What if series: In case of a war between Russia and Israel, whom will the government in India back?

In case of a war between Russia and Israel, whom will the government in India back?

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The Bald Eagle

Super Moderator
Staff member
Nov 25, 2023
India always had strong ties with Soviet Union and after it's dismantling it maintained the strong ties with its successor Russia. In comparison, India's bond with Israel is still in its preliminary stage and has just gotten hype under Narendra Modi government. Although the recent closeness with India and Israel has lot to do with their far right ideologies but is it that strong that can make India turn it's back against Russia aka the reliable friend.

So as an Indian or a person with interest in global politics what do you believe would be the response of the Indian government and people in case of an eventual war between Russia and Israel?
Poll added Guys! This poll pertains to Indian government although if you guys want to include option of Indians support too in poll then please let us know.
This is a far fetched scenario brother.

From my perspective to hell with all sides and parties you have mentioned and to hell with Indian support.
Since start of Ukraine war, have hardly seen Indians doing processions in favor of Russia. While regular processions for Israel are too common with free key board wars to justify their atrocities against Palestine too.
India will support neither. Just the way India remained neutral in the Ukraine-Russia conflict.

Taking sides is what Pakistan does. Then they end up double crossing both parties. 😂
Russians are not Muslims😂

I believe around 10% of Russians are Muslims. Chechens are Russians also.

Anyway, Russia tends to have a good relation with Muslim nations (including Palestine). It is fair to call Russia somewhat of an ally of Muslim world.

My point is BJP Indians are likely to side with Israel because Israel attack Palestinians.
Doesn’t matter. India with its paper planes, and heavy artillery consisting of sticks, mud and dancing is no threat to any nation on earth. They will just resort to flooding Twitter or YouTube comments section for whichever side they are with / oppose.
I believe around 10% of Russians are Muslims. Chechens are Russians also.

Anyway, Russia tends to have a good relation with Muslim nations (including Palestine). It is fair to call Russia somewhat of an ally of Muslim world.

My point is BJP Indians are likely to side with Israel because Israel attack Palestinians.
Close to 20% of Israel is Arab Muslim. May be you did know that.

Russia fought a brutal war with Chechnya for more than a decade from 1999-2009. An estimated 60,000-80,000 were killed on both sides. Mostly Chechen civilians. I guess those Muslims do not matter now🙄
Close to 20% of Israel is Arab Muslim. May be you did know that.

Russia fought a brutal war with Chechnya for more than a decade from 1999-2009. An estimated 60,000-80,000 were killed on both sides. Mostly Chechen civilians. I guess those Muslims do not matter now🙄

I am aware of Israel's Arab population. I am also aware of Chechen wars which happened a long time ago.

In current times, Russia have good relations with all Muslim states.

Anyway, topic is about which side India would pick if Russia and Israel fight. I am guessing BJP Indians would cheer for Israel (due to their Islamophobia).
I am aware of Israel's Arab population. I am also aware of Chechen wars which happened a long time ago.

In current times, Russia have good relations with all Muslim states.

Anyway, topic is about which side India would pick if Russia and Israel fight. I am guessing BJP Indians would cheer for Israel (due to their Islamophobia).
I am not the one who brought in India and Muslims into this topic. May be you need to read your own posts.

Its not long time ago. Just 14 year ago. 60-80k Chechen civilians were killed and you are willing to ignore it. I guess you have large heart. :afridi
Ind will stay neutral as it is their policy. W oi nt take any sides or join the war unlike Pak. Ind is not a puppet atate of any country unlike Pak
Indians are running to Israel right now begging to fight the war against innocent Palestinians and children, I’m sure they will side with Israel. Publicly they’ll say we’re neutral but we all know the ties between modi and Netanyahu run deep.
We will be on the side of the Dharma as always. Contrary to what most people think it’s always going to be a straight forward decision for the Rashtra.
Shouldn't the hypothetical scenarios of what Pakistan be doing discussed here?
There is a US China war in the future? What side will Pakistan take?
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India is going to side with Israel IMO. Russia is having a good relationship with Pakistan so IMO India will not be on their side for this very reason.
Indians are running to Israel right now begging to fight the war against innocent Palestinians and children, I’m sure they will side with Israel. Publicly they’ll say we’re neutral but we all know the ties between modi and Netanyahu run deep.
When has India shown any support for Israel on the war?

Indian stance is always for the benefit of its people. That is how geopolitics works.
This is not some quarrel between friends or internal politics at office level.

Even at personal level, one should make a decision not because of their personal ties but on what they feel right.

Indian foreign policy is well defined on this aspect which Pakistan failed to emulate in the basic sense.
Poll added Guys! This poll pertains to Indian government although if you guys want to include option of Indians support too in poll then please let us know.
India will sit on the fence and watch, while urging both parties to end the war.
Both Russia and Israel are important to India.
I am aware of Israel's Arab population. I am also aware of Chechen wars which happened a long time ago.

In current times, Russia have good relations with all Muslim states.

Anyway, topic is about which side India would pick if Russia and Israel fight. I am guessing BJP Indians would cheer for Israel (due to their Islamophobia).

What you and most posters fail to understand is that the government of India be it BJP or Congress have historically had good relations with muslim world.

Under BJP government, India has better relations with Muslim world than Pakistan, an Islamic country.

By, BJP Indians, if you mean the andhbhakts and gullible brainwashed fools who believe anything or everything the media/government tells them, then they will cheer for whoever the media/government portray as villain.
If the media projects Israel as evil then they will support Russia and vice Versa.
Those guys don’t have a mind of their own and unfortunately they are the ones who form a huge vote bank.
It's like asking an 'andhbhakht' to choose between BJP and RSS. Like trying to pick your favorite shade of saffron. :inti
Doesn’t matter. India with its paper planes, and heavy artillery consisting of sticks, mud and dancing is no threat to any nation on earth. They will just resort to flooding Twitter or YouTube comments section for whichever side they are with / oppose.

Why didn't you tell this to those 90k in Dhaka or those who ran away leaving their dead behind in Kargil?
India is going to side with Israel IMO. Russia is having a good relationship with Pakistan so IMO India will not be on their side for this very reason.

What good relationship? You do realise that India and Russia have a military pact.
This is a far fetched scenario brother.

From my perspective to hell with all sides and parties you have mentioned and to hell with Indian support.

I think it’s a very possible scenario, however it won’t be Israel v Russia . The tiny Zionist outpost was created by Britain & protected by USA. The war will be world war 3, west & Israel v Russia , China & its allies inc Iran etc .

Soviet Union was an ally of India but Russia since & now is an orthodox Christian nation. Russia is good partners with India as it’s a big market for its oil & military industry & brics too now . Other than this it has little in common with India . Reason why Russia is now trading & even helping in military training with Pakistan .

In any WW3 scenario, it will depend on who is controlling India , if it’s the RSS it’s likely they will side against China & be with Israel , who will use India to use nukes against Pakistan, causing mutual destruction. If it’s someone sensible they may make a peace deal to stay neutral & not enter in conflict with anyone .

The messianic Jews are working on this…
I think it’s a very possible scenario, however it won’t be Israel v Russia . The tiny Zionist outpost was created by Britain & protected by USA. The war will be world war 3, west & Israel v Russia , China & its allies inc Iran etc .

Soviet Union was an ally of India but Russia since & now is an orthodox Christian nation. Russia is good partners with India as it’s a big market for its oil & military industry & brics too now . Other than this it has little in common with India . Reason why Russia is now trading & even helping in military training with Pakistan .

In any WW3 scenario, it will depend on who is controlling India , if it’s the RSS it’s likely they will side against China & be with Israel , who will use India to use nukes against Pakistan, causing mutual destruction. If it’s someone sensible they may make a peace deal to stay neutral & not enter in conflict with anyone .

The messianic Jews are working on this…
in this scenario I'm less worried about India and more worried about Pakistan.
I think it’s a very possible scenario, however it won’t be Israel v Russia . The tiny Zionist outpost was created by Britain & protected by USA. The war will be world war 3, west & Israel v Russia , China & its allies inc Iran etc .

Soviet Union was an ally of India but Russia since & now is an orthodox Christian nation. Russia is good partners with India as it’s a big market for its oil & military industry & brics too now . Other than this it has little in common with India . Reason why Russia is now trading & even helping in military training with Pakistan .

In any WW3 scenario, it will depend on who is controlling India , if it’s the RSS it’s likely they will side against China & be with Israel , who will use India to use nukes against Pakistan, causing mutual destruction. If it’s someone sensible they may make a peace deal to stay neutral & not enter in conflict with anyone .

The messianic Jews are working on this…

Why would Israel want to nuke Pakistan?
in this scenario I'm less worried about India and more worried about Pakistan.

In this scenario unless you’re in the arctic , it’s misery & pain for everyone. Once a nuclear war starts there will be no stopping it . Anyone under 50 is likely to witness this in their lifetime.
Why would Israel want to nuke Pakistan?

In any ww3 scenario you take out nations with nukes who may be a threat to you . Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with nukes , it will be an early target in such a war. Israel previously attempted to stop Pakistani nuclear weapons being created
In any ww3 scenario you take out nations with nukes who may be a threat to you . Pakistan is the only Muslim nation with nukes , it will be an early target in such a war. Israel previously attempted to stop Pakistani nuclear weapons being created

Pakistan is never going to nuke Israel unless a someone mad as Zaid Hamid takes over complete power. Nukes come into play when there is threat to sovereignty. Israel & Pakistan have nothing to do with each other unless they forcefully try to create an issue.

It’s not about being a Muslim country. You can use the nuke now also with everything that’s going on in Gazza.

These are not toys.
The biggest concern with nukes is not about firing one but about being able to deal with the consequences of it.
Bharatiya nukes program was historically aimed at Pakistan. Hence we matches whatever nukes they had. Now finally the focus has rightfully shifted to China and as a result our stockpiles will increase over time.

1. Their entire economic growth is concentrated around few cities. If we take them out, it will destroy their economy. In retaliation they will do the same however our population is spread out more evenly compared to China. Nevertheless the consequences will be devastating for both nations.

2. Pakistan - Will be finished in 1 strike.
Pakistan is never going to nuke Israel unless a someone mad as Zaid Hamid takes over complete power. Nukes come into play when there is threat to sovereignty. Israel & Pakistan have nothing to do with each other unless they forcefully try to create an issue.

It’s not about being a Muslim country. You can use the nuke now also with everything that’s going on in Gazza.

These are not toys.
The biggest concern with nukes is not about firing one but about being able to deal with the consequences of it.

lol . Read again what I wrote .

Or never mind
lol . Read again what I wrote .

Or never mind

You think countries are going to shoot nukes just like that against countries far away and who have no on ground beef with them?

Stop thinking nukes as toys.
Pakistan doesn’t have a post nukes future. It does not exist.
LOL, what does India have to do with it? India is irrelevant, and Israel and Russia couldn't care less about who India is supporting. Israel is dependent on the USA, and Russia is China's closest ally - India is nowhere in this equation. :angelo
A very important question to ask, as a budding vishwa-shakti, both the countries would love to have Bharat's support. My personal view however is quite conflicted, on one hand I live in a town full of Russian brothers and sisters, sharing their culture and lifestyle.. on the other hand I have special love for Israel, I find their presence in the Middle East extremely important to deal with some badmash extremist nations.

If I were Bhartiya PM making a call, it's Israel for me, for geopolitical reasons.
India will side with whoever their master tells them to side with.
So, China backs Russia, and India’s now the region’s hall monitor keeping an eye on China. Naturally, India will be asked to back Israel, and like an eager student trying to impress the teacher, the Indian government will be all in. Even if Israel decided to break every international law in the book and throw in a side of genocide, the Indian government would still give it a thumbs up. And when that happens, many Indians might suddenly forget they have a moral compass, let alone a single brain cell left to figure out that, you know, genocide is generally frowned upon.
Can you show me evidence of Jewish state considering Indians as Sub humans?
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India will sit on the fence and watch, while urging both parties to end the war.
Both Russia and Israel are important to India.
Certainly congress will do the same or may even side with Russia but not sure about BJP
Why would GoI back any state? Throughout history, one thing has stayed consistent is the being neutrally aligned. In case of war between Russia and Israel ( assuming for some reason, they decide to duke it out), in all likelihood, GoI would stay neutral and publish out a statement calling for peace. In my opinion, we gain nothing from taking sides in this, better to be neutral and participate in trade between both entities.. now is the ideal time to grow the economy and improve our quality of time.. China had the sams spurt in 2010s though ours wont even closer to that due to deglobalisation and decoupling but we still need to try and improve it. I expect neutrality from GoI. In the case of the majority of people.. most wont care.. lets be real, the people whom we see on internet acting as warrors for other nations (be that US,Russia,Ukraine,Israel or Palestin÷) are

A) either a tiny minority

B) or a botfarm

So 70% wont care, 15% would support Russia, 15% would support Israel
A war between Israel and Russia will never happen. But lets assume it happens Israel will have 100% US support.
Now if US is involved I dont know about India but Pakistan will have no choice whom to support will it?