Hassan Nisar [Merged!]

...but then they vote in the clueless liberals.

One cannot class PPP and PML-N into black and white political categories. They will make alliances with any political party, providing they hold onto power and their perks and privileges.

Pakistan is a naturally conservative country. I don't think anyone can deny Pakistan's religious clergy is very powerful. It is somewhat ironic that the religious right portray themselves as victims under the cruel liberal regime and its supporters :)) Everybody knows all the religious parties such as JI, JUI-F have to do is invoke the name of God and the masses flock to the street. If the 'liberal elite' were that powerful then these people wouldn't even be allowed to go onto the streets.

The reality is that the ruling elite, are not liberal or conservative, but are in bed with anyone, of any political background, in order to cling onto a few more years of office. Zardari called the PML-Q a qaatil league (http://www.dailytimes.com.pk/default.asp?page=2007\12\31\story_31-12-2007_pg1_2), now the PPP has a parliamentary alliance with them. This is the politics of convenience, not of ideology.

However liberals seem to think Westernisation is a solution to everything. I live in the West and the consumer society here is disgusting. No traditional values are being instilled in families, the idea of God or religion is laughed at and sex, drugs and music promoting womanising, alcohol and filth are abundant.

Nevertheless, this perpetual argument that has raged on for the past 60 years in Pakistan, whether we should have 'Islamic Khalifate', or a Westernised nation is tiresome.

We are in the position we are and should aim to progress as a nation first before having the discussion of whether someone should have a beard of a particular length etc.

The government cannot feed or clothe the masses and yet such discussions are taking place in the public domain - is someone a kafir or not, is he pious or a non-believer - if people think that is their major concern in life, then no wonder they are in the situation they are in !
Never thought I'd see cliques forming on an Internet forum...

Since the lovely moderator has given her blessings to get creative at each other then why not.

ZH destroys a drunk Nisar.......Next day..

Qazzar fan wakes up to see his idol Nisar exposed for being a drunk, jumps out his bed, checks his stained stars and stripes boxers shorts before kissing the American flag. Runs to the bathroom to vomit after the dirty south hennesey gets the better of him, eats his blueberry muffin and comes on to Pakpassion to let's get those Moozlems who support the terrorists ragheads in Afghanistan and Palestine.

Qazzar fans see a poster upholding Islam = he's a raghead = he's an extremist = he's a terrorist = he's going to blow up the white house = he's going to beat his wife = he's going to kill a Jew.

He then says's cheese and takes a picture of himself after winning the mud wrestling.


:))):))):))) *** Gold*** what a response KKWC
Hasan Nisar quoting Iqbal? Really?

A few days ago, i came across a clip where Hasan Nisar was degrading Iqbal and his philosphy/poetry, he even said that there are 1000 poets like Iqbal in every nation, which means there are 999 in Pakistan too, althouhg i never even found one of the calibre of Iqbal,

now i stumbled randomly on a clip where it was the same ole same ole, debate about how beghaiarat the Pakistani nation is blah blah blah, and Mr Nisar, surprisingly quoted Iqbal, you can watch at 1:30 onwards, i was really stunned to hear that this person is a hypocrite. he says contradicting things at different times, in one program he was calling it dream selling, and also demeaning mamoolah against shahbaz concept of Iqbal. And here he had to take the support of Iqbal's philosohy that the man of mountain or desert is the one more able to get the job done,

A few days ago, i came across a clip where Hasan Nisar was degrading Iqbal and his philosphy/poetry, he even said that there are 1000 poets like Iqbal in every nation, which means there are 999 in Pakistan too, althouhg i never even found one of the calibre of Iqbal,

now i stumbled randomly on a clip where it was the same ole same ole, debate about how beghaiarat the Pakistani nation is blah blah blah, and Mr Nisar, surprisingly quoted Iqbal, you can watch at 1:30 onwards, i was really stunned to hear that this person is a hypocrite. he says contradicting things at different times, in one program he was calling it dream selling, and also demeaning mamoolah against shahbaz concept of Iqbal. And here he had to take the support of Iqbal's philosohy that the man of mountain or desert is the one more able to get the job done,


Looks like Hassan Nisar is the target of the week for the Mullah brigade :))

how many more HN videos are you and KKWC going to watch?
Too much hassan nissar thread. Who is this guy? And didn't OP already made another in tribute to him?
why are some people so obsessed with what he says? He's entitled to his opinion, if you don't like it, learn to live with it...
Looks like Hassan Nisar is the target of the week for the Mullah brigade :))

how many more HN videos are you and KKWC going to watch?

As I said, i was ot watching this orogram for HN, nut just tripped on it, Sheikh Rasheed was speaking and i was surprised to see HN agreeing to a fellow guest, and then he started with Iqbal's verse of marde-sehrai, and thought to myslef, hey wait a minute wasn't this guy rubbishing Iqbal's ideology, then now this, what a hypocrite . Just wanted to share it with you folks to show you his true face. He just forgets what he said in one show and goes on a different tangent, not knowing they would collide at one point :)
why are some people so obsessed with what he says? He's entitled to his opinion, if you don't like it, learn to live with it...

His opinion? Which one,? The one where he is quoting Iqbal or the one where he does not give any stature to Iqbal? Shouldn't it be one opinion, you cant have two for one person. Or did you read what i said, he was bashing iqbal in zaid hamid show, and here is taking a leaf out of Iqbal's book? Wow,
Too much hassan nissar thread. Who is this guy? And didn't OP already made another in tribute to him?

There is a thread about Zaid Hamid humiliated, where this guy HN is bashing iqbal, here the same HN is praising Iqbal by quoting him,
I didn't know I had so many fanboys. Guys I'm not gay, find some other bloke to fantasise over.

As for Nisar , alcoholism leads to delusions. Alcoholics often don't know what they're saying half the time. They will abuse a person they have praised and vice versa.
Looks like Hassan Nisar is the target of the week for the Mullah brigade :))

how many more HN videos are you and KKWC going to watch?

So if we try to find out issues in others, we are mullahs? Then the people like HN are from shaytaan-brigade
Ok, seriously, where is the hypocrisy here? And where is the Iqbal bashing? The fact that he said other nations have poets like Iqbal? How is that Iqbal bashing? All he said was Iqbal is a good poet but lets not go over board in idol worshipping him. How how how is that Iqbal bashing? Once we decide to become fan boys we take it a bit too seriously dont we? Come on yaar, lets be slightly less sensitive.

I didn't know I had so many fanboys. Guys I'm not gay, find some other bloke to fantasise over.

As for Nisar , alcoholism leads to delusions. Alcoholics often don't know what they're saying half the time. They will abuse a person they have praised and vice versa.

And KKWC, surely you know that both Jinnah and particularly Iqbal drank as much as anyone. Surely you see the problem here? Your drunk bashing is petty and childish. Why not stick to the issues and leave his personal life to its vices?
Ok, seriously, where is the hypocrisy here? And where is the Iqbal bashing? The fact that he said other nations have poets like Iqbal? How is that Iqbal bashing? All he said was Iqbal is a good poet but lets not go over board in idol worshipping him. How how how is that Iqbal bashing? Once we decide to become fan boys we take it a bit too seriously dont we? Come on yaar, lets be slightly less sensitive.

And KKWC, surely you know that both Jinnah and particularly Iqbal drank as much as anyone. Surely you see the problem here? Your drunk bashing is petty and childish. Why not stick to the issues and leave his personal life to its vices?

What do you mean b bashing here? He ridiculed Iqbal's philosphy of shahbaaz vs mamola, and you call it "no bashing", then why he is giving the example of iqbal ideaology in this clip, when iqbal is just another poet? And go and watch the video where he is ridiculing iqbal, that he is khofzada in callinh him even shair mashriq. He was on a roll in degrading iqbal, that is lure hylocrisy. For you it maybe normal, but, then for some the height of the bar is different
What do you mean b bashing here? He ridiculed Iqbal's philosphy of shahbaaz vs mamola, and you call it "no bashing", then why he is giving the example of iqbal ideaology in this clip, when iqbal is just another poet? And go and watch the video where he is ridiculing iqbal, that he is khofzada in callinh him even shair mashriq. He was on a roll in degrading iqbal, that is lure hylocrisy. For you it maybe normal, but, then for some the height of the bar is different

Meray bhai, I'm not going to go back and forth on you over this because I think you already see the point I'm trying to make. The height of the bar is different, and guess what, thats OK.

I know people who quote ordinary poets all the time, there is no hypocrisy in quoting them. But more importantly, just because someone is not willing to worship Iqbal, doesnt mean they dont like Iqbal's poetry. With an open mind, think about it for just 2 minutes.
And KKWC, surely you know that both Jinnah and particularly Iqbal drank as much as anyone. Surely you see the problem here? Your drunk bashing is petty and childish. Why not stick to the issues and leave his personal life to its vices?

There's an English saying, 'If it's good for the goose, it's good for the gander'.

I'm just stooping to his level. Nisar is only capable of bashing people so that's all his deserves in return. You're getting too emotional. :butt
A few days ago, i came across a clip where Hasan Nisar was degrading Iqbal and his philosphy/poetry, he even said that there are 1000 poets like Iqbal in every nation, which means there are 999 in Pakistan too, althouhg i never even found one of the calibre of Iqbal,

now i stumbled randomly on a clip where it was the same ole same ole, debate about how beghaiarat the Pakistani nation is blah blah blah, and Mr Nisar, surprisingly quoted Iqbal, you can watch at 1:30 onwards, i was really stunned to hear that this person is a hypocrite. he says contradicting things at different times, in one program he was calling it dream selling, and also demeaning mamoolah against shahbaz concept of Iqbal. And here he had to take the support of Iqbal's philosohy that the man of mountain or desert is the one more able to get the job done,

Just b/c you disagree with someone doesnt mean you don't like one or two things about them. Similar with Hasan Nisar's view on Iqbal.

Personally I don't respect anyone who doesn't respect Jinnah & Iqbal.
Oh, thanks Garuda. I heard the term a few times, and was wondering what it meant.
Even I am not sure. Just gussing as it seems he writes articles for news papers and blogs. Donno for sure. :)
Indian trolls on full force here. Likes of Zaid and Hasan shouldnt be allowed anywhere near tv shows. These people are awal number ke dhokebaz. Here is the video where Hasan shows his love for Islami Jamat.


He is hypocrate of highest order, just watch the video.
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Indian trolls on full force here. Likes of Zaid and Hasan shouldnt be allowed anywhere near tv shows. These people are awal number ke dhokebaz. Here is the video where Hasan shows his love for Islami Jamat.


He is hypocrate of highest order, just watch the video.

thats what i am trying to say all along, he says or portrays one things in one show only to disown that in the next.
Meray bhai, I'm not going to go back and forth on you over this because I think you already see the point I'm trying to make. The height of the bar is different, and guess what, thats OK.

I know people who quote ordinary poets all the time, there is no hypocrisy in quoting them. But more importantly, just because someone is not willing to worship Iqbal, doesnt mean they dont like Iqbal's poetry. With an open mind, think about it for just 2 minutes.

I think no one is worshipping Iqbal, if youc call it worship, then HN is worshipping the west,
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thats what i am trying to say all along, he says or portrays one things in one show only to disown that in the next.

Yep atleast i find Zaid more consistent with his views but Hassan is retarded. And he keep glorifing west like rest of the humanity had nothing to do with how advance we are today.
I think no one is worshipping Iqbal, if youc call it worship, then HN is worshipping the west,

I will humbly disagree. From dictionary.com

wor·ship   [wur-ship] Show IPA noun, verb, -shiped, -ship·ing or (especially British ) -shipped, -ship·ping.

1.reverent honor and homage paid to God or a sacred personage, or to any object regarded as sacred.
2.formal or ceremonious rendering of such honor and homage: They attended worship this morning.
3.adoring reverence or regard: excessive worship of business success.
4.the object of adoring reverence or regard.
5.( initial capital letter ) British . a title of honor used in addressing or mentioning certain magistrates and others of high rank or station (usually preceded by Your, His, or Her ).

verb (used with object)
6.to render religious reverence and homage to.
7.to feel an adoring reverence or regard for (any person or thing).

You may have a different understanding of the word but this is what you are asking everyone to do. Because as far as I know, nobody has even tried to suggest that Iqbal was not a good person or he did not have good ideas. The debate is whether or not he should be revered/worshipped.

Also, Hassan Nisar is admiring the west not worshipping it. Because I've heard him criticize it many times. The reason why I believe you are asking him to worship Iqbal is because you feel Iqbal should be beyond criticism. This is not the case with Hassan Nisar and the west. He may admire it more than you would like but thats different.

*Pat myself on the back for yet another semantic victory* :)
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[VIDEO] Hassan Nisar dropping some truth bombs

Must Watch. Bonus: He owns Orya Maqbool Jan


<iframe frameborder="0" width="480" height="270" src="http://www.dailymotion.com/embed/video/x1bwv6h" allowfullscreen></iframe><br /><a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1bwv6h_on-the-front-hassan-nisar-feb-12th-2014_news" target="_blank">On The Front. Hassan Nisar. Feb 12th 2014</a> <i>by <a href="http://www.dailymotion.com/HassanNisar" target="_blank">HassanNisar</a></i>
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Hasan Nisar was absolutely brutal and spot on.

"Gunpoint pe aap mujhay munafiq tou bana saktay hain momin nahi bana saktay"..............BRILLIANT!!!
Totally loved it! Some great quotes.
"Religion is changing rules for the changing needs"
"Gunpoint per Munafiq to banaya ja sakta hai, Momin nahi."
" Jo do takkay ki dunya nahi samhaal sakka us ki akhrat kya honi hay!"

Also if you got the chance to listen to Salman Akram Raja (one of the most intelligent people in Pakistan) you'll see how the practical implications of Sharia Law in Pakistan via the Courts.
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Ya watched some part of this show good analysis as usual by HN need his smiley
Watch it again and again to give me some solace that there is still a semblance of sanity left in Pakistan.
His tone is what draws me to his interviews. :)
The way he goes hammer and tongs on the culprits, that combined with the logical statements of his.. It is a perfect time pass where i get useful insight about many things in pakistan.

I hope his viewpoint is honest and truthful ?
HN has to be the best analyst in Pakistan.His show,Meray Mutabiq,is also good to watch.
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Spot on.

But the irony is that even Ghalib was ethnically a Turk (and so was Amir Khusrow). :D
Remember watching this show. :)) :)) His verbal phainti of Orya was one for the ages. Treated him with utter disdain.

"Last great invention of subcontinent was the charpai" :))) :))) Masterpiece of a dialogue.
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Orya Maqbool was repeating the same thing which i said in Bin Qasim thread. lol
I hate the hypocrisy of people like this bearded guy who really didn't said anything about those Taliban killers when asked if they should be punished for the crimes they have done and clearly avoided saying that they should be killed as well as per sharia law.
I have been following HN for the past 2 or so years and he is the most unbiased and logical analyst.My favorite.

All the chahitays of Nisar sahab in one thread, how poetic.
At least he can put his case with passion and intelligence, your thinking is mostly done for you when you read from the HT script.


What utter tripe. His intelligence if he has any can easily be verified through Islamic texts. You don't need to be part of HT to know that as HT doesn't have exclusive rights to Islam. Whatever he says seems to be contrary to Islam. He uses material advancement as measure of 'progress' whilst Islam measures success of society through obedience to commands of the Creator. Material progress counts for jack if you have a society that's dehumanized and driven by selfish, consumerist objectives.

Islam does promote material progress but it is not used as the criterion for success. Best example of this point is the first generation of Muslims, the Companions. However, we have Hasan Nisar blabbering endlessly across various programs about the lack of inventions from Muslims in last couple of centuries as if inventions will really uplift the spiritual and moral conscience of society.

That's why I laugh whenever I see him go on a tirade because he can't fool Muslims who actually have adequate knowledge of Islam at the minimum to know that he's misleading his viewers. He doesn't even seem to have decent intellectual integrity to acknowledge that Muslims of past paved the way for numerous modern day inventions and it was because they had an Islamic intellectual and political leadership which provided an environment conducive for achievement unlike what we have today from treacherous regimes.

What utter tripe. His intelligence if he has any can easily be verified through Islamic texts. You don't need to be part of HT to know that as HT doesn't have exclusive rights to Islam. Whatever he says seems to be contrary to Islam. He uses material advancement as measure of 'progress' whilst Islam measures success of society through obedience to commands of the Creator. Material progress counts for jack if you have a society that's dehumanized and driven by selfish, consumerist objectives.

Islam does promote material progress but it is not used as the criterion for success. Best example of this point is the first generation of Muslims, the Companions. However, we have Hasan Nisar blabbering endlessly across various programs about the lack of inventions from Muslims in last couple of centuries as if inventions will really uplift the spiritual and moral conscience of society.

That's why I laugh whenever I see him go on a tirade because he can't fool Muslims who actually have adequate knowledge of Islam at the minimum to know that he's misleading his viewers. He doesn't even seem to have decent intellectual integrity to acknowledge that Muslims of past paved the way for numerous modern day inventions and it was because they had an Islamic intellectual and political leadership which provided an environment conducive for achievement unlike what we have today from treacherous regimes.

Aren't you defeating your own point here? Hassan Nisar is absolutely correct about the lack of invention in the last 200 years. Seems like Muslims got lazy and complacent and too sure of their spiritual superiority to do their work required to earn it.
Aren't you defeating your own point here? Hassan Nisar is absolutely correct about the lack of invention in the last 200 years. Seems like Muslims got lazy and complacent and too sure of their spiritual superiority to do their work required to earn it.

I think more than being lazy, it's due to the message that life is NOTHING and we only live to prepare for afterlife.

Yes you should remind people about life after death so they could control their greed and wrongdoings but NOT at the expense of current life otherwise Muslims will suffer LOT more than what they are going through today.

Whether some like it or not but Hasan Nisar is absolutely spot on with this.
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Aren't you defeating your own point here? Hassan Nisar is absolutely correct about the lack of invention in the last 200 years. Seems like Muslims got lazy and complacent and too sure of their spiritual superiority to do their work required to earn it.

Lack of invention is not the cause of Muslims' downfall as Hasan sahab would like for people to believe rather it is due to the abandonment of Islam as our intellectual criterion. Lack of inventions is a symptom of the main problem. That's where I'm getting at.

This quote of Umar (RA) sums it up:

We were the lowest of all people and then Allah gave us glory by Islam, and if we seek glory in anything other that what Allah has given us, Allah will disgrace us.
I like nisar, but i think pervaiz hoodbouy is even better. He does not get much air time though

Yes,Pervez Hoodbhoy is incomparable, one of the "true" liberals in Pakistan, real successor of Eqbal Ahmad, but I think Hasan Nisar gets/can get more wide spread audience of a conservative society because of his way and still using religion to explain his point of view, but technically probably more of a center (right).
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Yes,Pervez Hoodbhoy is incomparable, one of the "true" liberals in Pakistan, real successor of Eqbal Ahmad, but I think Hasan Nisar gets/can get more wide spread audience of a conservative society because of his way and still using religion to explain his point of view, but technically probably more of a center (right).
Eqbal Ahmed was a great man. Its a shame nobody talks about him in pakistan or in the media
He makes sense most of times, that being said all he does is criticize whilst doing nothing. It's better to be silent than criticizing which serves nothing unless he should lead by example.
Most of Maulvi(s) didn't get along with Jinnah (R.A), but that didn't stop Jinnah from what he was destined to do, unlike many ppers here, he didn't waste his time in criticizing them, rather he inspired them, gave them hope with the help of Allah (SWT).

People always compare between Muslim World and Western World. That's not the life. Real life is when you are tested with everything, from poverty to rich, from ignorant to knowledge. If you look at history, Muslim world was progressive whilst the western world was at dark age. That means you can't have everything. Along with the success, you will be tested in poverty. The day will come again when the western world will be tested with poverty whilst the Muslim world will be tested with blessed knowledge and development.

At the end, you will be thrown whatever you get, and it is not wise to compare the civilizations from one world to other world. The balance of rich and poverty must be maintained. Everyone is not rich, similarity, everyone is not poor either. Otherwise, how else we would have known what is poor, rich, hell, heaven, knowledge, ignorant and whatever we experience in the world, even though ultimately we will taste death to meet OUR CREATOR. The world will not last, nor the world will be resurrected, in contrary to human beings, our body will not last, but our soul will last long.

The time will come when the Muslim world will be progressive whilst the Western world will be at dark age once. The balance of rich and poor always will continue to exist. I hope in the future, the Muslim world will not waste their time in criticizing other world like some of ppers here. This is not healthy.
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He makes sense most of times, that being said all he does is criticize whilst doing nothing. It's better to be silent than criticizing which serves nothing unless he should lead by example.
Most of Maulvi(s) didn't get along with Jinnah (R.A), but that didn't stop Jinnah from what he was destined to do, unlike many ppers here, he didn't waste his time in criticizing them, rather he inspired them, gave them hope with the help of Allah (SWT).

People always compare between Muslim World and Western World. That's not the life. Real life is when you are tested with everything, from poverty to rich, from ignorant to knowledge. If you look at history, Muslim world was progressive whilst the western world was at dark age. That means you can't have everything. Along with the success, you will be tested in poverty. The day will come again when the western world will be tested with poverty whilst the Muslim world will be tested with blessed knowledge and development.

At the end, you will be thrown whatever you get, and it is not wise to compare the civilizations from one world to other world. The balance of rich and poverty must be maintained. Everyone is not rich, similarity, everyone is not poor either. Otherwise, how else we would have known what is poor, rich, hell, heaven, knowledge, ignorant and whatever we experience in the world, even though ultimately we will taste death to meet OUR CREATOR. The world will not last, nor the world will be resurrected, in contrary to human beings, our body will not last, but our soul will last long.

The time will come when the Muslim world will be progressive whilst the Western world will be at dark age once. The balance of rich and poor always will continue to exist. I hope in the future, the Muslim world will not waste their time in criticizing other world like some of ppers here. This is not healthy.

There is more to this world than the muslim world and the "west". There is china, india , South America and many more civilizations that might be on the top in the future. But yes nobody stays at the top forever. NOBODY.
Pakistanis are delusional,they just cannot bear the truth but prefer to live in a fantasy.
Hassan Nisar dropping some truth bombs

I watched the full show today. He was epic towards the end. Actually laughed out loud on the way he said some of things. Charpai :)))

I mean even Amir Khusrau (father of qawwali tradition) and Ghalib (greatest Urdu poet) were Turks. :)))

Nizamuddin Auliya went to Pakpattan and was student of Baba Farid. Khusrau was student of Nizamuddin Auliya.

So ultimately we have to give credit to the orignal who was native of South Asia :yk
Nizamuddin Auliya went to Pakpattan and was student of Baba Farid. Khusrau was student of Nizamuddin Auliya.

So ultimately we have to give credit to the orignal who was native of South Asia :yk

Baba Farid's ancestors (I think grandparents) were from Kabul, Afghanistan - yes the father of Punjabi literature was an Afghan. :poodle
Baba Farid's ancestors (I think grandparents) were from Kabul, Afghanistan - yes the father of Punjabi literature was an Afghan. :poodle

Yeah and i believe that lolol

Baba Farid Afghan :yk he was low caste moulvi of pind. Remember in punjab low caste not necerally mean dalits. Kami log in punjab are not different from others genetically unlike punjabi dalits. Again its fashion (lol) for punjabis to claim non-hindu heritage, and for some there is no way former hindu could ever do anything like Baba Farid :afridi

In wiki someone have wrote Faird lineage is traced back to Caliph Umar lol

Is it only the muslims in subcontinent that take pride in claiming foreign ancestry or does it happen else where too. Arabs being from the birth place of Islam would have no such desire I would think but do Iranian muslims claim Arab or Turkish ancestry and do Turks in turn claim Arab ancestry.
hasan nisar saab is a legend, but gets repetitive sometimes, off-course there is no wrong in hearing truths again and again...
Re: Hassan Nisar dropping some truth bombs


Is that Subhash Chandra Bose on your DP?What is the significance of him on your DP?

On Topic:I find it very disturbing that many Pakistanis refute their ancestry.Some i have heard saying that no Hindu was his ancestor ever and that he is Arab/Turk/Persian and all Pakistanis are same and hardly any converted population resides in Pakistan.He goes on to talk about how his ancestors defeated hindus and ruled India for 1000 years.I may be wrong but no Local Muslim ever sat on the throne of Delhi.Why is this love for Arabs?When the civilization of sub continental people go far back then Arabs.Why this inferiority complex?I have never seen Afghans say the same.
Hassan Nisar dropping some truth bombs

Looks like the MQM jalsa was well-attended, and they unequivocally condemned TTP, including the attacks on Shias and Christians:


Standard disclaimer: I am not and have never been an MQM supporter, member, employee, voter, or lackey. I am also not an Urdu speaker or a Karachiite. Credit where credit is deserved, and whether they did it partly for politics and brownie points, they did it all the same.

Say NO to Mullah Raj

Is that Subhash Chandra Bose on your DP?What is the significance of him on your DP?

On Topic:I find it very disturbing that many Pakistanis refute their ancestry.Some i have heard saying that no Hindu was his ancestor ever and that he is Arab/Turk/Persian and all Pakistanis are same and hardly any converted population resides in Pakistan.He goes on to talk about how his ancestors defeated hindus and ruled India for 1000 years.I may be wrong but no Local Muslim ever sat on the throne of Delhi.Why is this love for Arabs?When the civilization of sub continental people go far back then Arabs.Why this inferiority complex?I have never seen Afghans say the same.

It's not only Pakistanis. Take the Egyptians, who aren't "Arabs" either. From the Hellenic conquest circa 300 BC onwards Alexandria became the siege of Greek culture and learning, one famous name being the mathematician Euclid but you could quote hundreds more (amongst them, some Ptolemy...) ; but what happens nowadays ? Because Egyptians are "Arabs", it's the modern Greeks (from Greece, namely) who claim all these scientists and artists - that's like a Romanian claiming Isaac Newton because he was an "European" or a British claiming Ramanujan because he was born under the British Raj !
The Arabized "Arabs" (Syrians, Lebanese, Egyptians, Iraqis ...) have lost way more in terms of cultural history, but at least they played a seminal role in the "Golden Age" of the Islamic civilization, and there's a national surge in them and an awareness of their Pre Islamic past, which isn't the case in Pakistan.
Then, a whole different attitude (to say the least) is that of the Persians and Turks who, having bullied the Arabs for centuries, would find ludicrous to "claim" Arab heritage.

And, yes, would be interesting know what Bedouins were doing when Panini codified the most complex grammar in history (Sanskrit's), in Purushpura, circa 600-400 BC.

(I like Bose as political leader).
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I think more than being lazy, it's due to the message that life is NOTHING and we only live to prepare for afterlife.

Yes you should remind people about life after death so they could control their greed and wrongdoings but NOT at the expense of current life otherwise Muslims will suffer LOT more than what they are going through today.

Whether some like it or not but Hasan Nisar is absolutely spot on with this.

well said. Belief in the hereafter does not mean we become lazy and do nothing in this world.

The rabid maulvis who go on about Muslims contribution to science and literature and math etc should be reminded that back in those days (almost 600-700 years ago), their uber right winger ideological brethren were rather against those scientists as well...


Nisar's views are usu. spot on. He speaks according to wisdom. Others speak according to script. Messrs OMJ & Ansar Abbasi are the kind of people who constantly give our nation lolly pops of past glory!

Nisar always stresses the need for education and a popular uprising to rid us of mafias whether they be waderas or molvis. Additionally, he says that a reduced sense of self importance or spiritual superiority and a willingness to be in sync with the world, as it is and not as we would like it, will go a long way. In a nutshell, work hard and live in the present
So is name calling!!

Anyway, Hasan Nisar has always supported Imran Khan except "Peace Talks" stance.

It it not just Nisar but most sane supporters of PTI who admire IK but at the same time have reservations about his TTP stance and his association with JI.

Even if there are many foreigners (Uzbeks, Chechens etc.) among them and even if many criminals and drug mafia now call themselves Taliban, there is no such thing as good taliban or bad taliban. They are all the same; bloody criminals. All are challenging the writ of the state.

I could never support a party (JI) whose founder (Maudoodi) had such toxic views about Jinnah and the creation of Pakistan. Two of my cousins witnessed first hand jamati badmaashi on university campus (UET, Lahore) in the 80s! Has IK forgotten all about how the jamati goons mishandled him in 2007?

I want IK to succeed but I am afraid he keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. His peace mantra looked so out of place. Thank God PTI has finally woken up. NS on the other hand is deliberating. Jazabati firebrand people like Shireen mazari will take this party down the drain. Like Zaid Hamid she is always pandering to conspiracy theories!
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Hassan Nisar dropping some truth bombs

It it not just Nisar but most sane supporters of PTI who admire IK but at the same time have reservations about his TTP stance and his association with JI.

Even if there are many foreigners (Uzbeks, Chechens etc.) among them and even if many criminals and drug mafia now call themselves Taliban, there is no such thing as good taliban or bad taliban. They are all the same; bloody criminals. All are challenging the writ of the state.

I could never support a party (JI) whose founder (Maudoodi) had such toxic views about Jinnah and the creation of Pakistan. Two of my cousins witnessed first hand jamati badmaashi on university campus (UET, Lahore) in the 80s! Has IK forgotten all about how the jamati goons mishandled him in 2007?

I want IK to succeed but I am afraid he keeps making the same mistakes over and over again. His peace mantra looked so out of place. Thank God PTI has finally woken up. NS on the other hand is deliberating. Jazabati firebrand people like Shireen mazari will take this party down the drain. Like Zaid Hamid she is always pandering to conspiracy theories!

I've asked and asked and asked about what T Khan sees in the JI. Never once has any PTI wallah attempted an answer.

Say NO to Mullah Raj
I've asked and asked and asked about what T Khan sees in the JI. Never once has any PTI wallah attempted an answer.

Say NO to Mullah Raj

I'm a PTI wallah. I don't fully support the coalition with JI but it's much better than others.

One reason is that plenty of their workers come from poor background and aren't as corrupt as the others.

That is the reason and you can argue all day long if that reason is flawed ect.
Hassan Nisar dropping some truth bombs

I'm a PTI wallah. I don't fully support the coalition with JI but it's much better than others.

One reason is that plenty of their workers come from poor background and aren't as corrupt as the others.

That is the reason and you can argue all day long if that reason is flawed ect.

But T Khan's affinity for JI far precedes the coalition, does it not?

I don't know about financial corruption, but when it comes to thuggery and intellectual bankruptcy the JI takes the cake.

Say NO to Mullah Raj
But T Khan's affinity for JI far precedes the coalition, does it not?

I don't know about financial corruption, but when it comes to thuggery and intellectual bankruptcy the JI takes the cake.

Say NO to Mullah Raj

Intellectual bankruptcy: who knows. Maybe, maybe not. But that's not why Imran Khan sides with them. It is because they are known to be financially cleaner.

word of advice: The name calling makes you look immature.
But T Khan's affinity for JI far precedes the coalition, does it not?

I don't know about financial corruption, but when it comes to thuggery and intellectual bankruptcy the JI takes the cake.

Say NO to Mullah Raj

IK made it clear many times before the elections that he was ready to form an alliance with JI mainly due to clean record when it comes to financial corruption and the fact that they weren't part of last setup (during Zardari lead government) in anyway.

As for their thuggery and intellectual bankruptcy, definitely an issue but it's not something IK can do much about as the mindset is centuries old and will take time to change.

When you talk about thuggery, MQM is actually worse if not on same level but many including you have no problem with them ONLY because they are left wing party which means you are happy to ignore their thuggery, criminal activities, financial corruption etc etc etc as long as they meet your main criteria of being liberal. You may not necessarily support MQM but you surely like them for certain views and that i believe is the reason IK formed an alliance with JI?
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I'm a little taken aback. I was under the impression your username was a rudimentary bot that Maqbool Jan Ada had created to copy-paste his own articles in that one thread.

Anyhow, all these things you posted would be expected of a man who was the leader of the Muslim league, would they not? That is if we can take these words at face value.

But the mullahification goes far beyond this. They talk of his "conversion," and the latest gem from Ada Sb about the August 11 speech, debunked recently by Yasser Latif Hamdani and Professor Akbar S Ahmad.

The sort of Muslim they want to paint him as would never say or do anything like appointing Ahmadis to important positions or speak out in favor of minorities. Or be an Ismaili for that matter. For some reason they are threatened by such acts by a supposedly pious Muslim.

I find the reference numbers ([6] etc) interesting. Did you copy-paste all this too?

Say NO to Mullah Raj

Mr. Yasser Hamdani wrote that the speech is in Jinnah Papers

In Jinnah papers the source is given is below

Source: G.W. Choudhury 1967, p.19-22 and R. Ahmad 2002 (Vol VI) p.355-366 (Original appears in Dawn, Hindustan Times, Morning News and Leader, 12th August 1947; and in Star of India, Pakistan Times and Civil & Military Gazette, 13th August 1947)

Indian sources we don't accept also Mr. Yaser Latif Hamdani agrees to that. So we will talk about the other sources.

Mr. Yaser replied to the main claim so I will not write about it.

Secondly Orya Sahab said that Dawn started its publication from Karachi 15 th August 1947. How come they have printed the speech 3 days before on 12th August. Is this a valid question? Mr. Yaser didn't replied to this.

So one main Pakistani source down.

Thirdly Orya Sahab says that no record of the speech with All India radio (not a recording and not a handout of the speech). As All India was recording and broadcasting the all the events but they only missed this one. Is this a valid question? Mr. Yaser also didn't replied to this. Maybe All India Radio experiencing load shedding at that time also.

Then Orya Sahab also said that the claim people make that this speech was not published at that time because the pressure of establishment ( the Civil Military bureaucracy) . Orya Sahab writes that Civil Military establishment who were made and were following all the British setup from the training to work ethics. Where Alcohol was served as a menu in governmental function were against the publishing of this speech as if they wanted to make Pakistan as per Islamic Shariah. Is this a valid question? But unfortunately Mr. missed to reply on this also.

Then Mr. Yaser writes that he talked to Dr Akbar S Ahmed and he said “Jinnah did give the speech. I researched it in the course of my Jinnah quartet. The issue of Islamic versus secularism is a false binary. What Jinnah said on August 11 about an inclusive state is perfectly Islamic.”

Did Mr. Yaser also told Dr Akbar S Ahmed that Orya Sahab also wrote that even though there is nothing in those words which goes against the basic principles of Islam (Same what Dr Akbar S Ahmed said as per Mr. Yaser). Orya Sahab furhter adds that in his view a cautious personality like Muhammad Ali Jinnah saying this is doubtful because Mr Jinnah would always use his words very cautiously & wisely.

So out of 4 claims on August 11th 1947 speech Mr. Yaser took only one as he was able to write about it.

So if you call this debunking by Yasser Latif Hamdani of the column of Orya Maqbool Jan then what I can say more.