Canada says it is listing Iran's IRGC as a terrorist group


Test Star
May 5, 2014
OTTAWA, June 19 (Reuters) - Canada is listing Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization and could investigate former senior Iranian officials living in the country, a senior cabinet member said on Wednesday.
"Canada will use all possible tools to combat terrorist activities carried out by the IRGC," Public Safety Minister Dominic LeBlanc told reporters, saying the announcement reflected "very strong and compelling evidence".

The United States took a similar step in April 2019.
Opposition legislators have long demanded the IRGC be listed, but the Liberal government had declined, saying to do so risked unintended consequences.
LeBlanc, asked why they action took so long, said the decision had been taken based on the law and advice from security services, not as a result of political pressure.
Canada already lists the IRGC's overseas arm, the Quds Force, as a terrorist group. Ottawa broke off diplomatic relations with Tehran in 2012.

The IRGC, a powerful faction that controls a business empire as well as elite armed and intelligence forces in Iran, has been accused by Western nations of carrying out a global terrorist campaign. Iran rejects that.
"Current and former senior Iranian government officials who are in Canada may be investigated and removed," LeBlanc said. He did not give details on the identities and number of people this might include.

Once a group is placed on the terror list, police can charge anyone who financially or materially supports the group and banks can freeze assets. In October 2022, Canada said it would ban the IRGC's top leadership from entering the country and promised more targeted sanctions.

Impact of Threat of powerful weapons is more powerful than multiple use of them time and time again. Western powers are losing their heads by using financial sanctions so frequently. They do not have the monopoly on world economy anymore. Rest of the world is developing contingencies against such attacks and is getting immune.
Biggest beneficiary : China!
Canada thinks it is USA.

Someone should tell Justinder that he is the PM of Canada and not the Prez of USA

Iran terms Canada's move on IRGC as unlawful, politically motivated​

In an unlawful, dangerous, and politically motivated action, Canada has designated the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)—an official and constitutionally-based branch of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran—as a so-called “terrorist group”, Iravani wrote in the letter to address the head of UN Security Council and the secretary-general of the United Nations in reaction to the provocative act of Canada.

The full text of the letter is as follows:


Upon instructions from my Government, I would like to bring to your attention a blatant violation of international law and the Charter of the United Nations committed by the Government of Canada against the Islamic Republic of Iran. In an unlawful, dangerous, and politically motivated action, Canada has designated the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC)—an official and constitutionally-based branch of the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran—as a so-called “terrorist group.” This is not the first time Canada has systematically violated norms, rules, and principles of international law against Iran. Canada has repeatedly breached fundamental principles of international law and the Charter of the United Nations which my Country has already been prompted to institute legal proceedings against that Country before the International Court of Justice for grave violations.

The Islamic Republic of Iran condemns in the strongest possible terms this illegal and provocative action by the Government of Canada and considers it a hostile act against the Islamic Republic of Iran, as well as a grave threat to regional and international peace and security given the significant role of the IRGC in fighting against terrorism and extremism as well as in preserving peace and stability in our region. This unlawful and irresponsible action constitutes a breach of generally recognized principles of international law and of the Charter of the United Nations, including the well-established principles of sovereign equality and non-interference in internal affairs.

Given the IRGC's role, tasks, and mandate, which include ensuring maritime safety and security in the Persian Gulf, Sea of Oman, and beyond, the Government of Canada is well aware that its irresponsible and provocative act will heighten tensions and increase the risk of accidents and incidents between IRGC forces and the Canadian armed forces, whether acting independently or as part of the so-called coalition, in the region already facing unprecedented challenges. It is self-evident that Canada—along with the US and those who have publicly supported this internationally wrongful act—will bear full responsibility for all consequences of such reckless behavior.

It is noteworthy that the Iranian armed forces, particularly the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), have consistently played a pivotal role in safeguarding Iran's sovereignty and territorial integrity, notably during the imposed 8-year war by Saddam’s regime in Iraq against Iran from 1980 to 1988. The role of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, especially Major General Qasem Soleimani, the hero Commander of the Quds Force of the IRGC, who was assassinated by US forces at Baghdad International Airport on 3 January 2020 during an official visit to Iraq at the Iraqi government's invitation, in battles against the UN Security Council designated terrorist groups like Al-Qaeda, ISIS, the Al-Nusra Front and other terrorist groups in the region, has been widely recognized and commended by affected people and governments in the region.

The armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran are resolute in their commitment to fulfill its regional responsibilities and counter-terrorism efforts, as well as support regional nations and governments, upon request, in their efforts to eliminate foreign-backed terrorist groups. This provocative action taken by the Government of Canada will neither affect nor obstruct this firm determination.

The Islamic Republic of Iran reserves its inherent right to take appropriate countermeasures in accordance with international law in response to this illegal action and serious violation by the Government of Canada.

It would be highly appreciated if the present letter could be circulated as a document of the General Assembly, under agenda item 83, and of the Security Council.

Please accept, Excellency, the assurances of my highest consideration.

Canada openly supported air India bombing killing their own citizens, their own court to rip their force.