Why are we ruining Balochistan? Have we learned nothing?

the Naxalite movement have been highlighted un duly.They dont have the popularity or the stregth to break away.All they do is stay in the jungles,rob a few people,extort money from poor villagers and once or twice a year attack a few policemen.They do have a strong contingent in Chattisgarh and Orissa.They dont have the popular support that is needed.

I didnt know much about the Balochi problem and used to think that there are a few thousand nut jobs and the bugti tribe who wanted this separate country, and it was not a serious issue.until i read about it on PP and then a met a Balochi whose views were similar to the Bangladeshis i meet.

I am baluch myself. Baluchistan is a big issue campassing many countries (pakistan, afghanistan and iran) just like kurdistan.

1. baluchis are themselves scattered in all 4 provinces,eg D.G.Khan in Punjab, few districts in Sindh ( ZARDARI is Baluch himself), KP and ofcourse Baluchistan.

2. Baluchistan - itself composed of so many communities other than Baluchs, eg Pushtun ( almost 40-50 %), Brohis (10-20 %) and settlers , plus ofcourse Baluch (their max strength is 30-40 %), also Hazaras.

and of these 30-40 % Baluch, only a couple of tribes are fighting, so you can understand the scale,

this scale is much less than the Bangladesh, where due to distance, india was able to penterate with army plus massive public support, worked for independence of Bangladesh.

So more than any successful struggle, its a nuisance, but ofcourse pakistanis have the lesson in 1971, so more hue and cry.
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I've read quite a few pieces about those in Baluchistan being treated as second class citizens by the state and security forces however as an outsider I never know if the aforementioned picture is the truth, an exaggeration or simply a lie. For example the article below is a recent one from Dawn - is there any truth to it?

‘Baloch students will take up arms if denied rights’

LAHORE: Lateef Jauhar has lost too much weight and his skin its glow. But even then, he is stable and his body has begun to accept food again.

Jauhar went on a 40-day hunger strike outside the Karachi Press Club after his party leader Zahid Baloch was kidnapped by unidentified people. Even until now the whereabouts of Zahid are not known. This Baloch, who is now regarded as one of the heroes of his student party -- the Baloch Student’s Organisation-Azad (BSO-A), readily sat down to die for a cause, but ultimately survived to tell his tale.

Invited by the Awami Workers Party (AWP), Jauhar had an hour-long talk with his audience, mostly comprising AWP party members, press and others belonging to the civil society.

His struggle was a terrible experience, he said. So sick did he become that he had to be put on a drip while on hunger strike. He was accompanied by many other BSO-A students and leaders, and other Baloch who live in Karachi and even interior Sindh and Balochistan. But nothing deterred him from going back.

“I had to do this to put pressure on the elements,” he said. “The media gave me coverage, but many media outlets gave my cause better coverage than others. But in the end, I feel I have managed to send my message across, even internationally. Eventually, I was persuaded by my community, intellectuals and human rights organisations that I would be needed more living than dead.”

“Whom can a dead man help?” He said the Asian Human Rights Commission was one of the prominent groups that helped him realise this.

“Balochistan is one of the poorest provinces,” he said. “But the terror that our youths are facing has reached the roots of society. Even the student who goes out to buy a pen is apprehended by these elements and is then interrogated and given such a hard time that in the medium to long run it is hardly surprising that these young men turn towoards violence. Our libraries and our literature have been burnt, and I want to say we had no objectionable material, unless these people think sayings of Karl Marx and others go against the state.”

Jauhar openly blamed the state for its incompetence and indifference. He went to the extent of saying many of these elements are directly linked to the state.

“If students are bullied like this how is it expected that he will go forward and hold talks? They will become psychologically unstable and eventually this frustration will force them to take up arms. In a militant’s eyes, it is not wrong to take up arms against someone who has beat up his mother or killed his brother.

In fact for him it will be justified. If he does not become a rebel, he will become a liability. Due to this insecurity, the BSO-A held its last meeting in the rugged mountains in secret.”

He claimed Baloch activists are constantly being kidnapped, tortured and killed. Sometimes they are so brutally tortured and mutilated that they cannot be identified.

“This sort of violence will only breed further violence. What is the use of this aggression, especially from state elements?”

He said Baloch are e presented as unnecessarily fierce and brutal militants instead of showing that they want peace and stability in the region.

“If we do not allow more liberal and progressive people to rule, we in Balochistan fear the country will never find a turning point where the situation can be improved.”

Jauhar also spoke about other matters in Balochistan, including growing militancy and how BSO-A was against it, and how state elements and terrorists in the weakening province were creating serious strife for the people. He condemned the level of sectarianism in the province and said it was a reflection of the state’s indifference to such major issues.

“We have sacrificed so many of our people, including women. Now we want a stop to this violence. In Baloch history we have a woman leader for the first time whose house is attacked every single day.”

Published in Dawn, June 28th , 2014

Read this article:

" Punishing Jadhav Will Not End Unrest in Balochistan "

We must learn from our History. Bangladesh.
COAS calls for harnessing Balochistan’s human resource

Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa has called for widening the scope of education at religious seminaries in order to enable students to play a positive and more productive role in society.

Addressing a seminar on Human Resource Development—Opportunities and Challenges — in Quetta on Thursday, the army chief categorically stated that he was not against the religious seminaries.

He told the audience that there were more religious seminaries established in Balochistan than the modern and quality schools during the past four decades. However, he added: “Only religious education is being imparted to the students at all the seminaries and thus the students educated from the seminaries are left behind in the race for development.”

He also mentioned the deep impact of Afghan civil war, saying the law and order situation undermined the pace of economic development and stability to a greater extent.

The chief of army staff called for supremacy of merit and economic development of Pakistan that is inseparably linked with functional democracy.

General Bajwa declared that the Pakistan Army was in the service of the state of Pakistan and its people and not to any particular government. He called for better and quality education and handling the administrative issues in a better way.

Bajwa said that more competent and experienced bureaucrats were shy of serving in Balochistan. He told the audience that he had proposed to former prime minister Nawaz Sharif to send more and experienced bureaucrats to Balochistan and take the province out of backwardness.

The army chief mentioned that at present more than 25,000 Baloch students were receiving quality education at various Army and FC-run schools and cadet colleges all over Pakistan. “Nearly 20,000 sons of Balochistan are serving in the army, including over 600 as officers, while 232 cadets are undergoing training at PMA, Kakul,” he added.

These numbers get even higher, Bajwa continued, when “we take into account Baloch youth in Pakistan Air Force, Pakistan Navy” and other law-enforcement agencies. “Baloch youth is as capable as youth of any area of Pakistan,” he said.

“We have enough resources. We just need to improve our human resource. The civil service needs to be made attractive so that the top talent comes to civil service. It is the backbone of any country,” the army chief stressed.

In his address, General Bajwa announced the establishment of an MRI centre in Turbat and expediting the process of establishment of already announced educational institutions.

He said that the army was a state institution meant to serve the nation. “Army shall continue to perform its role, while national security and development remains a national obligation for all state institutions,” he said.

He also said that he believes in democracy and even more so in the democratic values of selfless service and supremacy of moral authority. “All of us have a duty to the nation.”

Concluding his speech, the army chief said that tomorrow’s Balochistan would be engine of the national development effort and invaluable link from north to south and also to west.

A large number of politicians, elite and civil and military officials were also present at the seminar.
