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Murata stepping up marketing of CPX supercapacitors
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CPX looking on brink of potential big breakout. People latching onto comment in AGM statement

"The Board looks forward to potentially providing additional updates on our automotive applications over the remainder of this quarter..."


looking good now
RRR after big initial move 0.40 to 0.80 consolidating now at around 0.60. Still a bit more sideways working needed but then expect a wave 2 and wave 3 move higher.


looking very good now with news imminent
Hey guys I was wonddring what you guys think of BLPH, its a pharmaceutical company which is stated to have some upside to it but they are going through lots of cash. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Btw you guys should really get into cryptocurrency the returns on those are ridiculous right now due to etherium picking up some major pace.
I've heard people losing a lot of money on some cryptocurrency pyramid scams like E-dinar so be a bit careful treating them as 'investments'. Currency is meant to be primarily medium of exchange/store of value/Unit of valuation not something for speculative investment.

Will take a look at BLPH

Noirua 18 Jun '17 - 11:54 - 11316 of 11319 0 0

The Tshipi Borwa mine is a must have for China and I suspect a bid for Jupiter Mines Limited and OM Holdings Limited to follow, if no bids are acceptable to Tshipi e Ntle.
All this is a bit complicated by Tshipi e Ntle wanting to float via an IPO on the JSE at a reported US$0.60 a share.
Buying JMS would also give the Chinese future access to 1.85 billion tonnes of iron ore at Mount IDA and Mount Mason. RRR's 0.75% royalty on production from Mount IDA could become more important.
As an Independent Director of JMS, Andrew Bell would retain his position and be in for a payoff in 12 months time, if he steps down.

A bid for RRR is unlikely as the shares look set to become volatile.
Red Rock at 2p a share would value RRR at less than £9 million. Thoughts are, and supported by AB, that JMS could be worth A$1.00 a share ( US$0.75 ); valuing RRR's holding in JMS at £16 to £17 million. This would not mean RRR would necessarily get all this cash. There could be a cash payout by JMS but a chunk of cash retained in the company. RRR would then still retain their shares in Jupiter.

Dowgate Capital

Dowgate Capital reiterated a valuation at 4.4p a share back in November last. It would be interesting to see their views now, though I suspect they'll stay out of this uncertain situation at the moment.

NB: I'm holding investments in Jupiter Mines, OM Holdings, Red Rock Resources, Regency Mines, and investments in some companies involved in the Pallinghurst Consortium ( Pallinghurst Investors ).
For cryptocurrency coinbase and biftinex are very safe platforms to buy. Etherium is expected to jump to bitcoin level with a year.

appears to be consolidating between the 50 and 200 day Moving Averages. Given the recent technical sell off but what I consider to be strong fundamentals with huge blue sky potential I think it's a good time to consider accumulation during the traditional quiet summer period. Results should be out soon and may provide an opportunity as I doubt the historic results will be that good.


TheKLF 21 Jun '17 - 21:26 - 11431 of 11432 2 0

With regard to the valuation discussions I think it's quite simple. If the Board give a commitment to pay out say 90% of any future income or capital distribution from Jupiter as a dividend the share price will take care of itself.

In the last few months we've been told that RRR is to receive c.£800k from Jupiter

A 90% payout ratio would mean a dividend for RRR shareholders of c.£700k

Apply normal bond/share yield valuation metrics and if RRR was yielding £700k p.a. the shares would/should be valued at approximately

£14m (assuming a 20x rating and 5% yield) or
£17.5m (assuming a 25x rating and 4% yield) or
£23.3m (assuming a 33.3x rating and 3% yield)

So 3-5p a share looks a reasonable valuation in my book

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/sct7zohi7i0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
RRR has had a big retrace but only back to it's 50 day Moving Average line and the breakout level of 0.80 so I'd be looking to accumulate again at this level

Not all alternative financings are death spirals - the case of Red Rock Resources

By Tom Winnifrith | Friday 30 June 2017

The other day Red Rock Resources (RRR) announced a deal to fund the Steelmin smelter in Bosnia which involved some alternative financing from Yorkville. At once the critics of boss Andrew Bell - of whom there are more than a few - screamed "death spiral, dilution, the man hads gone mad." A few critics disagreed, arguing that Bell had always been mad. But perhaps before leaping to conclusions it is worth looking atnthe actual structure of the deal?

Steelmin operates in Red Rock’s field of steel feed, and replaces the manganese producing asset held through Jupiter, which is to be sold or listed shortly, providing capital to be redeployed. It has quality management and customers, like Jupiter, and will like Jupiter be a significant player in its field. It is therefore a suitable new investment as part of the Red Rock portfolio.

Steelmin is a real company with a real asset and clear short term pathway to cash flow generation. It is very difficult to find a near producing asset that is within range of Red Rock's funding capability.

Steelmin's key asset is the Ferrosilicon plant in Bosnia. Bosnia is a reasonable emerging market due to its progression to EU and Nato. It is at least as reasonable as many of the jurisdictions in Africa that are perfectly acceptable to AIM investors. Bosnia (according to the political stability index of the World Bank ranks 133 out of 194 countries and above Congo, Peru, Saudi Arabia, China, Angola, Indonesia, Phillipines, Mexixo, Eritrea, India, Russia, Turkey. Most AIM companies are operating in countries worse than Bosnia. It is still on the list of places you would send the mother in law to on holiday but it is not a total lawless hell hole like Somalia or Coventry.

The Jajce ferrosilicon plant had a long history as a part of Elektrobosna, was a industrial powerhouse, employing 3000 and accounting for 14% of the total export sales of the former Yugoslavian Republic of Bosnia-Herzegovina”. It was even the subject of an old CIA report

After the civil war Elektrobosna was privatised and one facility has been continuously operated by Metalleghe of Italy. The larger one operated under local ownership for several years to 2005 but was plagued by ownership disputes. Steelmin got control in late 2011. The plant has competitive advantages in nearby quality quartz, cheap electricity from hydropower (electricity is 40% of costs), low labour costs, and favourable tax regime. Nearby Metalleghe ferrosilicon plant evidences the business model, as does LOIs and expressions of interest that Steelmin has from groups as ThyssenKrupp.

Steelmin is owned and has been funded by western investors and they have lots of experience in this jurisdiction. The CEO represents the investors and is an internationally experienced investor (based in london). The operating local team comprises the key members (head hunted by the CEO) of the old management team from Elektrobosna have been brought in and the plant refurbished with Furnace V completely overhauled, work that is finishing this year as yoiu can see HERE

Red Rock has actually structured a smart deal as it has positioned itself above all the other (including western) investors as the senior lender. This means it has real control and can squeeze the other equity investors if required. It has an accelerated schedule to get their money back and it still ends up with an equity investment for no cost - somewhere between 16% and 30%. it has structured its free equity stake to encourage Steelmin to refinance them out as soon as possible to reduce the equity it gives up. Most AIM companies would just buy the equity. Red Rock has been way smarter.

A consortium of investor (including YA, Cuart and some family offices) have lent the money to Red Rock to fund the deal. What's clever here is that the all of the cost of funding is passed on to Steelmin so the ultimate cost to Red Rock is low. Red Rock is expecting to get proceeds from the Jupiter sale soon. A minority proportion of these proceeds will be used to pay off the loan. So only a fraction of the Jupiter cash is being used to do this deal and then when the loan is repaid by Steelmin, the full Jupiter cash will be restored to Red Rock.

The loan to Red Rock is a pure cash to cash loan with NO conversion rights for the investor (other than standard default terms if the company does not comply with its obligations) and only a small amount of warrants being issued.

Nice chart, pincer move between 50 day and 200 day, recent Management change , significant unpriced optionality

Definite reason to be worried. I have pro friends looking at CAT bonds (Catastrophe bonds) as insurance given all the political and economic uncertainty. VIX the stock market indicator of volatility looks far too low and indicates too much complacency. Chart wise major indices look like they may be about to roll over. We're 9-10 years on from the last 'crash'. We could easily see 5-10% correction in a short period and there seem political disarray so unlikely to be big and good enough response with most levers of fiscal/monetary stimulus used up.

I'm trying to stick to deep value special situations / blue sky concept tech. Not interested in any economic cyclical stuff like oil / copper / iron ore
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CPX and VRS will hopefully do something here

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/9CDzrDjBTNU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I think some data feeds are seriously messed up at the moment but low key INFA looks like breaking out



I want to get into trading shares. I tried to read some posts here and it all seems French. Anyone can guide me to the correct resources? Expert advise would be ace!
Looking good. Breakouts are processes not events so needs monitoring on all relevant metrics (price, volume, timing etc)

Looks an opportunistic low ball offer to me. The potential of the ASA assets is immense. Looks a bit suspect that the Chinese seem to have robbed the joint and now after robbing it come back for more.
CPX looks exciting times ahead

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0qqrfZT7BDs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
CPX rise on volume and chart looking very good now

Must say the conviction on it after that interview has to be increased because on several counts the strategy seems to be falling into place. Auto / Truckstart / IoT / Wearables / Murata / AVX etc all got mentions
INFA looking like it will just 'melt up'. Do wonder if they will do a small place to keep them ticking over given demand for stock.

VRS getting close to breaking out of what could be a 50/200 day MA pincer movement
RRR maybe setting up for another attempt at 1p

GLOBAL MANGANESE WRAP: Ore, alloys prices find strength in Asia, USA; Europe flat in summer lull
Manganese ore and alloy prices mostly held firm last week, as markets defied the traditional summer lull to post gains everywhere except Europe.
• Manganese ore indices up on strong trading activity
• Silico-manganese futures prices supported by physical demand
• US ferro-manganese prices at 86-month high
• Traditional summer slowdown bites in Europe

Manganese ore prices gained slightly last week, buoyed by a pick-up in traded volumes and strong sentiment from the steel sector.

Metal Bulletin’s 37% manganese ore index climbed to $4.10 per dmtu fob Port Elizabeth on Friday July 14 from $4.06 a week earlier. The 44% index reached $6.02 per dmtu cif Tianjin, up from $5.85.

The market remained divided on price direction, with some highlighting a potential reduction in demand from India, while others noted that strong steel expectations in China have supported sentiment.

Spot traded volumes surged last week, even as talk of a large stock build-up in China spread.

scotty666 19 Jul '17 - 13:35 - 562 of 562 0 0

With all the other Weald plays going nuts looks like this is getting a little attention today.
UKOG has gone nuts recently on the back of their recent supposed Discovery

INFA might be a play on this as well obliquely

This is odd.

Old adage 'Sell in May and go Away come again St Legers Day' not playing out this year?

Very odd to see Iron Ore a v economically sensitive commodity going up during traditional summer seasonal slowdown as 'West goes on holiday'. This bears watching. Has a liquidity tap been turned on somewhere in the World? Is this the China Silk Road II initiative seeing some real world impact?

GUN shaping up well. Shame they did a placing today but guess it's out of the way for now

Executive chairman Hamish Harris commented:

"We are pleased to be able to assist Oyster with their proposed AIM IPO. We also note the strong investor interest in the prospects of the UK onshore Weald basin to which we have direct exposure via our shareholdings in Horse Hill Developments Ltd and indirectly via Alba Mineral Resources."

UKOG gone from 1p to 7p in the space of a month. This Weald Basin play could get very interesting.

GUN may be a back door entry there and great chart set up
RRR and CPX also having good moves today. Very impressed stocks putting on these sort of moves during the 'traditional summer doldrums'. Not sure exactly what it means but surely portends something ? Is real economic growth/liquidity from China behind the strength in some key commodity indicators (iron ore / copper) ? or is it a final blow off phase before a crash?
UKOG motoring along up 30% today sitting at 9.6p Wow..wish I was in this one ..lol

Cpx has started to move also in the last couple of days up 10% today 10p ask.
ASA - as anyone received an message, by there trader.
Regarding Takeover terms, offer to sell your holdings at 2.1 pence per share holding
ASA - 'Rich Pro' seem to be happy to continue with acquisition. All very suspect the goings on here. The 'inscrutable' Chinese didn't get that moniker for nothing and the Art of War was written by a Chinese man Sun Tzu
yawn1 1 Aug '17 - 12:18 - 567256 of 567258 0 0


Buyers returning ahead of Oyster float towards the end of this month. Could be a big winner for GUN plus they have plenty of cash after placing and ALBA sales. Those placing shares will soon be gone.
This is odd.

Old adage 'Sell in May and go Away come again St Legers Day' not playing out this year?

Very odd to see Iron Ore a v economically sensitive commodity going up during traditional summer seasonal slowdown as 'West goes on holiday'. This bears watching. Has a liquidity tap been turned on somewhere in the World? Is this the China Silk Road II initiative seeing some real world impact?


Iron ore on fire overnight... $74 from a charting perspective looks like it should see recent highs challenged again, especially considering we are in seasonally weak period

Long term chart looks a peach... maybe slow and steady tortoise Kongats will eventually win the race?

Yes could be one of several game changing possibilities CPX is working on. The Tesla stuff just sounded like b.s. without mentioning any of the real substantive potential links.

Right into 12-13p resistance area where last rise stalled. Breakout on news from here and sky could be the limit.

Tesla sometimes regarded as the market in this industry but it's just a mouthy marketeer
CPX - a real substantial order, this should and is seeing a re-rating of the stock

First high-volume order for Thinline supercapacitors

CAP-XX, a world leader in supercapacitors, is pleased to announce that it has received its first large order for mass produced Thinline supercapacitors.

The order, received from a US customer, is the first high-volume order received by the Company for an 'Internet of Things' (IoT) wearable technology consumer device for the fitness and health markets and represents CAP-XX's single largest order for Thinline. The customer will distribute the product to large OEM manufacturers in addition to performing direct sales.

The initial US$0.4m order is for delivery of units commencing in late 2017 and continuing into early 2018. Mass production by the customer of its product is scheduled to commence in November 2017, with the first sales to consumers targeted for early 2018. The directors of CAP-XX anticipate securing a follow-on order for in excess of US$1.0m in the first half of 2018.

CAP-XX has numerous other parties evaluating the CAP-XX Thinline supercapacitors for a variety of IoT wearable technology applications and further design wins and high volume orders are expected in due course.

Anthony Kongats, CEO of CAP-XX, commented:

"We are delighted to have secured our first high-volume order for Thinline supercapacitors for an IoT application. Additionally, we remain confident that our partnerships with Murata and AVX will provide significant additional momentum to the adoption of CAP-XX supercapacitors in numerous very high volume applications across the globe."

+20% is flying in my book!

I think there will be a lot of short-term profit taking, especially as this has historically been a yo-yo share.

Hopefully we will see a substantial rerating once the frenzy stops.
Long term chart looks a peach... maybe slow and steady tortoise Kongats will eventually win the race?


Yes short term technical resistance around YH but this is huge long term fundamental news and I expect technical resistance to be decisively broken and now v confident we will see 20-30 here if not 100+ eventually. Remember thinline is minor part of story !

Big stuff is auto and Murata/AVX/other licensing
CPX this is a breakout on news and volume so gives very positive continuation signals. I'd be buying more. Maybe if cautious wait for successful retest intraday tomorrow of some of the recent resistance points.
Cpx thought it would be a lot higher on that Rns. Considering how much it had fallen since Feb where it was sitting around the current price if i remember ie 13p. All a bit disappointing really unless there is another push tomorrow. We shall see.
Iron ore price has been in free fall recently but manganese has bounced and is reasonably strong which could mean another dividend on the way for RRR from it's holding in Jupiter Mines

RRR remains one of the few stocks which looks cheap on fundamentals with decent supportive chart and potential catalyst imminent


Pincer moment coming on RRR ? (similar to May? note pincer of 50 and 200 day MA's then big move out)

Should be some anticipation of Sept dividend payment from JMS/Tshipi?
Kenyan Elections done so maybe some news due on Migori 1m oz gold project?
AOR - been keeping an eye on this for a while looks to have a lot of optionality for a £1m Mkt Cap company

From August results :-

Over the years, AorTech has made substantial investment in the development of bio stable polymers and medical device designs. The objective is to capitalise on this investment for the benefit of shareholders...
Significant funding has been achieved by AorTech licencees in developing and commercialising their products with AorTech's Elast-Eon™ seen as critical to their success. In one instance, funds in excess of $100 million have been raised to achieve successful commercialisation. We anticipate that with the renewed interest in our material being generated through our licencing partner, Biomerics, that additional licences may be completed during the course of the next twelve months.

Then there is the new 'Heart Valve Project'

Heart Valve Project

We have previously announced a potential transaction with a new business established to commercialise the AorTech heart valve technology. Fund raising for the new project is continuing but is not yet finalised and any license will be dependent upon the new business being fully funded. The package of data and information that AorTech is able to deliver to the project is substantial. This ranges from specific manufacturing know how and trade secrets for the precise polymer best suited to a heart valve, detailed design files for a polymer valve with a stress/strain profile substantially less than the material mechanical properties, together with a fully documented manufacturing process that allows a clinical quality valve to be made on a repeatable basis. All of these processes have been developed over a number of years of trial and error and experimentation at considerable investment by AorTech.

AOR just had a punt position in it but will look to buy more over coming weeks if there is any pullback

That looks very interesting as an investment now.

100p will only be a c. £5m Market Cap

Given the potential markets it plays into it could become a very exciting concept stock if it does execute
Dr Copper ('the commodity with a PhD in Economics') approaching v.significant psychological/technical level of $3/lb


* Dalian iron ore rises as much as 7 pct as rebar recovers

* Coking coal hits record high in Dalian, up nearly 8 pct

Will be really interesting to see upcoming Chinese PMI on 1 September

Could be good for iron ore/coal complex (GCM / RRR etc?)
Copper strength and lithium fad gives some speculative hope to likes of AXM ?
CPX as expected retrace to retest resistance as support and now a close today above the 52 week high, very good continuation signal

CPX - might be a real coup here for the BB research heroes


Page 7 says these new 48V units from AVX are licenced from CPX

CPX haven't announced this yet and AVX doc looks like a preliminary one due for official release in September?

Would take CPX into some huge applications

• Hybrid and electric vehicles
• Rail transportation
• Heavy industrial equipment
• Grid storage
• UPS/Industrial systems
• Regenerative energy capture
• Pitch control
• Commercial vehicles
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landy90 18 Aug '17 - 13:13 - 3001 of 3001 1 0

Market Cap £1.2m

Licenses and Royalties- $614k - Value to licensees if bought out for 5 times cost savings - £2.4m

Tax losses (last year) $6.6m - unrecognised value $1.3 or £1m

Search of AorTech patents show 3 broad families, Polymer, Breast Implants and Heart Valves. Announcement indicates Breast Implant is being actively pursued. Value ??

So current mkt cap represents 2.5X annual savings to customers if sold out, nothing for tax losses, nothing for BI or heart valve, nothing for growth of licenses or new deals and nothing for litigation.

Before recent rise was priced to go bust- even if it did, licenses could be sold for current mkt cap!
CPX looks exciting times ahead

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0qqrfZT7BDs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Worth a rewatch now Kongats delivering. Lots of clues and confidence noteworthy