Boston Marathon Bombings [Suspect #1 Dead, Suspect #2 in Custody]


T20I Captain
Aug 18, 2010
Post of the Week
Cause unknown at the moment. Emergency services running around right now and the area is cordoned off. The explosions were heard at the finish line and originated on the plaza hotel. Hopefully it is not serious.
one report says that there are likely to be numerous casualties, the blasts were huge.
Actually this is very serious. Sky has shown a horrific image of the blast coming out of that hotel. One passerby commented on the clip they're showing "Oh my God they're dead".
At least 50 injured according to unconfirmed reports.
Boston Marathon headquarters locked down after blasts heard

(Reuters) - The hotel that serves as the headquarters for the Boston Marathon was locked down on Monday after a security incident near the finish line. Two blasts were heard by reporters in the media center.
A Boston Marathon spokesman told reporters that no one would be allowed in or out of the building.
amateurdentist it is way too early and inappropriate to make such speculative statements right now.

It is reported that 3 people have died. Medical experts are already on thr scene as part of the event so it looks like they have reacted quickly.
Sad this has happened at a marathon which should of been a high point of many of the participants lives.

Media storm incoming.
Judging from my own understanding of the blasts through the news reports this doesn't appear to have the hallmarks of 'al qaeda'
The images circulating on Twitter are horrific. Blood, limbs and bodies on the ground. Some runners were actually still jogging right at the moment of the blast.
Ok I have just seen GIF/video of one of the explosion. Oh Dear God!! Don't want to share this here!
Those sick cowards ruining it for all. RIP to the victims (if any), hope the injured ones can be saved.
Let's not speculate until we get all the facts. This will be terrible if it's a bombing. There were 25000+ people participating in the Boston Marathon.
Ball bearings found. The 26th mile of the marathon was actually dedicated to the victims of the Newtown shootings.

The actual clip of the explosion is circulating on Twitter and Sky are showing it too.
Well it certainly looks an explosive device detonating from the video i just seen.
2 bombs exploded; 3rd bomb found but police take care of it
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Rip, 4 dead unofficially.

Well it certainly looks an explosive device detonating from the video i just seen.

Yep one runner immediately hits the deck.

Police are saying they have found unexploded devices and are going to carry out a controlled explosion.
Almost made a plan to go see the marathon today. Friend ran the marathon but just checked and he's ok. Praying for everyone. I hope this is not affiliated with any extremist networks or with anyone claiming to be affiliated with Islam. Immigration already so difficult with criminals such as Faisal Shehzad.
Stop saying "i hope its not al qaeda terrorists", does it matter?
I am listening to boston police scanner atm. They have just found another suspicious item.
Purely speculation on my part but this feels very much like a domestic attack by some deranged lunatic most likely.
Purely speculation on my part but this feels very much like a domestic attack by some deranged lunatic most likely.

Wouldn't be surprised if its some NRA gun nut but it is guesswork. The date seems carefully chosen. It is Patriot Day, Obama has been pledging gun laws, this is a major international occasion in the Boston calendar and it is the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination.

Some are even saying North Korea were involved but it seems far fetched. Let there be an investigation and the culprits be brought to book.
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Boston PD intelligence major did so many explosive devices were placed around the city without any hindrance?
I too think it was probably the work of a domestic right wing organisation/individuals rather than a international radical group at this stage.

We will know in the coming days but this is my hunch right now.
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Expect Britain to be on high alert too. We have Margaret Thatcher's funeral on Wednesday and the London Marathon on Sunday. Apparently the area in front of the White House has now been cordoned off.
^ Yeah , my heart goes out to those who lost their lives and hope people who are injured recover as quickly as possible . I am just thinking the exact same hting right , dont let any Muslims or Pakistanis be involved in this . :(
Actually JFK library blast seems to be just fire from Mechanical room.
why the terrorists explode the bombs after 3 hours of marathon finish? Or the race finished earlier? Hope police get all the culprits
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From the BBC:

2126: Mr Bastajian adds: "We started grabbing tourniquets and started tying legs. A lot of people amputated... At least 25-30 people have at least one leg missing, or an ankle missing, or two legs missing.''
2126: Roupen Bastajian, a 35-year-old Rhode Island state trooper, had just finished the race and donned a heat blanket when he heard the first blast. "I started running toward the blast. And there were people all over the floor,'' he tells AP.

CNN is already blaming Muslims ..

Many Canadians also participating :(
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Some reports are coming that there is a video evidence someone bringing multiple back packs around 20 minutes prior to explosion.
May the victims RIP. 4/15 is a day of significance in the US. It is Tax Day and it is also Patriot Day (in the Northeast). A lot of feelings have stirred up, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if this was a domestic attack.

Also considering the fact that security was very high and Boston PD is one of the "best" counter-terrorism squads in the country.
At Harvard? I dont hear any reports of that? If true that's shocking. I was at JFK library yesterday till 11 pm studying and I was planning to go today.

Sorry for that knee-jerk post. It was actually not related to Bombings, it was just fire from electrical malfunction. But it was at JFK Library.

Stay safe mate nevertheless.
OMG. I was there at that very spot where the bombs went off a few hours ago watching the first runners cross the finish line!! Drove home and heard that a bomb had gone off. If I had stayed an extra hour I would've been caught in it.

I am going full shave for the next months at least. Hopefully this is some idiot American who did it.
Boston PD giving an official news conference so looks like we can get some confirmed facts.
OMG. I was there at that very spot where the bombs went off a few hours ago watching the first runners cross the finish line!! Drove home and heard that a bomb had gone off. If I had stayed an extra hour I would've been caught in it.

I am so glad you are safe! God bless!
Wouldn't be surprised if its some NRA gun nut but it is guesswork. The date seems carefully chosen. It is Patriot Day, Obama has been pledging gun laws, this is a major international occasion in the Boston calendar and it is the anniversary of Lincoln's assassination.

Some are even saying North Korea were involved but it seems far fetched. Let there be an investigation and the culprits be brought to book.

Speculation will be rife at this point, but with no facts to substantiate all it is is speculation. I wouldn't put too much credence into what people/media etc will be saying. They will be talking to fill time.
OMG. I was there at that very spot where the bombs went off a few hours ago watching the first runners cross the finish line!! Drove home and heard that a bomb had gone off. If I had stayed an extra hour I would've been caught in it.

Good grief. Good to hear you have stayed safe. Do take care, same to smoothcriminal.
I am so glad you are safe! God bless!

Thanks mate. I know a lot of our friends on this MB in Pakistan in particular face this on a daily basis and don't let it affect their lives. Shout out to them as well.
Good grief. Good to hear you have stayed safe. Do take care, same to smoothcriminal.

Yes I just got home and was listening to my mp3s so didn't hear about it till I turned on the TV. I have to call all my friends now and see if they are ok.
^ Yeah , my heart goes out to those who lost their lives and hope people who are injured recover as quickly as possible . I am just thinking the exact same hting right , dont let any Muslims or Pakistanis be involved in this . :(

whats with these comments, ur on guilt trip or somethnig
I too think it was probably the work of a domestic right wing organisation/individuals rather than a international radical group at this stage.

We will know in the coming days but this is my hunch right now.
Agreed. I think it was a right-wing/anti-tax/patriot type who did this. How else could they have evaded such "tight" security? As an American, I'd really like for it not to be a foreign terrorist, as people will take it as the US should start bombing countries more. We need to focus on our domestic issues, and not use the excuse of "helping" other countries to further our war-mongering.

But considering the state of the US economy, even if this was a foreign terrorist attack, out military and military resources are so depleted that retaliation is a conservative dream...

Regardless, lives have been lost. May they and the injured find peace. I hope there comes a time where incidents like this don't happen anymore.
Third explosion at the JFK library at 4.30 may be related but they are not sure yet
People are starting to line up outside Mass General Hospital to offer to give blood to victims.
Saudi suspect injured by shrapnel and guarded by police at hospital.
I cannot see how they have judged this "Saudi" to be the bomber at this time. But what do I know, I am not a law enforcement official. I just think this may be a rush to judgement. The backlash (should) will be awful if he is being falsely accused.
JFK Lib explosion was not controlled. Confirmed to be completely unrelated.
Another possible explosion outside Tufts Medical Center - unconfirmed but 2 local Boston networks are reporting it
whats with these comments, ur on guilt trip or somethnig

Well if it turns out that a Muslim is involved in it than the people/media will go on a rant and label every Muslim as a terrorist even though 99% of Muslims are normal people who have nothing to do with this.