Expert warns of impending ‘genocide’ of Muslims in India


T20I Star
Dec 14, 2008
Post of the Week
Gregory Stanton, who founded the Genocide Watch group, is sounding the alarm on violence against Muslims in India.

16 Jan 2022

A genocide of Muslims in India could be about to take place, an expert said to have predicted the massacre of the Tutsi in Rwanda years before it took place in 1994, has warned.

Gregory Stanton, the founder and director of Genocide Watch, said during a US congressional briefing there were early “signs and processes” of genocide in the Indian state of Assam and Indian-administered Kashmir.

“We are warning that genocide could very well happen in India,” Stanton said, speaking on behalf of the non-governmental organisation he launched in 1999 to predict, prevent, stop and seek accountability for the crime.

Stanton said genocide was not an event but a process and drew parallels between the policies pursued by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the discriminatory policies of Myanmar’s government against Rohingya Muslims in 2017.

Among the policies he cited were the revocation of the special autonomous status of Indian-administered Kashmir in 2019 – which stripped Kashmiris of the special autonomy they had for seven decades – and the Citizenship Amendment Act the same year, which granted citizenship to religious minorities but excluded Muslims.

Stanton, a former lecturer in genocide studies and prevention at the George Mason University in Virginia, said he feared a similar scenario to Myanmar, where the Rohingya were first legally declared non-citizens and then expelled through violence and genocide.

“What we are now facing is a very similar kind of a plot,” he said.

Stanton said the Hindutva ideology was “contrary to the history of India and the Indian constitution and referred to Modi as an “extremist who has taken over the government”.

In 1989, Stanton said he had warned the then-Rwandan president Juvénal Habyarimana that “if you don’t do something to prevent genocide in your country, there is going to be a genocide here within five years”.

The early warning signs were followed by the massacre of 800,000 Tutsis and other Rwandans in 1994.

“We cannot let that happen in India,” Stanton said.

Genocide Watch began warning of genocide in India in 2002, when a three-day period of inter-communal violence in the western Indian state of Gujarat resulted in the killing of more than 1,000 Muslims.

‘Take it seriously’

Aakar Patel, a Bengaluru-based rights activist, writer and the former head of Amnesty International in India, told Al Jazeera that the reports should be taken “very seriously”.

“I think the history on the record of India’s civic violence shows either the state does something that provokes the violence (against Muslims) or does not do enough to stop it,” Patel said.

“I think the government of India needs to take it seriously … The people outside are naturally alarmed when such things are said in India and nothing is done by the state,” he said referring to a recent call for Muslim genocide made at an event by right-wing Hindu groups.

MM Ansari, a former information commissioner and educationist based in New Delhi, termed the report “alarming”. “The fear is very genuine,” he said.

Other experts have denounced rising attacks on Muslim vendors and businesses by Hindu supremacist groups.

In November, Hindu hardliners set fire to the home of a Muslim former foreign minister, Salman Khurshid, who had compared the kind of Hindu nationalism that has flourished under Modi with “extremist groups” such as ISIL (ISIS).

Videos of Hindu religious leaders calling for mass killings and for the use of weapons against Muslims that went viral on social media last month prompted the Supreme Court to order an investigation into hate speech in Uttarakhand state.

“Under BJP’s leadership, India became one of the most dangerous countries for Muslims and Christians in the world. They are being persecuted physically, psychologically and economically,” activist and academic Apoorvanand wrote in an OpEd for Al Jazeera.

“Laws are being passed to criminalise their religious practices, food habits and even businesses.”

Syed Zafar Islam, the spokesperson of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, rejected Genocide Watch’s report, saying “no such things exist as [is] being portrayed”.

“First of all the impression they have created is factually incorrect,” Islam said, adding that many instances being highlighted by the media were far from reality.

“There have been instances (of attacks) but it is not restricted to one community. In society, we have sometimes attacks on each other over reasons like property disputes or other disputes. These things do not only happen between Hindu and Muslims only but they happen among Hindus as well,” he said.

Muslims comprise nearly 14 percent of India’s 1.4 billion people, while Hindus still form nearly 80 percent of the population.

Modi’s BJP and its ideological parent, the far-right Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), have warned Hindus about religious conversions to Islam and Christianity, and called for action to prevent a “demographic imbalance” in the world’s second most populous nation.

Modi’s BJP has been accused of encouraging the persecution of Muslims and other minorities by hardline Hindu nationalists since coming to power in 2014, allegations it denies.
The signs are all there, that’s what the Modi government has been laying foundation for ever since he came in to power.
The signs are all there, that’s what the Modi government has been laying foundation for ever since he came in to power.

This has been going on for a long time under RSS , they were just working in background strengthening themselves, they were slowly poisoning the minds of young children against Non-Hindus, and now that generation is grown up.

They simply hate Muslims and have an enslaved mentality, because Muslims ruled over them so many years
They hate Christians because Christians do not have caste system , and many Hindus of low caste are lured by them.

The founder of RSS Sarvakar was himself a british bootlicker , which they hide.
The signs are all there, that’s what the Modi government has been laying foundation for ever since he came in to power.

True, can't believe that in 2022, these people still have this kind of mentality especially in 'shining' India.
I do not think genocide can take place.... But Indian Muslims are being relegated to second class citizens (if they weren't already that) this is all thanks to Modi. He has single handedly fractured India and inflicted wounds that will continue to foster and blossom in a couple of decades. The Khalistan movement has never been this active than the 80s.

As a Pakistani I wish Modi continues to rule for a few more terms, previously India was treated as a darling in the West but now questions are often raised about India's democracy and handling of minorities. His handling of covid did not win any fans in the west either. The double digit negative growth was just the cherry on top.

Modi hai tu mumkin hai.
I do not think genocide can take place.... But Indian Muslims are being relegated to second class citizens (if they weren't already that) this is all thanks to Modi. He has single handedly fractured India and inflicted wounds that will continue to foster and blossom in a couple of decades. The Khalistan movement has never been this active than the 80s.

As a Pakistani I wish Modi continues to rule for a few more terms, previously India was treated as a darling in the West but now questions are often raised about India's democracy and handling of minorities. His handling of covid did not win any fans in the west either. The double digit negative growth was just the cherry on top.

Modi hai tu mumkin hai.

The question is not on India, the question is on BJP which is fair as they are right wing.

India was never the darling of the west that was Pakistan till 2001, I can paste multiple articles if needed, there is a Wired racist article written in 2003 yet as clear as it could get on my mind about outsourcing.

India has achieved all that PR through its IT/computer export of services/professionals.

And if negative growth rate is being mentioned than it should also be mentioned how money is being invested in India by top investors in last couple of qtrs due to again -the tech sector.
The report does have credibility due to what happened in Haridwar , it’s important to remind BJP of the international fallout if that ever happens.

For posters here who also take genocide watch seriously, as per them China has already done the genocide and Turkey is at risk of doing it to Kurds, just FYI..
Since 2014 not many serious communal riots happened in india, before that it used to be very frequent.
There are absolutely zero chances of anything like that happen.
Now Indian Muslim girls can not wear a hijab in class.
Government backed Genocide will not take place, Indians love their $$.

They don’t have much clout to get away with it, India isn’t China and won’t be.

Slow gradual marginalization of Muslims and anyone who speak against the Emperor Modi will continue.
The Foreign Office on Sunday backed the Genocide Watch’s warning call about killings of Muslims in India stating that the caution was based on data assessed on a scientific model of 10 stages of genocide.

According to this model, India has crossed all 10 stages, raising serious alarm for the safety of more than 200 million Muslims in India, FO spokesperson Asim Iftikhar Ahmad said in a statement.

It may be recalled that Pakistan has been warning of grave consequences for minorities, especially Muslims, due to the extremist "Hindutva" ideology being propagated by Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) inspired Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) regime with impunity in India.

The FO spokesperson reminded that President Genocide Watch Dr Gregory Stanton had warned against the genocide of Muslims in India during a US Congressional briefing titled “Call For Genocide of Indian Muslims', in Washington.

He said Dr Stanton’s warning was based on data assessed on a scientific model of 10 stages of genocide.

The FO spokesperson said that according to Dr Stanton the genocide process of Muslims in India had been catalysed by Islamophobic anti-Muslim rhetoric of the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, New Delhi’s illegal actions of August 5 in Jammu and Kashmir for Hindu dominance and controversial Citizenship Amendment Act specifically aimed against Muslims.

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He noted Dr Stanton had warned that genocide may happen in India unless the international community played its part in confronting “Hindutva” ideology.

India entered into a very critical phase of communal strife after the Hindu zealots led by RSS inspired BJP leaders openly called for genocide of the Muslims and persecution of other minorities through tacit extreme ploys.

Indian and foreign media reports are rife with repeated incidents of lynching of Muslims and Dalits, destruction of churches, trolling of scholars, detention of activists, the harassment of movie stars, persecution of the minorities, the erosion of fundamental rights, distortion of history, the usurpation of social media by hate speech and fake news and propaganda and encouragement of vigilantism.

During the briefing, Dr Stanton also referred to the event of "Dharam Sansad" organised in Haridwar, where members of Hindu right-wing members made genocide calls against Muslims.

He bitterly criticised the Indian premier for his indifferent attitude. “As the leader of India, he has an obligation to denounce this genocidal speech. Yet, Narendra Modi has not spoken against it,” foreign media quoted the president of watchdog as saying.

According to experts, the reason extremist groups in India are on the rise, is clear; they have impunity and support from the Modi-led government.

Human Rights Watch in its latest World Report 2022 unveiled on January 13 said that Indian authorities had intensified their crackdown on activists, journalists, and other critics of the government using politically motivated prosecutions in 2021.

The clampdown on dissent was facilitated by the draconian counterterrorism law, tax raids, foreign funding regulations, and charges of financial irregularities.

The report highlighted that attacks against religious minorities were carried out with impunity under the BJP-led Hindu nationalist government.

BJP supporters engaged in mob attacks or threatened violence, while several states adopted laws and policies to target minority communities, particularly Christians, Muslims, Dalits, and Adivasis.

“The Indian authorities have given up any appearance of tolerating dissent and are using the machinery of the state to silence critics,” said Meenakshi Ganguly, Human Rights Watch South Asia Director said.
Fearmongering by Al-Jazeera.

Modi has been PM for 8 years now. How many riots or genocides in India?

All crooks, criminals and pseudo liberals have fallen in line though since he came into power. This is something most cant digest.
The report does have credibility due to what happened in Haridwar , it’s important to remind BJP of the international fallout if that ever happens.


If that ever happens...

What happened in Haridwar was just another id**ot giving a hate speech against muslims. Haven't there been similar utterances against hindus in India by equally i***iotic politicians belonging to other religions? How many of those led to 'genocides', pray?

Al Jazeera is just another one of those woke pretenders claiming to stand up for human rights across the world while ignoring even bigger human rights issues in their own backyard in Qatar. And they haven't had the spine to condemn China over the treatment of Uyghurs either.
If that ever happens...

What happened in Haridwar was just another id**ot giving a hate speech against muslims. Haven't there been similar utterances against hindus in India by equally i***iotic politicians belonging to other religions? How many of those led to 'genocides', pray?

Al Jazeera is just another one of those woke pretenders claiming to stand up for human rights across the world while ignoring even bigger human rights issues in their own backyard in Qatar. And they haven't had the spine to condemn China over the treatment of Uyghurs either.

Fearmongering by Al-Jazeera.

Modi has been PM for 8 years now. How many riots or genocides in India?

All crooks, criminals and pseudo liberals have fallen in line though since he came into power. This is something most cant digest.

Lol how did Al Jazeera come up for blame here? Just coz it’s a Muslim sounding name?

Al Jazeera is merely reporting here. would sharing same content from other news agencies work better?
Stanton has been an expert for a long time, just because he said something you guys don’t like to hear doesn’t make him a “not expert”
A genocide is simply killing large numbers from a particular ethnic group/religous group.

We will never know the numbers because the RSS government will never investiage how many Muslims murdered by RSS fanatics.

Indian Muslims need to stand up for themselves. Its not like they are facing great warriors.
Experts warned of Muslim genocide in 2002 Gujrat after which Modi was banned from entering the USA and UK.

Nothing new here folks.
Anybody want to discuss this topic on purely facts basis ( as opposed to emotions and personal bias) please quote me and I can engage those interested in a meaningful discussion. Might be long running but I will make all attempt to keep my responses short yet grounded on facts, logic and reason.

Thanks !
Lol how did Al Jazeera come up for blame here? Just coz it’s a Muslim sounding name?

Al Jazeera is merely reporting here. would sharing same content from other news agencies work better?

No it wouldn't, as it would be equally false and biased. Hate speeches are common in India and cut across religious lines. There may be a riot or two at the very worst, never any 'genocide'.

Al Jazeera, or anyone else, shouldn't indulge in sensationalism.
No it wouldn't, as it would be equally false and biased. Hate speeches are common in India and cut across religious lines. There may be a riot or two at the very worst, never any 'genocide'.

Al Jazeera, or anyone else, shouldn't indulge in sensationalism.

Al Jazeera wont comment on hate speeches by Waris pathan or Owaisi or tauqeer raza khan.

This guy is threatening 1bn plus non muslims of India. These are the people who inflame muslims into doing things like Godhra, making them think that other communities will simply be scared of muslims.

But you wont hear that from Al Jazeera. Al Jazeera invited people like Rana Ayub. The same Rana Ayub who has problems with telecast of ramayan on tv.
Lol how did Al Jazeera come up for blame here? Just coz it’s a Muslim sounding name?

Al Jazeera is merely reporting here. would sharing same content from other news agencies work better?

What is AL Jazeera reporting? Half facts?

Before Gujarat riots, muslims burned a train killing 60 hindus. They were incited by local community leaders to scare the hindus. And this isnt the only incidence.

1000 muslims were killed in the riots,so were 250 hindus, a fact conveniently left out.
Inshallah Modi will done tnere for five years and then Yogi uncle will follow :))

Already an article in today's Times about Yogi uncle being the next in line to succeed Modi. You would think the public have had enough of divisive leaders, but no, they want to replace one extremist with someone twice as bad.
7 and half years rules of a hindu dictator in a country of 1000 million hindus and still no genocide no cleansing of minorities
On top of that not a single law passed to hurt minorities or not a single scheme by him that only benefits hindus only.
Remember CAB was passed to give citizenship to non muslims living in muslim countries, not affecting Muslims living in india.
A very dangerous and cruel dictator indeed !!!
Experts warned of Muslim genocide in 2002 Gujrat after which Modi was banned from entering the USA and UK.

Nothing new here folks.

Modi was given red carpet welcome in UK, USA, Australia everywhere post 2014. I personally was present in Wembley when David Cameron (then PM) bending over to welcome him. Trump did the same to him in 'Howdy Modi' event in Texas.

He was given highest civilian award in real muslim country like UAE.

Unfortunately your broken record still stuck in the past when he was banned from entering USA & UK.

Living in denial and writing 'nothing new here folks' in an online forum may help to reduce the pain but it cant hide the reality. Actually lot of it is new and has changed since he was banned. Modi now is one of the most popular global leaders today along with Biden, Putin, Boris and Trudeau. Have you heard what Boris had to say about Modi in last climate summit?

Every country in the world needs India as its the biggest emerging market in the world along with Brazil. So no one can upset/ban its prime minister irrespective of how much Pakistanis like you want unforfunately.

The hub of Delta Variant was India. Yet UK Parliament decided to lift ban on Indian flights first and much before other countries. Ever wondered why?

As far as broken record of Gujarat 2002 is concerned, Supreme Court of India and SIT investigation under then Congress govt could not find a shred of evidence against Modi. Not that I or any other Indian need to justify it to you but just stating the facts. Also, pls read about Godhra train buring and who did what if you are so interested to know about Gujarat.

Muslims are flourishing in India in every aspect of life. Again, not something we Indians need to justify it to the outsiders but just saying.
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Firebrand cleric Yogi Adityanath jockeys to be India’s next prime minister

The son of a forest ranger, Adityanath is a maths graduate who is vegetarian and celibate. In Gorakhpur, he is master of all he surveys. Known as an orator, he has been elected from here five times since 1998, the first time when he was 26. His supporters consider him a reincarnation of the gods. More parochially, they believe he can turn Muslims into second-class citizens. They adore his rhetoric. He once compared the Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan with a Pakistani terrorist.

Last month, he told the Times of India that he had helped eradicate crime and “mafias” who had moved into people’s homes from near the Nepalese border. Adityanath has portrayed Muslim men as criminals and members of the “mafia”. Posters put up in the state show “before and after” pictures of criminals. The first shows swaggering Muslim-looking men wearing a keffiyeh. The second shows them cowering with hands folded begging for mercy once his government has caught them.

That's the article from The Times today. Pretty different picture from the PR nonsense spouted by the Indian poster above.
That's the article from The Times today. Pretty different picture from the PR nonsense spouted by the Indian poster above.

Why was SRK compared to Pakistani terrorist? SRK made political remarks, the political party retaliated with their own remarks.

Are you or is The times going to vote in UP elections that any PR needs to be done here?

No one is going to dictate 1 bn plus people how they run their country. No one is going to interfere as well. Just as a muslim majority country exists and governs itself according to the wishes of its people, so will a non muslim majority one.
I don't care what you do in UP or anywhere in India, just showing the poster above how Britain sees Modi's India, to put some context on his Shining India report. Yes Indian market is a big consideration for Brits and Americans, we will always take their money, but that doesn't mean we are stupid.
Why was SRK compared to Pakistani terrorist? SRK made political remarks, the political party retaliated with their own remarks.

Are you or is The times going to vote in UP elections that any PR needs to be done here?

No one is going to dictate 1 bn plus people how they run their country. No one is going to interfere as well. Just as a muslim majority country exists and governs itself according to the wishes of its people, so will a non muslim majority one.

Someone asked how do you become an expert in genocide.

Well this is how, you demonize anyone who go against your political narrative, make it acceptable to marginalize particular group of people while veiled as a political remark, just a joke, happen at times, etc.

This comment is a text book example of how to make someone a genocide expert, " the political party retaliated with their own remark, called him a "Pakistani terrorist", and by now we all know how BJP uses this narrative to promote and instigate political blunders, violence against Muslims and marginalize Muslims of India.
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I don't care what you do in UP or anywhere in India, just showing the poster above how Britain sees Modi's India, to put some context on his Shining India report. Yes Indian market is a big consideration for Brits and Americans, we will always take their money, but that doesn't mean we are stupid.

Are we talking about Boris's Britain, or an ostracized minority of the country who sing "God save Prince Andrew's mum" for economic reasons, while taking diktats from the likes of Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel?
Hitler lite cannot even string a sentence together when his teleprompter goes dead. Modi hai tu mumkin hai.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Do you know what Nawaz Sharif and Modi have in common? It’s the dependence on Parchi! <a href=""></a></p>— PTI (@PTIofficial) <a href="">January 18, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Are we talking about Boris's Britain, or an ostracized minority of the country who sing "God save Prince Andrew's mum" for economic reasons, while taking diktats from the likes of Rishi Sunak and Priti Patel?

No one is ostracised in Britain, those you are talking about are on the same page as Rishi and Priti Patel, who is the brown face of anti-immigration. A fitting job.
No one is ostracised in Britain, those you are talking about are on the same page as Rishi and Priti Patel, who is the brown face of anti-immigration. A fitting job.

You kind of need people like Rishi, Priti or even the Mayor or London , forgetting his first name but -Khan I think to take positivity of immigrants forward. It takes one guy from Blackburn to undo everything.
You kind of need people like Rishi, Priti or even the Mayor or London , forgetting his first name but -Khan I think to take positivity of immigrants forward. It takes one guy from Blackburn to undo everything.

We don't really have that mindset, immigrants will do their thing, they could care less about Brits positive or negative feelings which is fair enough. We just put a brown face to do the white man's bidding, and Priti Patel is perfect for it.
The article my fellow poster shared above, though published in times UK but its written by Saurabh Sharma sitting in Lucknow. So its a mere opinion shared by him and not by people of Britain.

Also, though I am not a fan of Yogi and dont think he will ever become PM but why cant he aspire to be one? I mean if enough people vote for him and if he wins election, he can be PM. Just like how Asaduddin Owaisi or Mamta Banerjee can become PM too if they get enough votes. That is how democracy works. Its the beauty of Indian democracy that a tea seller in railway station is PM of the country today. Looks like Democracy is a term alien to brother Saurabh Sharma from Lucknow writing for

He is very quick to write an article for UK tabloid of someone somewhere may have compared SRK with Terrorist to prove India is intolerant towards muslims but will never write the fact that 1.5 billion Indians love SRK to the bits and hence he has became the superstar as he is today.


1) Bcoz it wont suit the agenda.

2) No one in India buy those agenda anymore...hence have to write for overseas tabloids
What is AL Jazeera reporting? Half facts?

Before Gujarat riots, muslims burned a train killing 60 hindus. They were incited by local community leaders to scare the hindus. And this isnt the only incidence.

1000 muslims were killed in the riots,so were 250 hindus, a fact conveniently left out.

Before the train burning; mosque was destroyed and Muslims killed
The article my fellow poster shared above, though published in times UK but its written by Saurabh Sharma sitting in Lucknow. So its a mere opinion shared by him and not by people of Britain.

Also, though I am not a fan of Yogi and dont think he will ever become PM but why cant he aspire to be one? I mean if enough people vote for him and if he wins election, he can be PM. Just like how Asaduddin Owaisi or Mamta Banerjee can become PM too if they get enough votes. That is how democracy works. Its the beauty of Indian democracy that a tea seller in railway station is PM of the country today. Looks like Democracy is a term alien to brother Saurabh Sharma from Lucknow writing for

He is very quick to write an article for UK tabloid of someone somewhere may have compared SRK with Terrorist to prove India is intolerant towards muslims but will never write the fact that 1.5 billion Indians love SRK to the bits and hence he has became the superstar as he is today.


1) Bcoz it wont suit the agenda.

2) No one in India buy those agenda anymore...hence have to write for overseas tabloids

Why are you explaining the mechanism of democracy, almost everyone on this thread and I am certain the author of the article also understand the mechanism of Democracy - what it has to do with the article's main point?

Yogi getting elected via democracy says a lot about the mindset of the country, which will be hate driven against a particular group - you failed to understand that concept while explaining the mechanism of democracy.

Silliest way to evade the main point of the article.
You see the debate programs on indian channels and you can clearly see the hate many of these BJP spokepersons have for muslims and even the anchors are taking their sides. When you have hadcore pro BJP/RSS news channels wached by millions of course they will be brainwashed and the hate will increase.
Before the train burning; mosque was destroyed and Muslims killed

In between and around that there were also Mumbai bomb blasts where innocents (both Hindus, Muslims etc were killed), 26/11 (again a religious minded crusade), multiple other blasts in Hyderabad,Delhi and other communal riots as well.

For every racist white cop there is also a black crack dealer. That’s how it works in most diverse nations.

There is no state agenda against Muslims just like not every Muslim goes to a madrassa where they go and transform in to bloodthirsty terrorists.

You need a lot more to form a perspective. Sure it can lean towards one side or the other but at least read and form an opinion.
I don't care what you do in UP or anywhere in India, just showing the poster above how Britain sees Modi's India, to put some context on his Shining India report. Yes Indian market is a big consideration for Brits and Americans, we will always take their money, but that doesn't mean we are stupid.

You don't represent Britain. You only represent a miniscule section of a small immigrant population. If countries ran on pakistani view point about India, then it would be India in fatf list and begging IMF for money and not pakistan.

All the 3 PMs of UK during Modi regime has held summits with Modi, with Boris holding a online summit and forming a strategic partnership.

Britain is represented by the government of britain and not a journalist in Lucknow or a online poster
Someone asked how do you become an expert in genocide.

Well this is how, you demonize anyone who go against your political narrative, make it acceptable to marginalize particular group of people while veiled as a political remark, just a joke, happen at times, etc.

This comment is a text book example of how to make someone a genocide expert, " the political party retaliated with their own remark, called him a "Pakistani terrorist", and by now we all know how BJP uses this narrative to promote and instigate political blunders, violence against Muslims and marginalize Muslims of India.

If i make a political remark against xyz i should be open to the retaliation. Narrative isnt a one way street.

SRK is free to make comments, but as a public figure, people will also make comments on him. Just because he is a muslim doesn't mean he has rights and others don't.

I think people like you forget that India isnt a islamic country and hence non muslims have same rights as muslims.

They didn't call him a Pakistani terrorist, they said he is speaking the same language as hafiz saeed. Srk wants pakistani viewership for his movies, thats fine, he wants to peddle a certain political agenda as per his political views thats fine too, but he will be questioned too.

Can you tell me a single law passed by BJP that marginalizes Indian muslims?

Only thing is that they don't treat muslims as a special community thats above others. Some other political parties do that to get their votes.
If i make a political remark against xyz i should be open to the retaliation. Narrative isnt a one way street.

SRK is free to make comments, but as a public figure, people will also make comments on him. Just because he is a muslim doesn't mean he has rights and others don't.

I think people like you forget that India isnt a islamic country and hence non muslims have same rights as muslims.

They didn't call him a Pakistani terrorist, they said he is speaking the same language as hafiz saeed. Srk wants pakistani viewership for his movies, thats fine, he wants to peddle a certain political agenda as per his political views thats fine too, but he will be questioned too.

Can you tell me a single law passed by BJP that marginalizes Indian muslims?

Only thing is that they don't treat muslims as a special community thats above others. Some other political parties do that to get their votes.

Playing with words to minimize the impact Modi/BJP/RSS has had on Indian Muslims.

And you need to deviate from highlighting "others have a right to comment", let me say in absolute terms, "not a single person on this forum has denied anyone's right to comment", and this can not be used as readily excuse/justification to minimize the bigotry of Modi/BJP/RSS against the Indian Muslim.

Special treatment?, give an example of special treatment and how it impact the larger Hindu community daily.

India does not have to pass the law to appear what it is now - Indian like yourself are daily forced to defend Modi/BJP/RSS when Indian Muslims highlight the bigotry.
No it wouldn't, as it would be equally false and biased. Hate speeches are common in India and cut across religious lines. There may be a riot or two at the very worst, never any 'genocide'.

Al Jazeera, or anyone else, shouldn't indulge in sensationalism.

If anything there was the Kashmiri Pandit mass murder and subsequent ethnic cleansing from Valley. Not sure if the genocide watchdog warned anyone back then.
Playing with words to minimize the impact Modi/BJP/RSS has had on Indian Muslims.

And you need to deviate from highlighting "others have a right to comment", let me say in absolute terms, "not a single person on this forum has denied anyone's right to comment", and this can not be used as readily excuse/justification to minimize the bigotry of Modi/BJP/RSS against the Indian Muslim.

Special treatment?, give an example of special treatment and how it impact the larger Hindu community daily.

India does not have to pass the law to appear what it is now - Indian like yourself are daily forced to defend Modi/BJP/RSS when Indian Muslims highlight the bigotry.

1.Taxpayers money spent on muslims to send them for haj. Lets start with this.

Once you are done with that,

Move to Muslims being allowed Separate personal laws while Hindus being governed by secular constitutional law.

Sitting PM openly saying that muslims have first right on India's resources.

And i can go on and on.

Defend Modi? Why do you think Modi needs defending? If Indians are happy with Modi, he will stay, if not he will be out of power. There is no need to defend Modi or for that matter any Indian government outside of India.
Before the train burning; mosque was destroyed and Muslims killed

Thats a very simplistic root cause analysis if thats what you are attempting to do. Because this Hindu vs Muslim conflict goes back many many centuries. It did not certainly start in 1992. The template has not changed much since the dark ages. And indeed even today we still have a lot of Muslims in India that are openly very proud about some of the medieval warlords who committed shocking atrocities simply on religious grounds.

However Iam very curious to know why you hold Indian Muslims as a innocent party in this dispute(atleast thats how I interpret your reponse as).
Thats a very simplistic root cause analysis if thats what you are attempting to do. Because this Hindu vs Muslim conflict goes back many many centuries. It did not certainly start in 1992. The template has not changed much since the dark ages. And indeed even today we still have a lot of Muslims in India that are openly very proud about some of the medieval warlords who committed shocking atrocities simply on religious grounds.

However Iam very curious to know why you hold Indian Muslims as a innocent party in this dispute(atleast thats how I interpret your reponse as).

I agree with you. And I’m not holding anyone innocent. It was a mere reply to a poster who suggested that the issue purely stemmed from burning of the train
You don't represent Britain. You only represent a miniscule section of a small immigrant population. If countries ran on pakistani view point about India, then it would be India in fatf list and begging IMF for money and not pakistan.

All the 3 PMs of UK during Modi regime has held summits with Modi, with Boris holding a online summit and forming a strategic partnership.

Britain is represented by the government of britain and not a journalist in Lucknow or a online poster

That's not true, I am not an immigrant. My views don't reflect Pakistan either, this is just your saffron specs colouring your own viewpoint where Britain must be white and non-Muslim. Not living in a multicultural nation yourself, it's not surprising you fail to grasp this.

Look, I already said, if you want Modi or an even more hardline hindutva in Yogi as your PM, it's of no consequence for me. I am just an observer from the UK wondering what drives such movement.
That's not true, I am not an immigrant. My views don't reflect Pakistan either, this is just your saffron specs colouring your own viewpoint where Britain must be white and non-Muslim. Not living in a multicultural nation yourself, it's not surprising you fail to grasp this.

Look, I already said, if you want Modi or an even more hardline hindutva in Yogi as your PM, it's of no consequence for me. I am just an observer from the UK wondering what drives such movement.

Cpt Rishwat shift to the BJP was driven by the fundamental failure of Congress after 60 plus years of political dominance.

Congress rules for decades in some of these states and barely did a thing. Take a constituency like Amethi which a Gandhi represented from 1980 to 2014 and remained one of the poorest places in India.
The their 2009-2014 term was a disaster with a new scam every week and extended policy paralysis.

Indians watched with envy as countries like China, South Korea and Japan became developed and wanted that here. Add to that a massive diaspora that lives in first world countries and there's no doubt that every Indian knows how much better the country could be. Especially since most Indians believe that India should be a superpower.

Most Hindus including those of a liberal bent believe that India was an ancient civilization that lost greatness due to Mughal invasions and British colonialism and want a restoration. So in comes Modi who is the first Indian Prime Minister who has been outwardly and unabashedly Hindu and Indian in culture. Past PMs disdained religion, or were secular and never spoke of it or downplayed it. They were also for the most part from elite backgrounds. ​In a country where people are extremely religious there is an appeal in that.

In government, people also discount how much Modi has revolutionized the delivery of benefits to the poor and implemented major benefit projects consistently well.

Poor people don't care about GDP numbers, election rhetoric or media complaints. Even when the economy was booming they barely saw any benefits or development.

Benefit delivery is by far his biggest calling card and the source of his support. It's also what BJP supporters say proves he's not anti Muslim because Muslims have benefited from these programs too.

This article is a good look at the BJP model of governance -

I think the media coverage misses all these things and focuses on the BJPs anti muslim stances only which does a disservice. It also lulls the opposition into focusing on the wrong issues.

As far the thread topic. I don't support Modi or the BJP and think they're dangerous.

However a genocide is not possible in India. There are 200 million plus Muslims. Most Indians might be silent on the things the BJP is doing but they're certainly not Hindutva fascists. BJP won 38% of the vote in 2019 at a time when the opposition was in complete disarray. So their support isn't as deep as you think and they will lose at some point.
Cpt Rishwat shift to the BJP was driven by the fundamental failure of Congress after 60 plus years of political dominance.

Congress rules for decades in some of these states and barely did a thing. Take a constituency like Amethi which a Gandhi represented from 1980 to 2014 and remained one of the poorest places in India.
The their 2009-2014 term was a disaster with a new scam every week and extended policy paralysis.

Indians watched with envy as countries like China, South Korea and Japan became developed and wanted that here. Add to that a massive diaspora that lives in first world countries and there's no doubt that every Indian knows how much better the country could be. Especially since most Indians believe that India should be a superpower.

Most Hindus including those of a liberal bent believe that India was an ancient civilization that lost greatness due to Mughal invasions and British colonialism and want a restoration.

China, South Korea and Japan didn't become developed by adopting religious fervour and clinging to old culture though. This is what I don't understand. How is Modi or the BJP with their consistent anti-Muslim rhetoric showing a developed mindset?
Cpt Rishwat shift to the BJP was driven by the fundamental failure of Congress after 60 plus years of political dominance.


Don't strike your head on a brick wall, my friend. It will only hurt you.

Welcome to the forum, by the way.

Extremists have taken over India... dangerous times for Indian Muslims.

Lol. These people are no different than the right wing, harnessing their creative ability to churn out great stories. By the way TRT is completely oblivious of the extremely hardship that has befallen their national population (no less than genocide forcing them to flee the country) due to inept leadership.
(CNN)When, as journalists, we prepare for a job, we think carefully about our questions, locations and equipment. But for one of us, documentary photographer Roshan Abbas, there is an added consideration -- how much of his true identity to reveal.

Abbas, co-author of this article, is a Muslim man in India. A country where, under Prime Minister Narendra Modi's watch, Muslims are being vilified and evicted from their homes, their freedom of religious expression stifled.

It's oppression Abbas has experienced firsthand, choosing not to wear a kurta -- a loose, collarless shirt -- that might point to his identity as a Muslim, when traveling the country for work.

Likewise, Muslim women wearing hijab can face backlash and discrimination, even though there's no national ban on religious garments in public spaces.

Abbas also takes care not to disclose that he attends Jamia Millia Islamia -- a Muslim university associated with student-led protests against the government. The campus has been closed on-and-off since 2019 amid a tumultuous relationship with the government.
Just one example of the targeted persecution of Muslims is a controversial citizenship law granting Indian citizenship to non-Muslim immigrants, introduced by the ruling Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in 2019.

Prime Minister Modi has previously suggested that people protesting against the law can be "identified by their clothes" -- a clear reference to Muslim protesters. Little wonder then, that Indian Muslims feel they have had to change how they dress, eat and speak in public.

Tensions between Indian Hindus and Muslims have been flashpoints for decades, even before the British left in 1947 and the country gained independence. But since Modi's government came to power in 2014, crimes against the Muslim minority have steadily increased.
Until recently, members of the BJP hadn't outwardly acknowledged their goal of making India a Hindu nation. Othering Muslims, the country's second largest religion, has proven to be an effective strategy in the BJP's majoritarian politics.

Now, India's roughly 200 million Muslims -- just over 14% of the population -- are defending their right to live.

Last month, local authorities and bulldozers razed shops and homes in Jahangirpuri -- a low-income, predominantly Muslim neighbourhood in Delhi. The demolition followed communal clashes between Hindus and Muslims in the area. It mirrored the manner in which authorities responded to similar outbreaks of violence in other parts of the country -- with bulldozers.

What we are seeing in India is more than the systemic oppression of Muslims and other minorities. Prior to 2014, Muslims already accounted for only 14% of the population, but almost 20% of inmates in India's jails.

But with authorities having abandoned their fundamental duty to safeguard the constitutional rights of minorities, India's Muslim population is being rendered insignificant by the day.

What's more, open calls for violence against Muslims have become increasingly frequent. Following the southern state of Karnataka's controversial ban on headscarves in classrooms earlier this year, a member of a Hindu nationalist youth group called for those who wore hijabs to be "cut... into pieces."

And in December last year, a Hindu leader at an event in the northern state of Uttarakhand called for "Hindus to take up weapons" to ensure a "Muslim didn't become the prime minister in 2029."

Yet world leaders seem unbothered by the state of affairs on the ground in India. There are no sanctions or wide condemnations of the Modi government. What little international media coverage there is of the situation -- in our experience as journalists -- been pushed aside to cover the war in Ukraine. And while that news needs due coverage, so does this.

There have been some international breakout moments. On his recent visit to Gujarat, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson visited a JCB plant and posed for photos on a bulldozer -- the same brand of bulldozers used to demolish Muslim-owned shops and homes.

This caused outrage both in India and the UK, with members of the opposition in the UK even going so far as to question whether Johnson's trip to India "helped legitmize the actions of Modi's far-right government."

It is perhaps unsurprising that Modi has yet to condemn the recent spurts of communal violence across the country. Despite India being the world's largest democracy, and constitutionally secular, the BJP has repeatedly stoked the flames of communalism, othering Muslims, branding them dangerous and violent.

In recent years, several BJP-governed states passed a "love jihad" (or "anti-conversion") law. The law aims to prevent women from converting when they marry outside their faith, particularly, as the nickname suggests, keeping Hindu women from marrying Muslim men. It's been likened to the 1935 Nuremberg laws banning marriages between Jews and those of "pure" German blood in Nazi Germany.

This year, we find ourselves inching further toward a propaganda nation-state. A controversial film about a fictional university student who finds out Islamist militants murdered his Kashmiri Hindu parents was openly praised by Modi.

The film enjoyed a "tax free" status in several states to make it more accessible to a wider audience. However, this too was accompanied by anti-Muslim sloganeering and its screening in "mixed population areas" of Delhi was accompanied by increased police presence.

Islamophobia has permeated every aspect of Indian society. Our cities are being renamed to erase traces of Muslim history, while Muslims in metropolitan areas face ghettoization on account of structural biases.

And while beef and meat bans intimidate economically deprived marginalized groups including Muslims, the gross double standards of beef exports from India continue. (Cows, for those unfamiliar, are sometimes considered sacred in Hinduism.)

Indian Muslims are forced to navigate social spaces with an eye of caution, amid a so-called "anti-terror" law to arrest and incarcerate for years without trial. For many activists and journalists jailed under the law, their only fault is their Muslim identity. But any unjust incarceration does more than silence the brave; it instills a sense of fear in the young minds of the Muslim community.

Indeed, in March the international alliance, Genocide Watch, put out a genocide warning -- Muslims in India are under threat. India on the Brink, a genocide prevention summit, also declared that the country was on the brink of genocide.

How Abbas dresses for work is just the tip of the iceberg; Muslim women continue to face the brunt of Hindu nationalism. What's happening to India's Muslim population is a humanitarian issue we should all be paying attention to.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Authorities in India's Bihar state come under severe criticism for arresting the boy after clashes broke out during a Hindu religious event <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) <a href="">September 14, 2022</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
Very bad situation in India. It’s a shame not covered international as much.
Shoot-At-Sight Orders After Violence During Uttarakhand Madrasa Demolition

More than 50 policemen were injured in a clash with a mob in Uttarakhand's Haldwani when they went to raze a madrasa that the authorities declared illegal. Resisting the demolition, the mob at Vanbhulpura threw stones at them. All of them are undergoing treatment at a local hospital. Shoot-at-sight orders have been issued in the area and security has been strengthened.

Besides the police, a team of administration and civic officials had gone to the madrasa, which has an adjoining mosque. Sources said when the JCB machine started running, a crowd of "unruly elements' took on the officials, throwing stones at them from a distance. Besides policemen, several administration officials and journalists were injured. As the police retaliated with tear gas, the violence intensified. Vehicles parked outside the police station were set on fire.

The District Magistrate informed the Chief Minister that prohibitory orders banning large gatherings has been imposed in the area and to maintain normalcy, orders have been given to shoot rioters at sight.

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said the team had gone for the demolition of an illegal structure after a court order, when "anti-social elements there entered into a brawl with the police". "Additional companies of Police and Central Forces are being sent there. We have appealed to everyone to maintain peace. Curfew is in place.Strict action will be taken against rioters and encroachers who committed arson," he was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.

Municipal Commissioner Pankaj Upadhyay said the madrassa and namaz site were completely illegal. The Municipal Corporation had earlier taken possession of three acres of land nearby and sealed the illegal madrassa and namaz place. These structures were demolished today.

The unruly elements who threw steps are being identified and will be arrested, he said.

The Chief Minister held a meeting with senior officials, including the Chief Secretary and the Deputy Commissioner of Police, sources said.

Source: NDTV

This Dhami guy has been indulging in this communal rhetoric for quite some time now. He even lost last election he contested but feku still made him the CM. Wah re democracy!

Just hope the violence doesn't spiral out of control.
Shoot-At-Sight Orders After Violence During Uttarakhand Madrasa Demolition

More than 50 policemen were injured in a clash with a mob in Uttarakhand's Haldwani when they went to raze a madrasa that the authorities declared illegal. Resisting the demolition, the mob at Vanbhulpura threw stones at them. All of them are undergoing treatment at a local hospital. Shoot-at-sight orders have been issued in the area and security has been strengthened.

Besides the police, a team of administration and civic officials had gone to the madrasa, which has an adjoining mosque. Sources said when the JCB machine started running, a crowd of "unruly elements' took on the officials, throwing stones at them from a distance. Besides policemen, several administration officials and journalists were injured. As the police retaliated with tear gas, the violence intensified. Vehicles parked outside the police station were set on fire.

The District Magistrate informed the Chief Minister that prohibitory orders banning large gatherings has been imposed in the area and to maintain normalcy, orders have been given to shoot rioters at sight.

Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami said the team had gone for the demolition of an illegal structure after a court order, when "anti-social elements there entered into a brawl with the police". "Additional companies of Police and Central Forces are being sent there. We have appealed to everyone to maintain peace. Curfew is in place.Strict action will be taken against rioters and encroachers who committed arson," he was quoted as saying by news agency ANI.

Municipal Commissioner Pankaj Upadhyay said the madrassa and namaz site were completely illegal. The Municipal Corporation had earlier taken possession of three acres of land nearby and sealed the illegal madrassa and namaz place. These structures were demolished today.

The unruly elements who threw steps are being identified and will be arrested, he said.

The Chief Minister held a meeting with senior officials, including the Chief Secretary and the Deputy Commissioner of Police, sources said.

Source: NDTV

India is starting to behave like Israel.

Why demolish Muslim buildings frequently? Do they demolish buildings of other religions too (mandir, gurdwara etc.)?
This Dhami guy has been indulging in this communal rhetoric for quite some time now. He even lost last election he contested but feku still made him the CM. Wah re democracy!

Just hope the violence doesn't spiral out of control.

I don’t know about this particular case but lot of religious sites are built illegally. The locals just build a small mosque or put an idol on government property and starts praying and eventually slowly they keep building around it and taking over public property.

This has been going on since ages.
Mostly it’s the local goons who illegally capture such lands and profit from it by preying on religious sentiments of the gullible local public.

A lot of such illegal religious places were destroyed by the government in the past and if this mosque was one of such illegally built place of worship then government did the right thing in demolishing it.
India is starting to behave like Israel.

Why demolish Muslim buildings frequently? Do they demolish buildings of other religions too (mandir, gurdwara etc.)?
Read my post above: I don’t know about this particular case but if it was illegally built then government did right thing.

Indians be of any religion have been using religion as a tool to capture land illegally. I am happy government is putting an end to these corrupt old practices.
India is starting to behave like Israel.

Why demolish Muslim buildings frequently? Do they demolish buildings of other religions too (mandir, gurdwara etc.)?
Actually more illegal temples are demolished, but you only hear the noise when an illegal muslim building is demolished. That is the power of having an ecosystem.
India is starting to behave like Israel.

Why demolish Muslim buildings frequently? Do they demolish buildings of other religions too (mandir, gurdwara etc.)?
Yes all the time, just that you or media doesn’t care.
India is starting to behave like Israel.

Why demolish Muslim buildings frequently? Do they demolish buildings of other religions too (mandir, gurdwara etc.)?

Why built buildings on government land? And then lose case in courts and when demolition is ordered they get violent.

When govt takes action its anti muslim.

Few things needs to be clear

1. India isn't a islamic country. So muslims don't have any special rights here.

2. Indians don't suffer from any colonial guilt that Western nations suffer from, who give concessions to muslims because they fear being labelled as racists.

3. Muslim invaders will not be glorified here.
Yes all the time, just that you or media doesn’t care.

The problem here isn't the demolition of the building. Its UCC passed by Uttarakhand government. Plus the crackdown on illegal Rohingyas and Bangladeshis.
The problem here isn't the demolition of the building. Its UCC passed by Uttarakhand government. Plus the crackdown on illegal Rohingyas and Bangladeshis.
Honestly the UCC wrt live in relationships is a joke.
Yes all the time, just that you or media doesn’t care.
Not just media, even hindus don't care. Even if there are protests over demolition of temples by hindu groups, there is no rioting. And not just places like TN, even so called hindu bastions like UP. And so called hindu rashtra.

Just few weeks ago, DDA demolished 5 temples and a mazar. Guess which one made it to BBC? It is the power of the ecosystem, which sadly even ignorant hindus are part of, because secularism.
Honestly the UCC wrt live in relationships is a joke.
You should not see it in isolation. live in legislation is still evolving. SC said they are eligible for maintenance on break up. While it can be considered rape if the girl says that the guy promised marriage and is not marrying. Judiciary is already making rules about live in. What is wrong in getting it registered?

Tbf they were either illegal
The above article when Modi was a Gujarat CM.
BJP government demolished many temples under PM Modi, they are ruthless when it comes to highways, metros, and flyovers. Last year, they demolished many roadside temples during Bangalore metro construction. In our small area, four temples were razed.
The above article when Modi was a Gujarat CM.
BJP government demolished many temples under PM Modi, they are ruthless when it comes to highways, metros, and flyovers. Last year, they demolished many roadside temples during Bangalore metro construction. In our small area, four temples were razed.
The problem is muslim exclusivism. Which means just because hindus are ok with their temples, build on encroached land, being razed, doesn't mean muslims should also accept it. They want exceptions to be made and laws to not apply to them.
Honestly the UCC wrt live in relationships is a joke.

Its because of judicial orders like treating Live In partner as "Wife" in matters of alimony or inheritance that has created this issue.

Second is the frequent accusations by girls of "rape" after break up that has forced the government to take steps.

But the issue for rioters was not this. Its because now they don't have separate personal laws they are angry.