[VIDEO] BJP leader threatens to ‘slaughter 200,000 Muslims’ over cow incident

A blanket ban is better than these loopholes.

Is a non Indian cow not sacred?

If you give loopholes then rules will be abused again eventually.
Religion by nature is fuzzy. Interpretation depends on Shankaracharya, Ulemas, Popes, Gurus etc. You won't get blanket answers. Hinduism is particularly fuzzy since there's no written single book of scripture.

I think now though, there's a fair bit of clarity. States (mostly in the North) where they take their Hinduism serious and consider the cow particularly sacred have placed blanket bans and there can be no excuse of not understanding. States in the South will not place a ban - blanket or otherwise. If the Central government tried to make it a Central subject and place a blanket ban country-wide, Keralites would laugh at it and continue munching their beef fry.

Just like say Abortion in the states, it'll never be 100% clear.
Cow status as Mother is cultural in India. It is an agrarian society and Cattle holds a lot of value in Indian subcontinent. Traditionally, the primary owners of cattle are Yadavas(Shudra) community and they are the one that benefited from the elevated status of Cow. That meant their livelihood was not touched. Somehow it is twisted as though this cow slaughter ban was an upper caste conspiracy to starve Muslims since independence.
Under Islamic rule in India, Cows were regularly slaughtered and no Hindu could do anything about it.

Migrants and invaders coming from harsher climates would find this Cow worship as stupid. For them eating Cattle is a matter of life or death. In India with tropical weather, they always had a variety of options to eat and survive. You could easily survive without ever eating meat in your life.

The whole issue is cultural. What others do to cattle in their own countries is not a matter of concern for Hindus in India. For Hindus in the West, they have to adopt to the new culture. While they don't eat beef, they cannot stop others from eating it. What others eat is none of our business. Its not their motherland.

It isn't cultural. Just because you are now trying to disassociate from the hindu religion by proclaiming you are a hindu atheist, that doesn't negate the hindu scriptures which prevailed before Savarkar who tried to reform it in the 19th century. You are entitled to your reformist views, but don't dismiss those who hold more traditional Hindu values which prevail throughout India.
It isn't cultural. Just because you are now trying to disassociate from the hindu religion by proclaiming you are a hindu atheist, that doesn't negate the hindu scriptures which prevailed before Savarkar who tried to reform it in the 19th century. You are entitled to your reformist views, but don't dismiss those who hold more traditional Hindu values which prevail throughout India.
It is dude.

Some Hindus take it too far by worshipping it. Cow is not God and Monkeys are not God. But Cow is a sacred animal for Hindus and it is given the status of mother. Same for Jains. Even Buddhists consider it sacred. But their primary sacred animal is Elephant.
Sikhs do not eat beef. They do not consider cow sacred, but they sure respect the culture enough to not eat beef.

I am no reformist. I only post what I have read and learnt all through my life.
It is dude.

Some Hindus take it too far by worshipping it. Cow is not God and Monkeys are not God. But Cow is a sacred animal for Hindus and it is given the status of mother. Same for Jains. Even Buddhists consider it sacred. But their primary sacred animal is Elephant.
Sikhs do not eat beef. They do not consider cow sacred, but they sure respect the culture enough to not eat beef.

I am no reformist. I only post what I have read and learnt all through my life.

You are not really making much sense. In one breath you are claiming Hinduism is a culture not a religion, in the next you are claiming cows and elephants are sacred animals.
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You are not really making much sense. In one breath you are claiming Hinduism is a culture not a religion, in the next you are claiming cows and elephants are sacred animals.
Hinduism is a culture. Its called Sanatana Dharma. We all simply call it as Hinduism for the convenience of grouping and ease of understanding.

If you do not know, just read for yourself. Most of this is available in internet. Elephants are sacred to Buddhists.

I do support Savarkar who ridiculed the superstitions and rituals in Hinduism. Meaningless rituals are a waste of time.
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Why is there so much restriction on the consumption of dog meat in the western world? People should be free to eat what they want, but why even the paragons of freedom also restrict it?
Is there any restriction by law. You might be socially shamed if you're outed for chewing on a canine, but is there prison time waiting for you?

What's on my plate usually doesn't care about your feelings.

The only time anyone should care is if they're tied to a bed and force fed something that offends them. But usually, if you're in a situation like that, it means you've got bigger problems than eating something that offends your feelings :dhoni
Is there any restriction by law. You might be socially shamed if you're outed for chewing on a canine, but is there prison time waiting for you?

What's on my plate usually doesn't care about your feelings.

The only time anyone should care is if they're tied to a bed and force fed something that offends them. But usually, if you're in a situation like that, it means you've got bigger problems than eating something that offends your feelings :dhoni
Keep yourself updated: https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/house-bill/6720/text
lol at the sharp retort but I don't live there so don't care to be updated. Just asking a question fren :dhoni
That was no retort. I live in perpetual ignorance myself.

You will never hear debates and discussions on how in US, the govt has decided what to eat and what not to eat.

This pontification is only reserved for indian hindus, the worlds favourite punching bags, even of self proclaimed secular hindus who don't have guts to show a spine to others, so they take it out on the hindus, knowing well that they can get away with it.
Hinduism is a culture. Its called Sanatana Dharma. We all simply call it as Hinduism for the convenience of grouping and ease of understanding.

If you do not know, just read for yourself. Most of this is available in internet. Elephants are sacred to Buddhists.

I do support Savarkar who ridiculed the superstitions and rituals in Hinduism. Meaningless rituals are a waste of time.

You might believe rituals are meaningless and a waste of time, but clearly many Hindus don't. So while it is fine for you to want to follow a reformist version of Hinduism where you can call it culture, clearly many Hindus still believe it is a religion. India is probably the most superstitious country in the world so that kind of flies in the face of what you are claiming.
You might believe rituals are meaningless and a waste of time, but clearly many Hindus don't. So while it is fine for you to want to follow a reformist version of Hinduism where you can call it culture, clearly many Hindus still believe it is a religion. India is probably the most superstitious country in the world so that kind of flies in the face of what you are claiming.
Religion itself is superstition.

The more religious you are, the more superstitious you are.
Cow alive is holy and has utility. Cow dead is just another dead animal.
That's a very individual interpretation of Hinduism you have. Try getting a Hindu non-vegetarian to eat cow meat and let me know if he/she agrees it's just another dead animal and takes a bite. The most common interpretation in Hinduism is both that the cow itself is sacred and that cow meat is taboo. Most Hindus will also avoid Buffalo meat just in case just like Muslims will avoid meat in places they're not sure of in case it's not halal.

Over all, it's pretty clear Hinduism has chosen cow slaughter as a subject to express it's new found muscularity about as a matter of happenstance. Could've been anything - there's lots of such silly rules in every religion but cow slaughter has been chosen by public consensus as red line. Since religious Hindus are the vast majority in India, all of us will have to respect their wishes.
Religion itself is superstition.

The more religious you are, the more superstitious you are.

Exactly. So you have just reinforced my point that hinduism is a religion as India is probably the most superstitious country in the world. Even Imran Khan used to consult horoscopes and such in his early days after leaving cricket. He still might as far as I know.
Exactly. So you have just reinforced my point that hinduism is a religion as India is probably the most superstitious country in the world. Even Imran Khan used to consult horoscopes and such in his early days after leaving cricket. He still might as far as I know.
Modern Hinduism is a religion. It wasn't always this way. I consider Hindu religion as a culture as it is very diverse. People in North may not even know the names of the Gods worshipped in South. Many deities are exclusive to certain small areas. What we call Hinduism today is just a front face of all those local cultures. The commonality among them is the Brahminical texts and folklores. They are the ones that hold the entire religion and culture together.

I may get some backlash for saying this. I believe Lord Rama was thrusted forward by Brahmins as a counter to Prophet Muhammad. Ramayana is just an Indian epic with virtuous Rama as a hero.

When Arabs first and later on Turks were invading India, they had Prophet Muhamad as an idol to emulate. Hindus had none. They only had various philosophies like Shivism, Buddhism, Jainism etc. King Rama was a common hero for all Indian philosophies and thoughts of school. So Rama was thrusted to the forefront for every boy and man to emulate. Brahmins later elevated him as a God reincarnation.

Old Sanatana Dharma is very different to modern Hinduism. The followers of Sanatana Dharma were forced to organize themselves as a religion to counter Abrahamic onslaught since 8th century. It was a slow process that took centuries to evolve.
To me, Adi Shankara from South India was the first person to organize Sanatana Dharma. He went across India to establish various Shakti peethas. The first attempt to organize the culture as a religion.

As a Muslim, you might think that Islam is the only truth. To me, it is no different to any other religion or belief system. Only difference is that it is very rigid.
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