Bollywood is obsessed with Pakistan. We’d be flattered if it weren’t so nasty Fatima Bhutto


ODI Debutant
Oct 4, 2009

Try as the industry might, Modi’s quasi-fascist politics cannot be set to jaunty music and helicopter stunts

If recent Bollywood films are any indication, it is fair to say that India’s film industry is obsessed with Pakistan. Obsessed. Like standing outside your apartment and trying to peek through your windows at night with binoculars obsessed.
Even though our common neighbour China has taken – without too much of a struggle and aided by a helpful press blackout in India – 38,000 sq km of Indian land in Ladakh, on which they are building homes and bridges, you won’t find any Bollywood films with Chinese villains or bad guys.

No, all the nasties in Indian cinema are Pakistanis, usually wearing military uniforms, and always Muslim.

Bollywood has always reflected Indian political trends; the films of the 1950s mirrored the optimism and romance of the newly independent country, the 1970s hero was a proud but disenfranchised man fighting against the powerful and corrupt. In the 1990s, there were endless films about neo-liberal yuppies who worked in Dubai, danced in London discos and drove shiny Mercedes. Since Narendra Modi and his rightwing party, the Bharatiya Janata Party or BJP, came to power nearly nine years ago, Bollywood has readily embraced his menacing politics.

In 2018, the starlet Alia Bhatt headlined Raazi, a film about a woman who marries a Pakistani army officer in order to spy on the country during the 1971 war with India. In 2019, Bollywood released Uri, a military flick about Indian special forces launching a “surgical strike” on Pakistan after a supposed terror attack. Though Uri was based on a real incident that nearly brought two nuclear-armed states to war, it played fast and loose with the facts.

All this is especially unpleasant as Pakistanis have traditionally been enthusiastic audiences for Bollywood – the industry brought us songs and fun and the profound knowledge that our neighbours look and live just like us, demonstrating the incredible power of culture done right.

It is well-known that Bollywood’s three biggest stars, the three Khans – Shah Rukh, Aamir and Salman – all happen to be Muslim, as were many of Bollywood’s earliest stars, including Dilip Kumar and Meena Kumari. Raj Kapoor, the original heartthrob of Indian cinema, was born in Peshawar and at its founding, Bollywood enthusiastically celebrated India’s many religions, histories and fables. Muslims not only acted and made music for the industry but their legends were beautifully translated on screen. One of Bollywood’s most beloved and lavish epics, Mughal-e-Azam, was set in the Mughal court of Emperor Jahangir. But those days are far behind us now. Today, it is clear that India’s fascination and anxiety over its neighbour points to darker political imaginings.

This month, Shah Rukh Khan returned to the big screen in his first film in years, Pathaan, an action film that’s smashing box office records. The film opens in Lahore, where a Pakistani general with just three years to live hears the news in his oncologist’s office that Narendra Modi’s government has revoked article 370 of the Indian constitution, which guaranteed Kashmir, India’s only Muslim majority state, autonomy and special status. The general decides to use his remaining years of life to “bring India to its knees” and immediately calls a deranged terrorist to get all this organised.

Pathaan’s plot is nonsensical, and no one wears many clothes as they dance in bikinis and shorts trying to save India and therefore the world. It is naturally unconcerned with facts – article 370 was the instrument that allowed Kashmir’s ascension into the Indian union; if it is declared null and void, then so too is Kashmir’s ascension to India, but why bother with facts or what any actual Kashmiris think or feel? There aren’t any in this insipid film anyway.

I interviewed Khan, or SRK, as he is known to his hundreds of million fans around the world, for a book five years ago and noticed even then that he straddles an uncomfortable role as the ever grateful Muslim who is really, really, really Indian. As India embraces the Hindu majoritarian politics of its ruling BJP party, high-profile Muslim figures like Khan are increasingly seen as fifth columnists. Trolls and angry protesters often beseech Muslim stars to “go back to Pakistan”, though they have no roots there. Today in India, anyone who questions the government or dissents from popular discourse is slandered as “anti-national” and told to go live in Pakistan.

Khan’s father fought in the Indian freedom movement against the British. Yet SRK has never said a word against Modi’s government, globally known for its anti-Muslim persecution after robbing Muslims of their citizenship; the ominous National Registry of Citizenship Act declared 700,000 of India’s Muslims to be illegal immigrants. Admirers of Modi’s BJP and its politics lynch Muslims, filming their brutal killings on mobile phones to pass around WhatsApp as viral trophies.

On the prime minister’s birthday, Khan tweeted to Modi: “Your dedication for the welfare of our country and its people is highly appreciated. May you have the strength and health to achieve all your goals.” Quite a thing to wish a man who as chief minister allegedly oversaw the murder of 2,000 Muslims and systematic rape of hundreds of women in Gujarat during the 2002 riots.

The writer Pankaj Mishra has said that Bollywood provided the “mood music” for Modi long before he took over the country.

Khan’s film Pathaan provides cover and does much needed glamour work for the Indian state and the gross abuses that the abrogation of article 370 resulted in: the longest internet shutdown to take place in a democracy, the arrest of thousands of Kashmiri protesters, the sending in of thousands of paramilitary troops and untold other human rights violations. To set up an event such as the degradation of Kashmir as a fun plot point – those who are against the revocation of article 370 are homicidal maniacs and those who defend it, such as Khan, are valiant government agents with pectoral muscles – is beyond tragic. The political project of Modi’s quasi-fascist BJP cannot be set to fun music and helicopter stunts, try as Bollywood might.

And it certainly does try. January also saw Netflix release Mission Majnu, a lazy drama about Indian spies finding out about Pakistan’s nuclear program. Think of it as a spy thriller led by Dora the Explorer. Tariq AKA Majnu AKA Romeo is a research and analysis wing (Raw) agent who finds out that Pakistan is building a nuclear bomb. He does this through a series of cunning ploys such as asking a general if Pakistan is building a bomb (the general says yes, and soon), buying books on nuclear physics from roadside stalls which apparently only sell books on how to build atom bombs, and visiting the Rawalpindi library a few times. Though it’s based loosely on real events, the history is backwards and laughably wrong. Dora was learning how to spell as she explored the world, but Mission Majnu can’t even write Urdu correctly in this drama, putting signs outside mosques transliterated straight from English into Urdu script.

Never mind the Indian assassins wearing necklaces that say LOVE in gold block letters – weirder still is the latent Israeli hero worship. A byproduct of Modi’s visceral hatred of Muslims has been a strengthening of ties between India and Israel during his tenure. In 2017, Modi became the first Indian premier to visit Israel, where he and Benjamin Netanyahu enacted the bromance of two image-obsessed prima donnas by posing barefoot on beaches. Beyond photo ops, trade between the two countries now amounts to close to $8bn, with India now the largest buyer of Israeli military equipment in the world.

Many have argued, myself included, that Pakistan, burdened as it is by a failing economy, decades of terrorism and the humiliations of the war on terror is undergoing a cultural renaissance. Pakistani film-makers are making movies about trans love stories, female desire and the toxic societal power of patriarchal fundamentalists, and producing music that questions the divisions and partitions between us and our Indian brothers and sisters. And so it is doubly strange to watch what is happening across the border, where culture is no longer a medium used to extend conversation but rather a means to snuff it out.

At the same time as these ridiculous films are produced and marketed, the Indian government has ordered YouTube and Twitter to take down links to a two-part BBC documentary, India: The Modi Question. The documentary examines Modi’s role in sanctioning the carnage in Gujarat in 2002 during his time as chief minister as well as his transparently Islamophobic two terms as prime minister of the largest democracy in the world. It makes for chilling viewing, even for those of us who have followed Modi’s sinister rise, carried aloft by religious incitement and dark rage. Watching the documentary, it is hard not to wonder if Modi became prime minister not despite the riots but because of them.

It is not surprising that little has been said of India’s panicked banning of a two-hour documentary or that police in New Delhi arrested students who attempted to screen the BBC episodes. The ailing west needs India as a buffer against China’s global ambitions. But if mainstream Indian cinema is not able to put up a principled fight against this suffocating wave of hatred, then decades of Bollywood having been a medium that brought joy and wonder to south Asian audiences – rather than cycles of alternating dread and boredom – will have been for naught.

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Best example of where the ruling elite of Pakistan’s priorities are. Of all the things she could talk about with her family being in power currently she chose Bollywood. Wah!

Anyways most Bollywood and even regional cinema bar a few exceptions is trash anyways. She is wasting her time analyzing it.

Ps: assuming she belongs to the Bhutto family.
Pakistan bashing makes a lot of money in Bollywood
Similar trend to the Hindutva obsession with denigrating Mughal history in the other threads, BJP has always been a party which thrives on bullying their own rather than taking on more powerful foreigners.

Fatima raises a wonderful point in that article though. Through Bollywood once India commanded substantial soft power with an eager Pakistan audience. Now they are repulsed by the waves of Islamophobia, and they are losing market share to homegrown cinema and superior western output.
It seems - make an anti-Pakistan film and get box-office success.
Pakistan bashing makes a lot of money in Bollywood

Yes. Not seen Pathaan but heard Deepika plays a ISI role like Katrina in Tiger movies. So don't understand the hate on here claiming Shahrukh as anti pakistan lol. Haters can go to any extent. Bjp RSS lot call him pro Pakistan and tried to make his movie flop and some Pakistanis claiming he anti pakistan and want his movie to flop. Shahrukh has so much haters
Best example of where the ruling elite of Pakistan’s priorities are. Of all the things she could talk about with her family being in power currently she chose Bollywood. Wah!

Anyways most Bollywood and even regional cinema bar a few exceptions is trash anyways. She is wasting her time analyzing it.

Ps: assuming she belongs to the Bhutto family.
It's an opinion piece. Rarely has a country that dwarfs a neighbor been so obsessed.

Akin to USA obsessing over Canada.
Lanat on those Pakistanis who still watch this racist garbage.

Even if it wasnt racist , how can anyone possibly sit through 3 hours of complete and utter rubbish? :))

It seems there is an anti-Pak or a movie with Pak in its storyline every other month.

Can anyone tell me how many movies Bollywood has made with Paksitan relevant in the storyline?
Sorry I am lost. Which is the anti pak film?

After bjp RSS boycott pathaan it's now the opposite Pakistanis turn who hate Shahrukh to make it seem like Pathaan is anti pakistan when Deepika is playing a ISI role. Such jokers around. Learnt alot from these boycott Pathaan RSS lot
Yes. Not seen Pathaan but heard Deepika plays a ISI role like Katrina in Tiger movies. So don't understand the hate on here claiming Shahrukh as anti pakistan lol. Haters can go to any extent. Bjp RSS lot call him pro Pakistan and tried to make his movie flop and some Pakistanis claiming he anti pakistan and want his movie to flop. Shahrukh has so much haters

I think the RSS rats are more obsessed with the scene where Deepika is wearing some gay orange color
bikini .
And I think the issue is, why is she covering her genitals with this gay orange color?
I think the RSS rats are more obsessed with the scene where Deepika is wearing some gay orange color
bikini .
And I think the issue is, why is she covering her genitals with this gay orange color?

That was just a excuse to fool public. Orange colour has been used by many before. And its not like SRK wearing orange bikini or he directing the movie. Its just because he a Muslim some even said he showing love jihad and why movie name is pathaan.
Pathaan shows an Indian and Pakistani agent fighting against a rogue RAW agent with a Pakistani sidekick

How exactly is this film anti Pakistani ?

I mean Deepika spent half the movie trying to convince us that Pakistanis are against terrorism

Pakistani need to stop whining over every little thing ! The whole world does not revolve around you
Fatima raises a wonderful point in that article though. Through Bollywood once India commanded substantial soft power with an eager Pakistan audience. Now they are repulsed by the waves of Islamophobia, and they are losing market share to homegrown cinema and superior western output.

This is true. After Mumbai attacks the whole concept of "soft power in PAkistan " became largely redundant in the Indian discourse.

Before Mumbai attacks the general narrative in India was how Bollywood and cricket and IPL will bring the 2 nations together and create peace and harmony. But after Mumbai attacks that narrative mostly vanished in India.

Like I have said many times - most Pakistanis never understood the gravity of Mumbai attacks and its impact in India
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Fatima raises a wonderful point in that article though. Through Bollywood once India commanded substantial soft power with an eager Pakistan audience. Now they are repulsed by the waves of Islamophobia, and they are losing market share to homegrown cinema and superior western output.

How does portraying the Pakistani ruling establishment, aka the army, as villians in Bollywood cinema equate to Islamophobia ? The former has inflicted three wars and several terror attacks on India, so choosing them as the punching bags in a movie should be the least surprising thing to you. A bit of common sense please, captain.
How does portraying the Pakistani ruling establishment, aka the army, as villians in Bollywood cinema equate to Islamophobia ? The former has inflicted three wars and several terror attacks on India, so choosing them as the punching bags in a movie should be the least surprising thing to you. A bit of common sense please, captain.

The very fact you spout the above nonsense shows how brainwashed your whole society is.
Modi and his supporters are not exactly bollywood fans.

Really? Look at the smile on his face. :91: :inti

Pathaan shows an Indian and Pakistani agent fighting against a rogue RAW agent with a Pakistani sidekick

How exactly is this film anti Pakistani ?

I mean Deepika spent half the movie trying to convince us that Pakistanis are against terrorism

Pakistani need to stop whining over every little thing ! The whole world does not revolve around you

In general soem Bollywood movies do. But regards to Pathaan it doesn't. Just SRK haters from Pakistan side trying their way to boycott SRK and get people to boycott. They no different to BJP or maybe BJP/RSS has played this game as Pathaan has embarrassed the boycott gang so now want to get some stupid Pakistanis to think it's anti pakistan movie lol
In general soem Bollywood movies do. But regards to Pathaan it doesn't. Just SRK haters from Pakistan side trying their way to boycott SRK and get people to boycott. They no different to BJP or maybe BJP/RSS has played this game as Pathaan has embarrassed the boycott gang so now want to get some stupid Pakistanis to think it's anti pakistan movie lol

Nowadays people just need a reason to outrage

In India some Islamist groups have said SRK is doing blasphemy by dancing with bikini clad women and so Muslims should boycott the movie
How does portraying the Pakistani ruling establishment, aka the army, as villians in Bollywood cinema equate to Islamophobia ? The former has inflicted three wars and several terror attacks on India, so choosing them as the punching bags in a movie should be the least surprising thing to you. A bit of common sense please, captain.

Answering my central point about soft power with the usual mantra (Pakistan army! Terrorism!!) is not going to cut it. TGK was right not to engage properly with you.
How does portraying the Pakistani ruling establishment, aka the army, as villians in Bollywood cinema equate to Islamophobia ? The former has inflicted three wars and several terror attacks on India, so choosing them as the punching bags in a movie should be the least surprising thing to you. A bit of common sense please, captain.

The protagonist in both the movies(Raazi and Pathaan) are muslims. I am not sure I would agree with the Islamophobia argument. I think Alyy Khan mentioned it in his interview that Pakistani market is very small for Bollywood("almost a rounding error" IIRC). So Indian movies/Government stopped bothering about "soft power" in Pakistan. Like someone mentioned earlier, 26/11 was televised and people fail to take into account how much it has shifted Indian mindset. Like it or not, the current policies are supported by most of the people. Btw Pathaan has broken most of the records in terms of movie box office numbers. Uri and Raazi have also been hits. Irrespective of region & religion, talent is universal. The regional cinema has its audience and hence they were going to gain share. OTT increased their reach and subtitles eliminated the language gap.
The protagonist in both the movies(Raazi and Pathaan) are muslims. I am not sure I would agree with the Islamophobia argument. I think Alyy Khan mentioned it in his interview that Pakistani market is very small for Bollywood("almost a rounding error" IIRC). So Indian movies/Government stopped bothering about "soft power" in Pakistan. Like someone mentioned earlier, 26/11 was televised and people fail to take into account how much it has shifted Indian mindset. Like it or not, the current policies are supported by most of the people. Btw Pathaan has broken most of the records in terms of movie box office numbers. Uri and Raazi have also been hits. Irrespective of region & religion, talent is universal. The regional cinema has its audience and hence they were going to gain share. OTT increased their reach and subtitles eliminated the language gap.

Bollywood has a bigger market in Middle East
Nowadays people just need a reason to outrage

In India some Islamist groups have said SRK is doing blasphemy by dancing with bikini clad women and so Muslims should boycott the movie

Yes I see few clips of that and couldn't stop laughing. These lot are a proper joke.

Shahrukh has so many haters.
India needs to look beyond Pakistan when making patriotic movies. But it is hard for them to look past Pakistan as Pakistan is the only country that India has fought so many wars.
India needs to look beyond Pakistan when making patriotic movies. But it is hard for them to look past Pakistan as Pakistan is the only country that India has fought so many wars.

Pakistanis love Bollywood. I don’t see that as a negative thing. Similar culture and story telling/music made for similar sensibilities. Obviously with a superior technical upgrade over Pakistani movies. Why shouldn’t they love them.

However this is where Bollywood is confused.

They have to cater to Pakistani audience/ fans , so they need to include some positive Pakistan characters or Pakistani references.

However that would be a disaster as Indian audience might reject it, so they cash in on the trope of a Pakistani terrorist or a corrupt officer which Pakistanis themselves won’t find as a too much of a stretch, it then makes it easy for the writers to include positive Pakistani characters that fights along side the Indian hero. Everyone appeased, win-win.

Usually their every movie has messages like terrorism has no religion and don’t judge Pakistan based on a few bad apples. That doesn’t sound too bad to me. In fact that does more for Pakistan than most content that comes out from Pakistani media at least based on what I see or hear.

I think the writer is nitpicking here. Isn’t she in politics though ?
Explain to me why what I said is nonsense. Leaving one-liners is not going to cut it.

Because India has done the same, and in case of supporting terrorist attacks in Pakistan it has done worse.
Pakistanis love Bollywood. I don’t see that as a negative thing. Similar culture and story telling/music made for similar sensibilities. Obviously with a superior technical upgrade over Pakistani movies. Why shouldn’t they love them.

However this is where Bollywood is confused.

They have to cater to Pakistani audience/ fans , so they need to include some positive Pakistan characters or Pakistani references.

However that would be a disaster as Indian audience might reject it, so they cash in on the trope of a Pakistani terrorist or a corrupt officer which Pakistanis themselves won’t find as a too much of a stretch, it then makes it easy for the writers to include positive Pakistani characters that fights along side the Indian hero. Everyone appeased, win-win.

Usually their every movie has messages like terrorism has no religion and don’t judge Pakistan based on a few bad apples. That doesn’t sound too bad to me. In fact that does more for Pakistan than most content that comes out from Pakistani media at least based on what I see or hear.

I think the writer is nitpicking here. Isn’t she in politics though ?

The writer is not very bright.
Pakistanis love Bollywood. I don’t see that as a negative thing. Similar culture and story telling/music made for similar sensibilities. Obviously with a superior technical upgrade over Pakistani movies. Why shouldn’t they love them.

However this is where Bollywood is confused.

They have to cater to Pakistani audience/ fans , so they need to include some positive Pakistan characters or Pakistani references.

However that would be a disaster as Indian audience might reject it, so they cash in on the trope of a Pakistani terrorist or a corrupt officer which Pakistanis themselves won’t find as a too much of a stretch, it then makes it easy for the writers to include positive Pakistani characters that fights along side the Indian hero. Everyone appeased, win-win.

Usually their every movie has messages like terrorism has no religion and don’t judge Pakistan based on a few bad apples. That doesn’t sound too bad to me. In fact that does more for Pakistan than most content that comes out from Pakistani media at least based on what I see or hear.

I think the writer is nitpicking here. Isn’t she in politics though ?

Why do they have to cater to a Pakistan audience? Your own posters are claiming that the Pakistani audience is too small to be of significance. You are right though that Indian public are obsessed with seeing Pakistani devils and that is why your film producers are pumping out this garbage.

Your public voted Modi into office on the back of hatred of Islam, and since the BJP don't have the nuts to take on the middle east directly, they will go for the easy option. Just like they go for the easy option of going after British Muslims while cowering in terror from the Anglos who actually looted their continent for centuries.
Why do they have to cater to a Pakistan audience? Your own posters are claiming that the Pakistani audience is too small to be of significance. You are right though that Indian public are obsessed with seeing Pakistani devils and that is why your film producers are pumping out this garbage.


Instead of copy pasting the same stale argument in every single thread, why don’t you come up with a new thought?

Anyway to answer the above question I can’t speak for others because we all have our individual POV but since this is between us let me tell you Pakistanis are the biggest consumer of Bollywood movies outside of Hindi speaking areas and big cities in India.

Also overseas is a huge market for Indian films and the Pakistan diaspora obviously the ones who were not part of the British Raj :)) are a big target audience especially the ones in UK, Canada and USA.

Maybe for different reasons but I agree with you Bollywood is garbage 99.5% with the odd surprise.
Instead of copy pasting the same stale argument in every single thread, why don’t you come up with a new thought?

Anyway to answer the above question I can’t speak for others because we all have our individual POV but since this is between us let me tell you Pakistanis are the biggest consumer of Bollywood movies outside of Hindi speaking areas and big cities in India.

Also overseas is a huge market for Indian films and the Pakistan diaspora obviously the ones who were not part of the British Raj :)) are a big target audience especially the ones in UK, Canada and USA.

Maybe for different reasons but I agree with you Bollywood is garbage 99.5% with the odd surprise.

As a child I watched Bollywood, well Indian Cinema. Interesting they call it Bollywood when their is no wood there. A lot of copying going on. I remember watching a copy of Rocky, think it was Darmendra , hillarious. I do love the film Sholay , its brilliant imo.

But nowadays not many Pakistanis in the UK watch Indian movies esp those who were born here. Lets be honest they are terrible now.

Where is this huge market you talk of?
I have only watched 3 Bollywood movies in my life (all of those were before 2005).

I remember the movie "Border". They portrayed Pakistani army as villains.

I think there is a clear obsession with Pakistan in Bollywood. So, Fatima is right.
Pakistanis love Bollywood. I don’t see that as a negative thing. Similar culture and story telling/music made for similar sensibilities. Obviously with a superior technical upgrade over Pakistani movies. Why shouldn’t they love them.

They used to watch it for the Khan's, now that all three Khan's are in a sort of decay (SRK just made a comeback sp let's see) they don't watch it as much, from a 2021 national Gallup poll:

Instead of copy pasting the same stale argument in every single thread, why don’t you come up with a new thought?

If you are going to quote me then at least do it honestly. This is the bit you left out.

Your public voted Modi into office on the back of hatred of Islam, and since the BJP don't have the nuts to take on the middle east directly, they will go for the easy option. Just like they go for the easy option of going after British Muslims while cowering in terror from the Anglos who actually looted their continent for centuries.

Were you ashamed of it or you just forgot maybe?
As a child I watched Bollywood, well Indian Cinema. Interesting they call it Bollywood when their is no wood there. A lot of copying going on. I remember watching a copy of Rocky, think it was Darmendra , hillarious. I do love the film Sholay , its brilliant imo.

But nowadays not many Pakistanis in the UK watch Indian movies esp those who were born here. Lets be honest they are terrible now.

Where is this huge market you talk of?

I'm from UK. And your right now a days Pakistanis especially UK born don't like or watch Bollywood movies even non UK born too. Back during period 1997-2010 I would say was different. It was mainly due to Shahrukh but those youths then have turned old now and have kids and can't go out to watch movies and youth of today don't like Bollywood. But Pathaan has been different the hype this movie got by RSS hate made alot people interested in this movie even who don't really watch bollywood movies.
Your public voted Modi into office on the back of hatred of Islam, and since the BJP don't have the nuts to take on the middle east directly, they will go for the easy option. Just like they go for the easy option of going after British Muslims while cowering in terror from the Anglos who actually looted their continent for centuries.

Were you ashamed of it or you just forgot maybe?

I didn’t forget, I left out the argument you keep parroting in every unrelated context again again for your sake. You pretty much repeated that same crazy talk in 3-4 threads if I can remember be it about Mughals or about Bollywood. You are not going to realize this anyways, carry on.
Because India has done the same, and in case of supporting terrorist attacks in Pakistan it has done worse.

If that is what you believe, what is stopping Lollywood (nice name!) from producing films that depict the India-sponsored attacks ?
Answering my central point about soft power with the usual mantra (Pakistan army! Terrorism!!) is not going to cut it. TGK was right not to engage properly with you.

Keep the soft power aspect of it aside, who cares. But your belief that casting Pakistani villians in Bollywood are due to Islamophobia makes little sense given the more glaring relevance of the wars between India and Pakistan and of course, 26/11.

TGK accused me of being brainwashed and the ran away lol. No idea whats up with him.

Congratulations are in order for author Fatima Bhutto who tied the knot recently with Graham. The granddaughter of former premier Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto looked radiant in a white ensemble on her big day. Her brother, Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Jr took to social media to share the happy news. Now, Fatima has shared a heartfelt note on her special day and how it was made special.

Sharing a carousel of pictures from her big day, Fatima wrote, "Yesterday, Graham and I married in a small nikkah ceremony in my family home, 70 Clifton. My brother Zulfikar tied our grandmother’s imam zamin on me and the ceremony was conducted in my grandfather’s libraries, one of my most beloved places on earth."

She went on to add, "Behind us were my aunts, uncle and father’s childhood photos and an original People’s Party flag placed by my grandfather himself. We won’t be having any other ceremonies, I’m not one for opulent weddings but especially now it feels so inappropriate given what so many are struggling through."

Fatima concluded, "I missed my darling father tremendously, but he was with us. I felt him in my heart and among us as everyone present loved Papa so much. Please keep us in your prayers and thank you for all your kind wishes."

Fatima chose a white anarkali with silver detailing on her dupatta. She coupled her look with a silver maang-teeka with matching earrings and red and white bangles. In the picture shared by her brother, the renowned author could be seen donning a gorgeous red orhni with gold embellishments. Her husband wore a colour-coordinated kurta, pyjama.

Previously, her brother, Zulfiqar congratulated the newlyweds on social media. "On behalf of our father, Shaheed Mir Murtaza Bhutto and the Bhutto family, I’m very happy to share some happy news. My sister Fatima and Graham were married in an intimate nikkah ceremony yesterday at our home, 70 Clifton," he wrote on his Twitter handle.

"The ceremony was attended by Fatima’s loved ones in our grandfather’s library, a place that means a lot to my dear sister. Due to the difficult circumstances felt by our fellow countrymen and women, we all felt it would be inappropriate to celebrate lavishly." He also called for prayers for the couple. The event was reportedly a private affair, with only close friends and family in attendance.

Express Tribune
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I wonder when the comedy - drama celebrating the greatest ever World Cup team that thrashed Pakistan comes out
Keep the soft power aspect of it aside, who cares. But your belief that casting Pakistani villians in Bollywood are due to Islamophobia makes little sense given the more glaring relevance of the wars between India and Pakistan and of course, 26/11.

TGK accused me of being brainwashed and the ran away lol. No idea whats up with him.

Casting Pakistani villains in itself is a measure of Bharat's lack of worldwide impact. Pakistan probably matters more to India than it does to Pakistanis these days.
I recently watched Tiger 3 in cinema, thanks to my sister. The plot was about some Pakistani terrorist (predictable) trying to assassinate Pakistani PM, who was some cheap rip off of Benazir Bhutto. It was so bad that me and my family were laughing.

These Indians are obsessed with Pakistan and it is pathetic. Why don't they make a movie about someone wanting to assassinate their precious Modi? They won't ever do that, will they? Bollywood is complete and utter trash now.
I recently watched Tiger 3 in cinema, thanks to my sister. The plot was about some Pakistani terrorist (predictable) trying to assassinate Pakistani PM, who was some cheap rip off of Benazir Bhutto. It was so bad that me and my family were laughing.

These Indians are obsessed with Pakistan and it is pathetic. Why don't they make a movie about someone wanting to assassinate their precious Modi? They won't ever do that, will they? Bollywood is complete and utter trash now.
Why did your family choose to watch that Bollywood movie in the first place?
I recently watched Tiger 3 in cinema, thanks to my sister. The plot was about some Pakistani terrorist (predictable) trying to assassinate Pakistani PM, who was some cheap rip off of Benazir Bhutto. It was so bad that me and my family were laughing.

These Indians are obsessed with Pakistan and it is pathetic. Why don't they make a movie about someone wanting to assassinate their precious Modi? They won't ever do that, will they? Bollywood is complete and utter trash now.
Its so trashy your entire family watched it. Boycott Bollywood. Its an insult to our intelligence.
Its so trashy your entire family watched it. Boycott Bollywood. Its an insult to our intelligence.
We hadn’t watched a Bollywood movie in years. We decided to watch this Tiger crap for some reason. We won’t be repeating the same mistake any time soon.
The question should be why is Bollywood so obsessed with Pakistan?
How about you name me 5 Bollywood movies in the last 5 years with anti Pakistan plot? If you can't, how did you come to the conclusion that Bollywood is so obsessed with Pakistan? Plenty of movies are made in Bollywood every year. It's perfectly normal if a few of them have anti Pakistan plot since it sells in India. Doesn't mean Bollywood is obsessed with Pakistan.
India is Pakistan’s baby brother, so obviously will try to grab its attention and is obsessed to get approval of the older sibling.

It also wants to compete with Pakistan as it isn’t good enough to face other countries as villains. If India made an anti Russia or anti China movie, the movie will last 5 mins as either of those nations will crush India and turn it into Gulagistan or Chindia

That’s the subconscious reasons india film makers make anti Pak rhetoric.
I don't quite get this statement ... what are are you saying? Who are these Pakistani villains ?

It's quite simple, Pakistan is not much of an adversary and is not considered a well run country. By making it some sort of powerful enemy, or even a terrorist nation, someone with half a brain would wonder, why not just take Pakistan out? Is Bharat so impotent it can't put a much smaller opponent out for the count?
How about you name me 5 Bollywood movies in the last 5 years with anti Pakistan plot? If you can't, how did you come to the conclusion that Bollywood is so obsessed with Pakistan? Plenty of movies are made in Bollywood every year. It's perfectly normal if a few of them have anti Pakistan plot since it sells in India. Doesn't mean Bollywood is obsessed with Pakistan.
Name 5 Bollywood movies in last five years? I barely watch Bollywood these days as I don’t have time to waste watching trash.
It's quite simple, Pakistan is not much of an adversary and is not considered a well run country.

True statement

By making it some sort of powerful enemy,


or even a terrorist nation,

Facts are overwhelmingly in favor of India's position on this count.

someone with half a brain would wonder, why not just take Pakistan out? Is Bharat so impotent it can't put a much smaller opponent out for the count?

Because we truly believe in "Live and let live" . I realize that this is a alien concept to you considering your deplorable posts gloating over colonialism. especially when it involves a country that initiated multiple wars and that we had WMD circa 1974.

Yes I realize that our stance is construed as "Impotence" .... but thats more of a reflection on your evolutionary levels. Once you grow up it will make sense.
Once you get through the sounds of fighter jets, explosions and confidence-bordering-on-arrogance dialogues, the trailer for the new Bollywood movie fighter ‘Fighter’ will present an eerily similar story.

Directed by Sidharth Anand, the movie starring Hrithik Roshan and Deepika Padukone is about an Indian Air Force unit set in Indian Occupied Kashmir, where a group of firebrand young men and women are being trained for some special mission.

In classic over-the-top homage to Hollywood movie ‘Top Gun’, Roshan’s character, Patty, sports Aviators and even rides a bike during off-duty hours. Roshan completes the set by being a little too reckless during flying training.

However, watching a Hindi-language Top Gun with dance songs in it could seem like a good prospect, the Fighter trailer shows that the movie soon goes off the rails (or falls out of the sky).

The movie’s trailer shows a terrorist attack and the word Pulwama is soon uttered, no marks for subtlety there. Soon a politician is strolling among a ground filled with flag-covered coffins, proclaiming it is the worst attack in the country’s history.

The trailer follows up with a mix of air strikes and explosions, including a cameo by supposed Pakistani pilots in thick Urdu accents customary of Bollywood.

The real events the movie seems to be based on are known. India and Pakistan exchanged airstrikes after the former accused the latter of ‘sponsoring’ the Pulwama attack. The deal ended with Indian pilot Abhinandan being captured by Pakistan only to be released a few days later.

To be fair, the trailer does not give the entire story away (only most of it). However, Patty soon ends up in close proximity with a ‘terrorist’ and tells him India is the owner of Kashmir and Pakistan is ‘occupying’ it.

Then in a charged voice, he tells the terrorist that India could turn every street of Pakistan into Indian Occupied Pakistan if it wanted. The trailer also shows a prisoner, played by Akshay Oberoi. Perhaps the movie could involve a succesful rescue of a team member who crashed across the border

The film also features Anil Kapoor, playing a senior officer incharge of the training of the young guns and Karan Singh Grover. It will be released on January 25th.

AAJ News

Since Modi came to power, I've observed that most Bollywood movies are either anti-Pakistan or promote Hindu religion and culture.
Since Modi came to power, I've observed that most Bollywood movies are either anti-Pakistan or promote Hindu religion and culture.

This reveals an immature nation which has no confidence in itself and is trying to build some sort of identity, ironically by copying Hollywood output.
This reveals an immature nation which has no confidence in itself and is trying to build some sort of identity, ironically by copying Hollywood output.
Bollywood has a long history of stealing content from the global entertainment industry.
Since Modi came to power, I've observed that most Bollywood movies are either anti-Pakistan or promote Hindu religion and culture.
Anti Pakistani films or references were always there, we just never noticed them.

Its just our biasness that we like to associate it with modi coming to power.
Thing is, it is no secret that Pakistan has had its hands in terrorism and Bollywood uses that. Now whether someone gets offended by that why should the Indian film industry care?
Anti Pakistani films or references were always there, we just never noticed them.

Its just our biasness that we like to associate it with modi coming to power.

From a neutral point of view, Pakistan is not such an important country that it should be the subject of so many films. For example, if England made every other film about Ireland with dumb scripts about terrorism every single time, most British people would tell the producers to either come up with something original or get a life.

But I get your point, Indian people are not that sophisticated and seem to have deep insecurities about little old Pakistan. Simple minded stuff sells to the audience it's aimed at.
From a neutral point of view, Pakistan is not such an important country that it should be the subject of so many films. For example, if England made every other film about Ireland with dumb scripts about terrorism every single time, most British people would tell the producers to either come up with something original or get a life.

But I get your point, Indian people are not that sophisticated and seem to have deep insecurities about little old Pakistan. Simple minded stuff sells to the audience it's aimed at.
Movies based on Pakistan tend to sell well in the Indian market.
Thing is, it is no secret that Pakistan has had its hands in terrorism and Bollywood uses that. Now whether someone gets offended by that why should the Indian film industry care?
And what about Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan? Lollywood is also producing films on this topic.
And what about Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan? Lollywood is also producing films on this topic.
Wasn’t Waar your biggest hit before Maula Jatt.. thats an anti- Indian film.

Top 5 biggest hits of Hindi (adjusted inflation etc) have nothing to do with Pakistan..
And what about Indian involvement in terrorism in Pakistan? Lollywood is also producing films on this topic.
the only thing lollywood ever did try to do was milk the abhinandan event and our film industry is soo poor they didnt know how to milk that.

India's advertising industry was able to make the best ad ever known as mauka mauka
Wasn’t Waar your biggest hit before Maula Jatt.. thats an anti- Indian film.

Top 5 biggest hits of Hindi (adjusted inflation etc) have nothing to do with Pakistan..
Bro you are talking about very old movie.

Now Pakistan's top 6 highest grossing movies are

1. The Legends of Maula Jatt
2. Jawani Phir Nai Ani 2
3. London Nahi Jaunga
4. Punjab Nahi Jaungi
5. Teefa in Trouble
6. Jawani Phir Nahi Ani

While, Bollywood's top 6 highest grossing movies

1. Dangal
2. Baahubali 2: The Conclusion
4.KGF: Chapter 2