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Buying shares?

Tom Bulford will be issuing next RHPS issue tomorrow but has just updated subscribers with weekly email

Don’t be spooked by the schizophrenic market...

The stock market is going through a bout of the jitters. And at times like this it is well to remember that the market is like a schizophrenic – one day it will bid for all the shares that you have at the highest price, but a day later it will sell you all you like for as little as you want to pay.

Investor sentiment blows hot and cold, and it is precisely by taking advantage of this that professional traders make their money. They buy shares from you when you are feeling scared and then sell them back to you when you are feeling gung-ho.

But as I have always said - penny shares are not for trading. The important thing is how the underlying business of the company unfolds over the months and years that we hold the shares. So when you see the market down do not get scared, and accept that volatility is the price you pay for the superior investment returns of small companies.

It has been another quiet week, but that has been fine with me because I have been getting together the May issue of Red Hot Penny Shares, which you will receive this weekend.

You will find a full update on SIRIUS EXPLORATION (SXX) as well as two great new tips
After a bit of a break from giving hints as to which stocks he would tip Bulford is back giving hints again...

Time to put your thinking caps on...

That’s it for now. But as I say, I have two excellent tips for you in this month’s Red Hot Penny Shares.

The first is an oil company that is poised for a remarkable recovery – if it can just get the nod from a spooked European government. This story has Libyan rebels, big banks and the prospect of very handsome returns.

The second tip has discovered a wartime technology that could revolutionize the way viruses are controlled in hospitals. I’ll tell you all about it on Friday.
Tip 1

My first thought was MOG (as I already own it). It partly fits the clues because the Italian Govt stopped it's major asset Ombrina Mare after the BP Macondo Oil spill as it is just a few km's offshore. But there are a few other oil companies affected by that e.g. NOP ? PCI ?

Will have to do some digging.

Tip 2

No ideas so far.

We have about 24 hours to try to get a head start on the herd who will all pile into the stocks tipped on Monday morning.
i prefer investing in mutual fund or govt securities like bonds

im not a big fan of mutual funds, if i did not want the hassle of doing my own research, id much rather have a savings acounts with inflation linked returns.

Bonds are good tooas part of a protfolio for a passive investor, i read somewhere someone say that bonds should make up your ages proportion in you portfolio, i.e. if your 34, 34% of you holdings should be bonds, if your 88, then 88%.

Guess that makes me 0 years old. :58:
If you invest in mutual funds you'd be paying people like myself and my former colleagues to manage your money. Now I was of course brilliant and altruistic and did a very good job of managing other peoples money. Others however treat clients as sheep and there to be fleeced.
If you invest in mutual funds you'd be paying people like myself and my former colleagues to manage your money. Now I was of course brilliant and altruistic and did a very good job of managing other peoples money. Others however treat clients as sheep and there to be fleeced.

im not doubting your talents bro, i just dont use them because i dont think id learn anything by letting someone else manage my money. managing my own money also means i have direct control over my risk exposure and i dont pay a management fee either.

plus i dont think ive done a bad job, i dont know what the average fund has returned in the last year or two, do u?

i would however consider a fund to expose myself to a market in which i could not directly trade.

what kind of fund did you run bro?

imo funds are better for managing really large amounts of institutional money whilst minimising risk.
Ran some US mutual funds and small hedge fund

(albeit not that well otherwise wouldn't have got sacked so often :-p )
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The second tip has discovered a wartime technology that could revolutionize the way viruses are controlled in hospitals. I’ll tell you all about it on Friday.

Needle in a haystack type of clue
DV you are quite correct that that clue is deliberately vague and would indeed be a needle in haystack type 'clue'.

However I think I may be onto something which I will be researching overnight and I expect to be buying a stock tomorrow which I reckon has good potential to be the stock in question.

Will present my findings here tomorrow so you can make your own minds up.

It tends to be quite hit and miss. Sometimes I get it right sometimes not.
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Tip 1

My first thought was MOG (as I already own it). It partly fits the clues because the Italian Govt stopped it's major asset Ombrina Mare after the BP Macondo Oil spill as it is just a few km's offshore. But there are a few other oil companies affected by that e.g. NOP ? PCI ?

Will have to do some digging.

Tip 2

No ideas so far.

We have about 24 hours to try to get a head start on the herd who will all pile into the stocks tipped on Monday morning.

My guess for Tip 2 - Byotrol (BYOT)
Good idea but does it match the 'wartime technology' part of the clue?
Ok here are my guesses :-

I have 'backed' them to the tune of less than 2% of my portfolio even though I do have some conviction in the ideas regardless of whether they do actually get tipped or not. I have slightly more conviction in the second one now although EE's BYOT idea made me waver.

Tip 1 Oil & Gas recovery situation ? spooked European Govt ? Libyan rebels ? all sounds nutty. Could be any of the explorers around North Africa / Italy / Malta e.g. LGO, MOG, NOP, PCI, COP etc etc

However the one that best seems to fit the clues to my mind is MOG. I have mentioned it before. It has had massive dilution at 6p but the Banks taking the haircut on their debt have taken a 75% haircut so way I think of it to be made whole the share price needs to be 24p odd. So I am quite happy buying at 10.9p (bought first lot at 8.4p few weeks back). If the Italian Govt allow Ombrina Mare development to go ahead that could be worth a bagger on the share price 40m bbl's oil @ $10EV/bbl ? $400m+ for a £40m company ? Dunno where Libyan rebels come into it although maybe that has some reference to their Maltese licences ?


Tip 2 Wartime technology ? Revolutionising virus control in hospitals ?

At first I did think along the lines of companies providing antibacterial handwashes but it isn't revolutionary and i doubt it was developed during the war. So I did a search using the search facility on fool uk-wire for terms like 'wartime' and 'superbugs'. Anyway one of the names which came up was Mid-States (MST) so I did some digging to see if they had any wartime technology. Not been able to specifically pinpoint 'wartime' bit but they developed their technology from some 1960's research at Porton Downs (which I understand is the home of the R&D for British military). Anyway this technology is already being sold in hospitals and recently they've done deals in India to sell thousands of units. Indeed in recent RNSes they even talk about 'inflection point' with sales of 1000+ units in latest quarter when total sales for the year previous were 1000 odd so you can see the run rate has more than quadrupled.

Worth researching it anyway even if not tipped because doing some of my own basic numbers suggests potential for a bagger. Current op ex loss £1m on £0.2m rev base but if they can sell 6k units p.a. at £400 per unit £2.4m of sales on £1m op ex base suggests £1m+ of profit. But then huge gearing as year after a simple 50% growth to £3.6m rev on same op ex base leads to profits up to £2m+ whilst 100% rev growth would see profits up 300-400% !

Probably getting a bit carried away the chart and fundamentals both point to massive upside.

EE True Bulford does like to throw people off the scent by giving deliberately obtuse 'clues'. And it does seem once you do some digging many companies are targetting these issues. I think the fact MST has had recent pronouncements of sales though and mentioned 'inflection point' it may be more likely.

Even though he expressed himself in an odious manner it is worth doing the N_H test.

Google message boards on MST and MOG. You will find that they are mercifully free of inane chat or tipping on the BB's. IF (big IF) they do get tipped expect that to change as the herd descend.
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EE did a search on fool for keyword 'difficile' and Proventec comes up, steam cleaning a wartime tech though ?

Proventec Healthcare provides innovative solutions for infection control and effective cleaning in the healthcare sector. The Company's specialist steam cleaning technology has been successfully proven in clinical trials with University College London Hospitals to rid all areas and combat the spread of micro-organisms, including 'superbugs' such as MRSA and Clostridium difficile. The Company, which employs a team of five, has developed specialist, patented tooling, which has been designed to be used within hospitals on a daily basis and enable the user to clean difficult to reach areas including mattresses, bed frames and curtains without the use of antimicrobial chemicals that may contribute to microbial resistance.

Can't find any matches for HINS whilst UV is too broad a search term.
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MST rumours gaining a bit of a following elsewhere right now

Bulford does tend to place quite strict buy limits so I wouldn't expect there is a need to rush in based on past experience even if it is tipped. I have bought 250k today.

However Bulford has been pretty rubbish lately and has just come back from a break so hopefully he has had a good look at himself and decided to actually tip a good stock and MST is so totally off the radar and so small (£5m Mkt Cap) that a convincing pitch job could see it spike.

I can get to profits of £1-2m quite easily. Assuming a 15-20x multiple you could see it trade at £15-40m so i'm looking for a potential 3-8 bagger ?
re the Oil company Tom Bulford is going to tip...

I think MOG but he has recently met LGO CEO David Lenigas

and his hints could point to him tipping LGO but I hate Lenigas so won't be investing myself

this is what Bulford said after meeting Lenigas some months back

LENI GAS & OIL was formed in 2007 to apply modern techniques to oil and gas assets in ‘the sort of place you would like to take your family on holiday’, meaning in this case Spain, the Gulf of Mexico, Trinidad and Malta.

David’s theory is that oil fields are ‘like diamonds – they don’t like being lonely’. So if you find one parcel of diamonds or oil another is likely to be nearby. LENI GAS is developing Spain’s largest on-shore oil field – not that this says a lot because the little oil that Spain has is mainly off-shore. But David believes that LENI GAS can boost oil production from under 200 barrels per day to 1000boepd.

How? By opening up nearby fields and stimulating the flow rate from the existing reservoirs where ‘there is no fizz in the champagne bottle’. In other words, pressure is low but this will be boosted by the injection of liquid nitrogen supplied by Praxair.

LENI GAS’s second venture in a mature field is in the Gulf of Mexico. Here it has minority interests in blocks operated by LEED PETROLEUM (LDP) and is hoping to boost its share of production to 220 boepd by the year-end. But there is more excitement to the LENI GAS & OIL story than incremental improvements to existing fields.

In Spain, David believes that recoverable reserves of oil and gas could be found at deeper levels. And he is also excited about the prospects in two frontier locations: Trinidad and Malta. The former, according to David, ‘floats on oil.’ In fact, Trinidad lies off the coast of the major oil producer Venezuela and yet has never seen more than the most cursory oil exploration. As for Malta, its off-shore waters are adjacent to those of Libya. Libya is already a major producer from on-shore fields, and has now opened up its off-shore acreage to the likes of BP, ENI, Total and Petrobras.

So LENI GAS & OIL has some interesting possibilities in the next few years.
no luck with "war time technology" from my side.

What you suggesting... lenni and mst?

MST - Out of the 327k traded ... 250k is yours and price up by 20%! ... thanks for upping the price for the rest of us :)
I am sticking with MOG and MST

MST - I think a lot of the trade went thru on PLUS so total volume is probably close to 3m odd ?

MOG - i like the story anyway

LGO - i hate the odious Aussie toad who runs it
MST - it has to be the 'wartime technology' alluded to

This is from the Porton Downs wikipedia link

2 inch mortar trials, 1917Porton Down originally opened in 1916 as the Royal Engineers Experimental Station as a site for testing chemical weapons. The laboratory's remit was to conduct research and development regarding chemical weapons agents such as chlorine, phosgene and mustard gas by the British armed forces in the First World War.

By 1918 the original two huts had become a large hutted camp with 50 officers and 1,100 other ranks. Studies in the Great War mainly concerned the dissemination of chlorine and phosgene and, later, mustard gas. By May 1917 the focus for anti-gas defence and respirator development had moved from London to Porton Down.

After the Armistice, staff at Porton Down were reduced to a skeleton level.
No problem. Just be aware of some of the other "sound" advice from posters here e.g. I think it was Namak_halaal who warned that AIM stocks are manipulated markets and that Silver commodity market is much better or something along those lines.

No problem. Just be aware of some of the other "sound" advice from posters here e.g. I think it was Namak_halaal who warned that AIM stocks are manipulated markets and that Silver commodity market is much better or something along those lines.


I think his first love is Gold... but what a bashing for silver though! The perimeter walls of NH's house must be as high as Osama's house :)

Talking about commodities... anyone thinking of buying Glencore IPO?
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No problem. Just be aware of some of the other "sound" advice from posters here e.g. I think it was Namak_halaal who warned that AIM stocks are manipulated markets and that Silver commodity market is much better or something along those lines.


Namak Halaal...Not the brightest!
Glencore - think it will do well (they will make it do well by 'pricing it to go') but not prepared to tie up cash during listing process

If it does well hopefully some of my commodity stocks will benefit from halo effect and also Glencore intend to use shares as acquisition currency so targets prices should rise
MST - that could shape up as a great story if it is promoted correctly. Many of these small stocks remain undiscovered for years but once they get a bit of promotion their profits may not change but they suddenly get rated more highly.

MST you could get perfect double whammy of the positive inflection point 'JAWS' as well as the rating improving

I think I may buy some more just prior to close today.
MST well this confirms it guys !


Harley Street Doctors Assess Air Disinfection Technology

Following successful air disinfection trials, the Harley Street Doctors Association invited technology company Inov8 to give a presentation to a select audience of doctors and hospital staff in the Attlee Room at the House of Lords on 17th May 2010.

A short technical presentation was provided by Inov8’s Dr Abdel Ezbiri, who summarised the development of the AD technology, explaining how research at the Porton Down Laboratory during World War II had initially identified the disinfection capabilities of fresh air and attributed this to hydroxyl radicals that were created by a reaction between two naturally occurring molecules – ozone and olefins.
sure is, there will be a lot of trading chimps looking to dump come Monday morning regardless so may still be time to pick up stock Monday depends on what the pitch is like and whether MST follow up on the interest by releasing some news next week

i've paid 1.85, 1.97,2.20 for my tranches average in price about 2p

if it's not tipped it'll be tough to sell at anything above 1.5p

if it gets tipped depending on his buy limit ? 2p? 2.25p? 2.5p and ultimate target 5p? 10p? will have to reassess whether it is just a trade or worthy of longer term investment

i think they did a placing last year at 2.8p so that seems the right place for resistance
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Owned EOG before, met the beardy weirdy CEO and his wife. Always a sell signal that when husband and wife run a quoted company. But those two have gone and they have some decent assets so might be worth a punt now. That Berenx asset in France could be a company maker. Would like to see them get cashflow from UK and progress Holmwood.
ok I am in MST at 2.18... lets see if the detective work was worth it :)
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pia - you introduced GBP here... have you got a position or waiting for a better entry price like me?
Got plenty of GBP in the wife and my ISA's so happy to let it play out

Will buy more if news warrants an incremental trading position

Bulford has lied and done the the old bait and switch

Expect MST to crash on Monday, but i'll be happy to buy more.

MOG is in there.
MOG .... buy upto 12 ... Its near 11 anyway!

just as well I only bought 50K shares in MST.
Got 300k MST aiming for 500k eventually. I reckon Bulford saw the buying and has decided to delay the tip. Noticeable the newsletter was delayed by 30-60 mins enough time for a quick rewrite
MOG GM for share dilution at 6p is Monday at 9am so should be some fun and games
Jaspa had other bigger fish to fry so probably couldn't be bothered with the way this thread deteriorated. Am sure he will be back at some point. He was main reason I started posting.
SSomeone who claims to have spoken to Dr Abdel at MST is claiming that Bulford had been planning on tipping MST with buy limit of 2.5p and one year target 8p

personally if this actually takes off it could be a huge multibagger it reminds me of Bulfords SRT tip 4p to 40p as it almost has market to itself, regulatory drivers and potential for easy international rollout through distributors

will look forward to hopefully buying more sub 2p next week

the Bulford bait and switch may work out better for long termers as we don't have to compete with his herd to buy but realised it was worth doing our homework on

thanks for message but apparently only admins can PM

At least Bulford has ramped SXX this weekend

Everyone is suffering paper losses but without the corrections/sales you can't buy some of the best stuff
I feel really enthused about some situations with bagger potential which only require small exposure but 10 bags can make them meaningful e.g. val, summ in bios ; gon and mst in tech; fogl and mog in oil ; cnr,she,srb,tpj in gold

some numbers

If Ombrina Mare does come back into play what sort of valuation could we be looking at ?

The EV currently at 10p looks to be 429m x £0.10 = £42.9m - £10m (cash) = £32.9m

40mmboe 2P reserves should be worth $10EV/bbl = $400m ? So in share price terms a potential value of 8x the current share price 80p per share ?

I understand they hope to produce 10,000 bopd from Ombrina Mare so in operation that could be generating cashflow of $180m per annum ($50 margin x 10,000 bopd x 365 days) and that should be valued at about 3x cashflow i.e. $540m? suggesting potential for a share price of 100p+ ?

One also needs to take into account that the new management team may be able to bring new assets into play and increase confidence and that in itself represents some upside 'optionality'

This is all reliant on one thing the Italian Govt which is dependent on oil from Libya seeing sense and reversing it's decision to stop exploitation of Ombrina Mare because of what happened at Macondo. Given that the US oil co's are back drilling in GoM it seems only a matter of time. Surely?
PIA I don't get it. Why give a cryptic clue that you know people will try and figure out and then decide against tipping it?
I don't think he expected the clever so and so's to guess the 'cryptic' clue.

I think you yourself said it was a 'needle in a haystack' type clue.

He used to drop these hints a full week prior to publication but then stopped and now for the first time he tried it on the day before publication but still he got busted.

It is all marketing. If he tells you every week he'll tip a company you'll lose interest. If he drops hints about 'wartime technology' or 'gold in them thar hills' or 'undiscovered oil' then in whets the appetite and keeps people interested.

I must say i enjoy his writing and story telling and he does make some very compelling cases and spots some excellent shares which easily make up for the duffers. SRT he had a ten-bagger. BPC has been brilliant also.

I think he bottled it recently with some 'conservative' picks as though he didn't trust the market and in retrospect he was right as the market was driven too much by PI's punting and now I think he may be coming out with some truly high-risk high-reward opportunities again.
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PIA I don't get it. Why give a cryptic clue that you know people will try and figure out and then decide against tipping it?

TM makes his living by finding shares with small market capitalisation, and potential upsides.

It cant be proven, but rumours (and common sense) suggest that he has already taken a personal position in the stock before tipping it. His followers will then buy in en masse, causing the inevitable spike, and TM is then sitting on a large paper profit.

In this case (great detective work by the way boys), it seems his clues were a bit too easy and he perhaps wasnt happy with his own position. A massive fall tomorrow will give him an entry position that he can be happy with - and he can tip it next month perhaps.

What I am more uncomfortable with is his advice on disposal of shares because he has to create the necessary churn to recommend his next set of tips. It means that he has lost investors big bucks when advising them to sell the likes of RRL (7p)...
I don't think he is that disingenuous. I'd imagine a career at Schroders would mean that he doesn't really need to stoop to that level. I find he gets criticised by many trader types but I think there is some method to his madness. When he finds a decent long term growth stock he will deliberately put a low 'buy' limit price target and much higher one year target because he has to play a game against the MM's and the one day trader types to try to benefit his longer term investors who otherwise will get screwed over by the sharks. It is a difficult thing to do especially in current feverish markets so I cut him some slack.
The key is to know how to separate the noise from the real trends and in the case of MST the noise will be traders exiting for big loss tomorrow whilst patient long term investors pick some up (Hopefully although I suspect the MM's will be the real winners as they'll just open the spread and fleece everyone LOL) :-p

PPC he said sell recently and I managed to pick some up at 21p and it has traded as high as 27p just a few weeks later.

MOG will probably rise tomorrow (12p?) but at some point the 6p shares will be tradeable so depending on stupidity of the holders I'd expect a retrace maybe to 9-10p? (They had their CLN's converted and might not be natural equity holders). But utlimately I do think 30p+ is possible
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I am not putting him in the bracket of the charlatan BMDs of this world, but he would be foolish not to make a few bucks through the power of his following.

Afterall, many brokers do the same thing just before they publish an important price sensitive broker note.
Thanks for the info guys. It would be very very tempting to try and make some money in the way that you've described. If I was in his position I would probably do it.

Nice to have you back Jaspa.
LOL Bin Man Dan

He has a £100k to £1m 'challenge' on his website.

So far 4-5 months into the one year challenge he is down at about £70-80k after buying SLE.

What a clown.
Thx DV.

I think even the newbies have seen through the BMD myth. The much-respected pi Hub (http://thesharehub.com/) is also badly struggling, with his hotlist down 10% on the year.

Tipping is a piece of **** when nearly every stock is undervalued, as was the case in 2009. When multiple macro-economic and political factors come into play, things get much trickier and its then that you can sort the men from the boys...
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True. That is why I'm hoping to keep a running commentary on the six stocks I've picked during the height of recent turmoil. Hopefully it will be educational whether success or failure ensues for PPC MOG LKI HVE GMA
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can't bring myself to sleep

Good to see you back Jaspa. I think the one pia786 forgot to mention is URU he tipped that one at 9p if I'm not mistaken? Great discussion board this.
AIM Addict is a fantastic iPhone app, where you get all RNS announcements, including shortlisted ones for your portfolio. £2.99 well spent.

Check out the new non-exec appointment for SOU this morning. Very promising and should help with advising on the Italian assets with that experience.

Also expecting/hoping for big bounce on oil stocks this week after GS has swallowed its bitterness, and changed it's mind on oil (I.e. Oil is good again, apparently).
Thx EE

TB shows his power once again. Not researched on MST but could be a great buying opportunity if he does tip it next month...
Bought another 100k MST today at 1.62p (Now up to 400k with target 500k)

If other posters on other BB's are to be believed the RHPS tip was going to be 'Buy' up to 2.5p with one year target of 8p

I have done my own very basic analysis of the potential P&L

They had Operating loss of £1m ish last year but expect sales on current quarterly run rate of about 6000 this year at £400 a pop so potential profit of £1.4m ? (£2.4m sales - £1.0m opex)

This could be wrong in either direction by a multiple because as they state they are at an inflection point. I'm hoping they can beat on the upside given momentum from international distributors (e.g. Spain and India both taking 1000+ units this year and they are in discussions with 30 globally). But they may simply expand opex as they gear up international sales? although one would hope as they go through distributors this will be minimised.

If (big IF) they succeed and then continue growth next year and say aim for 12000 units then the profits could really start getting substantial ( £3-4m ) put that on a growth rating of 15-20x and you could have £45-80m Mkt Cap versus current £5m

wow nice to dream hey ?
Thx EE

TB shows his power once again. Not researched on MST but could be a great buying opportunity if he does tip it next month...

Yep you are right. I might average down and hold for a while.

He got RRL badly wrong though. With recent TT acquisition, its even better now.... ofcourse he would not have known then.
yes went back and had a look and my original list was HVE LKI MOG PPC GMA and I added GON as well




Most are flat to down since I mentioned them.

MOG rescued by Tommy Bulford tip :-D
PPC will be deal driven
LKI lots going on in Ukrainian agri business so like this as a long term play
GMA up in the air may be a takeunder at some point v.dangerous
HVE looks to be consolidating after decent run, chart looks good for recovery to play out
GON just looks like a very speculative play but huge potential that Guy Thomas actuary chap may be onto something
Bio week next week even though i haven't a clue

Off to Oxford next week for the SUMM AGM
The day after VAL present at Proactive

VAL more i read up on it the more it looks potentially huge and with lots of newsflow due and already funded for a couple of years (got 2% 'punt' position now in line with GON, MST )

Quite interesting to read the BB's on it, all the PIs acting out because VAL aren't feeding them with 'news' whilst the stock slides (that could end badly as any news just gets sold into, but happy either way, if its good news but taken as bad will be happy to add)

Definitely worth attending Proactive next week to have a look at VAL (some other potentially interesting companies also presenting Sarantel , National Milk Records !)

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SRB no reason at all for SRB drop

i expect it is just impatient traders selling to patient investors

GON looks like the start
GON - had been meaning to buy more but been pre-occupied this morning

some poor baby bird in our garden was getting attacked by some magpies so after chasing them off been keeping an eye on the poor victim whilst it hid and recuperated, quite a tense few hours !

GON is partly an overhang play and partly a massive chinese online gaming play with an EV of only £2m i could see potential for a 10-100 bagger err...should they actually be telling the truth always a big IF with chinese internet plays

anyway hopefully we'll get a 'We know no reason for share price movement" RNS and the stock will crash back to 2's so i can buy more
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GON is classic example of how the obvious negatives are sometimes a cover over the less obvious positives and therein lies the opportunity
MOG RNS today

Michael Bonte-Friedheim, Chief Executive Officer, commented:

"We are very pleased to have completed this fund raising and restructuring. Not only does it transform the Company's balance sheet leaving it with no financial debt, but it enables the Company to fund its share of the Guendalina gas development project and cover other operational expenses.

Guendalina is expected to come on stream in September 2011 and provide the Company with a significant increase in sales revenues and free cash flow.

We are also delighted to welcome our new directors and investors. Their expertise and experience will be of significant value as we pursue our plans for growth. With their support, all shareholders can look forward with optimism to an exciting future.
good days for GON and MOG and not bad considering for MST

GON would like to see some news behind volume
MOG 'gap' needs watching could see it closed before next up move?
MST funny how more volume today than Friday despite there being no tip



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