Hassan Nisar [Merged!]


Tape Ball Captain
Feb 10, 2012
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FZqjHhrscDU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Where did he get owned ? Unless you have a different scale.

Basically, he just accepted everything Hasan Nisar said and said "I do not agree with it and things are improving slowly". So he just says that yes we have the problem but please don't tell us.

How is it called owned?

Where did he get owned ? Unless you have a different scale.

Basically, he just accepted everything Hasan Nisar said and said "I do not agree with it and things are improving slowly". So he just says that yes we have the problem but please don't tell us.

How is it called owned?

who is Hasan Nisar to you? This is internal to Pakistan, I guess anyone who speaks against Pakistan is your friend, eh! so your opinion does not matter here,
who is Hasan Nisar to you? This is internal to Pakistan, I guess anyone who speaks against Pakistan is your friend, eh! so your opinion does not matter here,
Now, you understood the meaning of owned. hehehe. Didn't u ?

1. show me the post where I said he is my friend.
2. Show me the pakpassion rule where it says only Pakistani can comment on hasan nisar.

Hehe. Bade aaye internal matter wale. Isko bolte hain owned.
what a hypocrite? praising Musharaf, choosing the lesser eveil, now what next? in two years he would be saying the same thing about Zardari?

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/u0PMgJrE0dI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
OP you sure do understand the problems of Pakistan. HN is blunt in pointing out the problems with rarely providing any background/reaons or solutions but what he points out is BIG reality.
On the other hand these politcians want the nation to keep dreaming and do nothing. Every thing is rosy posy, or in 10 years time every thing will be good automatically, nothing to worry about now, nothing to do. In 10 years time same Ahson Iqbal will be repeating same BS.
Hasan Nisar talks ill about Prophet's companion Hazrat Abu Ubaidah bin Jarah RA

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZWcPGmCopYQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This guy has go tno shame in talking ill about even the cherished personalities. The person he is talking evil about was given the news of Paradise by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon) himself.

This shows this person can talk anything rubbish to get his paycheck. He accuses others of corrupting the hsitory, but, this hypocrite is the biggest offender of doing that. Its time we stop this kind of extremes from our society. No one is walking int he center, that is the irony and pity facing our nation,
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OP you sure do understand the problems of Pakistan. HN is blunt in pointing out the problems with rarely providing any background/reaons or solutions but what he points out is BIG reality.
On the other hand these politcians want the nation to keep dreaming and do nothing. Every thing is rosy posy, or in 10 years time every thing will be good automatically, nothing to worry about now, nothing to do. In 10 years time same Ahson Iqbal will be repeating same BS.

I do understand, I was big fan of HN, but, the way he is going after the cherished personalities, this guy is the biggest hypocrite, I will never follow him even if he speaks the truth or whatever. For me its enough to stay away from this idiot because he is making false remarks and humiliating remarks about the heroes of the nation, even the heroes of the Ummah. He is not providing any comfort zone just hopelessness thats it. His attitude is very extreme now, he thinks he knows it all, that's where he is losing it,
I don't know what this drunkard thinks of himself? Always barking some non sense about Islam, Muslims & Pakistan.
Now, you understood the meaning of owned. hehehe. Didn't u ?

1. show me the post where I said he is my friend.
2. Show me the pakpassion rule where it says only Pakistani can comment on hasan nisar.

Hehe. Bade aaye internal matter wale. Isko bolte hain owned.

OP you sure do understand the problems of Pakistan. HN is blunt in pointing out the problems with rarely providing any background/reaons or solutions but what he points out is BIG reality.
On the other hand these politcians want the nation to keep dreaming and do nothing. Every thing is rosy posy, or in 10 years time every thing will be good automatically, nothing to worry about now, nothing to do. In 10 years time same Ahson Iqbal will be repeating same BS.
The only issue with Hasan Nisar I find is he is mixing low level and high level problems together.

When you are talking about policitcal problems the state is facing, you can't get into petty things which happens everyday in every 3rd world countries.

So he may need to just make sure he points out things in context.

Whatever he says are true and no one can deny that and that is the reason why lot of people are not happy with it.
Hasan Nisar n Abdul Qadeer Khan as a thief

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/NO32G-WS-rM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

So anyone left now? who else is to be humiliated by this hypocrite.
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FZqjHhrscDU" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Go back to your Raiwind palace.

Choti Tind, Bari Tind, Raiwind Rainwind!!
OP you sure do understand the problems of Pakistan. HN is blunt in pointing out the problems with rarely providing any background/reaons or solutions but what he points out is BIG reality.
On the other hand these politcians want the nation to keep dreaming and do nothing. Every thing is rosy posy, or in 10 years time every thing will be good automatically, nothing to worry about now, nothing to do. In 10 years time same Ahson Iqbal will be repeating same BS.

Well said and agree.

Honestly FFS Pakistanis need to think forward and look for solutions.
In the last 30 years Pakistan has had very slow progress or has literally gone backwards.
this is after the phainty he got from somewhere,

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/jqFrPGwh_2U" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Can you post all Anti Hasan Nisar threads in one place.

i cannot understand why this drunk dog is always on tv channels all the time..al he does is moan about muslims and pakistan ...he exchrades all the problems and he never gives any solutions ...he moans about the muslim empire in the past but loves the current westen powers who have killed millions ..created the atom bomb ..who destroy nations for oil ..who support the organised terriorism in palenstain by the gods choosen ones ..and much more ...double standrds at its best ..and he moans about how no pakistani follow the laws of the country ..yet he drinks which if illegal for a muslim in pakistan ,,and as for indians ..iam not surprised at all ...in about 10 yrs he will be more famous then SRK and he will have his statue in RSS headquaters
allah ki lanat ho is sharabi kutta par and lanat on our government on not taking any action aganist him ..how can he bark aganist our national heros ...no wonder hes so famous in india
allah ki lanat ho is sharabi kutta par and lanat on our government on not taking any action aganist him ..how can he bark aganist our national heros ...no wonder hes so famous in india
I don't think anyone in India knows him at all :) There is no Pakistani channel in India.

It's only Pakistan TV and youtube and thanks to some PP members who let us see his clips. May be the OP is also responsible for spreading his message. hehe.
i think there is no law against speaking any person.
one way is that person sue him or other is people stop watching those shows where he participate and channels will kick him out.
I don't think anyone in India knows him at all :) There is no Pakistani channel in India.

It's only Pakistan TV and youtube and thanks to some PP members who let us see his clips. May be the OP is also responsible for spreading his message. hehe.


If it was possible, Pervez Hoodbhoy and him would be seen as some divine avatars in India, and of course a lot of you bunch know him, he (Hassan Nisar) was made a star overnight thanks to YouTube and its users.

A lot of Indian users, believe me. :julien
Hassan Nisar Drink Aware!

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/EoPRfOHQZes" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Can anybody tell me what label the bottle has in the background? :asif
Kyon bhai why do you want to know

Just wanted to know what the man's favourite brew is. It could go a long way in explaining his retarted views. Reseach has shown alcohol can lead to major delusions.

You know or not?
allah ki lanat ho is sharabi kutta par and lanat on our government on not taking any action aganist him ..how can he bark aganist our national heros ...no wonder hes so famous in india

+1, i have no idea how some people take this drunk clown seriously
^ So you think Hassan Nisar has "retarded" views. Fair enough. Creating a thread like this though is a bit immature.

I dont like someone like Zaid Hamid, but I absolutely refrained from associating him with that cult that he was accused of belonging to that was allegedly sacrilegious. I know that he laid low for a while due to those allegations, but I did not even entertain them and have not inquired further into them. What matters more to me is what comes out of someone's mouth rather than their activities.

Expected better from you than to make threads on people "drinking" in order to prove their retarded level.
This is not about his views really but about his drinking problem and I'm genuine in my interest in what bottle he has in his house? Can you help or not?
Whats wrong if he drinks?

Does he come to your house and tell you what to eat and what to drink?
^ Doesn't matter if he can think on his feet. What matters is your thinking ability to distinguished what is right and what is wrong. If you are confident about your ability then debate/discuss the points made by the 'drinker'.
^Agreed. Also, inquiring into someone else's alleged "drinking problem" is not a problem that OP has been given to resolve or intrude into. OP does not like Hassan Nisar's views and feels that they are anti-Pakistan/anti-Islam, which he is fair to critique, but this is just a facepalm.
Hasan Nisar

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/3TEalu_w8mw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Although this got on Hasb Hall recenlty, but I had known about it since 2004 or so,

I found him Ashi-q-eRasool at the time, and Allah knows about his sincerety, but, recently I pray to Allah that Hasan Nisar be shown the right path, his arrogance is going to take him down otherwise, he is ona roll and is trying to take down everyone in that flow, it all starts slowly from petty things and then grow into a big problem. I hope he reviews his way of talking, his approach to thers felings etc,
i agree, if a person is drinking, he can not think on his feet,

Did not do Muhammad Ali Jinnah's braincells any harm - he was one of the finest thinkers of his day.

Where is the evidence that alcohol in moderation causes any harm?
Wow a lot of Hassan Nisar threads today. That recent debate with Zaid Hamid sure ignited fury.

For the most part I love his columns in Jangg and his critical thinking of our culture and religion. Others do not appreciate it, which is fair and good. He needs to keep his anger in check and also needs to not interrupt others when he is talking.

I disagree with him on his stance on Allama Iqbal and A.Q.Khan, BUT at the same time it does not mean I should despise him and not listen to his other viewpoints. Think in shades of gray. Not everyone is going to have the same ideological standpoints that you agree upon. It often hurts when a person you follow or are inspired by deviates from what you might term the right way of critical thinking, but if you keep such a standard, pretty soon you'll run out of people to talk to.
Wow a lot of Hassan Nisar threads today. That recent debate with Zaid Hamid sure ignited fury.

For the most part I love his columns in Jangg and his critical thinking of our culture and religion. Others do not appreciate it, which is fair and good. He needs to keep his anger in check and also needs to not interrupt others when he is talking.

I disagree with him on his stance on Allama Iqbal and A.Q.Khan, BUT at the same time it does not mean I should despise him and not listen to his other viewpoints. Think in shades of gray. Not everyone is going to have the same ideological standpoints that you agree upon. It often hurts when a person you follow or are inspired by deviates from what you might term the right way of critical thinking, but if you keep such a standard, pretty soon you'll run out of people to talk to.

The problem is how come and why he bashes Iqbal? Iqbal was himself trying to let us know the reasons of our decline. Does not HN read Shikwa and Jawab-e-Shikwa? Iqbal was criticised for his modern thoughts, does not HN understand Iqbal was way modern than HN can ever be. Being modern in the light of religion and being liberal with no ethics are two different things. West has its problems, as I can see when I live here in west.
HN criticises others for painting a rosy picture of Pakistan, I agree with him, but he himself is painting a very rosy picture of the West? he has ot live here in day to day life, yes the issues here might be different than others, but they still are issues and one can only recognize when one starts to live here.

HN is being delusional as the saying goes "grass is greener on the other side". Recently a pharmcy gave kids "Cancer drugs" instead of their mint chews, they are messed up right now fighting for their lives. There are other issues that i can go on.

People have to balanced in their approach, HN is an exmplae of one extreme as ZH is the example of another.
Did not do Muhammad Ali Jinnah's braincells any harm - he was one of the finest thinkers of his day.

Where is the evidence that alcohol in moderation causes any harm?

Some people just can't mind their own business.

One of the reason why our country is in such mess.
+1, i have no idea how some people take this drunk clown seriously

Seriously some of the things he says makes sense. Self-denial is not a good thing and will only destroy ourselves, but, there are ways to say it, bashing Philosphers and thinkers like Iqbal, is not the way to go about it. Looks like he is slowly getting off the track, in his arrogance, in his publicity, in his recent fame, and he is not noticing it himself, one day he would regret it,
Agreed. What someone does in their private life should be off limits as long as it doesnt harm anyone else. I'll ask this of KingKhan once again, being such a strong supporter of Islam you should try and follow it more closely. In particular, dont judge others and dont call their character into question. This kind of thing is better left to gade schoolers.
He's a public figure who goes on national TV showing a bottle of alcohol in his house. If wanted this to be private he would have hid it no doubt. He obviously doesn't mind so why do others?

There is nothing to get sensitive about. I wanted to hear his views and noticed the booze in the background. Just wanted to know what liquor it is?

Its an olive oil bottle.

Also, inquiring into someone else's alleged "drinking problem" is not a problem that OP has been given to resolve or intrude into.

True. If the topic was some thing like 'Drinking is wrong and that HN drinking habbit should be condemnd' I'll agree with that. However saying since a person drinks he/she can't talk sense at any given time is complete non-sense.
Jinnah drank but left it. Nissar is a proud drinker who would probably die from liver failure or some other drink related issue. You can't compare the two, one had a lifestyle which he rejected later, the other a proud drinker who shows his collection on national TV...hic...hic.. :)
^ Doesn't matter if he can think on his feet. What matters is your thinking ability to distinguished what is right and what is wrong. If you are confident about your ability then debate/discuss the points made by the 'drinker'.

Didn't Imam Ghazali say something similiar?

Uncle KingKhanWC might be frustrated that Hassan Nisar just isn't as funny nor as ripe for ridicule in the myriad of ways Che Guevera's re-incarnation is... Though I'd still happily rip Nisar saab too.

At least he doesn't masquerade behind morals like some Religious Anchors or Religious affiliated Politicians...

Anwar Maqsood and the late great Moin Akhtar also parodied Zaid Hamid on Loose Talk...

I happen to think Zaid Hamid is genuine, he's just a bit... well.. mental/misguided.

Nothing like Maulana Fazlur-Rehman..

Outside = :moyo
Inside = :asif
Jinnah drank but left it. Nissar is a proud drinker who would probably die from liver failure or some other drink related issue. You can't compare the two, one had a lifestyle which he rejected later, the other a proud drinker who shows his collection on national TV...hic...hic.. :)

What if Jinnah didn't actually leave it and hid it, like he hid his ill health? Would it make any of his pronouncements on Politics any less relevant?
True. If the topic was some thing like 'Drinking is wrong and that HN drinking habbit should be condemnd' I'll agree with that. However saying since a person drinks he/she can't talk sense at any given time is complete non-sense.


It's not like he failed to perform at a WC final in 99 due to a night on the town...

:wasim, :ijaz and co.

If it was possible, Pervez Hoodbhoy and him would be seen as some divine avatars in India, and of course a lot of you bunch know him, he (Hassan Nisar) was made a star overnight thanks to YouTube and its users.

A lot of Indian users, believe me. :julien

Not true. You are talking about guys who live abroad.

I had never heard about these guys before joining PP.

In youtube, if you are not watching anything related to Pakistan politics from Pakistan media then there is no way you will see them.

How many people from India really look at pakistani chanels (not broadcasted + not many in youtube).

If they were so popular, Indian news channels would be calling them over phone on every Indo-Pak shows. But I have never seen that happening. Pakistanis who come on Indian TVs are Hamid Mir, few retired ISI officers (forgot their names. Some durrani or something).
They didn't knew Hassan Nisar directly, but they first typed something like 'the myth of Islamic civilization'/other-controversial-subject-with-Pakistan-bashing on YouTube, then knew about H.N. and finally became 'fans'.

The same process for Pervez Hoodboys and co.
What if Jinnah didn't actually leave it and hid it, like he hid his ill health? Would it make any of his pronouncements on Politics any less relevant?

Imo yes it would since Jinnah spoke of Islam, that would have been hypocritical. Jinnah left it and moved on, Nissar enjoys showing it off for the nation. Nissar even sober would be no Jinnah anyway.

At least he doesn't masquerade behind morals like some Religious Anchors or Religious affiliated Politicians...

A guy who openly bashes Iqbal and shows off his favourite tickle couldn't hide behind any religous morals since he doesn't have any...hic..hic.
They didn't knew Hassan Nisar directly, but they first typed something like 'the myth of Islamic civilization'/other-controversial-subject-with-Pakistan-bashing on YouTube, then knew about H.N. and finally became 'fans'.

The same process for Pervez Hoodboys and co.
Well, It seems you think 200,000 is what India's population.

I gave you the fact as I was in India till 3 months back and I had never heard abou these guys and never had seen them in any Indian TV.

Upto you to believe or not.
Well, It seems you think 200,000 is what India's population.

I gave you the fact as I was in India till 3 months back and I had never heard abou these guys and never had seen them in any Indian TV.

Upto you to believe or not.

i can give you some more names that you would ike in Pakistan bashing, people like Hasan Nisar, there is another one Najam Sethi!
i can give you some more names that you would ike in Pakistan bashing, people like Hasan Nisar, there is another one Najam Sethi!
Yes, I know him. Actually I know all the names mentioned here.

But I came to know them very recently after watching Pakistani channels here in UK and in youtube.
Iqbal would probably be the first to allow anyone to question him. you shouldn't elevate anyone to the level you can't ever question them. Even someone as brilliant as Iqbal saab.

As Smoothcrimional says, just because I and others disagree with many of the Wino-Nisar's stances, doesn't mean we have to disagree with many other things he says.

Iqbal was after all an admirer of Nitesche... (again, not comparing nisar to Nietsche, just giving you an example)

Even if you hate Nisar with a passion: A broken clock is still right twice a day! :malik
HN is being delusional as the saying goes "grass is greener on the other side". Recently a pharmcy gave kids "Cancer drugs" instead of their mint chews, they are messed up right now fighting for their lives. There are other issues that i can go on.

Mate, theres a big difference between a mistake and large scale jaalee dawaai syndicate. Iqbal was talking about this exact thing; looking away from what your own brothers are doing. Not to mention the watered down/milaawatee milk... etc.
When people cant logically argue against someone's views they try to make themselves better by attacking their character.

Any Muslim knows Allah has prohibited us from accusing ,mudslinging or backbiting anyone.
Yeh masaail e tasawwuf , yeh tera bayan Ghalib
Tujhe hum wali samajhte jo na baada khwar hota


This mysticism, these statements of yours Ghalib
You would be a saint, if only you were not inebriated
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Hasan Nisar is probably one of the biggest retards alive but critism should be on his retarded views and not on his personal life.
When people cant logically argue against someone's views they try to make themselves better by attacking their character.

Any Muslim knows Allah has prohibited us from accusing ,mudslinging or backbiting anyone.

You didn't mention this when he backbited a dead Iqbal.

This is not mudslinging or backbiting but simply pointing out something he himself showed on national t.v.

You're welcome to argue his views for him. Do you know what drink it is?
You didn't mention this when he backbited a dead Iqbal.

This is not mudslinging or backbiting but simply pointing out something he himself showed on national t.v.

You're welcome to argue his views for him. Do you know what drink it is?

i dont know. if it is alcohol i wouldnt know

In any case i dont care. My religion tells me not to accuse others or talk abt someone's personal life

Looks like you hit a nerve here..... Never knew HN had so many fanboys :)
Eagle_eye, niether did I.

It might be something to do with his new movie? :D

OP you sure do understand the problems of Pakistan. HN is blunt in pointing out the problems with rarely providing any background/reaons or solutions but what he points out is BIG reality.
On the other hand these politcians want the nation to keep dreaming and do nothing. Every thing is rosy posy, or in 10 years time every thing will be good automatically, nothing to worry about now, nothing to do. In 10 years time same Ahson Iqbal will be repeating same BS.

This.He wants people to know the reality.He do not want people to stay in illusions.What he points out are some of the biggest problems in Pakistan which may not go down too well with some people.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ZWcPGmCopYQ" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This guy has go tno shame in talking ill about even the cherished personalities. The person he is talking evil about was given the news of Paradise by Prophet Mohammed (peace be upon) himself.

This shows this person can talk anything rubbish to get his paycheck. He accuses others of corrupting the hsitory, but, this hypocrite is the biggest offender of doing that. Its time we stop this kind of extremes from our society. No one is walking int he center, that is the irony and pity facing our nation,

First of all, stop making a thread per video that is against Hassan Nisar it is ruining the forum.

Secondly, do you have comprehension issues in Urdu? There is no way in hell that he is talking "ill" of the Prophet's (PBUH companion. All he said was: "Ubaidah bin Jarrah kay saath kya hua tha?" That doesn't mean he is saying that he was a bad person. Everyone knows Ubaidah bin Jarrah was a much liked personality. He could very well be talking about how Muslims have treated the good people amongst their own ranks - that was the main point of his broader argument anyway.

May I remind you that stretching the truth and twisting other's words to suit your own narrative is in itself gunnah in Islam.
He's asked you legitimate questions. Why don't you answer them? And he's a good poster. Who gives you the right to come on a public forum and tell others to stick their nose somewhere else?

i have been following his posts in other threads also, and it is okay to state that he is trolling, i did not just say it the first time he posted. His opinion does not matter to me because he is from India, and anything that goes wrong with Pak is right for them and vice versa, hence it's my right to say that his opinions does not matter to me. I have all the right to say what matters to me or not, I am not saying whetehr it matters to you or not. Why are you trying to bully me here?

I was a big fan of HN until he said what he said on that programe against Iqbal,
First of all, stop making a thread per video that is against Hassan Nisar it is ruining the forum.

Secondly, do you have comprehension issues in Urdu? There is no way in hell that he is talking "ill" of the Prophet's (PBUH companion. All he said was: "Ubaidah bin Jarrah kay saath kya hua tha?" That doesn't mean he is saying that he was a bad person. Everyone knows Ubaidah bin Jarrah was a much liked personality. He could very well be talking about how Muslims have treated the good people amongst their own ranks - that was the main point of his broader argument anyway.

May I remind you that stretching the truth and twisting other's words to suit your own narrative is in itself gunnah in Islam.

how old are you and how long have you been speaking urdu? lets first talk about that and then I would explain what HN meant.
who is Hasan Nisar to you? This is internal to Pakistan, I guess anyone who speaks against Pakistan is your friend, eh! so your opinion does not matter here,

So just coz Garuda isnt pakistani, he cant ask questions, and have views about this video?

What are you, 9?

We, as a nation, have not done jack. The country is in a much worse state than it was a few decades ago. HN is pointing this out, and if this hurts your fragile patriotic ego, then he just owned you and Ahsan Iqbal, not the other way around
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So just coz Garuda isnt pakistani, he cant ask questions, and have views about this video?

What are you, 9?

NOpe, its just like if I start speaking on any issues in India without knowing the background, that is just trolling. He himself admits he does not know NH, then how come he comes in his favor so openly, there is only one reason, because NH is against anything Pakistani these days, and that clciks for him, otherwise if he does not know NH and surely he doe snot know the other person, how come he is just favoring NH and not the other guy, when the other guy is of the view that its enough of Muslim/Pakistan bashing, why did he not like that answer?

If you can provide me a logic on how come he liked HN when he does not know him personally. Its called trolling. Muslim, Islam, Pakistan, does he care about those things? I am not saying he is wrong, what I meant to say, these things do not hold any value to him,
If you can provide me a logic on how come he liked HN when he does not know him personally. Its called trolling. Muslim, Islam, Pakistan, does he care about those things? I am not saying he is wrong, what I meant to say, these things do not hold any value to him,

I added stuff to my post above

As for the above, I dont know any of these analysts personally. So does that mean that I cant like any of them?

And where does this nonsense of values come into this? Pakistan, a muslim country, has probably the worst values. I am saying this, I am a muslim. You think your leaders care abot muslims, Islam,and Pakistan? Go get a reality check my friend.

Your response to Garuda was wrong. I am sure he knows a thing or two about values. And I am sure he upholds them better than the leaders of our beloved country
We, as a nation, have not done jack. The country is in a much worse state than it was a few decades ago. HN is pointing this out, and if this hurts your fragile patriotic ego, then he just owned you and Ahsan Iqbal, not the other way around

Everyone knows we are hurting, does he have to remind us in every program? he is like a broken record, why doesn't he come with a solution? If you ask him for a solution he will give you only one answer, and you knw what that will be. What hurts me right now that I followed this person for long and he said such pathetic things about the Great Iqbal. Enough is enough, its time someone shuts him up.

The country is in much worse state because we all know why, there are other reasons also besides just plainly blaming it on the nation.
Its chaotic condition, corruption was there from day one, but the current situation is not only because of corruption, we hear more now because we have mobile devices in our hands, we brush teeth later, watch or read news beforehand. Paistan, in my opinion is progressing, you have not seen the Marshal Law of Zia and Ayub, people like HN would have been lashed 100 times in public by now after speaing ill against the government. Yet, to me this is positive step, to let other speak openly. It will take time, US had worse history than this, and they are here after evolution. Its ever evolcing process, still the most civilised ocuntry has its issues, I say that because i live there. HN is painting rosy picture of the west in terms of inventions etc, ask him what abnout the family values, he will never say anything on that. Yes, West has materialistically progressed, but, they have their fair share of problems too.