33 Killed As Blast Rips Through Afghanistan Mosque During Friday Prayers

Cover Drive Six

First Class Star
Mar 29, 2021
33 Killed As Blast Rips Through Afghanistan Mosque During Friday Prayers
Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted that children were among the 33 dead in the blast at a mosque in the northern province of Kunduz.

Kabul: A blast ripped through a mosque during Friday prayers in northern Afghanistan killing 33 people and wounding 43 more, a Taliban spokesman said, just a day after the Islamic State group claimed two separate deadly attacks.
Since Taliban fighters seized control of Afghanistan last year after ousting the US-backed government, the number of bombings has fallen but the jihadist and Sunni IS has continued with attacks against targets they see as heretical.

Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid tweeted that children were among the 33 dead in the blast at a mosque in the northern province of Kunduz.

"We condemn this crime... and express our deepest sympathies to the bereaved," he said.

Images posted to social media which could not be immediately verified showed holes blown through the walls of the Mawlavi Sikandar mosque, popular with Sufis, north of Kunduz city.

Jihadist groups such as IS bear a deep hatred for Sufis who they view as heretics and accuse them of polytheism -- the greatest sin in Islam -- for seeking the intercession of dead saints.

"The sight at the mosque was horrifying. All those who were worshipping inside the mosque were either injured or killed," said Mohammad Esah, who owns a shop near the mosque.

A nurse at a nearby district hospital told AFP over the phone that between 30 to 40 casualties had been admitted from the blast.

Multiple bomb blasts

It comes a day after the Islamic State group claimed a bomb attack at a Shiite mosque in the northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif that killed at least 12 worshippers and left 58 people injured.

They also claimed a separate attack in Kunduz city on Thursday, which killed four people and wounded 18.

No group has yet to claim twin blasts on a boys' school in a Shiite neighbourhood of Kabul on Tuesday, which killed six and wounded more than 25.

Shiite Afghans, who are mostly from the Hazara community that makes up between 10 and 20 percent of Afghanistan's population of 38 million, have long been the target of the IS, who consider them heretics.

Earlier on Friday the Taliban authorities said they had arrested the IS "mastermind" of Thursday's bombing at the mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif.

Taliban officials insist their forces have defeated IS, but analysts say the jihadist group is a key security challenge.

Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illahi Rajiyoon
Jihadist groups such as IS bear a deep hatred for Sufis who they view as heretics and accuse them of polytheism -- the greatest sin in Islam -- for seeking the intercession of dead saints.

"The sight at the mosque was horrifying. All those who were worshipping inside the mosque were either injured or killed," said Mohammad Esah, who owns a shop near the mosque.

Are Sufis Sunni?
Are Sufis Sunni?

This is what you may wish to be OP.

ISIS or IS were created after the US invaded Iraq. Its founding members all came out of Camp Buca, ie mercenaries.

Tragic disgusting attack. Clearly the Yanks cant allow Afghanistan to prosper so have sent in their mercenary terrorists. Dont be surprised if your nation is also supporting them.
This is what you may wish to be OP.

ISIS or IS were created after the US invaded Iraq. Its founding members all came out of Camp Buca, ie mercenaries.

Tragic disgusting attack. Clearly the Yanks cant allow Afghanistan to prosper so have sent in their mercenary terrorists. Dont be surprised if your nation is also supporting them.

US may have been involved but it's actually the Saudis who've given them the most funding. Wahabis are aligned to these views.
Are Sufis Sunni?

IS are not Sunni. They have been funded by Wahabis who believe to be the true followers of the Sunni sect but are nothing of the sort.

In response to your question, like most Muslims, the vast majority of Sufis are Sunni.
US may have been involved but it's actually the Saudis who've given them the most funding. Wahabis are aligned to these views.

Agree 100% . Different cheeks on the same backside tho.

Lets not forget how the house of Saud came into being, who is supporting this unIslamic, literal and extreme ideology.

Not sure if you are aware, there is a small town on the Iraqi/Turkish border, which is being used to house IS and Al-Qaeda. They are then called out when needed. Recently US wanted to send them to Ukraine but not sure if they have arrived or were wiped out by the Chechens as soon as they arrived.
IS are not Sunni. They have been funded by Wahabis who believe to be the true followers of the Sunni sect but are nothing of the sort.

In response to your question, like most Muslims, the vast majority of Sufis are Sunni.

Thanks for answering.
Agree 100% . Different cheeks on the same backside tho.

Lets not forget how the house of Saud came into being, who is supporting this unIslamic, literal and extreme ideology.

Not sure if you are aware, there is a small town on the Iraqi/Turkish border, which is being used to house IS and Al-Qaeda. They are then called out when needed. Recently US wanted to send them to Ukraine but not sure if they have arrived or were wiped out by the Chechens as soon as they arrived.

Yes it was the British who funded the house of Saud in order to overthrow the Ottomans, who had their faults but I'd take them over these Wahabis any day of the week as the leaders of the "Ummah" and custodians of the 2 Holy Mosques/cities.

I wasn't aware of their presence on the Iraqi/Turkish border. That's interesting but I certainly wouldn't be surprised if they were called up by US to fight the Russians in Ukraine.

I recommend giving this a read: https://www.channel4.com/news/factcheck/factcheck-qa-is-saudi-arabia-funding-isis
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The Taliban will find out its easy to bring down a government by doing suicide bombings.

Others are now copying their modus operandi.

A sad day for the people of Afghanistan.
Inna Lillahi Wa Inna Illahi Rajiyoon

This is sad to hear that insurgency is creeping back into Afghanistan. I really hope that insurgency in Afghanistan does not surge further and I really really hope that USA does not go policing the world again and get involved with Pakistan.

I fear if USA does try to have a say they would quietly ask for Pakistan's cooperation. Given the sell outs we have currently in power I really hope that we do not take another decision in personal interest that would set our country back another 2 decades.
This is what you may wish to be OP.

ISIS or IS were created after the US invaded Iraq. Its founding members all came out of Camp Buca, ie mercenaries.

Tragic disgusting attack. Clearly the Yanks cant allow Afghanistan to prosper so have sent in their mercenary terrorists. Dont be surprised if your nation is also supporting them.

Why would Yanks not allow Afghanistan to prosper? What is in it for them to keep Afghanistan poor and war torn?
<b>The Express Tribune

Blast kills more than 50 worshippers at Kabul mosque</B>

<I>Blast hit the Khalifa Sahib Mosque in the west of the capital, says spokesperson</I>

KABUL: A powerful explosion killed more than 50 worshippers after Friday prayers at a Kabul mosque, its leader said, amid a series of attacks on civilian targets in Afghanistan during the Muslim holy month of Ramazan.

The blast hit the Khalifa Sahib Mosque in the west of the capital in the early afternoon, said Besmullah Habib, deputy spokesperson for the interior ministry, who said the official confirmed death toll was 10.

This was just as worshippers at the mosque gathered after Friday prayers for a congregation known as Zikr - an act of religious remembrance practiced by some Muslims.

Sayed Fazil Agha, the head of the mosque, said someone they believed was a suicide bomber joined them in the ceremony and detonated explosives.

"Black smoke rose and spread everywhere, dead bodies were everywhere," he told Reuters, adding that his nephews were among the dead.

"I myself survived, but lost my beloved ones," he said.

One man who was inside the mosque at the time told Reuters the huge blast tore through the building during prayers, the explosion burning his feet and hands.

Mohammad Sabir, a resident in the area, said he had seen people being loaded into ambulances after the explosion.

"The blast was very loud, I thought my eardrums were cracked," he said.

Emergency Hospital in downtown Kabul said it was treating 20 patients wounded in the blast.

A nurse at another hospital, who declined to be named, said they had received several injured people in critical condition.

Scores of Afghan civilians have been killed in recent weeks in blasts, some of which have been claimed by Islamic State.

The latest attack came on the last Friday in the month of Ramadan in which most Muslims fast, and before the religious holiday of Eid next week.

The country's Taliban rulers say they have secured the country since taking power in August and largely eliminated Daesh local offshoot, but international officials and analysts say the risk of a resurgence in militancy remains.

Many of the attacks have targeted the Shia religious minority, however Sunni mosques have also been attacked.

Bombs exploded aboard two passenger vans carrying Shia Muslims in the northern city of Mazar-e-Sharif on Thursday, killing at least nine people.

Last Friday, a blast tore through a Sunni mosque during Friday prayers in the city of Kunduz, killing 33 people.

IS claims bus bombing in Afghan capital

KABUL: The Islamic State on Sunday claimed responsibility for a bomb attack on a passenger bus that killed one woman in Afghanistan's capital.

Dozens of people have been killed and scores wounded in deadly attacks that have punctuated the last two weeks of the fasting month of Ramazan, which ends Sunday.

A woman was killed and three others were wounded in the bus attack, Kabul police said.

The bombing was the second in the capital in as many days after 10 people were killed on Friday when a bomb ripped through a mosque as worshippers were performing rituals.

No group claimed Friday's mosque bombing but IS took responsibility for the attack on the bus.

IS has claimed several bombings in recent weeks, particularly attacks targeting Sunni-majority Afghanistan's minority Shia and Sufi communities.

Blast kills more than 50 worshippers at Kabul mosque

Taliban officials insist their forces have defeated IS, but analysts say the militants group remains a key security challenge.

Kabul police meanwhile vowed to "ensure security" during the Eid al-Fitr holiday that marks the end of Ramazan.

A spokesman for Kabul's commander said at least two people were injured in the blast on a mosque in Kabul. Emergency hospital said in a tweet it had received five bodies from the blast and more than a dozen wounded patients, reported Reuters.

At least 16 people were killed after a blast tore through a mosque in Afghanistan's capital Kabul and three blasts ripped through three minibuses in northern city of Mazar-i-Sharif on Wednesday.

A spokesman for Kabul's commander said at least two people were injured in the blast on a mosque in Kabul. Emergency hospital said in a tweet it had received five bodies from the blast and more than a dozen wounded patients, reported Reuters.

A Taliban official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, said explosives had been placed inside the mosque's pulpit and at least 11 people were dead.

Three blasts in Mazar-i-Sharif killed at least nine and injured 15, Mohammad Asif Wazeri, a spokesman for Balkh province's commander told Reuters, adding the attacks targeted members of Shia community, who are a religious minority in Afghanistan.

It was not immediately clear who was behind the attacks.

"The bombs were placed on three minibuses in different districts of the city," Balkh provincial police spokesman Asif Waziri told news agency AFP, adding that 15 other people were wounded.

Dozens of civilians were killed in Kabul and other cities during Ramzan that ended on April 30 in Afghanistan in the primarily sectarian attacks - some claimed by the Islamic State group.

On April 29, at least 10 people were killed in a Sunni mosque in Kabul in an attack that appeared to have targeted members of the minority Sufi community who were performing rituals.

On April 21, a bomb at a Shiite mosque in Mazar-i-Sharif had killed at least 12 worshippers and wounded scores more.

The deadliest attack during Ramadan was in the northern city of Kunduz when a bomb tore through a mosque also targeting Sufi worshippers on April 22.

At least 33 people were killed in that blast and scores more were wounded.

Why would Yanks not allow Afghanistan to prosper? What is in it for them to keep Afghanistan poor and war torn?

Well the region of Palestine, Israel, Syria, Jordan and Iraq in addition to Afg-Iran and part of Pak and India are very important to the three Abrahamic relgions. Muslims, Jews and Christians alike who believe in the judgement day/end of world believe events of immense proportions are related to this land especially Palestine, Israel, Syria, Iraq and Jordan.

This place is extremely sacred to all the three religions. It's been prophesized in (I am quite certain) all three religions that the great battle and final events of the world are going to take place in that area. Iran, Afg and part of Pakistan are also prophesized to bring a lot of followers for the Messiah.

It's also said that the false Messiah will first get spotted near Iran.

So being a believer of the end times, I believe this land will never really see prosperity and peace till the day arrives. Meanwhile temporary improvements and betterments are possible but they won't last long.
America wants to control China and Pak nukes through Afghanistan. They want a way back in to Afghanistan as peacemakers. The Ghazwa-e-Hind prophecy is mainly Afghanistan, tribal area of Pakistan, Turkey Iran and China laying waste on India. From there these conquerors will go and help Hazrat Isa(as) in Jersulaem. We can see the on going developments in the region are heading that way. Yes with all my heart and soul i believe in Ghazwa-e-Hind.
America wants to control China and Pak nukes through Afghanistan. They want a way back in to Afghanistan as peacemakers. The Ghazwa-e-Hind prophecy is mainly Afghanistan, tribal area of Pakistan, Turkey Iran and China laying waste on India. From there these conquerors will go and help Hazrat Isa(as) in Jersulaem. We can see the on going developments in the region are heading that way. Yes with all my heart and soul i believe in Ghazwa-e-Hind.

If Allah swt Wills something, that will happen, no matter what the creation thinks or does.

But the Taliban is going to be part of Mahdi army , not Isa AS.
If Allah swt Wills something, that will happen, no matter what the creation thinks or does.

But the Taliban is going to be part of Mahdi army , not Isa AS.

Mahdi army will join Hadrat Isa(as) in the final battle against the Zionists in Israel. First India then Israel.
A huge explosion struck a mosque in Kabul during evening prayers on Wednesday, witnesses and police said, with many feared dead or injured.

Police said there were multiple casualties but did not say how many. One Taliban intelligence official told Reuters that as many as 35 people may have been wounded or killed, and the toll could rise further. Al Jazeera quoted an unidentified official as giving a death toll of 20.

Witnesses told Reuters the powerful explosion was heard in a northern Kabul neighbourhood, shattering windows in nearby buildings. Ambulances rushed to the spot.

"A blast happened inside a mosque.... the blast has casualties, but the numbers are not clear yet," Kabul police spokesperson Khalid Zadran told Reuters.

The Taliban intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the explosion occurred in a mosque among worshippers in Khair Khana area of Kabul.

The Imam of the mosque was among those killed and the toll could still rise, the source added. Intelligence teams were at blast site and investigations were ongoing.

Other officials in the Taliban government did not reply to multiple requests to confirm the number of casualties.

Express Tribune
Really feeling for these poor Afghan people even if many of them hate Pakistan. They have suffered so much over the decades with no end in sight. If anyone deserves peace and progress then it is them.
Dushman marre ta khushi na kariye sajna vi marjana.
A huge explosion struck a mosque in Kabul during evening prayers on Wednesday, witnesses and police said, with many feared dead or injured.

Police said there were multiple casualties but did not say how many. One Taliban intelligence official told Reuters that as many as 35 people may have been wounded or killed, and the toll could rise further. Al Jazeera quoted an unidentified official as giving a death toll of 20.

Witnesses told Reuters the powerful explosion was heard in a northern Kabul neighbourhood, shattering windows in nearby buildings. Ambulances rushed to the spot.

"A blast happened inside a mosque.... the blast has casualties, but the numbers are not clear yet," Kabul police spokesperson Khalid Zadran told Reuters.

The Taliban intelligence official, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the explosion occurred in a mosque among worshippers in Khair Khana area of Kabul.

The Imam of the mosque was among those killed and the toll could still rise, the source added. Intelligence teams were at blast site and investigations were ongoing.

Other officials in the Taliban government did not reply to multiple requests to confirm the number of casualties.

Express Tribune

RIP! This is so sad and even more pathetic. People of Afghanistan have suffered so much already.