"Departments will be revived, 16 regions will play Quaid-e-Azam Trophy 1st Class": Shakil Shaikh


PakPassion Administrator
Staff member
Oct 2, 2004
"Departments will be revived, 16 regions will play Quaid-e-Azam Trophy 1st Class": Shakil Shaikh

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Departments under 2014 PCB Constitution shall be revived and restored and play Patron's Trophy 1st Class and their 4 Reps will be on PCB BOGs. <br>Similarly, 16 regions will play Quaid-e-Azam Trophy Ist Class with 4 regions on PCB BoGs.<br>Working out Modalities! <a href="https://twitter.com/najamsethi?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">@najamsethi</a></p>— Shakil Shaikh (@shakilsh58) <a href="https://twitter.com/shakilsh58/status/1608025080608559104?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">December 28, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
Excellent decision.

The 6 team drama clearly flopped & only took Pakistan backwards. It produced zero results.

Congratulations to every well-wisher of Pakistan cricket.
Farcical decision Taking the countries cricket back into the dark ages

Which other country in the world plays this stupid dept system alongside the regional competitions

They should be thinking of improving competition amd standards not reducing them
16 teams is way too much. Atleast restrict it to 10. And instead of regions make it city based.

Also keep the departmental tournaments seperate from the region, city based tournaments, don't mix the two.
Excellent decision.

The 6 team drama clearly flopped & only took Pakistan backwards. It produced zero results.

Congratulations to every well-wisher of Pakistan cricket.

I still think they need 2 divisions

16 might be less and they can do 20
Excellent decision. Please remember that domestic cricket's purpose is not just to provide International cricketers but also to provide meaningful employment for cricketers who are good enough for first class level.
Excellent decision.

The 6 team drama clearly flopped & only took Pakistan backwards. It produced zero results.

Congratulations to every well-wisher of Pakistan cricket.
The regions should be able to pull their own weight, otherwise we are taking a step backwards.

Departments were relied upon to do the heavy lifting and only a few were highly competitive, while the rest were nothing more than fillers. I understand we need more teams to absorb the massive cricket playing population we have compared to Australia, but there needs to be a structure and more importantly accountability at the right levels to make this work.
how will this work if the incumbent government lose the election before the next season starts?
how will this work if the incumbent government lose the election before the next season starts?
The precedence for revoking the current constitution has been set.

Expect Imran to do the same next time, although I really hope now that Sethi is in power, he is given the full term. It’s a joke if we keep changing the chairmen with such alarming regularity.
Fans of WAPDA, SNGPL, NBP, State Bank, UBL, HBL, etc are all waiting impatiently for the next season to start. I would support Meezan Bank if they had a team.
Another stupid decision from these clowns that have destroyed everything else in PK so why leave PK cricket alone. Look at this idiot Shakil Sheikh, a corrupt thug working along side Sethi, a man so corrupt that even the Nooras had him arrested and tortured.
Another stupid decision from these clowns that have destroyed everything else in PK so why leave PK cricket alone. Look at this idiot Shakil Sheikh, a corrupt thug working along side Sethi, a man so corrupt that even the Nooras had him arrested and tortured.

Keep crying. It will take a while before Sethi can reverse the damage caused by the incompetent duo of Mani & Wasim, who achieved nothing in their term except for attempting to take credit for the work Sethi did in his first tenure.

Ramiz wasn’t bad but he wasn’t capable of undoing the damage Mani & Wasim did to Pakistan cricket. Sethi certainly is capable. He is a man of action.
Excellent decision. Please remember that domestic cricket's purpose is not just to provide International cricketers but also to provide meaningful employment for cricketers who are good enough for first class level.

So they aren't good enough to be playing in the 12 teams but still deserve to be picked as FC cricketers.
Anyone cheering for this decision is an absolute fool who hasn't been following Pakistan's domestic system for the last however many decades. If this system was so good then why is it being revived for the umpteenth time after it was thrown out for the umpteenth time?

Only a matter of time before a new government comes in, throws this system out again and the vicious cycle continues. Meanwhile its our domestic cricket that continues to struggle.

The current system was by no means perfect. But there was room for improvement within that framework. The idea though that the PCB should employ every mediocre club cricketer is ludicrous and one of the reasons why the gap between teams was so astronomical in QeA Trophies of yesteryears.
Poor decision. Even with a competitive FC system, PAK are unable to do much in Test cricket.

If this is also diluted further, Im not sure Pakistan will be able to compete with BD even
Keep crying. It will take a while before Sethi can reverse the damage caused by the incompetent duo of Mani & Wasim, who achieved nothing in their term except for attempting to take credit for the work Sethi did in his first tenure.

Ramiz wasn’t bad but he wasn’t capable of undoing the damage Mani & Wasim did to Pakistan cricket. Sethi certainly is capable. He is a man of action.

With the mafia we only see familiar faces that they can blackmail.
Excellent decision. Please remember that domestic cricket's purpose is not just to provide International cricketers but also to provide meaningful employment for cricketers who are good enough for first class level.

If they are not good enough then they shouldn't be playing professional cricket.

PCB is not a charity and this is a stupid decision.
Keep crying. It will take a while before Sethi can reverse the damage caused by the incompetent duo of Mani & Wasim, who achieved nothing in their term except for attempting to take credit for the work Sethi did in his first tenure.

Ramiz wasn’t bad but he wasn’t capable of undoing the damage Mani & Wasim did to Pakistan cricket. Sethi certainly is capable. He is a man of action.

Although under Sethi's previous tenure we were playing on green top wickets with a grays ball. Hammad Azam was our leading wicket taker with a bowling average of 16-, and 45-year-old unfit trundlers were topping the charts. I actually quite liked the new set-up, but the matches were too few and the pitches were abysmal. Ten first class games per year is terrible.
Although under Sethi's previous tenure we were playing on green top wickets with a grays ball. Hammad Azam was our leading wicket taker with a bowling average of 16-, and 45-year-old unfit trundlers were topping the charts. I actually quite liked the new set-up, but the matches were too few and the pitches were abysmal. Ten first class games per year is terrible.

It definitely has room for improvement but these mafia guys with short memories don't realise the absolute dogs dinner the previous system was. I have said before we need to have 14 games a year and the wickets need more grass to make them sporty. If you Sadaf, Rashid Latif and others to be topping charts then this system is perfect
Although under Sethi's previous tenure we were playing on green top wickets with a grays ball. Hammad Azam was our leading wicket taker with a bowling average of 16-, and 45-year-old unfit trundlers were topping the charts. I actually quite liked the new set-up, but the matches were too few and the pitches were abysmal. Ten first class games per year is terrible.

Hammed Azam was barely 75mph and so poor that within a season was sacked from the regions.
RIP Pakistan cricket , changes just to prove IK wrong, regrettable, even club level cricketers like me could have played FC in these circumstances and many will do now , standard will be at rock bottom .

The gap between Pakistan domestic cricket and international cricket will be huge.

Everything is politically based , even the posters supporting Sethi are politically motivated, won;t care the person who has replaced Ramiz has no knowledge what exactly cricket is and his past was tainted with corruption and allegation of spending huge money from PCB funds for his own shenanigans .

Where are the people who really love Pakistan cricket ???
RIP Pakistan cricket , changes just to prove IK wrong, regrettable, even club level cricketers like me could have played FC in these circumstances and many will do now , standard will be at rock bottom .

The gap between Pakistan domestic cricket and international cricket will be huge.

Everything is politically based , even the posters supporting Sethi are politically motivated, won;t care the person who has replaced Ramiz has no knowledge what exactly cricket is and his past was tainted with corruption and allegation of spending huge money from PCB funds for his own shenanigans .

Where are the people who really love Pakistan cricket ???

We have people here and in the Pakistan Govt who will cut off their nose to spite their face

Instead of seeing what is good and bad - they are pandering to those who want charity.
16 regions means 16 head will loot PCB fund. Players will get meagre 25k per month.
RIP Pakistan cricket , changes just to prove IK wrong, regrettable, even club level cricketers like me could have played FC in these circumstances and many will do now , standard will be at rock bottom .

The gap between Pakistan domestic cricket and international cricket will be huge.

Everything is politically based , even the posters supporting Sethi are politically motivated, won;t care the person who has replaced Ramiz has no knowledge what exactly cricket is and his past was tainted with corruption and allegation of spending huge money from PCB funds for his own shenanigans .

Where are the people who really love Pakistan cricket ???

As I said earlier look at the supporters of the mafia and look at who they support at the PCB. For me RR had to go because ultimately it is him that has to responsibility for the awful, negative wickets but compared to an old crook who got tortured by the very people that appointed him, he wss 10× better.
The new system has much improvement to make and you can make a case for a couple of extra teams in the coming years but they are trying to bring back a dogs dinner with nothing going for it.
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We already have 6 six strong first eleven province and Six emerging second eleven. We need to give this system time and for jobless cricketers should start within the province city based 2 day and 1 day weekend tournaments. If we revive 16 regions there will be 16 Shakeel Sheikh aka Mafia which will loot PCB fund.
We already have 6 six strong first eleven province and Six emerging second eleven. We need to give this system time and for jobless cricketers should start within the province city based 2 day and 1 day weekend tournaments. If we revive 16 regions there will be 16 Shakeel Sheikh aka Mafia which will loot PCB fund.

The only way to keep them at bay was to keep winning. RR shot himself in the foot. He had 6 tests vs Aus and Eng and could have won those series if he planned better. Being whitewashed against England at home is adequate grounds for removal.
The only way to keep them at bay was to keep winning. RR shot himself in the foot. He had 6 tests vs Aus and Eng and could have won those series if he planned better. Being whitewashed against England at home is adequate grounds for removal.

They weren't going to keep, it was only a matter of time.
Keep crying. It will take a while before Sethi can reverse the damage caused by the incompetent duo of Mani & Wasim, who achieved nothing in their term except for attempting to take credit for the work Sethi did in his first tenure.

Ramiz wasn’t bad but he wasn’t capable of undoing the damage Mani & Wasim did to Pakistan cricket. Sethi certainly is capable. He is a man of action.

The same Sethi that couldn’t pay the fielding coach on time.
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The only way to keep them at bay was to keep winning. RR shot himself in the foot. He had 6 tests vs Aus and Eng and could have won those series if he planned better. Being whitewashed against England at home is adequate grounds for removal.

They weren't going to keep, it was only a matter of time.
16 teams is way too much. Atleast restrict it to 10. And instead of regions make it city based.

Also keep the departmental tournaments seperate from the region, city based tournaments, don't mix the two.

But this is what you want isn't it..now eat the fruit..
The same Sethi that couldn’t pay the fielding coach on time.

Sethi wasn’t the PCB payroll manager. There could be numerous reasons why the salary was withheld & there could be numerous people, processes etc. responsible for it.

Wasim Khan was that genius who combined the selector & coach & gave both jobs to Misbah, calling it a “necessary invention”.

Within 12 months when it was clear that Misbah was struggling to do justice to both positions, he scrapped the “necessary invention” & hired a selector, allowing Misbah to remain the coach.

As a result, we never found out if the dual role was the problem or if Misbah was the wrong person for the dual role.

A genius move that only Wasim Khan was capable of.
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Terrible decision.

Because of this system Pak are massively struggling in Test cricket because there isn't much quality among the players to compete with, as a result too many low quality players finding spots in Test cricket.

6 team comp is far better and would have yielded better results in a decade's time than this system which has failed miserably for the past decade.
The stupidity of this de decision is mind boggling.

On the bright side, I hope to see the players from under 19 cricket getting contracts from relevant departments. A lot of these departments will be building their teams from the scratch and I hope it’s for the benefit of the players. Our standard of cricket will stay in the mud one way or the other. So might well use it to create more jobs for the players.
On the bright side, I hope to see the players from under 19 cricket getting contracts from relevant departments. A lot of these departments will be building their teams from the scratch and I hope it’s for the benefit of the players. Our standard of cricket will stay in the mud one way or the other. So might well use it to create more jobs for the players.

The same u19s are already started to make an impact, some will make it and others won't. If they male it against other good players then we know they are a step closer to International cricket and if they make it against other players who are also weak, we are not any closer to sorting the wheat from the chaff. If we want a PK team that isn't meandering along, we need each player to be at a proper FC level, playing other players that are similar level.
Terrible decision.

Because of this system Pak are massively struggling in Test cricket because there isn't much quality among the players to compete with, as a result too many low quality players finding spots in Test cricket.

6 team comp is far better and would have yielded better results in a decade's time than this system which has failed miserably for the past decade.

And what is iks australian domestic system producing last few years has

A fast bowler in mir hamza who can't bowl more than 125kph , a guy from sialkot who topped the bowling charts and was hammered by England.

2 spinners in the team who are chachas age wise nauman , sajid .

And a new spinner Harry Potter who doesn't look anything special and looks like teams have done their homework.

And batsmen who can only play on flat low bounce decks we only have one test level batsmen and that's babar.

Sarfraz making big scores in domestics for a recall and he will be walking wicket on any sena pitch and plus he isn't even fit .

I would go with iks system if it has started to produce results and we have seen young players come through and establish themselves
It hasn't
Sethi wasn’t the PCB payroll manager. There could be numerous reasons why the salary was withheld & there could be numerous people, processes etc. responsible for it.

Wasim Khan was that genius who combined the selector & coach & gave both jobs to Misbah, calling it a “necessary invention”.

Within 12 months when it was clear that Misbah was struggling to do justice to both positions, he scrapped the “necessary invention” & hired a selector, allowing Misbah to remain the coach.

As a result, we never found out if the dual role was the problem or if Misbah was the wrong person for the dual role.

A genius move that only Wasim Khan was capable of.

Sethi is powerful enough to get the constitution changed but not powerful enough to hire a fielding coach, one of the few coaches that can make a difference for our players. Any other excuses for the old crook.
Excellent decision. Please remember that domestic cricket's purpose is not just to provide International cricketers but also to provide meaningful employment for cricketers who are good enough for first class level.

Make it 50 teams then, if the idea is to generate employment only.
Thanks to iks revised system not many young players are getting games because the positions are all held up by journeymen and the system is rife with nepotism.

The Australian system would only work if there were proper pitches coaches and scout network in the clubs that picked squads on merit and talent
Why only 32 teams?.Why not have 32 or 50 teams?.Many are suggesting here that the purpose of domestic cricket is to provide employment to cricketers.Surley it makes sense to have 50 teams so a lot people can get jobs for life.Pakistan has a big population,16 teams are too few to provides jobs.
Thanks to iks revised system not many young players are getting games because the positions are all held up by journeymen and the system is rife with nepotism.

The Australian system would only work if there were proper pitches coaches and scout network in the clubs that picked squads on merit and talent

Like who? Umar Akmal? Or you mean Ihsanullah, Maaz Sadaqat, Mubashir Khan, Mumtaz, Qaiser, Saad Khan, Omair, Saim Ayub or do you mean Haseebullah, Bangalzai, Arafat Minhas, Ismail.:91::91::91::91::91:

This often repeated line has about credibility as Dars economic policies
Why only 32 teams?.Why not have 32 or 50 teams?.Many are suggesting here that the purpose of domestic cricket is to provide employment to cricketers.Surley it makes sense to have 50 teams so a lot people can get jobs for life.Pakistan has a big population,16 teams are too few to provides jobs.

Don't give the losers stupid ideas. Look at the destruction of PSM, PIA and any public sector organisation. You pay a bribe, you get a job. Rinse and repeat
Another one of those socialism vs capitalism debate. Socialism will feed people, capitalism will ensure competitiveness. The choice depends on what your end-goals are. What hurts more is the frequent shift from one system to another.
Another one of those socialism vs capitalism debate. Socialism will feed people, capitalism will ensure competitiveness. The choice depends on what your end-goals are. What hurts more is the frequent shift from one system to another.

The only problem with your analysis is that England, Australia etc aren't being very socialist and don't want to share the wins with us.
The same u19s are already started to make an impact, some will make it and others won't. If they male it against other good players then we know they are a step closer to International cricket and if they make it against other players who are also weak, we are not any closer to sorting the wheat from the chaff. If we want a PK team that isn't meandering along, we need each player to be at a proper FC level, playing other players that are similar level.

It’s not that simple. Some regions have established leg spinners so they don’t have the space to accommodate a leg spinner from under 19 cricket. Some regions have good openers so that an under 19 opener doesn’t have any space to play for that region. Some regions have good fast bowlers so a good upcoming fast bowler misses out. Some regions may have good WK then a good under 19 WK misses out. So it’s not that those players were bad. They just didn’t have the space to make it to the second or first elevens. What departments do is take away the first 11 players from the regions and open up those spots for upcoming players.
On the bright side, I hope to see the players from under 19 cricket getting contracts from relevant departments. A lot of these departments will be building their teams from the scratch and I hope it’s for the benefit of the players. Our standard of cricket will stay in the mud one way or the other. So might well use it to create more jobs for the players.

No no no..oh for goodness sake..do you remember our 2006 u19 wc winning side.. Anwar Ali and jamshed who was touted as the next Akram.. he languished in PIA thanks to the baba mentality that najam represents..don't you guys get it..

6 teams was the top tier..the elite of the elite..the structure below it needed time to embed..that's where you were gonna employ most of the cricketers.. but thanks to covid and the Babas 5hat was taking its time..

You see Pakistan is practically an illiterate country.. most of these sheikhs etc have no real capacity for critical.thinking or a vision. They are corrupt and evil.

Forget the u19s now..its over..if you want to see how this story goes just go back ten years and chart a course to today..or go back to 2008 and chart a course to 2018..

The structure was broken..it wasn't peoducing quality..now we have the next gen of test cricket breathing down our neck thanks to baz and what do we do..oh yes let's go back to 1990..oh my Lord..
Thanks to iks revised system not many young players are getting games because the positions are all held up by journeymen and the system is rife with nepotism.

The Australian system would only work if there were proper pitches coaches and scout network in the clubs that picked squads on merit and talent

Like who? Umar Akmal? Or you mean Ihsanullah, Maaz Sadaqat, Mubashir Khan, Mumtaz, Qaiser, Saad Khan, Omair, Saim Ayub or do you mean Haseebullah, Bangalzai, Arafat Minhas, Ismail.:91::91::91::91::91:

This often repeated line has about credibility as Dars economic policies

Apart from that ihsanullah and maybe mubasir and even then at t20s

None of the players you mentioned are remotely intl level .

Umar akmal was a very talented players his own attitude antics , epilepsy and pcb ruined his career a one legged umar akmal in his prime is better than any of the young names your coming up with .

Fact is iks system is not bringing in players and the youngsters that are coming are simply not good enough like we saw with haider ali .

There's no point bringing in young players if there is no proper scout system to pick the juniors on merit and proper coaching system to coach and iron out any flaws .

Pakistan system was always a shambolic system that relied on unearthing a raw diamond from nowhere every 2/3 yrs now we can't even find these rare gems .
I am so excited! Does anyone know how to buy the new WAPDA kit :facepalm
Welcome to Purana Pakistan.

Can you believe there are people who actually claim this as a slogan..imagine Obama using this as a slogan.

"Welcome to the old days everyone"..I mean who does that? Only evil people..I'm sorry but there is know other way to describe them..they are the evil people the dirty the Prophet pbuh warnwd us about in the famous hadith about foam or **** on the sea..

You cannot expect good from evil.. just like you cant expect a rotten apple to taste fresh..
Apart from that ihsanullah and maybe mubasir and even then at t20s

None of the players you mentioned are remotely intl level .

Umar akmal was a very talented players his own attitude antics , epilepsy and pcb ruined his career a one legged umar akmal in his prime is better than any of the young names your coming up with .

Fact is iks system is not bringing in players and the youngsters that are coming are simply not good enough like we saw with haider ali .

There's no point bringing in young players if there is no proper scout system to pick the juniors on merit and proper coaching system to coach and iron out any flaws .

Pakistan system was always a shambolic system that relied on unearthing a raw diamond from nowhere every 2/3 yrs now we can't even find these rare gems .

Oh bhai..it takes time..you dont just wave a magic wand and expect suddenly a magic team..only silly people think like that..
It’s not that simple. Some regions have established leg spinners so they don’t have the space to accommodate a leg spinner from under 19 cricket. Some regions have good openers so that an under 19 opener doesn’t have any space to play for that region. Some regions have good fast bowlers so a good upcoming fast bowler misses out. Some regions may have good WK then a good under 19 WK misses out. So it’s not that those players were bad. They just didn’t have the space to make it to the second or first elevens. What departments do is take away the first 11 players from the regions and open up those spots for upcoming players.

There will be gaps and you pointed to some but the idea is sound and generally
it's implementation has been good. The system won't in itself be the answer to the deeper problems of PK cricket. The World has moved on and we are stuck in a time warp. If I was to tell you that one of the reasons my son was dropped from age cricket was that his batting was poor and counties look to have 3 dimensional cricketers. Its the reason we have 3 number 11s and England have one. PK cricket needed a revolution, the system being one and the other being mentality. The system has improved but the mentality is the same with none descript crooks hired to reciprocate favours for services rendered. Would sethi or Shakil be allowed to be anywhere near a cricket board outside maybe Zim? No chance
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The problem was never about number of teams. It was the players that were being selected.

Nonits about structure and vision..the 6 teams were meant to be the best of the best..the elite..everything below is where it was supposed to begin..

They just couldn't implement the structure coz of covid and then baba Bajwa and the other ukulmunds decided to go back to the future..

It was just starting to embed..slowly but surely..but let's go back in time.."hey doctor where are we going this time..is this the fifties or nineteen ninety nine"..
There will be gaps and you pointed to some but the idea is sound and generally
it's implementation has been good. The system won't in itself be the answer to the deeper problems of PK cricket. The World has moved on and we are stuck in a time warp. If I was to tell you that one of the reasons my son was dropped from age cricket was that his batting was poor and counties look to have 3 dimensional cricketers. Its the reason we have 3 number 11s and England have one. PK cricket needed a revolution, the system being one and the other being mentality. The system has improved but the mentality is the same with none descript crooks hired to reciprocate favours for services rendered. Would sethi or Shakil be allowed to be anywhere near a cricket board outside maybe Zim? No chance

What...you don't want to see sharief sugar miles vs engro? Cmon man imagine that..

Imagine in five years we are gonna face five bax ball test nations while will be watching army vs airforce because by then there won't be any public services left...
Im a big fan of Najem Sethi as a PCB chairman, mostly because this guy bought cricket back to Pakistan and because he started PSL. However, what his administration is doing here is making the PCB very political. This will only damage Pakistan cricket. There are political differences, and take them out somewhere else, this is just a clear example of political revenge by Mr. Sethi against the decisions implemented in PCB during Imran Khan's time.

The 2019 PCB constitution is not perfect, it has many flaws, but If you are here to fix Pakistan cricket, you could had made some amendments in that constitution, instead of bringing in an old constitution that also had flaws and plus would do more damage to our cricket.

PCB could had increased the number of teams by making them 10. They could had changed names of the region and expanded the structure already in place.

By bringing back departments, you are starting from ground 0 again. A lot of departments vanished off, and now they will have reinvest and look for players again. This set up will take at least 3-4 years. That's the time when the senate election will take place, and the current PCB constitution might be binned and replaced with either the 2019 one or a newer one. By the time the departments set up and players start coming in, the constitution would again be replaced.
Thus, this is long term damage we are seeing here, and for the net 10 years, our cricket might stay 0.

We will have to enlist players in the test squad from the psl, because I doubt any young player is gonna come. In fact, these guys are self damaging our domestic structure.

SNGPL and WAPDA had set up one of the best department teams, but others did not. HBL had to start from 0 aswell as UBL.

But even the set up we had currently, trust me, the regions were also performing poorly. I came across a facebook post the other day where the Northern region were asking clubs and players to pay for the balls in the club tournament. Thats how badly run the show was.

Anyways, should had worked on what was already there

It seems as if Sethi is stuck in 2018, and still can't accept the fact that when Imran's govt took oath, he had to resign from PCB's post. The guy needs to move on. He is just taking political revenge and nothing else.

At the end of the day, Pakistan cricket will suffer.
Apart from that ihsanullah and maybe mubasir and even then at t20s

None of the players you mentioned are remotely intl level .

Umar akmal was a very talented players his own attitude antics , epilepsy and pcb ruined his career a one legged umar akmal in his prime is better than any of the young names your coming up with .

Fact is iks system is not bringing in players and the youngsters that are coming are simply not good enough like we saw with haider ali .

There's no point bringing in young players if there is no proper scout system to pick the juniors on merit and proper coaching system to coach and iron out any flaws .

Pakistan system was always a shambolic system that relied on unearthing a raw diamond from nowhere every 2/3 yrs now we can't even find these rare gems .

So you want IK to also manufacture the talent? Whether they are not isn't the question? These are the best talent avaliable at the moment, but you said we are missing out on talent because of the system. So who has missed out that you think would be benefiting from the new system. I posed the question to [MENTION=131701]Mamoon[/MENTION] and he ran away because he had initially claimed that there was no talent and then for political reasons changed his tune to say that a system that had Hammad Azam as the top bowler was better. The reality is that none of you guys can point to a single player that has been hard done by, and i have no doubt there will be some but that happens with all systems. Remember we have had this system for 70 years and bar the few years under IK in the 80s, we have been pretty average. We have never won a series in either SA or Australia? If this system you want is so good, why no wins? We only won a series in England in 87 again because of IKs captaincy, and then 2 series wins and nothing since 1996. We have only 2 tests in history in Australia, if this system was so good, where are the wins? We have only won twice in SA, if the system was good, why is that. Our system is a dogs dinner with lots of players making a living but no desire to improve, which means that the competition isn't there. And lastly, these players bar 2 are all from the same system.
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Im a big fan of Najem Sethi as a PCB chairman, mostly because this guy bought cricket back to Pakistan and because he started PSL. However, what his administration is doing here is making the PCB very political. This will only damage Pakistan cricket. There are political differences, and take them out somewhere else, this is just a clear example of political revenge by Mr. Sethi against the decisions implemented in PCB during Imran Khan's time.

The 2019 PCB constitution is not perfect, it has many flaws, but If you are here to fix Pakistan cricket, you could had made some amendments in that constitution, instead of bringing in an old constitution that also had flaws and plus would do more damage to our cricket.

PCB could had increased the number of teams by making them 10. They could had changed names of the region and expanded the structure already in place.

By bringing back departments, you are starting from ground 0 again. A lot of departments vanished off, and now they will have reinvest and look for players again. This set up will take at least 3-4 years. That's the time when the senate election will take place, and the current PCB constitution might be binned and replaced with either the 2019 one or a newer one. By the time the departments set up and players start coming in, the constitution would again be replaced.
Thus, this is long term damage we are seeing here, and for the net 10 years, our cricket might stay 0.

We will have to enlist players in the test squad from the psl, because I doubt any young player is gonna come. In fact, these guys are self damaging our domestic structure.

SNGPL and WAPDA had set up one of the best department teams, but others did not. HBL had to start from 0 aswell as UBL.

But even the set up we had currently, trust me, the regions were also performing poorly. I came across a facebook post the other day where the Northern region were asking clubs and players to pay for the balls in the club tournament. Thats how badly run the show was.

Anyways, should had worked on what was already there

It seems as if Sethi is stuck in 2018, and still can't accept the fact that when Imran's govt took oath, he had to resign from PCB's post. The guy needs to move on. He is just taking political revenge and nothing else.

At the end of the day, Pakistan cricket will suffer.

I never thought I would say this but one of your better posts.
Make it 50 teams then, if the idea is to generate employment only.

Why only 32 teams?.Why not have 32 or 50 teams?.Many are suggesting here that the purpose of domestic cricket is to provide employment to cricketers.Surley it makes sense to have 50 teams so a lot people can get jobs for life.Pakistan has a big population,16 teams are too few to provides jobs.

Because you have to pick a number, just like how geniuses who believe in less teams = higher quality theory stopped at 6 even though if they have 3 or 4 teams they will have more competition & more quality.

If same geniuses were hired by BCCI, they would reduce the teams from 38 to 12 & India will only produce legendary cricketers because you have to be bloody good to break into a 12 team competition out of 2 billion people, & India will never lose a game of cricket again. So easy.
Sethi is powerful enough to get the constitution changed but not powerful enough to hire a fielding coach, one of the few coaches that can make a difference for our players. Any other excuses for the old crook.

He is big on foreign coaches, he will probably hire a foreign fielding coach too or he maybe a part of Mickey’s coaching staff. Let’s see.

Getting rid of Saqlain & Yousuf would be a good start.
But ik never changed the system , iks system is the same nepotism corrupt system only he just made 6 teams so reduced the chances for any young players getting picked in the playing xi.

The same system is still there of crap pitches , no structure to the clubs, no money , and no proper coaches and a hastily arranged domestic calendar where the tournaments are bundled into 2 months.

Just look at the pakistan cup the pitch and stadium all hastily arranged and looks like a Sunday league park tournament .
Excellent decision.

The 6 team drama clearly flopped & only took Pakistan backwards. It produced zero results.

Congratulations to every well-wisher of Pakistan cricket.

Yes because a domestic structure is going to produce results in 3-4 years. Makes sense.

New system has seen Abrar & Abdullah rise through the ranks along with the upcoming Saim Ayub, Huraira, Mubasir. Old system produced what exactly? Khushdil & Iftikhar and no one being good enough to ever displace Malik & Hafeez.

And it's 12 teams in total, not 6. At least get that right.
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He is big on foreign coaches, he will probably hire a foreign fielding coach too or he maybe a part of Mickey’s coaching staff. Let’s see.

Getting rid of Saqlain & Yousuf would be a good start.

So why make pathetic excuses with his previous tenure. Mickey Arthur will make no difference. Our cricket depends on 3 players- Babar,Riz and SSA. If they fail,we will lose more than we win and with Riz out of form and SSA injured, we are toast to most teams. Your petty posts can't change the ground realities.
Aaqib Javed:

"Najam Sethi has started well; the restoration of departments and regional teams will benefit our cricket a lot, and the players will get employment."
But ik never changed the system , iks system is the same nepotism corrupt system only he just made 6 teams so reduced the chances for any young players getting picked in the playing xi.

The same system is still there of crap pitches , no structure to the clubs, no money , and no proper coaches and a hastily arranged domestic calendar where the tournaments are bundled into 2 months.

Just look at the pakistan cup the pitch and stadium all hastily arranged and looks like a Sunday league park tournament .

But young players are playing and I named them and I forget to mention Huraira. Not all will succeed but you can't claim they are not playing especially as none that has claimed this on a number of occasions can even name one player that they think should be playing.
But ik never changed the system , iks system is the same nepotism corrupt system only he just made 6 teams so reduced the chances for any young players getting picked in the playing xi.

The same system is still there of crap pitches , no structure to the clubs, no money , and no proper coaches and a hastily arranged domestic calendar where the tournaments are bundled into 2 months.

Just look at the pakistan cup the pitch and stadium all hastily arranged and looks like a Sunday league park tournament .

Do you think major organisational and structural change takes 12 months..because that's how long this new system has had..due to Covid..

In richer countries major change takes five years at least..you are supposed to see the fruits in about 5-6 years. For Pakistan this was a revolutionary change so the real.fruits wouldn't appear until at least 5 to 10 years if the system kept going..it also allowed for.adaptation e.g baz ball etc..

But the Babas in charge know.only how things were done in the 1980's.when they were young..the world has changed..they haven't..Pakistan cricket is dead if they go ahead with this..and you wont realise until about 3 years from now..then don't come on hear and complain..don't tell me about the coach or the lack of quality...I don't want stupid articles about this player not being good enough and how we need to change etc..you will keep.quiet and own this moment..
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Aaqib Javed:

"Najam Sethi has started well; the restoration of departments and regional teams will benefit our cricket a lot, and the players will get employment."

Oh Lord..in a few years he will be bemoanong the lack of talent and quality..ignorants...
He is big on foreign coaches, he will probably hire a foreign fielding coach too or he maybe a part of Mickey’s coaching staff. Let’s see.

Getting rid of Saqlain & Yousuf would be a good start.

I guarantee you that Sethi will have no idea what a coach does. He, like you thinks that he will tell the players how to play a forward defensive. We need one guy to take control, like B Mac and also influence selection and tactics. We had the right idea with Director of cricket but Misbah was too Conservative with his selection especially with the batting.
They are essentially going from 12 teams to 16 teams... which I think is probably fine. It will reduce the quality a bit but at least worthwhile domestic players won't be riding the bench.

For me the bigger question is whether or not they will extend the domestic season. This domestic season has essentially lasted 4 months which means most players will be doing nothing for the remaining 8 months and its hard to stay consistent going that long without quality practice. Ideally, the QeA season should be 3 months minimum and the domestic season as a whole should be minimum 6 months.
Yes because a domestic structure is going to produce results in 3-4 years. Makes sense.

New system has seen Abrar & Abdullah rise through the ranks along with the upcoming Saim Ayub, Huraira, Mubasir. Old system produced what exactly? Khushdil & Iftikhar and no one being good enough to ever displace Malik & Hafeez.

And it's 12 teams in total, not 6. At least get that right.

Bro dont feed the troll..he bemoaned the same players produce by the system he is now cheerleading for..he is an Indian troll..please.ignore him..
Soon there will be two separate Pakistan teams based on the government of Pakistan.

Jiski government hogi uski team kheligi for Pakistan.
Most ex players including majority of our past intl stars want the departments
Even misbah was against abolishment of department system

I'd rather take their input than ******* fan boys and what is being dreamed of in.bani gala or what the 2 jinns are telling pinki peerni
I guarantee you that Sethi will have no idea what a coach does. He, like you thinks that he will tell the players how to play a forward defensive. We need one guy to take control, like B Mac and also influence selection and tactics. We had the right idea with Director of cricket but Misbah was too Conservative with his selection especially with the batting.

What did you make of Misbah's appointment as Head Coach and Chief Selector? And how do you think he performed in this dual role?
Excellent decision.

The 6 team drama clearly flopped & only took Pakistan backwards. It produced zero results.

Congratulations to every well-wisher of Pakistan cricket.

After what I saw from Wasim Khan and Ehsan Man, Najam and Shakil Shaikh have truly earned my respect.
What did you make of Misbah's appointment as Head Coach and Chief Selector? And how do you think he performed in this dual role?

The Director of cricket was the right way to go, but although I was probably supportive at the time, it was obvious that he was too Conservative with his selections. This made our cricket dour and because of that,the whole structure was dismantled. We need a guy to give us direction, a guy that says come what may, we are playing like this. RR should have been that guy but he was also scared with those dreadful Aussie wickets and he lost my support
Yes because a domestic structure is going to produce results in 3-4 years. Makes sense.

3-4 years is enough to see an semblance of improvement. That did not happen. Please give us a date on which we will see the fruits of the new system. Oh wait, that did not happen.

New system has seen Abrar & Abdullah rise through the ranks along with the upcoming Saim Ayub, Huraira, Mubasir. Old system produced what exactly? Khushdil & Iftikhar and no one being good enough to ever displace Malik & Hafeez.

There is no guarantee that this lot is any good or any better than the previous ones. They are just names. Most of them will turn out to be tried & tested failures of tomorrow.

At one point, every mediocre failed senior player is a hype of youngster of yesteryears. The likes of Babar & Shaheen were products of the old system, & they are better than any upcoming players of today.

And it's 12 teams in total, not 6. At least get that right.

As I have explained numerous times, 6 teams per division is not the same as having 12 teams per division.

Not every player who performs in division two will get the chance to make the jump to division one. Someone will have to drop out from division one for a division two player to get promoted.

In my opinion, Pakistan needs a total of 20 teams (10 per division). This is a good number of teams to ensure (a) the regular domestic performers will get selected regardless of their international credentials & (b) upcoming young players will get a chance too.

20 teams is very reasonable for a country of 230 million that has more active cricketers than all cricket nations (except India) put together.

UK has 1/4th of Pakistan’s population & cricket is their distant second sport & yet they have 18 teams spread across two divisions while the geniuses in Pakistan thought 12 teams across two divisions would be sufficient for a country with 230 million & where cricket is by far the most played sport. Total madness.

But let’s not ignore the real issue here. This is a political tantrum. If Sethi & co. had introduced the new system in 2019 & Pakistan was getting thrashed left, right & centre in 2022 like today, all these people would be using the current performances of the team to discredit the system.

But now since their messiahs were in charge in 2019, all we see are excuses & the “it is early” narrative which doesn’t mean anything.
So why make pathetic excuses with his previous tenure. Mickey Arthur will make no difference. Our cricket depends on 3 players- Babar,Riz and SSA. If they fail,we will lose more than we win and with Riz out of form and SSA injured, we are toast to most teams. Your petty posts can't change the ground realities.

I agree a coach at the top, especially a failed one like Mickey, makes no difference. People don’t understand the role of coaches in international cricket. It is not what they think.

They almost serve no purpose. It is all about having a strong captain & a strong set of players. That is what drives results, not the coach you have in place.

Which is why the 6 team system failure needs to be addressed & let’s see what happens after the system is revised. If there are no improvement in results over the next 3-4 years & the quality of cricketers coming through isn’t any better, Sethi & co. will have to answer.