatives of this false system, falsely placed in their positions and lacking real authority.

What kind of democracy is it where all parties are allowed to hold meetings except Tehreek-e-Insaf?

In our previous government and the current government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, we never banned public gatherings. Yet, when we seek permission for public gatherings, false cases are made against us.

The representative of this fake system is making personal attacks on the Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ali Amin of Form 47, and fake representatives of this system issue statements and hold press conferences against Justice Babar Sattar.

A man from Model Town, who couldn't secure even 100 votes, was made an MNA through fake means and is now giving statements against Justice Babar Sattar on orders from his masters.

The entire system is controlled like a jungle. We dissolved the Punjab Assembly because our government was being undermined. Our MPs were being intimidated, and in such situations, it is democratic to return to the people. Following democratic principles, we decided to seek the people's mandate again and dissolved our government.

They also pressured our people and toppled our governments in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir, installing puppets with no public support. When such governments are established, reactions like those in Azad Kashmir are inevitable.

Similar situations arise in Balochistan, where governments formed against the people's wishes lead to unrest.

East Pakistan, which I witnessed in 1971, wanted rights, not secession. When they faced severe oppression, they seceded. Today's integrity of the country is threatened by the same fake and false system.

Regarding his appearance in the NAB amendment case in the Supreme Court yesterday, he said, "I was fully prepared to speak but was not given the opportunity. The proceedings should have been televised live. I hope I will be given a chance to speak next time."

These people are so afraid of one man that they fear even broadcasting his picture.

This country suffers from an elite culture, with a widening gap between the rich and poor. The elites have taken over the country.

The system has reached a point where prominent politicians like Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Parvaiz Elahi are in jails.

Regarding negotiations, he said, "We will not negotiate with the Form 47 people. What justification is there for this government's continued existence after the caretaker prime minister's statement? Kakar taunted Hanif Abbasi while sending a message to Shahbaz Sharif. In light of statements by Anwarul Haq Kakar and Commissioner Rawalpindi, the truth about Form 47 will be revealed, and this government will fall automatically. What should I talk to them about?

The Chief Justice is a domineering man. He said Bhutto did not get a fair trial. I ask the Chief Justice, am I getting a fair trial? We hope for justice.

Dr. Yasmin Rashid has written a letter to the Chief Justice demanding justice. What is Yasmin Rashid's fault? What about the other women?

The current state of the country threatens national security. This is a struggle against dictatorship.

I will write a letter to the army chief, not for myself, but for the country. I have instructed the lawyers to prepare the letter. In it, I will highlight the situation in Azad Kashmir and the country's direction. The army and the people should not be in conflict.

The army is a crucial institution. The people and the army must not face off, but we seek the supremacy of the constitution and law.

One of the most fundamental human rights is the right to choose one's representatives.
Special Message from Imran Khan, Founder Chairman of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf from Adiala Jail (Posted on the official PTI handle)


The basis of democracy is moral standards; democracy is run on moral force. If a democracy lacks ethics, it is not truly a democracy. The way democracy is being run with force in Pakistan is a mockery of democracy.

The manner in which Bushra Bibi was sentenced twice within five days in Adiala Jail is unacceptable. A reference will be filed against Judge Abul Hasanat and Judge Qudratullah for this misconduct. The Al-Qadir Trust case is being conducted at an unusually fast pace, while cases involving other politicians, which are pending in the same courts, are being given long delays. In contrast, cases against us are being expedited, with three or four hearings in a week. We want our trial proceedings to proceed in a normal manner.

Our question is, why are our petitions regarding May 9 and February 8 not being heard? Our trial should also be conducted in the same manner as the trials of Nawaz Sharif, Asif Ali Zardari, and Yousuf Raza Gilani.

This situation undermines the justice system, causing the common man to lose confidence in it.

Currently, the country is divided into two factions. One is supported by Form 47, which was used to manipulate power. When these beneficiaries are questioned, they attack, even targeting personalities regardless of their own status, to protect their lies. The pressure is immense on judges and the media.

On the other hand, there are those associated with Form 45, who have been subjected to oppression and violence, with their victories turned into defeats through fake Form 45.

This entire system is based on a lie, with its sole purpose being to protect that lie.

The President, Prime Minister, and Chief Ministers are all representatives of this false system, falsely placed in their positions and lacking real authority.

What kind of democracy is it where all parties are allowed to hold meetings except Tehreek-e-Insaf?

In our previous government and the current government of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, we never banned public gatherings. Yet, when we seek permission for public gatherings, false cases are made against us.

The representative of this fake system is making personal attacks on the Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ali Amin of Form 47, and fake representatives of this system issue statements and hold press conferences against Justice Babar Sattar.

A man from Model Town, who couldn't secure even 100 votes, was made an MNA through fake means and is now giving statements against Justice Babar Sattar on orders from his masters.

The entire system is controlled like a jungle. We dissolved the Punjab Assembly because our government was being undermined. Our MPs were being intimidated, and in such situations, it is democratic to return to the people. Following democratic principles, we decided to seek the people's mandate again and dissolved our government.

They also pressured our people and toppled our governments in Gilgit-Baltistan and Azad Kashmir, installing puppets with no public support. When such governments are established, reactions like those in Azad Kashmir are inevitable.

Similar situations arise in Balochistan, where governments formed against the people's wishes lead to unrest.

East Pakistan, which I witnessed in 1971, wanted rights, not secession. When they faced severe oppression, they seceded. Today's integrity of the country is threatened by the same fake and false system.

Regarding his appearance in the NAB amendment case in the Supreme Court yesterday, he said, "I was fully prepared to speak but was not given the opportunity. The proceedings should have been televised live. I hope I will be given a chance to speak next time."

These people are so afraid of one man that they fear even broadcasting his picture.

This country suffers from an elite culture, with a widening gap between the rich and poor. The elites have taken over the country.

The system has reached a point where prominent politicians like Shah Mehmood Qureshi and Parvaiz Elahi are in jails.

Regarding negotiations, he said, "We will not negotiate with the Form 47 people. What justification is there for this government's continued existence after the caretaker prime minister's statement? Kakar taunted Hanif Abbasi while sending a message to Shahbaz Sharif. In light of statements by Anwarul Haq Kakar and Commissioner Rawalpindi, the truth about Form 47 will be revealed, and this government will fall automatically. What should I talk to them about?

The Chief Justice is a domineering man. He said Bhutto did not get a fair trial. I ask the Chief Justice, am I getting a fair trial? We hope for justice.

Dr. Yasmin Rashid has written a letter to the Chief Justice demanding justice. What is Yasmin Rashid's fault? What about the other women?

The current state of the country threatens national security. This is a struggle against dictatorship.

I will write a letter to the army chief, not for myself, but for the country. I have instructed the lawyers to prepare the letter. In it, I will highlight the situation in Azad Kashmir and the country's direction. The army and the people should not be in conflict.

The army is a crucial institution. The people and the army must not face off, but we seek the supremacy of the constitution and law.

One of the most fundamental human rights is the right to choose one's representatives.
He is going to write a letter to the COAS, which means matters are about to be settled soon.
PTI founder Imran Khan on Friday said he was writing a letter to Chief of Army Staff General Asim Munir for the sake of the country and its current issues.

According to a transcript of his talk with the media today in Adiala Jail, posted by the PTI on its X account, Imran said: “I will write a letter to the army chief — not for myself, but for the country. [My] lawyers have been instructed to prepare a letter and inform me.”

“In the letter, I will tell [him] what is happening in Azad Kashmir and where the country is going. We have to think about it,” he said, referring to this week’s unrest in Azad Jammu and Kashmir that saw the killing of a police official and three citizens during clashes.

Imran said the army was a very important institution and should never be pitted against the people.

Speaking about the political polarisation in the country, he said: “the beneficiaries of [manipulation] of Form 47s start attacking [anyone] who questions them.”

He alleged that pressure was being exerted on the judiciary and the media to “protect lies”.

“The president, the prime minister and the Punjab chief minister are all representatives of this false system who have been given these seats through deceit and they have no authority whatsoever.”

Referring to the recent spat between Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Governor Faisal Karim Kundi and Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur, Imran criticised the former as a “Form 47 beneficiary” who was conducting personal attacks against the latter.

“The fake representatives of this fake system issued statements and held press conferences against Justice Babar Sattar,” he said, referring to a slew of press conferences critical of the judiciary by politcians Mustafa Kamal, Faisal Vawda, Talal Chaudhry, Awn Chaudhry and Sindh Governor Kamran Tessori.

“That product of fake Form 47, that man from Model Town who could not get even 100 votes was made MNA by fake means and now he is giving statements against Justice Babar Sattar on the orders of his masters,” Imran said, in an apparent reference to Istekham-i-Pakistan Party’s Awn.

To a question about negotiations, he said: “There will be no negotiations with the [beneficiaries] of Form 47s. What is the justification for the continued existence of this government after the caretaker prime minister’s statement?

“[Anwaarul Haq] Kakar sent a message to Shehbaz Sharif by taunting Hanif Abbasi. In light of the statements of Anwarul Haq Kakar and Rawalpindi commissioner, the truth of Form 47 will be revealed and then this government will automatically fall. What should I talk to them about?”

The PTI founder was referring to an argument that Kakar had with PML-N’s Abbasi over the wheat scandal. Abbasi had reportedly chided Kakar for the alleged wheat scam while the latter had said if he spoke about the ‘Form-47s’ the PML-N leaders would not be in a position to appear in public.

On his Thursday appearance via video link from Adiala Jail in a Supreme Court hearing, Imran said he was “fully prepared” to speak and lamented that he was not given the opportunity to do so.

“The proceedings of this case should have been telecasted live. I hope I will be given an opportunity to speak next time.”

Describing Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa as a “fearless” man, Imran said the top judge had remarked that former prime minister Zulfikar Ali Bhutto was not given a fair trial.

“I ask the chief justice whether I am being given a fair trial? We hope that justice will be done,” he said, referring to proceedings in the multiple cases under way against him.

Source: Dawn News
Court acquits two accused in Imran Khan attack case

An anti-terrorism court in Wazirabad has acquitted the two brothers, Ahsan Nazir and Mudassir Nazir, who were arrested in connection with the attack case on the founder and chairman of the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), Imran Khan, in a counterterrorism court.

On November 3, 2022, a deadly attack took place during Imran Khan’s Long March at Allah Wala Chowk in Wazirabad, resulting in the death of a PTI worker and injuries to 13 individuals, including Imran Khan.

Following an investigation, the police had arrested the prime suspect, Naveed Ahmed, and had also apprehended the two brothers, Ahsan Nazir and Mudassir Nazir, hailing from the Sohdra area of Wazirabad, accusing them of plotting the attack on Imran Khan while sitting at a famous fish point in Wazirabad.

The special counterterrorism court in Islamabad conducted the hearing of the case related to the attack on former Prime Minister Imran Khan. However, today the court acquitted both the suspects.

The court stated that the allegations against Ahsan Nazir and Mudassir Nazir have not been proven.

According to the court, the accusation of planning the incident at the local fish point is baseless. The owner and chief chef of the fish point had also provided a sworn statement regarding the closure of the shop on that particular day.

One of the witnesses in the case, Qamar Zaman, also testified under oath that his statement was recorded without being questioned, and he did not even visit the fish point on the day of the attack.

AAJ News

PTI founder Imran Khan, others acquitted in Azadi March vandalism case​

ISLAMABAD (Dunya News) – The sessions court on Monday acquitted Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf founder Imran Khan, lawmaker Zartaj Gul and others in the Azadi March vandalism case.

Judicial Magistrate Mureed Abbas Khan conducted Monday's hearing and announced the reserved verdict.

In 2022, vandalism cases were registered by the Karachi Company police against PTI founder Imran Khan, lawmaker Zartaj Gul, former PTI leader Asad Umar, Faisal Javed, Ali Nawaz Awan and Saifullah Niazi in connection with Azadi March.

During the proceedings, Naeem Panjotha, the counsel for the PTI, argued before the judge that the FIR had been filed by an unauthorised person, adding that if the basis of an FIR was wrong, how the case could proceed.

The lawyer contended that the authority to file the case rested only with the person who imposed Section 144.

He argued that no video evidence could be presented against Imran Khan in the instant case.

The counsel maintained that FIRs were registered against peaceful protesters and 19 cases of the same nature were registered against Khan in different police stations.

Panjotha requested the court to acquit the PTI founder since the allegations made against him were baseless. He also informed the court that the cases instituted against Imran Khan were all politically motivated.

The counsel insisted that the protest called by Khan was peaceful. He said trees had caught fire due to the police shelling and were not torched by any protester.

He requested the court to honourably acquit the PTI chief and other accused.

After the arguments were completed, the court reserved the verdict on the acquittal pleas.

Source: Dunya News
A three-member bench of the Islamabad High Court (IHC) dismissed a petition against Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan, seeking his disqualification in the Tyrian White case.

The new IHC bench heard the plea today against the former premier for not disclosing his alleged daughter in the nomination papers filed for contesting 2018 general elections.

The bench hearing the case comprised Justice Tariq Mehmood Jahangiri, Justice Arbab Mohammad Tahir and Justice Saman Rafat Imtiaz.

The case had been pending since May 2023 after a three-member bench hearing the case was dissolved by IHC Chief Justice Aamer Farooq. The decision was taken after the opinions of two judges regarding the plea’s maintainability were uploaded on the court website.

The bench comprised IHC CJ Aamer Farooq, Justice Mohsin Akhtar Kayani and Justice Arbab Muhammad Tahir and had reserved the verdict in the case on March 30 last year. However, Justice Kayani and Justice Tahir had opined against the petition’s maintainability and uploaded their opinion on the IHC official website which was later removed.

The high court explained that without the signatures of the bench head Justice Farooq, the opinion of two judges could not be declared the bench verdict and uploaded to the court website.

As the hearing started, the petitioner's lawyer, Advocate Hamid Ali Shah, said that Salman Akram Raja had filed an adjournment petition in this case.

Khan's lawyer Naeem Haider Panjhuta said that this matter has already been settled and the verdict was also uploaded on the website.

Panjhuta said that after the verdict was removed from the website, the bench was reconstituted through a press release.

Justice Jahangiri asked Panjhuta if he was a lawyer in this case. To this, he replied that he was a proxy counsel.

The judge then said that Justice Kayani and Justice Tahir gave an opinion in this case.

At this, Advocate Shah said that this was the opinion of two judges and the verdict was not signed by the chief justice.

"How can we provide relief when the petition has been dismissed?" questioned Justice Jahangiri.

Advocate Shah said that he needed some time to prepare, adding that he could only assist the court after reading the verdict.

Source: The News
PTI says Imran not responsible for every tweet from his account

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf chairman Barrister Gohar has clarified that Imran Khan does not personally approve every piece of text and video that is posted from his X account.

In a an interview earlier on Tuesday, Gohar had said that every post not being approved was a concern. However, he added that a recent tweet about 1971 had been made in a political context and had nothing to do with the army.

He later added a tweet saying that the account indeed belonged to the party but “khan sab does not go through each word of a tweet”.

“And that our comparison of 1971 was in political contest - party getting majority but no session called; leaders disqualified; seats reduced in recounting and then majority converted into minority and the. Session called. So see what happened to the country in 1971 which is being done now,” he wrote.

“This is our narrative - period - We are not “Awami League and Khan sab is not SM,” he added.

The clarification comes after backlash over a tweet from Imran Khan’s offical account on X which included a video about 1971.

“Every Pakistani should study the Hamood ur Rahman Commission Report and get to know who was the true traitor, General Yahya Khan or Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,” the tweet had been captioned.

AAJ news
Certain elements in establishment still want Imran as PM, Achakzai claims

Mahmoud Achakzai, leader of the Tehreek-e-Tahaffuz-e-Aaein Pakistanhas claimed that certain elements within the establishment want Imran Khan as Prime Minister, but Khan himself is not interested in the position.

In an interview on the news program “Spot Light,” Achakzai stated that he believes over 50% of the establishment is unhappy with the current political situation. He also criticized the treatment of Khan, saying that if Shehbaz Sharif is truly a statesman, he should release Khan from custody.

“Where is Imran Khan going to run away to?” Achakzai questioned.

He further criticized the military’s approach to dissent, stating that their training dictates that anyone opposing them is an enemy.

“When you take off your uniform, you become a normal person,” he said.

Achakzai described his movement as an “SOS message,” emphasizing that he is not accusing any specific institution or individual. He called for a united front, stating that “a good mechanic puts all the parts together, and we need to bring all the parties together.”

He acknowledged Imran Khan’s popularity, stating that despite his flaws, he remains the most popular leader in the country. Achakzai also expressed doubt that Khan would accept support from the establishment, believing such a move would be detrimental to his own political standing.

Regarding the current political situation, Achakzai urged Shehbaz Sharif to release Imran Khan, suggesting a committee formed by Nawaz Sharif, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari to resolve the crisis.

AAJ News
Govt shares PTI founder’s cell pictures





As per details, the government submitted the pictures along with other documents to the Supreme Court and refuted the claims regarding denying counsel access to Imran Khan in the NAB amendments case.

The federal government also denied the allegations of mistreatment and solitary confinement, stating that the PTI chief is being provided with all necessary facilities, including books, air conditioner, TV, and meetings with lawyers.

Moreover, they argued that the Supreme Court can constitute a commission to investigate the facts if it is considered necessary.

The federal government has also provided a list of people who have met with the PTI founder in jail, refuting the claims of being denied access to legal counsel.

During the last hearing of the National Accountability (NAB) Ordinance 1999 amendment case Supreme Court allowed Khawaja Haris to meet PTI founder. “Khawaja Haris can meet PTI founder, whenever he wants”.


Imran Khan admits mistake of avoiding parliament during Supreme Court hearing​

During a Supreme Court hearing on the review of NAB amendments, Imran Khan, the founder of PTI, acknowledged his mistake of not attending parliament in a dialogue with Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa.

The former prime minister argued on Thursday that there has been an unannounced imposition of "martial law" in the country, alleging that his swift conviction within five days was orchestrated to hinder his participation in the general elections.

During a hearing of the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) amendments case in the Supreme Court, Khan voiced his grievances regarding the victimisation he was subjected to since his removal from power in April of 2022.

He appeared before a five-member Supreme Court bench via video link from Adiala jail in Rawalpindi. The bench was led by Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Qazi Faez Isa with Justices Aminuddin, Jamal Khan Mandokhail, Athar Minallah, and Hasan Azhar Rizvi also presiding over the hearing.

While discussing the case, Khan referred to a cypher, prompting Chief Justice Isa to interrupt him, advising, "Do not discuss cases that are yet to come before us. We had this concern earlier as well."

Admitting the chief justice's point, Khan said, "It is true, I should have gone to parliament. The country is facing an economic crisis, and the remittances sent from abroad are being transferred out by the elite." Chief Justice Isa responded, "You are mixing two different issues.

Chief Justice Isa questioned Khan about the amnesty he granted, to which Khan replied, "The amnesty was given to bring the black economy onto a legal path."

The chief justice advised, "Sit down with the members of parliament; they are not your enemies. Go and talk to them. Regarding the election date, we asked the president and the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to discuss it. We did not want to make a political statement."

Chief Justice Isa further stated, "We do not want to stop you, provided there are no objections. Politicians should resolve issues among themselves. Do not bring party matters before us."

Khan compared his jail conditions to those of Nawaz Sharif, requesting a comparison of the facilities provided. Chief Justice Isa suggested, "We can arrange for a surprise visit by a judicial officer."

The PTI founder also referenced the case of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during the hearing, who was granted bail before the Indian general elections to facilitate his campaign.

He also expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court's decision to reject the plea from the Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa government to live stream his proceedings.

Addressing the CJP, Khan questioned the assertion made in the judgment that he had engaged in political point scoring during the previous hearing. Justice Isa responded by stating that a judge does not owe an explanation for their verdict to anyone and suggested that Khan could file a review petition if dissatisfied with the judgment.

After completing his arguments, Chief Justice Isa asked Khan if he had anything more to add. The chief justice thanked Khan for his assistance, to which Khan also expressed his gratitude. The chief justice then dictated the order for the day and reserved the decision.

The Supreme Court rejected the response submitted by NAB in the amendments case and requested a ten-year budget record from NAB. It was noted that any party wishing to file a response could do so within seven days.


Dialogue only with those who hold ‘real power': Imran​

Imran Khan, the founder of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI), stated on Friday that he would only engage in dialogue with those who hold “real power.”

"I have been kept in a death cell," he lamented, adding that he has not requested any favours or facilities in prison. "I cannot tweet from jail; I instruct my lawyers to tweet on my behalf."

Speaking to the media after the hearing of the £190 million scam case in Rawalpindi's Adiala Jail, Khan criticised the government, saying, "The Hamoodur Rahman Commission was established for two purposes: to prevent the repetition of past mistakes and to identify those responsible. The commission held General Yahya Khan accountable for prioritising his power, and today, the same mistakes are being repeated, leading to economic collapse."

Khan highlighted the achievements of his government, stating, "During our three and a half years in power, NAB collected Rs450 billion. An additional Rs1,100 billion was expected, but due to amendments in NAB laws, only Rs300,000 was collected once, and Rs1.5 million another time. These amendments have cost the country Rs 1,100 billion, a loss it cannot afford."

Khan praised PTI’s social media activists as heroes and demanded an apology from FIA for fabricating a false cypher case against him. "Political vendetta is ongoing in the country," he said. "I will respond to FIA only in the presence of my lawyers. Mohsin Naqvi is orchestrating all this."

When asked about the Supreme Court's recommendation to negotiate with political parties, Khan said, "Even during Musharraf's era, I did not negotiate with Shaukat Aziz but with those who had power.”

Imran said that they negotiated with other political parties on the suggestion of then-Chief Justice of Pakistan (CJP) Umar Ata Bandial. “According to the law, elections were supposed to be held within 90 days, but Justice Bandial succumbed to the opposition's pressure,” he alleged.

Responding to a question about his previous comments on Nawaz Sharif referencing Sheikh Mujib and the Hamoodur Rahman Commission, Khan said, "At that time, I had not read the Hamoodur Rahman Commission report. Now, I have."

Former PM is not above the law
No one said he was, but at least come up with cases that have merit. The Toshakhana case needed an exaggeration of billions, and the judge had to run off into his prize of Hina Butt to London, the Cypher case was dead on arrival and even Amir Farooq couldn't stand the humiliation of such a terrible case, where IKs lawyers were removed without warning and the prosecutors had to pretend to be his lawyers 😀
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He's admitted to the 1971 tweet

He denies the video but we know its him

So you admit he's causing for an uprising and insurrection.
Thinking the awaam will rescue him like erdogan was rescued by kamalists in the establishment?
@Bewal Express post article what Rana SanaUllah said
Rana was too embarrassed to own the case because it is a disgraceful case made to humiliate IK and his wife. Only a total beghairat would think that this case had any legs and Rana washed his hands of it. This is the video I found, I will see if I can find the full video where he suggested that it may have been done to damage the beghairat Nooras( but the case was made by Establishment)

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IK is the biggest coward Pak has ever produced as PM or President. The likes of Zia-ul-haq would be disgusted with his nonsensical pacifism that makes no sense to any person of reason. He can't face the enemies military preaching peace to them while criticizing his own fauj that makes by blood burn like I am in hell. Indian people were out on the streets with his Pakistanis against our military tells us everything about his PTI club. That a hardcore Pak hating Indian like Gaurav Arya supports him should give all Pak's reason for concern. I hope he is taught a proper lesson behind bars like i think he is. I see his hair is often all white now, massive bags under his eyes, he looks all spent and an incredibly ugly specimen compared to his heyday.
@Bewal Express Answer this step by step, and don't be aggressive if you don't have the answers. Just answer them professionally if you have logical answers for them.


These are some references from the Washington Post. This is not something I'm saying. Read carefully and answer me: when he needed power, the Establishment made him PM. When the Establishment removed him, has he become a victim? What kind of victim is he when it is proven that the Establishment brought him to power?

Pakistan’s military has its fingerprints all over the elections

The run-up to the election has been defined by “blatant, aggressive and unabashed attempts to manipulate” the result, declared Pakistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission.

The apparent beneficiary of much of those efforts has been the once-fringe party of Imran Khan, a dashing cricket star turned nationalist politician. And the hidden power believed to be paving the way for Khan’s victory is Pakistan’s military.


Look here, how flowers are falling from Imran Khan's mouth for COAS General Bajwa. Don't skip, listen carefully:


Offshore Company:

Pakistani opposition leader Imran Khan, who tried to oust Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a row over offshore wealth, has acknowledged using an offshore company to avoid paying British tax on a London property sale.


Restrictions on media:

The fact of the matter is that it was under Imran Khan’s regime that talk shows were shut down, journalists and members of the media were attacked, harassed, tortured, forced out of jobs and thrown into jail.

This claim of being unaware and supporting media freedom rings hollow when we look at the horrific treatment meted out to the victims and one cannot help but question on what basis can such claims of media freedom and freedom of speech be made?

It is not unsubstantiated when in 2021 Reporters Without Border labelled the PTI chairman as a ‘press freedom predator’ as the following evidence shows


Close Friend of Bushra Bibi, Farah Gogi:

The disclosed assets of Farhat Shahzadi alias Farah Gogi, reportedly a front person of former prime minister Imran Khan, allegedly rose by Rs4.52 billion from 2017 to 2020, the Express News reported on Thursday, pointing to massive corruption by a close friend of Imran and his wife.

According to the report, Gogi had admitted owning assets of Rs950 million in 2020, but her declared assets grew by 420% during the tenure of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government led by Imran Khan. The report further alleged that she also owned undeclared assets worth Rs3.82 billion.


Biggest U-Turn , alliance with Fazl ur Rehman ( isn't he corrupt)

Chief of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Maulana Fazalur Rehman, has said that it’s undeniable that discussions are ongoing with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

He further added that the decision is still to be reached.

@Bewal Express Answer this step by step, and don't be aggressive if you don't have the answers. Just answer them professionally if you have logical answers for them.


These are some references from the Washington Post. This is not something I'm saying. Read carefully and answer me: when he needed power, the Establishment made him PM. When the Establishment removed him, has he become a victim? What kind of victim is he when it is proven that the Establishment brought him to power?

Pakistan’s military has its fingerprints all over the elections

The run-up to the election has been defined by “blatant, aggressive and unabashed attempts to manipulate” the result, declared Pakistan’s Independent Human Rights Commission.

The apparent beneficiary of much of those efforts has been the once-fringe party of Imran Khan, a dashing cricket star turned nationalist politician. And the hidden power believed to be paving the way for Khan’s victory is Pakistan’s military.


Look here, how flowers are falling from Imran Khan's mouth for COAS General Bajwa. Don't skip, listen carefully:


Offshore Company:

Pakistani opposition leader Imran Khan, who tried to oust Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif in a row over offshore wealth, has acknowledged using an offshore company to avoid paying British tax on a London property sale.


Restrictions on media:

The fact of the matter is that it was under Imran Khan’s regime that talk shows were shut down, journalists and members of the media were attacked, harassed, tortured, forced out of jobs and thrown into jail.

This claim of being unaware and supporting media freedom rings hollow when we look at the horrific treatment meted out to the victims and one cannot help but question on what basis can such claims of media freedom and freedom of speech be made?

It is not unsubstantiated when in 2021 Reporters Without Border labelled the PTI chairman as a ‘press freedom predator’ as the following evidence shows


Close Friend of Bushra Bibi, Farah Gogi:

The disclosed assets of Farhat Shahzadi alias Farah Gogi, reportedly a front person of former prime minister Imran Khan, allegedly rose by Rs4.52 billion from 2017 to 2020, the Express News reported on Thursday, pointing to massive corruption by a close friend of Imran and his wife.

According to the report, Gogi had admitted owning assets of Rs950 million in 2020, but her declared assets grew by 420% during the tenure of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) government led by Imran Khan. The report further alleged that she also owned undeclared assets worth Rs3.82 billion.


Biggest U-Turn , alliance with Fazl ur Rehman ( isn't he corrupt)

Chief of Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Maulana Fazalur Rehman, has said that it’s undeniable that discussions are ongoing with the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI).

He further added that the decision is still to be reached.

So firstly, IK won the election in 2018 and more to the point he was done out of seats by Bajwa. Just to name 2- Khawaja Asif and Rana Sanaullah have told people they rang Bajwa and the counting was stopped and next day they won.. IK had the momentum and the fact that despite making some half baked allegations not a single case was brought by both the Nooras and PPP suggests that they, unlike you knew the facts. So an epic fail in that point

The off shore company had nothing to do with PK tax and more to do with tax avoidance schemes available to non doms in the UK. I hope I am not getting too technical for you simple people,but if I am, read up on both. NS stole billions and used off shore companies to hide his wealth through holding companies registered in Panama.

As far as press freedom is concerned. Can you name the murdered journalists( like Arshad Sharif)at the behest of IK, Can you name the kidnapped journalists that were disappeared for 6 months from prison( like IRK) and do tell me why Geo and all the tv stations that were all working for NS and Bajwa were all on air, and they all aired propaganda. And they also knew this to be the case. Remember all the programmes on Inflation, today inflation is upto 4 times worse but where are all the programmes? And which journalists are we talking about? Hamid Mir told everyone that it wasn't IK but Bajwa( quoted by IRK on many occasions) that took him off air. IK did cut back advertising and all advertising rates were made public but that isnt an attack on press freedom just looking after the tax payers money. So another epic fail.

Next is something you keep repeating and then when I ask you a question you get the runs and you disappear. Farah was accused of making billions- but the guy in the apparent scam was Buzdar but not a single case against Buzdar was ever registered. Surely if they can make fake iddat case, they can make some genuine cases against him.

There is no alliance with Fazlu? Fazlu claims he was cheated out of seats and we know for a fact that the PTI was. That isn't an alliance. An alliance is when you fight seats on the same platform or support a govt.
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Well he's 70 probably may be a couple yrs older than his official birthday

And without botox, dye , makeup , agitation stress of his drugs being taken away ,he looks what a 70 odd yr old should look like .
You know he's the king of lies and u-turns. Even his educational qualifications are questionable as exposed on the Indian "Aap ki adalat" programme some years back. He was properly embarrassed by the host.
Rather you use IK and Israel to justify the oppression of Kashmiris.
Israel is your friend ( you just told us that on the other thread) and Kashmiris love IK not your pathetic zionists. You are rumbled son. Nowhere to run or hide now.
Israel is your friend ( you just told us that on the other thread) and Kashmiris love IK not your pathetic zionists. You are rumbled son. Nowhere to run or hide now.
Listen beta you have been hammered here repeatedly. You are an Indian right winger posing as a Pak who does not support IoK. Bring it to say that IK is wrong on IoK if you have the heart to do so! You won't do that because you are an Indian.
Listen beta you have been hammered here repeatedly. You are an Indian right winger posing as a Pak who does not support IoK. Bring it to say that IK is wrong on IoK if you have the heart to do so! You won't do that because you are an Indian.
A gut that got humiliated by me and everyone else and comes with zionist tripe to justify PK Junta actions. We are Muslims, we support PK and Palestinians, we support our Kashmiris brothers and sisters. We don't support what you support.
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You don't want to talk about IoK because your boss ran away with his tail between his legs when India revoked article 370! You can not say a single thing to refute that whatsoever because is exposes you good and proper. You go and tell the Saudi's or Jordan to worry about Palestine. I don't see even the Turks or any Muslim country speaking for the Palestinians. It is not Pak's immediate concern neither do we claim that territory like we do IoK. Your IK was shaking in his boots which is why he released Abhnandan so soon. Face facts, he is a big coward who deserves punishment.
A gut that got humiliated by me and everyone else and comes with zionist tripe to justify PK Junta actions. We are Muslims, we support PK and Palestinians, we support our Kashmiris brothers and sisters. We don't support what you support. Stick to your Israeli friends because Zionists are hated everywhere
By everyone?? Where did that happen and soon you will run away as well just like they all did :love: You support India the coward that you are not Pak so stop pretending. You are a pathetic liar with the likes of Gaurav Arya sharing his views then get his nose rubbed on the ground repeatedly. This is why you are avoiding all my accusations because you have no answer. I am gonna keep embarrassing you here until you get the message. You are a pro Indian fascist up to your knee's in Kashmiri blood.
Imran Khan ready to break the ice, calls for dialogue

Incarcerated former prime minister Imran Khan has expressed his readiness to forgive the events that have transpired and called for moving forward through dialogue.

“Imran Khan has said that he is willing to forgive and the path of dialogue should be opened,” PTI Chairman Barrister Gohar Khan told reporters outside the Adiala Jail on Tuesday.

But the party chairman explicitly did not mention whether the three major political parties – PPP, PML-N, and MQM-P – would be approached as the PTI claims that such parties are the “beneficiaries of the stolen mandate”.

The former ruling party has long maintained that it would hold talks with the establishment as the power lies there.

When journalist Munizae Jahangir told PTI spokesperson Rauf Hasan that the PTI was looking at the judiciary while pinning hope on another institution and closing the doors on political parties, the latter said: “We have hope from the judiciary and we want to talk to the establishment.”

The PTI chairman further revealed that the party would initiate talks by reaching out to Mahmood Khan Achakzai, the Pashtoonkhwa Milli Awami Party chairman. “We will start the dialogue process by talking to Mahmood Khan Achakzai. Dialogue is PTI’s own decision, but we will take other opposition parties, including the PMAP alliance, into confidence,” Gohar said.

AAJ News

No point negotiating with ‘powerless’ govt: Imran Khan​

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) founder Imran Khan on Friday stated that there is no point in negotiating with a government that lacks authority.

During an informal conversation with the media during the hearing of the £190 million reference at Rawalpindi’s Adiala Jail, he accused the administration of pressuring judges who rule in favour of PTI and criticised the recent budget for burdening salaried individuals.

Khan alleged that a judge from Sargodha informed the Lahore High Court about pressure exerted by intelligence agencies. He claimed that the judge’s household gas supply was cut off and that judges sympathetic to PTI face immense pressure. "Journalists speaking in favour of PTI are being targeted; Raoof Hassan was attacked, and Ali Zaman was tortured," Khan asserted, implicating intelligence agencies in these actions.

Khan urged the Chief Justice of Pakistan Qazi Faez Isa to uphold the rule of law amidst these interferences. Khan praised a judge from Sargodha, six judges from Islamabad High Court, and three judges from the Supreme Court for their integrity.

Addressing the budget, Khan highlighted that Pakistan needs to generate Rs13 trillion in revenue, with Rs9.8 trillion allocated to debt interest payments.

He predicted a necessity to borrow Rs7.5 trillion to cover the budget deficit, warning that the country is already sinking. "Investment, which hinges on the rule of law, is the only salvation, yet this year saw the lowest investment in 50 years," he stated.

Khan warned that the country's future looks bleak and criticised the additional tax burden on salaried individuals. Refuting claims that PTI avoids negotiations, he recounted past dialogues during Pervez Musharraf’s regime but pointed out that negotiations are futile when decisions are made by “higher authorities.”

He mentioned an instance when PTI negotiated with PDM on ex-Chief Justice Bandial’s request, only to be told that no elections would occur as long as Bandial was in office.

In a stern message to his party, Khan demanded an end to internal groupings, calling it a matter of life and death for Pakistan. "I will take strict action against anyone creating factions within the party," he warned.

By everyone?? Where did that happen and soon you will run away as well just like they all did :love: You support India the coward that you are not Pak so stop pretending. You are a pathetic liar with the likes of Gaurav Arya sharing his views then get his nose rubbed on the ground repeatedly. This is why you are avoiding all my accusations because you have no answer. I am gonna keep embarrassing you here until you get the message. You are a pro Indian fascist up to your knee's in Kashmiri blood.
This is for and your tripe. This is an extract from ex Raw chief and what he wants from PK. The Generals are controlled by Ind and this shows it. Listen carefully to his words.

This is for and your tripe. This is an extract from ex Raw chief and what he wants from PK. The Generals are controlled by Ind and this shows it. Listen carefully to his words.

So what is your idiotic point? Gaurav is on record praising IK moreover Indian's were supporting the PTI thugs in protesting against the Pak military. If you don't believe Gaurav then I too deny the comments of some RAW chief. It seems to me that IK is a RAW stooge more then anyone else. Once more no country ever attacks it's military especially in front of it's own people even if you have disagreements. Show me the American's, Brits or Israel do that? This is why I hate IK so much.
So what is your idiotic point? Gaurav is on record praising IK moreover Indian's were supporting the PTI thugs in protesting against the Pak military. If you don't believe Gaurav then I too deny the comments of some RAW chief. It seems to me that IK is a RAW stooge more then anyone else. Once more no country ever attacks it's military especially in front of it's own people even if you have disagreements. Show me the American's, Brits or Israel do that? This is why I hate IK so much.
I dont care what some Guarav said. This guy was RAW chief. He was the head honcho and its not rocket science to assess what has gone on. Ind has taken control of our crooked establishment because America and Israel told the establishment to allow them. Look at the evidence - IK overthrown Modi was made to look like a mug on the international stage, Inds killing PKs and Kashmiris and others on PK soil but not a peep from establishment on this subject, This was revealed by Guardian. Inds threaten to smash PK as widely reported in the GE campaign, still not a peep, Pks getting arrested for demos against Israel. This isnt a theory, these are facts.
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I dont care what some Guarav said. This guy was RAW chief. He was the head honcho and its not rocket science to assess what has gone on. Ind has taken control of our crooked establishment because America and Israel told the establishment to allow them. Look at the evidence - IK overthrown Modi was made to look like a mug on the international stage, Inds killing PKs and Kashmiris and others on PK soil but not a peep from establishment on this subject, This was revealed by Guardian. Inds threaten to smash PK as widely reported in the GE campaign, still not a peep, Pks getting arrested for demos against Israel. This isnt a theory, these are facts.
Well I do care because if Gaurav a former or current RAW leader is pro PTI and IK then it is a serious concern for all Pak's and the country's security. Now, no one ever said that our other Pak politicians are without their faults neither is our military. The problem and issue here is IK who has never done anything over the things he is accused off then how is he better then anyone else?. Modi looking like a mug or doughnut is complete rubbish when the fact is he removed article 370 altogether during IK's tenure. This because he knew our then PM was a complete coward who would only cry to the UN about it, that's all. India is killing more people in IoK then anywhere else thanks to IK's cowardice. Had our military been pro India they would not always be crying about it. Ask the likes of Pravin Sawhney an Indian defence analyst who will tell you everything. Now if you mainstream newspapers like "The Guardian" then I can only :D :D at you even more. What is it that you want the military to do when the orders come from the government?. Shame on IK if all he can do is bad mouth Modi to the UN over all he has done in IoK.
Well I do care because if Gaurav a former or current RAW leader is pro PTI and IK then it is a serious concern for all Pak's and the country's security. Now, no one ever said that our other Pak politicians are without their faults neither is our military. The problem and issue here is IK who has never done anything over the things he is accused off then how is he better then anyone else?. Modi looking like a mug or doughnut is complete rubbish when the fact is he removed article 370 altogether during IK's tenure. This because he knew our then PM was a complete coward who would only cry to the UN about it, that's all. India is killing more people in IoK then anywhere else thanks to IK's cowardice. Had our military been pro India they would not always be crying about it. Ask the likes of Pravin Sawhney an Indian defence analyst who will tell you everything. Now if you mainstream newspapers like "The Guardian" then I can only :D :D at you even more. What is it that you want the military to do when the orders come from the government?. Shame on IK if all he can do is bad mouth Modi to the UN over all he has done in IoK.
You can't hide anymore. The evidence is overwhelming and the murder of PKs and others( something that you can't explain) shows clearly the nexus between the Inds and our Generals in regime change and the control of PK Generals to allow IND a free hand to deal with China. The American's always wanted this and you guys have no where to run after this total humiliation
Why will India have nexus with Pak Establishment? They are the biggest expenditure and painpoint for India.

Don’t blame your nalayaks on us.
You can't hide anymore. The evidence is overwhelming and the murder of PKs and others( something that you can't explain) shows clearly the nexus between the Inds and our Generals in regime change and the control of PK Generals to allow IND a free hand to deal with China. The American's always wanted this and you guys have no where to run after this total humiliation
The nexus only exists in your mind. You tell me what has IK done that Nawaz, Shahbaz and Zardari didn't? You keep going on about Pak Generals killing Kashmiris when the FACT is IK did nothing when India removed article 370. From the Pak perspective that is as bad as what India did if not worse Your IK and PTI have given Pak nothing but extremism and bashing the west to cover their own inability and shortcomings. One day the USA is evil then the next day the torch holder for freedom such are the contradictory views of Taliban Khan. People who attack IK for being a "coward" are exactly correct.
The nexus only exists in your mind. You tell me what has IK done that Nawaz, Shahbaz and Zardari didn't? You keep going on about Pak Generals killing Kashmiris when the FACT is IK did nothing when India removed article 370. From the Pak perspective that is as bad as what India did if not worse Your IK and PTI have given Pak nothing but extremism and bashing the west to cover their own inability and shortcomings. One day the USA is evil then the next day the torch holder for freedom such are the contradictory views of Taliban Khan. People who attack IK for being a "coward" are exactly correct.
So you are denial because you are either naive or something else. Who allowed Ind agents to kill PKs and others on PK soil. It's a simple question? Answer it
So you are denial because you are either naive or something else. Who allowed Ind agents to kill PKs and others on PK soil. It's a simple question? Answer it
You first answer my many accusations on IK before asking more meaningless and senseless questions.
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You first answer my many accusations on IK before asking more meaningless and senseless questions.
Tell us who gave permission so that Inds could murder people on our soil. Why are the Inds killing on soil.
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Tell us who gave permission so that Inds could murder people on our soil. Why are the Inds killing on soil.
What did IK do when India removed article 370 apart from cry like a baby? He has done nothing at all that is better then Nawaz, Shahbaz and Zardari. All he has done is blame the west for everything and militarize the minds of Pak youth creating extremists to cover his own failures. You have not answered even one of my many accusations and you know that.
What did IK do when India removed article 370 apart from cry like a baby? He has done nothing at all that is better then Nawaz, Shahbaz and Zardari. All he has done is blame the west for everything and militarize the minds of Pak youth creating extremists to cover his own failures. You have not answered even one of my many accusations and you know that.
I accept all your criticism of IK, he allowed Inds to take Kashmir etc. So tell me who is allowing the killing on PK soil and why?
I accept all your criticism of IK, he allowed Inds to take Kashmir etc. So tell me who is allowing the killing on PK soil and why?
Now accept all the other things I said about IK. Abhinandan, Aafia and his anti western views to suit his personal agenda. The military takes instructions from the government so they are responsible over the killings in Pak.
Now accept all the other things I said about IK. Abhinandan, Aafia and his anti western views to suit his personal agenda. The military takes instructions from the government so they are responsible over the killings in Pak.
I accept everything that you say if it makes you happy. So explain why PKs and others are being killed on our soil with full support.
I accept everything that you say if it makes you happy. So explain why PKs and others are being killed on our soil with full support.
Coz the government is corrupt. The military can't do anything when that is the case. When they do intervene our people cry about military rule so can't have it both ways. I have always known that many of our General's are corrupt that is not news.
Coz the government is corrupt. The military can't do anything when that is the case. When they do intervene our people cry about military rule so can't have it both ways. I have always known that many of our General's are corrupt that is not news.
Who is the Govt? Munir or SS? Who stole the elections? Munir or SS?
Nawaz Sharif will favour Imran Khan in potential negotiations: analyst

Journalist and analyst Javed Chaudhry has claimed that PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif would favour his political rival Imran Khan in potential negotiations.

“Nawaz Sharif would concede to many of Imran Khan’s demands if one-on-one negotiations are held between the two,” he said while appearing on Rubaroo aired on Aaj News on Thursday.

He claimed that the PML-N supremo was the only person to the PTI founder if talks are held.

According to Chaudhry, Mahmood Khan Achakzai-led talks would be successful when he would directly meet with Khan and obtain his assurance that he would accept the decisions made during the talks.

He claimed that Khan would not allow such dialogues to succeed, suggesting that the former PM may be unwilling to compromise or accept the outcomes of the negotiations facilitated by Achakzai.

AAJ News
Who is the Govt? Munir or SS? Who stole the elections? Munir or SS?
The government is whoever the people choose. Pak is not under military rule that you hold them responsible. If politicians like IK behaved properly then the Establishment woud not get involved.
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Nawaz Sharif will favour Imran Khan in potential negotiations: analyst

Journalist and analyst Javed Chaudhry has claimed that PML-N supremo Nawaz Sharif would favour his political rival Imran Khan in potential negotiations.

“Nawaz Sharif would concede to many of Imran Khan’s demands if one-on-one negotiations are held between the two,” he said while appearing on Rubaroo aired on Aaj News on Thursday.

He claimed that the PML-N supremo was the only person to the PTI founder if talks are held.

According to Chaudhry, Mahmood Khan Achakzai-led talks would be successful when he would directly meet with Khan and obtain his assurance that he would accept the decisions made during the talks.

He claimed that Khan would not allow such dialogues to succeed, suggesting that the former PM may be unwilling to compromise or accept the outcomes of the negotiations facilitated by Achakzai.

AAJ News
The ice is melting. Talks and negotiations should always be the priority. Forced decisions can never make things right.
The government is whoever the people choose. Pak is not under military rule that you hold them responsible. If politicians like IK behaved properly then the establishment woud not get involved.
So this govt is chosen by the people. So you are saying that establishment has been chosen by the people? And so far you have not said why the Inds are killing on our soil. Who is allowing them? This guff about the military not being allowed to protect PK national needs an explanation. Let's hear a proper reason, not some rubbish to avoid answering the question
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So this govt is chosen by the people. So you are saying that establishment has been chosen by the people? And so far you have not said why the Inds are killing on our soil. Who is allowing them? This guff about the military not being allowed to protect PK national needs an explanation. Let's hear a proper reason, not some rubbish to avoid answering the question
Ind killing on our soil id firstly news to me. If they are then it is the government that is responsible for it not the military. I would hold the military responsible if we were under their rule. If not the people then who else chose the government?. The establishment is never chosen by the people in any country. Again it is your concealed love for the failed and confused IK that is behind your illogical drivel.
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Ind killing on our soil id firstly news to me. If they are then it is the government that is responsible for it not the military. I would hold the military responsible if we were under their rule. If not the people then who else chose the government?. The establishment is never chosen by the people in any country. Now you'll say who chose the ISI!!? Again it is your concealed love for the failed and confused IK that is behind your illogical drivel.
I posted the link a couple of weeks ago and it was big news. Are you telling me that you didn't know after reading the news on the link?

The establishment are the govt, this is a fact. Today you will tell me that you didn't know that elections were stolen by establishment.

Establishment makes all the decisions, so once again you are in denial.
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Ind killing on our soil id firstly news to me. If they are then it is the government that is responsible for it not the military. I would hold the military responsible if we were under their rule. If not the people then who else chose the government?. The establishment is never chosen by the people in any country. Again it is your concealed love for the failed and confused IK that is behind your illogical drivel.
India’s defence minister has appeared to confirm that the government carried out extrajudicial killings in neighbouring Pakistan, after a Guardian report on the alleged assassinations.

Intelligence officials from India and Pakistan who spoke to the Guardian had alleged that India’s foreign intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (Raw), had been involved in up to 20 killings of individuals in Pakistan since 2020, as part of a wider policy to target terrorists living on foreign soil.

Most of those targeted in Pakistan were convicted terrorists and militants known to be associated with Islamist militant groups that had carried out deadly attacks in India.

India has previously denied all involvement in the assassinations. But after the publication of the Guardian’s report, Rajnath Singh, the Indian defence minister, seemed to confirm that India did target terrorists hiding out in Pakistan.

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India’s defence minister has appeared to confirm that the government carried out extrajudicial killings in neighbouring Pakistan, after a Guardian report on the alleged assassinations.

Intelligence officials from India and Pakistan who spoke to the Guardian had alleged that India’s foreign intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (Raw), had been involved in up to 20 killings of individuals in Pakistan since 2020, as part of a wider policy to target terrorists living on foreign soil.

Most of those targeted in Pakistan were convicted terrorists and militants known to be associated with Islamist militant groups that had carried out deadly attacks in India.

India has previously denied all involvement in the assassinations. But after the publication of the Guardian’s report, Rajnath Singh, the Indian defence minister, seemed to confirm that India did target terrorists hiding out in Pakistan.

So if they did then how are the military responsible for that. Indian officials have often accused Pak backed groups for causing havoc in India as well yet they don't hold their military responsible for that. You do realize that Canada has also held India responsible for the murder of Sikh separatists?

I am not really sure what point you are trying to make here if any at all?
I posted the link a couple of weeks ago and it was big news. Are you telling me that you didn't know after reading the news on the link?

The establishment are the govt, this is a fact. Today you will tell me that you didn't know that elections were stolen by establishment.

Establishment makes all the decisions, so once again you are in denial.
So then it is the government that is to blame for the attacks within Pak. The military are under the control of the government, they have to follow orders.
So if they did then how are the military responsible for that. Indian officials have often accused Pak backed groups for causing havoc in India as well yet they don't hold their military responsible for that. You do realize that Canada has also held India responsible for the murder of Sikh separatists?

I am not really sure what point you are trying to make here if any at all?
Let me explain. Our establishment are owned by the American's, they ordered a coup , the coup was ordered because IK wasn't listening to the American's ( Absolutely not, Russia, visit, buying cheap oil off Russia), after the coup the American's then ordered establishment to allow Ind a free hand with China( hence the down grading of the Chinese diplomatic relationship from "Top priority" to just "Priority" only this week).
The Indian's are being built as a counter weight to the Chinese and the Inds asked the American's to stop any mention of Kashmir or give Ind any problems on the Kashmir border. The American control of our Generals has given Ind a free hand to murder people.
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It seems like you want Imran Khan to sort out Pakistan's problems even after he has been jailed and disqualified from your Islamic republic. Again, should probably have been directed at a thread about Imran Khan because you clearly don't have any interest in current Pakistan position on the thread topic.
I have said many times that Pak needs a Presidential system. Those who expect and support western style democracy to be successful in Pak deserve the be humiliated. I want all Pak politicians including IK to make way for new faces and younger one who have better, revolutionary and dynamic idea's. Qualified or disqualified these old men pretending to be youngsters lecturing us on Islam after highly living sinful lives will solve nothing. It is IK more then anyone else who thinks he can make Pak in to a super power after breaking all his pre election promises. Yes, generally too i have always despised his megalomaniac and dictatorial attitude.
Let me explain. Our establishment are owned by the American's, they ordered a coup , the coup was ordered because IK wasn't listening to the American's ( Absolutely not, Russia, visit, buying cheap oil off Russia), after the coup the American's then ordered establishment to allow Ind a free hand with China( hence the down grading of the Chinese diplomatic relationship from "Top priority" to just "Priority" only this week).
The Indian's are being built as a counter weight to the Chinese and the Inds asked the American's to stop any mention of Kashmir or give Ind any problems on the Kashmir border. The American control of our Generals has given Ind a free hand to murder people.
There is no evidence that the American's ordered anything at all other then your Harry Potter like fantasy!:p IK listening or not to the American's is not my beef with him. I know he was generally pro Russia and wanted to get closer to China so Pak could not be blackmailed by the USA like it always has been.

Once more our establishment needs to obey whoever is in governance and however they got there. When they get involved in politics people like you cry over why they do that. When they don't are criticized for allowing corrupt politicians to form governments too only serve themselves.

Once more closely observe IK's tenure as PM to see all the damage he caused to Pak foreign policy and the extremism he supported in our country.
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There is no evidence that the American's ordered anything at all other then your Harry Potter like fantasy!:p IK listening or not to the American's is not my beef with him. I know he was generally pro Russia and wanted to get closer to China so Pak could not be blackmailed by the USA like it always has been.

Once more our establishment needs to obey whoever is in governance and however they got there. When they get involved in politics people like you cry over why they do that. When they don't are criticized for allowing corrupt politicians to form governments too only serve themselves.

Once more closely observe IK's tenure as PM to see all the damage he caused to Pak foreign policy and the extremism he supported in our country.
I still haven't had a reply as to who stole the elections if establishment didn't? I still don't know who you hold responsible for Inds killing PKs and others on our soil and our establishment can't utter a word against it. BTW the Inds claimed that they killed a retired PK army Brigadier this week.

And obviously you haven't read the cypher like you apparently didn't read the Guardian report on the killing of PKs and others on our soil by Ind agents. The cypher is fact and has been accepted as so. To summerise the Cypher- establishment was told to overthrow IK and if he did, all would be forgiven.

The American's lecture everyone human rights but have gone awfully quiet since the coup? Why is that? When Navanly was jailed in Russia, the American's protested at his jailing, but today IK is in jail for the horrific crime of getting married
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There is no evidence that the American's ordered anything at all other then your Harry Potter like fantasy!:p IK listening or not to the American's is not my beef with him. I know he was generally pro Russia and wanted to get closer to China so Pak could not be blackmailed by the USA like it always has been.

Once more our establishment needs to obey whoever is in governance and however they got there. When they get involved in politics people like you cry over why they do that. When they don't are criticized for allowing corrupt politicians to form governments too only serve themselves.

Once more closely observe IK's tenure as PM to see all the damage he caused to Pak foreign policy and the extremism he supported in our country.
The cypher for your benefit.
