A man tried to set up Pakistan's first gay club, he was put in a mental hospital


Test Star
May 5, 2014
A man who tried to establish Pakistan's first gay club was detained in a mental hospital by local authorities, according to The Telegraph.

The newspaper reported that the man, who chose to remain anonymous, filed an application to set up an LGBTQ+ club in Abbottabad, a military town in northern Pakistan known for being the site of Osama bin Laden's secret compound. Bin Laden was killed there in 2011.

According to The Telegraph, the man wrote in the application filed to the city's deputy commissioner that the club would be a "great convenience and resource for many homosexual, bisexual, and even some heterosexual people residing in Abbottabad in particular."

Same-sex intercourse in Pakistan is punishable by imprisonment ranging from two years up to a life sentence.

Though prosecutions are rare, the UK's Home Office notes that members of the LGBTQ+ communities in Pakistan may hide their sexuality over fears of abuse, discrimination, and honor killings.

The Telegraph reported that the application for the proposed club said it was going to be called "Lorenzo gay club," and there would be "no gay (or non-gay) sex (other than kissing").

It added that a sign would be visible on the wall warning that no sex would be allowed on the premises, meaning anti-sodomy laws would not be "flouted on the premises," according to the newspaper.

The deputy commissioner for Abbottabad did not immediately respond to a Business Insider request for comment.

However, his office confirmed receipt of the proposal to The Telegraph, adding that it was under review.

The outlet reported that the application had leaked online and caused outrage among local politicians.

A member of the far-right Awami Tehreek party threatened to douse the building in petrol and set it on fire if permission was granted, per The Telegraph.

According to the British newspaper, the applicant was transferred to the Sarhad Hospital For Psychiatric Disease in Peshawar. His friends told The Telegraph that they had been barred from visiting him, and were concerned for his safety.

Before being detained, the applicant told the newspaper: "I talk about human rights, and I want everyone's human rights to be defended."

He also told the newspaper that if authorities refused the application, he would take it to court.

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Is this some onion article?? I am more surprised that he is alive after this daring act.
Using the city Abottabad makes it more sus, seems like a prank article
My assumption is he was either too frustrated or super daring.
No reporting in any of the Pakistan sources, straight away a telegraph article??. Someone has pulled a nice trolling act on the world media. Indian media and Right wing western media latching onto like leaches. After a week or so, cnn has not even picked it up neither bbc.
No reporting in any of the Pakistan sources, straight away a telegraph article??. Someone has pulled a nice trolling act on the world media. Indian media and Right wing western media latching onto like leaches. After a week or so, cnn has not even picked it up neither bbc.
From a month ago:
Not sure of the authenticity..

I feel for the gay people in Pakistan. Who will represent their voice ?
why do pakistanis need gay clubs when u can "leva" in the streets
There are millions of Pakistanis who are members of the LGBTQ community, sad to see them being treated like this
Pakistan surely have much more important issues that this to take care of.
No space in Islam for it. They destroyed the West but nothing much left to destroy in Pakistan anyway.
Gay people are real. Time to accept them.

1 in 10 or up to 10% of population is considered part of LGBTQ. Even if it is only 1 or 2 % of population, they run into millions in Pakistan. That is not small number.
No space in Islam for it. They destroyed the West but nothing much left to destroy in Pakistan anyway.

How did gay people destroy the West ? The least Pakistan could do is decriminalize their existence instead of making their life miserable.
lol, pakistan is so gay, as long as you dont make a song and dance about it, no one cares. pakistani gay people are pragmatic, they accept that and do whatever they want.
lol, pakistan is so gay, as long as you dont make a song and dance about it, no one cares. pakistani gay people are pragmatic, they accept that and do whatever they want.
The funny thing is that in many cases both the gays in such a relationship wouldn't consider themselves gay lol
How did gay people destroy the West ? The least Pakistan could do is decriminalize their existence instead of making their life miserable.

Pakistani is not a secular country so will not happen .

there are gay people in all cultures & nations . But in some they don’t want this known or want to walk parading a rainbow flag . They are mostly married with kids . Nobody is born gay , it’s a chosen behaviour, one which does point to some type of disorder in such people
there are gay people in all cultures & nations . But in some they don’t want this known or want to walk parading a rainbow flag . They are mostly married with kids .

I said Pakistan should decriminalize it, not hold public pride parades. I'm sure you agree, yes ? You are not affected in any way.
But why criminalise what is a private act ? It doesn't affect you or anyone else.

It’s not if in private , behind closed doors . They can only be convicted if seen by witnesses . It’s to protect the public from seeing this . Nobody wants so see grown adults in the streets while our with their kids.
It’s not if in private , behind closed doors . They can only be convicted if seen by witnesses . It’s to protect the public from seeing this . Nobody wants so see grown adults in the streets while our with their kids.

You're waffling now and making up things as you go. It is illegal in Pakistan, whether private or public. If the police barge in to a room and catch two people in the act, they have committed a crime.
You're waffling now and making up things as you go. It is illegal in Pakistan, whether private or public. If the police barge in to a room and catch two people in the act, they have committed a crime.

I’m educating you on how the law works .

if police see it of course but they don’t barge into random rooms.

99% of the people don’t want it to be legal . It’s best you lobby in your country but India has legalised if I believe , so you’re good
It’s not if in private , behind closed doors . They can only be convicted if seen by witnesses . It’s to protect the public from seeing this . Nobody wants so see grown adults in the streets while our with their kids.
Do you think a straight man becomes gay by watching 2 gay people making out?
If anyone is turned on by gay sex, they are lgbtq too.
So you lied when you said it is okay if done in private. So dishonest :facepalm:

I never said it OK lol obviously I think it’s wrong . People closed doors they get away with as nobody cares but you conjured up some Bollywood script
Do you think a straight man becomes gay by watching 2 gay people making out?
If anyone is turned on by gay sex, they are lgbtq too.

It’s not something I studied .

I was referring to the right of a society to not see vulgar intimacy in public . Btw this also applies to straight couples . It’s a sign of a backward people & society if they are behaving like animals in public.
Pakistan did the right thing. The woke virus should not spread into our parts.
Yeah, man. this virus is so deadly. Spoils the generations after generations. Asia should stay away from such things.

Especially being a Muslim, I would like this thing to be dealt with force. There is no place for these kind fo stuff in Islam. My views. Nobody has to agree or disagree with it forcefully.
Yeah, man. this virus is so deadly. Spoils the generations after generations. Asia should stay away from such things.

Especially being a Muslim, I would like this thing to be dealt with force. There is no place for these kind fo stuff in Islam. My views. Nobody has to agree or disagree with it forcefully.

The good thing is he it US, Europe or our parts , people are standing up to this virus and have recognised it rightly as one that could destroy our civilisations
The good thing is he it US, Europe or our parts , people are standing up to this virus and have recognised it rightly as one that could destroy our civilisations
It is very funny to listen to these people who support this thing. They do not have any justification and when they are thrown truth and reality bombs, they just run away.

I enjoy video where woke people are getting destroyed by a random person in a conversation.
First of all to the OP, it is madness to start up a gay club in an Islamic fanatic country like Pakistan, you are literally taking a gun aiming it at your head and pulling the trigger.

Surprised this guy is still alive.....
Pakistani is not a secular country so will not happen .

there are gay people in all cultures & nations . But in some they don’t want this known or want to walk parading a rainbow flag . They are mostly married with kids . Nobody is born gay , it’s a chosen behaviour, one which does point to some type of disorder in such people
Just like nobody is born Muslim, it's a chosen behaviour, one which points to some type of disorder in such people.
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Let’s be real, if there are any clubs in Pakistan then they’d all be mistaken for gay clubs.

A bunch of men raving to Taylor Swift whilst throwing their rupees at the transgender dancers.
Well you are incorrect. Every human is born muslim, they then either stay par for the course, or go a different way.
A muslim is someone who believes in Allah, and no other God, and believes Prophet Muhammad pbuh was his prophet.

Are you saying new born kids have this belief and therefor are muslims?
A muslim is someone who believes in Allah, and no other God, and believes Prophet Muhammad pbuh was his prophet.

Are you saying new born kids have this belief and therefor are muslims?

Are you saying that god would create a non believer?
It is not impacting me in any practical way. I am just irritated about the audaciousness of some one else deciding for me what I was born as.
Basically it means all are born as submitters to Gods will.

Not something to get irritated about really.
It is not impacting me in any practical way. I am just irritated about the audaciousness of some one else deciding for me what I was born as.
Someone else can decide what you are born as only if you allow that someone decide. Why do you give someone else so much power over you and then get irritated by them?
Question:- Would Pakistan legalise homosexuality if science discovered a gene that caused this behaviour ?

What's the gene behavioural excuse for bi who pick and choose gender per their liking and mood for that weekend? I would really like to know.

Being gay is a choice and there is no solid scientific proof behind it. When you spread mental illnesses in society and make it a norm, ofcourse many will get influenced like the craziness in the West now over it. Not surprised Indians love the idea because they are forever binded by appeasing the West and love following their footsteps. If you are okay with Teachers and ppl telling your children that they are born in wrong bodies then keep it to yourselves, we honestly don't want that mental illnesses cr*p in our part of the world
What's the gene behavioural excuse for bi who pick and choose gender per their liking and mood for that weekend? I would really like to know.

Being gay is a choice and there is no solid scientific proof behind it.

It's pretty simple. Plausible :- We know that men are sexually attracted to women due to something in the male DNA, lets call it G. When this entity G accidentally gets mixed into a female at her embryo stage in the womb, you essentially get a woman who is attracted to a woman a.k.a gay people.

We just have to discover gene G. Science has proved religious people wrong so many times, what will u do when this gene is discovered ? Will you acknowledge that your holy book got it wrong ?
Keep these mental illnesses away from Pakistan. We can see how it's destroying the West, so no thank you
How is homosexuality destroying West if anything it saved UK US thanks to Alan Turing, it’s literally the reason you are able to type what you are right now due to computer.

I’m guessing you are confusing between trans and homosexuals unless you think everyone is the same?
It's pretty simple. Plausible :- We know that men are sexually attracted to women due to something in the male DNA, lets call it G. When this entity G accidentally gets mixed into a female at her embryo stage in the womb, you essentially get a woman who is attracted to a woman a.k.a gay people.

We just have to discover gene G. Science has proved religious people wrong so many times, what will u do when this gene is discovered ? Will you acknowledge that your holy book got it wrong ?
I think you will probably be surprised to hear that sexuality is not a genetic trait. There is no straight or gay gene that we know of at the moment. So your view point is wrong for the time being.

At best sexuality is suspected to be controlled by what is described as a combination of environmental, hormonal and genetic factors. There might be a particular gene what under certain circumstances causes you to be gay, but it’s not the sole factor.
What's the gene behavioural excuse for bi who pick and choose gender per their liking and mood for that weekend? I would really like to know.

Being gay is a choice and there is no solid scientific proof behind it. When you spread mental illnesses in society and make it a norm, ofcourse many will get influenced like the craziness in the West now over it. Not surprised Indians love the idea because they are forever binded by appeasing the West and love following their footsteps. If you are okay with Teachers and ppl telling your children that they are born in wrong bodies then keep it to yourselves, we honestly don't want that mental illnesses cr*p in our part
A choice? Did you choose to be straight? Was there a time when you were equally attracted to men and women and thought I am choosing to be straight? Did you have to make that choice?
At best sexuality is suspected to be controlled by what is described as a combination of environmental, hormonal and genetic factors. There might be a particular gene what under certain circumstances causes you to be gay, but it’s not the sole factor.

How do you know?
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The people who think every vice is genetic need to have a word with themselves.

If being gay is genetic, then by their logic, so is being a gambler, alcoholic, murderer etc.

The human genome project concluded there are not enough genes to factor for every human trait.

Homosexuality is a choice, and choices have consequences.
How do you know ?
Lol. Oh boy!

So this would be a perfect example for how the media or widely propagated narrative can shape public opinions and views, almost have to the point of convincing them of even their false narrative as fact.

I was like you and believed there is probably a gay gene out there and gays are just born that way. But the study confirms that if the certain factors are there, you could be born gay or your sexuality is determined after your birth in presence of certain factors.

But no there is no single gene that determines sexuality.
If being gay is genetic, then by their logic, so is being a gambler, alcoholic, murderer etc.

No, the logic is not same at all. Alcoholism is not genetic .. alcoholics get addicted because their brain chemistry has been rewired after sustained drinking, they can't live without the dopamine hits that alcohol gives them.
The people who think every vice is genetic need to have a word with themselves.

If being gay is genetic, then by their logic, so is being a gambler, alcoholic, murderer etc.

The human genome project concluded there are not enough genes to factor for every human trait.

Homosexuality is a choice, and choices have consequences.
Actually… wrong as well.

Unfortunately sexuality is not a choice.
Lol. Oh boy!

So this would be a perfect example for how the media or widely propagated narrative can shape public opinions and views, almost have to the point of convincing them of even their false narrative as fact.

I was like you and believed there is probably a gay gene out there and gays are just born that way. But the study confirms that if the certain factors are there, you could be born gay or your sexuality is determined after your birth in presence of certain factors.

But no there is no single gene that determines sexuality.

This is what your article says - "Our study underscores an important role for the environment in shaping human sexual behavior and perhaps most importantly there is no single gay gene but rather the contribution of many small genetic effects scattered across the genome,"

Which means ultimately the individual has no choice over his orientation. NOT a choice.
This is what your article says - "Our study underscores an important role for the environment in shaping human sexual behavior and perhaps most importantly there is no single gay gene but rather the contribution of many small genetic effects scattered across the genome,"

Which means ultimately the individual has no choice over his orientation. NOT a choice.
…. and your point is?

If you posted that as a rebuttal to something I said…. I never claimed it was a “choice”
Having a choice or not is not the same as having genetic predisposition (or not)
People have a choice not to eat either, even though the body needs food.
🙏🏼 please forgive me. This is the dishonesty we talked about earlier. I Presented you with the basis for my views. Kindly do not distort what I have said or perform verbal gymnastics for the sake of a wang measuring contest.

Today: Sexuality is not determined by genetics. It’s also not a personal choice. End of story.

Tomorrow: a new research may prove there is a gene or provide a better scientific explanation. Maybe they will say it is by choice. Who knows! But we just focus on the scientific community’s consensus TODAY
Today: Sexuality is not determined by genetics. It’s also not a personal choice. End of story.

Anyway, your fellow muslim posters on this thread insist that it's a personal choice.

So do you think Pakistan should change its homosexuality law and decriminalise ?
Anyway, your fellow muslim posters on this thread insist that it's a personal choice.

So do you think Pakistan should change its homosexuality law and decriminalise ?
I don’t live there. It is up to the people who live there to decide that.

I think there are a lot more other heinous, unjust, dishonest, corrupt, evil acts being conducted in Pakistan that are not considered criminal and even if they are… no action is taken against the perpetrators. The homosexuality law should be the least of their worries.

It does happen there all the time though. Khusra prostitutes have always been in business there. It happens in KPK as a matter of tradition in fact. The law doesn’t care. It just looks good on paper that we have this law.
Anyway, your fellow muslim posters on this thread insist that it's a personal choice.

So do you think Pakistan should change its homosexuality law and decriminalise ?
And by the way let us not put this supposed view on being Muslim. Conservative thinking such as this is not distinct with just Muslims.

You will find Christians, even Hindus, etc who still believe it’s a personal choice. Laws against homosexuality didn’t change in the US till the 50s. There are still Americans galore who believe it’s a personal choice. There are gay to straight convert camps here that “treat” homosexuality and bible is one of their main weapons.
There was a fascinating read in BBC about homosexuality in Pakistan and it's place in society.

A lot of population clearly indulges in the act, but at the same time I can understand the religious needs for such laws. Though I doubt any law can change the flourishing gay scene in the country, a few punishments here and there won't change a lot on the ground.