Why are we ruining Balochistan? Have we learned nothing?


First Class Captain
May 12, 2005
Seriously? Day in & Day out the situation is worsening. I am yet to meet or speak to a Balochi who doesn't want Balochistan to seperate from Pakistan.

I felt that when we screwed up East Pakistan (present day Bangladesh), Pakistan would have learned it's lesson. Yet viewing the situation is Balochistan, I am afraid our children will be growing up studying about Balochistan like we grew up studing about Bangladesh!

It's gotten to the point where Balochis now call for UN to view Balochistan like they view Kashmir & Palestine- an occupied state!

Why doesn't Pakistan's army & ISI do anything except use force? We learned the outcome of using force when we lost Bangladesh.

I for one don't blame India or any other foreign element for this situation or Bangladesh situation. Obviously your enemies will try to destabalize you...DUH! That's why they are called your enemies! This is why prosperous countries are so united that no enemy can break them up.

My view on what the solution should be:

I for one feel that Pakistan should give more senior positions to Balochi leaders in Pakistani goverment & army. More Balochis should be hired as soldiers. More economic & infrastructure budget should be placed to Balochistan rather then to Punjab (which is already enough prosperous).

To some it up I feel the only solution to saving Balochistan is by making Balochis feel an integral part of Pakistan. Otherwise I am afraid we have another Bangladesh on our near future.

.Seriously? Day in & Day out the situation is worsening. I am yet to meet or speak to a Balochi who doesn't want Balochistan to seperate from Pakistan.

Where do you see these people? I suggest you widen your aray of Pakistani Balochi's.

Nothings gonna happen, don't worry. I've stopped needlessly worrying, yiu can't at all compare Balochistan with E Pakistan.
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I also read somewhere that Iran is aiding Baloch nationalists. Any truth to that?

Yes, one of the reasons for my 'Iran stance' on PP in the past...dunno if they still continuing though.

Btw Army is/has recruiting from within Balochistan, cadet colleges have been opened recently.
Where do you see these people? I suggest you widen your aray of Pakistani Balochi's.

Nothings gonna happen, don't worry. I've stopped needlessly worrying, yiu can't at all compare Balochistan with E Pakistan.
Have been reading up on East Pakistan debacle recently, that is what people said at that time also. That Pakistan would not break....
Yes, one of the reasons for my 'Iran stance' on PP in the past...dunno if they still continuing though.

Btw Army is/has recruiting from within Balochistan, cadet colleges have been opened recently.
By the way Pakistan & Iran recently met twice in a month & the main topic of discussion was Balochistan. Fingers crossed.
Yes, one of the reasons for my 'Iran stance' on PP in the past...dunno if they still continuing though.

Btw Army is/has recruiting from within Balochistan, cadet colleges have been opened recently.
I have heard that Pakistani flag is not even allowed in Balochistan anymore. Plus Jinnah pictures have been taken out. Add to that no major politician visits Balochistan.
We are not only ruining Balochistan.

We have ruined all of: Pakistan.

You are saying as if: the other provinces are living easy lifes.

Pashtoons are getting droned daily, there is lack of electricity in all provinces, violence in Karachi etc.
I have heard that Pakistani flag is not even allowed in Balochistan anymore. Plus Jinnah pictures have been taken out. Add to that no major politician visits Balochistan.

That is rather exaggerated.

there have many recruits to the pakistan army from baluchistan. If the Balochi people did not like Pakistan or hated it so much then they wouldnt have joined the Pakistan army.

The problem is of development, education- once these both issues are adressed then all liberation movements will cease.
Have been reading up on East Pakistan debacle recently, that is what people said at that time also. That Pakistan would not break....

My dad says the same too, the people used to day it won't happen etc...but remember this was a piece of land not even joined to us, a piece of land to our East...with our biggest enemy in between.
Even (Former PM Mir Zafarullah Khan Jamali) said it's madness...the people they try and paint as the biggest 'wanters' of 'freedom' (Murri Tribe) and Patriotic Pakistani's with one charsi drunk sitting here in London giving them a bad name, getting his cheque direct from Delhi and hoping the British will do what they did to Quaid e Ghaddar and give him a British Passport too.
And IF the people were (in some distant universe) demand 'freedom', what about the Pushtun Pakistani's which inhabit half of Balochistan (the main vote bank of PTI in Balochistan btw) my man?

Like I said don't worry...YES I agree we much change in regards to our current/past policies...but for the sake of the people of Balochistan not for the 'sake of a United Pakistan'...I agree we must do more in emphasising, Balochi's are just as much Pakistanis then the rest of Pakistan...it really p1sses me off when you here on TV from people 'yeah we'll be doing this in Karachi, Lahore and Peshawar', but they never mention Quetta (which REALLY annoys me).

But like I said, don't worry yourself mate...
I have heard that Pakistani flag is not even allowed in Balochistan anymore. Plus Jinnah pictures have been taken out. Add to that no major politician visits Balochistan.

lol dude that's a serious 'over-statement' I think...Army cadet colleges are being built (outside Quetta)...there are MANY Baloch recruited in the Army...the PM visited Balochistan a couple of weeks ago (heannounced he's gonna visit every month after the so called Aghaz e Haqooq e Balochistan).

By the way Pakistan & Iran recently met twice in a month & the main topic of discussion was Balochistan. Fingers crossed.

Yeah Whig is why I said I dunno if they still do...tbh I'll be more then happy to see improved relations between Pakistan and Iran...I wanna see good relations (as long as Iran stops her 'jealous, I wanna be the Islamic top dog' attitude Nd behaves).
IMO one day Kashmir, Balochistan, Pashtunistan will all be free.

Lol Pukhtunistan! You forgot Khalistan...and Orrissa....and the othe 60odd States, jeez. Have you even set foot outside india? Though not. Opinion noted, thanks :poodle
Lol Pukhtunistan! You forgot Khalistan...and Orrissa....and the othe 60odd States, jeez. Have you even set foot outside india? Though not. Opinion noted, thanks :poodle

Khalistan movement has more or less died, Orissa could possibly be in the same category though, at least part of it.

How is it trolling? Once a people want to be free and see themselves as distinct, freedom is just a matter of time. We have seen this countless times.

Add Palestine and Kurdistan to the list, as well as a possible Shia state in Southern Saudi Arabia and encompassing part of Bahrain.
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IMO one day Kashmir, Balochistan, Pashtunistan will all be free.

Yes Kashmir will be free from India and Balouchistan getting freedom from Pakistan is possible.

KyberPakthoonKhwa & FATA. We still need good 20+ years more of screw ups and we will be there too.
Khalistan movement has more or less died, Orissa could possibly be in the same category though, at least part of it.

I see I see, and the other 63 (give or take)?
Oh and when was the last time you were in Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa/FATA (tbh I must have missed the 'Pukhtunistan Tehreek' when I was there) When were you last in Balochistan? You know, I'm assuming these opinions are made up of something.
Yes Kashmir will be free from India and Balouchistan getting freedom from Pakistan is possible.

KyberPakthoonKhwa & FATA. We still need good 20+ years more of screw ups and we will be there too.

Yes, the latter two are still salvageable. But I agree, India has screwed up any chances of keeping Kashmir, and Pakistan has screwed up any chances of keeping Balochistan. In the short-term it may be possible, in the long-term people will begin to sympathize with those seeking independence, and honestly, there is no harm in that.

The subcontinental region will be more like Europe in the future, with more small nations that are more ethnically and culturally united.
IMO one day Kashmir, Balochistan, Pashtunistan will all be free.

I see I see, and the other 63 (give or take)?

Depends, those who strongly identify with India will probably stay, those who feel they are separate will eventually break away.

Oh and when was the last time you were in Khyber-Pukhtunkhwa/FATA (tbh I must have missed the 'Pukhtunistan Tehreek' when I was there) When were you last in Balochistan? You know, I'm assuming these opinions are made up of something.

I'm pointing out the likely scenario based on my readings of world history. Rarely do nations with such populations which consider themselves unique and separate remain intact, some form of independence is achieved. People cannot be kept oppressed forever.

Kalistan, Madrasitan, Hyderabadistan,Keralaistan will Also be Free How do you like this :azhar

Those are not regions, but yes, a Maoist state is a possibility in the future - I haven't heard of any separatist movements in Madras, Hyderabad or Kerala.

Chalo, let us revisit this thread in 20 years and see who was right :akhtar
Depends, those who strongly identify with India will probably stay, those who feel they are separate will eventually break away.

I'm pointing out the likely scenario based on my readings of world history. Rarely do nations with such populations which consider themselves unique and separate remain intact, some form of independence is achieved. People cannot be kept oppressed forever.

I thought You Were Trolling.....

Seriously India has 17 Up roaring Check there...
Yes Kashmir will be free from India and Balouchistan getting freedom from Pakistan is possible.

KyberPakthoonKhwa & FATA. We still need good 20+ years more of screw ups and we will be there too.

yeah i guess if they continue the dronings its not so far away sadly

hence we quickly need somebody new at the helm of pak to salvage it

back to op...yeah i know a few too and pak is not a favourite of theirs anymore...they like iran and afghanistan though and feel pak have destroyed their lives
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If they wanna get separated, they should easily be allowed to do so. Usually what happens is that there is an election within the province, asks people if they want to stay with that country. Happened in Quebec, Canada ... 40 odd percent people wanted to get separated while the 50 odd didn't, so it didn't get separated.
The only way I see India splitting is, Upper caste will form one country and Dalit/Tribals and other lower caste will form another country.... That is very very far fetched too...

There are no separatist movements in India except Kashmir... Most movements like Telangana, Gorkhaland, Bodo, Vidharba are all for separate states and not countries... :facepalm:
I am from the Indian Punjab, the Khalistan thing is absolutely dead and for years :facepalm:
Everyone is enjoying the pride that comes with the Indian nationality
lol indians talking about pakistan's internal affairs. it's kashmir that's holding the whole of india together, as they gain freedom, the rest of india will crumble.
lol indians talking about pakistan's internal affairs. it's kashmir that's holding the whole of india together, as they gain freedom, the rest of india will crumble.

Hahhaha, what??

Other than Kashmir, the other agitations in the country are for separate states, not separate countries! There is no major secessionist movement as of now.

After losing East Pakistan due to your misrule, you just wish the same thing happens to everybody. Pathetic but understandable.

A huge LOL at Kashmir holding India together.
Another serious thread being derailed by useless Indo-Pak blabber, can you guys give it a rest.

Balochistan is a serious issue and needs to be sorted out ASAP, because time is running out. We have another East Pakistan like situation at our hands where a sizeable population of Balochistan thinks that they would be better off without Pakistan.

Both the civils and the Army (recently inducted 5000 Baloch youth) are doing their bit to restore order, but after years of exploitation by the federation, the Balochs have finally had enough and demand more.

Their grievences are fair but they are further incensed by the FC operation currently going on in the province.
Here, in Karachi, most people cant wait for the Balochis to have their own separate country so that they can ship out all of the Balochi gangsters and land mafia.
lol dude that's a serious 'over-statement' I think...Army cadet colleges are being built (outside Quetta)...there are MANY Baloch recruited in the Army...the PM visited Balochistan a couple of weeks ago (heannounced he's gonna visit every month after the so called Aghaz e Haqooq e Balochistan).

5000 Balochs were recruited recently. The situation on the ground is very delicate, one needs to visit the place to see a clear picture. FC checkposts everywhere, Balochs being stopped by the FC for no apparent reason other than suspicion of being a seperatist. Media in Pakistan conveniently ignores the atrocities that are taking place in the province, commited by both the seperatists & the state.

Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan bill was passed a couple of years ago and so far no progress has been made. None at all. This was only PM's 2nd visit to Balochistan since the bill was passed.
5000 Balochs were recruited recently. The situation on the ground is very delicate, one needs to visit the place to see a clear picture. FC checkposts everywhere, Balochs being stopped by the FC for no apparent reason other than suspicion of being a seperatist. Media in Pakistan conveniently ignores the atrocities that are taking place in the province, commited by both the seperatists & the state.

Aghaz-e-Haqooq-e-Balochistan bill was passed a couple of years ago and so far no progress has been made. None at all. This was only PM's 2nd visit to Balochistan since the bill was passed.

Gwadar port is in Baluchistan right?

Didn't the construction of the port and related activities generate a lot of revenue for this state? It sounds like a huge project.
Rarely do nations with such populations which consider themselves unique and separate remain intact, some form of independence is achieved. People cannot be kept oppressed forever.

But I think we need to take into account the coercive power of the state, which has increased in South Asia since independence, and although part of the problem, it also makes it difficult for units to break away, unless they receive substantial help from outside of the order of what took place in 1971.

In India the Naxalite movement affects a third of Indian districts, and controls far more territory that than the Pakistani Taliban does. But India is not in threat of collapsing and this perhaps indicates the power of the state even if its legitimacy is in question amongst some.

Both India and Pakistan have not been afraid of using the state’s coercive apparatus in dealing with regional dissidence which has frequently led to human rights abuses.

But it does need to be stressed that by viewing regional dissent as a law and order problem to be addressed by use of force, rather than a political problem requiring a political solution, India and Pakistan has often ended up exacerbating the problems.

So whilst the state’s ‘hard’ power makes it difficult for areas to secede, the use of state force has often ironically encouraged regional dissidence.
oh bhai Karachi maiN dekh lo aa ke kaun si khush haali hai ? jis ke paas paisa nahi hai woh pareshan ke khaane peene ke laale paray haiN , jo maaldar hai , uska maal safe nahi . jo job karta hai woh jaan dao pe laga ke kharab halaat maiN nikalta hai aur jis ka business hai us ka business roz roz ke drama baazi se fail ho raha hai .

abhi pichle dinoN halat kharab huwe na khi ke ? my uncle did not sleep the whole night because he sent his trucks to deliver the goods and he was worried people do not burn it down . he had to call the driver to make a stopover at a friend's farm on super highway . this other time , his driver even got shot . that is how bad it is in Karachi .

kahaN bhi ho waqt hi bura chal hai sab ka problems are not limited to Balochistan only
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lol army man why did i have a feeling you would have pinpointed my post

i have said nothing wrong or insulting in my post...but typical of you to pick mine out

personal vendetta as per usual...which i dont know what you gain from it...
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The baloch sardars should also be blamed who don't want any development in the area. They don't let children study (in most parts). My friend's dad was a contractor and was very rich. He got the contract to make the roads in Balochistan. He rented heavy machines but what happened was Sardars there didn't let him work which resulted very big loss and in the end he lost everything and died because of heart attack. Now my friend who used to have very good life is working in some Govt. department and earning very small salary.
lol army man why did i have a feeling you would have pinpointed my post

i have said nothing wrong or insulting in my post...but typical of you to pick mine out

personal vendetta as per usual...which i dont know what you gain from it...

Army man :20:

I just pick out your posts because you say the most ridiculous of things. In every other post you are bashing Pakistan Army, taking digs at Pakistan, justifying the crimes of Taliban, or making racist remarks. Trust me I have no personal vendetta against you.
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bashing pak army? justifying crimes of taliban ? lol

no you selectively read the bit about me saying i have no sympathy with the policemen IF they are indeed those that executed six kids

i dislike the TTP...and i dont think i could say that enough lol

why would i not criticise factions of the army if they drone my people? i dont think anybody with a heart should have any issue with it lol
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Yar yay teri Bangali yatra kab khatam ho gi devious :facepalm:

Most of your threads are doing the job of ecstasy for a particular group of trolls these days
from any outside influence


You say you stand for independence and freedom. Is it really freedom if they are free from one predator state but not the other? This is proof of hypocrisy.

If you claim to stand for freedom, it must be freedom from all external influences.
But I think we need to take into account the coercive power of the state, which has increased in South Asia since independence, and although part of the problem, it also makes it difficult for units to break away, unless they receive substantial help from outside of the order of what took place in 1971.

In India the Naxalite movement affects a third of Indian districts, and controls far more territory that than the Pakistani Taliban does. But India is not in threat of collapsing and this perhaps indicates the power of the state even if its legitimacy is in question amongst some.

Both India and Pakistan have not been afraid of using the state’s coercive apparatus in dealing with regional dissidence which has frequently led to human rights abuses.

But it does need to be stressed that by viewing regional dissent as a law and order problem to be addressed by use of force, rather than a political problem requiring a political solution, India and Pakistan has often ended up exacerbating the problems.

So whilst the state’s ‘hard’ power makes it difficult for areas to secede, the use of state force has often ironically encouraged regional dissidence.

the Naxalite movement have been highlighted un duly.They dont have the popularity or the stregth to break away.All they do is stay in the jungles,rob a few people,extort money from poor villagers and once or twice a year attack a few policemen.They do have a strong contingent in Chattisgarh and Orissa.They dont have the popular support that is needed.

I didnt know much about the Balochi problem and used to think that there are a few thousand nut jobs and the bugti tribe who wanted this separate country, and it was not a serious issue.until i read about it on PP and then a met a Balochi whose views were similar to the Bangladeshis i meet.
How is it trolling? Once a people want to be free and see themselves as distinct, freedom is just a matter of time. We have seen this countless times.

Add Palestine and Kurdistan to the list, as well as a possible Shia state in Southern Saudi Arabia and encompassing part of Bahrain.
While we are at it why don't we break off every countries into millions of small countries? What is seriously wrong with you? Certain factors who are supported by enemies always call for independence (not always but most of the times).

Pakistan will not break, keep dreaming. BTW Kashmir will be free, the one occupied by India!
back to op...yeah i know a few too and pak is not a favourite of theirs anymore...they like iran and afghanistan though and feel pak have destroyed their lives
But you know I feel all it is gonna take is one leader who will make Balochi feel valuable again. Because at the end of the day that is all they are asking for...not to be neglected.
you love controversial threads OP
Do I? It is something most people are taking about. Not covered by our media but a raging topic within the society.

Let me give you an example of why I came up with this thread:

3 years ago while I sat in my university in Dubai, one girl (a Balochi) was absent. When the professor called her name, an arab guy asked if she was Pakistani. Most if not all the students in the class said NO, she is Balochi not Pakistani!
Yes Kashmir will be free from India and Balouchistan getting freedom from Pakistan is possible.

KyberPakthoonKhwa & FATA. We still need good 20+ years more of screw ups and we will be there too.

Post of the Week.
Another serious thread being derailed by useless Indo-Pak blabber, can you guys give it a rest.

Balochistan is a serious issue and needs to be sorted out ASAP, because time is running out. We have another East Pakistan like situation at our hands where a sizeable population of Balochistan thinks that they would be better off without Pakistan.

Both the civils and the Army (recently inducted 5000 Baloch youth) are doing their bit to restore order, but after years of exploitation by the federation, the Balochs have finally had enough and demand more.

Their grievences are fair but they are further incensed by the FC operation currently going on in the province.
Good post! The inclusion of Balochis into our army is a major step but must be followed by set ups of various industrial/economical/leisure/public projects in Balochistan to make people see how much Pakistan cares about them.
Here, in Karachi, most people cant wait for the Balochis to have their own separate country so that they can ship out all of the Balochi gangsters and land mafia.
God forbid. The day Balochistan falls, say goodbye to Allama Iqbal's vision. Say goodbye to Jinnah's struggle & say goodbye to Pakistan.

Balochistan will be followed by Khyber Pakshtunkhawa followed by....
We have another East Pakistan like situation at our hands where a sizeable population of Balochistan thinks that they would be better off without Pakistan.

I think what they think is right.
The baloch sardars should also be blamed who don't want any development in the area. They don't let children study (in most parts). My friend's dad was a contractor and was very rich. He got the contract to make the roads in Balochistan. He rented heavy machines but what happened was Sardars there didn't let him work which resulted very big loss and in the end he lost everything and died because of heart attack. Now my friend who used to have very good life is working in some Govt. department and earning very small salary.
This is where goverment must have a strategic plan to help businesses help Balochistan. Sardars have always been bought out. All they look for is their own profit. Once that is taken care off, they will let you build roads schools etc.
This is where goverment must have a strategic plan to help businesses help Balochistan. Sardars have always been bought out. All they look for is their own profit. Once that is taken care off, they will let you build roads schools etc.

Exactly. They are not exclusive to Balochistan. There are jageerdars and waderas and other authoritarians and thugs in all parts of Pakistan.
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Yar yay teri Bangali yatra kab khatam ho gi devious :facepalm:

Most of your threads are doing the job of ecstasy for a particular group of trolls these days
I know! They ruin the whole thread! I make these threads so I can discuss the issue within Pakistan not so that 'some' Indians can start trolling!

You say you stand for independence and freedom. Is it really freedom if they are free from one predator state but not the other? This is proof of hypocrisy.

If you claim to stand for freedom, it must be freedom from all external influences.
Thing is that there is no perfection of freedom. Very few countries if any can vouch for it. Certain people in each country, no matter how free it's people are, will cry wolf for freedom when asked.
All separatist movements will finish when in 2013 imran comes into power and gives everyone there rights.
Thing is that there is no perfection of freedom. Very few countries if any can vouch for it. Certain people in each country, no matter how free it's people are, will cry wolf for freedom when asked.

Agreed, it only becomes a genuine independence movement when 65-75% of the people desire independence. After that the momentum is hard to reverse.
While we are at it why don't we break off every countries into millions of small countries? What is seriously wrong with you? Certain factors who are supported by enemies always call for independence (not always but most of the times).

Pakistan will not break, keep dreaming. BTW Kashmir will be free, the one occupied by India!

See now what is the difference between Kashmir and the scenario you describe (highlighted in bold), couldn't one claim that Kashmir was in the same bucket?
But you know I feel all it is gonna take is one leader who will make Balochi feel valuable again. Because at the end of the day that is all they are asking for...not to be neglected.

yes one leader who lends out his hand

imran khan will be that man hopefully...he is the only one that can save pakistan

he is idolised nationwide...for some reason doesnt get votes but it can be sorted somehow
I have heard that Pakistani flag is not even allowed in Balochistan anymore. Plus Jinnah pictures have been taken out. Add to that no major politician visits Balochistan.

I was the one highlighted this fact in some other thread because my relatives still live in Quetta.....2 of my distant relatives were also shot down in 2009......I tell you again....Interference of Army, rangers and FC and power grabbing by federation is breaking Pakistan even further.....
Divide and Rule.

Its how the British managed to rule an Indian population of 500 million - for nearly a century - with an occupation force of less than 50,000 soldiers. Get Hindus, Muslim and Sikhs fighting each other and forgetting who the real enemy was.

Its also how Zardari and his goons are managing to cling to power. Get the mohajir, pathans, balochi and punjabis fighting each other. If that fails, he always has the traditional shia/sunni rivalry that he can count on to deflect attention away from his party's poor performance.

When will we ever learn?
Divide and Rule.

Its how the British managed to rule an Indian population of 500 million - for nearly a century - with an occupation force of less than 50,000 soldiers. Get Hindus, Muslim and Sikhs fighting each other and forgetting who the real enemy was.

Its also how Zardari and his goons are managing to cling to power. Get the mohajir, pathans, balochi and punjabis fighting each other. If that fails, he always has the traditional shia/sunni rivalry that he can count on to deflect attention away from his party's poor performance.

When will we ever learn?

Very poor post.
Divide and Rule.

Its how the British managed to rule an Indian population of 500 million - for nearly a century - with an occupation force of less than 50,000 soldiers. Get Hindus, Muslim and Sikhs fighting each other and forgetting who the real enemy was.

Its also how Zardari and his goons are managing to cling to power. Get the mohajir, pathans, balochi and punjabis fighting each other. If that fails, he always has the traditional shia/sunni rivalry that he can count on to deflect attention away from his party's poor performance.

When will we ever learn?

Balochistan is unfortunate to still be in the grips of tribal rule... What these tribal lords want is to sell their mineral wealth for peanuts as long as they and their tribe and supporters remain in the driving seats and their subjects/rivals do not have enough resources to challenge their position.....

You would have thought they would learnt lessons from the past 200 hundred years... but it appears not.
Just returned from a quick visit to Quetta, a Pakistani city at the forefront of terrorism exported to us by foreigners in Afghanistan, trying to create linguistic & sectarian divides. I'll report more in coming days, but for now: Young Pakistani Baloch are the fastest growing segment of recruitment in Armed Forces of Pakistan [Sorry Brahamdagh & his Indian handler Shekhar & those backing them] - Ahmed Qureshi
I was the one highlighted this fact in some other thread because my relatives still live in Quetta.....2 of my distant relatives were also shot down in 2009......I tell you again....Interference of Army, rangers and FC and power grabbing by federation is breaking Pakistan even further.....
Problem is that if army doesnt intefere now then it would be too late. Balochistan is being funded by our enemies & at this point Pakistani army has to intefere. It is no longer a choice.
See now what is the difference between Kashmir and the scenario you describe (highlighted in bold), couldn't one claim that Kashmir was in the same bucket?
Problem with kashmir is that it is mostly made up of Muslims & was led by a hindu who gave it to India. Now the Muslims want either to be with Pakistan or India or pure independent state.

^ That is pure mess! Plus for India & Pakistan, Kashmir is no longer about right & wrong. It's become about ego & nationalism.
yes one leader who lends out his hand

imran khan will be that man hopefully...he is the only one that can save pakistan

he is idolised nationwide...for some reason doesnt get votes but it can be sorted somehow
He doesnt get votes b/c of our culture. The middle class/upper class never vote. That leaves the lower class which is dictated by their fedural or industralists leaders on who to vote for. Hence Imran doesn't get votes.

Imran needs to push the middle class & upper class of Pakistan to stand up & vote. Not easy but very possible.
Just returned from a quick visit to Quetta, a Pakistani city at the forefront of terrorism exported to us by foreigners in Afghanistan, trying to create linguistic & sectarian divides. I'll report more in coming days, but for now: Young Pakistani Baloch are the fastest growing segment of recruitment in Armed Forces of Pakistan [Sorry Brahamdagh & his Indian handler Shekhar & those backing them] - Ahmed Qureshi
Great to hear! Now only if Pakistan can sponsor mixed marriages between the 4 provinces...

Shameful stuff by the FC and the Jernails.

ISLAMABAD: The Interior Ministry on Wednesday submitted a special report in the Federal Cabinet over the prevailing law and order situation in Balochistan, DawnNews reported.

According to the report, at least 868 people have been killed, 619 kidnapped, and 2390 have gone missing from the province since 2010.

The meeting of the cabinet’s special committee on Balochistan was headed by Defence Minister Syed Naveed Qamar.

The report claimed that Laskar-i-Jhangvi (LeJ), Lashkar-i-Balochistan, Baloch Musalla Difa Tanzeem, and the Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) were involved in disrupting the law and order situation of the province.

“Afghan refugees in Balochistan are also responsible for the unrest,” the report added.Speaking to media representatives after the meeting, the committee chairman Naveed Qamar said that committee’s meeting would be held on a daily basis so that recommendations could be sent to the cabinet session.

Qamar said that the committee would also visit Balochistan in the coming days to meet with Baloch elders, political leaders and all the stakeholders.

The committee had already received briefing from the Inspector General (IG) Frontier Corps (FC), Secretary Balochistan, intelligence agencies and ministries of Defence, Foreign and Interior.
Just returned from a quick visit to Quetta, a Pakistani city at the forefront of terrorism exported to us by foreigners in Afghanistan, trying to create linguistic & sectarian divides. I'll report more in coming days, but for now: Young Pakistani Baloch are the fastest growing segment of recruitment in Armed Forces of Pakistan [Sorry Brahamdagh & his Indian handler Shekhar & those backing them] - Ahmed Qureshi

Ahmed Qureshi :facepalm: A known propagandist for the Army.

While it is true that more Baloch have been inducted in the fauj over the past few years, but it is by no means the fastest growing segment.

Nobody beats the North Punjab.