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Dawah, Islamic Law, Punishments & Limits in Islam

I repeat. In empirical terms. Not theoretical.

To get you started here are some hints: healthy/fitter society, more scientists/doctors, cleaner environment, increased hygiene etc.

You need to quantify incremental benefit as before vs after metric.
How zakat is theoretical???
Once more.

What is the incremental benefit in quantifiable terms?

Let me help you again. Due to the creation of this islamic establishment, is there lesser poverty now? Less theft? Less crime? Safer populace?

Surely there must be some empirical benefit to pak society due to islam.
Or you dumb or acting like one, which Prophet are you talking about in case of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) he participated himself in 27 wars (Gazwas) and suffered serious wounds in battle of Uhad and faced severe attack in Battle of Hunain also

And on going to bed full, only a bigot with no knowledge of Islam could say this...he used to remain hungry for days in a week and that too regularly.

Check the following one Hadith among many
Ibn Abbas reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, would spend several nights in a row with an empty stomach, and his family would not find anything for dinner. Most of their bread was made from barley.

Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 2360

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Al-Albani

عَنْ ابْنِ عَبَّاسٍ قَالَ كَانَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ يَبِيتُ اللَّيَالِي الْمُتَتَابِعَةَ طَاوِيًا وَأَهْلُهُ لَا يَجِدُونَ عَشَاءً وَكَانَ أَكْثَرُ خُبْزِهِمْ خُبْزَ الشَّعِيرِ

2360 سنن الترمذي كتاب الزهد باب ما جاء في معيشة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم وأهله

125 المحدث الألباني خلاصة حكم المحدث صحيح في مختصر الشمائل
Why did you remove the bit of him tweaking decrees to consummate many times?

You reckoned that as an unjustifiable act and censored it.

Therein lies your demagogue. And the fallacy of your beliefs.
Why did you remove the bit of him tweaking decrees to consummate many times?

You reckoned that as an unjustifiable act and censored it.

Therein lies your demagogue. And the fallacy of your beliefs.
I can't allow your propaganda and the subsequent hiding. Distortions of fact. First answer questions in Dawah thread post #555
Like always you just showed how little you know about Islam and Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)

Brief response
Zaynab bint Jahsh (RA) was the cousin but NOT daughter in law of Prophet.
You have no context, Prophet never threatened to divorce his pious wives, instead ALLAH (SWT) asked them to either chose the worldly comforts or blessings of an eternal life with Prophet (PBUH)
When Hazrat Aisha (RA) wed Prophet (PBUH), no one even objected to it even PAGANs of that time except some modern ones doing now and of lately

Detailed response

Don't worry I won't let you have any excuse.

And this great scholar is from India so you won't have Tariq Jameel red herring
This post
I can't allow your propaganda and the subsequent hiding. Distortions of fact. First answer questions in Dawah thread post #555

It’s an internet forum for god’s sakes. No one is hiding from you

Back to the unresolved premise: how is modi’s proclamation - as outrageous as it might seem - any different from any other prophet’s call of being the special one?
You are in over your head in this. Calm down.

It’s an internet forum for god’s sakes. No one is hiding from you

Back to the unresolved premise: how is modi’s proclamation - as outrageous as it might seem - any different from any other prophet’s call of being the special one?
So Modi is your Prophet...I see

Make sense now why you get so upset defending him...😉
Anyway did you see the YouTube video by an Indian Muslim scholars on WHY Prophet Muhammad PBUH married women known as Mothers of the Believers and what was the rationale behind it?

Plz have a look first before appearing prematurely to debate on said topic. @Farhan The Man.

Also the said video also mentions many restrictions which ONLY applied on Prophet Muhammad PBUH instead of all believers. Plz check
that too.

Videos on Post 555
OK. Let's give this a go.

Name me one -- and I repeat one -- benefit islam brought about to pak society since rebrand from secular pakistan to IRP in 1971?

With empirical evidence please. No theology.

First for you information Pakistan ≠ Islam. So if Pakistan government is not implementing Islamic laws in its constitution in spirit then it's the flaw of government and state apparatus not Islam.

But still coming back to your "empirical evidence" as the term suggest you find some stats related to economy so check below not 1 but more "empirical evidences" in a nominal Islam following Pakistan:

Have a nice day
So Modi is your Prophet...I see

Make sense now why you get so upset defending him...😉

I think this confirms what I suspected from the very beginning about this guy, an Indian non-Muslim who's used the name Farhan here but having read his posts, the guy doesn't know anything about Islam, so I don't think he's an ex-Muslim by any stretch.

He reminds me of a similar account, PakLFC, who was also an Indian, pretending to be a Pakistani.
So pakistan did not implement islam since 1971. Neither bhutto, nor zia, nor benazir, nor nawaz, nor immy.

So why did it go the extra mile to rebrand itself - in name only per your assertion- as islamic republic of pakistan?


First for you information Pakistan ≠ Islam. So if Pakistan government is not implementing Islamic laws in its constitution in spirit then it's the flaw of government and state apparatus not Islam.

But still coming back to your "empirical evidence" as the term suggest you find some stats related to economy so check below not 1 but more "empirical evidences" in a nominal Islam following Pakistan:

Have a nice day
So pakistan did not implement islam since 1971. Neither bhutto, nor zia, nor benazir, nor nawaz, nor immy.

So why did it go the extra mile to rebrand itself - in name only per your assertion- as islamic republic of pakistan?
Yeah that a pity that the governments in Pakistan never showed sincerity in implementing Islamic rules in it's true spirit. And naming it a Islamic republic was the least that they could do especially knowing that Pakistan was founded on the premise to implement Islamic principles
I think this confirms what I suspected from the very beginning about this guy, an Indian non-Muslim who's used the name Farhan here but having read his posts, the guy doesn't know anything about Islam, so I don't think he's an ex-Muslim by any stretch.

He reminds me of a similar account, PakLFC, who was also an Indian, pretending to be a Pakistani.
We know everybody's true identity even of "Namoona" poster too but sometimes we don't disclose it before time 🙂
Yeah that a pity that the governments in Pakistan never showed sincerity in implementing Islamic rules in it's true spirit. And naming it a Islamic republic was the least that they could do especially knowing that Pakistan was founded on the premise to implement Islamic principles
Yea pity indeed.

If rebranding itself as islamic destroyed a nation as a failed economy that cannot secure its own people, shudder to think how much worse it could be by implementing islam.

In any case, thanks for confirming pakistan as a pretend country. Your words not mine.
Yea pity indeed.

If rebranding itself as islamic destroyed a nation as a failed economy that cannot secure its own people, shudder to think how much worse it could be by implementing islam.

In any case, thanks for confirming pakistan as a pretend country. Your words not mine.
Atleast we try and rather than claiming ourselves as "Secularists" with bigots and extremists at helm of affairs.

And if Islamic principles had been Pakistan's guiding source, then Pakistan would have been far ahead then regional oligarch dominated economies.
Atleast we try and rather than claiming ourselves as "Secularists" with bigots and extremists at helm of affairs.

And if Islamic principles had been Pakistan's guiding source, then Pakistan would have been far ahead then regional oligarch dominated economies.
Well you got terrorists and zealots as your spearheads.

Nevertheless, we are not munafiqs. We don’t pretend-play. Like your mazhab ke thekedar kind.

Again your words, not mine.
Well you got terrorists and zealots as your spearheads.

Nevertheless, we are not munafiqs. We don’t pretend-play. Like your mazhab ke thekedar kind.

Again your words, not mine.
You mean those terrorists who couldn't travel to EU and US before...yep shame he is still PM of some country 😏 infact he claims himself a prophet according to you. Your words, not mine
I never said prophet. He said godsend.

Calm down.
prophet did occupy political head of table, and indeed set rules matching his benefit.

He neither went to bed hungry nor he participated in any wars himself.

In worldly terms, his rise was phenomenal from an shepherd to the one in charge of a doctrine. Similar from chaiwala to pm modi.

I ask again, what is the difference for either purported "godsend"?
Yes you never called him similar to Prophet 🤦
Name calling is 3rd grade.

Remember you volunteered to answer questions.

You can’t fold this quickly.
Aren't you an atheist who is a in actual a Hindutva fan boy who can't disclose it?

Ok If you are not one... although I know exactly what you are . Then plz enlighten us all about your religious standing so could answer you as per your religious beliefs or dogmas
Aren't you an atheist who is a in actual a Hindutva fan boy who can't disclose it?

Ok If you are not one... although I know exactly what you are . Then plz enlighten us all about your religious standing so could answer you as per your religious beliefs or dogmas
You are throwing monkey wrenches, hoping some stick.

You fear my identity because it destroys your illusion. I am almost like you. Clocked 11 years in madrassah education witnessing firsthand the hypocrisy.

Your foundation is flaky. Like loose sand.
You are throwing monkey wrenches, hoping some stick.

You fear my identity because it destroys your illusion. I am almost like you. Clocked 11 years in madrassah education witnessing firsthand the hypocrisy.

Your foundation is flaky. Like loose sand.
Make someone else fool...I am student of deedat...like him know how to hook swaggarts and you are too naive to understand it.
We know everybody's true identity even of "Namoona" poster too but sometimes we don't disclose it before time 🙂

Yes I was wondering where Namoona was all this time but I guess it was only a matter of time before identity would be exposed.

Hope you don't mind me asking is this Farhan guy an alt account?
What do you mean cannot be negated ? The Quran says the Moon was split by the prophet. This is just not true at all. Never happened. Science tells you that.
Oh so you believe in science I see. Just read and enjoy this post then

First there are eye witnesses to it which reigns supreme over scientific evidence. As you love only hindu fellows so instead of naming a plethora of Muslim and Arab names. This former hindu king witnessed it himself and later embraced Islam just because of this miracle.

King Cheraman Perumal from Kerala

Besides they were people from some other areas and civilization too that you could see from this very neutral slide share project presenting both sides arguments and facts

But since you have recently became a "Science man", check out the following and (many likewise available on Google) pics of cracks on moon
And fun fact scientists have four different theories on how they crack may have emerged ie they don't even have a consensus on this issue at all. And still to this date NO CONCLUSIVE evidence has been made by scientists to reject the moon splitting as mentioned in Holy Quran

And now they are claiming that moon might be shrinking.

Anyways you can find many pics and corroborative evidence in above shared slides too which suggest that Islamic claim can be true.

Anyway most importantly, how come you guys claim yourself to be a science guy when in your own religion you Worship such gods who have the bodies of human but head of animals. Anyway unlike you guys I don't want to criticize and troll any religion. But when people keep digressing debate to deflect criticism of their non biological PM and instead chose to target Holy Prophet PBUH then sometimes it warrants to show them mirror.
Oh so you believe in science I see. Just read and enjoy this post then

First there are eye witnesses to it which reigns supreme over scientific evidence. As you love only hindu fellows so instead of naming a plethora of Muslim and Arab names. This former hindu king witnessed it himself and later embraced Islam just because of this miracle.

King Cheraman Perumal from Kerala

Besides they were people from some other areas and civilization too that you could see from this very neutral slide share project presenting both sides arguments and facts

But since you have recently became a "Science man", check out the following and (many likewise available on Google) pics of cracks on moon

And fun fact scientists have four different theories on how they crack may have emerged ie they don't even have a consensus on this issue at all. And still to this date NO CONCLUSIVE evidence has been made by scientists to reject the moon splitting as mentioned in Holy Quran

And now they are claiming that moon might be shrinking.

Anyways you can find many pics and corroborative evidence in above shared slides too which suggest that Islamic claim can be true.

(I am going to only address the science aspect.)

A tidbit from your own "evidence" :

New research indicates cracks in the moon's crust that have formed as the interior has cooled and shrunk over the last billion years or so. That means the surface has shrunk, too, though not so anyone would notice just from gazing at it.

Find me a scientific article that says the cracks were a result of the Moon splitting into two parts ( as opposed to the moon shrinking over billions of years ).

Conversely just do some research on what would be the consequences to Earth if the moon were to break into two parts. Modern science has answers to that.

Anyway most importantly, how come you guys claim yourself to be a science guy when in your own religion you Worship such gods who have the bodies of human but head of animals. Anyway unlike you guys I don't want to criticize and troll any religion. But when people keep digressing debate to deflect criticism of their non biological PM and instead chose to target Holy Prophet PBUH then sometimes it warrants to show them mirror.

The difference is nobody tries to justify these Hindu beliefs using science like you are doing. There is a reason why they are categorized as religious beliefs and not scientific facts.
The difference is nobody tries to justify these Hindu beliefs using science like you are doing. There is a reason why they are categorized as religious beliefs and not scientific facts.
Yep that is the reason that you guys hesitate greatly to defend your religion because unfortunately you can't defend it. Conversely every physical phenomenon ideally should be defended and only Islam does it.

And of religious ideas that can't be left on science relates to metaphysical realm. But everybody could see the question I asked you above pertained to metaphysical or non metaphysical realm.
(I am going to only address the science aspect.)

A tidbit from your own "evidence" :

New research indicates cracks in the moon's crust that have formed as the interior has cooled and shrunk over the last billion years or so. That means the surface has shrunk, too, though not so anyone would notice just from gazing at it.

Find me a scientific article that says the cracks were a result of the Moon splitting into two parts ( as opposed to the moon shrinking over billions of years ).

Conversely just do some research on what would be the consequences to Earth if the moon were to break into two parts. Modern science has answers to that.

The difference is nobody tries to justify these Hindu beliefs using science like you are doing. There is a reason why they are categorized as religious beliefs and not scientific facts.
Below is my post which you seemed to have not read in full ( This time even highlighted bits for you) and if you observe I had already answered your query but still there is an evidence from a source.

The formation of cracks on the Moon's surface is primarily attributed to asteroid impacts and tectonic activity.
Asteroid Impacts: High-speed collisions with asteroids have fragmented the lunar crust, creating deep cracks that can extend up to 12 miles deep and laterally for hundreds of kilometers.

Tectonic Activity: As the Moon loses heat over billions of years, its interior shrinks, causing the surface to crinkle and form features like wrinkle ridges and lobate scarps.

These processes contribute to the Moon's complex geological history and ongoing changes.
And fun fact scientists have four different theories on how they crack may have emerged ie they don't even have a consensus on this issue at all. And still to this date NO CONCLUSIVE evidence has been made by scientists to reject the moon splitting as mentioned in Holy Quran

And now they are claiming that moon might be shrinking.

Anyways you can find many pics and corroborative evidence in above shared slides too which suggest that Islamic claim can be true.
If you could access this research thesis then you could directly get answer to your question otherwise relevant information in abstract of the thesis too

Below is my post which you seemed to have not read in full ( This time even highlighted bits for you) and if you observe I had already answered your query but still there is an evidence from a source.

The formation of cracks on the Moon's surface is primarily attributed to asteroid impacts and tectonic activity.
Asteroid Impacts: High-speed collisions with asteroids have fragmented the lunar crust, creating deep cracks that can extend up to 12 miles deep and laterally for hundreds of kilometers.

Tectonic Activity: As the Moon loses heat over billions of years, its interior shrinks, causing the surface to crinkle and form features like wrinkle ridges and lobate scarps.

These processes contribute to the Moon's complex geological history and ongoing changes.

If you could access this research thesis then you could directly get answer to your question otherwise relevant information in abstract of the thesis too

Yes I read that article in its entirety. Show me where it says that a single event that happened about 1400 years ago was the cause for that crack.

If anything the timescale referred to in that article ( that you claim supports your belief ) is in the order of Billions of years.

Also did you research scientific explanation on what would be the impact to earth if the moon were to be split into two parts ?
Freedom of religion is enshrined in the Holy Quran itself. “Let there be no compulsion in religion”

With regards to Pakistanis treatment of minorities - its horrible at times and its rooted in false accusations of blasphemy. This is the root cause of all issues. You can compare it to the mob lynchings in India based on cow meat.

No one however would strip someone naked for wearing a santa claus costume. Because all saints of Christanity are our saints. Christmas if seen with the angle of celebration of Christ birth is our celebration as well.

Christians however are free to practise their religion. You probably are not aware but Muslims can even pray in a church. There are a lot of catholic schools. I myself was in a catholic school till 6th grade.

The problems with India and Pakistan are not the same thats why Indians need to stop equating with Pakistan in everything.
This will open a can of worms.

If everyone can choose and follow their own religion, why were the apostasy wars fought by Caliph Abu Bakr? Why didn't he leave people alone and say that to each his own? Why is conversion from Islam banned in so many Islamic nations?

You are lying when you say Muslims believe in Christian saints? You mean, Islam believes in Saint Paul and other saints and their miracles? :rolleyes: If so, you become Catholics.

Musims can pray in Catholic churches. But can Christians pray in a Mosque? Let me know.

Indians will stop equating with Pakistan when the criticism comes from Pakistanis. You cannot sit on a high horse and preach others while your own nation is doing even poorer.
quran says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion”

hadees says: "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims." — Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:83:17

Another contradiction. Small wonder chaos reigns supreme in islamic populace. What to do, more importantly what not to do.
quran says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion”

hadees says: "The blood of a Muslim who confesses that none has the right to be worshipped but Allah and that I am His Apostle, cannot be shed except in three cases: In Qisas for murder, a married person who commits illegal sexual intercourse and the one who reverts from Islam (apostate) and leaves the Muslims." — Sahih al-Bukhari, 9:83:17

Another contradiction. Small wonder chaos reigns supreme in islamic populace. What to do, more importantly what not to do.

I think the reference is wrong , Bukhari 917 is

The punishment for Apostasy in an Islamic Caliphate is death.

The aversion, rolling eyes etc are mostly answered here, before making a counter argument spend 22 minutes and actually listen.

@Farhan The Man. Your questions have been answered already before in this thread. So plz come with something new 🥱
Once more.

What is the incremental benefit in quantifiable terms?

Let me help you again. Due to the creation of this islamic establishment, is there lesser poverty now? Less theft? Less crime? Safer populace?

Surely there must be some empirical benefit to pak society due to islam.
So no observed benefit to pak society since islam rebrand in 1971.

Still no takers? Calling all islamists here.

@MenInG @the Great Khan @Cpt. Rishwat @DeadlyVenom @aboveandbeyond @sweep_shot @BouncerGuy @The Bald Eagle @Justcrazy @topspin
Alhumdulilah, what a great and blessed exercise

In a remarkable acknowledgment of Islamic practices, Harvard University has declared that the posture of Sujood—the act of prostration performed in Muslim prayers—is the most effective natural remedy for back pain.

According to the study, the unique position of Sujood, where the forehead touches the ground, helps in improving spinal alignment, enhancing blood circulation, and relieving pressure on the lower back.

Researchers emphasized that the repetitive movement involved in daily prayers offers therapeutic benefits, making it a holistic exercise for physical and mental well-being
Alhumdulilah, what a great and blessed exercise

In a remarkable acknowledgment of Islamic practices, Harvard University has declared that the posture of Sujood—the act of prostration performed in Muslim prayers—is the most effective natural remedy for back pain.

According to the study, the unique position of Sujood, where the forehead touches the ground, helps in improving spinal alignment, enhancing blood circulation, and relieving pressure on the lower back.

Researchers emphasized that the repetitive movement involved in daily prayers offers therapeutic benefits, making it a holistic exercise for physical and mental well-being

How is that posture different from a Yoga exercise posture ?
You just gave me the hadeeth , mention what is your objection to this?

so you don't see anything wrong with this verse? : https://quran.com/5/45-45

here is the translation as per that site:

"We ordained for them in the Torah, “A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth—and for wounds equal retaliation.” But whoever waives it charitably, it will be atonement for them. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the wrongdoers"
Alhumdulilah, what a great and blessed exercise
View attachment 150136

In a remarkable acknowledgment of Islamic practices, Harvard University has declared that the posture of Sujood—the act of prostration performed in Muslim prayers—is the most effective natural remedy for back pain.

According to the study, the unique position of Sujood, where the forehead touches the ground, helps in improving spinal alignment, enhancing blood circulation, and relieving pressure on the lower back.

Researchers emphasized that the repetitive movement involved in daily prayers offers therapeutic benefits, making it a holistic exercise for physical and mental well-being

Subhan Allah.

I always feel great mentally and physically whenever I make a sujood.
so you don't see anything wrong with this verse? : https://quran.com/5/45-45

here is the translation as per that site:

"We ordained for them in the Torah, “A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth—and for wounds equal retaliation.” But whoever waives it charitably, it will be atonement for them. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the wrongdoers"

What is the point in this verse?
You should know that very well ( and also the problematic parts ). Lets see if you can spot it.

Look the comment I made earlier was regarding a certain hadeeth.

Then you respond that with a verse. Here we come to discuss something , not play riddles.

If you have a question about that verse , just tell that. If I can answer I will , I will move on.

The amount of questions Muslims have answered , not one 10 % of that others answer.
Look the comment I made earlier was regarding a certain hadeeth.

Then you respond that with a verse. Here we come to discuss something , not play riddles.

If you have a question about that verse , just tell that. If I can answer I will , I will move on.

The amount of questions Muslims have answered , not one 10 % of that others answer.
Your ignorance -- and avoidance -- of violent scriptures calling for murder is obvious.

Sheep only lead themselves to the slaughterhouse by a violent dog. Keep at it.

Ending matches lifestyle.
Look the comment I made earlier was regarding a certain hadeeth.

Then you respond that with a verse. Here we come to discuss something , not play riddles.

If you have a question about that verse , just tell that. If I can answer I will , I will move on.

The amount of questions Muslims have answered , not one 10 % of that others answer.

It was from the exact same link that you were responding to in post# 602 .... so stop the passive aggressive gymnastics and answer the question I posed in post# 606 ... I have even provided the English translation in that post.

And the question is very simple do you see anything wrong with that verse 5-45 or not ?

here it is again:

"We ordained for them in the Torah, “A life for a life, an eye for an eye, a nose for a nose, an ear for an ear, a tooth for a tooth—and for wounds equal retaliation.” But whoever waives it charitably, it will be atonement for them. And those who do not judge by what Allah has revealed are ˹truly˺ the wrongdoers"​
You are so smart man. The first man was made from clay and the first female was made from his rib.:salute

Unfortunately science called it bogus more than a century ago. We have moved on since then.
Make a thread of your claim that "Humans evolved from apes" as you claimed and lets discuss. If you are certain of your position then there shouldn't be a problem proving it.

Many forums have a way to report irrelevant posts so they can be deleted to prevent people from derailing thread and running their mouths unnecessarily.

What I believe in or don't believe in can be discussed in the your thread.

Lets go.
Make a thread of your claim that "Humans evolved from apes" as you claimed and lets discuss. If you are certain of your position then there shouldn't be a problem proving it.

Many forums have a way to report irrelevant posts so they can be deleted to prevent people from derailing thread and running their mouths unnecessarily.

What I believe in or don't believe in can be discussed in the your thread.

Lets go.
You make a thread. Why will I make?

You made a claim that God made Adam and Eve. Basically a stamp of approval for creation story. I said it is bogus. So you create a thread and I will discuss with you.
I will always call out anyone who posts fairytale stories as truth.
You make a thread. Why will I make?

You made a claim that God made Adam and Eve. Basically a stamp of approval for creation story. I said it is bogus. So you create a thread and I will discuss with you.
I will always call out anyone who posts fairytale stories as truth.

The sign of a good human being is honesty, sticking to the truth and standing by your convictions.

The claim which you made here is "Humans evolved from Apes"

That is your claim, please have the courage to own your claim with science and try to defend it instead of trying to derail the conversation in multiple threads.

I will not answer anything else from you until you discuss your claim.
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Prophet Abraham (Peace be upon Him) was a Muslim.

In the context of violence, educate about Arjuna from Hindu sources.

Go Ahead.
Abraham was your typical insuter of statues. The original idol breaker.

Imagine someone demolishes a mosque to prove that your God is not real. :mv :rolleyes:. He will be called Islamophobe, genocidal maniac and what not. I guess the rules do not apply for Abraham since you guys consider him a prophet.:facepalm
Abraham was your typical insuter of statues. The original idol breaker.

Imagine someone demolishes a mosque to prove that your God is not real. :mv :rolleyes:. He will be called Islamophobe, genocidal maniac and what not. I guess the rules do not apply for Abraham since you guys consider him a prophet.:facepalm
Yes @Champ_Pal everyone doing such act must be ready to be thrown in the fire like Prophet Abraham (PBUH). Agree 👍

Although if someone doesn't consider himself a prophet then that is another case and must be dealt with law.