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SALV chart

GDR chart. Been off-radar a long time as people waited for tech/strategy to come to fruition

Break of the 200 day MA could see a big sustained move

CPX - recent investor presentation

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w43bQeGOKcQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
VRS setting up nicely on a day when the CEO has tweeted about 'record enquiry levels'

OTC seems also to be setting up from very low levels given the number and quality of projects they're involved in especially hot fad of the moment Cobalt

Looking at a few cobalt plays RRR, OTC, AXM, the market really doesn't seem to have understood the potential at all. It may just be that they are small companies and their cobalt projects either new or buried within a mass of other projects so haven't got attention they deserve. I think given lots of stocks starting to emerge into daytrader consciousness after long fallow periods a bit of education on these stocks and/or newsflow could lead to some excitement. Stocks all seem to have based and/or been off traders radars for a while so the market being 'short' they could see some potentially spiky rises.
e.g. RRR on 26th September they announced they'd undertake due diligence on a cobalt tailings project in DRC with view to taking c.26% equity position and possibly c.52% later.


Raw figures mentioned in RNS are as follows :-

The Agreement provides that should the Project not commercially match the estimates provided by VUP (approximately 22m tons containing 375,000 metric tons of contained copper and <B>35,000 metric tons of contained cobalt</b>, citing Gécamines records up to 1999), then the Luilu tailings (estimated similarly by VUP at 50m tons) will be added to the Project.

Which implies 35,000t x $60,000/t = $2bn worth of cobalt value alone

Of course they might only be able to extract a small fraction of that but it's there to be worked on so could provide quick cashflow.
oops duplicate

just to add the DD exclusivity period is 40 days so should hear news imminently?
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<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/a-Yg30v8s-I" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
BMV Bluebird Merchant Ventures

Silly name and obviously hasn't helped but it seems to have gone under the radar for a while having come to the market and failed in it's original aim (mining project in Phillipines) they seem to have changed management and tack by alighting upon what used to be 'South Korea's second largest Gold mine'... which was closed in 1971 when the gold price was c.$40/oz

The Management are a bit sneaky saying that because the gold price is now $1300/oz the mine may be economic again now but they are either very stupid or very disingenuous to not point out that inflation in the mean time will also have gone up massively.


This week they announced some preliminary investigations have been done into the mine infrastructure after a visit by some mining engineers


I found this interesting... it gives some idea of the scope of the project (c.£300m worth of infrastructure in place) vs a current BMV Market Cap of only £4m

Re-opening an old mine has many advantages to an exploration project. Firstly, very few exploration projects ever become mines and require many millions of dollars of investment into the exploration process. When re-opening an old mine like Gubong there is no exploration stage which represents a huge cost saving. Another advantage is that an old mine will have existing infrastructure. The Gubong mine has over 120 kilometres of underground tunnels as well as at least three shafts and has an established tailings area. The cost to develop new tunnels in today's terms is approximately USD 3,000 per metre.
In an age of Trump always a good idea to have 'one foot out the door' and so gold investments even next to North Korea seems a decent diversification strategy.

Noticed charts for some small cap speculative gold plays setting up nicely recently e.g. MNC and XTR


Skyrocketing Pilbara gold explorer Artemis Resources is one step closer to royalty with its appointment of a Dubai prince to the board.

The junior explorer today announced the appointment of Sheikh Maktoum Hasher Al Maktoum as a director, the second cousin once removed of Mohammed bin Rashin Al Maktoum, the current ruler of Dubai.

Artemis (ASX:ARV) shares rose 11 per cent to 33.7c following the news.

Aretemis shares have increased five-fold since mid-July, when Artemis and Canadian mining giant Novo Resources kickstarted the Pilbara gold rush with a legendary announcement regarding a gold nugget find at their Purdy’s Reward site south of Karratha, WA.

Investor interest in gold juniors exploring the Pilbara has been at fever-pitch ever since.

VRS - announce a deal of some sorts with Israel Aerospace Industries. No real indication of any value emerging from it but it does give some validation in the aerospace sector so encouraging.

ridicule 31 Oct '17 - 17:05 - 8678 of 8678 0 0

I topped up with the 69,118 buy at 14.19, had to pay .1940 but I did get shed loads during the LO 'sell off' around the .13 - .135 level. I bought again today because there may be another RNS this week and because I can see 36p ish within 6 months if Neill's tweets are taken into account. He seems very bullish and the supressed excitment within him is palpable. This is not a ramp just future indicator evaluation and the fact VRS offers a 5 string growth path - Nanene sales; components containing Nanene manufactured within VRS; Graphene ink sales; Graphene ink application solutions developed within VRS; copper foam. Moreover, the first 4 of these paths have almost unlimited areas of application.

The one thing I would like more of a handle on is the level of capital investment required to keep pace with market growth opportunities. I know Nanene and ink production scale fairly easily, but vertically integrated end products will require CAPEX I suspect.

The final icing on my cake is: there are only 131.33m shares in issue and Neill will avoid dilution unlee he feels it is essential to achieve timely growth.
OTC great RNS this morning. Funded thanks to recent placing, breaking medium term downtrend and Moving Average resistance on serious volume and news (including 'visible gold')

It's being held back by churn but suspect this is like VRS at 13/14p just a week or so ago

VRS - great recent run and then a brilliant after market close Trading Update

Potential is simply I-N-C-R-E-D-I-B-L-E

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Amazing and mindblowing potential. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Graphene?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Graphene</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/Cancer?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Cancer</a> Treatment <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VRS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VRS</a> <a href="https://t.co/1debNHRPby">pic.twitter.com/1debNHRPby</a></p>— SuperStocksofAIM (@SuperStoxofAIM) <a href="https://twitter.com/SuperStoxofAIM/status/926595619107540992?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">3 November 2017</a></blockquote>
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Just to highlight some interesting aspects of VRS's positive trading update on Friday

The level of interest being expressed in Versarien's graphene continues at record levels. In particular, the Group is currently in advanced negotiations with two of the world's largest consumer goods groups and anticipates receipt of the first purchase order imminently. The expected collaboration with one or both of these groups will be to work together on research, development and testing of Versarien's proprietary Nanene few layer graphene nano-platelets in polymer structures.

Additional negotiations are being held with a number of multinational companies in sectors as diverse as aerospace, automotive, packaging and consumer goods with a view to collaborating on the commercialisation of graphene enhanced products. The Company looks forward to making further announcements on these as appropriate.

Cashed up with probably highly significant newsflow to come in terms of validations and concrete numbers in term s of highly profitable contracts (think gross margin on graphene production is 80%+)


The Stigologist 6 Nov '17 - 14:25 - 9202 of 9202 0 0

he talked about battery materials like nickel lithium cobalt etc

if you knew there was only one mine in the World producing one of those in demand commodities investors would be all over it

right now in terms of scale up of a high grade graphene mine, Versarien is the only 'major' in the World , owning the biggest and highest grade 'graphene mine' in the World, it's an incredible position to be in

don't just think this Company can be the next ARM, it can be the next Glencore, Rio, BHP !

New Board, New Strategy and New Name coming

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0Mq7-anW4u4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
VRS hotting up

good explainer on graphene here

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/WFacA6OwCjA" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
So much potential with CPX...just a waiting game..

GUN on the rise today, hope it can kick on from here
management at GUN have been terribly ineffective addressing valuation of their Company which is a reflection on their poor Management given assets are valuable

Oyster IPO crucial for visibility, catalyst and investment performance

May be close


superg1 8 Nov '17 - 19:39 - 9498 of 9500 0 0

For new arrivals here is what the COO of McLaren thinks of Nanene. It's VRS graphene in that watch.


How much of a step forward is graphene technology?

“We think the properties of graphene are pretty mind-blowing. Some of the mechanical properties of graphene-enhanced composites can be improved by double-digit percentages compared to regular carbon-fibre composites. In engineering, we often talk about improvements in terms of fractions of a per cent; to suddenly introduce improvements of this order is incredible, but it gives you a very clear perspective on just how much we’re discovering about the properties of graphene, and just how much it’s re-defining our existing understanding of materials science.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/YTDGz3K1FEY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I was the dumba** that bought bunch of Snap stock in the beginning. I held it for a while and lost so I sold it all today and thought if I am to lose money why not lose it on Blockchain. The only one available was RIOT...so I bought a bunch...anyone know of more?
AXM has the makings of something very special

£3m odd Market Cap. Metals mining processing techniques which could be hugely important to mining companies in a number of key metals (copper,cobalt, lithium)

There are a couple of Lithium processing specialists ASX listed LIT (Sileach) and LPD (L-Max) valued at circa $100m

As a sign of interest from proper mining companies Galaxy Resources (ASX:GXY) a $1bn+ valued Lithium miner has signed deals recently with LPD Lepidico
The market seems to be mispricing optionality of many companies right now. My particular favourites VRS, CPX, AXM, OTC, LION, PFP, RRR
I think gold backed crypto currencies may be interesting because China will allow them?

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/8bFENkdwp1Q" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
AXM - A summary for newbies to story

Posts: 1,028
Off Topic
Opinion: No Opinion
Price: 0.1775
RE: Heard it all before.

Today 23:53 5ft, in an attempt to summarise Axm for new investors I will try with the following.

Axm and Dr Welham are the intellectual owners of Ammleach, Metaleach and Hyperleach, processes developed to extract metals from ores, sulphides and oxides using an ammoniacal process which in comparison to the standard acid leaching process used by the metal mining industry is environmentally friendly and believed to be able to extract up to 40% more product than the traditional acid leaching.

These processes have been patented in most of the major mining countries in the world including, USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, Chile, Peru, Mongolia, China and a number of African countries.

The metals targeted are copper, zinc, molybdenum, silver, gold along with any other metal. Axm are currently in the process of developing a process for leaching Lithium and more recently vanadium.

Axm have been unfortunate in that nobody as yet has adopted their process to help prove that it works, however in August 2016 a new company called Accudo Metals was registered by investment bankers at Bluemount Capital with the sole purpose of proving the commercial viability of Axm's intellectual technology in exchange for the licence and intellectual property rights to Axm's tech in Australia.

This deal was dependant on the success of each stage of development from test work, scoping study and feasibility study. Accudo are now in the process of completing the feasibility study which is estimated to be completed just before Xmas.

Axm and Dr Welham are in the process of developing a Lithium leaching process using samples obtained from Europe, North America and Australia from which the results are due imminently.

Accudo's results are not due till Xmas or beyond.

Positives should see a significant rise in share price, and not just initially. Positive results should see an adoption of the process worldwide.

Positive news results in an unimaginable ceiling, inconclusive results. result in a sell.

Hope that helps new investors but maybe not.
VRS https://www.investegate.co.uk/versa...l-consumer-goods-company/201711170700057734W/

Neill Ricketts, CEO of Versarien, commented: "We are delighted to be working with this new Partner, which is a global leader in a number of consumer goods segments and whose products are household names. It is testament to the quality of our team and our products that we are able to take on these global high volume opportunities.

"This latest collaboration, coupled with the others that we have already entered into, demonstrates the very wide ranging potential for graphene and that Versarien is rapidly establishing itself as the go-to supplier of high quality graphene, this being the first of a number of enquiries in packaging applications. The quality of our graphene, coupled with our research capabilities in conjunction with the Universities of Manchester and Cambridge gives us an unrivalled position and is putting us at the forefront of its commercialisation.

"Our recent fund raise is allowing us to rapidly scale up our graphene production capabilities and we are seeing ever increasing interest from global OEMs. We are currently showcasing our graphene technology at the IDTechEx show in Santa Clara, California, where we have been delighted with the interest received on the first day of the show including many from large global companies.

"I look forward to providing further updates on our progress during this exciting time for Versarien."
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/y883mPTVcvg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Yes. Appointed an adviser which may indicate fund-raising but I think even that will be seen as positive
VRS looking very strong as people realise potential of Graphene and Versarien's leadership position in producing it

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Graphene - the wonder material of the future available right now from Versarien (<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VRS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VRS</a>) <a href="https://t.co/gqVXBbvI8C">pic.twitter.com/gqVXBbvI8C</a></p>— SuperStocksofAIM (@SuperStoxofAIM) <a href="https://twitter.com/SuperStoxofAIM/status/932169688083247104?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">19 November 2017</a></blockquote>
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AOR currently c.20p

landy90 21 Nov '17 - 09:30 - 3049 of 3051 1 0

"High quality of Revenues: ...... the revenues recognised in the current year are recurring and supported by contracts"

NPV of 10 years revenues discounted at 8% is worth over 55p a share... if the Board gave up and sold contracts back to licensees , that is what they should be aiming at.

If they come up with a plan to exploit the technology then 50p should be the base and target should be well north of £1
Cobalt the most supply constrained commodity on Earth

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/snkO3fXAiTM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I was the dumba** that bought bunch of Snap stock in the beginning. I held it for a while and lost so I sold it all today and thought if I am to lose money why not lose it on Blockchain. The only one available was RIOT...so I bought a bunch...anyone know of more?

Bought 100 shares of RIOT at $7.21/share..there was a sudden pick up in the last few weeks and it jumped to $24.12 and it seems to be crashing now. It's down to $14/share today...I wonder if it'll pick up again. RIOT is one of the few working on block chain ecosystems.
Cobalt the most supply constrained commodity on Earth

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/snkO3fXAiTM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I went to a talk last week by the battery guru of Tesla. He said the same thing that Cobalt is going to get alot more precious in the coming years because Cobalt is a major component in Lithium ion batteries and it is not readily available on Earth. However, scientist are developing alternates to Cobalt in the battery but the performance isn't the same.
I went to a talk last week by the battery guru of Tesla. He said the same thing that Cobalt is going to get alot more precious in the coming years because Cobalt is a major component in Lithium ion batteries and it is not readily available on Earth. However, scientist are developing alternates to Cobalt in the battery but the performance isn't the same.

Researching Cobalt mining companies then....
Unfortunately there aren't any pure play Cobalt miners. Cobalt tends to be found in small trace quantities (like say 0.1%) alongside Copper (which will usually be about 1%) so most of the Cobalt miners in the World are fore and foremost Copper miners. The Cobalt tends to be a by product.

Which is what gives it the unique supply-demand characteristic that price going up may not stimulate increased supply. It's so dependent on Copper price and it's demand/supply characteristics

The other problem is the fact most of the Cobalt comes from DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) and there is serious issues about use of child labour etc so likes of BMW and VW are looking to tie up long term conflict-free ethically derived Cobalt supply agreements
Unfortunately there aren't any pure play Cobalt miners. Cobalt tends to be found in small trace quantities (like say 0.1%) alongside Copper (which will usually be about 1%) so most of the Cobalt miners in the World are fore and foremost Copper miners. The Cobalt tends to be a by product.

Which is what gives it the unique supply-demand characteristic that price going up may not stimulate increased supply. It's so dependent on Copper price and it's demand/supply characteristics

The other problem is the fact most of the Cobalt comes from DRC (Democratic Republic of Congo) and there is serious issues about use of child labour etc so likes of BMW and VW are looking to tie up long term conflict-free ethically derived Cobalt supply agreements

Thanks..I just started reading up on it and you're right it is a by product. Actually the top Cobalt Miners are your bigger companies like Glencore and a few others which makes sense. I'm looking for volatile stocks available on the NYSE to ride the wave up and them dump.

Good drill results today including c.20m @ 3g/t

CEO bought 400,000 shares as well


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/qv5K7ebSPPY" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Markets absolutely crazy right now

PYC over last few days 1p to 30p (intraday)

Never seen anything like it in my life.


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/Search is on for the 'next ones'

In biotech related stuff I think VAL could be a possible. It's tech was developed from/by PYC so a natural comparitor
VRS up from 15 to 60 in weeks
Now being linked with Samsung graphene battery breakthrough
VRS ain't stopping


Agreement with Global Chemical Major

Versarien plc (AIM: VRS), the advanced materials engineering group, is pleased to announce that it has signed an agreement with a US headquartered global chemical supplier (the "Partner"), which will allow to both companies to begin collaborating across a number of projects.

The Partner, a Fortune 100 company, will use Versarien's proprietary Nanene few layer graphene nano-platelets, along with other 2D products manufactured by Versarien, in different potential applications. Both groups will work together on research, development and testing of compounded materials, with the objective of replacing incumbent additives across different chemical variants to improve material performance.


even Goldman Sachs showing interest in Graphene

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en-gb"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VRS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VRS</a> Versarien &#55357;&#56520;<br>VIDEO : Goldman Sachs Craig Sainsbury on Graphene <a href="https://t.co/UmLmcZbBm1">pic.twitter.com/UmLmcZbBm1</a></p>— Stockonomist (@Stockonomist) <a href="https://twitter.com/Stockonomist/status/937982084181831680?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">5 December 2017</a></blockquote>
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VRS and their collaborators coming out with some great products at the moment

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/VRS?src=hash&ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#VRS</a> Versarien &#55357;&#56520;<br>VIDEO : A great product enabled by Graphene <a href="https://t.co/S7B26oUk00">pic.twitter.com/S7B26oUk00</a></p>— Stockonomist (@Stockonomist) <a href="https://twitter.com/Stockonomist/status/938756106800820224?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 7, 2017</a></blockquote>
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Max Keiser raving on about Bitcoin is good value

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/NsMlIIyaTsk" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Two great RNSes.

1. Litigation settlement
2. Interim Results - revealing cash/working capital better than expected, Company is profitable at trading level and sees very large potential ahead

This Company looks hugely undervalued and the mention of their 'Market Cap' and 'multiples' in the RNS is an indicator of where they think it can go