Horror movies worth watching


ODI Debutant
Oct 6, 2006
Can you please recommend what horror movies are worth watching? - thanks
Horror Movies Worth Watching

The Blair Witch Project- genuinely creepy

Grave Encounters

[REC] 1 & 2

The Orphanage

Drag Me To Hell- Sam Raimi masterpiece


The Conjuring
No movie spooked me more than watching Exorcist home alone at night. Horror movie is at its best when it slowly creeps in you.
Case 39, Below, and The Rite are some of the good movies.
The Exorcist

And then the one i found even more scary; Exorcist 3, not a single murder nor any blood is shown on camera, and that adds to the creepiness.

The Orphan was bad as well
Re: Horror Movies Worth Watching

Saw first part that's it. The rest of the sequels became gorefests which I enjoyed. But they weren't scary in the least.
Others worth watching

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974) - IMO the greatest horror film ever made. Nothing can come close.
Paranormal Activity (2007)
The Thing (1982) - Both ET and this were released in the same year. Talk About Irony.
Black Christmas (1974)- Used all the tricks of the trade 4 years before Halloween.
The Evil Dead (1981)
The Conjuring
A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) - Freddy before he became a joker.
Pakistan cricket team Batting.

On a relevant note, Insideous.
For some reason I didn't like Shining at all and it wasn't even scary. I found extremely boring to be honest.

Sinister is good and a bit scary. Insideous is good too. Grudge is obviously worth watching too.

On a tangent or a side note. Do you guys consider gore movies horror movies?

Personally for me I absolutely hate watching gore movies and not because they are scary, but because they are absolutely disgusting. I don't even really consider them a 'horror' movie.

For me horror movie is something that should give me the chills and scare me and not disgust me.
The conjuring and Insideous are worst horror movies and copy cat of a lot of movies....

Insideous even copied a stage from max payne 1!
Insideous did not have a strong plot but was very very scary
Re: Horror Movies Worth Watching

For some reason I didn't like Shining at all and it wasn't even scary. I found extremely boring to be honest.

Sinister is good and a bit scary. Insideous is good too. Grudge is obviously worth watching too.

On a tangent or a side note. Do you guys consider gore movies horror movies?

Personally for me I absolutely hate watching gore movies and not because they are scary, but because they are absolutely disgusting. I don't even really consider them a 'horror' movie.

For me horror movie is something that should give me the chills and scare me and not disgust me.

Totally agree in The Shining. Found it overlong. Start and end were good though. I liked Grudge 2 more than 1 for some reason. I also don't like pointlessly gory movies much though I do watch them. I avoid reprehensible trash like The human centipede series, A Serbian Film, etc.
As a child, I found the Harry Potter series petrifying.
Re: Horror Movies Worth Watching

BTW, has anyone heard of the Italian murder mystery subgenre called Giallo ( there was a piece of crap movie released by that name which you should ignore). Giallo was basically the grandfather of the slasher classics like Friday the 13th, Halloween and other 80s slashers that were released. I recommend the works of Mario Bava, Dario Argento( pre 90s work), Sergio Martino, Lucio Fulci. Some great gialli include Deep Red(1977), Suspiria, Torso, Tenebre. The Gialli were known for being extremely stylish murder mysteries filled with suspense, violence and some sleaze of course. Tremendous fun. Saw part 1 could also be considered a giallo as it concentrates on the murder investigation part more than the killings which obviously changed in the sequels.
Silent Hill (the first one NOT the second one)
It (Stephen King)
The Ring (Japanese version)
Dead Silence- My all time favourite horror movie 10/10
Insidious and The conjuring are good recent ones.
Horror Movies Worth Watching

The Strangers
Funny Games (German version)
Ils (French)
Alien for me has the most creepiest nightmarish soundtrack ever made for a horror movie.

That's what makes the movie still scary today - if you watch it on your own in the dark.

It's an almost perfect movie on how a monster movie should be made, a film way ahead of its time considering it was made in 1979.

Today's horror movies have too much CGI, poor script and poor character development and too much gore and blood which doesn't make a movie scary at all. It's what you don't see can makes a good Horror movie.
I watched You're Next yesterday and it was pretty good. Everything was good apart from the offensive words they were using frequently.

I would give it a rating of 8/10.
An old fifties British movie called Night of the Demon. Highly creepy and atmospheric.

The Exorcist.

Alien is still the scariest film I ever saw.
For some reason I didn't like Shining at all and it wasn't even scary. I found extremely boring to be honest.


I suppose it is one of those landmark films which have been widely copied, but for me it lacked internal logic. How did Jack get out of the freezer? Did the ghosts let him out? If so, they were real. But I though he was just being driven nuts......
I see people listing movies like the Saw franshicse or Hostel here. For me, those aren't exactly horror movies and belong more to the thriller category. For me , a horror movie needs to comprise of supernatural elements.

Some good horror movies I have watched recently include the The Conjuring, Sinister and Mama. I did not quite Insidious 2 but the first one was very good.
just finished watching 'The Descent' and it is was awesome.. 7.5
After a lot of thought, this is my list of top 10 horror movies. A few usual suspects are missing but not forgotten and hopefully you will find a few that you haven't seen and will enjoy.

#10 - Trick 'r Treat (2007)

A wickedly smart, funny and unnerving horror comedy which was horribly handled by the producers. It didn't even get a proper theatrical release. It consists of four intercrossing stories during halloween all watched by a masked boy named Sam. A 6.8 rating on Imdb is not a crime, it's blasphemy. This deserves to be an annual Halloween tradition.

#9 - 1408 (2007)

Probably the last genuinely good film that John Cusack did before going the Cage way, it's a claustrophobic, chilling and disturbing gem that is again horribly underrated on Imdb. Samuel L. Jackson has a little more than a cameo but shows why he is such a class actor. Cusack's performance is key because he avoids the film from being too grim by coming up with a one-liner. He also handles the scenes of grief and terror equally well. An Oscar-worthy performance IMO.

#8 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Wes Craven's classic horror film takes the slasher tropes and adds a clever supernatural twist to it. Freddy Krueger was overexposed to the point of buffonery by the sequels but here he is nasty, wicked and horrific. Craven had enough in the tank to give him a brilliant encore with New Nightmare. Also Johnny Depp pops up in his first role and steals the show if only in his death scene!

#7 - Suspiria (1977)

Dario Argento is a name synonymous with stylish horror films that focus on mood, suspense and gore while letting story take a backseat. Here he is in the midst of his most fruitful period with this gem sandwiched between Deep Red and the cruelly underrated Inferno. A really beautiful and brutal film, this mixture of witchcraft and ballet provides the kind of suspense that would make Hitchcock proud.

#6 - Paranormal Activity (2007)

A highly divisive film much like it's elder sister The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity is a fine example of Hitchcock's definition of suspense - "Suspense is waiting for the bomb to go off" (Paraphrased). Shot on a zero budget at his home, Oren Peli develops a claustrophobic atmosphere that keeps you choked till the last frame is over. Was victim to the usual sequel drivel but the original remains king.

#5 - The Evil Dead (1981)

It's hard to believe that Sam Raimi who made Spiderman directed this immensely creative horror film that even Stephen King appreciated. Suspenseful, gory and occasionally darkly funny, the Evil Dead was followed by an even better and funnier sequel which gave us the greatest horror action hero ever. This movie even gave birth to an awesome version of the shaky cam which has been abused by found footage films and Paul Greengrass.

#4 - Rec. (2007)

The best found footage film ever. Creepy, mysterious and ultimately disturbing, the film has a deceptively light and quiet first 25 minutes and then throws us into the action without warning. The attic scene nearly made me bite my fingers off. Followed by one very good and an abominable sequel, the film even got a Hollywood remake. But you cannot beat the original for evoking sheer terror and hopelessness.

#3 - The Thing (1982)

John Carpenter's best film even better than Halloween. It's hard to believe this is a remake of 1951's The Thing from Another World although this is significantly gorier and darker, not to mention better. There are iconic setpieces such as the blood test scene, the defibrillator scene and the spider head. Unfortunately, it was dumped in theatres with E.T. But time has been kind to this classic and it is remembered fondly. Kurt Russell shows why he is such a boss with a calm, controlled performance as a person facing an impossible situation.

#2 - Black Christmas (1974)

The Halloween before Halloween. Used several of the tropes which Halloween used except four years before that film - suspense, killer POV, focus on characters more than gore, implacable killer, virginal girl being the survivor, the amorous girl biting it. The film even stars a pre-Superman Margot Kidder in a hilarious role. The scene with the killer peering through the door with a close-up of his eyeball was a crash course in pure terror. The director went on to make A Christmas Story amazingly!

#1 - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

The greatest horror film ever. Nothing comes close to Leatherface and his gang of degenerate backwoods cannibalistic hillbillies. Hooper himself never came close to this movie although Poltergeist was a fine movie. The scenes with daylight horror are unparallelled and the movie has a certain grimy, eerie feel that makes you feel unclean. Relatively gore-free, the editing makes it seem like a truly violent film. I wouldn't change anything about this except probably obliterate the New Generation sequel from existence.


Halloween (1978)

An immensely watchable horror flick. It is sparse, crisp and gave us an iconic villain. The scariest thing about Michael Myers is how plain he is yet utterly devoid of humanity. The theme song still gives me chills. I didn't like this movie initially all that much but now I realize it's importance. Spoofed, ripped-off and copied, the original still retains the ability to shock.

There are several other films such as The Fly, Friday the 13th, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari which I feel bad leaving out but they are certainly a part of my collection.
I will say it again:

Alien (1979) for me is the best Horror film ever made.

- The brilliant suspense, building slowly but pacing up once the spaceship lands.
- The monster actually looks scary (compared to some of the lame CGI from today's movies).
- there is logic on how the creature appears and transforms.
- The score by Jerry Goldsmith is so memorable and haunting one of the best ever, especially for a horror movie
- The claustrophobic feeling inside the space ship when the hunters become the hunted.
- The actors were all brilliant especially Weaver.
- great Ending as well.
I will say it again:

Alien (1979) for me is the best Horror film ever made.

- The brilliant suspense, building slowly but pacing up once the spaceship lands.
- The monster actually looks scary (compared to some of the lame CGI from today's movies).
- there is logic on how the creature appears and transforms.
- The score by Jerry Goldsmith is so memorable and haunting one of the best ever, especially for a horror movie
- The claustrophobic feeling inside the space ship when the hunters become the hunted.
- The actors were all brilliant especially Weaver.
- great Ending as well.

Seen it when I was 6 and honestly think I'm still scarred.

Couldnt watch the whole thing. Same with Aliens.

Thing is, I've always been fascinated by the lore and plot of the films, even though I can never muster the courage to watch them :)) All I can do is read summaries!! The alien design (by HR Girger I think?? Either way he passed away recently) is outstanding. Shuddering to watch.

As a kid the worst bit for me was, in my naivety I expected the guys with guns to blow em away. Seeing them getting slaughtered and cracking mentally really frightened the hell out of me

Complicated relationship. Surprised [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] didnt include them, he seems to be a big fan of them.
Black ghost White ghost - Don't watch it. It's on Netflix. It's two stories. I only watched the first story "Black ghost". It was disturbing to say the least (and no gore).

Blair Witch Project - the trick was to buy the hype and watch it thinking it'a a real footage found in the woods. This movie started it all and "Paranormal Activity" was inspired from this movie.

Bollywood horror movie "Kaun" featuring Urmila Matondkar is worth mentioning here. Probably one of the best Bollywood movies ever. Does anyone know if it was an original story or a rip off?

So many more movies falling into horror to psycho thriller genre...but very few are worth mentioning:

The Ring
The Grudge
Chainsaw Massacre (first one)
Paranormal activity (somewhat)

Never liked the Saw movies. It's not horror anyway.
Seen it when I was 6 and honestly think I'm still scarred.

Couldnt watch the whole thing. Same with Aliens.

Thing is, I've always been fascinated by the lore and plot of the films, even though I can never muster the courage to watch them :)) All I can do is read summaries!! The alien design (by HR Girger I think?? Either way he passed away recently) is outstanding. Shuddering to watch.

As a kid the worst bit for me was, in my naivety I expected the guys with guns to blow em away. Seeing them getting slaughtered and cracking mentally really frightened the hell out of me

Complicated relationship. Surprised [MENTION=95766]leatherface58[/MENTION] didnt include them, he seems to be a big fan of them.

Aliens was brilliant as well but not as dark or scary as Alien.
That was more of a sophisticated army with powerful weapons against some very smart creatures who use stealth tactics to hunt the Humans - I think James Cameroon said in a interview he got inspired to make the movie this way on how the Vietcong fought and used ambush tactics against the american millitary during the Vietnam war.

And honestly the same thing happened to me when I watched Alien the first time (I was around 9 or 10) I switched off the TV once the Alien started hunting down the crew inside the ship.
Only about 10 years later did I watch again but still scary.
I find Alien to be excellent but probably not as good as the other 10. Same goes for The Shining. Both very good films which I find a touch overrated. Aliens > Alien though Aliens is not a horror film.
Exorcist 3, best watched when you are on a business trip to DC and not able to sleep in the hotel
<<<<< oops double post >>>>
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I will say it again:

Alien (1979) for me is the best Horror film ever made.

- The brilliant suspense, building slowly but pacing up once the spaceship lands.
- The monster actually looks scary (compared to some of the lame CGI from today's movies).
- there is logic on how the creature appears and transforms.
- The score by Jerry Goldsmith is so memorable and haunting one of the best ever, especially for a horror movie
- The claustrophobic feeling inside the space ship when the hunters become the hunted.
- The actors were all brilliant especially Weaver.
- great Ending as well.

I would add to this the rape theme that is present almost throughout - all that Freudian imagery, the alien lifecycle, and perhaps the scariest part of all - the scene where Ash decided to murder Ripley.
Black ghost White ghost - Don't watch it. It's on Netflix. It's two stories. I only watched the first story "Black ghost". It was disturbing to say the least (and no gore).

Yeap, both are good, but Black Ghost was crazy.
After a lot of thought, this is my list of top 10 horror movies. A few usual suspects are missing but not forgotten and hopefully you will find a few that you haven't seen and will enjoy.

#10 - Trick 'r Treat (2007)

A wickedly smart, funny and unnerving horror comedy which was horribly handled by the producers. It didn't even get a proper theatrical release. It consists of four intercrossing stories during halloween all watched by a masked boy named Sam. A 6.8 rating on Imdb is not a crime, it's blasphemy. This deserves to be an annual Halloween tradition.

#9 - 1408 (2007)

Probably the last genuinely good film that John Cusack did before going the Cage way, it's a claustrophobic, chilling and disturbing gem that is again horribly underrated on Imdb. Samuel L. Jackson has a little more than a cameo but shows why he is such a class actor. Cusack's performance is key because he avoids the film from being too grim by coming up with a one-liner. He also handles the scenes of grief and terror equally well. An Oscar-worthy performance IMO.

#8 - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Wes Craven's classic horror film takes the slasher tropes and adds a clever supernatural twist to it. Freddy Krueger was overexposed to the point of buffonery by the sequels but here he is nasty, wicked and horrific. Craven had enough in the tank to give him a brilliant encore with New Nightmare. Also Johnny Depp pops up in his first role and steals the show if only in his death scene!

#7 - Suspiria (1977)

Dario Argento is a name synonymous with stylish horror films that focus on mood, suspense and gore while letting story take a backseat. Here he is in the midst of his most fruitful period with this gem sandwiched between Deep Red and the cruelly underrated Inferno. A really beautiful and brutal film, this mixture of witchcraft and ballet provides the kind of suspense that would make Hitchcock proud.

#6 - Paranormal Activity (2007)

A highly divisive film much like it's elder sister The Blair Witch Project, Paranormal Activity is a fine example of Hitchcock's definition of suspense - "Suspense is waiting for the bomb to go off" (Paraphrased). Shot on a zero budget at his home, Oren Peli develops a claustrophobic atmosphere that keeps you choked till the last frame is over. Was victim to the usual sequel drivel but the original remains king.

#5 - The Evil Dead (1981)

It's hard to believe that Sam Raimi who made Spiderman directed this immensely creative horror film that even Stephen King appreciated. Suspenseful, gory and occasionally darkly funny, the Evil Dead was followed by an even better and funnier sequel which gave us the greatest horror action hero ever. This movie even gave birth to an awesome version of the shaky cam which has been abused by found footage films and Paul Greengrass.

#4 - Rec. (2007)

The best found footage film ever. Creepy, mysterious and ultimately disturbing, the film has a deceptively light and quiet first 25 minutes and then throws us into the action without warning. The attic scene nearly made me bite my fingers off. Followed by one very good and an abominable sequel, the film even got a Hollywood remake. But you cannot beat the original for evoking sheer terror and hopelessness.

#3 - The Thing (1982)

John Carpenter's best film even better than Halloween. It's hard to believe this is a remake of 1951's The Thing from Another World although this is significantly gorier and darker, not to mention better. There are iconic setpieces such as the blood test scene, the defibrillator scene and the spider head. Unfortunately, it was dumped in theatres with E.T. But time has been kind to this classic and it is remembered fondly. Kurt Russell shows why he is such a boss with a calm, controlled performance as a person facing an impossible situation.

#2 - Black Christmas (1974)

The Halloween before Halloween. Used several of the tropes which Halloween used except four years before that film - suspense, killer POV, focus on characters more than gore, implacable killer, virginal girl being the survivor, the amorous girl biting it. The film even stars a pre-Superman Margot Kidder in a hilarious role. The scene with the killer peering through the door with a close-up of his eyeball was a crash course in pure terror. The director went on to make A Christmas Story amazingly!

#1 - The Texas Chain Saw Massacre (1974)

The greatest horror film ever. Nothing comes close to Leatherface and his gang of degenerate backwoods cannibalistic hillbillies. Hooper himself never came close to this movie although Poltergeist was a fine movie. The scenes with daylight horror are unparallelled and the movie has a certain grimy, eerie feel that makes you feel unclean. Relatively gore-free, the editing makes it seem like a truly violent film. I wouldn't change anything about this except probably obliterate the New Generation sequel from existence.


Halloween (1978)

An immensely watchable horror flick. It is sparse, crisp and gave us an iconic villain. The scariest thing about Michael Myers is how plain he is yet utterly devoid of humanity. The theme song still gives me chills. I didn't like this movie initially all that much but now I realize it's importance. Spoofed, ripped-off and copied, the original still retains the ability to shock.

There are several other films such as The Fly, Friday the 13th, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari which I feel bad leaving out but they are certainly a part of my collection.

Nice list and reviews. Might check some of the older stuff out.

But where is The Exorcist?
Nice list and reviews. Might check some of the older stuff out.

But where is The Exorcist?

Found it a touch overrated. The drama is solid but the horror has watered down. Might give it another look and who knows I might change my mind.
Has anyone seen Oculus? I loved it. It completely messes with your mind.



  • 20140316042141!Oculus.jpg
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Found it a touch overrated. The drama is solid but the horror has watered down. Might give it another look and who knows I might change my mind.

Yeah. I'd recommend you watch it again. I am sure you will change your mind.

Felt the same way before a rewatch a couple of years ago and yeah, they nailed it.
Annabelle trailer was amazing. Here's to hoping they didn't just show the only two scary scenes in the movie.
Annabelle director made Mortal Kombat 2 #justsaying. But he also was the cinematographer for The Conjuring so atleast it will be shot well.
Any takers for 'Event Horizon' one of the best sci fi horror movies imo.

'Evil Dead' was my first horror movie, still think it's one of the best horror movies ever made.

'The Ring' and 'REC', ending scene scared the hell out of me.

'Rosemary's Baby' was brilliant. Not really horror but an occult thriller.

'Shining' has so many layers of complexity and meanings. It should be mentioned here if only for the sheer brilliance of the film maker.

'Psycho', hands down the best movie made by Hitchcock. Revolutionary and highly influential for movie makers.

'Host', best monster movie ever made, period.
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Every pakistani kid must have rented evil dead from the video shop back in the day , it was such a rage , brilliant movie , shouldnt have gone beyond part 2 though .Bruce campbell though <3.
Saw the ring with my cousins on a stormy night while vacationing in islamabad , that has to be one of the best psychological horror flicks ever .
Psycho is a masterpiece , the shower scene one of the most iconic in cinema , the relationship with the mother all shown with such mastery by hitchcock , its also loosely based on a real life serial killer .
Another one i quite enjoyed was the excorcism of emily rose , again based on a supposedly true story , was quite disturbing.
i enjoyed the original scream too , was alone in the house when i saw it .
Any takers for 'Event Horizon' one of the best sci fi horror movies imo.

'Evil Dead' was my first horror movie, still think it's one of the best horror movies ever made.

'The Ring' and 'REC', ending scene scared the hell out of me.

'Rosemary's Baby' was brilliant. Not really horror but an occult thriller.

'Shining' has so many layers of complexity and meanings. It should be mentioned here if only for the sheer brilliance of the film maker.

'Psycho', hands down the best movie made by Hitchcock. Revolutionary and highly influential for movie makers.

'Host', best monster movie ever made, period.

Completely agree with Event Horizon. That scared the lights out of me when I saw it as a kid.
Every pakistani kid must have rented evil dead from the video shop back in the day , it was such a rage , brilliant movie , shouldnt have gone beyond part 2 though .Bruce campbell though <3.
Saw the ring with my cousins on a stormy night while vacationing in islamabad , that has to be one of the best psychological horror flicks ever .
Psycho is a masterpiece , the shower scene one of the most iconic in cinema , the relationship with the mother all shown with such mastery by hitchcock , its also loosely based on a real life serial killer .
Another one i quite enjoyed was the excorcism of emily rose , again based on a supposedly true story , was quite disturbing.
i enjoyed the original scream too , was alone in the house when i saw it .
True , it was a sort of rage.
I wrote in my list. Rec 2 is an excellent sequel. Rec 3 though... I run out of abuses.

It is better than the first one.
I see. I guess thats next on the to-watch list.
Annabelle director made Mortal Kombat 2 #justsaying. But he also was the cinematographer for The Conjuring so atleast it will be shot well.
We know your hate for mainstream horror movies but dont try to ruin it for us :p saw the trailer when it first came out..hoping it is as good as the conjuring (thou I have a feeling already that its not:steyn)
Th uninvited is another brilliant one..Totally shocking ending..
I see. I guess thats next on the to-watch list.

We know your hate for mainstream horror movies but dont try to ruin it for us :p saw the trailer when it first came out..hoping it is as good as the conjuring (thou I have a feeling already that its not:steyn)

I hate watered down boring horror (AKA PG-13 horror which has no edge). Mainstream or indie is not the problem. I liked Insidious, Sinister and The Conjuring (highly overrated but good). Sinister IMO was the best horror film of 2012.
I hate watered down boring horror (AKA PG-13 horror which has no edge). Mainstream or indie is not the problem. I liked Insidious, Sinister and The Conjuring (highly overrated but good). Sinister IMO was the best horror film of 2012.

Can you recommend some good horror shows like American horror story,Goosebumps or American gothic..
Can you recommend some good horror shows like American horror story,Goosebumps or American gothic..

Supernatural till Season 3 was good with some scary episodes. It's more of a highly entertaining soap opera now but the horror has declined. Tales from the Crypt, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits are some good horror themed shows. They are anthologies and quite old.

A really good horror show currently is Hannibal. But you need guts of steel man. :misbah
Supernatural till Season 3 was good with some scary episodes. It's more of a highly entertaining soap opera now but the horror has declined. Tales from the Crypt, The Twilight Zone, The Outer Limits are some good horror themed shows. They are anthologies and quite old.

A really good horror show currently is Hannibal. But you need guts of steel man. :misbah

Thanks.. Is Hannibal too gory?
Thanks.. Is Hannibal too gory?

It's EXTREMELY gory actually. No sex or swearing. But it's quite classy. I am shocked how much they got away with in Season 2. Fantastically written show. Mads Mikkelson makes a great Lecter.
Looking forward to Annabelle, The Babadook & V/H/S: Viral.