Your Unrealistic Fantasies


Test Debutant
Feb 25, 2013
Let's be honest, we all have them. We also know it'll never come true. Despite that we enjoy indulging in them. I'm going to keep it short, and name one fantasy I have always had as a child. I have always wanted to travel in space. By that I mean I want to orbit the earth in a space shuttle. Travelling in zero gravity and looking at the earth and the stars from a space shuttle would be mesmerising.

Would love to know the ones you have.​
Honestly my biggest fantasy is to visit India someday and try the local food there specially from South India.
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divided by borders and united by food!
My problem is when a certain paindoo himself having moved to the UK tries shoving 'British Raj' down our throats. I have observed the behavior of most Pakistanis residing in Pakistan is not like that. Sachin Tendulkar has mentioned in his book that nothing beats Pakistani food. He said that he gained 4 kgs during one of his early tours to Pakistan. We Assamese people are mostly pukka non vegeterians. My brother till this days swears by non veg items of Pakistani restaurants in the UK when he was there for around 4 years.​
Always wanted to be a pilot and fly fighter jets. Could have been a reality but I never tried that hard I believe. Missed many chances to appear in the exams.
That's not unrealistic. If you have a non Pakistani passport you can visit India anyday.
You will still get denied if your ethnic background is Pakistani which is a shame. Example, you hold a British passport (including British born) but your parents came from Pakistan even though they will also hold British passport.

I will add this only became a real issue with BJP in power.
You will still get denied if your ethnic background is Pakistani which is a shame. Example, you hold a British passport (including British born) but your parents came from Pakistan even though they will also hold British passport.

I will add this only became a real issue with BJP in power.
It started happening after the Mumbai attacks in November, 2008. David Headley is the reason. Still it's not written on the wall. The thing is you'll be extra scrutinised.
It started happening after the Mumbai attacks in November, 2008. David Headley is the reason. Still it's not written on the wall. The thing is you'll be extra scrutinised.
I know a few people personally living in the UK who are getting denied even someone married to an ethnic Indian so its effectively a blanket ban.
I would like to have the ability of fly so I can go anywhere in the World without any visa :)