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Buying shares?

Oops, I forgot to mention, you will need to sign up with two platforms. (BTW, Box trading isn't my personal technique but a FX trader favourite!)

I use IGindex and GGmarkets. Go long on one platform and short on the other. Also bear in mind, you can apply the same technique on shares too! (The problem with buying shares using a broker platform is you cannot profit on the way down, but with Spreadbetting trading platforms you can! - plus all profit is TAX-FREE! :) )


if the box technique is not how you trade, how do you trade then?
How come Oracle coal didnt move from plus to aim today? Its next week now for some reason. I actually wrote about oracle for a uni assignment so quite interested to see how it fares.
if the box technique is not how you trade, how do you trade then?

Where have I said it's not how I trade? I just said it's a technique that I have not devised personally, it's a technique used by FX traders, and I use it in conjunction with other techniques.

There are many more techniques but explaining them would mean deviating from the OP on buying shares. Personally though I would stay away from the classical 'Pump and Dump' technique on Shares. ;)
I use TDWATERHOUSE have dabbled with the new jpjshare.com

Problem with TDW they charge 40quid to trade PLUS jpj only charge a fiver

USOP sounds too good to be true and too illiquid to get in or exit so leaving it well alone. If it proves concept might buy.

Thanks pia. It does seem too good to be true... An Oil refinery is only 40 miles away!!

They are meant to be listing on AIM soon so maybe worth a little punt then.
I store the Bullion at home, becasue if I cannot touch it, I do not own it. There's no point in me owning Bullion then paying someone else to look after it.

Gold is a one of the most dense metals known in the universe, a kilo can fit in your palm or your pocket, so hiding it at home is a piece of cake. Silver takes up more volume, but again it's dead easy to conceal.

Let me know what detailed info you are after as I could talk about Gold and Silver till I'm blue! :)

Thanks NH. I am still confused on the actual process of how you hedge the bullion when you place your forex trades. Do you buy certain amount of bullion equal to the amount of trade your willing to risk beforehand and then place your trades? Isn't that then a long and arduous process?

No way... at home? Your a brave man! I would have thought safety deposit box at Harrods or your local bank atleast :)
Conspiracy theorist nut jobs don't keep gold in bank because they are worried about Government confiscation of hoarded gold
Where have I said it's not how I trade? I just said it's a technique that I have not devised personally, it's a technique used by FX traders, and I use it in conjunction with other techniques.

There are many more techniques but explaining them would mean deviating from the OP on buying shares. Personally though I would stay away from the classical 'Pump and Dump' technique on Shares. ;)

well you did say "(BTW, Box trading isn't my personal technique but a FX trader favourite!)"
Conspiracy theorist nut jobs don't keep gold in bank because they are worried about Government confiscation of hoarded gold


So let me get this straight.

If I store my Bullion at a bank, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
If I store my Bullion at home, I'm a conspiracy theorist.

If I mention the US debt ceiling will expire on 16th May, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
If I mention the US debt ceiling is fine, then I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

If you buy shares in Gold mining companies, you're not a conspiracy theorist.
If I buy actual Gold Bullion, I'm a conspiracy theorist.

There's only one conspiracy, scam, and fraud when it comes to shares, and that's AIM - which I will expose to the hilt by the end of tonight by directing the likes of DV and EE to information they should be checking before acting on scam AIM tips, no not news articles from Google or the corresponding company website, I'm talking about mechanics of the markets, because after reading the spiel on share tips in this thread, I have come to the conclusion that you sir are taking them for a ride .

In the meantime, take a look at the following, it's a liquidity vs. risk pryamid, yes it's upside down (a conspiracy?).


PS: I pay Zakat on my Bullion, is that a conspiracy too? [Rhetorical question, meaning there's no need to answer it]
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Yes, I admit all my tips and advice on this thread were a massive pump and dump. Sorry to all the people who have made money on the back of RRL, SXX and SOU.


So let me get this straight.

If I store my Bullion at a bank, I'm not a conspiracy theorist.
If I store my Bullion at home, I'm a conspiracy theorist.

If I mention the US debt ceiling will expire on 16th May, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
If I mention the US debt ceiling is fine, then I'm not a conspiracy theorist.

If you buy shares in Gold mining companies, you're not a conspiracy theorist.
If I buy actual Gold Bullion, I'm a conspiracy theorist.

There's only one conspiracy, scam, and fraud when it comes to shares, and that's AIM - which I will expose to the hilt by the end of tonight by directing the likes of DV and EE to information they should be checking before acting on scam AIM tips, no not news articles from Google or the corresponding company website, I'm talking about mechanics of the markets, because after reading the spiel on share tips in this thread, I have come to the conclusion that you sir are taking them for a ride .

In the meantime, take a look at the following, it's a liquidity vs. risk pryamid, yes it's upside down (a conspiracy?).


PS: I pay Zakat on my Bullion, is that a conspiracy too? [Rhetorical question, meaning there's no need to answer it]

Im quite interested in hearing your views but its really quite unfair and uncalled for to accuse people of delibrately misleading others. Theres probably been no example in this thread where you will see that happening!!
Yes, I admit all my tips and advice on this thread were a massive pump and dump. Sorry to all the people who have made money on the back of RRL, SXX and SOU.


:)) chill man no need to get heated. Your initial help was invaluable and your posts continue to be excellent.
Im quite interested in hearing your views but its really quite unfair and uncalled for to accuse people of delibrately misleading others. Theres probably been no example in this thread where you will see that happening!!

You need to know what to look for to realise that it's happening.

I’m not here to mock others, believe me. I’m here to offer knowledge. techniques, platforms, and methods by which one can exploit loopholes of the system, in contrast to ‘punts’ and ‘tips’. However, when other PPers insult my intelligence by attacking what they do not understand then it’s pretty obvious that their knowledge and familiarity of the ‘system’ is close to minimal. These PPers attack FX and Bullion when everyman and his dog will tell you the best of the best who have retired from trading have either done so via FX or Commodities – not shares! There is a reason for this! But no, the AIM cartel have never had a whiff of FX, have never held Gold Buillion in their hand, yet denounce such markets on the hind of ignorance.

Have you wondered why every share tip recommended in this thread has been an AIM recommended stock? Think hard.

You must understand the mechanics of the system before you invest in anything, be it shares, bonds, commodities, etc. For example, when you are offered a share ‘tip’, you should check the number of shares issued, the number of shares sold and bought – this provides an insight into liquidity. You then need to understand how the flow of such liquidity causes the price to move up or down.

The likes of PIA786, whom have studied ‘economics’ at university are dime a dozen – they study a syllabus, nothing more. Ask him to explain how markets and economies are affected by the Keynesian model of economics and how it differs from a Ludwig von Mises model. Ask him to explain the difference between Currency and Money. Ask him why inflation will consume your profits and how one can preserve their purchasing power. Ask him to explain the difference between price and value. Ask him why every paper currency has seen its day except for the $ and £.

It’s only when you understand the creation, flow, and supply of money (in conjunction with human emotions of fear and greed) will you then understand how markets and economies actually work to the extent you can profit effortlessly.

The US debt ceiling expiring on May 16th doesn’t seem to bother the likes of PIA786 because his interests, and dare I say knowledge, do not extend beyond the gambling casino scam that is AIM - hence why everything I post is perceived as a conspiracy!

You asked for advice on shares in the OP and all you are getting in return are ‘punts’ and ‘tips’ – does this seem sound to you? If it does then mate, I’m better off saving my breath and you are better off signing up to weekly newsletters, papers, articles, websites, even TV new channels which spend day and night trying to lure in suckers with their cash - www.fool.co.uk (Irony overload?).

Do yourself a favour, next time an AIM tip comes along your way on PP, do a search on Google News/Forums - don't be suprised by how many other 'global' traders recommend the same share during the same period of time.

Good luck!
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No way... at home? Your a brave man! I would have thought safety deposit box at Harrods or your local bank atleast :)

I do not trust anyone to safeguard my Bullion. If I want it to sell it, it's there for me at home. If I want to use it as hard currency, it's there for me at home. No need for me to wait for the bank/store to open.
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Namak_Halaal, if your not going to be talking about shares please can you open another thread, also pia786 only posts his research, his never told anyone to buy any shares and to say his taking us for a ride is a joke...
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Namak_Halaal, if your not going to be talking about shares please can you open another thread, also pia786 only posts his research, his never told anyone to buy any shares and to say his taking us for a ride is a joke...

Fair play, you are right, I'll save my breath.
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Solo oil brought out some good news. It was on my watchlist for months but then the thought of investing in a Lennigas company put me off. Anyone else monitoring it in light of the news or not touching it with a bargepole?
Thanks EE. I saw the news in the morning and thought about putting some money in for a quick profit but then decided against it.
Lenigas is a fat uncouth aussie. I'd compare him to zardari. Wouldn't want to be involved at all. I'm very dubious anyway about Lenigas but you should be generally about small explorers claiming to have big finds in the US. It is hardly virgin terrority where oil exploration hasn't been going on for years. Why has some salesman had to come to lightly regulated AIM market to fund his American venture when there are corporates, funds, investors, markets they can 'tap' over there ?

Same goes for HAWK, USOP, PANR, CAZA, PPC etc
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VAL - more news that I don't understand

some sort of collaboration with minor league Universities like Imperial and Oxford


I get the impression (it may be totally wrong as impressions are wont to be) that they do have a lot going on in the background and some of the recent RNSes are put out to start creating buzz amongst PIs

They have a lot more cash to get a lot more active at least on PR front so I suspect further down the line this will exhibit more spikiness as its cohort (PYC,SAR et al) have done as well.

I'm a seller of spikes. Some people seem to like buying them for some reason.
They actually licensed GeneICE technology from Imperial College.

But you are right.... this is a PR attempt to up the company profile.
Good start for GKP again today after some good news. I've been buying this low and selling it on news because the share price usually comes back down sharpish. Think I'll stay in for a bit don't want to be caught out!
Top Creation Investments Limited

("TCIL" or the "Company")

Statement re Share Price Movement

TCIL notes the significant rise in its share price today, which comes on top of the increase since admission on 31 March 2011. The Company knows of no reason for this unexpected and significant increase.

TCIL is an investment company focused on investments in the real estate sector in the Far East, with a primary focus on Malaysia. In particular, the Company will focus on the commercial and resorts property sectors in Malaysia. The Company intends to seek to collaborate with Malaysia's Ministry of Tourism in promoting the "Malaysia My Second Home Programme (MM2H)", by seeking to promote and sell the properties the Company develops to foreigners seeking to participate in the MM2H programme. The Company has approximately GBP3m of net cash on its balance sheet.

The Investment Manager has commenced the process of evaluating possible opportunities which will be presented to the Board as and when appropriate.

The Board consider that the current spike in the share price is exacerbated by the low levels of liquidity in the market and has agreed to issue a further 500,000 shares at 2p per share to the market makers to improve liquidity.
You invested in TCIL pia?

XEL CPR is imminent. The oil is there, the flow rates are good, its just a question of how the present market conditions affect the announcement.

Im considering putting my whole 2011/2 ISA into XEL for the next two weeks, and then sell on the news.
get URU on your watch lists...

I don't expect anything imminent but had communication with the IR of that company and he comes across as very smart and they are a company on the move but underappreciated by Investors ( i have small insignificant position but intend to grow large as story develops)

in short it is a £10m company with £5m net cash

Key Projects :-
Niger - Uranium exploration (existing 4m lb deposit) results of new exploration due May i think
South Africa - Nickel exploration (they claim they may have 'world class properties' doubt it but if they do they become comparable to AFE and HZM and intend to list this venture (SAN-URU) separately

Also have 20% of UrAmerica which may seek IPO at some point.

Also intend a duel listing of company (URU) on TSX.

There is an 'Investor Presentation' on the site dated April 2011 which states the following :-

Moving Forward
Results from the latest drilling and exploration programme
undertaken at In Gall and Irhazer (Niger) will be announced in
Q2/Q3 2011.
Subject to favourable market and corporate finance conditions,
UrAmerica will work towards a potential listing on the Toronto
Venture Exchange (TSX.V) of the Toronto Stock Exchange in
Q3. Given favourable technical results, supported by positive
market conditions, the URU/San nickel joint venture could be
listed by Q4, or early in 2012.


The company was previously known as Niger Uranium and was valued as highly as £40m+ I think on basis of previous managements track record but now there is new managment and as yet i am dubious as to how good they are. However 4m lb of uranium they have proved up is potentially worth $24m at going rates so as a £10m company they look to be valued at a discount to their assets.

It has lots of newsflow and listing S&V to come so I expect it to get some promotion at some point.


looks like i was a bit late

URU Metals Limited (AIM: URU), the metals exploration and development company with uranium interests in Niger and South America, and nickel interests in Southern Africa, was notified on 14 April 2011 that Paul Loudon, Non-executive Chairman of the Company, had made two separate purchases, on 13 April and 14 April, of 250,000 and 50,000 Ordinary Shares of the Company at a price of 8.68 and 9.00 pence per Ordinary Share respectively.
Paul Loudon is interested in a total of 300,000 Ordinary Shares, representing approximately 0.26 per cent of the issued share capital of the Company.

In addition, as announced on 22 October 2010, Paul Loudon has options over 1,500,000 Ordinary Shares at an exercise price of 4.88 pence per Ordinary Share. These options will vest in three equal annual instalments commencing on 21 October 2011 and will expire, unless exercised, on or before 20 October 2020.
You need to know what to look for to realise that it's happening.

I’m not here to mock others, believe me. I’m here to offer knowledge. techniques, platforms, and methods by which one can exploit loopholes of the system, in contrast to ‘punts’ and ‘tips’. However, when other PPers insult my intelligence by attacking what they do not understand then it’s pretty obvious that their knowledge and familiarity of the ‘system’ is close to minimal. These PPers attack FX and Bullion when everyman and his dog will tell you the best of the best who have retired from trading have either done so via FX or Commodities – not shares! There is a reason for this! But no, the AIM cartel have never had a whiff of FX, have never held Gold Buillion in their hand, yet denounce such markets on the hind of ignorance.

Have you wondered why every share tip recommended in this thread has been an AIM recommended stock? Think hard......

i agree with nearly all of the points you make bro, but i disagree with the importance of the instrument or methodology one chooses. i think it is possible to make good returns from various method, stocks, fx, comms, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, even t-bonds and interest rate speculation if you are willing to put in the hard yards to study what you are getting into.

you can find very good money makers irrespective of the "system used" from traders like tudor-jones, seykota, schwartz, etc to money managers like klarman, buffet, etc who trade different instruments/securities but learn their art/science inside out.

im not attacking forex/comms, on the contrary its something i would love to learn about to widen my own knowledge. my point is if u work hard and are knowledgable about what you deal with that is more important than the securities/instruments you choose to trade with/invest in.
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Been doing some digging on Sheba Exploration..

Sheba Exploration (PLUS:SHE) a totally undiscovered microcap gold explorer in Ethiopia recently had an RNS stating they had discovered an 'Extensive Gold Trend' of total length 10km !

The sampling revealed soil anomalies including peak values 500-5000 ppb (parts per billion)

It is worth putting this in context with the RNSes from much bigger AIM listed gold explorers... (Sheba is valued at £3.8m whilst many of the companies listed below are multiples of the size)

GREATLAND (GGP) 14th April 2011



KIBO (KIBO) 7th April 2011


">30ppb and up to >100ppb"

THOR (THR) 5th April 2011


"(>10 ppb)..peak values 174, 75 and 62 ppb"

CLUFF (CLF) 4th April 2011


"a 200+ppb gold-in-soils anomalism"

MARIANA (MARL) 17th March 2011


"+10ppb Au including a +50ppb Au. High gold values (>250 ppb to 10,200 ppb Au)"

HORIZONTE (HZM) 14th February 2011


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I said initially that I did not expect anything 'imminent'.

Actually they have promised fundamental news to the market re drilling campaigns in May and July.

However technical 'updates' may come sooner than that.

I understand the new website and Investor Presentation go 'live' in the near future and yesterdays Director Buying illustrates the confidence.

They are certainly planning a LOT of listing related activity so expect them to become more promotional as year progresses and the stated listings take place.

For those of a Canadian bent NWT Corp (TSX:NWT) ? Used to and may still own a significant chunk of URU.

Do yourself a favour, next time an AIM tip comes along your way on PP, do a search on Google News/Forums - don't be suprised by how many other 'global' traders recommend the same share during the same period of time.

So let's put this to the test...

Google open...

Type 'URU Metals' into Search box...

tuddum tuddum tuddum...

Results :-

OK so in the first page of results three bulletin boards come up

iii - http://www.iii.co.uk/investment/detail?code=cotn:URU.L&display=discussion&it=le
sharecrazy - http://www.sharecrazy.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=477175&Main=477175
lse - http://www.lse.co.uk/SharePrice.asp?shareprice=URU

i counted a grand total of about 20 posts on those 3 forums talking about URU over the last month which works out at less than one post per day

despite three RNS announcements so far in April there has been no identifiable uptick in forum 'chatter' about URU

so not sure what point the resident nutjob was trying to make but i'm guessing despite being proved wrong he will still claim to be right
So let's put this to the test...

Google open...

Type 'URU Metals' into Search box...

tuddum tuddum tuddum...

Results :-

OK so in the first page of results three bulletin boards come up

iii - http://www.iii.co.uk/investment/detail?code=cotn:URU.L&display=discussion&it=le
sharecrazy - http://www.sharecrazy.com/ubbthreads/showflat.php?Cat=&Number=477175&Main=477175
lse - http://www.lse.co.uk/SharePrice.asp?shareprice=URU

i counted a grand total of about 20 posts on those 3 forums talking about URU over the last month which works out at less than one post per day

despite three RNS announcements so far in April there has been no identifiable uptick in forum 'chatter' about URU

so not sure what point the resident nutjob was trying to make but i'm guessing despite being proved wrong he will still claim to be right

Clearly you do not know where to search and what to search for.

Allow me:


Volume is low.


Value of trades.


Since URU was recommended the value of trades has increased - suprise suprise.

Recent trades on URU:

Time/Date Price Volume Trade Value Type

10-14-35 15-Apr-2011 10.00 25,000 2,500.00 Ordinary trade
09-41-07 15-Apr-2011 9.57 1,307 125.08 Ordinary trade
09-32-44 15-Apr-2011 9.57 5,453 521.85 Ordinary trade
08-52-40 15-Apr-2011 10.00 11,821 1,182.10 Ordinary trade
08-41-55 15-Apr-2011 9.55 17,595 1,680.32 Ordinary trade
08-16-23 15-Apr-2011 10.00 30,000 3,000.00 Ordinary trade
08-02-09 15-Apr-2011 10.00 250,000 25,000.00
Ordinary Trade - delayed publication request


In brief - an AIM SCAM.

BTW PIA786, I rather be a nutjob than ignorant. :)

PS: You should ask the univeristy where you obtained your economic degree for a refund. (Use the money to buy Gold and Silver).
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a large majority of those trades you point to were a Director buying shares in his own company

"Paul Loudon, Non-executive Chairman of the Company, had made two separate purchases, on 13 April and 14 April, of 250,000 and 50,000 Ordinary Shares of the Company at a price of 8.68 and 9.00 pence per Ordinary Share respectively."


do you think he fell for a Bulletin Board pump and dump ?

or do you think that he has bought shares because he expects that over the next 12 months the company will produce results which will cause the share price to go up ?

i shan't waste my breath on someone who is so paranoid he thinks 20 posts in 30 days across 3 internet bulletin boards is some sort of concerted campaign to scam private investors
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a large majority of those trades you point to were a Director buying shares in his own company

"Paul Loudon, Non-executive Chairman of the Company, had made two separate purchases, on 13 April and 14 April, of 250,000 and 50,000 Ordinary Shares of the Company at a price of 8.68 and 9.00 pence per Ordinary Share respectively."


do you think he fell for a Bulletin Board pump and dump ?

or do you think that he has bought shares because he expects that over the next 12 months the company will produce results which will cause the share price to go up ?

i shan't waste my breath on someone who is so paranoid he thinks 20 posts in 30 days across 3 internet bulletin boards is some sort of concerted campaign to scam private investors


First of all I can see you do not understand how volume/liquidity affects a share price.

Secondly, the director is not falling for the crap on the forum, the forum users are falling for the director's crap!

Why are you falling for the crap on www.fool.co.uk? These guys want you to buy these shares. The director (of the respective company) bought the shares because he's trying to convince buyers that if the shares are good enough for him they are good enough for the fools who are conned into buying the respective share.

Then they'll pump the price with PR stunts, assumed technicals etc. - THEN the director will dump his shares and resign. Classic pump and dump technique.

Notice how the guys on the respective forums are bigging up the share without knowing a thing.

I double dog dare you to recommend a share on FTSE 100 / DJIA 100 / S&P 500 / DAX
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Last post on this thread from me. The thread seems to have outlived its usefulness for me, and I dont like the direction it is going.

Good luck all in whatever investment you wish to pursue. And remember that research is KING, and there is no such thing as an easy buck.

ps. pia786, you know where to contact me...
Jaspa and PIA - Thanks for your help mates and I hope you continue to post.

NH - not sure why you want to post on this thread when you made clear your views on anything other than Gold and Silver. Everyone is a grown up and they can make their own minds up about the information that is provided or discussed.
NH - not sure why you want to post on this thread when you made clear your views on anything other than Gold and Silver. Everyone is a grown up and they can make their own minds up about the information that is provided or discussed.

I was responding to PIA786's response to me.

I apologise for scaring off AIM share advisers with their punts and tips, but if there was nothing sinister with AIM then my advice can be swiftly ignored.

Penny shares are easily manipulated; low buy volume will cause the price to jump as there’s very little liquidity. This is why the more people who are suckered into investing on AIM, the better.

When you buy a share you need to look for volume in the 100s of millions, both buy and sell. This denotes genuine interest in the share based on concrete research and data as opposed to HYPE. You want to invest in shares, buy/sell shares on major indicies.

Everyone might be a grown up, but not everyone understands the mechnics of trading.

I'm simply forwarning you guys, including PIA786, who are falling for the crap posted on AIM forums. You guys will spend day and night researching AIM shares, worried whether data is a PR stunt or not - in a word - a gamble. You are better off trading on FTSE 100 shares as opposed to going to the horse track with punts and tips.

I'm done with this thread too - it's your cash, you can do as you wish. Oh, BTW, if you want Tips on AIM, forget Jaspa and PIA, forget websites, forget forum users, forget news letters - just do one thing - sign up to NEWZBINS. Straight from the horse's mouth - pun fully intended.

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Last post on this thread from me. The thread seems to have outlived its usefulness for me, and I dont like the direction it is going.

Good luck all in whatever investment you wish to pursue. And remember that research is KING, and there is no such thing as an easy buck.

ps. pia786, you know where to contact me...

I hope you carry on posting, mate. I always look out especially for your posts on this thread. There have been some excellent recommendations by you and the boys - it has been educational for newbies such as myself.

In my view this thread should be a sticky and is one of the best threads on PP.

No need for the unpleasantness, peeps. Let's get back to where we were before......
Last post on this thread from me. The thread seems to have outlived its usefulness for me, and I dont like the direction it is going.

Good luck all in whatever investment you wish to pursue. And remember that research is KING, and there is no such thing as an easy buck.

ps. pia786, you know where to contact me...

:( Fair enough mate. Hope you continue to post in this but if not then I genuinley thank you for the help and great posts.
I hope you carry on posting, mate. I always look out especially for your posts on this thread. There have been some excellent recommendations by you and the boys - it has been educational for newbies such as myself.

In my view this thread should be a sticky and is one of the best threads on PP.

No need for the unpleasantness, peeps. Let's get back to where we were before......

Yeah your right. Jaspa was a top poster and will be missed. Hope PIA Eagle_Eye and supersix etc continue to post.
Will be at Master Investor Show in Islington tomorrow.
Will report back on anything interesting.

Running order for the day

Nigel Wray - serial investor and director of over 50 companies known as "Britain's Buffett"
Evil Knievil - hear the controversial t1ps.com diarist's latest views on the market as he chats to fellow bear raider Lucian Miers
Terry Smith - CEO of Fundsmith and author of controversial Accounting for Growth

Lunch break - (don't forget about the RSH presentation - see below)

David Linton - renowned technical analyst and founder of Updata plc
Richard Poulden v Me - on China v India
Mark Slater - highly successful fund manager and smaller companies expert
Me - on value investing and why the macro situation doesn't matter

Tea break - (Zak Mir will be doing a technical analysis session in one of the breakout rooms - see below)

Jim Mellon - Rich List regular and property tycoon responsible for the biggest ever success on AIM
If you want to hear from any of the above but haven't booked your free ticket to the show, please do so now by clicking here.

Exhibiting companies

Those exhibiting at this year's show include:

Angel Mining, Jubilee Platinum, Vatukoula, Anglesey Mining, Rethink Group, Ascot Mining, Intandem Films, Northern Petroleum, Avisen, Symphony Environmental Technologies, Blavod Wines & Spirits, Clarity Commerce, Conroy Diamonds & Gold, EMED, Red Rock Resources, Stanley Gibbons, Sullis Recruitment, Golden Prospect, ILX Group, K3 Business Technology, Design Capital, Athol Au, Resources in Insurance, Mechan Controls, MetroElectric, English Wines, Minoan, Insolve, Nexus, Avoca, Metallum Resources, One Media Publishing, Ortac Resources, Plastics Capital, RAM Investment Group, Sirius, Skywest, Sutherland Health Group, V22, Woodburne Square Ag, Active Energy, Equatorial Palm Oil, Forbidden Technologies, Ariana Resources, Chamberlin, Ascent Resources, @UK, Alexander Mining, Kryso Resources, 1Spatial, Volta Resources, Alliance Pharma, Ceres Power, Frontier IP Group, Leni Gas & Oil, Pan African Resources, Thalassa Holdings, Sefton Resources, Noricum Gold, Ceres Power, Keycom, Akers Biosciences, Access Intelligence, First Artist, Romios Resources, Condor Resources, Cyan Holdings, Continental Precious Minerals, Premier Management, Pathfinder Minerals, Niche Group

As you can see, many of those exhibiting have been featured on t1ps.com, so Master Investor will be a great chance to find out more about companies you may have invested in and quiz the management on their performance and plans. Or, if you're looking for new investment ideas, the show will be a fantastic opportunity to scope out a variety of different growth companies, all in one place.
jaspa888 please dont stop posting i really respect you alot, dont let one person spoil a really good thread, by the way NAMAK HALAAL, i did like your posts at the start but now your just chatting alot of crap, you think you know it all, please stay off this thread if your not interested in shares....
jaspa888 please dont stop posting i really respect you alot, dont let one person spoil a really good thread, by the way NAMAK HALAAL, i did like your posts at the start but now your just chatting alot of crap, you think you know it all, please stay off this thread if your not interested in shares....

namak halal has some valid views, as an investor you should always welcome a contrarian viewpoint, it helps to reassess and balance ones ideas.

i dont agree with everything he says, but saying he chats crap, simply because he disagrees some people, is not justified.
^^ Agreed no need for personal attacks. Lets just drop it and continue to talk about shares :)

Nice avatar by the way mate.
namak halal has some valid views, as an investor you should always welcome a contrarian viewpoint, it helps to reassess and balance ones ideas.

i dont agree with everything he says, but saying he chats crap, simply because he disagrees some people, is not justified.

but he should not come on here saying pia786 is taking us for a ride and if does not like shares, he should not post on this thread....
I'm not bothered if someone wants to stop posting just because he doesn't like or agree with another posters views. It's rather childish he could just ignore? I do like this thread am no expert but a lot of useful posts by pia786 who is brilliant and very valuable to this discussion board imo
someone on another BB has posted a very good summary of Jim Mellons keynote address at Master Investor

He mentioned 4 'stock tips' of companies he is working with including (AIM:CNR) Condor Resources and (TSX:BGC) Brazil Gold Corp.

Here is the full post :-

Note : This is a summary of Jim Mellon's talk, and reflects my interpretation of my notes, and should no way be interpreted as a recommendation to buy or sell any shares or other instruments. Where possible, I have inserted website links, for ease of reference. As always, DYOR.

Introduction :

• BioTech is THE real emerging market
• It is a possibility that the US will lose its status as the reserve currency – if so, interest rates will have to rise in the US
• Short the Euro
• He is ambivalent about gold
• Short Japanese Government bonds

Non-Biotech share recommendations (some already posted):

• Emerging Metals (EML)

• Condor Resources (CNR)

• Regent Pacific Group (HK 575)

Brazilian Gold (TSX BGC)

• HTC (TPE 2498)

• SHORT Apple

JM clearly knows a lot about this sector and went into great detail about the different diseases we are faced with and the possibility of making a lot of money (beyond your wildest dreams) through investing in companies which provide cures for the most common, such as different types of cancer, Alzheimer’s, cardiovascular diseases and diseases related to obesity, such as diabetes. Within the next 20 years, we will be looking at a life expectancy of 120-130 years. Therefore, medical care costs must increase to take account of this ageing population. This will be a huge burden on society, therefore, it is imperative to find cheap, effective cures/treatments for these remedies.

His caveat was that 9 out of 10 drugs fail in the approval process, and companies need huge amounts of capital (+/- $1 billion) and a lot of time (average 14.2 years) to put a single drug through the approval phases. However, Big Pharma now have a lot of cash to invest, as many of them have closed their research facilities and laid off a lot of staff. This is because the creation of synthetic drugs is now old-hat, and natural biotechnology is taking over. Furthermore, a lot of drugs are soon to come off patent, which will cause pain for a lot of the companies as they will no longer be able to produce and market them exclusively. So, the Big Pharma companies are likely to be looking to take over small, innovative companies with expertise in research into biotech companies who promise answers to these medical problems. They will be able to fund clinical trials and generate ‘milestone payments’ (as each of the phases is completed) for these smaller companies.

There have been huge advances recently, such as :

• Nanotechnology : within the next 2-3 years, it will be possible to target cancer cells accurately and not destroy the surrounding tissue
• Combination therapy – using more than one treatment, personalised to the patient, rather than a broad-brush approach
• Stem cells which are not obtained from foetal cells, which can re-grow the organs of the body (see Complete Genomics below)
• Robotic surgery is already here

Companies recommended by JM include :

• Medivation (NASDAQ:MDVN)
This company is conducting Phase 3 trials in conjunction with Pfizer, of a drug for Alzheimer’s and Huntingdon sufferers. Also Phase 2 and 3 trials of MDV 3100 for patients with prostate cancer. Results should be known in June/July.
(For those who would like more information about clinical trials, here is a good place to start your research : http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ .)
• Novartis (NYSE:NVS)
Manufacture a drug called Gleevec for chronic myeloid leukaemia
• Pharmasset (NASDAQ:VIRUS)
A clinical-stage pharmaceutical company committed to discovering, developing and commercializing novel drugs to treat viral infections. Primary focus is on the development of oral therapeutics for the treatment of hepatitis C virus.
• Complete Genomics (NASDAQ:GNOM)
• Cellular Dynamics
Currently a private company – leading producer of stem cells. Will go public soon.
• Genentec – taken over by Roche in March 2009
• Celgene Corporation (NASDAQ:GS)
• Human Genome Sciences (NASDAQ:HGSI)
• Ablynx (NYSE Euronext Bruxelles)
• Nektar Therapeutics (NASDAQ:NKTR)
• Reata Pharmaceutical
Currently a private company, but may go public.
• Gilead Sciences Inc. (NASDAQ:GILD)
• Alectos/Merck partnership

Note : There was another company which looks like Memmaek in my notes, which is currently conducting Phase 3 trials (not sure which drug/disease), which is not yet public. However, this does not Google, so I can’t identify it. If anyone else attending can, please post, as I have a big asterisk by it! Another recommendation was Arrowhead, who are developing an injectable drug, but likewise, I cannot find this on Google.

JM ended by saying how the demographics of the world is already starting to change dramatically – the birth rate is now decreasing in countries such as Japan, Spain and Italy - which will have huge impacts on all economic indicators, as the populations age. Therefore, we need to identify and market these new biotech solutions to ageing diseases, otherwise we simply will not be able to afford to look after the older generation.

Lots of food for thought, and hours and hours of research ahead! Apologies for any omissions. Good luck to all – not just in making our fortune so we can afford a good lifestyle in our old age, but also so we can make a difference in the world by helping others along the way. Time to enjoy the sun :-)
He has specifically moved to California to be amongst the Biotech community so he mainly talked up the companies he has met out there but I think many of the private investors who heard his spiel will prefer to invest closer to home so the likes of VAL, PYC, SUMM, SAR, RENE, MEDU might get a bit more attention if they continue to pump out news

SUMM are holding their AGM in a few weeks time in Oxford I think so I am hoping to attend and try to improve my knowledge and also to see the 'whites of their eyes'.

Oxford, UK, 15 April 2011, Summit (AIM: SUMM), a UK drug discovery Company with
a portfolio of drug programmes and an innovative SeglinTM technology platform
for the discovery of new medicines announces that its Annual Report and Accounts
for the year ended 31 January 2011 ('Annual Report') together with the Notice of
Annual General Meeting ('AGM') have been posted to shareholders. Copies of the
Annual Report will shortly be available on the Company's

The AGM will be held at 10:00am on Thursday 19 May 2011 at Milton Park
Innovation Centre, 99 Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxfordshire, OX14 4RY

pia786... are you a full time investor? You go to AGMs of all the companies you invested in?
I used to work in the City for an Investment Management company and CEO's/FD's of companies would come to see us.

Since being sacked I just invest my own money (full-time) and to gather information I try to get to as many Conferences (e.g. Minesite, Oilbarrel, Proactive) and AGMs as I can.

AGMs can be pretty tedious affairs so such visits tend to be infrequent and only if there is some dual purpose that can be served i.e. in this case I'll be able to take the wife to Bicester Shopping Village and attend the AGM myself :-D

I live in the hope that at one AGM/Conference a CEO/FD/Chairman/Non-Exec may have a brain-fart and let slip some insider information. No such luck so far but it does help to gain some idea of their level of conviction in the story they are peddling to be able to see the whites of their eyes.
PIA - ofcourse makes sense if you do this full time. Thanks for posting information here.
I used to work in the City for an Investment Management company and CEO's/FD's of companies would come to see us.

Since being sacked I just invest my own money (full-time) and to gather information I try to get to as many Conferences (e.g. Minesite, Oilbarrel, Proactive) and AGMs as I can.

AGMs can be pretty tedious affairs so such visits tend to be infrequent and only if there is some dual purpose that can be served i.e. in this case I'll be able to take the wife to Bicester Shopping Village and attend the AGM myself :-D

I live in the hope that at one AGM/Conference a CEO/FD/Chairman/Non-Exec may have a brain-fart and let slip some insider information. No such luck so far but it does help to gain some idea of their level of conviction in the story they are peddling to be able to see the whites of their eyes.

thats quite cool, i wanted to get into that, id still love to, but theres only so much rejection one can take before you kinda think, maybe its not meant to be, lols.

how old are you? if you dont mind me asking.
Mid 30s

You ain't missing too much except the chance to earn obscene amounts of money

I am much happier now without having daily hell of commute, tube, management, compliance, clients, waking up in the morning etc etc

I now just do what I really enjoy researching, analysing companies and investing in stocks
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Mid 30s

You ain't missing too much except the chance to earn obscene amounts of money

I am much happier now without having daily hell of commute, tube, management, compliance, clients, waking up in the morning etc etc

I now just do what I really enjoy researching, analysing companies and investing in stocks

for someone straight out of uni, who doesnt have much financially that is a huge attraction. i dont even want obscene amounts of money, a decent living doing something i enjoy would be good enough.

regardless of how my life turns out professionally i know i will pbly keep investing till the day i die, once u get the bug it dont go away.

its good to see you are happier now, but it depends on what stage of life you are at i guess. clearly you have done well for yourself, and can therefore afford to do things your own way.
Sure you can't beat it as an education where you get paid for doing something you enjoy and play around with other peoples money

Don't give up. Know of many who got in via non conventional routes. At my last shop a guy with a degree in astrophysics got a job because he was tutoring a directors son for gcse maths. And one of the top directors at a major fund I worked at got to the top after working her way up from the library.
Sure you can't beat it as an education where you get paid for doing something you enjoy and play around with other peoples money

Don't give up. Know of many who got in via non conventional routes. At my last shop a guy with a degree in astrophysics got a job because he was tutoring a directors son for gcse maths. And one of the top directors at a major fund I worked at got to the top after working her way up from the library.

You get some people who are eager to become experts at what they do. But very few who actually strive to be the very best. pia786is one of those few people and seldom do I post here but have been reading his posts and am grateful to the guy he actually has helped me quite a lot in understanding things I didn't know with his posts. and has without knowing allowed me to escape the sheep mentality. Taking people for a ride?! I disagree its more like if someone is successful at what they do why not follow their lead. I won't post on here much but will continue to read and take notes.
Sure you can't beat it as an education where you get paid for doing something you enjoy and play around with other peoples money

Don't give up. Know of many who got in via non conventional routes. At my last shop a guy with a degree in astrophysics got a job because he was tutoring a directors son for gcse maths. And one of the top directors at a major fund I worked at got to the top after working her way up from the library.

thanks bro ill keep that in mind.

going back to the topic, how do u decide when to sell your securities if they are doing badly. i find it really hard to decided when to sell something which is not doing well.

i am in such a dilemma at the moment, having purchased some shares a year back doing no research what so ever on them, i was really mentally exhausted and very stressed in those days so i wasnt thinking straight.

at one point i lost nearly 50%, at the moment i am about 18% down.

will never ever make such a mistake again. guess jesse livermore was right, experience is the greatest teacher, unfortunately we cannot decide how much she charges for her lessons.
If it is any consolation that is indeed true and experience is a brilliant teacher.

Jesse Livermore book is excellent insight into psychology of trading that is why i suggested that Guy Thomas book might be interesting for some. No one way is right. Those guys have at times mutually exclusive methodologies but they still succeed because they have found a mentality and method which suits their particular psyche.

It is important to understand why you made mistakes (which you seem to have done) so you don't repeat them. I had some horrendous 90% losers when I started out and still have occasional losers but tend to take my losses earlier now and have more 'discipline'.

e.g. I won't be stubborn or arrogant about my intellectual rationalising of a position now, i respect the technicals, if a stock is 'acting bad' i'll cut my position

When i started out i believed the b.s. about only using Fundamental Analysis but many of the top hedge fund managers and traders I have worked with use technical analysis to at very least time trades exit/entry or provide early warnign signal something may be wrong with fundamentals.

Also some of my horrendous losses a few years later I have been very grateful for because I've been able to use them to write of Capital Gains in current year. So it's nice that the taxman shares those losses.
ElRaja - You might want to let us know which companies you bought incase someone else has bit more information that can aid you in your decision.

Everyone at some point will make bad decisions... but crucially you need to learn from these mistakes. Do not commit money that you cannot afford to lose/tied up with a share. What I have learnt from mistakes is that I never thought of paying much attention to what to do in a losing position with respect to at what point to call it quits on that share. As AIM is not strongly regulated, make sure you look into the history of the people you are entrusting to make you money... the BOD. As at times, the product can be excellent but the incompetence of the BOD can wipe out that upside.
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thats quite cool, i wanted to get into that, id still love to, but theres only so much rejection one can take before you kinda think, maybe its not meant to be, lols.

how old are you? if you dont mind me asking.

What did you do in Uni? I'm in my final year and applied to a couple of them places aswell but straight rejections :( ... might do another degree for a year in economics or finance and then give it another go next year.