[VIDEOS] The Palestinian and Israeli conflict

[MENTION=66515]finalfantasy7[/MENTION] its useless speaking to Gilly Hes firmly on the side of the occupier

He wants hamas to lay down arms and israel will come to a fair settlement with the palestinians lol

He can see all the violence from the occupied but not the 20 times higher murder displacement and subjugation from the occupier first

Just like israel he keeps talking about the effect of apartheid hamas hamas hamas hamas but conveniently is ignoring the cause of it israel israel israel israel
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Israel has again closed a major border crossing into Gaza after Palestinian militants fired a barrage of mortars and rockets into southern Israel.

Two people - believed to be Thai agricultural workers - were killed and 10 were injured on the Israeli side.

The crossing had been opened to allow entry to aid lorries from Jordan. A separate convoy entered from Egypt.

A UN spokesperson said the Kerem Shalom crossing with Israel was a crucial link to get help to those in need.
The only way out is if a Palestinian goes on become a Bill Gates or nuclear scientist or even a sports or cultural icon like say Federer,Ronaldo or even a Michael Jackson/ Tom Cruise. I am not listing female icons because that probably will never happen unless there is a Malala type situation. Even then don’t think that would change anything.

Why would Israel want to have a country right next to it where most people have a radical mindset and don’t have much to offer in terms of trade etc. also from a world perspective I mean you don’t want another country implementing sharia and throwing stones at women and chopping of body parts. Too much baggage.

Best way is for Palestinians to work with Israel, develop a generation of achievers and then May be revisit the idea.
The palestinians have got use to living in chaos, death and destruction The struggle is a way of life for them

Its israel whos got much more to lose now

Their civilian population wont be happy losing dozens of its citizens here and there and the fear and trepidation that any time rockets will rain down on them and their cities

It wants to host the entertainment and sporting world Not be in a constant military state

Its best for them to put a meaningful deal on the table to the palestinians so they can live in peace

They wont achieve a normal existence subjugating and killing palestinians and stealing more of their land nor will they by offering preposterous proposals such as the laughable "deal of the century"
t started with a skirmish in Jerusalem's historic Old City.

A protester, seemingly unconscious, was being carried away by Israeli police.

His hands, limp but cuffed behind his back.

Out by Damascus Gate, Palestinian protesters started to assemble.

They'd been called to demonstrate against the Israeli airstrikes of Gaza and as part of a wider outcry of anger against what they sense as Palestinian suffering under Israeli rule.

At around 3pm what was only a relatively small group of protesters - perhaps one or two hundred mainly young men and women, including at least two waving the Palestinian flag - started chanting.

"Gaza, Gaza stay strong," went one cry.

"Your night will soon be over."

They were at the foot of the steep stone steps that curve down to Damascus Gate, one of the entrances to the Old City.

The anti-Israeli chants did not last long.

Suddenly a bang as a stun grenade coughed out smoke.

The crowd started to scatter, then a white-coloured water canon vehicle moved in.

Armed with what people call "skunk water", because it stinks and leaves a stench on anyone it hits, the truck blasted a stream of spray over anyone in its way.

My producer, Michael Greenfield, clocked the danger. "Debs move," he yelled.

I was able to jump into a little enclave, cut into a wall, along with about a dozen protesters.

Michael wasn't so lucky, receiving a burst of spray up his back.

The stun grenades continued to be thrown by the police, scattering the ragtag group of protesters up the road.

"Now we move to Sheikh Jarrah," one young woman, who I'd huddled in the enclave with, told me.

She was referring to a flashpoint neighbourhood also in East Jerusalem where a Jewish legal attempt to evict Palestinian families from their homes was one of the triggers of the wider Israeli-Palestinian crisis.

We jumped into our car and made the four-minute drive to the area.

Protesters were already assembling across the street from a road at the heart of the Sheikh Jarrah controversy, where a number of families threatened with eviction live.

The police were on the other side, with their water cannon.

Once again the chants started.

Almost immediately the water cannon mobilised once more.

A stinking jet of putrid liquid sprayed demonstrators up the street, followed by a volley of stun grenades, lobbed by the police.

The officers, dressed in grey and black uniform, helmets, flak jackets and armed with rifles, marched in a group after them.

Despite being completely outgunned, the protesters didn't give up.

Small clusters of them kept venturing back, prompting more stun grenades.

Minutes later, the police escalated their response, firing rubber bullets towards the protesters, even as they were running away.

I saw one man who appeared to have been injured in the stomach. He clutched his side and moaned before being led into an ambulance.

Mounted police on horseback also appeared, trotting along with a group of policemen - an intimidating sight for anyone standing on the ground.

A family living in a house on a side street where a crowd of police were standing, stepped outside and started yelling at them.

After about half an hour of back and forth, roughly the same number of protesters had returned to their original point at Sheikh Jarrah, only for the police to charge forward yet again and send them scattering.

It looked set to be a long afternoon.


The real reason why netanyahu started the aggrevations

Analysts said the collapse of the Lapid-Bennett partnership in the wake of the violence on Israeli streets may give Netanyahu extra time to make a political move to stay in power.

"From the moment (the fire) was lit, the government of change was dead and Netanyahu came back to life," commentator Ben Caspit wrote in the newspaper Maariv on Friday.

Lapid has three weeks left to try to form a governing coalition. A "rotation" deal in which Lapid and Bennett would take turns as prime minister had been mooted, but it would need the backing of Arab legislators for a parliamentary majority.

Bennett was quoted by Israeli media on Thursday as saying the current strife with Israel's 21% Arab minority would make such a government unfeasible
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Israel's nine-day bombardment of Gaza has "set Hamas back by many years", Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said.

Two foreign farm workers were killed by rockets fired by Palestinian militants into southern Israel on Tuesday.

Israel continued its air strikes on Gaza. In the West Bank, at least three Palestinians were killed by Israeli police during protests near Ramallah.

Diplomatic efforts to end the violence have met with little success.

France has filed a draft resolution with the UN Security Council, in co-ordination with Egypt and Jordan, calling for a ceasefire.

Earlier on Tuesday, Israel briefly opened a border crossing into Gaza to allow a convoy of aid to enter. However, the crossing was closed again after it came under fire from Palestinian mortars and rockets.

What did Netanyahu say?

Mr Netanyahu said Hamas, the Palestinian militant group that runs Gaza, had been dealt "unexpected blows" and that operations would "continue for as long as it takes to restore calm" for all Israeli citizens.

At least 215 people, including almost 100 women and children, have been killed in Gaza so far, according to its health ministry.

In Israel 12 people, including two children, have been killed, its medical service says.

On Tuesday Israel said at least 150 militants were among those killed in Gaza. Hamas does not give casualty figures for fighters.

Israel estimated that at the start of the conflict, the two Palestinian militant factions had an arsenal of about 12,000 rockets or mortars in Gaza.

As of 15:00 GMT on Tuesday, militants had fired some 3,300 rockets at Israel, of which 450 to 500 fell short, causing casualties in Gaza, an Israeli military spokesman said.

What happened in the West Bank?

Many Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem took part in a general strike to protest at the Israeli bombing of Gaza. Areas inside Israel with an Israeli Arab majority, such as Haifa, also joined the strike.

Public services, schools and many businesses were closed.

There were clashes in several locations. In the West Bank town of Ramallah, Israeli police said they were fired on during a "violent riot" and returned fire.

Three Palestinians in the area were killed, the health ministry said. Another Palestinian was killed after he attempted to attack soldiers in Hebron, the Israeli army said.

There were also scuffles at the Damascus Gate in Jerusalem, where Israeli troops made several arrests.

50 schools in Gaza have been damaged by Israeli airstrikes over the past week, affecting more than 41,000 children, according to Save The Children.
The only way out is if a Palestinian goes on become a Bill Gates or nuclear scientist or even a sports or cultural icon like say Federer,Ronaldo or even a Michael Jackson/ Tom Cruise. I am not listing female icons because that probably will never happen unless there is a Malala type situation. Even then don’t think that would change anything.

Israel murdered Yasir Arafat in cold blood. Israeli terrorism is continuously brushed under the carpet. If you objectively read some of the comments here and you will immediately realize that.

Why would Israel want to have a country right next to it where most people have a radical mindset

Why would Palestinians should allow radicals to enter their homes and kill their families?

Israelis who are lynching Palestinians aren't summoned from air.

and don’t have much to offer in terms of trade etc.
See Israel's blockade to Palestine.

also from a world perspective I mean you don’t want another country implementing sharia and throwing stones at women and chopping of body parts. Too much baggage.

Nobody would want a neighboring country like Israel who can kill children and celebrate their dead bodies at social media. I won't bother posting videos/photos of such barbarism. Even likes of Isis and Nazi have/had higher standards than that.

Best way is for Palestinians to work with Israel, develop a generation of achievers and then May be revisit the idea.
Of course that's what all of us want. But does Israel want that? See their actions, do not listen to their words.
At least 220 Palestinians, including 63 children have been killed by Israeli air raids in Gaza since bombardment began last week.
The only way out is if a Palestinian goes on become a Bill Gates or nuclear scientist or even a sports or cultural icon like say Federer,Ronaldo or even a Michael Jackson/ Tom Cruise. I am not listing female icons because that probably will never happen unless there is a Malala type situation. Even then don’t think that would change anything.

Yep. As things stand, no neutral can even name a single Palestinian. That's how obscure they've been besides making the news for this endless conflict.
Eleven children receiving NRC trauma care killed in their homes by Israeli air strikes

The Norwegian Refugee Council confirmed today that 11 of over 60 children killed by Israeli air strikes in Gaza over the last week were participating in its psycho-social programme aimed at helping them deal with trauma.
All of the children between 5 and 15 years old were killed in their homes in densely populated areas along with countless other relatives who died or received injuries.

"We are devastated to learn that 11 children we were helping with trauma were bombarded while they were at home and thought they were safe," said NRC's Secretary General Jan Egeland. " They are now gone, killed with their families, buried with their dreams and the nightmares that haunted them. We call on Israel to stop this madness: children must be protected. Their homes must not be targets. Schools must not be targets. Spare these children and their families. Stop bombing them now."

The children NRC assisted included Lina Iyad Sharir, 15, who was killed with both of her parents in their home on 11 May in Gaza City's Al Manara neighbourhood. Her two-year-old sister Mina sustained third-degree burns and remains in critical condition.

Hala Hussein al-Rifi, 13, was killed on the night of 12 May when an airstrike hit the Salha residential building in Gaza City's Tal Al-Hawa neighbourhood. The attack also killed four-year-old Zaid Mohammad Telbani and his mother Rima, who was five months pregnant. Zaid's sister remains missing and is presumed dead.

Multiple air raids on 16 May in Al Wahda Street in central Gaza City killed eight children that NRC worked with, together with several family members. These included Tala Ayman Abu al-Auf, 13, and her 17-year-old brother. Their father, Dr Ayman Abu al-Auf, was the head of internal medicine at Gaza City’s Shifa hospital. He was also killed.

The same attacks also killed Rula Mohammad al-Kawlak, 5, Yara, 9, and Hala, 12 – all sisters - together with their cousin Hana, 14, and several other of their relatives, as well as sisters Dima and Mira Rami al-Ifranji, 15 and 11, and neighbour Dana Riad Hasan Ishkantna, 9.

In the same area on 17 May, Rafeef Murshed Abu Dayer, 10, another student helped by NRC, was killed after shrapnel hit her together with her two brothers, who were having lunch in the garden of the Ghazi Shawa building. Rafeef’s 11th birthday would have been next week on 25 May.

NRC assists 118 schools in the Gaza Strip, reaching more than 75,000 students through its psycho-social intervention, the Better Learning Programme.

"As an urgent measure, we appeal to all parties for an immediate ceasefire so that we can reach those in need and spare more civilians," Egeland said. "But the truth is that there can be no peace or security as long as there are systemic injustices. The siege of Gaza needs to be lifted and the occupation of Palestinians must end if we are to avoid more trauma and death among children and new cycles of destruction every few years."


Israel is terrorizing innocent Palestinian kids where their barbaric violence.
For starters, Hamas should stop shooting rockets from civilian buildings. Israel will not bomb civilian buildings if Hamas does that one simple thing.

Both Israel and Hamas should go to an uninhabited land and fight like real men. Both are committing unforgivable crimes by killing innocent women and children.
For starters, Hamas should stop shooting rockets from civilian buildings. Israel will not bomb civilian buildings if Hamas does that one simple thing

You sound like an israeli stooge, hamas hamas hamas hamas

Hamas isnt the problem its a direct consequence of the occupation not the cause of it

Id suggest you get your head out of the sand
You sound like an israeli stooge, hamas hamas hamas hamas

Hamas isnt the problem its a direct consequence of the occupation not the cause of it

Id suggest you get your head out of the sand

These guys aren't Israeli stooges, they are hindu posters who all have some sort of "special interest" in Islam due to historical baggage of conversion of large parts of their country to Islam down the centuries. Otherwise I doubt they would care what goes on in israel, Morocco or Palestine.
You sound like an israeli stooge, hamas hamas hamas hamas

Hamas isnt the problem its a direct consequence of the occupation not the cause of it

Id suggest you get your head out of the sand

Whoever may be wrong here. But to stop innocent casualties, Hamas should not fire rockets from Civilian buildings. They are putting innocent kids in harms way by launching their rockets from densely populated areas.

Both Hamas and Israel should go to some deserted place and fight there. Shooting down buildings where innocent people live is pathetic.
For starters, Hamas should stop shooting rockets from civilian buildings. Israel will not bomb civilian buildings if Hamas does that one simple thing.

Both Israel and Hamas should go to an uninhabited land and fight like real men. Both are committing unforgivable crimes by killing innocent women and children.

Israel annihilated the building housing Al Jazeera and AP's offices to rubble, after the IDF said they only use roof knockers on civilian buildings to destroy roofs and make loud noise.

This is a statement from AP, saying there's been no Hamas activity there for the last 15 years:


And the US even said Israel has not shown any evidence that building had Hamas operations.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he has not seen any Israeli evidence of Hamas operating in a Gaza office building that Israel destroyed in an airstrike. The building housed The Associated Press, broadcaster Al-Jazeera and other media. <a href="https://t.co/DhZAWf23ID">https://t.co/DhZAWf23ID</a></p>— The Associated Press (@AP) <a href="https://twitter.com/AP/status/1394260581201371146?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Do you think Israel only bombs Hamas outposts, which happen to be civilian buildings? Or do you think, because Hamas shoot rockets from some civilian buildings, Israel are allowed to bomb any and all civilian buildings?

It is quite coincidental Hamas is operating out of a building housing the media staff broadcasting the war crimes taking place in Gaza, but Israel can't produce the evidence of that right now.
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What's happened so far today

Israel has conducted a waves of fresh air strikes in Gaza. Among its targets has been a network of tunnels which Israel says is controlled by the Hamas militant group

Meanwhile, militants in Gaza are continuing to launch rocket attacks into Israel - mostly in the country's south. In the last few hours, several rockets are said to hit Ashdod and Ashkelon, though no casualties have been reported

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has said that Israel is fighting to restore quiet, and to maximise the time that any truce with Hamas will last. On the issue of a truce - which many allies of Israel are pressing for - Netanyahu told foreign diplomats he was not "standing with a stopwatch"

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, for his part, has accused Israel of committing war crimes during the conflict. Israel says it only attacks military targets, and has made efforts to prevent civilians casualties

Source: BBC
BREAKING: Rockets fired from Lebanon into northern Israel

A number of rockets have been fired from Lebanon into northern Israel.

Israel's military said four rockets were launched: one was intercepted, and another landed in an open field. Two more landed in the Mediterranean Sea.

Warning sirens were activated in the area of Haifa and its surroundings, including Shfaram, Acre and the Krayot region, the Times of Israel reported.

Meanwhile, Reuters reported that Krayot residents had heard three large explosions.

There were no immediate reports of any injuries.

Source: BBC
Israel annihilated the building housing Al Jazeera and AP's offices to rubble, after the IDF said they only use roof knockers on civilian buildings to destroy roofs and make loud noise.

This is a statement from AP, saying there's been no Hamas activity there for the last 15 years:

View attachment 109204

And the US even said Israel has not shown any evidence that building had Hamas operations.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken says he has not seen any Israeli evidence of Hamas operating in a Gaza office building that Israel destroyed in an airstrike. The building housed The Associated Press, broadcaster Al-Jazeera and other media. <a href="https://t.co/DhZAWf23ID">https://t.co/DhZAWf23ID</a></p>— The Associated Press (@AP) <a href="https://twitter.com/AP/status/1394260581201371146?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 17, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Do you think Israel only bombs Hamas outposts, which happen to be civilian buildings? Or do you think, because Hamas shoot rockets from some civilian buildings, Israel are allowed to bomb any and all civilian buildings?

It is quite coincidental Hamas is operating out of a building housing the media staff broadcasting the war crimes taking plae in Gaza, but Israel can't produce the evidence of that right now.

That is shameful if they bombed the Press building. They need to apologize for it.

But truth still remains that Hamas should not use residential buildings to launch their rocket attacks. Its basically using women and children as human shields. Shooting from a kids shoulder is pretty pathetic.

I still say that both Israel and Hamas should go to an uninhabited land and fight there. If Iran has any shame, they need to go to war with Israel and end them. But they are too cowardly and using Palestinians as their paid army all the while using innocent civilians as human shields.
.But truth still remains that Hamas should not use residential buildings to launch their rocket attacks. Its basically using women and children as human shields. Shooting from a kids shoulder is pretty pathetic.

Whos truth is this? The apartheid nation who kills kids or americas who supplies the weapons?
A senior Hamas official has said that he expects Israel and Gaza militants to reach a ceasefire "within a day or two" as cross-border attacks continue.

But Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu said on Wednesday he was "determined to carry on" until "calm and security are restored to Israeli citizens".

There were more than 100 Israeli air strikes on Hamas infrastructure in the north of Gaza early on Thursday.

Palestinian militants retaliated with rocket fire at targets in Israel.

The Gaza fighting began after weeks of rising Israeli-Palestinian tension in occupied East Jerusalem that culminated in clashes at a holy site revered by both Muslims and Jews. Hamas, which controls Gaza, began firing rockets after warning Israel to withdraw from the site, triggering retaliatory air strikes.

At least 227 people, including more than 100 women and children, have been killed in Gaza so far, according to its health ministry. Israel has said at least 150 militants are among those killed in Gaza. Hamas does not give casualty figures for fighters.

In Israel 12 people, including two children, have been killed, its medical service says. Israel says some 4,000 rockets have been fired towards its territory by militants in Gaza.

What did the Hamas official say?
"I think that the ongoing efforts regarding the ceasefire will succeed," the Hamas political official, Moussa Abu Marzouk, told Lebanon's al-Mayadeen TV.

"I expect a ceasefire to be reached within a day or two, and the ceasefire will be on the basis of mutual agreement."

image captionAn Israeli soldier looks on as Israel's Iron Dome anti-missile system intercept rockets launched from the Gaza Strip
The comments come as international pressure mounts on Israel and the Palestinian militants to end hostilities.

An Egyptian security source told the Reuters news agency that the two sides had agreed in principle to a ceasefire after assistance from mediators but negotiations were still taking place.

On Wednesday, President Biden held his fourth call with Mr Netanyahu since the conflict started.

A statement released by the White House said: "The president conveyed to the prime minister that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire."

The latest bid for a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire, launched by France, failed on Wednesday when the US said it could "undermine efforts to de-escalate".

The fighting has shown little sign of letting up overnight.

Israel launched a series of air strikes on Gaza in the early hours of Thursday, destroying two houses. Medics said four people were injured in an airstrike on the town of Khan Younis.

Israel said it had targeted "multi-barrel rocket launching sites and aerial defence compounds" belonging to Hamas.

Rocket sirens could be heard in the Israeli town of Beersheba and in areas near the Gaza border, as Gaza militants fired rockets. No casualties have been reported.

After Israel allowed convoys of trucks to bring aid into Gaza the convoy came under mortar fire from Hamas.
After Israel allowed convoys of trucks to bring aid into Gaza the convoy came under mortar fire from Hamas.

Its really good of israel to let aid convoys in after bombing kids, schools, roads and hospitals to smithereens

They must be applauded for allowing a band aid on those families they have maimed and murdered in cold blood
Ultranationalist Israelis are are trying to hide their activities by creating private online groups where members must prove who they are in order to gain access.

One such group told its prospective members they were trying to block "police, Arabs and journalists" from tracking them.

Sky News has been examining active Israeli ultranationalist social media accounts, which are breeding grounds for hate-speech and are being used to organise anti-Arab attacks in Israel.

Some of the groups are now under review or have been removed since they were flagged to Facebook as part of our investigation.

The encrypted messaging app Telegram previously took down some channels, including one with "war group" in its title and another called "Death to Arabs".

The current conflict between Israel and Palestinian militants in Gaza has sparked riots and incidents of street violence between Jewish Israelis and Arab Israelis in towns across the country.

Israel has seen a growth in ultranationalist sentiment among a small proportion of Jewish Israelis in recent years.

Some are now organising themselves on social media, with reports that an attack on an Arab man who was pulled from his car and beaten in the streets of Bat Yam in mid-May had been co-ordinated on Telegram.

One Telegram group, whose members call themselves a civilian army, boasts it grew to around 6,000 users before being shut down. The users have regrouped and their channel currently has more than 400 users.

Users in this group have usernames including "Death to Arabs" and "Every Arab killed is a holiday for us".

Graphic and offensive images and videos are shared widely in the chat.

One member with the Telegram username "State of Israel" shared an image of a man who had been shot in the head. It has the caption 'Father of all Arabs'.

The group works to organise and instruct its members. It issues calls to boycott Arab-run stores. One message calls on the users to "burn mosques", while others ask users to patrol and defend synagogues.

Efforts to organise can also been seen in an unofficial Facebook group and WhatsApp group connected to Otzma Yehudit (meaning Jewish Strength), a far-right Israeli political party. A number of posts written in English call for armed support at key demonstrations in Israel, where it is legal to carry a gun.

"In Lod there is a call for all those who carry a weapon to come asap to Lod to help save Jewish lives. Yes, it's that bad. I emphasize [sic]: ONLY those with weapons!", reads one post, with a different user referring to Arab Israelis as "the enemy" in a reply.

In an English-language Facebook chat, calls were made for those with weapons to go to the city of Lod
In an English-language Facebook chat, calls were made for those with weapons to go to the city of Lod
Facebook removed the page after Sky News sent the social media company evidence of the messages in the group.

Another group, this one linked to La Familia, the far-right, football supporter group of the Israeli Premier League club Beitar Jerusalem, was taken off Telegram. The group had been called "La Familia - Death to the Arabs".

La Familia made headlines once again last week after an Israeli journalist said her crew was physically attacked by the group while reporting on the unrest in Lod.

In Bat Yam, videos emerged that appeared to show La Familia members destroying a shop that was owned by an Arab.

Most of the Facebook groups associated with La Familia cannot be accessed without the admin's approval.

But on those pages that are public, we saw users in recent days encouraging members to take to the streets to "bring order" on a post that had previously not been commented on since last year.

Scattered across public ultranationalist groups are calls to join closed groups that contain only vetted users.

One post reads: "Friends, we have opened a discreet group without … informers. Any member who is interested in receiving equipment, locations and timings who will join us for the news."

In another much longer post a four-step set of actions is laid out for those who wish to gain access to a private group.

The admin says: "Only those interested in embarking on activities to restore deterrence and return the State of Israel to us are invited to the verified group."

The poster explains the steps are necessary after the group was "attacked by countless forces of evil... the Arabs, and the police and the media".

Prospective users must offer a photo of themselves with proof of the date and time it was taken and a link to their personal social media.

They must also complete a video and written message in Hebrew vowing support for Israel and a willingness to give their life for the cause.

The four pieces of evidence are then to be sent to an admin who will then invite the user to the private chat.

A spokesperson for Facebook, who owns Instagram and WhatsApp, told Sky News: "We don't tolerate hate or incitement to violence on our platforms.

"We have dedicated teams, which include native Arabic and Hebrew speakers, closely monitoring the situation on the ground, and making sure we're removing content and accounts that break our rules as quickly as possible.

"We're reviewing the accounts shared by Sky News and have already removed one Facebook Group for breaking our rules."

Telegram did not respond to requests for comment from Sky News
-One Palestinian woman killed and 13 others wounded, including 4 children, in the latest Israeli air attacks on Gaza

-At least 227 Palestinians, including 64 children, have been killed since Israeli bombardment of Gaza began 11 days ago
FM Qureshi calls for collective efforts to end human tragedy in Palestine

Highlights atrocities by Israeli forces, the miseries of Palestinian people and threats to regional peace

Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi on Thursday called for collective efforts to end the human tragedy in Palestine and avert threats to regional peace.

The foreign minister's remarks came during a dinner hosted by him at Pakistan's Embassy in New York in honour of the foreign ministers who arrived there to participate in the United Nations General Assembly's emergency session on the situation in Palestine.

During the dinner, Qureshi highlighted atrocities being committed by Israeli forces, the miseries of Palestinian people and threats to regional peace, and diplomatic efforts made by Pakistan in this regard.

The diplomat also held detailed consultation with the participating foreign ministers on adopting a joint strategy to draw the world community's attention towards grave human rights violations.

The foreign minister of Tunis and the President UN General Assembly and Permanent Representatives of OIC member countries also attended the reception.

Prior to his departure to US, Qureshi held a meeting with his Palestinian counterpart Riyad al-Maliki during which he exchanged views over the evolving situation in the besieged Gaza.

During the meeting, he conveyed the resolve of the Pakistani leadership, especially Prime Minister Imran Khan, to continue supporting the Palestinian struggle for their right to self-determination.

The minister strongly denounced Israeli aggression against the people of the occupied territory.

Qureshi will attend an emergency meeting of the United Nations General Assembly tomorrow and will draw the attention of the international community towards the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinians.

He will urge the world body to play its due role in bringing an end to the atrocities.

The minister will also hold important meetings with the UNGA president and other diplomats to highlight Pakistan's stance on regional and international issues, with a focus on the situation in Palestine.

During an interview with the Anadolu Agency on Wednesday, Qureshi said Pakistan is banking on the UNGA to play its role to evolve a consensus that leads to a cease-fire, de-escalation and an end to atrocities in Palestine.

Regarding the US' veto power on the Security Council, he said that public opinion should veto the veto power and if public opinion changes, governments that exercise veto power, are compelled to revisit policies and are compelled to rethink.

After a brief lull, barrages of rockets are being fired once again from within Gaza.

Sirens have rung out in several Israeli towns bordering the territory. Israel's military says 80 rockets and mortar shells were fired overnight, but around 90% of them were intercepted by the Iron Dome - Israeli's missile defence system.

Elsewhere, Hamas said it fired an anti-tank missile at an Israeli military vehicle, according to Palestinian media. Later, Israel's military said a solder was lightly wounded after an anti-tank missile was fired at an empty bus he was standing next to near the Gaza border.
Gaza's Hamas-run health ministry says Israeli strikes have now killed 230 people, including 65 children, since the latest round of fighting began.

The ministry said among those killed on Wednesday was a disabled man, his pregnant wife and their three-year-old child.

Israel says it takes steps to avoid civilian casualties, including giving warnings to residents ahead of its attacks. It has also blamed many deaths on rockets misfired by Hamas, and has criticised the militant group for placing military assets in densely populated civilian areas.
Gaza’s health system buckling under repeated wars, blockade

Two of Gaza's most prominent doctors, including the No. 2 in Gaza's coronavirus task force, were killed when their homes were destroyed during barrages since fighting between Hamas and Israel erupted 10 days ago.

The Gaza Strip’s already feeble health system is being brought to its knees by the fourth war in just over a decade.

Hospitals have been overwhelmed with waves of dead and wounded from Israel’s bombardment. Many vital medicines are rapidly running out in the tiny, blockaded coastal territory, as is fuel to keep electricity going.

Two of Gaza’s most prominent doctors, including the No. 2 in Gaza’s coronavirus task force, were killed when their homes were destroyed during barrages since fighting between Hamas and Israel erupted 10 days ago.

Just as Gaza was climbing out of a second wave of coronavirus infections, its only virus testing lab was damaged by an airstrike and has been shut down. Health officials fear further outbreaks among tens of thousands of displaced residents crammed into makeshift shelters after fleeing massive barrages.

Read |Israel’s Netanyahu ‘determined’ to continue Gaza operation
At one UN-run school where 1,400 people were taking shelter, Nawal al-Danaf and her five children were crammed into a single classroom with five other families. Blankets draped over cords crisscrossed the room to carve out sleeping spaces.

“The school is safe from the war, but when it comes to corona, with five families in a room, everyone infects each other,” said al-Danaf, who fled Israeli tank shelling on the northern Gaza town of Beit Lahiya a few days ago.

-Gaza officials say material losses the Gaza Strip has suffered is more than $322m

-184 residential towers, houses, and 33 media centers have been completely demolished

-More than 1,335 housing units were completely or severely demolished
Tensions emerge between US, France at the United Nations over Gaza conflict

Despite a guaranteed US veto, France proposed another draft resolution on Wednesday calling for an end to hostilities and humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. The US vetoed similar measures in recent days, with a UN spokesman saying Washington is pursuing its own “intensive diplomatic efforts”.

The conflict in the Middle East has stirred up a diplomatic stand-off at the United Nations between France and the United States, the first open tension between the two allies since Joe Biden was sworn in in January.

Despite guaranteed opposition from the United States, France proposed a draft UN Security Council resolution calling for an end to hostilities between Israel and the Palestinians, as well as humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip.

The US has repeatedly vetoed similar resolutions in recent days, saying it is instead pursuing other avenues to solve the crisis. In a call to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday, Biden expressed support for a ceasefire between Israel and the militant group Hamas that rules Gaza.

But France's proposal – announced in a statement on Tuesday evening, and undertaken in coordination with Egypt and Jordan – quickly drew a firm response from the United States, signaling it would wield its veto again if needed.

A US spokesperson at the UN told AFP: "[We] are focused on intensive diplomatic efforts under way to bring an end to the violence and that we will not support actions that we believe undermine efforts to de-escalate."

At the same time, the White House announced that Biden had directly told Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday that he expects an immediate "de-escalation".

"The president conveyed to the prime minister that he expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire," the White House said after a fourth phone call between the two men in a little over a week.

As diplomatic efforts intensified to stem the bloodshed, Germany said its top diplomat was heading to Israel for talks on Thursday. Foreign Minister Heiko Maas will meet Israel's foreign and defence ministers and travel to Ramallah to hold talks with the Palestinian premier, his office said.

The Security Council has been criticised for failing to adopt a declaration on Gaza, with the United States already rejecting three statement drafts – proposed by China, Norway and Tunisia – that called for an end to the fighting.

In announcing its draft proposal, the Élysée Palace said, "The shooting must stop, the time has come for a ceasefire and the UN Security Council must take up the issue."

Geraldine Byrne Nason, the UN ambassador for Ireland, a non-permanent member of the Security Council, said, "Members have a collective responsibility for international peace and security.

"It is high time the Council steps up, breaks its silence and speaks out."

'It's a bit strange'

France did not suggest any date for a vote on its proposed resolution, and the draft text appeared to have not been widely circulated among the 15-member Security Council.

The omissions raised speculation that the proposal was an attempt to increase pressure on Washington, or to underscore that Biden was not pursuing a more multilateral approach to international affairs than his predecessor Donald Trump.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian told parliament on Wednesday that "the American position will be quite decisive ... It is true that we have seen the United States a little behind all this".

"It's a bit strange considering the expectation that we all had for the Americans to return to multilateral diplomacy," one UN ambassador told AFP on condition of anonymity, adding: "We also thought that the United States would be keen to show the relevance of the Security Council in situations like this."

Another remarked that, with the UN resolutions, "we are just asking the US to support a statement by the Security Council that would pretty much say similar things which are being said bilaterally from Washington".

The palpable tension between France and the United States could leave traces and affect other issues. The two countries also disagreed this week on whether to give assistance to the anti-jihadist force G5 Sahel.

France, which is heavily engaged politically and militarily in the region, has been campaigning for years for financial, logistical and operational support from the UN to aid the force's 5,000 under-equipped soldiers from Niger, Chad, Mauritania, Mali and Burkina Faso.

The Trump administration categorically refused, and France had hoped for more support after Biden took office in January. But the US has since continued to oppose the French stance, instead backing bilateral aid.

‘If there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza’: UN chief

United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres told the UN General Assembly on Thursday that “if there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza”.

Guterres called for an “immediate end” to the fighting and said he was “deeply shocked by the continued air and artillery bombardment” by Israeli forces on Gaza.

He added that the “indiscriminate firing of rockets by Hamas” and other groups towards Israel – which have left 12 dead, including two children – was also “unacceptable”.

The world’s largest sovereign wealth fund has excluded two Israeli companies for constructing and letting out buildings in Israel’s settlements in the occupied West Bank, the first time it has made such a move in almost a decade.

Norway’s $1.3tn oil fund said late on Wednesday that it had sold out of Shapir Engineering and Industry as well as Mivne Real Estate and barred them from its portfolio “due to unacceptable risk that the companies contribute to systematic violations of individuals’ rights in situations or war or conflict”.

The Council of Ethics, the independent body that advises the fund on possible exclusions, said: “Israeli settlements in the West Bank have been built in violation of international law . . . their existence and constant expansion causes significant harm and disadvantage to the area’s Palestinian population.”

Shapir is involved in the construction of homes in Israeli settlements while Mivne lets industrial real estate linked to the settlements, according to the Council of Ethics.

Its recommendations date from last year, before the recent Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

The oil fund’s exclusions over Israeli settlements comes as unrest from Israel’s recent bombardment of Gaza spread to the occupied West Bank. Israeli security forces have killed more than 20 Palestinians in the West Bank since protests erupted in the territory last week. The Israeli military has said two police offices were wounded by gunfire during protests in Ramallah and a Palestinian separately attacked security forces in Hebron with an explosive device and knife.

Israel captured the West Bank from Jordanian control in 1967 in the Six Day war. About 650,000 Israeli settlers live in the occupied West Bank, including east Jerusalem, in settlements widely considered illegal under international law. The Palestinians seek the West Bank as the heartland of a future independent state.

The oil fund, which always sells out of companies before announcing their exclusion, was a relatively small owner in both companies, owning 0.1 per cent of Shapir and 0.5 per cent of Mivne at the end of 2019, with a joint value of NKr124m ($15m).

The Council of Ethics said there was an “unacceptable risk” that both companies would continue in their activities in Israeli settlements in the future.

Neither company responded to the Norwegian body’s inquiries, and neither immediately responded to requests for comment by the FT.

The fund excluded four companies a decade ago due to connections with Israeli settlements but later removed two of them from its barred list in 2013. Activists in both Norway and Palestine have urged it to take action against more companies while also targeting other investors, such as university endowments.

The oil fund is barred by the Norwegian parliament from investing in companies that produce tobacco, nuclear weapons and coal but also excludes companies based on their conduct in areas such as environmental damage or the infringement of workers’ rights. Companies it cannot invest in include Airbus, Boeing, Glencore and RWE.

Separately, the oil fund also excluded Honeys Holdings, a Japanese women’s clothing company, due to concerns about workers’ rights at two garment factories it owns in Myanmar. The recommendation to sell out of Honeys from the Council of Ethics came last year, before February’s military coup in the south-east Asian country. Honeys could not immediately be reached for comment.
The Israeli security cabinet has approved a unilateral ceasefire to end a military operation in the Gaza Strip after 11 days of fighting, Israeli media have reported.

Hamas has confirmed that a "mutual and simultaneous" truce with Israel would begin at 2am on Friday.
The Israeli security cabinet has approved a unilateral ceasefire to end a military operation in the Gaza Strip after 11 days of fighting, Israeli media have reported.

Hamas has confirmed that a "mutual and simultaneous" truce with Israel would begin at 2am on Friday.

The Israeli cabinet has confirmed the decision to approve a ceasefire but its statement says the time for it to come into effect has not yet been agreed.

The statement says the truce was proposed by Egypt and will be "mutual and unconditional".

Earlier a Hamas official said it was due to start at 02:00 local time (23:00 GMT).
The UK government says it’s offering an initial £3.2m ($4.5m) in emergency relief for the civilians of Gaza.

The funds will be given to a UN aid agency to help provide food, water and emergency shelter to Palestinians affected by the past 11 days of violence.

The humanitarian situation in Gaza was “already concerning” before this conflict, the UK government said.

Now the percentage of Gazans living in poverty is expected to rise from 53% to 64%.

Aid agencies say around 50,000 people have been displaced by the fighting, with some of them sheltering in UN schools.

"The escalation of violence and loss of life in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories has shocked all of us," the Minister for the Middle East and North Africa, James Cleverly, said.

"Both sides must work towards an immediate ceasefire, to prevent the further loss of life and a worsening humanitarian situation."
Israel wants to ethically cleanse Gaza.
So that when they invade Gaza and turn it into Israel , a few remaining Palestinians after the genocide who will become Israeli citizens. This won't impact the demographic of Israel. Israeli jews would still be the high majority.

Israel is the only country which can get away with this.
Israel wants to ethically cleanse Gaza.
So that when they invade Gaza and turn it into Israel , a few remaining Palestinians after the genocide who will become Israeli citizens. This won't impact the demographic of Israel. Israeli jews would still be the high majority.

Israel is the only country which can get away with this.

Indonesia have been committing genocide against the West Papuan on a far larger scale .
Indonesia have been committing genocide against the West Papuan on a far larger scale .

West Papuan is a province of Indonesia.

Israel is occupying someone elses land acc to Int law.

Schoolkids know this , which is why wouldnt look silly bring up this daft argument.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUST IN - Biden: US to resupply Israel's Iron Dome defense system.</p>— Disclose.tv &#55357;&#57000; (@disclosetv) <a href="https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1395501802800439297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It seems like Hama’s homemade rockets exhausted the iron dome. Is this the reason for the ceasefire?
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUST IN - Biden: US to resupply Israel's Iron Dome defense system.</p>— Disclose.tv �� (@disclosetv) <a href="https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1395501802800439297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It seems like Hama’s homemade rockets exhausted the iron dome. Is this the reason for the ceasefire?

Its partly one of the reasons. Hamas chose different tactics, one being firing so many rockets the Iron Dome cannot simply stop them all. Other being the rockets are far more accurate, hitting an Israeli battleship amongst other targets.

This was a copy of Hezbollah's tactics in the Lebanon war of 2006. Hamas however will need stronger missiles, such as the Chinese made(Iranian upgraded) Hezbollah used. If they aqquire thousands of these, the next round of violence could see big towns such as Haifa or Tel Aviv left badly damaged. I think only when the Zionists realise they are unable to stop missiles which will lay flames to any of their towns will they condiser some sort of peace deal.
If you check social media in the Gulf, majority of UAE, Saudis, and some Bahrainis are supporting israel.

On the other hand in Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, most are supporting Palestine
West Papuan is a province of Indonesia.

Israel is occupying someone elses land acc to Int law.

Schoolkids know this , which is why wouldnt look silly bring up this daft argument.

So genocide is right for Indonesians but wrong for the Israelis?

Btw Israel won that territory in a war.
So genocide is right for Indonesians but wrong for the Israelis?

Btw Israel won that territory in a war.

It was a simple point. There is a difference between occupied land acc to Int law and conflicts within the country. Genocide seems to be ok in Kashmir.

Do some basic research, East Jerusalem and West Bank were never given to Israel after any war.
Israel wants to ethically cleanse Gaza.
So that when they invade Gaza and turn it into Israel , a few remaining Palestinians after the genocide who will become Israeli citizens. This won't impact the demographic of Israel. Israeli jews would still be the high majority.

Israel is the only country which can get away with this.

They dont want Gaza. They only want the West Bank. However they are the only country who can get away without offering citizenship to people without being called Apartheid.
Whoever may be wrong here. But to stop innocent casualties, Hamas should not fire rockets from Civilian buildings. They are putting innocent kids in harms way by launching their rockets from densely populated areas.

Both Hamas and Israel should go to some deserted place and fight there. Shooting down buildings where innocent people live is pathetic.

I agree Hamas should not fire rockets, however the conflict existed long before Hamas was even created.

It is high time for Muslims and armchair activists to overcome their fantasies and delusions and realize that nothing can be done about it.

The Arab countries tried to fight Palestine’s war until they got thrashed in 1967 and made the right call to leave Palestine to its own fate.

Today, most of these countries have normalized relations with Israel and will continue to do so in the future.

Non-Arab Muslim countries will also not fight Palestine’s war because there is nothing to be gained from it.

Israel has powerful armed forces and intelligence and more importantly, it is backed by the most powerful country in the world.

No Muslim country is dumb enough to fight Palestine’s war, only armchair activists and online Palestine supporters are eager to see Muslims ganging up on Israel.

Even Imran Khan and the Pakistani military have enough intelligence to realize that Pakistan cannot dare to do something practical about it because the consequences will be terrible. As a result, they are left with no choice but to offer verbal criticism.

Pakistan must realize that the world is moving on and times are changing. Soon enough, Pakistan will stand alone as the only Muslim country to not recognize Israel. In due time, Pakistan will also accept the reality, but hopefully not before it is too late.

I agree, every dog has its day.
Things come round in cycles as History teaches us. The British, Turks, Muslims, Romans etc. have had their taste of empire.
We are now at the beginning of a conglomerate style Empire Block on one side that includes USA, Israel and India working in cahoots to dominate the world against the likes of China and Russia.
I agree Hamas should not fire rockets, however the conflict existed long before Hamas was even created.
To an outsider it could seem as if Hamas is an Israeli body that benefits from these catastrophes... An unelected organisation that is has overseen devastation of its people. West Bank is reactionary but Gaza depute being most at risk always bears the brunt due to, sadly, futile activity that always leaves it worse off.

One Gazan surely isn't equivalent to twenty Israelis ( and a few Thais at that)?
To an outsider it could seem as if Hamas is an Israeli body that benefits from these catastrophes... An unelected organisation that is has overseen devastation of its people. West Bank is reactionary but Gaza depute being most at risk always bears the brunt due to, sadly, futile activity that always leaves it worse off.

One Gazan surely isn't equivalent to twenty Israelis ( and a few Thais at that)?

What happened to the other one? Fatah? I remember a few years ago there were 2 of them - Hamas and Fatah.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">JUST IN - Biden: US to resupply Israel's Iron Dome defense system.</p>— Disclose.tv �� (@disclosetv) <a href="https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1395501802800439297?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 20, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

It seems like Hama’s homemade rockets exhausted the iron dome. Is this the reason for the ceasefire?

Israel are a "2 years' delay in supply" away from struggling against Hamas' basement made firecrackers.
Saudi Arabia’s King Salman condemns what he calls Israeli aggression in Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip.

King Salman says the kingdom will keep reaching out to all parties to put pressure on Israel’s “occupation government”.
After hundreds killed in Gaza conflict, Israelis ask: Who won?

In Tel Aviv, the generals at military high command were triumphant. But in Beersheba, where commanders oversaw significant parts of the campaign in Gaza, there was greater caution.

At two of the main command centers of the Israeli military Thursday night, officers leading the Gaza offensive tallied what they considered the achievements of their latest conflict with Hamas: scores of militants killed, 340 rocket launchers destroyed, 60 miles of underground tunnels collapsed.

But with the declaration of a cease-fire — after more than 10 days of fighting that killed at least 230 Palestinians and 12 Israelis, and devastated hospitals and other infrastructure in Gaza — the mood at the two bases, one in the southern Israeli city of Beersheba, the other in Tel Aviv, was mixed.

In Tel Aviv, the generals at military high command were triumphant. But in Beersheba, where commanders oversaw significant parts of the campaign in Gaza, there was greater caution.

On three occasions since Hamas took full control of Gaza in 2007, Israel has launched major offensives aimed at degrading the group’s military capabilities, only to see Hamas rebuild and to achieve little success in actually changing the situation. This time, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed, would be different.

Armed with extensive war plans, Israel’s military leaders methodically went down a list of targets, trying to inflict maximum damage on Hamas’ military abilities and its commanders. Yet even now, the top echelons of the Israeli military acknowledge that their efforts may not prevent another round of fighting, perhaps even in the near future.

Nevertheless, many expressed satisfaction with what was accomplished in degrading Hamas. As they emerge after the cease-fire, Hamas’ leaders will be sorry that they started this round, said one high-ranking Israeli officer in Tel Aviv, who was involved in the planning and execution of the operation. Hamas, he added, did not know how much Israeli intelligence knew about them and how effectively Israel would thwart all their attack plans.

But others were more tentative. Even if Israel had met its military objectives, a senior officer in Beersheba said, it remained uncertain whether the war would prevent future battles.

Hamas and its affiliates still have about 8,000 rockets, according to another senior Israeli officer, and several hundred rocket launchers, according to the senior officer in Beersheba — enough for two future wars.

“I just don’t know,” the officer in Beersheba said, speaking anonymously to give a candid assessment of the outcome. “We need more time to analyze whether it was a success.”

Questions have been raised in Israel, the United States and elsewhere about whether the Israeli military’s response to Hamas’ rocket attacks was proportionate and in adherence to international law.

Even once the war ends, the issues that fueled it will remain. And the war has also created a diplomatic cost for Israel, since it has heightened criticism of Israeli policies from an increasing number of Democrats in the United States.

The very calculus that Israel uses to judge its military success is illegitimate, said Yousef Munayyer, a Washington-based analyst and rights campaigner.

“Israelis often refer to this callously as ‘mowing the lawn,’ periodic maintenance it has to do by bombing one of the world’s most densely populated spots, which it also holds under a blockade,” Munayyer said. “There is no morality in a war whose repetition is preplanned.”

Since Hamas won elections in Gaza in 2006 and took full control in 2007, forcing out a more moderate Palestinian leadership, Israel has been locked in a seemingly never-ending cycle of war and skirmishes with the group that both sides have incentives to perpetuate.

Like the United States, Israel considers Hamas a terrorist group. Along with Egypt, Israel has enforced a crippling blockade on Gaza to prevent Hamas militants from obtaining the materials they need to make weapons. Hamas’ presence in the enclave also allows Netanyahu to argue that Israel has no partner for peace, easing pressure to restart peace negotiations.

For its part, Hamas refuses to recognize Israel’s existence. And by firing sporadic rocket salvos at civilian areas in Israel, it can maintain its image as a protector of Palestinians, particularly in comparison with its rival political faction, Fatah.

To deter Hamas, Israel has tried in its earlier conflicts to destroy enough of the group’s weaponry to secure an extra few years of what some Israelis describe as “quiet.”

For Palestinians, though, the concept of quiet has long been meaningless. Even without a war, many say life is never calm or easy for Palestinians living under occupation or blockade.

Now even senior Israeli soldiers disagree about whether the latest war will prevent further escalations in the immediate or medium term.

In addition to killing more than 230 Palestinians in Gaza, including 65 children, the Israeli airstrikes have devastated civilian infrastructure, wrecked sewage systems and water pipes, damaged at least 17 hospitals and clinics, severely damaged or destroyed about 1,000 buildings and suspended operations at Gaza’s only coronavirus testing laboratory.

Viewed simply through a military lens, two senior officers in Tel Aviv contended that the operation had gone according to plan and had achieved more even than they had expected. A team of hundreds of Israeli intelligence officers had prepared a long list of potential targets and how to destroy them, plans that were quickly enacted after the outbreak of the war.

Unlike Hamas, which fires unguided rockets indiscriminately at residential areas, Israel argues that officers and military lawyers weigh these questions carefully before beginning an assault and have canceled attacks where they perceive there is a risk of killing civilians — though they have carried out many attacks that killed and wounded civilians.

Chief among the Israeli military’s targets was a 250-mile tunnel network that allowed militants to hide from airstrikes, move around without detection by Israeli drones and launch rockets from underground facilities. By Thursday night, the Israeli military said it had destroyed nearly one-third of that network, degrading one of Hamas’ most treasured assets.

Nearly 30 senior Hamas commanders were killed in Israeli strikes, as well as a key engineer involved in rocket production, one Israeli officer said. And key research and development centers, including one used to jam the Israeli anti-missile defense system, were destroyed, according to several officers.

The Israeli military also managed to foil an attempt by militants to use one tunnel to cross into Israel, avoiding a repeat of an embarrassing episode in the last major escalation, in 2014, one senior officer said.

In general, that officer said, Israel had managed to achieve more in 50 hours of fighting than in the 50 days of the war in 2014. Israel even extended the war a few days longer than some military commanders believed was necessary. They did so to diminish Hamas’ political achievements by trying to disconnect Palestinians’ perceptions of the war from the factors that led to its eruption — like land rights and religious tensions in East Jerusalem.

But even if Israel’s military leadership deems the military campaign a short-term win, the question of what constitutes a victory in the longer term — and whether Israel adhered to international law in the process — is much more contested.

For Ami Ayalon, a retired admiral and former head of the Israeli navy, Israel’s airstrikes have brought only an “artificial quiet.” The core issues driving the Israeli-Palestinian conflict — the lack of a sovereign Palestinian state, millions of West Bank Palestinians under military occupation, the blockade of Gaza — remain unaddressed.

“The idea of having a victory photo is nonsense,” said Ayalon. “In every case of war, the goal should be to create a better political reality.” But the conflict in Gaza, he added, “will not bring us to any kind of better political reality.”

The high numbers of civilian deaths in Gaza have also heightened Palestinian anger at Israel and spurred international outrage. That has strengthened Hamas’ legitimacy among some Palestinians and made the prospect of a resumption of peace negotiations, let alone a final status agreement between Israelis and Palestinians, ever more remote.

For some Israeli military analysts, however, Israel achieved the best available outcome.

Hamas does not recognize Israeli sovereignty, so it is not considered a potential partner for peace. But to remove the group from power would require an extended and costly ground campaign, said Gabi Siboni, a reserve colonel in the army and military expert at the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and Security, a research group. That in turn would enmesh Israel in the unwanted drudgery of day-to-day governance, an outcome Israel wanted to avoid, he said.

Defanging Hamas’ military arsenal for a few years and making the group wary of restarting hostilities was therefore the best outcome, Siboni added.

“It’s about building a memory so that it will take them time to say, ‘Let’s do it again,’” he said.

Victory or not, the war has also sharpened scrutiny of Israeli military conduct.

While international legislation accepts that civilians and civilian infrastructure will inevitably be harmed during strikes on nearby military targets, the law says that harm to civilians must be proportionate to the likely military advantage derived from the attack.

But critics point to strikes like the one that killed 12 members of the Abul Ouf family Sunday morning — during an attack on what the Israeli army said was an underground military base next to their house — as evidence that the number of civilians killed by Israel was highly disproportionate to the military advantage it gained from such strikes.

“This is a crime,” said Mostafa al-Yazji, 40, a businessman who lost several relatives in the strike. “These were innocent people who had nothing to do with anything.”

Israel has also been accused of hitting targets that cannot legitimately be described as military sites. When an Israeli missile smashed through a residential building in Gaza early Friday, killing several young children from the Hadidi family, Israel justified the attack by saying that it had been aimed at a senior militant who lived in the same block.

Hamas systematically hides its commanders and rocket sites within residential areas, one senior Israeli officer in Beersheba said. “There is no target that is separated from the people,” he said. “Every target is among the people.”

But for some former Israeli soldiers, that explanation far exceeds “a common-sense definition of what a military target is,” in the words of Yehuda Shaul, a onetime Israeli staff sergeant who is a co-founder of Breaking the Silence, a group of former Israeli soldiers who campaign against what they say are Israeli military abuses.

“Are they saying that every private house of every Israeli company commander and above is a legitimate target?” Shaul added. “That’s insane.”


About 400 protesters gathered in Cardiff calling for a "free Palestine".

More than 250 people have been killed since fighting began between Israel and Palestinian militants in the Gaza Strip on 10 May amid rising tension in East Jerusalem.

A ceasefire was agreed on Friday between Israel and the Palestinian militant group Hamas in Gaza.

The protest, organised by the Cardiff Palestine Solidarity Campaign, was held outside BBC Cymru Wales' offices.

"This has to stop," said Mohammed Hadia, one of the organisers, who said more than 60 children were among the fatalities in Gaza.

"The West and the international community has to stand up and say this is enough." Israel says 13 people have been killed there, including two children.

The army said militants had fired more than 4,300 rockets during the conflict, many at southern cities.
“Twenty to 30 years ago, Israel’s settler extremists were on the fringe of society but today we live in a reality where right-wing extremist Itamar Ben-Gvir is a member of the Knesset.”

- Rami Younis, Lod-based Palestinian journalist.
Dozens of Jewish settlers, flanked by heavily armed Israeli special forces, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem in the early morning, hours after Palestinian worshippers were beaten and assaulted by Israeli police, according to the Islamic authority overseeing the site.

Citing witnesses, Palestinian news agency WAFA said Israeli police had earlier on Sunday assaulted Palestinian worshippers who were performing dawn prayers at the mosque and “excessively beat” them in order to make way for Israeli Jewish settlers to storm the compound – Islam’s third-holiest site.

WAFA added that at least six Palestinians had been arrested, including Fadi Alyan, a guard at the Al-Aqsa Mosque who tried to film the incident, and Ali Wazouz, an employee of the Islamic Waqf Council, the religious body appointed by Jordan to oversee the Al-Aqsa compound.
Dozens of Jewish settlers, flanked by heavily armed Israeli special forces, stormed the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem in the early morning, hours after Palestinian worshippers were beaten and assaulted by Israeli police, according to the Islamic authority overseeing the site.

Citing witnesses, Palestinian news agency WAFA said Israeli police had earlier on Sunday assaulted Palestinian worshippers who were performing dawn prayers at the mosque and “excessively beat” them in order to make way for Israeli Jewish settlers to storm the compound – Islam’s third-holiest site.

WAFA added that at least six Palestinians had been arrested, including Fadi Alyan, a guard at the Al-Aqsa Mosque who tried to film the incident, and Ali Wazouz, an employee of the Islamic Waqf Council, the religious body appointed by Jordan to oversee the Al-Aqsa compound.

But but but hamas are the aggressors and israel is only defending itself
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pro-Palestinian mob attacks Jewish diners by spitting on them. <a href="https://t.co/RKP73TfMKp">pic.twitter.com/RKP73TfMKp</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1395548301512962050?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pro-Palestinian mob attacks Jewish diners by spitting on them. <a href="https://t.co/RKP73TfMKp">pic.twitter.com/RKP73TfMKp</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1395548301512962050?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Attack diners? They seem to have had an issue with one person in the video They didnt attack all the diners like is being implied

Half a video there We didnt see what led to this or if there was provocation
Attack diners? They seem to have had an issue with one person in the video They didnt attack all the diners like is being implied

Half a video there We didnt see what led to this or if there was provocation

You'd make a good lawyer for their cause.

It's hard to imagine diners at a restaurant explicitly provoking a mob walking outside with flags wrapped around their chests.

You'll get such incidents from both sides. Just condemn it and move on.
You'd make a good lawyer for their cause.

It's hard to imagine diners at a restaurant explicitly provoking a mob walking outside with flags wrapped around their chests.

You'll get such incidents from both sides. Just condemn it and move on.

I do condemn any violence or slurs from any side

If the mob was intent on violence or it was pre planned then wouldnt have walked away like that

Its clear they had an issue with one particular person in that video rather than the sensational headline suggetsing mob attacked jewish diners
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Pro-Palestinian mob attacks Jewish diners by spitting on them. <a href="https://t.co/RKP73TfMKp">pic.twitter.com/RKP73TfMKp</a></p>— Ian Miles Cheong (@stillgray) <a href="https://twitter.com/stillgray/status/1395548301512962050?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 21, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

That Ian person is a known bigot known for posting fake videos and half truths. His main identity is spreading fake news.

I would wait or look for the full video rather than make a judgment on a edited clip this dude posts.

Anyways if they did randomly attack innocent diners then it’s wrong. Just it’s hard to trust anything from that source.
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Jacob Fauci the American Settler

Zionist companies are hiring Americans to move to Israel and occupy Palestinian homes

This Zionist is from New York
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Why are people protesting now? Isn’t there a ceasefire and the attacks on Jews is not surprising since a lot of Palestinian supporters don’t really know the difference against Jews and Israelis and even then you should not attack Israelis.
Why are people protesting now? Isn’t there a ceasefire and the attacks on Jews is not surprising since a lot of Palestinian supporters don’t really know the difference against Jews and Israelis and even then you should not attack Israelis.

For the rights of Palestinian people.

Protests will keep on going in all major Western cities. (no idea about India/China etc.)
Two Israelis stabbed, Palestinian assailant killed in Jerusalem - medics

A Palestinian stabbed and wounded two Israelis, one of them a soldier, and was then shot dead on Monday near a flashpoint area of East Jerusalem that has been the focus of Palestinian protests, emergency services said.

Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service said two men in their 20s had been injured in the attack, one seriously and one lightly.

Israel's Zaka emergency service, which also sent a crew to the scene to handle the remains of any potential fatalities, confirmed the suspected assailant had been killed, after police said the attacker had been "neutralised".

The incident occurred near the neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where the potential evictions of Palestinian families drew mass protests and helped spark 11 days of fighting between Israel and Gaza militants.

The military said one of the wounded was a soldier. Video posted on social media showed him, wearing an Israeli air force uniform, with a knife lodged in his back as he knelt on the ground and received treatment from medics.

Tensions have been high in Sheikh Jarrah and at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, where Israeli police raids in recent weeks helped to trigger a military confrontation between Israel and Hamas, Gaza's Islamist rulers.

An Egyptian-mediated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held into a fourth day on Monday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due to visit the region this week for talks with Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian and Jordanian leaders.

Two Israelis stabbed, Palestinian assailant killed in Jerusalem - medics

A Palestinian stabbed and wounded two Israelis, one of them a soldier, and was then shot dead on Monday near a flashpoint area of East Jerusalem that has been the focus of Palestinian protests, emergency services said.

Israel's Magen David Adom ambulance service said two men in their 20s had been injured in the attack, one seriously and one lightly.

Israel's Zaka emergency service, which also sent a crew to the scene to handle the remains of any potential fatalities, confirmed the suspected assailant had been killed, after police said the attacker had been "neutralised".

The incident occurred near the neighbourhood of Sheikh Jarrah, where the potential evictions of Palestinian families drew mass protests and helped spark 11 days of fighting between Israel and Gaza militants.

The military said one of the wounded was a soldier. Video posted on social media showed him, wearing an Israeli air force uniform, with a knife lodged in his back as he knelt on the ground and received treatment from medics.

Tensions have been high in Sheikh Jarrah and at Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem's Old City, where Israeli police raids in recent weeks helped to trigger a military confrontation between Israel and Hamas, Gaza's Islamist rulers.

An Egyptian-mediated ceasefire between Israel and Hamas held into a fourth day on Monday. U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is due to visit the region this week for talks with Israeli, Palestinian, Egyptian and Jordanian leaders.


Terror state at it again Carrying out extra judicial killings

Israeli occupation soldiers assaulting Palestinian food delivery worker

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Killing Gaza (2018)

In Killing Gaza, journalists Dan Cohen and Max Blumenthal documented Israel’s 2014 war on Gaza.

Yet this film is much more than a documentary about Palestinian resilience and suffering. It is a chilling visual document of war crimes committed by the Israeli military, featuring direct testimony and evidence from the survivors.

"Max Blumenthal and Dan Cohen’s powerful new film, 'Killing Gaza,' offers an unflinching and moving portrait of a people largely abandoned by the outside world, struggling to endure." - Pulitzer-prize winning journalist, best-selling author and activist Chris Hedges.


Here is the link to stream it: https://vimeo.com/549520612

Zionist Fascism on display

Israeli police are rounding up hundreds of Palestinians to ‘settle scores’ in mass arrest campaign

Israeli forces are rounding up Palestinians en masse inside Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory as part of what Israeli police are calling “Operation Law & Order”, following two weeks of Palestinian uprisings over Israeli aggressions in Jerusalem, Sheikh Jarrah, and Gaza.




Israeli forces are rounding up Palestinians en masse inside Israel and the occupied Palestinian territory as part of what Israeli police are calling “Operation Law & Order”, following two weeks of Palestinian uprisings over Israeli aggressions in Jerusalem, Sheikh Jarrah, and Gaza.

Shortly after midnight on Monday the Israeli police announced plans to “launch an extensive arrest operation across the country,” targeting Palestinian citizens of Israel over the next 48 hours in order to “settle scores” and “close accounts.”

Israeli Hebrew-language media sites reported that the operation was approved by Israel’s Minister of Internal Security Amir Ohana and Police Commissioner Major General Kobi Shabtai, the latter of which instructed thousands of active officers and reservists to arrest a target goal of 500 Palestinians.

Ynet news reported that “a few days after recovering, mostly from the trauma in Lod (Lydd),” Israeli police realized that their “deterrence” policy had been “severely damaged.”

In the early hours of Monday morning, videos began surfacing on social media of Israeli police handcuffing, blindfolding, and rounding up Palestinians in the streets of Lydd (Lod), a historically Palestinian city in central Israel that became the site of massive Palestinian protests two weeks ago, after an Israeli setter shot and killed Moussa Hassouna, a resident of Lydd.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Israeli forces and police are going on a mass arresting rampage in Lydd, and other Palestinian cities in an attempt to ‘even the score’ with Palestinians that spoke up against their ethnic cleansing. This is what we warned about. Israel will target us all when you stop looking. <a href="https://t.co/RvYbyQcSUl">pic.twitter.com/RvYbyQcSUl</a></p>— مريم البرغوثي (@MariamBarghouti) <a href="https://twitter.com/MariamBarghouti/status/1396584730154475522?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 23, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Ynet reported that police have already prepared consolidated cases against the Palestinians being rounded up, “with evidence that will allow a speedy indictment to be filed,” adding that the Israel State Attorney’s Office has already filed more than 140 indictments in all districts against some 230 defendants, “Arabs and Jews, some of them minors, for various offenses in the riots.”

While the Israeli police claimed the operation was targeting Palestinians “identified with criminal organizations,” Palestinian activists and rights groups have called Israeli authorities out for what they are saying is “pure collective punishment,” and a clear attempt to punish and suppress those who partook in protests as part of the ‘unity uprising.’

“The massive arrest campaign announced by Israeli police last night is a militarized war against Palestinian citizens of Israel,” Dr. Hassan Jabareen, general director of Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel said in a statement.

“This is a war against Palestinian demonstrators, political activists, and minors, employing massive Israeli police forces to raid the homes of Palestinian citizens. These raids are intended to intimidate and to exact revenge on Palestinian citizens of Israel – ‘to settle the score’ with Palestinians, in the Israeli police’s own words – for their political positions and activities,” Jabareen said.

One system for Palestinians, another for Jews

Monday’s arrest campaign was not limited to Palestinian citizens of Israel, however, with reports from Palestinian rights groups like Grassroots Jerusalem indicating that at least 15 Palestinians from Jerusalem were rounded up on Monday morning.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Thread 1/2: The Occupation forces are carrying a violent mass arrests campaign, against Jerusalemites and Palestinians living in the lands occupied in 1948. Since this morning at least 15 Jerusalemites were arrested. <a href="https://t.co/eKE1Jn7g9H">pic.twitter.com/eKE1Jn7g9H</a></p>— Grassroots Al-Quds (@grassroots_quds) <a href="https://twitter.com/grassroots_quds/status/1396756875291643908?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 24, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Local Palestinian media have also reported widespread night raids in the occupied West Bank in recent weeks, with Israeli soldiers targeting Palestinian activists, journalists, and youth who participated in recent protests in the territory.

In a report https://www.addameer.org/media/4393 published on Monday, Palestinian prisoners’ rights group Addameer pointed out that since April at least 1,800 Palestinians in the West Bank, Jerusalem, and historic Palestine have been arrested and/or detained.

As for those who were arrested and rounded up in the weeks prior to Monday’s campaign, many Palestinians in places like Jerusalem are facing arbitrary bans on entering their holy sites, and are being forced to pay thousands of dollars in bail.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">“[Palestinian activist] Shadi ElKharouf, was released yesterday on the condition that he’s banished from Al-Aqsa for 6 months & w a $7,400 bail. Imagine the dollars lost to the treasury of the Zionist government in bail money. Especially with the large numbers of detainees.” <a href="https://t.co/DmzkxzWtIb">https://t.co/DmzkxzWtIb</a></p>— Mohammed (@m7mdkurd) <a href="https://twitter.com/m7mdkurd/status/1396795618211897347?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 24, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Addameer pointed out that while arbitrary arrest of Palestinians who participate in protests and Palestinian political life is common practice for Israel, the most recent escalation of Israeli state violence “notably escalated in its aim as a blanket repression and collective punishment of all who engage in protest, self-defense, and many more.”

The group highlighted the fact that while many Palestinians, particularly those living in Israel, are being hunted down and indicted on charges of “incitement” and racially-motivated violence against Jews, Israeli settler violence is “afforded immunity and protection,” despite widespread documentation of Israeli mobs chanting “death to Arabs” and targeting Palestinians and their property in places like Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, and Akka — often in the presence of police.

Israeli media have reportedly widely on the case of three Jewish Israelis being indicted on “terrorism” charges for their participation in the lynching of a Palestinian man, 33-year-old Said Moussa, in the central Israeli city of Beit Yam.

Moussa’s lynching was broadcast on live Israeli television, as Jewish Israeli mobs pulled him out of his car and beat him within an inch of death, reportedly in the presence of Israeli authorities.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Reminding us that Pals inside Israel are also fighting a military system bent on oppressing them, Israel has launched a mass arrest campaign to pick up those who took to the street the past 2 weeks. Obvs, no similar arrests for Jewish mobs - their violence was state sanctioned.</p>— Tareq Baconi طارق بقعوني (@TareqBaconi) <a href="https://twitter.com/TareqBaconi/status/1396767105882677248?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">May 24, 2021</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>

Haaretz reported that prior to the lynching of Moussa, “dozens of right-wing activists marched in the city and attacked a number of Arab-owned businesses. The rioters smashed windows, threw objects and chanted racist slogans.”

In its report, Haaretz quoted a senior police official who said that “There was an estimate that a few dozen people would come – but in reality 300 people came.”

Despite documentation in the media and on social media networks, and the admission of police that hundreds of Israeli Jews took part in these mobs, there was no evidence to suggest that hundreds of Israeli Jews were also being rounded up in massive arrest campaigns, like the ones currently targeting Palestinians.

“The existence of two different legal systems for groups living in the same area, highlighted by the escalation of recent events, clearly consecrates the Israeli apartheid regime, whether in Jerusalem and the 1948 occupied territories, or in the West Bank under the military regime,” Addameer said.

Source: https://mondoweiss.net/2021/05/isra...ans-to-settle-scores-in-mass-arrest-campaign/