"Imran Khan was the best player to wear the Pakistan cap" : Qasim Umar


Local Club Regular
Jan 30, 2011
Quotes from keh Dein Jo Kehna Hai on PTV Sports

Mohammad Zahid:
"Pakistan should face the reality and keep their feet on the ground." Mohammad Zahid on phone in

"The team management should be questioned. They made some silly mistakes during the Test series." Mohammad Zahid

"There was no point neglecting Wahab Riaz and selecting others. He has pace and would have been deadly." Mohammad Zahid

"Had our selectors played Wahab for 3-4 consecutive years, he would have been the front-line Pakistan bowler today." Mohammad Zahid

"I don't go for ifs and buts. We lost the Test series fair and square." Mohammad Zahid

"South Africa thrashed us. They are a far superior side. We had a chance to level the series in the 2nd Test, but failed to do so." Mohammad Zahid

"The team selection is very important going into such a tough series and we made a mess of it." Mohammad Zahid

Qasim Umar:
"I am very hopeful that Pakistan will edge South Africa out in the ODI series." Qasim Umar

"A win is a win and the T20I win will boost our morale." Qasim Umar

"South Africa did go in with inexperienced players in the T20I, but they weren't blind." Qasim Umar

"I was shocked when I found out that Shahid Afridi didn't get to bowl." Qasim Umar

"Had Afridi bowled, we would have restricted them below 70." Qasim Umar

"The criticism on Afridi is unjustified. He can easily play for another 3 years." Qasim Umar

"Shahid Afridi is a living legend. He has won uncountable matches for Pakistan. We should respect him as a player." Qasim Umar

"Shahid Afridi is an excellent bowler. He would have taken wickets, had he got to bowl. That would have done a lot of good to his confidence." Qasim Umar

"Shahid Afridi is the most popular Pakistan player. He overtook Imran Khan years back." Qasim Umar

"We don't have any exceptional batsmen our bowlers anymore, so the criticism on Afridi is baseless." Qasim Umar

"Abdul Razzaq should have been in the team. He has cricket left in him. If Younis and Misbah can play, why can't Razzaq?" Qasim Umar

"Injustice was done to Razzaq in the World T20 and it is no different now." Qasim Umar

"I request Misbah to call it a day now. He is damaging our preparations for the 2015 World Cup." Qasim Umar

"We could have played a youngster in Misbah's place, which would have benefited us." Qasim Umar

"Misbah can't continue till the World Cup, hence he should hang up his boots and let the youngsters take over." Qasim Umar

"Imran Khan was the best player to wear the Pakistan cap, though. He respected me as a player and still does it." Qasim Umar

"Imran Khan booked his berth in the heaven with the Shaukat Khanum project. Only he could have done that." Qasim Umar

"To bring Imran Farhat back is a crime, not only with Pakistan, but with the player too. We need to move forward now." Qasim Umar

"Ahmed Shehzad is a brilliant prospect and should be retained for the ODIs." Qasim Umar

"I admire Mohammad Yousuf as a player, but feel sorry for him. He doesn't play domestic cricket but still wants to make a comeback." Qasim Umar

"If we want to progress, we will have to take risks. We should appoint three different captains and change the entire team as of 2003." Qasim Umar

"Imran Khan was very brave when it came to taking risks and fortune always favours the brave." Qasim Umar

"Cricket is an intense psychological war and the key is to stay positive. I never got nervous and it comes naturally." Qasim Umar
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"I am very hopeful that Pakistan will edge SA out in the ODI series." Qasim Umar

Whos qasim umar??
"misbah should call it a day now"
"shahid afridi is a living legend should continue to play",
seem like another afridi fan
Some of the stuff that Qasim said was just beyond me and not postable.

Our media walas being typically unprofessional. Anyone who watched this show would know what I'm talking about.
:))) at the afridi comments. What a delusional fan boy he is.

Fair play - people are asking for Misbah to be removed BUT this guy has no logic for Misbahs removal.

"Misbah can't continue till the World Cup, hence he should hang up his boots and let the youngsters take over."

Yet Afridi and Razzaq wont be around for the next WC either.

Also does he think that the team revolves around Shahid that the ball should be given to him just to cheer him up and boost his confidence? Ridiculous.
I stopped reading after this

"Shahid Afridi is the most popular Pakistan player. He overtook Imran Khan years back." Qasim Umar
Misbah should retire after the Champs. Trophy (from ODIs). Till then stop calling for him to retire
Our analyst continues to contradict and embarrass themselves.

Qasim changed his tone completely after the break. It was as if he had just woken up from his slumber.
When will these ex-players learn to shut-up?

Zahid doesn't go with ifs and buts but, if Riaz had been played for the past 3 years, he would have been our front line bowler. Yeah, right...

And let's not even talk about the fanboy who wants to prepare 2015 WC with Afridi and Abdul Razzaq and thinks Afridi would have gotten them out for 20 less runs when he is not even fit to tie the shoelace of Ajmal and Hafeez :facepalm:
I agree on Zahid's comment about Wahab...he was doing better than Gul and other fast bowlers then why was he dropped??
"I'm very blunt,people are jealous of me.PCB won't offer me a role because I'll disclose everything"

LOL If this doesn't say tool, I don't know what does. Next Rashid Latif analyst in the making fellas. Stay tuned.
Some of the stuff that Qasim said was just beyond me and not postable.

Our media walas being typically unprofessional. Anyone who watched this show would know what I'm talking about.

Yes, I watched the show and I know whom you are talking about. He just shocked me with that statement.
Shahid Afridi - the world will never see another player like him ever again. Most of the Pakistan players will have to be born 10 times or even more to reach his level of popularity. People crave for what Afridi has achieved and he is still moving. For all his haters and the supporters of Misbah: It took him 1 innings to score an ODI century, but believe you me, Misbah will never ever score one, even at the age of 45.
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Like others I want to ask who is Qasim Umar? I actually agree with all his points BESIDES the love-struck comments on Shahid Afridi. We would get them out under 70 if Afridi bowled? What?? Was 10 wickets in 11 overs fast enough for him? He's a living legend? Overtook Imran Khan in popularity?

Wow.. fanboyism: level MAX.
The best points are about Misbah taking the place of someone else for 2015... Abdul Razzaq for T20s, and Shehzad for T20s.

M Zahid is right but I doubt Wahab Riaz would've made a difference.
I told you and even qasim umar agrees Afridi did take over imran khan and infact is better he is a match winner amazing batting runs and wickets in his total career fastest century etc..
Re: "I request Misbah to call it a day now." Qasim Umar

Mibah and retirement? Arr you kidding :D

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Tapatalk 2
I told you and even qasim umar agrees Afridi did take over imran khan and infact is better he is a match winner amazing batting runs and wickets in his total career fastest century etc..

Yes, the word 'etc.' is only used when you talk about legends of the game and not for mediocre players like Misbah.
I request that PP arrangean interview with Qasim Umer...

He was one brave batsman...(like Waseem Hasan Raja)

Some of the stuff that Qasim said was just beyond me and not postable.

Our media walas being typically unprofessional. Anyone who watched this show would know what I'm talking about.

Didnt watch the show ..Really curious about the underlined parts..

And yes,he lost all credibility when he started on Afridi...Jeebus,even the most biased Afridi fans on PP wouldnt go as far to glorify their idol as IQ did.
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People should grow up and not criticize ex test players just because they praise Shahid Afridi. They have every right to their views. This is now border lining on intolerance and jealousy.
He might be right about Misbah, considering the WC is around the corner.
"I am very hopeful that Pakistan will edge SA out in the ODI series." Qasim Umar

Shahid Afridi - the world will never see another player like him ever again. Most of the Pakistan players will have to be born 10 times or even more to reach his level of popularity. People crave for what Afridi has achieved and he is still moving. For all his haters and the supporters of Misbah: It took him 1 innings to score an ODI century, but believe you me, Misbah will never ever score one, even at the age of 45.

Legendary post. Lolling so hard its unbelievable.

Itll take misbah more than just 45 or Zimbabwe to score a hundred haha.
Move over Lakhani, yahya hussaini, abdul majid bhatti, Iqbal Qasim.......Because new Afridi fan QASIM UMAR is here
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Who in the world is Qasim Omar and from the quotes seems like he stopped maturing after Afridi hit the fastest century.
The hate for Afridi here is too much....fair enough he is struggling with his form......but still guy is one of the most valuable cricketers produced by this country.............
The hate for Afridi here is too much....fair enough he is struggling with his form......but still guy is one of the most valuable cricketers produced by this country.............

That is a matter of opinion, I personally think his career has been nothing but a fitting example of how content this nation is with mediocre and incompetent folks representing them.
That is a matter of opinion, I personally think his career has been nothing but a fitting example of how content this nation is with mediocre and incompetent folks representing them.

they can put up with baba e tuk tuk azam then why not afridi who has actually achieved something

all misbah has done is bring us close to victory and then crush our hopes with the brain farts of life time
they can put up with baba e tuk tuk azam then why not afridi who has actually achieved something

all misbah has done is bring us close to victory and then crush our hopes with the brain farts of life time

Incase you havent noticed, Misbah doesnt have a lot of fans. But Afridi has a popularity level that would put Justin Bieber to shame.
Agree with him about picking the talent and working with them. Wahab could have been better off if PCB was not going around and dating every 150+ m/hr propspect that only turns out to be more hype. They can do the same with Ahmed Shezad. WC T20 was already wasted. We need to let him play couple of years under good coaching and let's see if we can groom next Inzi/Saeed/Yosuf out of him. Same should be done for Asad Shafiq and Umer Akmal. They need chances. I think its time Misbah and Yonus make ODI's batting positions open for our youngsters.
Didnt watch the show ..Really curious about the underlined parts..

And yes,he lost all credibility when he started on Afridi...Jeebus,even the most biased Afridi fans on PP wouldnt go as far to glorify their idol as IQ did.

Wish I could but it really is not post-able. If you want a good laugh, You really should try and find link to this show.
qasim umar comments are seriously embarassing!
Never knew praising someone makes you their fan boy. Wow. PPlogic. :')
how dare he.. afridi should never be mentioned anywhere near the legendary khan!
Apart from Afridi comments, I think Qasim is perfectly right
lets be real afridi is a useful limited overs alrounder and that is all.. guy couldnt play test cricket for ********.. actually quit cos he was so weak at it..
Its true that in popularity, Afridi has crossed Imran by many miles. Hard to accept for imran fans but yes. And afridi has served Pakistan well, if players like younis khan, malik, misbah can be in the team, so can afridi be.
misbah should have retired the day after mohali

cancer to our team , cancer to our youngsters, cancer to everything
blast from the past. Qasim umar got done for drugs didnt he? but the first and only Makrani to represent Pak if I remember well. Was a good batsman but had some off field problems.

quotes are ok in places but then veer off into the twilight zone in other places.
Plzzzzzzzzzzzz.... MISBAH, Its the prayer of whole Nation.. Plz step down from International Cricket and Retire with Respect..!!!!!!
How old is qasim umar? He sound like a 14 year old whos has a huge crush on sir afridi who can never do any wrong
As usual players praising Afridi and telling Misbah to retire are being attacked. Truth hurts doesnt it.
Misbah should retire and even if Afridi doesn't retire he shouldn't be selected.

Pakistan should invest more in players like Shehzad, Umer Akmal, Jamshed, Haris, keeping the 2015 WC in mind, this is the perfect time to start building a team, otherwise when will pakistan look to build a team, they don't play any cricket for the majority of next year, it's only towards the end that they have 3-4 series, that won't be enough.
Our team cannot play a complete 50 overs. We need at least ONE tuk tuk player and that's why we need Misbah in ODI's. Said this n number of times. Misbah should play as a regular batsman (NOT as a captain) and he must not have a fixed spot.

If the opposition/weather/pitch condition/ground historical etc (pre-match analysis) indicates a collapse then Misbah should open or come one down to resist the collapse before it happens.

If the conditions are normal but the top three batsmen are back in the pavilion within 30 odd runs on the board then Misbah should go in.

If the top order has done it's job fairly well and the middle order is cruising along then Misbah MUST be sent in at 11 or else he will break the momentum.

no matter how I hate Misbah's batting mindset, we unfortunately need him to play our quota of 50 overs.
Re: "I request Misbah to call it a day now." Qasim Umar

Our team cannot play a complete 50 overs. We need at least ONE tuk tuk player and that's why we need Misbah in ODI's. Said this n number of times. Misbah should play as a regular batsman (NOT as a captain) and he must not have a fixed spot.

If the opposition/weather/pitch condition/ground historical etc (pre-match analysis) indicates a collapse then Misbah should open or come one down to resist the collapse before it happens.

If the conditions are normal but the top three batsmen are back in the pavilion within 30 odd runs on the board then Misbah should go in.

If the top order has done it's job fairly well and the middle order is cruising along then Misbah MUST be sent in at 11 or else he will break the momentum.

no matter how I hate Misbah's batting mindset, we unfortunately need him to play our quota of 50 overs.

A 39 year old in ODI's, dont think so.
A 39 year old in ODI's, dont think so.

That's a sad reality we must accept which speaks volumes about our thin batting line and the extended line of tail enders. As I said, the current batting has a high probability of NOT being able to play full 50 overs against any good opposition. It requires a longer attention/concentration span, technique and patience that we seriously lack. Misbah services as throwing in the wrench and hope the opposition's party time is spoiled.
Misbah knows ONLY ONE WAY to bat and that's tuk tuk, and we should use his skill with careful planning to get the best out of him. His FIXED spot in the middle order has hurt us mor than the dividends it paid off.
That's a sad reality we must accept which speaks volumes about our thin batting line and the extended line of tail enders. As I said, the current batting has a high probability of NOT being able to play full 50 overs against any good opposition. It requires a longer attention/concentration span, technique and patience that we seriously lack. Misbah services as throwing in the wrench and hope the opposition's party time is spoiled.
Misbah knows ONLY ONE WAY to bat and that's tuk tuk, and we should use his skill with careful planning to get the best out of him. His FIXED spot in the middle order has hurt us mor than the dividends it paid off.

Sorry i would prefer a 45 year old Inzamam to a 39 year old Misbah. Every team has to eventually struggle and Pakistan must go through the same. I would rather they do that with youngsters who can serve the team for a solid 10-15 years then a 39 year old who has cost us more games singlehandedly from decent, winning positions than any other player.
Sorry i would prefer a 45 year old Inzamam to a 39 year old Misbah. Every team has to eventually struggle and Pakistan must go through the same. I would rather they do that with youngsters who can serve the team for a solid 10-15 years then a 39 year old who has cost us more games singlehandedly from decent, winning positions than any other player.

But you are okay with a 37 year old Afridi?

Please tell me Afridi's contribution to the team in the past year or so.. Apart from a brief spell from 2009 to 2011 Afridi has always been quite mediocre, hogging a spot which a more talented player could have made his own..

Hard for Afridi fans to take it in, but if Misbah goes than Afridi has to go too.. Either remove all non-performing oldies or keep all of them..
"Had our selectors played Wahab for 3-4 consecutive years, he would have been the front-line Pakistan bowler today." Mohammad Zahid.
Totally agree with this statement as his career has been stop and start.
"Had our selectors played Wahab for 3-4 consecutive years, he would have been the front-line Pakistan bowler today." Mohammad Zahid.
Totally agree with this statement as his career has been stop and start.

I guess Qasim Umer doesn't know that Jeff Lawson, Wasim Akram and Waqar Younus (all three) gave up on Wahab Riaz. They just couldn't fix him. Wahab has a physical disability that prevents him to fine tune his wrist, arm and elbow position to be in a good symmetry that supports control over line and length and also imperative for swing.
"Had our selectors played Wahab for 3-4 consecutive years, he would have been the front-line Pakistan bowler today." Mohammad Zahid.
Totally agree with this statement as his career has been stop and start.

wahab has serious wide and no ball problems and for that he can only blame himself
"Had our selectors played Wahab for 3-4 consecutive years, he would have been the front-line Pakistan bowler today." Mohammad Zahid.
Totally agree with this statement as his career has been stop and start.

Wahab is being over-rated nowadays on PP. I dunno why this sudden surge is happening. He is a mediocre bowler who throws pies all over the pitch. Has no line and length and got his @ss handed to him in Asia cup. He is just another mohammad sami with little less pace and a little more swing,
Our team cannot play a complete 50 overs. We need at least ONE tuk tuk player and that's why we need Misbah in ODI's. Said this n number of times. Misbah should play as a regular batsman (NOT as a captain) and he must not have a fixed spot.

If the opposition/weather/pitch condition/ground historical etc (pre-match analysis) indicates a collapse then Misbah should open or come one down to resist the collapse before it happens.

If the conditions are normal but the top three batsmen are back in the pavilion within 30 odd runs on the board then Misbah should go in.

If the top order has done it's job fairly well and the middle order is cruising along then Misbah MUST be sent in at 11 or else he will break the momentum.

no matter how I hate Misbah's batting mindset, we unfortunately need him to play our quota of 50 overs.

A 39 year old in ODI's, dont think so.

Sorry i would prefer a 45 year old Inzamam to a 39 year old Misbah. Every team has to eventually struggle and Pakistan must go through the same. I would rather they do that with youngsters who can serve the team for a solid 10-15 years then a 39 year old who has cost us more games singlehandedly from decent, winning positions than any other player.

So here you are.

The team struggled to play 50 overs EVEN WITH MISBAH and that's also against second tear SA team. Can u imagine the total worth of this batting line?
Well, Misbah's tuk tuk took us nowhere.

Azhar Ali is better in that role because he is younger, has a really good off-side game which allows him to score at 100 SR in powerplay and has an extremly good bowling action.
Well, Misbah's tuk tuk took us nowhere.

Azhar Ali is better in that role because he is younger, has a really good off-side game which allows him to score at 100 SR in powerplay and has an extremly good bowling action.

Azhar is another third class tuk tuk player.
Well, Misbah's tuk tuk took us nowhere.

Azhar Ali is better in that role because he is younger, has a really good off-side game which allows him to score at 100 SR in powerplay and has an extremly good bowling action.

Azhar Ali is an absolute dud agaisnt spin, he can only do well as an opener and there is no place for him there

Haris sohail should replace misbah
Azhar Ali is an absolute dud agaisnt spin, he can only do well as an opener and there is no place for him there

Haris sohail should replace misbah

He isn't really an anchor and we need one, as well as a batting all-rounder.

This should be our team:

Umar Akmal

We can't both remove misbah/yk and get in inexperienced players like Amin, Haris, Ali Waqas and Babar Azam.
He isn't really an anchor and we need one, as well as a batting all-rounder.

This should be our team:

Umar Akmal

We can't both remove misbah/yk and get in inexperienced players like Amin, Haris, Ali Waqas and Babar Azam.

You saw what happened agaisnt India. Azhar Ali just isn't cut out for it
So, now SL is the benchmark?

Whereas india is the number one ODI team.

SL bowling>India bowling

Against India, we feisted and never looked in a difficult position, while Azhar was the lone warrior against SL.
SL bowling>India bowling

Against India, we feisted and never looked in a difficult position, while Azhar was the lone warrior against SL.

LOL yeah right. Watch the aussies getting pummeled by indian bowling. They really have got good swing bowlers.

We fiested because our other batsmen worked well. Azhar was a total disaster. By using your logic azhar should have bashed indian bowlers all the way but he didnt.

I would call it (SL tour) more like a fluke and i would like to see stats of your tuk tuk lone warrior?
LOL yeah right. Watch the aussies getting pummeled by indian bowling. They really have got good swing bowlers.

We fiested because our other batsmen worked well. Azhar was a total disaster. By using your logic azhar should have bashed indian bowlers all the way but he didnt.

I would call it (SL tour) more like a fluke and i would like to see stats of your tuk tuk lone warrior?

He averages 40+ at an around 50 SR. And if not Azhar, then we only have the choice between retaining Misbah or play Shafiq as an anchor and someone new at 6 (Haris Sohail or Umar Amin).

And lol at the fearsome Ishant Sharma and Bhuvi Kumar, both worse versions of Kula and Malinga.
He averages 40+ at an around 50 SR.

And lol at the fearsome Ishant Sharma and Bhuvi Kumar, both worse versions of Kula and Malinga.

One series and he is awesome?

Azhar ali is no more than a v2 of misbah tuq tuq haq.

Laugh all you want dude but they really are grilling the aussies there.