Why anti Muslim bias is so profound among Hindutva supporters?

Let's just say .. you can find numerous films/tv on Jeus Christ, Hindu Gods etc. But find me one about Islam's prophet. You can't, coz filmmakers around the world know they will be dead in a week. That is indirectly a form of sharia.

There's a quite simple solution. Don't make a film about the prophet of Islam PBUH. Make one about Ganesh or Buddha or Guru Gobind Singh instead.
I didnt say documentaries.
so you want fiction or feature films based on Muhammad? What sort of film would try to be more accurate to history?

The point is you can portray Mohammad without showing him on screen in a number of ways and it has been done. If you want to stay true to history, you will most likely make a documentary and he has been the subject of many books and documentaries. So your claim is false and unbacked by decent evidence.
No, I want to make one about your prophet, I shouldn't deserve to live in fear of my life for that. #sharia
You want to make one, go right ahead. Most Muslims are most likely not going to care if it's accurate and backed by history. When it comes to his portrayal, yes we wont believe in that part and if its done by an actor, most likely most Muslims will not watch that movie. That takes out a massive target audience. Which is another reason why not many feature films have been made on him.
so you want fiction or feature films based on Muhammad? What sort of film would try to be more accurate to history?

The point is you can portray Mohammad without showing him on screen in a number of ways and it has been done. If you want to stay true to history, you will most likely make a documentary and he has been the subject of many books and documentaries. So your claim is false and unbacked by decent evidence.

Prophet Muhammad is the kind of fascinating figure that numerous films should be made about, so much subjects to cover about his life, yet nobody in the West will touch it. Deathly scared.

Would a box office film like 'Passion of the Christ' 2006 (by Mel Gibson) be made about Islam's prophet ? Never.
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I know many Hyderabadi Muslims who are living fulfilling lives with their families outside of India, yet they remain critical of the Indian government for its treatment of Muslims within the country.
I dont deny that. And they have every right to feel so.
BJP is not an example of how a secular party should be and they have every right to feel so.

I agree that Modi has narcissistic tendencies and also BJP has extremist elements. But that is the case with every party. Hell, Owaisi party is an all-muslim party and no one complains.

What I want to be clear is that, from Muslims perspective, it can be magnified. But the purpose of BJP is not to have state sponsored activities against Muslims. And thats what people voted for. There can be fringe elements trying to create issues and given the poorer situation in many parts of India, issues rightly pointed like
These two posts contradict each other. In the first one you are talking about how Islam produces far more extremists than Hinduism, yet in the next one you are saying the Muslims of India don't support this view. How do you reconcile this?
This is the second time you are tried to misquote something that I didnt say

1. I said that, at least in the past few years, Islam produced more extremists taking up the arms than what Hindutvas did.
2. I refuted the view which @Technics 1210 said “Hindus and Muslims cannot live on one land”

How are the two posts contradicting with each other? I never said that muslims should leave India. And I even pointed out the extremism is more centered in few regions.
Prophet M is the kind of fascinating figure that numerous films should be made about, so much subjects to cover about his life, yet nobody in the West will touch it. Deathly scared.

Would a box office film like 'Passion of the Christ' 2006 (by Mel Gibson) be made about Islam's prophet ? Never.
Why would the west that is predominantly Christian make a movie about our Prophet like THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST which might possibly portray him in a positive light?

Perhaps that's the question you should be asking. If they do so, who is going to watch it? Muslims wont because we are not allowed to watch his portrayal. That takes out a massive target audience.

He is indeed a fascinating figure and plenty of books have been written about him. a true seeker of knowledge will always prefer academic work on such a subject over a medium which is used more for fiction or entertainment.

But to your point, I would love to see a movie on his life, a modern day portrayal along the lines of the message. I think that would educate the world on our Prophet but I also know that wont happen. The world likes us as villains. Making a movie on our Prophet with historical accuracy in all likelihood will put him in a good light and that goes against the narrative.. especially in the Jew controlled Hollwood.

Funny that you mentioned Passion of the Christ though. Do you know why Mel Gibson's career took a nose dive and after what incident? You should look that up.
The reality is simple, the Hindutva cult have been masquerading themselves as peace loving Hindus, however Hindutva and what the ideology, and its fierce proponents such as Modi stand for, is a different story, and a story that is being exposed on a daily basis, that too globally, spearheaded by none other than Pakistani Muslims who know Indians better than anybody on this earth.

There is more infighting within Hinduism compared with Islam. There is more division within Hinduism compared with Islam. There is more compulsion in Hinduism compared with Islam. With the added difference, Hindutva is now the face of Hinduism, globally.

This is precisely why Islam that has achieved 10 times more than Hinduism has in 10% of the time, and why Hindutva resents Islam.
I dont deny that. And they have every right to feel so.
BJP is not an example of how a secular party should be and they have every right to feel so.

I agree that Modi has narcissistic tendencies and also BJP has extremist elements. But that is the case with every party. Hell, Owaisi party is an all-muslim party and no one complains.

What I want to be clear is that, from Muslims perspective, it can be magnified. But the purpose of BJP is not to have state sponsored activities against Muslims. And thats what people voted for. There can be fringe elements trying to create issues and given the poorer situation in many parts of India, issues rightly pointed like

This is the second time you are tried to misquote something that I didnt say

1. I said that, at least in the past few years, Islam produced more extremists taking up the arms than what Hindutvas did.
2. I refuted the view which @Technics 1210 said “Hindus and Muslims cannot live on one land”

How are the two posts contradicting with each other? I never said that muslims should leave India. And I even pointed out the extremism is more centered in few regions.

You specifically said in the first post that Islam radicalises Muslims, you even used mocking language like "so called religion of peace", then you used Islamic terrorism as an example of it compared unfavourably to hinduism. Then in the second post you said Muslims in India don't support this Islamic view (presumably one which exhorts violence) and get along fine with Hindus. So which version is correct? Are you saying Indian Muslims don't follow Islam?
not sure what you mean by lackadaisical here .. All kinds of biographies are made in the West.
It is for other religions to make sure their holy figures are protected from ridicule.

As a Muslim of course I will be angry if our Holy Prophet is disrespected and I want film makers to understand that before they think of verging into this territory for cheap laughs ( of course violence is not the answer either).

If other religious groups are happy for their holy figures to be mocked they are doing a bad job following their religion.

This is not indirect Sharia by any means.
It is for other religions to make sure their holy figures are protected from ridicule.

As a Muslim of course I will be angry if our Holy Prophet is disrespected and I want film makers to understand that before they think of verging into this territory for cheap laughs ( of course violence is not the answer either).

If other religious groups are happy for their holy figures to be mocked they are doing a bad job following their religion.

This is not indirect Sharia by any means.

Disagree with this. It might be that other religions don't find mockery of their holy figures offensive, that could be what differentiates them from Islam.
Such a continuing to claim Sun doesn't have an orbit or is motionless?

I agree to that as well
Sun’s orbit is only around the galaxy. Not around earth.

The change of suns’s position you see in the sky daily is due to earth’s rotation. Not because of sun’s orbit.

You are embarrassing yourself by bringing this issue again and again. You should know the basics of astronomy and Astro physics before arguing on such topics.

Anyways, no point in arguing wi the someone who believes that hail storms are caused by a man in the sky who throws hail at evil people from a snow mountain in the sky.

If you ever have time and interest to learn, pickup a science book and read. At least your future generations will thank you.
Disagree with this. It might be that other religions don't find mockery of their holy figures offensive, that could be what differentiates them from Islam.
I think if you asked them they would tell you otherwise.

I've seen countless clips and heard countless rants of Hindus and Christians whine when their religion is mocked. Their go to response is why are they doing this to us they wouldn't mock Islam would they.
Sun’s orbit is only around the galaxy. Not around earth.

The change of suns’s position you see in the sky daily is due to earth’s rotation. Not because of sun’s orbit.

You are embarrassing yourself by bringing this issue again and again. You should know the basics of astronomy and Astro physics before arguing on such topics.

Anyways, no point in arguing wi the someone who believes that hail storms are caused by a man in the sky who throws hail at evil people from a snow mountain in the sky.

If you ever have time and interest to learn, pickup a science book and read. At least your future generations will thank you.
I think you are embarrassing yourself even pretending to know about stuff you have zero clue about. You have claimed multiple times that Sun does not have an orbit and is motionless.. period. Let us just leave it at that and let it sit there for others to see the absolute high level of intellect and scientific knowledge you have. It still wanes in comparison to your knowledge of Islam thought (read the last couple of lines in a sarcastic tone if its not evident enough)
I think if you asked them they would tell you otherwise.

I've seen countless clips and heard countless rants of Hindus and Christians whine when their religion is mocked. Their go to response is why are they doing this to us they wouldn't mock Islam would they.
Its very interesting to note how one is to define "Christians"
In the west, you could be born into a Christian family, but you are not considered a Christian unless you are a proper church going member and attend prayers and other events at our church.

Such people rarely insult their religion or Jesus. Those who do are the atheist, non-church going types, and they are not even considered Christians by the "Christians". They in fact whine and complain about Jesus being insulted all the time.
I think you are embarrassing yourself even pretending to know about stuff you have zero clue about. You have claimed multiple times that Sun does not have an orbit and is motionless.. period. Let us just leave it at that and let it sit there for others to see the absolute high level of intellect and scientific knowledge you have. It still wanes in comparison to your knowledge of Islam thought (read the last couple of lines in a sarcastic tone if its not evident enough)
Sun is stationary from Earth's point of view. That is because both Sun and Earth and the rest of the solar system are orbiting the galaxy together. This is too complex for you to understand. Either you are not bright or just plain trolling.

I have stated the same thing I said above on several posts. I am done with you on this topic.

Anyways, do you believe there is a mountain of snow in the sky? :ROFLMAO:
Sun is stationary from Earth's point of view. That is because both Sun and Earth and the rest of the solar system are orbiting the galaxy together. This is too complex for you to understand. Either you are not bright or just plain trolling.

I have stated the same thing I said above on several posts. I am done with you on this topic.

Anyways, do you believe there is a mountain of snow in the sky? :ROFLMAO:
There is as much a mountain of snow in the sky as the hindutva supporters have brains and intelligence.
Seems like India is behind the times on this one. Mostly you get the bill in the mail and you go pay it. I have not heard of any other place where the bill is collected door to door by a utility provider.
That's how it works in India too. We no longer need to go anywhere to pay our bills, as everything can be done through apps like Paytm, Google Pay, and PhonePe. Once you enter your consumer number into these apps, you'll receive monthly notifications directly within them. :inti
So you don't believe in Surah An Nur. (y)

Let us know what all you don't believe. :wahab2
I believe all the Quranic surahs. But more importantly, I actually learnt the Quran from an expert and with proper translation and tafsir. I am not a Hindu googling Quranic verses so my take and yours on their meaning will be extremely different. And I don't think you can explain it well to someone with limited understanding and intelligence. For instance, someone who keeps claiming Sun is stationary is more than likely to not understand it one bit.
I believe all the Quranic surahs. But more importantly, I actually learnt the Quran from an expert and with proper translation and tafsir. I am not a Hindu googling Quranic verses so my take and yours on their meaning will be extremely different. And I don't think you can explain it well to someone with limited understanding and intelligence. For instance, someone who keeps claiming Sun is stationary is more than likely to not understand it one bit.
You were just denying there is no mountain of snow in the sky. Now you say you believe in all Surahs.

You are one confused individual.

Stop embarrassing yourself about Sun being stationary. Now you are posting nonsense to hide your embarrassment. Its okay. Accept when something is wrong. Nothing and nobody is perfect.
You were just denying there is no mountain of snow in the sky. Now you say you believe in all Surahs.

You are one confused individual.

Stop embarrassing yourself about Sun being stationary. Now you are posting nonsense to hide your embarrassment. Its okay. Accept when something is wrong. Nothing and nobody is perfect.
Have you not said multiple times and insisted that Sun is stationary? Why are you lying now? Not only that you are now accusing of others to diver attention from your own lack of literacy in this regard. Shame on you, brother Champ Lal Sharma.
By the way why do you believe the Sun is stationary? Is it because some ancient Hindu God or Goddess said so or maybe because some animal is not allowing the sun to escape because it has locked its horns around it or something? I know you always have some weird explanations in your defense so I would not put anything beyond you at this point.
I believe all the Quranic surahs. But more importantly, I actually learnt the Quran from an expert and with proper translation and tafsir. I am not a Hindu googling Quranic verses so my take and yours on their meaning will be extremely different. And I don't think you can explain it well to someone with limited understanding and intelligence. For instance, someone who keeps claiming Sun is stationary is more than likely to not understand it one bit.
Why are you wasting your time?

The concept of Qur’an and Islam is not understood by the person you are explaining.
Have you not said multiple times and insisted that Sun is stationary? Why are you lying now? Not only that you are now accusing of others to diver attention from your own lack of literacy in this regard. Shame on you, brother Champ Lal Sharma.
Last time. Read carefully.

Sun is stationary from Earth's point of view. That is because Sun is orbiting Galaxy every 230 million years along with all the planets.

The position of Sun that changes in the sky that you and I see everyday is not because of Sun's orbit around Galaxy. It is an illusion caused by Earth's rotation. It makes people on the Earth feel that Sun is having an orbit around Earth just like Moon. This is what Quran is referring to.

I am not going to blame you if you do not understand this simple and basic concept of Astronomy. After all you believe that there is a mountain of snow in the sky. :ROFLMAO:
Why are you wasting your time?

The concept of Qur’an and Islam is not understood by the person you are explaining.
I think you are so right. I should not waste my time discussing this stuff with someone who changes their identity three four times a day. One moment he is an atheist, the other he is a Hindustva expert, then becomes a Quranic expert, then becomes a modern day democracy champion and expert and starts handing out summary judgments on all of us for being undemocratic.
Why are you wasting your time?

The concept of Qur’an and Islam is not understood by the person you are explaining.
May be you can explain how there is a mountain of snow in the sky. Janaab Stewie has failed many times to explain in spite of me repeatedly asking.
Last time. Read carefully.

Sun is stationary from Earth's point of view. That is because Sun is orbiting Galaxy every 230 million years along with all the planets.

The position of Sun that changes in the sky that you and I see everyday is not because of Sun's orbit around Galaxy. It is an illusion caused by Earth's rotation. It makes people on the Earth feel that Sun is having an orbit around Earth just like Moon. This is what Quran is referring to.

I am not going to blame you if you do not understand this simple and basic concept of Astronomy. After all you believe that there is a mountain of snow in the sky. :ROFLMAO:
You have absolutely zero credibility brother Champ. You flip flop. You twist words and change your statements without any shame. You are like the dhoodhwala who swears on his mother he has not mixed water in the milk, but we all know the truth.
May be you can explain how there is a mountain of snow in the sky. Janaab Stewie has failed many times to explain in spite of me repeatedly asking.
I don't think you are fooling anybody. This is a feeble attempts to derail the thread. Let us stick to the topic. If you need help understanding the Quran, a better avenue to explore for you would perhaps be a head transplant if they offer one of those in Bharat. Let us try and maintain focus on the topic here now.
You have absolutely zero credibility brother Champ. You flip flop. You twist words and change your statements without any shame. You are like the dhoodhwala who swears on his mother he has not mixed water in the milk, but we all know the truth.
Just accept you are wrong. It is not that hard.

By repeatedly denying you are exposing yourself more and more.
Just accept you are wrong. It is not that hard.

By repeatedly denying you are exposing yourself more and more.
The only thing I am exposing is your lack of understanding on how the stars and other celestial bodies have orbits and are not stationary.
I think if you asked them they would tell you otherwise.

I've seen countless clips and heard countless rants of Hindus and Christians whine when their religion is mocked. Their go to response is why are they doing this to us they wouldn't mock Islam would they.

I am just going by the uproar it causes when Muslims object to their holy figures being mocked. We often hear statements such as Muslims faith must be very weak if it is threatened by mockery. So I assume that it should be fine to mock other religions gods or holy figures since they won't take offence.
Don’t. You are better than that.

Not their fault, they can’t understand the concept of Islam and can’t understand the concept of Qu’ran.

Some are here to disprove Islam not religion out of sheer hatred for Muslims.
You are right. that was bad of me. My apologies brother Champ if I hurt your feelings. I will limit my engagement if the conversation stays this course
By the way why do you believe the Sun is stationary? Is it because some ancient Hindu God or Goddess said so or maybe because some animal is not allowing the sun to escape because it has locked its horns around it or something? I know you always have some weird explanations in your defense so I would not put anything beyond you at this point.
I don't believe Sun is stationary. It appears stationary from Earth's point of view. Stop lying and embarrassing yourself man. It is not even funny anymore. I already explained several times in my posts how Sun, Moon and Earth actually work.

Anyways, carry on. I am done with you. You are just posting nonsense to hide the embarrassment in your beliefs. You are dragging Hindu faith into this just hide your own embarrassment. I don't follow any faith and I have mentioned several times that all religions are fraud. OTOH, you are a believer and believe that there is a snow mountain in the sky :ROFLMAO:

This will be my last post on this. Live in your own fairytale world.
I don't believe Sun is stationary. It appears stationary from Earth's point of view. Stop lying and embarrassing yourself man. It is not even funny anymore. I already explained several times in my posts how Sun, Moon and Earth actually work.

Anyways, carry on. I am done with you. You are just posting nonsense to hide the embarrassment in your beliefs. You are dragging Hindu faith into this just hide your own embarrassment. I don't follow any faith and I have mentioned several times that all religions are fraud. OTOH, you are a believer and believe that there is a snow mountain in the sky :ROFLMAO:

This will be my last post on this. Live in your own fairytale world.
You need some Quran classes brother champ. Anyway it's good you are all through now.