Dawah, Islamic Law, Punishments & Limits in Islam

nah. to me he is just another human. who I happen to agree with on one topic

Of course that be might a concept foreign to you
No.. I believe what you say. Trust me. I respect your views.

Like some other idiots around here who refuse to believe others, I’ll actually extend you that courtesy without asking for proof or written affidavit and such.
Its curse of the scientific profession. If someone makes a real world claim, we have this habit of asking them to prove it.

It pisses off, not just religious people, even athiests who make stuff up.

now you are back to special pleading.

I grew up in the rationalist culture in south india where mocking deities was routine and live in a land where I have legal right to.

funny that a religious person who wants to restrict others rights accuses other of entitlement
I’m going to take a leaf out of your book and prove to me how and when did I ever or my belief ever want to restrict others rights?

And what you consider pleading is human decency which you as an atheist seem to consider is beyond you. I belong in the scientific profession as well and I am sure based on my age .. for a lot longer than you.

Do you go around knocking on church doors making similar demands?
The alleged rationalist culture should also have taught you to keep your beliefs to yourself and respect others, if it didn’t well I feel sorry for such a culture. Just like I feel sorry for radical extremists belonging to each religion. You are then no different than they are, are you?
I’m going to take a leaf out of your book and prove to me how and when did I ever or my belief ever want to restrict others rights?
You would never do that. there are idiots constantly making the case that gods and prophets should not be mocked. I was referring to them.
And what you consider pleading is human decency which you as an atheist seem to consider is beyond you.
It is exactly special pleading when someone asks others to limit their freedom of expression WRT fictional characters

Do you go around knocking on church doors making similar demands?

Actually collected signatures at church doors to bring back slavery according to exodus 21, to outlaw divorce (had sign which said "till do us apart, you ain't dead yet"

This was during Prop 8 campaign in in 2008

fun times.
The alleged rationalist culture should also have taught you to keep your beliefs to yourself and respect others, if it didn’t well I feel sorry for such a culture. Just like I feel sorry for radical extremists belonging to each religion. You are then no different than they are, are you?
Nah. I don't go around asking people not to mock my favorite movie characters or commit murders when that happens
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the problem starts up when you start demanding don't eat my favorite/sacred animal, make exception for my favorite fairytale/myth/scripture in you freedom of expression, provide tax breaks for our religious party halls

Keep for what it is. your personal belief. just like your favorite football or hockey team

However, you seem to be doing the same, asking others to adopt your belief that there is no God and becoming upset when they do not agree.

I fully support the notion of providing tax breaks for atheistic beliefs, provided they do not endorse genocide or support governments that harbor former Prime Ministers accused of crimes against their own citizens.

I also believe that atheists should refrain from imposing their beliefs on others, just as they expect individuals of other religions to do.
However, you seem to be doing the same, asking others to adopt your belief that there is no God and becoming upset when they do not agree.
nope. I'm not asking anyone to adopt anything.
I fully support the notion of providing tax breaks for atheistic beliefs,
Interesting phrase. Their is not such thing as athiestic belief. I don't want to go off topic here. lets start another thread if you prefer.
I also believe that atheists should refrain from imposing their beliefs on others, just as they expect individuals of other religions to do.
Such as?

Personally, I've seen the light and I'm a pastafarian can you convince to join the Church of Venganza
You would never do that. there are idiots constantly making the case that gods and prophets should not be mocked. I was referring to them.

It is exactly special pleading when someone asks others to limit their freedom of expression WRT fictional characters


Actually collected signatures at church doors to bring back slavery according to exodus 21, to outlaw divorce (had sign which said "till do us apart, you ain't dead yet"

This was during Prop 8 campaign in in 2008

fun times.

Nah. I don't go around asking people not to mock my favorite movie characters or commit murders when that happens
So let me get this straight. The same rights that you want to claim for yourself, you want to deny others unless they provide you with a proof of the existence of God? Did I get this right? And how much sense does that make?

Like I said as a Muslim I am totally alright with you being you, but why is it that me being me is such a problem for you?

As a man of science and logic I hope you see the folly in your ways. I believe you live in the states. In due time hopefully you will assimilate and understand the philosophy of this country of right to religion.
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However, you seem to be doing the same, asking others to adopt your belief that there is no God and becoming upset when they do not agree.

I fully support the notion of providing tax breaks for atheistic beliefs, provided they do not endorse genocide or support governments that harbor former Prime Ministers accused of crimes against their own citizens.

I also believe that atheists should refrain from imposing their beliefs on others, just as they expect individuals of other religions to do.
That’s exactly what he is doing.

He is adamant that somehow us being Muslims is encroaching on his beliefs and ideas. With absolutely zero proof and justification.
This is why personally I align more with agnosticism because to enshrines the true right to belief of humanity rather than using the excuse of science to tell others not to believe in any philosophy because for one reason or another it doesn’t align with the scientific theories.
nope. I'm not asking anyone to adopt anything.

Interesting phrase. Their is not such thing as athiestic belief. I don't want to go off topic here. lets start another thread if you prefer.

Such as?

Personally, I've seen the light and I'm a pastafarian can you convince to join the Church of Venganza

You claim not to be asking anyone to adopt your beliefs, yet your tone suggests frustration with those who hold different views. By attempting to mock other belief systems and seeking tax breaks for your own, it appears you are asserting the superiority of atheism, a belief in the non-existence of a deity.

Indeed, extremists exist within every belief system. Just as you have and other Indians have dehumanized Bangladeshis simply because they are Muslim and resist electing an India backed candidate.

Perhaps it's time to practice the very tolerance you advocate for.
So let me get this straight. The same rights that you want to claim for yourself, you want to deny others unless they provide you with a proof of the existence of God? Did I get this right? And how much sense does that make?
did you understand what I posted? or what I was trying to do? Do you know what Prop 8 in california was?
Like I said as a Muslim I am totally alright with you being you, but why is it that me being me is such a problem for you?
Absolutely no problem. don't ask me to give up my constitutional right. We'll get along just fine. Same thing I say to my xtians of all denominations, hindus, buddhists etc etc.
Did the South Indian school you went to teach you at all about hypocrisy?
Actually the south india rationalists were all about hypocrisy. They were all for mocking only one religion. I chose to mock all religions.
As a man of science and logic I hope you see the folly in your ways. I believe you live in the states. In due time hopefully you will assimilate and understand the philosophy of this country of right to religion.
it also provides relief from religion.

practice your religion. don't let it interfere with my life and rights
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You claim not to be asking anyone to adopt your beliefs, yet your tone suggests frustration with those who hold different views.
nope. its your imagination or your apologetic training.
By attempting to mock other belief systems
yes, if they make laws based on fairly tales, I'll mock them and fight them.
and seeking tax breaks for your own,
Once again, nope. I'm asking for removal of tax breaks. not sure why it is confusing to you.
it appears you are asserting the superiority of atheism, a belief in the non-existence of a deity.
standard apologetic tactic. . As I said before, create a separate thread on this topic.
Indeed, extremists exist within every belief system. Just as you have and other Indians have dehumanized Bangladeshis simply because they are Muslim and resist electing an India backed candidate.
My contempt for east pakistanis started long before if it helps fell any better.
Perhaps it's time to practice the very tolerance you advocate for.
I'm very tolerant. as long you don't start encrouching my space with eintilement.
This is why personally I align more with agnosticism because to enshrines the true right to belief of humanity rather than using the excuse of science to tell others not to believe in any philosophy because for one reason or another it doesn’t align with the scientific theories.
Aren't we all agnostics with respect to god? if gnotic thiest, then you have knowledge that you can demonstrate for existence of god.

of course you have to define god first
nope. its your imagination or your apologetic training.

yes, if they make laws based on fairly tales, I'll mock them and fight them.

Once again, nope. I'm asking for removal of tax breaks. not sure why it is confusing to you.

standard apologetic tactic. . As I said before, create a separate thread on this topic.

My contempt for east pakistanis started long before if it helps fell any better.

I'm very tolerant. as long you don't start encrouching my space with eintilement.
You aren't tolerant.
Aren't we all agnostics with respect to god? if gnotic thiest, then you have knowledge that you can demonstrate for existence of god.

of course you have to define god first
So what is your contention here? Did you read the original post? Let’s get back to the topic. I think the OP did an excellent write up.

What is your bone to pick with here if you keep agreeing with us? And I know this issue is not directly related to this thread but why do we keep getting asked by “proof” to justify our belief by atheists?

Because this is how it has gone so far on the board as far as I can tell. Your countrymen come here and allege stuff. We post our defense and next thing we know you guys start asking us to prove it.

We post threads to clarify any ambiguity and denounce the extremists and yet again we get asked for proof. In the spirit of discussion we continue to engage but it is starting to feel awfully like a whole lot of you guys are simply extremist Hindus pretending to be atheists here to stir crap.

That’s just me. I have already put quite a few on ignore. And I also hope that in the spirit of proper and civil discussions the board moderators watch for such posts and such bad elements and ban them, whether they are trolls, extremist Hindus or Muslims, who keep going around in circles just cuz they don’t have anything better to do.
unproven assertion. just like god claims

What is asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.: Hitchens Razor.

You are not a deity either.

Your beliefs are yours to hold, and I do not seek to challenge or disprove your atheism. I have no objections to what you choose to believe. However, do not take issue with anyone practicing of their beliefs in a secular society that upholds the freedom of religion for all.

So you have absolute right to be selectively bigot against Muslims but do not get upset when you get called out for that as it is anyone’s right to call a bigot a bigot.

Let’s not try to pretend that you aren’t one. You have made your views quiet clear.
You are not a deity either.

Your beliefs are yours to hold, and I do not seek to challenge or disprove your atheism. I have no objections to what you choose to believe. However, do not take issue with anyone practicing of their beliefs in a secular society that upholds the freedom of religion for all.

So you have absolute right to be selectively bigot against Muslims but do not get upset when you get called out for that as it is anyone’s right to call a bigot a bigot.

Let’s not try to pretend that you aren’t one. You have made your views quiet clear.
He lives in the states but the baggage he carries he has brought all the way from back home, it seems.
From the top of my head, I can think of one thing. But it is from Hadith.

Sun prostrates under the throne of Allah after it sets and waits for his permission to rise again. How do you explain that?

What exactly is your concern here ? The term prostration of sun?
I have found that many Indians appear to hide behind the flexibility and lackadaisical approach of some Hindu denominations to pretend they are atheist with the sole aim of taking aim at Islam.
It is natural , if they accept that there are hindus , they will be eaten alive in any debate , trust me this is no exaggeration , because Hindu scriptures are full of stuff which will make corpse turn in grave laughing.
Stay on topic. No personal remarks and no mocking of religions here or else pleaseleave this thread.
It is natural , if they accept that there are hindus , they will be eaten alive in any debate , trust me this is no exaggeration , because Hindu scriptures are full of stuff which will make corpse turn in grave laughing.
Hindu scriptures are considered Mythology. I hope you know what Mythology means.

If Islamic scriptures are considered mythology too, then no one will question anything.
Hindu scriptures are considered Mythology. I hope you know what Mythology means.

If Islamic scriptures are considered mythology too, then no one will question anything.
There is questioning something in a sensible manner and then there is questioning something in a nonsensical fashion. There is a marked difference between the two. So far your method of questioning leaves a lot to be desired, as do your motives.
There is questioning something in a sensible manner and then there is questioning something in a nonsensical fashion. There is a marked difference between the two. So far your method of questioning leaves a lot to be desired, as do your motives.
non sensical claims will be questioned in a non sensical way
There is questioning something in a sensible manner and then there is questioning something in a nonsensical fashion. There is a marked difference between the two. So far your method of questioning leaves a lot to be desired, as do your motives.
I never questioned nonsensically. I questioned with proper proofs from Islamic scriptures.

When there is something wrong mentioned, you have to accept it. Progress cannot be made if you don’t accept mistakes in the scriptures.👍
I never questioned nonsensically. I questioned with proper proofs from Islamic scriptures.

When there is something wrong mentioned, you have to accept it. Progress cannot be made if you don’t accept mistakes in the scriptures.👍

So far most of your questions have been answered. But you keep coming back and keep making ridiculous claims such as the one about the Sun not having an orbit or stupid stuff like why does Quran say the orbits of sun, moon or earth cannot cross. it is scientifically proven that orbits of celestial bodies can cross and Quran simply states that in our solar system that would not happen and it is actually observed that they do not cross each other. This is just one example.

Then you ask for proof of the existence of God. You ask for silly nonsense such as why haven't we found any buried evidence since time immemorial that might give us an indication that God buried it there.
These are simply some of the actual questions, lies, scientifically proven inaccuracies you have mentioned in this thread.

And none of your debate points actually have any direct reference to the original post of this discussion which summarizes the main points of our standing on the topics of dawah, law and punishment. Instead of discussing those topics, topics this thread is intended for, you have dragged your own insecurities and bias about our faith and tried to hijack the thread with tall claims and scientific inaccuracies while pretending to be an atheist and when exposed, you run away for days only to come back and do the rinse and repeat cycle again.

So what makes you think you have any credibility left here that will convince us to engage you?
Hindu scriptures are considered Mythology. I hope you know what Mythology means.

If Islamic scriptures are considered mythology too, then no one will question anything.
If Hindus considered everything as Mythology , then there would be no religion . But what we see is contrary. The whole life style of hindus are based upon the religion they are following.
If Hindus considered everything as Mythology , then there would be no religion . But what we see is contrary. The whole life style of hindus are based upon the religion they are following.
Most of the stories are mythology. Ramayana and Mahabharata could be considered partially in the same category too. Its just over exaggeration of real events.

Sanatana is a philosophy. This is just my opinion. Hindus were forced to adopt the philosophy as a religion to counter the Islamic onslaught. It was a loosely organized faith until a South Indian Shankara established Shakti Peethas all across India around 750 AD. He tried to bring a semblance of organization in the culture. Our Mythology has become the religion slowly over the past thousand years.

Even in Islam, many stories are myths. You just have to read them. You guys don't agree that it is mythology.