Delhi Cop Suspended For 'Kicking' Namazis At Indralok After Protest By Muslims

To all my Muslim friends on this thread, I want to ask a question:

What does Allah, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Quran say about offering namaz?
Does it say that you have to offer namaz 5 times a day strictly no matter the circumstances, even if it means hurting or causing problems to others?
Or does Islam say you have to be considerate towards others while offering your prayers to Allah?

@Stewie @IMMY69

Once you answer this maybe it will clarify few things to each side.

This has nothing to do with islam.

This has to do with the country and the religion of the policeman.
Ok sure.

So just leave them to do the namaz, while they halt the traffic on a busy main road but let them finish, send a fine to them as punishment, is this what you are saying?
Force is ok but I don't think a kick to the stomach of someone prostrating is appropriate behaviour for a policeman.

But apart from this one small act the Delhi police should be applauded for the restraint they showed.

The praying Muslims should be condemned.
Yes hindus are evil, I agree. And how dare a hindu cop forget his place.

There is plenty wrong with anyone or any group that has extreme views, no matter what their religion is. But extremism is where it's at these days, and at the end of the day all that matters is that one is happy in their own skin
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You won’t understand because you come from a religious mindset.

No one has the right to disrupt any publics daily life for their own religion.

Anyone defending the Namazis should be the ones apologising and need to understand the world doesn’t revolve around their beliefs.

This argument would hold up in a country which was run on secular principles and had a reputation for professional policing. Doesn't work so well in one where religious riots are often used as a method of correction themselves while police stand by pretending to look the other way because they share the same religious bias as the rioters.
If I was a cop and saw someone was doing a pooja on the main road, I would tell him nicely at first to move and if he doesn't, grab him by the collar.

Would have done the same to a Muslim, a Jew or a Christian also... This ain't about no religion...
Hey tough cop, these guys were blocking my way. Can you please kick them out? I would like to thank you in advance because you won't be seen alive after kicking even one of them. :inti


It's sad because You went from being this Uber sarcastic uncle type of poster to someone who seems to have been ***** slapped by someone or some people from a certain religion...

I actually know the context because you gave a brief account of why you changed your views in another thread.

There is plenty wrong with anyone or any group that has extreme views, no matter what their religion is. But extremism is where it's at these days, and at the end of the day all that matters is that one is happy in their own skin
Don't think that I have become a muslim hater. I have started to realize that the muslim way of thinking is the right way for this world.

It was 2019 when I changed. I was inspired by communist environment. Hated religion and more so the one I was born into. My family, except my parents, hated me for that. In 2014, when Modi came to power, I went to vote for the communist candidate dressed fully in red to make a statement.

Read the Quran (or its translation) thrice, not to find faults which is what most people do, but to find peace, and in fact agreed with many things, while a few things were against my views. Always supported muslim business. Would walk further to muslim shops instead of those owned by hindus, because it felt good to exchange pleasantries with muslims. And tell them how I have been reading this new book on Ghalib, and to ask what Iqbal meant in his shiqwa series. The shopkeepers had named me Mohtesham. Employed muslim domestic helps. Hated anykind of hindu religion imagery. Even mocked the BJP supporters on every forum. I believed being pro muslim is the litmus test of anyone who calls himself liberal, and since I saw myself as one, I would always be pro muslim.

2019 it was. It felt like a slap. Like everything I believed in was a lie. The future world I believed in was a mirage and snake oil.

It doesn't mean now I am anti muslim. I want muslims to flourish in Muslim nations. I can't see pictures of palestinian kids. But in India, I want hindus to get their rights. And I don't want anyone to guilt trip hindus. I believe in Qaid-e-Azam's two nation theory now. And I believe in Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. I hate gandhi (used to feel hurt if someone criticized him in the past).

Muslims are admirable people. They have lots of qualities as a community, although individually they may have flaws, but even then, they show a lot of spine and honour for what they believe in. I don't hate them at all. Yes, I am jealous of them. The ones I hate and cannot stand are those hindus who call themselves secular. Munafiqs. Anyway, I will end my stream of thought now.
Hey tough cop, these guys were blocking my way. Can you please kick them out? I would like to thank you in advance because you won't be seen alive after kicking even one of them. :inti
Can you share the photo of Anurag Poddar, with his mother crying with her sons body on her lap, and his brain on the road? Shot by police for taking part in a processor. One less hindu.
Don't think that I have become a muslim hater. I have started to realize that the muslim way of thinking is the right way for this world.

It was 2019 when I changed. I was inspired by communist environment. Hated religion and more so the one I was born into. My family, except my parents, hated me for that. In 2014, when Modi came to power, I went to vote for the communist candidate dressed fully in red to make a statement.

Read the Quran (or its translation) thrice, not to find faults which is what most people do, but to find peace, and in fact agreed with many things, while a few things were against my views. Always supported muslim business. Would walk further to muslim shops instead of those owned by hindus, because it felt good to exchange pleasantries with muslims. And tell them how I have been reading this new book on Ghalib, and to ask what Iqbal meant in his shiqwa series. The shopkeepers had named me Mohtesham. Employed muslim domestic helps. Hated anykind of hindu religion imagery. Even mocked the BJP supporters on every forum. I believed being pro muslim is the litmus test of anyone who calls himself liberal, and since I saw myself as one, I would always be pro muslim.

2019 it was. It felt like a slap. Like everything I believed in was a lie. The future world I believed in was a mirage and snake oil.

It doesn't mean now I am anti muslim. I want muslims to flourish in Muslim nations. I can't see pictures of palestinian kids. But in India, I want hindus to get their rights. And I don't want anyone to guilt trip hindus. I believe in Qaid-e-Azam's two nation theory now. And I believe in Sir Syed Ahmad Khan. I hate gandhi (used to feel hurt if someone criticized him in the past).

Muslims are admirable people. They have lots of qualities as a community, although individually they may have flaws, but even then, they show a lot of spine and honour for what they believe in. I don't hate them at all. Yes, I am jealous of them. The ones I hate and cannot stand are those hindus who call themselves secular. Munafiqs. Anyway, I will end my stream of thought now.
Yaar what a post. Brought tears to my eyes.

Do you think Muslims who remain now can flourish in India or do you think the two communities should again be separated?
Can you share the photo of Anurag Poddar, with his mother crying with her sons body on her lap, and his brain on the road? Shot by police for taking part in a processor. One less hindu.
Who is stopping you from sharing it? Did they restrict your account because you blabber too much here these days? :inti
This has nothing to do with islam.

This has to do with the country and the religion of the policeman.

The incident is nothing to do with Islam, my question was to the Muslims replying on this topic who are defending or not condoning the actions of the Namazis or are trying to compare the behaviour of policeman of a country like India with western police forces without realising the difference between the two countries.

I wanted to see understand why there are 200+ replies on this thread when the topic only deserved few replies condemning the Namazis for their behaviour.
Who is stopping you from sharing it? Did they restrict your account because you blabber too much here these days? :inti
I don't share any news reports, and I don't create any threads if you notice. I only respond.

So since you have created the thread and sharing pictures, I want to ask why are you selective in what you share?
This argument would hold up in a country which was run on secular principles and had a reputation for professional policing. Doesn't work so well in one where religious riots are often used as a method of correction themselves while police stand by pretending to look the other way because they share the same religious bias as the rioters.

So do you believe the Namazi’s are stupid?

I mean from what you said, you living in England know Muslims are victims then why would Muslims deliberately cause trouble to Hindu commuters and expect not to be beaten up to pulp?

These Muslims living in India didn’t know that when even a neutral Brit living in England knows.
lol Clown, have you cried to the Mods yet in PM because it got a little too much for your sensitive little feelings... :LOL:

PM Modi coming back again and there isn't a thing a dumb pseudo like you can do about it, live with it....

Nope munna, I can very well put you in place. Since this is a public forum I am under the rules. :inti
I don't share any news reports, and I don't create any threads if you notice. I only respond.

So since you have created the thread and sharing pictures, I want to ask why are you selective in what you share?
I will share what I know. You are more than welcome to post stuff you know about. Is that ok now? :inti
My friend, your post is well intentioned but you don't get it. Do you think Pakistanis are as much outraged against their cops when they use the danda? It is the identity of the cop here. A hindu using the danda on muslim is what crosses their red line, but it is all within the line if a muslim cop does worse against muslim.

So you want to bring in what Islam says is fine, but they don't want a hindu to teach them or remind them about Islam. Identities. NishaaniyaaN.

I understand all that, I was curious to understand the mindset of the posters (I have pretty good idea about the reasons for their posts but thought to just indulge further)
Ok Dumba*, it was a figure of speech, you too dumb to figure it out, afterall your Idol is Raul Puppu.

Also what's to say the above celebrations were not planned in advance and there were no permits given by the government, you don't see the above on a regular basis, it is an anomaly...

Clown here comparing Apples with a Potato.

So you see people offering namaz on the roads on a regular basis? Also offering a namaz hardly takes 5-10 minutes whereas the pictures I posted above show clearly that the traffic is disrupted for almost a day.
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So you see people offering namaz on the roads on a regular basis? Also offering a namaz hardly takes 5-10 minutes whereas the pictures I posted above show clearly that the traffic is disrupted for almost a day.
Yeah I have actually, I have seen ppl offer Namaz on the roads in India more routinely than the one off picture you placed. I have seen in it Malapuram in Kerala.
So you see people offering namaz on the roads on a regular basis? Also offering a namaz hardly takes 5-10 minutes whereas the pictures I posted above show clearly that the traffic is disrupted for almost a day.
Lol, I don't care if they do it for 5 minutes or an hour, they dont get to block public property
Lol, I don't care if they do it for 5 minutes or an hour, they dont get to block public property
What about people blocking roads during festivals, protests, rallies etc? And that is not even for 5 minutes. They were wrong but cop kicking them like this wasn't required. :inti
Yaar what a post. Brought tears to my eyes.

Do you think Muslims who remain now can flourish in India or do you think the two communities should again be separated?
Muslims have not been flourishing in the years prior to BJP rule. They are a leaderless community. Muslim leaders have to align with the so called "secular" parties. But any independent muslim leader like Owaisi ( he is the only celebrity I have a selfie with) is attacked by these secular parties, and is not included in the anti BJP front.

Compare them with dalits, the real downtrodden. Muslim are a proud community, with history of victories, glorious past, poets and intellectuals. Dalits didnt have any of these. Yet dalits have become a powerful factor in politics and done well as a community. They have had their own CMs, and no party, not even the BJP can speak against them. They had a leader called Ambedkar, who always wore a suit. The wearing of suit is more revolutionary then gandhi shedding is clothes. He is a role model for Dalits. Muslims need a leader like that. But the secular parties won't allow that.

Not sure muslims will flourish without hindu support. In the past hindu muslim riots happened where the two didn't depend on each other, and didn't happen where both businesses depended on each other. With increasing separation, things will only go worse. You may get the fruits of development like better roads, water connection, but knowing that the people across the street hate you and certain regions are no go areas can have a mental trauma that no development can compensate for.

Finally muslims can blame others, from politicians to BJP to whatsapp hindus, but they also share a big part of the blame. They, or at least the clergy and a sizeable number of muslims, always wanted a parallel system where the state does not interfere with them. This exclusivity is not going to be sustainable. They have to chart their own course now since those who patronised this exclusivity are losing power.
@Romali_rotti I didn't even say they were right even once in this thread so there is no point of admitting it later. Most of the people here accepted that offering namaz wasn't right but the main point of this thread was Cop's behaviour towards them. Do you agree with him kicking them like this?

you don't do Namaz on the middle of the road even if it is for 10 seconds. The government has not given any permits to do it.
But those farm protesters recently and last year weren't treated like animals. Were they kicked like this? If they break the law you issue you fines, the Policeman aren't there to be executioners
But those farm protesters recently and last year weren't treated like animals. Were they kicked like this? If they break the law you issue you fines, the Policeman aren't there to be executioners
They hijacked one side of the road for more than 1 year lol. We had to go through a different route. Good point. :inti
But those farm protesters recently and last year weren't treated like animals. Were they kicked like this? If they break the law you issue you fines, the Policeman aren't there to be executioners
Please go and talk to any farm protestor and you will find out.

How do the police in Pakistan behave? Do they issue a fine and let them go?
If you didn't get cornered, you would not once ever say anything about doing Namaz on the main road being wrong.
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Please go and talk to any farm protestor and you will find out.

How do the police in Pakistan behave? Do they issue a fine and let them go?
No, just as bad. I am not defending any Police force that beats people up. So if you are right then why did the protests go on for months
Muslims have not been flourishing in the years prior to BJP rule. They are a leaderless community. Muslim leaders have to align with the so called "secular" parties. But any independent muslim leader like Owaisi ( he is the only celebrity I have a selfie with) is attacked by these secular parties, and is not included in the anti BJP front.

Compare them with dalits, the real downtrodden. Muslim are a proud community, with history of victories, glorious past, poets and intellectuals. Dalits didnt have any of these. Yet dalits have become a powerful factor in politics and done well as a community. They have had their own CMs, and no party, not even the BJP can speak against them. They had a leader called Ambedkar, who always wore a suit. The wearing of suit is more revolutionary then gandhi shedding is clothes. He is a role model for Dalits. Muslims need a leader like that. But the secular parties won't allow that.

Not sure muslims will flourish without hindu support. In the past hindu muslim riots happened where the two didn't depend on each other, and didn't happen where both businesses depended on each other. With increasing separation, things will only go worse. You may get the fruits of development like better roads, water connection, but knowing that the people across the street hate you and certain regions are no go areas can have a mental trauma that no development can compensate for.

Finally muslims can blame others, from politicians to BJP to whatsapp hindus, but they also share a big part of the blame. They, or at least the clergy and a sizeable number of muslims, always wanted a parallel system where the state does not interfere with them. This exclusivity is not going to be sustainable. They have to chart their own course now since those who patronised this exclusivity are losing power.
Well said. What the Muslims (and to be honest most communities) need in India is leadership that's not obsessed with muslimness or Islamic issues. They need to be driven by community development issues like education, jobs etc. There are a few but they work in the background.

Most of the public, political leaders are obsessed with pointless issues like preserving triple talaq, male dominated inheritance etc.
Muslims have not been flourishing in the years prior to BJP rule. They are a leaderless community. Muslim leaders have to align with the so called "secular" parties. But any independent muslim leader like Owaisi ( he is the only celebrity I have a selfie with) is attacked by these secular parties, and is not included in the anti BJP front.

Compare them with dalits, the real downtrodden. Muslim are a proud community, with history of victories, glorious past, poets and intellectuals. Dalits didnt have any of these. Yet dalits have become a powerful factor in politics and done well as a community. They have had their own CMs, and no party, not even the BJP can speak against them. They had a leader called Ambedkar, who always wore a suit. The wearing of suit is more revolutionary then gandhi shedding is clothes. He is a role model for Dalits. Muslims need a leader like that. But the secular parties won't allow that.

Not sure muslims will flourish without hindu support. In the past hindu muslim riots happened where the two didn't depend on each other, and didn't happen where both businesses depended on each other. With increasing separation, things will only go worse. You may get the fruits of development like better roads, water connection, but knowing that the people across the street hate you and certain regions are no go areas can have a mental trauma that no development can compensate for.

Finally muslims can blame others, from politicians to BJP to whatsapp hindus, but they also share a big part of the blame. They, or at least the clergy and a sizeable number of muslims, always wanted a parallel system where the state does not interfere with them. This exclusivity is not going to be sustainable. They have to chart their own course now since those who patronised this exclusivity are losing power.
Dalits exist in the Dharmic eco system that you guys made up whereas Muslims are seen as outsiders, invaders, those that spat on their ancestors.

The proud muslim inheritors of that cultural tradition you mentioned are now in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Indian Muslim are as you quite rightly say need a leader, but I don't think that a strong leader will be enough to free them from their fate.

They have the following choices:

1. Fully embrace secular system and give up any privileges currently afforded to them like the marriage act.

2. Live in a Hindu Rashtra but come up with a more Dharmic form of Islam. Perhaps like AJ Kalam.

3. Strengthen and become a collective to push for another partition.

Apart from these difficult choices I don't think they have any hope.
Dalits exist in the Dharmic eco system that you guys made up whereas Muslims are seen as outsiders, invaders, those that spat on their ancestors.

The proud muslim inheritors of that cultural tradition you mentioned are now in Pakistan and Bangladesh. Indian Muslim are as you quite rightly say need a leader, but I don't think that a strong leader will be enough to free them from their fate.

They have the following choices:

1. Fully embrace secular system and give up any privileges currently afforded to them like the marriage act.

2. Live in a Hindu Rashtra but come up with a more Dharmic form of Islam. Perhaps like AJ Kalam.

3. Strengthen and become a collective to push for another partition.

Apart from these difficult choices I don't think they have any hope.
Agree that dalits had those advantages. Also they didn't ask for a separate country (nothing wrong with that). Muslim intelligentsia moved to Pakistan leaving the indian muslims intellectual orphans. Even now Indian muslims read Iqbal ( and the liberal ones Faiz), and watch Pakistani content. They used to support Pakistan in cricket (another reason that indian team was a loser in 90s). I was in class 1 when my best friend distributed candies because Pakistan won the world cup. I only asked him in class 10, that why he did that. He said everyone called him Pakistani in his neighbourhood, so he used to give it back to them. I asked but why did you distribute candies in our class when no one taunted you, then he had no answer. Things changed when people like Zaheer Khan and Pathan came and I could overhear muslims celebrating their success and India's success. I was always intrigued by the hindu muslim problem, and spent lots of times with muslims ( you can say that if I am alive today, it is because of a muslim friend). I remember putting my languages as Urdu and favourite book to be one book praising Islam (forgot the name, was a western writer) and my hindu friends, even those whom I thought were secular, called me saying really, you like a book on Islam? Those were my virtue signalling and innocent days, but the Islamophobia among seculars was still a thing, just hidden in plain sight. I used to ask Muslims then, how do you feel in India. They said khush toh hain, lekin bahut khush nahi hain. That was pre social media says ( circa 2009 ). 10 years later I saw the protests on citizenship amendment, which didnt affect indian muslims at all. It was only to give minority refugees who were already residing in India a fast track citizenship, and only to those who had come before 2014. Till then I had supported any help extended to minorities, as minorities do need a helping hand, like a mother has to give extra bread to the weak son. I discussed with my muslims that how is giving the minority refugees a fast track citizenship affecting you? They said it is not secular. I said but you also get special privileges as a minority, so why protest any other minority getting help, especially when it does not take away anything from you. Lots of discussions, banging head against the wall, five stages of grief, and all that.

Now I don't remember what I was even replying to or what I wanted to say, and went on a tangent in my own stream of incoherent thoughts. Yes, I agree with the three points, that they are the choices they have. Let them chart their own course.
But those farm protesters recently and last year weren't treated like animals. Were they kicked like this? If they break the law you issue you fines, the Policeman aren't there to be executioners
Some ministers son ran over them with his SUV.
You have no clue what the farm protestors had to face both online and in reality. It was 100 times worse than a justified kick.
But those farm protesters recently and last year weren't treated like animals. Were they kicked like this? If they break the law you issue you fines, the Policeman aren't there to be executioners

Google videos of how climate protestors are dealt with by police and civilians in the west.

The Delhi cop was pretty restrained compared to how rest of the world deals with troublemakers.
@Bhaag Viru Bhaag I am surprised you are not in support of this cops action, having lived to CAA/NRC protest which caused 4+ hour commute daily or through farmers protest which caused massive jams, I would have assumed every Delhiite would want the police to take strict action and in fact lathi charge to clear such moronic gatherings which block traffic.
Google videos of how climate protestors are dealt with by police and civilians in the west.

The Delhi cop was pretty restrained compared to how rest of the world deals with troublemakers.
A diabolical post
These weren't trouble makers, they were reading namaz. In which dictionary is that defined as a trouble maker except the one you guys follow. I agree they need to be punished but with fines not violence
Some ministers son ran over them with his SUV.
You have no clue what the farm protestors had to face both online and in reality. It was 100 times worse than a justified kick.
Can you tell me under which law the Policeman was kicking people. Surely if its justified than it must be within the law.
A diabolical post
These weren't trouble makers, they were reading namaz. In which dictionary is that defined as a trouble maker except the one you guys follow. I agree they need to be punished but with fines not violence

All of them are not mentally retarded, some of them definitely have a normal functioning brain which tells them that praying on a MAIN ROAD will cause trouble to commuters.

They could have prayed on the side or anywhere else yet they chose to pray on the main road to cause trouble intentionally.

If all of them turn out to be mentally retarded without a fully functioning brain then I would yield and say the didn’t deserve to be kicked.
Can you tell me under which law the Policeman was kicking people. Surely if its justified than it must be within the law.

It’s India not UK where you live. You think police follows laws? Or you think people follow the law? Or do you think people will even pay the fine?

People living in west have a very different idea and are generally far away from reality and lack context when talking about the third world.

It’s not just you, I moved down under last year and it’s the same here, people talk to me about things in India expecting it to be same as here, while not realising its two different worlds.
It’s not just you, I moved down under last year and it’s the same here, people talk to me about things in India expecting it to be same as here, while not realising its two different worlds.

This what we call the 'soft bigotry of low expectations.

In other words, big_gamer007 thinks India should continue with its jugaad ways and never seek to improve itself.
Google videos of how climate protestors are dealt with by police and civilians in the west.

The Delhi cop was pretty restrained compared to how rest of the world deals with troublemakers.

Difference is climate protestors look to block roads for a long period of time. Jumuah Namaz is like 5-6 minutes long.

I personally don't support blocking roads without permissions though.
So do you believe the Namazi’s are stupid?

I mean from what you said, you living in England know Muslims are victims then why would Muslims deliberately cause trouble to Hindu commuters and expect not to be beaten up to pulp?

These Muslims living in India didn’t know that when even a neutral Brit living in England knows.

I do know that when the mosques get too full the overspill sometimes leads to people praying outside, but usually in the grounds somewhere, like a car park.

If it happened in Britain, and they were blocking the roads, I think they would be moved by the police, but it would be an organised operation, random cops would not be allowed to aim kicks like petulant schoolchildren at the nearest worshipper. They certainly wouldn't be "beaten to a pulp", but that is the sort of language I would expect from people who have voted in a PM who facilitates mob riots in favour of his own co-religionists. In the UK we are far above this.
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I would expect from people who have voted in a PM who facilitates mob riots in favour of his own co-religionists. In the UK we are far above this.
The army was called the very same day the riots began, and second day army reached and did flag march. Cops were also called from neighbouring state the very same day. Is that how riots are facilitated? Or do you have access to some evidence which is not in public domain?
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This thread is about cops, and since a pakistani is advising how cops should behave, it is only natural to ask how do pakistani cops behave?

Pakistani cops are notoriously bad, even in their own country they have a terrible reputation. Where do you think the inspiration for my username came from?

Years ago there was even a documentary produced called Karachi Cops on British tv which covered their antics which became quite the talking point. I don't think you will find many posters on here who will be defending Pakistani cops I am sorry to report.
Difference is climate protestors look to block roads for a long period of time. Jumuah Namaz is like 5-6 minutes long.

I personally don't support blocking roads without permissions though.
Because you cannot solve a big problem, it means that you should not also solve a smaller problem? Otherwise the smaller problem will say hey, why did you not solve the big problem?
Pakistani cops are notoriously bad, even in their own country they have a terrible reputation. Where do you think the inspiration for my username came from?

Years ago there was even a documentary produced called Karachi Cops on British tv which covered their antics which became quite the talking point. I don't think you will find many posters on here who will be defending Pakistani cops I am sorry to report.
When everyone here knows how cops are in these parts, the disproportionate outrage here is because of the identity of the cop. A hindu cop daring to kick a muslim. That is the whole crux of the problem which has triggered outrage. Lets not pretend otherwise.
The army was called the very same day the riots began, and second day army reached and did flag march. Cops were also called from neighbouring state the very same day. Is that how riots are facilitated? Or do you have access to some evidence which is not in public domain?

The reports I read the cops were ordered to stand down and stood watching as the hindutva mobs marched with their swords and machetes towards Ehsan Jafri's house before dismembering him in the same house his family hid cowering. There were numerous news articles, at least one of which was posted here as well. Army and cops might well have been called on the same day, but they waited until the damage had already been done.
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When everyone here knows how cops are in these parts, the disproportionate outrage here is because of the identity of the cop. A hindu cop daring to kick a muslim. That is the whole crux of the problem which has triggered outrage. Lets not pretend otherwise.

So you want us to criticise Pakistani cops and politicians but praise Indian ones when they act in a similar manner? :unsure:
The reports I read the cops were ordered to stand down and stood watching as the hindutva mobs marched with their swords and machetes towards Ehsan Jafri's house before dismembering him in the same house his family hid cowering. There were numerous news articles, at least one of which was posted here as well. Army and cops might well have been called on the same day, but they waited until the damage had already been done.
It is true that cops have their own biases. They are not robots, or really objective. But most of the accusation was based on a top cop, who turned out to be in touch with the ruling congress about how to frame Modi. The riot was of such a scale that it was hard to manage. Cops said that they were surprised as the rioters were not people with criminal records, but normal (at least before the riots) people.

To say that Modi facilitated the riots is a big statement and should not be made lightly. First, it means that he planned the train burning, so that riots would follow. Second, that he called army and cops as reinforcement the very same day but asked them to wait till enough killings have been done. Where is the evidence? And how come Congress which was in power for 10 years could not frame Modi if they had all these evidences? Congress tried everything, and the very fact that they could not frame him shows that they had no standing.

Also wonder why no other CM has faced this scrutiny. Riots have happened in many other states in India, where many people have died. But no other CM has been accused of allowing people to die.
So you want us to criticise Pakistani cops and politicians but praise Indian ones when they act in a similar manner? :unsure:
A kick by a hindu on a muslim, is an attack on the entire community. A muslim cop beating or even killing a muslim is an internal family affair. This is how communities operate. I want what is happening right now. I am only explaining, not wishing that it be otherwise.
A kick by a hindu on a muslim, is an attack on the entire community. A muslim cop beating or even killing a muslim is an internal family affair. This is how communities operate. I want what is happening right now. I am only explaining, not wishing that it be otherwise.

You are thinking hindu culture, which definitely pervades throughout subcontinent including Pakistan. In a true Islamic state, the crime would be treated as a crime according to the Sharia regardless of the internal family aspect, which if you have studied Islam as extensively as you have claimed, you will know that a son can even testify against their father if they go against their deen.

This value of rule of law is actually more evident in non-Muslim western countries of which I am a citizen. It is reflected in our organisation and town planning skills which have made the west the leaders of the world.
You are thinking hindu culture, which definitely pervades throughout subcontinent including Pakistan. In a true Islamic state, the crime would be treated as a crime according to the Sharia regardless of the internal family aspect, which if you have studied Islam as extensively as you have claimed, you will know that a son can even testify against their father if they go against their deen.

This value of rule of law is actually more evident in non-Muslim western countries of which I am a citizen. It is reflected in our organisation and town planning skills which have made the west the leaders of the world.
That true Islamic state is on paper only. The muslim world reacts differently to acts by non muslims, vs those by muslims. You are talking about the theory, I am talking about the practical.
It’s India not UK where you live. You think police follows laws? Or you think people follow the law? Or do you think people will even pay the fine?

People living in west have a very different idea and are generally far away from reality and lack context when talking about the third world.

It’s not just you, I moved down under last year and it’s the same here, people talk to me about things in India expecting it to be same as here, while not realising its two different worlds.
Is Ind not part of the civilised World?
That true Islamic state is on paper only. The muslim world reacts differently to acts by non muslims, vs those by muslims. You are talking about the theory, I am talking about the practical.

Agreed, but you compared to Pakistan so I had to give reasons why no one respects cops in Pakistan, everyone knows they talk Islam but ancient culture has overwhelmed religious theory.

Better example to follow would be western countries which held onto code of Abraham more sincerely.
You can do whatever you want in your country.

In India, blocking roads for namaz isn't allowed.
Making Pandals on the road for puja , and then whole mobs of hindus around there doing aarti , blocking the road and disturbing the people is allowed?
It doesn't mean now I am anti muslim. I want muslims to flourish in Muslim nations. I can't see pictures of palestinian kids. But in India, I want hindus to get their rights.

Please elaborate instead of making vague meaningless one-liners like these... what rights do you want Hindus to have that they don't have at this moment ?
Agreed, but you compared to Pakistan so I had to give reasons why no one respects cops in Pakistan, everyone knows they talk Islam but ancient culture has overwhelmed religious theory.

Better example to follow would be western countries which held onto code of Abraham more sincerely.
Which ancient culture has overwhelmed the rest of the muslim countries, that they also show the same behavior (reacting based on identity of muslim vs non muslim)?
The way how policeman treaed those praying Muslims clearly showing that he has some personal grudges against Muslims.
Hey tough cop, these guys were blocking my way. Can you please kick them out? I would like to thank you in advance because you won't be seen alive after kicking even one of them. :inti


You shared photo of Anant Chaturdashi which is a public holiday… therefore, there is very less traffic on road… also Anant Chaturdashi is once in a year.
The law is the law...
Should be applied equally to everyone but how are you going to stop people from breaking the law if those that are there to uphold push and kick the miscreants...

Its these sorts of actions that weaponise religion... apply the law, fine them, but them in their pockets and if that doesn't work then prosecute them...
and waste tons of public money that could used for some thing else becos some entitled attention seek group wants attention?

The ancient culture of taghut, which in Arabic translates to idol worship.
Whatever bad in the muslim world is because of their idol worship past, and whatever good is because of Islam. So this explains why ideal islamic state is only on paper, and the idol worshipping culture dictates muslims behavior on the ground.

Suddenly I feel more connected with muslim world now.
A diabolical post
These weren't trouble makers, they were reading namaz. In which dictionary is that defined as a trouble maker except the one you guys follow. I agree they need to be punished but with fines not violence

Blocking roads is causing trouble unless you have permission for it.

Hoew difficult it is to understand that blocking roads without permission isn't allowed.
In your opinion police officer is animal, imo the people causing nuisance to public are the real animals.

The first point is this was a “MAIN ROAD” not a Normal road. Understand what a busy MAIN ROAD is.

The second thing people who have never lived in Delhi don’t understand is the traffic problem. After coming home from a tiring day at work if you get stuck in traffic for 2-3 hours only to later find out that it was because some idiots were praying on the road you won’t have any sympathy against them.
What if there was an ambulance stuck in traffic because of this and someone died? Or lost their job for missing an important meeting? Who will be responsible for that? Not these Namazis.
Delhi doesn’t have separate lanes for emergency vehicles.

Niyat/intent is a word which people quite often forget when debating such issues. They just look at it from their own bias and comment on such threads.

The “Niyat/Intention” of these Namazis was wrong. Unless all of them were mentally retarded, they very well knew that offering namaz on the “MAIN ROAD” will cause public disturbance and the only reason a normal person does that is to cause a problem which might or might not have been politically/religiously motivated seeing that elections are around the corner.

There are tens of thousands of videos on internet about climate protestors/LGBTQ+ etc blocking public roads and police/normal travellers dragging them by their hair, picking then up and throwing them off road or trying to run their car/bus over them in order to make them move.
These incidents happen in the most developed of the countries like Norway, Finland, Sweden etc the crème de coup of the world, however, there hasn’t been a single thread on PP about it and if there has been that thread would have had 5-10 replies.
Compared to what the protestors face in those countries the police officer of Delhi police was quite polite.

The reason this thread has hundreds of replies is because it happened against a Muslim and it happened in India. That’s why everyone here is replying and trying to justify the wrong act of Namazis. Personal bias/hatred/prejudice against another community/country is the reason for the replies on this thread.

Irrespective of religion, Next time someone does such a moronic thing in India in the name of religion they should be trashed with lathis to set an example for other morons who might try to do such stunts.
I've to take that road multiple times while travelling to that part of Delhi. And I can tell you, it is a very busy road even in non rush hours. No way it should be blocked by anyone, even for a few seconds or else its chaos all the way for KMs.

Namazis should have taken designated place to offer their prayers. OTOH, concerned police officer too should not have kicked someone who was worshipping (that is, if whatever is being circulated is true).
Hey tough cop, these guys were blocking my way. Can you please kick them out? I would like to thank you in advance because you won't be seen alive after kicking even one of them. :inti


I've been a victim of this sham myself.

Utterly condemnable behavior by people concerned in the name of religion. These kanvadiyas especially are such abomination. The way these goons occupy entire roads, intimidate anyone who dares to question them and comes in their way, is too much to bear. But we are unable to do anything. Someone who has authority to clear this lawlessness, Delhi Police are helpless for obvious reasons.
So you see people offering namaz on the roads on a regular basis? Also offering a namaz hardly takes 5-10 minutes whereas the pictures I posted above show clearly that the traffic is disrupted for almost a day.
These kanwadiyas block national highways for more than a fortnight. I can say this as I've been suffering from this menace ever since I've started travelling to Gurgaon and its been what, 17 years now.
Please elaborate instead of making vague meaningless one-liners like these... what rights do you want Hindus to have that they don't have at this moment ?

Not letting government loot our temples.

Having the same rights that other religions have under article 30.

Either having a UCC or letting Hindus have the same personal laws as per religion as other's have.

Just a few starters that requires constitutional amendments and isn't any dispute.
Is Ind not part of the civilised World?

The civilised world behaves even worse against troublemakers who block roads for common folks.

Again, plenty of videos available online just have to google “climate protestors” LGBTQ blocking roads etc
Making Pandals on the road for puja , and then whole mobs of hindus around there doing aarti , blocking the road and disturbing the people is allowed?

Yes just like processions during Tazia or Prophet's (Pbuh) are allowed.

Just like Namaz is allowed on roads outside mosques or big grounds on days like the one before Id.

Or Ones on Christmas Eve.

These happen with prior permission.
The civilised world behaves even worse against troublemakers who block roads for common folks.

Again, plenty of videos available online just have to google “climate protestors” LGBTQ blocking roads etc

Or maybe how Trudeau treated the truck drivers.
I've problem with Muharram processions happening on busiest of roads. It chokes entire traffic for hours at least. What if the prior permission has been obtained from authorities.

No one should be allowed disrupt public life, irrespective of their beliefs etc.