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Zakir Naik - What do you think of him?

There are so many people who claim that Quran promotes Terrorism and inspires it. You agree with them ?

Of course not! Zakir misquotes the Qur'an to further his own agenda. Every religious text is open to textual criticism that is not to say the preacher should justify intolerance and violence.
I am afraid you are supporting a man who propagates terrorism and has no respect for other religions at all. A man who is to afraid to return to his country like a true coward that he is. He attacks other religions indirectly had you cared to examine his video's. He supported the Taliban demolishing the Buddha statues in Afghanistan many years back as everyone knows. His absurd argument was that Buddhism does not allow such statue's that is not for him to decide.

I did not mention anything about Campbell whoever he is. He is to be congratulated for defending Islam but condemned for initiating hostilities towards other religions as well so why will you not do that?. The likes of Dr Israr were never banned from their own country or accused or terrorism. Zakir as I have proved through various video's gives Muslim people a bad name even though often his intention may be good. This is why other spiritual leaders attack him more often then not due to his attitude.

Other scholars may also misquote holy texts and verses but not have as much as Zakir does neither did they ever hide in other countries like cowards do. My biggest beef with him is he encourages terrorism albeit in a gentle manner thereby influencing naive minds like yours. He is accountable to the law oof the country like we all are and Indian law has determined that he is a security threat. What have Hazrat Musa(AS) got to do with Zakir Naik?? I know India treats its minorities poorly yet that does not justify Zakir's behaviour.

You are yet to provide proofs for your statements. You may say those are your opinions , thats fine. You may have opinion that cows can fly , but that will not make it a fact.
( Respects No religions and promotes terrorism )

I do not know what arguments DR Naik gave about destroying Bhuddha statue , because I did not hear that video. But as far as Islam is concerned , Taliban were right. That same act was done by Muhammad SAW when he went to Mecca.

Comparing Dr Naik and Israr Ahmed is totally wrong. Dr israr Ahmed is not a scholar of comparative religions , his dimensions are within Muslims. On Top of that he is living in a Muslim dominated Nation.

What makes you think he is giving Muslims bad name ? ( Again without evidence).

Indian Government needs to show evidence that he is security threat. Indian Government is also like you , all talk , NO evidence.

Musa AS has lot to do here , as per your argument of moving back to country . Musa AS also killed one person and moved away with solidiers of Pharoh looking for him.
Of course not! Zakir misquotes the Qur'an to further his own agenda. Every religious text is open to textual criticism that is not to say the preacher should justify intolerance and violence.

Show me where he misquoted , and proof your point.
You are yet to provide proofs for your statements. You may say those are your opinions , thats fine. You may have opinion that cows can fly , but that will not make it a fact.
( Respects No religions and promotes terrorism )

I do not know what arguments DR Naik gave about destroying Bhuddha statue , because I did not hear that video. But as far as Islam is concerned , Taliban were right. That same act was done by Muhammad SAW when he went to Mecca.

Comparing Dr Naik and Israr Ahmed is totally wrong. Dr israr Ahmed is not a scholar of comparative religions , his dimensions are within Muslims. On Top of that he is living in a Muslim dominated Nation.

What makes you think he is giving Muslims bad name ? ( Again without evidence).

Indian Government needs to show evidence that he is security threat. Indian Government is also like you , all talk , NO evidence.

Musa AS has lot to do here , as per your argument of moving back to country . Musa AS also killed one person and moved away with solidiers of Pharoh looking for him.

Proof for what? I have provided many videos where Zakir has called for Buddha statues in Afghanistan to be destroyed. He comes to the conclusion that Buddhism condemns idol worship the calls for them to be destroyed. What an idiot and clown your hero is! This is not an accusation on Zakir but a FACT.

We can not compare Rasool's(SAW) destruction of idol's to Taliban's behaviour for goodness sake what you on about! Buddhism has millions of followers and you are saying we should destroy their idol's? As if the situation in Myanmar is not bad enough they would call for Muslim blood in even greater numbers. You obviously know nothing about forming cordial relations with other communities.

Dr Israr does not attack other religions neither was he ever banned from entering his own country. He did not ever encourage terrorism either hence non Muslim's generally have no problem with him. By saying "every Muslim should be a terrorist" and nonsense like that he is not doing us any favours is he? Now you will ask where is the evidence of 26/11, Taliban and Al-Qaeda giving Muslim's a bad name!!!.

Indian government has shown video's that I posted of Zakir's provocative speeches yet you remain in denial? For people like you no evidence is enough despite I having shown you numerous video's. Whoever Musa(as) killed must have been guilty! Now you are comparing a loser like Zakir to Hadrath Musa(as), Zakir the fraud wants people of other faiths to be oppressed.
Show me where he misquoted , and proof your point.

You want me to dig video's from years back!!?

I do not agree with this guy either but he nonetheless exposes Zakir.

The WWW is full of Zakir's critics.
You want me to dig video's from years back!!?

I do not agree with this guy either but he nonetheless exposes Zakir.

The WWW is full of Zakir's critics.

Brother , What you want to proof from this video ?

That guy is a Barelvi Scholar , I can write pages regarding the belief of his sect , with scan pages . I do not wish to do that here . This guy would be stripped naked This is not a Islamic forum.

To cut the long story short , there is absolutely nothing in this video .

As far as your comment web is full of material against Dr naik. The web is also full of materials against Islam . You need to back those with evidence to proceed. Show me evidence I will believe. Dr Naik means nothing to me , except Ummati of Muhammad SAW , and we should not allege something without proof.. That is why Allah swt says that whenever you get some information verify that.
Proof for what? I have provided many videos where Zakir has called for Buddha statues in Afghanistan to be destroyed. He comes to the conclusion that Buddhism condemns idol worship the calls for them to be destroyed. What an idiot and clown your hero is! This is not an accusation on Zakir but a FACT.

We can not compare Rasool's(SAW) destruction of idol's to Taliban's behaviour for goodness sake what you on about! Buddhism has millions of followers and you are saying we should destroy their idol's? As if the situation in Myanmar is not bad enough they would call for Muslim blood in even greater numbers. You obviously know nothing about forming cordial relations with other communities.

Dr Israr does not attack other religions neither was he ever banned from entering his own country. He did not ever encourage terrorism either hence non Muslim's generally have no problem with him. By saying "every Muslim should be a terrorist" and nonsense like that he is not doing us any favours is he? Now you will ask where is the evidence of 26/11, Taliban and Al-Qaeda giving Muslim's a bad name!!!.

Indian government has shown video's that I posted of Zakir's provocative speeches yet you remain in denial? For people like you no evidence is enough despite I having shown you numerous video's. Whoever Musa(as) killed must have been guilty! Now you are comparing a loser like Zakir to Hadrath Musa(as), Zakir the fraud wants people of other faiths to be oppressed.

What wrong did Dr naik Say regarding Bhuddism ? Have you any idea or knowledge about there faith and belief system ? Bhuddist do not follow any religion , they are atheist.
Moreover Breaking Idols is a a Must for Islamic Country.

Where did I or Naik say we should destroy Statues everywhere , but I am talking about Islamic country. AS per Islam No statues can be allowed to be worshipped. Its not my opinion that you are blaming me.

DR Israr does not have the knowledge to debate other religions . What are you comparing ? He only had expertise on Quran , in rest of Islam he was no authority.

You are misquoting him again. He gave an entire lecture , and told what he meant by Terrorist . Do not be so biased , that just pull out one sentence and ignore the whole lecture.

Show me the link where Indian Goverment officially gave evidence.

First show where that person Musa AS killed was guilty ?

Again you speaking without evidence by calling Him Fraud .

Speak with evidence , not your desires.
Brother , What you want to proof from this video ?

That guy is a Barelvi Scholar , I can write pages regarding the belief of his sect , with scan pages . I do not wish to do that here . This guy would be stripped naked This is not a Islamic forum.

To cut the long story short , there is absolutely nothing in this video .

As far as your comment web is full of material against Dr naik. The web is also full of materials against Islam . You need to back those with evidence to proceed. Show me evidence I will believe. Dr Naik means nothing to me , except Ummati of Muhammad SAW , and we should not allege something without proof.. That is why Allah swt says that whenever you get some information verify that.

Not saying that the other scholar is right just coz he is challenging Zakir. What I am saying is that no scholar should be listened to without a critical analyses. The web is full of hate towards all religions not only Islam with people from all faiths attacking the other. I don't know what kind of evidence you will believe? I have proved the man attacks other religions, he is wanted in his own country and his organisation has also been shut down. Moreover, he has made million's by preaching Islam as well. Any religious scholar should never attack other religions or be absconding.
What wrong did Dr naik Say regarding Bhuddism ? Have you any idea or knowledge about there faith and belief system ? Bhuddist do not follow any religion , they are atheist.
Moreover Breaking Idols is a a Must for Islamic Country.

Where did I or Naik say we should destroy Statues everywhere , but I am talking about Islamic country. AS per Islam No statues can be allowed to be worshipped. Its not my opinion that you are blaming me.

DR Israr does not have the knowledge to debate other religions . What are you comparing ? He only had expertise on Quran , in rest of Islam he was no authority.

You are misquoting him again. He gave an entire lecture , and told what he meant by Terrorist . Do not be so biased , that just pull out one sentence and ignore the whole lecture.

Show me the link where Indian Goverment officially gave evidence.

First show where that person Musa AS killed was guilty ?

Again you speaking without evidence by calling Him Fraud .

Speak with evidence , not your desires.

No! There are Hindu Mandirs in many Muslim countries as well that have never been attacked and rightfully so. If we start breaking idol's then Masjid's will suffer in India as well. Islam is never about attacking other religions as much as we disagree with them. It is true that Buddhists deny any creator yet it is still a religious belief. You seem to be hell bent in Muslim's creating the worst possible relationship with Vedic religions unaware of the consequences. At the time western countries offered to take the Buddhist statues yet the Taliban refused insisting that they had to be broken. They just want to take everyone to the dark ages where every dam thing is outlawed.

I am saying let non-Muslim's practise their faith in Muslim countries as well instead of always wanting their blood. Instead of always picking some fight with them. So should Pakistan also start breaking Hindu idol's as well seeing it is supposedly an Islamic country? That is all Dr Israr needs is knowledge of Islam, nothing more. Unlike Zakir he did not go around attacking other religions so was respected by non-Muslim's as well.

Non-Muslim's will simply point out to Zakir's "all Muslim's should be terrorists" comment, he should be wise enough to use the correct words. Anyone in their work force would be sacked for making such a comment even if their intentions are good. No amount of evidencegiven will be good enough for you. What does "First show where that person Musa AS killed was guilty ? " mean? There is plenty off evidence I have provided for impartial minds. You are just in a state of denial.
Not saying that the other scholar is right just coz he is challenging Zakir. What I am saying is that no scholar should be listened to without a critical analyses. The web is full of hate towards all religions not only Islam with people from all faiths attacking the other. I don't know what kind of evidence you will believe? I have proved the man attacks other religions, he is wanted in his own country and his organisation has also been shut down. Moreover, he has made million's by preaching Islam as well. Any religious scholar should never attack other religions or be absconding.

When you are making the point that he attacks other religions , you need to understand its part of answers , which the people of other religions ask him. He has to answer them, that is why he is there. He is giving people opportunity to cross question him.
When you are making the point that he attacks other religions , you need to understand its part of answers , which the people of other religions ask him. He has to answer them, that is why he is there. He is giving people opportunity to cross question him.

Sometimes it may be part of the answer. Often he attacks other religions to satisfy his ego as well.
Sometimes it may be part of the answer. Often he attacks other religions to satisfy his ego as well.

How you differentiate between them ? Do you know what is in hearts of human beings ?

Do not assume about people , when I gave example about Dr Israr , I did not presume , I mentioned true facts where he went wrong.
How you differentiate between them ? Do you know what is in hearts of human beings ?

Do not assume about people , when I gave example about Dr Israr , I did not presume , I mentioned true facts where he went wrong.

With common sense. Look, Islam never ever gives the wrong answer but Muslim's like Zakir often do. We differentiate by using the Qur'an and Sunnah as evidence then draw our own conclusions. The results must be satisfactory.
With common sense. Look, Islam never ever gives the wrong answer but Muslim's like Zakir often do. We differentiate by using the Qur'an and Sunnah as evidence then draw our own conclusions. The results must be satisfactory.

What wrong answers did DR Naik give ?

He has been reason of guidance to so many Non Muslims . He has answered so many questions regarding Islam . So many people are saved from eternal hell through his efforts , and you instead of appreciating that , are speaking against him , based on your own opinions. At least give some hard facts.

Look at all the above posts you wrote , you put sometimes views of Barelvi Mullah speaking against him , sometimes you say he is encouraging terrorists , sometimes this and that. But No evidence.
What wrong answers did DR Naik give ?

He has been reason of guidance to so many Non Muslims . He has answered so many questions regarding Islam . So many people are saved from eternal hell through his efforts , and you instead of appreciating that , are speaking against him , based on your own opinions. At least give some hard facts.

Look at all the above posts you wrote , you put sometimes views of Barelvi Mullah speaking against him , sometimes you say he is encouraging terrorists , sometimes this and that. But No evidence.

Some of his answers are okay but most of the times he sides on extreme values. Many extremists are mostly motivated by him as well quoting his verses before letting of bombs or what not. Why does he not fight to clear his name if he is that innocent? I have given you plenty of video evidence and proved that he is even banned in the UK as well for being a hate preacher? The only kind of evidence or "hard facts" you will accept is him saying "yes, I encourage terrorism" then you will insist it was a dubbing error. I don't care who or what is speaking against him rather what they are saying is true. There is a reason the UK has banned him and he is to afraid to return home coz he knows the charges against him are true.
Some of his answers are okay but most of the times he sides on extreme values. Many extremists are mostly motivated by him as well quoting his verses before letting of bombs or what not. Why does he not fight to clear his name if he is that innocent? I have given you plenty of video evidence and proved that he is even banned in the UK as well for being a hate preacher? The only kind of evidence or "hard facts" you will accept is him saying "yes, I encourage terrorism" then you will insist it was a dubbing error. I don't care who or what is speaking against him rather what they are saying is true. There is a reason the UK has banned him and he is to afraid to return home coz he knows the charges against him are true.

You showed me that he is banned , that does not mean you provided me proof for that. There is difference between alleging something and proving something.

France also banned niqab , so according to your logic they are right ? There was a time when Science Books were banned by Church , were they right ?

Someone who is having authority can do many things when in Power , that does not mean they are right.

If extremists are motivated by him , that is not his fault , go and catch the extremists. He says many good things , why they not motivated by those ? That shows its up to people what they want to follow.

Quran says do not come near salah , now if you take this verse , and claim that I am motiavated not to pray , you are on error , because Quran says that do not come near salah when in drunk state. Fault is not with Quran .
With common sense. Look, Islam never ever gives the wrong answer but Muslim's like Zakir often do. We differentiate by using the Qur'an and Sunnah as evidence then draw our own conclusions. The results must be satisfactory.

And there is the single biggest problem with Islam and its followers. How the hell do you know that its not a wrong answer ? Who is going to decide and on what basis ? If the basis is logic/facts/science/data I can guarantee you that there are many wrong answers in general if you look to Islam for answers to questions. Same is true for EVERY religion including mine.
You showed me that he is banned , that does not mean you provided me proof for that. There is difference between alleging something and proving something.

France also banned niqab , so according to your logic they are right ? There was a time when Science Books were banned by Church , were they right ?

Someone who is having authority can do many things when in Power , that does not mean they are right.

If extremists are motivated by him , that is not his fault , go and catch the extremists. He says many good things , why they not motivated by those ? That shows its up to people what they want to follow.

Quran says do not come near salah , now if you take this verse , and claim that I am motiavated not to pray , you are on error , because Quran says that do not come near salah when in drunk state. Fault is not with Quran .

The proof was given in massive numbers where he speaks of things like destroying statues in Afghanistan and "every Muslim should be a terrorist" nonsense. That like a coward he refuses to fight to clear his name exposes him further for what he is. Stick to the subject at hand instead of confusing it with other incidents as every issue is different. We are talking about Zakir Naik here.

The UK studied his comments before deciding that Zakir is a threat to the country. If it pleases you many others like him have also been banned as well and rightly so. Those who call for violence should rightfully not be allowed to travel. Extremists are motivated by his nonsense so it is his fault! If I follow a recipe book telling me how to bake a cake then the recipe book is to be credited. Only difference here is that these vulnerable kids are brainwashed in to Zakir's violent and intolerant views. I don't think these young ones are naive enough that they will pray when intoxicated that would be an obvious error.
And there is the single biggest problem with Islam and its followers. How the hell do you know that its not a wrong answer ? Who is going to decide and on what basis ? If the basis is logic/facts/science/data I can guarantee you that there are many wrong answers in general if you look to Islam for answers to questions. Same is true for EVERY religion including mine.

So you are saying that Muslim's should say "we know Islam is wrong yet we'll continue to follow it??" Coz we believe that the Qur'an is a divine miracle so it is impossible for it to be wrong! I got news for you that followers of every religion believe their faith never gives the wrong answer so deal with it. What is wrong is when these very people start killing or threatening those who disagree. You can say whatever you want about your religion. We don't need you to speak on behalf of Islam.
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So you are saying that Muslim's should say "we know Islam is wrong yet we'll continue to follow it??" Coz we believe that the Qur'an is a divine miracle so it is impossible for it to be wrong! I got news for you that followers of every religion believe their faith never gives the wrong answer so deal with it. What is wrong is when these very people start killing or threatening those who disagree. You can say whatever you want about your religion. We don't need you to speak on behalf of Islam.

Do you want to bet your house on it ? As I said - who and on what basis is this going to be decided ? Will it be logic/facts/science/data or you going to turn to your religious texts in which case it will be Circular logic.
Do you want to bet your house on it ? As I said - who and on what basis is this going to be decided ? Will it be logic/facts/science/data or you going to turn to your religious texts in which case it will be Circular logic.

Yes a great man will ravel all.
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Muslim people are supposed to suffer at this moment in time. The great Prophet of Islam foretold current events when believers in Islam will be killed everywhere. Allah will reveal all i time.
The proof was given in massive numbers where he speaks of things like destroying statues in Afghanistan and "every Muslim should be a terrorist" nonsense. That like a coward he refuses to fight to clear his name exposes him further for what he is. Stick to the subject at hand instead of confusing it with other incidents as every issue is different. We are talking about Zakir Naik here.

The UK studied his comments before deciding that Zakir is a threat to the country. If it pleases you many others like him have also been banned as well and rightly so. Those who call for violence should rightfully not be allowed to travel. Extremists are motivated by his nonsense so it is his fault! If I follow a recipe book telling me how to bake a cake then the recipe book is to be credited. Only difference here is that these vulnerable kids are brainwashed in to Zakir's violent and intolerant views. I don't think these young ones are naive enough that they will pray when intoxicated that would be an obvious error.

You are yet to give any solid evidence , but simply shooting arrows in dark.

" Everyone should be terrorist " did he stop there ? I have mentioned it four times now. hear the whole lecture . Why you keep repeating same stuff again and again ?

I answered three times about statues of Bhuddha . According to Islam it was right . If you have problem with Islam then debate on that , not on Dr Naik.

Uk studied , but what conclusive proof they gave ?

US bombed Iraq because they alleged neuclear weapons , how many did they find ? These people always claim , but never proof , just like what you are doing here .
answer the question - dont evade.

If you are a Muslim then have to look at the Prophet's(SAW) hadiith. If not then you won't believe my Islamic perspective of where the world stands at this time. Islam will re emerge after WW3.
You are yet to give any solid evidence , but simply shooting arrows in dark.

" Everyone should be terrorist " did he stop there ? I have mentioned it four times now. hear the whole lecture . Why you keep repeating same stuff again and again ?

I answered three times about statues of Bhuddha . According to Islam it was right . If you have problem with Islam then debate on that , not on Dr Naik.

Uk studied , but what conclusive proof they gave ?

US bombed Iraq because they alleged neuclear weapons , how many did they find ? These people always claim , but never proof , just like what you are doing here .

I told you before that people only remember "Every Muslim should a terrorist" remark even if he meant it in a good way. A blind man like you obsessed with Zakir can't see anything even if he has been banned from many countries as a threat! Everyone else is wrong but your hero Zakir the coward is the saint here!

Your idea of Islam is extremism and hate of other religions. It is people like you who want all temples destroyed that give Muslim's a bad name. According to your ridiculous logic even Pakistan should destroy all Hindu temples. UK gave evidence of Zakir's speeches if you care to browse youtube. I am not saying the west is always right neither is there any comparison between Zakir's intolerance or American terrorism.
Not seen much of him but he does use scientific miracles in the Qur'an in his repoirtre. Currently Muslim speakers like Hamza Tzortzis have been convinced with evidence, I assume, that there are no scientific miracles in the Qur'an. The Qur'an is a book of signs, not science, according to some.
I told you before that people only remember "Every Muslim should a terrorist" remark even if he meant it in a good way. A blind man like you obsessed with Zakir can't see anything even if he has been banned from many countries as a threat! Everyone else is wrong but your hero Zakir the coward is the saint here!

Your idea of Islam is extremism and hate of other religions. It is people like you who want all temples destroyed that give Muslim's a bad name. According to your ridiculous logic even Pakistan should destroy all Hindu temples. UK gave evidence of Zakir's speeches if you care to browse youtube. I am not saying the west is always right neither is there any comparison between Zakir's intolerance or American terrorism.

He did not mean in good way or bad way. Point is you just quoting one sentence and leaving out whole lecture !!! Is it fair ? That sentence was part of explanation of something. Its a big fabrication to do such thing.

Where I claimed Zakir naik is saint ?

But that does not mean you will blame him for everything.

There is NO my idea of Islam or your Idea of Islam or Naiks idea of Islam. When you speak about Islam you have got to speak from authentic sources.

You say Zakir naik is giving bad name to Islam , before naik was even born , what good name was given to Islam ?

The UK government has not given any conclusive proof , they are as shallow as your so called videos , which you posted above. One of the videos you showed a barelvi guy saying Zakir naik is wrong ! what kind of proof is that ?
I told you before that people only remember "Every Muslim should a terrorist" remark even if he meant it in a good way. A blind man like you obsessed with Zakir can't see anything even if he has been banned from many countries as a threat! Everyone else is wrong but your hero Zakir the coward is the saint here!

How on earth can anybody mean that 'in a good way'?
The thing I appreciate it how he answers many difficult questions with simple examples. It sometimes helps when someone questions about Islam.

However what I dislike about him is how he sometimes belittles others and comes across as being cocky.
He is a charlatan, not that he knows it, his gimmick has been to memorise in order to mesmerise, memorising major tomes of religion, no mean feat, credit due, this mesmerised large parts of the Muslim world initially and even now he still has his admirers.

A large part of his shtick is to cite scientific miracles in the Qur'an due to work by Maurice Bucaille, which has now been largely discredited by 'progressive' Muslims groups.

Will not debate any athiest unless they can guarantee 10,000 or more to said debate.
He did not mean in good way or bad way. Point is you just quoting one sentence and leaving out whole lecture !!! Is it fair ? That sentence was part of explanation of something. Its a big fabrication to do such thing.

Where I claimed Zakir naik is saint ?

But that does not mean you will blame him for everything.

There is NO my idea of Islam or your Idea of Islam or Naiks idea of Islam. When you speak about Islam you have got to speak from authentic sources.

You say Zakir naik is giving bad name to Islam , before naik was even born , what good name was given to Islam ?

The UK government has not given any conclusive proof , they are as shallow as your so called videos , which you posted above. One of the videos you showed a barelvi guy saying Zakir naik is wrong ! what kind of proof is that ?

Yes it is fair coz he said something without thinking of the consequences. This is why scholars of other faiths are always attacking him for his ignorance. You are certainly implying that he is a saint by constantly defending him and his ways. He is to be blamed for those terrorists who are inspired by him and his views. Islam is always tolerant where as he and even you who promotes demolishing other people's God's are not that at all. The Prophet(saw) demolishing the statues inside the Kaaba is totally different from the ones in Afghanistan or the temples in other Muslim countries as Mecca and Medina are special places for Muslim people, you understand?.

There are many people who have given Islam a great name? Are you suggesting that Islam has always received bad publicity? No it has not when much of the west respects it's accomplishments. It is only after 26/11 that all this Islamophobia started. You have no understanding off anything at all neither is any government answerable to you for banning your beloved Zakir. I don't see any government having banned to many other Muslim scholars like Tahir Ul Qadri who is well respected. You will continue arguing like whipping a dead horse. I don't know what kind of evidence you are looking for other then Zakir saying "yes, I am a terrorist!" Then you will say "he meant that in a good way!".
How on earth can anybody mean that 'in a good way'?

Zakir supposedly meant that every Muslim should terrorise terrorists! You need to ask his die hard supporters like justcrazy here for a proper explanation!
Zakir supposedly meant that every Muslim should terrorise terrorists! You need to ask his die hard supporters like justcrazy here for a proper explanation!

I think you have problem understanding meanings in English.

You used the word " Die Hard supporter " for me.

Does my stand on Dr Naik really show that I suit that word ? Think about that.
Yes it is fair coz he said something without thinking of the consequences. This is why scholars of other faiths are always attacking him for his ignorance. You are certainly implying that he is a saint by constantly defending him and his ways. He is to be blamed for those terrorists who are inspired by him and his views. Islam is always tolerant where as he and even you who promotes demolishing other people's God's are not that at all. The Prophet(saw) demolishing the statues inside the Kaaba is totally different from the ones in Afghanistan or the temples in other Muslim countries as Mecca and Medina are special places for Muslim people, you understand?.

There are many people who have given Islam a great name? Are you suggesting that Islam has always received bad publicity? No it has not when much of the west respects it's accomplishments. It is only after 26/11 that all this Islamophobia started. You have no understanding off anything at all neither is any government answerable to you for banning your beloved Zakir. I don't see any government having banned to many other Muslim scholars like Tahir Ul Qadri who is well respected. You will continue arguing like whipping a dead horse. I don't know what kind of evidence you are looking for other then Zakir saying "yes, I am a terrorist!" Then you will say "he meant that in a good way!".

Other faiths are bound to attack him . Where on earth are you living ? People belonging to same faith attach each other , what you expect from other faiths ? have other faiths not attacked prophet Muhammad also ?

I still cannot believe that you can be such a fool to continue the terrorist card . Yet your unable to show any direct reference where he inspired any terrorists . If tomorrow I get inspired by a movie and go and kill people will the producer and writer be responsible for my act ?

Mecca and Medina were special place for Muslims , not the non Muslims .

West has always supported people like Qadri , because he is a liar , and he promotes wrong islam. And mind you my friend unlike you I can show you the lies of tahir Qadri straightaway , not just attack . His absurdity will be evident.

And more over what support has west done for tahir Qadri ? Did they accept what he said ? Do they do what he says ? have they made his statue in some public place ? What respect exactly are we talking about here ?

Evidence means proof , not allegations. You know there is a difference between theory and fact.
The same applies here. That is because you are making a serious allegation against someone , thus your evidence has to be serious.
How on earth can anybody mean that 'in a good way'?

I did not say that , you can check my posts.

This guy is probably quoting something , so my only request was that you listen to whole video thats all. If I take sentences out of place , it can mean different thing.
I think you have problem understanding meanings in English.

You used the word " Die Hard supporter " for me.

Does my stand on Dr Naik really show that I suit that word ? Think about that.

Yes you do appear as a die hard supporter which is why you are unable to see Zakir for the coward he is. Hiding in Malaysia this terror preacher is to afraid to return home. No genuine Islamic preacher is supporting him in his quarrel with his mother land.
Other faiths are bound to attack him . Where on earth are you living ? People belonging to same faith attach each other , what you expect from other faiths ? have other faiths not attacked prophet Muhammad also ?

I still cannot believe that you can be such a fool to continue the terrorist card . Yet your unable to show any direct reference where he inspired any terrorists . If tomorrow I get inspired by a movie and go and kill people will the producer and writer be responsible for my act ?

Mecca and Medina were special place for Muslims , not the non Muslims .

West has always supported people like Qadri , because he is a liar , and he promotes wrong islam. And mind you my friend unlike you I can show you the lies of tahir Qadri straightaway , not just attack . His absurdity will be evident.

And more over what support has west done for tahir Qadri ? Did they accept what he said ? Do they do what he says ? have they made his statue in some public place ? What respect exactly are we talking about here ?

Evidence means proof , not allegations. You know there is a difference between theory and fact.
The same applies here. That is because you are making a serious allegation against someone , thus your evidence has to be serious.

You serious! It is obvious that you are living in cuckoo land. Every preacher is open to disagreement but Zakir is accused of propagating terrorism, that is the difference. Other people I mean non Muslim's do not accuse the likes of Tahir Ul Qadri for being a terror supporter. Oh I see so in order to be loved by Allah you have to hate the west at everything like Zakir does? Tahir is an Islamic preacher trying to bring peace in the world where as Zakir is a hater doing the exact opposite.

You don't need to show me anything, it is enough for me that Zakir propagates terrorism and is a wanted man in his country. If my country accused me of such I would stay there or return fight my case. This man is absconding because he knows that he is indeed guilty as sin, I am not saying that I agree with everything Tahir says however he does not hate believers of other religions. There are many preachers of Islam in India yet their government only and rightfully wants this terrorist!

Why should the west support Tahir? He did not ever claim to being some angel trying to convert the west to Islam rather preaches to Muslim people instead of putting up a circus like show that Zakir does idiot that he is! This man is a danger and should be behind bars for sure! We are talking about Tahir not being wanted by his own country for being called a terrorist or being banned from a foreign land neither is he afraid to return home. I have given you many forms of evidence, as it happens just yesterday Indian news was reporting that Zakir could be deported by Malaysia and he should be as well.
You serious! It is obvious that you are living in cuckoo land. Every preacher is open to disagreement but Zakir is accused of propagating terrorism, that is the difference. Other people I mean non Muslim's do not accuse the likes of Tahir Ul Qadri for being a terror supporter. Oh I see so in order to be loved by Allah you have to hate the west at everything like Zakir does? Tahir is an Islamic preacher trying to bring peace in the world where as Zakir is a hater doing the exact opposite.

You don't need to show me anything, it is enough for me that Zakir propagates terrorism and is a wanted man in his country. If my country accused me of such I would stay there or return fight my case. This man is absconding because he knows that he is indeed guilty as sin, I am not saying that I agree with everything Tahir says however he does not hate believers of other religions. There are many preachers of Islam in India yet their government only and rightfully wants this terrorist!

Why should the west support Tahir? He did not ever claim to being some angel trying to convert the west to Islam rather preaches to Muslim people instead of putting up a circus like show that Zakir does idiot that he is! This man is a danger and should be behind bars for sure! We are talking about Tahir not being wanted by his own country for being called a terrorist or being banned from a foreign land neither is he afraid to return home. I have given you many forms of evidence, as it happens just yesterday Indian news was reporting that Zakir could be deported by Malaysia and he should be as well.

Yes you used the word " Accused " , I agree with that , he is accused. being accused and proved guilty is totally different. I hope you stand by that word that you yourself used.

You are speaking without sense. DR Naik is giving talks regarding comparative religions. He is bringing people on common terms between the scriptures , while Tahir Qadir has no expertise on other scriptures , so he cannot speak about common terms.

Above you said he was accused , then you declare of him to be criminal , great logic with your contradictions.

The kind of circus Tahir Qadri does , we all know that , reciting the shahadah in front of a grave , is something enough to show what class he is.

Which news ? Friend you are living in imagenery world. Indian Government is just like you , they have no evidence , it is simply there opinion without any facts.
Yes you do appear as a die hard supporter which is why you are unable to see Zakir for the coward he is. Hiding in Malaysia this terror preacher is to afraid to return home. No genuine Islamic preacher is supporting him in his quarrel with his mother land.

Why any Islamic scholar will support him ? It is his personal issue.

And moreover this Mother land concept has nothing to do with Islam. We do not worship any ground or country. Country is made by its administration. WE all know what is the current political situation in India.
Why any Islamic scholar will support him ? It is his personal issue.

And moreover this Mother land concept has nothing to do with Islam. We do not worship any ground or country. Country is made by its administration. WE all know what is the current political situation in India.
Who are 'we' here and who do you speak for?
Why any Islamic scholar will support him ? It is his personal issue.

And moreover this Mother land concept has nothing to do with Islam. We do not worship any ground or country. Country is made by its administration. WE all know what is the current political situation in India.

Who is this we who dont have a concept of having a country?

What is the political situation in India that this "WE" knows about?
Yes you used the word " Accused " , I agree with that , he is accused. being accused and proved guilty is totally different. I hope you stand by that word that you yourself used.

You are speaking without sense. DR Naik is giving talks regarding comparative religions. He is bringing people on common terms between the scriptures , while Tahir Qadir has no expertise on other scriptures , so he cannot speak about common terms.

Above you said he was accused , then you declare of him to be criminal , great logic with your contradictions.

The kind of circus Tahir Qadri does , we all know that , reciting the shahadah in front of a grave , is something enough to show what class he is.

Which news ? Friend you are living in imagenery world. Indian Government is just like you , they have no evidence , it is simply there opinion without any facts.

Zakir Naik has knowledge of scriptures? He once tried to prove that The Prophet(PBUH) was a Avatar mentioned in Hindu scriptures. He is a master manipulator who has been banned in various countries for his extremist views.

How do you know that GOI has no evidence? Are you the judge in the case and have examined the evidence?
Zakir Naik has knowledge of scriptures? He once tried to prove that The Prophet(PBUH) was a Avatar mentioned in Hindu scriptures. He is a master manipulator who has been banned in various countries for his extremist views.

How do you know that GOI has no evidence? Are you the judge in the case and have examined the evidence?

He gave evidence according to his own studies , if he was wrong in that fine. I no where said that he is infallible. It does not mean he is manipulating.

Moreover even if you say he is manipulating , can someone manipulate without knowledge ?

Can you show what extremist views he had?

They have no evidence , its only accusation.
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He gave evidence according to his own studies , if he was wrong in that fine. I no where said that he is infallible. It does not mean he is manipulating.

Moreover even if you say he is manipulating , can someone manipulate without knowledge ?

Can you show what extremist views he had?

They have no evidence , its only accusation.

He is insulting other religiond by adding religious figures into them and asking them to leave that religion and start following the religious figure.

He made fun of Sikh practice of Jhatka.

He makes fun of other religions to glorify his own.

How do you know that they have no evidence? Evidence is presented in courts.
He is insulting other religiond by adding religious figures into them and asking them to leave that religion and start following the religious figure.

He made fun of Sikh practice of Jhatka.

He makes fun of other religions to glorify his own.

How do you know that they have no evidence? Evidence is presented in courts.

In a democratic country he has right to express his views , as others have regarding Islam.

If you have any objectionable video of Dr Naik , making fun , kindly show it here. making ambiguous statements is not going to benefit anyone. That is because he has thousands of lectures , its not possible to go through all of them . If you heard something which offended your senses then please do share the link at least , so that we can see that.
In a democratic country he has right to express his views , as others have regarding Islam.

If you have any objectionable video of Dr Naik , making fun , kindly show it here. making ambiguous statements is not going to benefit anyone. That is because he has thousands of lectures , its not possible to go through all of them . If you heard something which offended your senses then please do share the link at least , so that we can see that.

No he doesnot have the right to ridicule other's religion and try to the propogate the islamic viewpoint over them.

There have been plenty of such videos on the internet. There is a reason why he has been banned in various countries.
I saw a video of an Ex-Muslim (really was agnostic instead of a self-proclaimed atheist) asking him about Islam's view on evolution.

Instead of answering the question or simply saying "I don't know" (like you're supposed to in Islam), he lambasted the individual in front of hundreds of other people.
No he doesnot have the right to ridicule other's religion and try to the propogate the islamic viewpoint over them.

There have been plenty of such videos on the internet. There is a reason why he has been banned in various countries.

can you kindly show me one of those plenty of videos where he ridiculed someone , himself , not in response to some question put to him.

Also , if that was the reason for him being banned , that is not under promoting terrorism. Both allegations here are different in nature.
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Yes you used the word " Accused " , I agree with that , he is accused. being accused and proved guilty is totally different. I hope you stand by that word that you yourself used.

You are speaking without sense. DR Naik is giving talks regarding comparative religions. He is bringing people on common terms between the scriptures , while Tahir Qadir has no expertise on other scriptures , so he cannot speak about common terms.

Above you said he was accused , then you declare of him to be criminal , great logic with your contradictions.

The kind of circus Tahir Qadri does , we all know that , reciting the shahadah in front of a grave , is something enough to show what class he is.

Which news ? Friend you are living in imagenery world. Indian Government is just like you , they have no evidence , it is simply there opinion without any facts.

So then he should return to his country and face the music. An accused person can be charged, it is for Zakir to prove his innocence instead he is hiding like a mouse in Malaysia. Why is he afraid to return home if he is innocent?

I have plenty of sense, thanks! Rather you simply are unable to deal with the fact that he is guilty which is why he will not return home. As I have said no matter what kind of lectures he gives propogating violence and intolerance like demolishing Buddha statues is part of his make up. Qadri only speaks about Islam however the point is no country wants him to be interrogated. Zakir is a criminal to me but an accused person to his country at the moment!

You are obviously a great admirer of your peace loving hero who supports terrorism in many forms including destroying non Muslim places of worship. It is people like you who give Muslim's everywhere a bad name. Does not matter what Qadri does....not saying he is always right but the fact is he is not accused of any terrorism. You are obviously trying to deflect your attention to the scripture so to seek pardon for terror loving Zakir who wants to take us back to the stone age!

Well, any government reserves the right to charge a citizen on the basis of suspecting criminal activity. Prove the government wrong then seek financial compensation if Zakir is truthful instead he continue to abscond.
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Why any Islamic scholar will support him ? It is his personal issue.

And moreover this Mother land concept has nothing to do with Islam. We do not worship any ground or country. Country is made by its administration. WE all know what is the current political situation in India.

Coz if he claimed to be innocent then many scholars would say his interpretation of Islam is correct. He does have some support from people who are as delusional as him. Who believe that a raped lady has to marry the perpetrator! It has everything to do with it as Zakir like anyone else is answerable to the law. Being a so called scholar does not mean he is exempt from the law of his country. Irrespective of what the situation is in India Muslim's there will be further targeted because of him. Thankfully, he is not Pakistani and I never want to see him in Pak at all. India is more then welcome to him. I always defend Hafiz Saeed from critics because he has never preached terrorism despite the many charges India and his people put on him.
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So then he should return to his country and face the music. An accused person can be charged, it is for Zakir to prove his innocence instead he is hiding like a mouse in Malaysia. Why is he afraid to return home if he is innocent?

I have plenty of sense, thanks! Rather you simply are unable to deal with the fact that he is guilty which is why he will not return home. As I have said no matter what kind of lectures he gives propogating violence and intolerance like demolishing Buddha statues is part of his make up. Qadri only speaks about Islam however the point is no country wants him to be interrogated. Zakir is a criminal to me but an accused person to his country at the moment!

You are obviously a great admirer of your peace loving hero who supports terrorism in many forms including destroying non Muslim places of worship. It is people like you who give Muslim's everywhere a bad name. Does not matter what Qadri does....not saying he is always right but the fact is he is not accused of any terrorism. You are obviously trying to deflect your attention to the scripture so to seek pardon for terror loving Zakir who wants to take us back to the stone age!

Well, any government reserves the right to charge a citizen on the basis of suspecting criminal activity. Prove the government wrong then seek financial compensation if Zakir is truthful instead he continue to abscond.

If someone is not happy with judiciary of a country that person is guilty ? That means all Asylum seekers are guilty . Good argument !!

Again Guilty of what ? You are using the term and yet to show me a single speech of what you claim.
Yes , DR naik is criminal to you , say that , its your opinion. An opinion which you have without any evidence.

I am admirer of no one .

he wants to take you to stone age ? Brother , show me evidence of what you are saying . You speaking here and there , and so far No evidence.

The states have rights , also the citizens have right. If a citizen is not confident about the justice system of the country one can claim asylum elsewhere. It is up to the country to negotiate with other country to bring that person back.
[MENTION=142169]PakLFC[/MENTION] If by becoming secular , you have to go against Islam then I will not. I will be accountable for what I am writing here to Allah swt , and my job is not please disbelievers by presenting false Islam to them. What is truth is truth , Islam does not compromise. It did not compromise when there were 313 Muslims , you think it will now ? Allah swt will always raise people who will stick to truth.
Coz if he claimed to be innocent then many scholars would say his interpretation of Islam is correct. He does have some support from people who are as delusional as him. Who believe that a raped lady has to marry the perpetrator! It has everything to do with it as Zakir like anyone else is answerable to the law. Being a so called scholar does not mean he is exempt from the law of his country. Irrespective of what the situation is in India Muslim's there will be further targeted because of him. Thankfully, he is not Pakistani and I never want to see him in Pak at all. India is more then welcome to him. I always defend Hafiz Saeed from critics because he has never preached terrorism despite the many charges India and his people put on him.

Why you bothered about what Naik believes or what I believe or some other scholar believes. Islam is not about any people believes , its about what Quran and Hadeeth says. Does Quran or hadeeth say that a raped women has to marry rapist ? NO . That is it. Even if all scholars get together and give this fatwa its garbage.

Muslims have always been targeted in India , its nothing new , and will continue till Gazwa E Hind.

hafeez Saeed being a terrorist is undisputed matter. His lectures are clearly available on internet . You comparing him with Naik !!!
Muslims have always been targeted in India , its nothing new , and will continue till Gazwa E Hind.

Can you tell me when Gazwa E Hind is scheduled? I want to make my vacation plans taking it into consideration.

Those days work for me. I would like a front row seat to watch the liberators charging on their steeds to Gazwa E Hind. Maybe there is a package deal with includes hotel and plane tickets.
Can you tell me when Gazwa E Hind is scheduled? I want to make my vacation plans taking it into consideration.

Brother I am talking from Muslims perspective . This is not something I am fabricating myself . Its like Kalki Avatar that vedantists believe or coming of Messiah by Jews.
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Brother I am talking from Muslims perspective . This is not something I am fabricating myself . Its like Kalki Avatar that vedantists believe or coming of Messiah by Jews.

I am a Hindu but you won't find me posting here on PP that Kalki Avatar will come and save Punjab, which is the ancient land of the Hindus.
I am a Hindu but you won't find me posting here on PP that Kalki Avatar will come and save Punjab, which is the ancient land of the Hindus.

Brother , if some topic is discussed here , I have to answer. I am not starting these kind of threads.
[MENTION=142169]PakLFC[/MENTION] If by becoming secular , you have to go against Islam then I will not. I will be accountable for what I am writing here to Allah swt , and my job is not please disbelievers by presenting false Islam to them. What is truth is truth , Islam does not compromise. It did not compromise when there were 313 Muslims , you think it will now ? Allah swt will always raise people who will stick to truth.

Who said anything about becoming secular or any ar>> Islam first and foremost is about social justice even if the accused is a Muslim. Your emotional plea will not soften my stance neither are you doing any favours upon believers by defending a hate preacher like Zakir. As I have repeatedly stated that he has to submit to the law then have faith in Allah that he will be proved innocent if he is truthful.
Why you bothered about what Naik believes or what I believe or some other scholar believes. Islam is not about any people believes , its about what Quran and Hadeeth says. Does Quran or hadeeth say that a raped women has to marry rapist ? NO . That is it. Even if all scholars get together and give this fatwa its garbage.

Muslims have always been targeted in India , its nothing new , and will continue till Gazwa E Hind.

hafeez Saeed being a terrorist is undisputed matter. His lectures are clearly available on internet . You comparing him with Naik !!!

Now you are hijacking the debate in your feeble attempts to defend Zakir. We are not talking about what Islam says but how Zakir misquotes the verses to suit his own agenda. Any religious text ccan be misquoted to naive people like you. The point is that Zakir uses his position of authority to brainwash people, this is why many suicide bombers have been inspired by him. Muslim's are rendered more vulnerable by the likes of Zakir Ghazwa-e-Hind or no Ghazwa-e-Hind! Yes I am saying that I do not accuse anyone of terrorism without doing some research on their comments. I mentioned Hafiz to tell you that he is not a terrorist just because India says so.
If someone is not happy with judiciary of a country that person is guilty ? That means all Asylum seekers are guilty . Good argument !!

Again Guilty of what ? You are using the term and yet to show me a single speech of what you claim.
Yes , DR naik is criminal to you , say that , its your opinion. An opinion which you have without any evidence.

I am admirer of no one .

he wants to take you to stone age ? Brother , show me evidence of what you are saying . You speaking here and there , and so far No evidence.

The states have rights , also the citizens have right. If a citizen is not confident about the justice system of the country one can claim asylum elsewhere. It is up to the country to negotiate with other country to bring that person back.

Asylum seekers are not charged by their country of inciting terrorism! Another naive comment from you! He is accused of instigating terrorism. I say his refusal to return home is an admission of guilt. Even Nawaz Sharif will return to Pak facing the Music unlike coward Zakir who hides like a mouse.

You want me to produce a Zakir video for everything I accuse him off? There are hundreds of his video's online where he speaks of propagating violence like he said demolishing temples is a good thing. As I said no scholar is above the law of the country. My stance would be the same if f Dr Qadri was accused by Pakistan of propagating terrorism in the country.

Citizen rights are hiring a lawyer to defend themselves. This is the easy way out for a criminal to say "I have no faith in the justice system". Like it or not he will eventually have to return home just like Nawaz Sharif will later on today, insha Allah. No accused person can run forever.
Zakir Naik will not be deported: Malaysia PM

Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad on Friday said controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik, who is allegedly wanted in India for terror-related activities and hate speech, would not be sent back.

Dr. Naik reportedly left India in 2016 and subsequently moved to Malaysia, where he was granted permanent residency.

Controversial Islamic preacher Zakir Naik. File
Zakir Naik says he won't return to India till he gets a “just and fair” probe

The Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) had made a formal request to the government of Malaysia for his extradition last January and has been pursuing it through diplomatic channels.

“As long as he is not creating any problem, we will not deport him because he has been given permanent residency status,” Mr. Mahathir said at a news conference in administrative capital Putrajaya outside Kuala Lumpur.

Dr. Naik is facing a probe by the National Investigation Agency and the Enforcement Directorate (ED) after his sermons on his Peace TV were cited as a reason by Bangladesh for an attack in Dhaka in 2016, which killed 22 people.

Dr. Naik’s NGO – Islamic Research Foundation (IRF) – has also been declared unlawful since 2016 and is being probed by the ED over allegations of money laundering to the tune of more than Rs. 18 crore.

Religion is a business. Be it the Christian televangelists or Muslim ones. Everyone just wants to fill their own pockets.
Religion is a business. Be it the Christian televangelists or Muslim ones. Everyone just wants to fill their own pockets.

Can you blame them?

People eat it up faster and if they see a scandal, they do so faster than before.
Can you blame them?

People eat it up faster and if they see a scandal, they do so faster than before.

These people just get themselves rich off the hopes of poor people. Truly despicable human beings. Although if one is dumb enough to fall for it then one deserves it. However desperation does make one do very irrational things.
Asylum seekers are not charged by their country of inciting terrorism! Another naive comment from you! He is accused of instigating terrorism. I say his refusal to return home is an admission of guilt. Even Nawaz Sharif will return to Pak facing the Music unlike coward Zakir who hides like a mouse.

You want me to produce a Zakir video for everything I accuse him off? There are hundreds of his video's online where he speaks of propagating violence like he said demolishing temples is a good thing. As I said no scholar is above the law of the country. My stance would be the same if f Dr Qadri was accused by Pakistan of propagating terrorism in the country.

Citizen rights are hiring a lawyer to defend themselves. This is the easy way out for a criminal to say "I have no faith in the justice system". Like it or not he will eventually have to return home just like Nawaz Sharif will later on today, insha Allah. No accused person can run forever.

You were shouting about evidence , Interpol after more than 7 months has clearly said that The evidence is insufficient for taking any action.
You were shouting about evidence , Interpol after more than 7 months has clearly said that The evidence is insufficient for taking any action.

The Indian government want him. Interpol can say whatever they want, next you will tell me the UN is saying Zakir is innocent. Make all excuses you want but an accused person will be bought back home like Nawaz Sharif has. Just a matter of time before Zakir is bought back home. He is hiding because he is guilty otherwise would have turned himself in. Many Malaysians want him handed back to India as well.

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The Indian government want him. Interpol can say whatever they want, next you will tell me the UN is saying Zakir is innocent. Make all excuses you want but an accused person will be bought back home like Nawaz Sharif has. Just a matter of time before Zakir is bought back home. He is hiding because he is guilty otherwise would have turned himself in. Many Malaysians want him handed back to India as well.

the whole matter was talked about , look at what charges Government has made against him. His lawyer answers that.

You take out all those statements which goverment has objected to , take out the lectures and see what he has said.

If India has power bring him back , am I stopping Indian Government ? Bring him back and hang him , if that solves all the problems India are having. That does not matter. My point has been that the so called evidence on which Government has based the charges are baseless . Yes if they uncover fresh evidence against Him , its fine , but right now the evidences are not enough . The same kind of objections can be made on anyone , if we neglect the whole speech and just pick out one or two sentences.

That is why throughout I said to you listen to whole lecture , look at the context , without looking at them blaming someone is not justified.


If Interpol does not matter , why India is begging them ? Why not attack Malaysia and get the person they want ? US did that for Osama , they did not care for any treaty or anything. India was asking Interpol for dawood also.

If Interpol does not matter , why India is begging them ? Why not attack Malaysia and get the person they want ? US did that for Osama , they did not care for any treaty or anything. India was asking Interpol for dawood also.

Coz they feel that Interpol can help in getting Zakir back faster. Oh c'mmon man you don't seriously think India will go to war with Malaysia to get Zakir Naik when they did not attack Pak over Hafiz Saeed who India accuses of 26/11!!!!:))):))):))) America accused Osama of killing there people where as India is accusing Zakir of preaching violence. Zakir is not directly accused of murdering Indians. Difference between you and I is that to me law of the land stands supreme. You on the other hand don't believe in the law of the country.
the whole matter was talked about , look at what charges Government has made against him. His lawyer answers that.

You take out all those statements which goverment has objected to , take out the lectures and see what he has said.

If India has power bring him back , am I stopping Indian Government ? Bring him back and hang him , if that solves all the problems India are having. That does not matter. My point has been that the so called evidence on which Government has based the charges are baseless . Yes if they uncover fresh evidence against Him , its fine , but right now the evidences are not enough . The same kind of objections can be made on anyone , if we neglect the whole speech and just pick out one or two sentences.

That is why throughout I said to you listen to whole lecture , look at the context , without looking at them blaming someone is not justified.


You have lost me with your drivel! It is as simple as it gets here. Zakir is accused of preaching and encouraging terrorism therefore wanted by his country. Like Nawaz Sharif he should surrender instead is running like a coward that confirms his guilt. Many Malaysian's want him handed to the Indian government, they want nothing to do with this terror preacher.

There is a lot of red tape when it comes to international politics in case it missed you. Rather, if Zakir is truthful then he should return home instead of absconding. By doing so he is only exposing what he really is...a terror supporter. No one wants to hang him rather they just want to question him, at most he will probably get a few month's in prison. There will be plenty of lawyers eager to take up his case as well then why hide in another country? "My point has been that the so called evidence on which Government has based the charges are baseless" for goodness sake that is not for you, me or anyone else but the court to decide!! The court...the judge is the one to decide if the evidence stands up or not!.Why can you not understand this simple, thing!!? Listening to anything or watching any video is irrelevant, the only fact that matters is that he is an accused person.
You have lost me with your drivel! It is as simple as it gets here. Zakir is accused of preaching and encouraging terrorism therefore wanted by his country. Like Nawaz Sharif he should surrender instead is running like a coward that confirms his guilt. Many Malaysian's want him handed to the Indian government, they want nothing to do with this terror preacher.

There is a lot of red tape when it comes to international politics in case it missed you. Rather, if Zakir is truthful then he should return home instead of absconding. By doing so he is only exposing what he really is...a terror supporter. No one wants to hang him rather they just want to question him, at most he will probably get a few month's in prison. There will be plenty of lawyers eager to take up his case as well then why hide in another country? "My point has been that the so called evidence on which Government has based the charges are baseless" for goodness sake that is not for you, me or anyone else but the court to decide!! The court...the judge is the one to decide if the evidence stands up or not!.Why can you not understand this simple, thing!!? Listening to anything or watching any video is irrelevant, the only fact that matters is that he is an accused person.

You are using the word " accuse " for Dr Naik , and yet passing judgement on his guilt , that shows contradiction.
Nawaz Sharif case has been completed and judgement passed . Both are different scenarios.

How you know Many Malaysians want him out ? have you done any survey based on this ?

There are no evidence at all. Those videos are there for years on social media. Its not recorded today or last month. The problem with Indian Government is that its no longer secular , its a complete joke now. If someone is not confident of the justice process he has right to avid that , until and unless proper evidences is presented , not copy and cut materials from here and there.
Coz they feel that Interpol can help in getting Zakir back faster. Oh c'mmon man you don't seriously think India will go to war with Malaysia to get Zakir Naik when they did not attack Pak over Hafiz Saeed who India accuses of 26/11!!!!:))):))):))) America accused Osama of killing there people where as India is accusing Zakir of preaching violence. Zakir is not directly accused of murdering Indians. Difference between you and I is that to me law of the land stands supreme. You on the other hand don't believe in the law of the country.

Law of land is supreme for me and I do abide with that , till it contradicts shariah law. No law is greater for a Muslim than law of God.

If Dr Naik was guilty of preaching violence there should have been videos where he preaches that. Hafiz sayeed preaches violence directly. Dr Naik has never done that. He does not support the US policies , but there are other people also who have been against them.

You say India feels that Interpol will help them get naik faster , but that feeling does have some reason. Without any reason they would not have felt that way. If they did not value them at all , they would not have approached them .