sorry shaz but you must have watched a different fight to the one I did. GGG thought he could hit and end brook early but brook can fight and he slipped in some good defence and made GGG miss a few. He got some punches in the second round but again GGG was looking to simply blast Brook out. By the third its was petty much all over. GGG got his jab going and that was it. If the towel hadnt come in brook would have ended up in hospital and his career would have been over because his socket went in the third round , possible the second. GGG simply went up a gear and ended it. Brook just wasnt good enough. We can all say it was brave and yes it was. I think any fighter who does this is brave and its normally a win win for the loser.
however I also think Brook has now put himself in a massive dilemma. He cant fight at 147. He has said so himself he just doesnt want to do it. So that leaves light middleweight and he should be ok there.
as for fighting Khan, well Khan needs to beat garcia inmho. He needs to avenge that fight, get a title then fight brook before retiring. Khan has at most two or three fights left, so he should go big , win a title and then end in a bang. The kid is doing so much charity work these days that I doubt his heart is in the fight game anymore. three more fights max I think.
I don't think people understand the context of my posts. Let me explain.
Firstly I am not saying GGG is a bum, he's a terrific fighter! but no where near as good as he is made out to be. This whole "GGG was simply looking to blast Brook out" is a bit misleading, you see while that may have been the case GGG failed to adjust when Brook exposed his lack of head movement, footwork and inability to deal with an opponent with an actual boxing IQ. He struggled with Brook's speed, movement in terms of his foot work and upper body movement while making great use of counter punching and slipping/sliding.
We can agree that the majority did not expect Brook to have as much success as he did in the fight while I personally wasn't surprised at all, I knew inevitably it would be GGG's size which would win him the fight after Brook has his moments. It's not a matter of not being good enough, we have weight divisions for a reason in boxing.....stick GGG against a Kovalev and off course he would get destroyed, but that wouldn't necessarily make GGG a poor fighter.
GGG is a great fighter, his best attributes are his power and granite chin. Sure the big difference in weight was going to magnify his power and potentially end Brook's career had it not been for the fantastic stoppage, but am not quiet sure his performance improves his standing in my eyes. He had no issue facing Kell Brook from two divisions below but failed to answer Andre Ward's challenge, do you know why? it's simple, he'd get exposed and the hype would get permanently killed.
GGG has not been tested at all in his career, it's not his fault no one is facing him but that doesn't mean we call him this alleged great with a terrific boxing ability which is incredibly exaggerated, I see him no more then high calibre power puncher with a terrific chin but he'd struggle against someone on a level playing field for one who can actually box. Heck if Brook had his moments, a fighter from two divisions below whom went 5 rounds with him despite breaking his eye socket in round 2 is he really invincible? anyway more fighters have expressed a desire to face GGG which is great to see, his standing will improve in my eyes when he is tested by fighters of a higher quality on a level playing field.
Andre Ward has achieved soooo much more then GGG yet he doesn't have no where near as much hype, same can be said for Canelo.
Khan is semi-retired and more interested in being a philanthropist these days. Being inactive also affects your stamina during fights big time, many people mention how Khan slowed down due to Canelo's body shots but it was also due to his inactivity. Am not sure he is serious about boxing anymore, he could be a lot more interested in being a spectacle fighter where he uses his name value to get big pay days. He said he will fight three times next year but am not sure, his goal is to fight in the UK once and then take on Garcia around May. Did an interview recently talking about how Mayweather is training

give it a rest bro lmao he won't fight you, mentioned the PacMan to and that fight could be more likely now that he's back. Also, Khan is slightly past his prime years; he has a lot of miles on his body to, guy made his debut when he was 17 or 18 I think!
With Brook most likely moving up to 154 the Khan fight could be in doubt as well.