We are here to win:CricketJoshila


ODI Captain
Mar 16, 2011
Post of the Week
After the newly appointed Red Army Head Coach CricketJoshila announced his 1st line up,Goal.com caught up with him for a short one to one.

GC:COngarts on being appointed the Head Coach of the Red Army

CJ.:Thank You.

GC:Were you surprised when you got the job?Do you think you will be at a disadvantage because of the lack of activity of the team in the transfers?

CJ:Well i was surprised and happy at the same time to get this oppurtunity to manage the Reds.Well we may have been a bit subdued in the transfers,but we have a good team here.And i am happy with it.We still have a sizeable budget for the mid season and we will look at it when it comes.Remember,its not the best players who win,its the best team that wins.

GC:What aspect of the team you would be looking to strenthen?

CJ:Well as i said i would look into it when it comes,right now i am happy with what i have.

GC:Some other teams have had a head start,will you play catching up with them and be defensive and then push after you have had an oppurtunity in the mid season transfer?

CJ:Football is played to score goals and i am not aware of any other way to play it.And no we wont be doing catch up,we are here to win,let others do the catch up.

GC:Best of luck for the rest of the season

CJ:Thank You
Your first job as manager is to face Astropussy at the dreaded Black Hole. We will be sure to 'welcome' you.
Thank you IB and Rizzy.

we will return your welcome in the same way.Dont worry.
Well done. Despite having no possession and allowing 32 shots on goal you have managed to escape the black hole with a draw.