Malala Yousafzai - Mega Discussion Thread


First Class Player
Mar 30, 2011

Gunmen have wounded a 14-year-old rights activist who has campaigned for girls' education in the Swat Valley in north-west Pakistan.

Malala Yousafzai was attacked on her way home from school in Mingora, the region's main town.

She came to public attention in 2009 by writing a diary for BBC Urdu about life under Taliban militants who had taken control of the valley.

A Pakistani Taliban spokesman told the BBC they carried out the attack.

Ehsanullah Ehsan told BBC Urdu that they attacked her because she was anti-Taliban and secular, adding that she would not be spared.

Malala Yousafzai was travelling with at least one other girl when she was shot, but there are differing accounts of how events unfolded.

One report, citing local sources, says a bearded gunman stopped a car full of schoolgirls, and asked for Malala Yousafzai by name, before opening fire.

But a police official also told BBC Urdu that unidentified gunmen opened fire on the schoolgirls as they were about to board a van or bus.

She was hit in the head and, some reports say, in the neck area by a second bullet, but is now in hospital and is reportedly out of danger. Another girl who was with her at the time was also injured.

Hope she recovers soon.

Not really sure if I can wish for her to continue with her effort looking at how brainwashed these idiots are and it makes no sense to try to change their ideology. She has whole life infront of her. If the govt doesn't want to fight with these idiots, these teenagers have no chance.
got so much respect for her courage and vision for girls in swat
Now, where is the anger against these criminals and thugs?
Where are millions of people outraged, as these low-lifes, commit great crimes in the name of religion and bring more than a billion to shame.??
^^ I totally agree. I wish people would channel thier anger at these incidents as well. Maybe then these thugs will think twice next time.
Now, where is the anger against these criminals and thugs?
Where are millions of people outraged, as these low-lifes, commit great crimes in the name of religion and bring more than a billion to shame.??

All over Pakistan people are outraged. That is why it has made the headline news in every Pakistani newspaper, and the talk shows in the evening have focused on this, with many more scheduled to focus on this incident tomorrow.
^^ I totally agree. I wish people would channel thier anger at these incidents as well. Maybe then these thugs will think twice next time.

In reality people rarely do that though, otherwise we'd have mob riots every time a child got abducted or political terrorists bombed a mall.
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All over Pakistan people are outraged. That is why it has made the headline news in every Pakistani newspaper, and the talk shows in the evening have focused on this, with many more scheduled to focus on this incident tomorrow.

I would say the same for the abhorrent rape cases in Indian Capital region, but its all talk. Women are placed so low, suppressed in nearly all the societies and cultures.

I can't help but simply compare, the abuse to Islam these Talibans have done and what the movie made by an utter ignorant bigot thousands of miles away in another hemisphere.
Taliban is in the very own backyard, why not march into their stronghold just like it was done against the embassies.?
Why not a personal "Supari" is declared by some politician for this act?
I didn't mean the reaction should be mindlessl violence. More my point is staying silent and doing nothing is not good enough. Some People sometimes get angry at pointless things but stay quite when some voice is required.
In reality people rarely do that though, otherwise we'd have mob riots every time a child got abducted or political terrorists bombed a mall.

Plz do not defend the relative silence on this incident
The actions of people, depict what they believe in.
People are more passionate about the label of religion, than the teachings of it.
I would like to wage my Holy war against these scums, because they are spitting on my belief: Humanity.
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I hope the criminals are brought to justice. I hope this doesn't deter other girls from perusing education.
I would say the same for the abhorrent rape cases in Indian Capital region, but its all talk. Women are placed so low, suppressed in nearly all the societies and cultures.

I can't help but simply compare, the abuse to Islam these Talibans have done and what the movie made by an utter ignorant bigot thousands of miles away in another hemisphere.
Taliban is in the very own backyard, why not march into their stronghold just like it was done against the embassies.?
Why not a personal "Supari" is declared by some politician for this act?

your knowledge to Pakistan's internal issue is clearly be judge by your post, if marching into their strong hold would eliminate the problem thn you would not see a problem in all over the world, but you do, and all the problem such as separatist, demanding for their own country, etc would disappeared over night, it takes patience, planning and willingness to do something about it.

Those with limited knowledge usually have to yell to make their point across, that is how they get attention, when the protest took place against the video, yea, their were thousands of Pakistani protested, but Pakistan has population of 180 millions, not all of did, probably 1% of the population participated in those protest and for them to be heard they had to create chaos, and everyone heard that chaos, because everyone covered that news on the front page. Now you would not expect the same from the rest of the country, why? because they know how their voice can be heard, they do not have to go out on the street and destroy innocent people property and business. They know what channels to use to get their message across. but i do agree Pakistan need to have some kind of protest against such act, "a peace march for this girl" or "her right to study march", but i doubt anyone would dare to stand up against these animals without the support from the government.
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your knowledge to Pakistan's internal issue is clearly be judge by your post, if marching into their strong hold would eliminate the problem thn you would not see a problem in all over the world, but you do, and all the problem such as separatist, demanding for their own country, etc would disappeared over night, it takes patience, planning and willingness to do something about it.
I very well know that such issues don't get resolved overnight. Its not the politics of it I am talking about but the hurt to religious image it does.

Those with limited knowledge usually have to yell to make their point across, that is how they get attention, when the protest took place against the video, yea, their were thousands of Pakistani protested, but Pakistan has population of 180 millions, not all of did, probably 1% of the population participated in those protest and for them to be heard they had to create chaos, and everyone heard that chaos, because everyone covered that news on the front page.

When the people protesting against the movie, 1% of population marched and others supported their sentiments, hardly was their a voice asking to simply ignore the film. (even on PP).

Now you would not expect the same from the rest of the country, why? because they know how their voice can be heard, they do not have to go out on the street and destroy innocent people property and business. They know what channels to use to get their message across. but i do agree Pakistan need to have some kind of protest against such act, "a peace march for this girl" or "her right to study march", but i doubt anyone would dare to stand up against these animals without the support from the government.

I only mean to say is that Taliban has committed a far more sacrilegious act than the guy who made the movie. They use the name of Islam for their abhorrent acts and say they are following divine mandate.
I might not be religious but I respect the message of peace from all religions. The act is the worst hurt to religious sentiments one can do. But still these guys have supporters(not here but on ground they have or else they would not exist). why?
The blind faith in religion
When the people protesting against the movie, 1% of population marched and others supported their sentiments, hardly was their a voice asking to simply ignore the film. (even on PP).

really? i suggest you to go thru those threads again. i can bet you 99% of the people were against the violent protest, but they were for the peace full protest. No scholar in the muslim world suggested and encouraged to have violent protest, but rather they suggested to be calm and ignore such ignorant, only the religious Political Parties, remember these religious political parties are politician, they are not scholars and they would do anything to get attention, so please do not confuse a scholar with politician pretending to be one.

I only mean to say is that Taliban has committed a far more sacrilegious act than the guy who made the movie. They use the name of Islam for their abhorrent acts and say they are following divine mandate.
I might not be religious but I respect the message of peace from all religions. The act is the worst hurt to religious sentiments one can do. But still these guys have supporters(not here but on ground they have or else they would not exist). why?
The blind faith in religion

every moron has supporters, and unfortunately these supporters are highlighted more in media thn the sane ones for their own benefits.
really? i suggest you to go thru those threads again. i can bet you 99% of the people were against the violent protest, but they were for the peace full protest. No scholar in the muslim world suggested and encouraged to have violent protest, but rather they suggested to be calm and ignore such ignorant, only the religious Political Parties, remember these religious political parties are politician, they are not scholars and they would do anything to get attention, so please do not confuse a scholar with politician pretending to be one.

Just be honest, what act actually hurt your religious sentiment more:
the movie or the actions of TTP in the name of Islam?

I despise these religious nut jobs because the defile some pure and beautiful ideologies.

I am Agnostic but would be up in arms if an atheist or Agnostic person start blowing up religious places because we doubt the teachings of religion.
My only request is Rise up and crush them for they are defiling the very teachings more than a billion people hold so dear to their hearts.
Just be honest, what act actually hurt your religious sentiment more:
the movie or the actions of TTP in the name of Islam?

I despise these religious nut jobs because the defile some pure and beautiful ideologies.

I am Agnostic but would be up in arms if an atheist or Agnostic person start blowing up religious places because we doubt the teachings of religion.
My only request is Rise up and crush them for they are defiling the very teachings more than a billion people hold so dear to their hearts.

depends on the person feelings, or personal opinion, or personal interpretation.
killing of innocent will always be cruel thing to do, no matter who does it.
now read all the comments from top to bottom and you can judge from what people think about TTP here on PP.
depends on the person feelings, or personal opinion, or personal interpretation.
killing of innocent will always be cruel thing to do, no matter who does it.
now read all the comments from top to bottom and you can judge from what people think about TTP here on PP.

yes! and its nice fresh perspective gained as from what I could gather from the western and Indian Media.

But I still see some of the poster as referring to TTP be just misguided.
I hope they realize Taliban is not fighting a religious war nor is defending Islam but just a Political group using Religion as a ladder to increase their influence.
I felt so sad when I saw her speak on CNN today. What an enthusiastic young lady. I am a father of two girls 7 and 5. I cannot imagine what her family is going through.

At some point all this religious stuff is gonna come back and bite you in the backside. Hope your nation wakes up before its too late.
Sad...Wish her well..and hopefully she recovers!!!

I have no words for Taliban really....said it before and I cannot do anything else!!!
MY best wishes for the young girl - sooo brave - especially at that young age!

Been flicking through some of the News/talk shows and really surprised.

Most of the political parties including the party in power (also Imran's party) have condemned the act but not the perpetrators - No one is criticizing the TALIBAN and how they are the crazy religious nuts.

Are people in power (or major parties) scared of Taliban ?? Or is it that Taliban has support now?

One show had conspiracy theories going... about how Taliban can never hurt women and children and so it cannot be them (Seriously, short memory or what- public execution of women were public events under Taliban!)
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Now the girl and her family is being sent messages that they are being watched and she will be shot again if she survives.
She needs to get out of Pakistan . She is not safe in Pakistan anymore .
I hope the criminals are brought to justice. I hope this doesn't deter other girls from perusing education.

there are demonstrations planned across the country in favour of Malalah..

also dont expect this govt to care about justice..they dont care..the TTP are terrorists supported by elements who want people like Malalah to be shot and for Pakistan to remain in perpetual war.

and the zardari govt just isnt too bothered about it.
MY best wishes for the young girl - sooo brave - especially at that young age!

Been flicking through some of the News/talk shows and really surprised.

Most of the political parties including the party in power (also Imran's party) have condemned the act but not the perpetrators - No one is criticizing the TALIBAN and how they are the crazy religious nuts.

Are people in power (or major parties) scared of Taliban ?? Or is it that Taliban has support now?

One show had conspiracy theories going... about how Taliban can never hurt women and children and so it cannot be them (Seriously, short memory or what- public execution of women were public events under Taliban!)

its because the so called TTP are not the Taliban as the afghans or the resistance in afghanistan know them as..these "taliban" are terrorists pure and simple, death squads like the ones set up in central america and in algeria in the 90's.

ever wonder why the taliban dont call themselves the taliban? they call themselves the islamic emirate, gulbaddin's group has an islami name, massoods had a islami name, the haqqanis also have an islami name..yet here we have the TTP with the name: "the students movement of pakistan" ...ever wonder why? why arent they called "Islami something or the other?? also why when killing them were they found to contain arabs, uzbeks, tajiks, sikhs(unverified by independant media but backed up by PA sources)??

Until we dont delink ourselves from Americas war we cannot defeat these terrorists!!
Whether good, bad or ugly Taliban, why should they be armed ?

Why a "Talib" need to hold a AK 47 ? If the nation needs it then there is Army and Police and para military who should be involved.

When this kind of militia is accepted or justified in any form, this is bound to happen. There should not be a pseudo army whether good or bad. This kind of state just shows that the law and order of the state is failing.

I do not see any drive in media or politicians of Pakistan. Everyone is just giving a condemn statement without any action to stop it in future.
Whether good, bad or ugly Taliban, why should they be armed ?

Why a "Talib" need to hold a AK 47 ? If the nation needs it then there is Army and Police and para military who should be involved.

When this kind of militia is accepted or justified in any form, this is bound to happen. There should not be a pseudo army whether good or bad. This kind of state just shows that the law and order of the state is failing.

I do not see any drive in media or politicians of Pakistan. Everyone is just giving a condemn statement without any action to stop it in future.
Garuda it is quite clear you dont know the history of the tribal areas of pakistan.

Some parts over there dont accept the rule of the Pakistani govt and rule themselves. It is very hard to govern them. They dont bow down to anyone and when it comes to arms, they believe its their right and dont want to give it up.

I think everyone in that area owns a firearm or a rifle.. its not uncommon.
Whether good, bad or ugly Taliban, why should they be armed ?

Why a "Talib" need to hold a AK 47 ? If the nation needs it then there is Army and Police and para military who should be involved.

When this kind of militia is accepted or justified in any form, this is bound to happen. There should not be a pseudo army whether good or bad. This kind of state just shows that the law and order of the state is failing.

I do not see any drive in media or politicians of Pakistan. Everyone is just giving a condemn statement without any action to stop it in future.

you obviously know little about the tribal areas. You are moving forth from a very ignorant starting point. i would suggest a bit of reading would help!
^^ Guys I know the history well.

What I am asking is why it's still in the history ? Something was this way doesn't mean it has to be like that for ever. I do not see any drive to rectify that.

Honestly, I don't see a solution till we have civilians holding high-end arms. They may raise head time to time whenever something is not pleasant to them.
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Garuda it is quite clear you dont know the history of the tribal areas of pakistan.

Some parts over there dont accept the rule of the Pakistani govt and rule themselves. It is very hard to govern them. They dont bow down to anyone and when it comes to arms, they believe its their right and dont want to give it up.

I think everyone in that area owns a firearm or a rifle.. its not uncommon.

Exactly my point in my first post that it should be Pakistan's law and order which should prevail. If it is not then its failure of the state.

Now, question is where is the plan to resolve that. The state can not just accept that they do not want to be govern by us and let them freely do whatever they want ?

In that case, why not separate them and make a border restricting them to operate inside Pakistan (governed by Pakistan Govt). Atleast the citizen will have a life under law and order of the state.
Now, where is the anger against these criminals and thugs?
Where are millions of people outraged, as these low-lifes, commit great crimes in the name of religion and bring more than a billion to shame.??

I agee, but there's a bit of a difference mobilizing moderates and liberals compared to extremists who will come out at the drop of a hat.

It reminds me of a post I read on the NY times that related this to the KKK and other criminal groups. Why didn't the general public hunt them down?

It's somewhat similar with the Taliban in Pakistan.

eidt: for starters - moderates and liberals don't shoot you on site, though I'm beginning to think that might have to change and there might have to a very brutal war.

Not that it's any excuse, mind you.
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^^ Guys I know the history well.

What I am asking is why it's still in the history ? Something was this way doesn't mean it has to be like that for ever. I do not see any drive to rectify that.

Honestly, I don't see a solution till we have civilians holding high-end arms. They may raise head time to time whenever something is not pleasant to them.

IK has the right solution for the future. as to why nothing has been done yet. same reason other things useful to the nation havent been done. A lack of honest leadership..we suffer from bigoted class based feudal leaders who value themselves above others..imagine what they think of the tribals..

all these secualr so called liberals think the tribals are simply barbarians ripe for droning...not dissimilar to the american right wing!
I agee, but there's a bit of a difference mobilizing moderates and liberals compared to extremists who will come out at the drop of a hat.

It reminds me of a post I read on the NY times that related this to the KKK and other criminal groups. Why didn't the general public hunt them down?

It's somewhat similar with the Taliban in Pakistan.

eidt: for starters - moderates and liberals don't shoot you on site, though I'm beginning to think that might have to change and there might have to a very brutal war.

Not that it's any excuse, mind you.

no they just ask the americans to do it via drones!!
Whether good, bad or ugly Taliban, why should they be armed ?

Why a "Talib" need to hold a AK 47 ? If the nation needs it then there is Army and Police and para military who should be involved.

When this kind of militia is accepted or justified in any form, this is bound to happen. There should not be a pseudo army whether good or bad. This kind of state just shows that the law and order of the state is failing.

I do not see any drive in media or politicians of Pakistan. Everyone is just giving a condemn statement without any action to stop it in future.

Pakistan is very clearly a state not in control of its population. Your criticisms are valid but far too easy to elucidate, but not so easy to resolve.

Pak in fact enlists the help of tribal militias against the taliban. Given that this is a fact, it's hard to see how Pak (in its entirety) will any time soon be under the control of the govt.

At the same time, there was a time when those same tribal people would welcome foreigners and it was no big deal for an American (for instance) to travel through Afghanistan and Pakistan (including the tribal areas).

It just goes to show how much things can change in a relatively short amount of time.
no they just ask the americans to do it via drones!!

No that's not even true. They protest the drone attacks while at the same time they clear the skies so the drones can operate without hindrance.

There is an ambiguity about drone attacks from the Pak govt.

What could they do tho? Shoot them down? That could potentially involved a full scale attack in which Pak would be easily overwhelmed.

I think the govt and military is doing the prudent thing, given that the alternatives are war with america or full scale civil war that would redefine the borders of Pak.
Altaf gives muftis, ulema24 hrs to condemn attackon Malala

KARACHI: Muttahida Qaumi Movement (MQM) chief Altaf Hussain on Thursday gave 24 hours ultimatum to all top muftis and ulema (clerics) of the country to openly denounce the cowardly attack on young Pakistani children’s rights activist Malala Yousafzai or else he will ‘expose’ them, DawnNews reported.

In a statement, issued by theparty, Hussain vowed to
expose all clerics, who will fail to condemn the attack by banned Tehrik-i-Taliban
Pakistan (TTP), in his scheduled speech at the party’s workers convention on Sunday.

The MQM chief had declared the attack on Malala as an
attack on all humanity and said that perpetrators of the
vile act should be swiftly
brought to justice.
IK has the right solution for the future. as to why nothing has been done yet. same reason other things useful to the nation havent been done. A lack of honest leadership..we suffer from bigoted class based feudal leaders who value themselves above others..imagine what they think of the tribals..

all these secualr so called liberals think the tribals are simply barbarians ripe for droning...not dissimilar to the american right wing!
Fair enough (Except the last sentence).

Everyone will feel the same if other civilian make their way using AK 47s (irrespective of whose fault it is). If I am the parent of that 14 year old girl, I will feel these tribals are barbarians. Secular or fundamental doesn't matter.
No that's not even true. They protest the drone attacks while at the same time they clear the skies so the drones can operate without hindrance.

There is an ambiguity about drone attacks from the Pak govt.

What could they do tho? Shoot them down? That could potentially involved a full scale attack in which Pak would be easily overwhelmed.

I think the govt and military is doing the prudent thing, given that the alternatives are war with america or full scale civil war that would redefine the borders of Pak.

so you think the better option is to condemn these drones but still sit back and cower while they kill our citizens? sorry that option sailed with the titanic.

there is only one option now, get out of the WOT, own the war and bring the people together! otehrwise prepare for the end!

The americans will never attack an ally that is a) prepared to negotiate a political solution b) prepared to defend itself by any means necessary c) preapred to go to use the very tools that the americans use to demonise Paksitanis to protest these heionous acts!!

strong leadership and conviction is rrequired. cowering under your duvets will achieve the perpetuation of the current situation to its logical conclusion!
Pakistan is very clearly a state not in control of its population. Your criticisms are valid but far too easy to elucidate, but not so easy to resolve.

I know and honestly, I feel this is the problem. There are fundoos in every corner of the world but why this tribal region became so dangerous and difficult to resolve ? Cuz they are heavily armed is a big reason.

Pak in fact enlists the help of tribal militias against the taliban. Given that this is a fact, it's hard to see how Pak (in its entirety) will any time soon be under the control of the govt.

I think, a lot of Pakistanis do understand that it was a wrong decision made in the past. But the people in power are still divided whether to disarm them or not ( or better way of putting is which one is asset and who has become liability).

Still there is no clear view on no-armed militia policy by state. With out a plan ofcourse there will be no clear action.

At the same time, there was a time when those same tribal people would welcome foreigners and it was no big deal for an American (for instance) to travel through Afghanistan and Pakistan (including the tribal areas).
Again, like Pakistan Army chief once mentioned, "It's not about intention but capability".

If they have capability, intention can change any day when things are not in their favor.

Then it was in their favor and now its reverse. But because they have the capability to challenge the state, they are doing.

It just goes to show how much things can change in a relatively short amount of time.

If I am a Pakistani, I would like to see a start first. If Pakistan need to take control of these areas and groups, they need to use force or dialog but disarm these group. If they keep holding arms, they are always a danger.
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so you think the better option is to condemn these drones but still sit back and cower while they kill our citizens? sorry that option sailed with the titanic.

there is only one option now, get out of the WOT, own the war and bring the people together! otehrwise prepare for the end!

The americans will never attack an ally that is a) prepared to negotiate a political solution b) prepared to defend itself by any means necessary c) preapred to go to use the very tools that the americans use to demonise Paksitanis to protest these heionous acts!!

strong leadership and conviction is rrequired. cowering under your duvets will achieve the perpetuation of the current situation to its logical conclusion!

Great Khan, I admire your patriotism and optimism but I ridicule your lack of practicality and adherence to reality.

It appears that you believe, for example, that Pak has a choice with these drone attacks.

What is your solution? To condemn them is one thing. To actively oppose them is another. Actively opposing them would mean one of the following results: either a no-fly zone for the PAF or a ground troop invasion by the US.

Do you want either of those things? Do you not think the Pak army and govt has not considered those things but rejected them as in-preferable to comparatively limited drone strikes, no matter how abhorrent they are?

I implore you to use common sense. You would advocate all out war but would do it happily on your keyboard. It's different in reality. And if have some kind of delusions about Pak's ability to defend itself, exorcise those demons immediately.
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I know and honestly, I feel this is the problem. There are fundoos in every corner of the world but why this tribal region became so dangerous and difficult to resolve ? Cuz they are heavily armed is a big reason.

I think, a lot of Pakistanis do understand that it was a wrong decision made in the past. But the people in power are still divided whether to disarm them or not ( or better way of putting is which one is asset and who has become liability).

Still there is no clear view on no-armed militia policy by state. With out a plan ofcourse there will be no clear action.

Again, like Pakistan Army chief once mentioned, "It's not about intention but capability".

If they have capability, intention can change any day when things are not in their favor.

Then it was in their favor and now its reverse. But because they have the capability to challenge the state, they are doing.

If I am a Pakistani, I would like to see a start first. If Pakistan need to take control of these areas and groups, they need to use force or dialog but disarm these group. If they keep holding arms, they are always a danger.

Garuda, it's clear your intentions are good but you have a tendency to oversimplify matters.

Your ideas are good but are impractical, sorry.

Saying things the way you do, you would think that the world's probs could be easily resolved. It's not that simple, friend.

I agree though that you have to start somewhere.
Why Malala and why NOW?

A journalist tweeted yesterday “Why Malala and why NOW?”

And it speaks volumes. The innocent girl became a victim of some people’s evil desires; desire to rule the world, a desire to dictate one’s own terms and conditions and a desire to create chaos. The horrific incident of shooting Malala and other two girls is barbaric to the core.

A million dollar question certainly is that who is Ahsanullah Ahsan and why on earth his calls are never tracked. Why does he take blame on himself (i.e. TTP) whatever the incident is and always manages to call international media but no one bothers to trace out who is he in reality.

But before that we need to focus on ‘Why Malala’ question? The innocent brave girl was made an icon against Taliban by all those who sit in their drawing rooms commenting on social media and TV channels while remaining within their comfort zones. Her stories were recorded by BBC Urdu and published as a diary. She was purposely brought to limelight to make her a symbol. The role of media in bringing Malala to limelight and promoting her out of proportion was surprising. Poor girl was used for media ratings. To serve the vested interests, they put the life of innocent girl at risk. She became a target for the terrorists. Even now, media is surely serving someone else’s purpose by giving the issue a lot of twists and turns.

‘Why Now’? The timing is also very crucial. Exactly when the entire world was getting breaking news about drone attacks and questioning the legitimacy of such attacks, suddenly Malala was attacked, she was identified first and then targeted and all of a sudden all the pro US policies, pseudoliberals started talking about Waziristan operation and legitimising illegal drone strikes.

An important thing to note is that the leader of Swat Taliban, Mullah Fazlullah reportedly hides in Afghanistan and operates with the cooperation of US/Afghan forces; so if Taliban of Swat are responsible for this attack, they are operating from Afghanistan and not Waziristan. Why there is never a drone strike across the border, not that I am demanding it, but it’s logical that US definitely has a dubious agenda in the region.

The case looks quite simple; another event in Swat to make grounds for another military operation. Previously it was a fake video, and now the ‘tool’ was an innocent 14 year old girl. The quick and strong condemnation from USA (by President Obama and Hillary Clinton) gives a message in itself. Drone attacks would be portrayed as essential, by citing that government of Pakistan is unable to protect its own citizens from terrorist activities.

The role of government is deplorable. Governments are supposed to protect their citizens, in which our government has terribly failed. Blaming terrorists and arranging air ambulance is not the solution. Government should take complete responsibility of protecting its citizens.

Malala is an asset for the nation. Whether its Malala, Aafia Siddiqui, missing persons, drone attacks , suicide bombs, target killings in Karachi and elsewhere, Pakistanis are at the suffering end.

Dr Shahid Masood quite reasonably asked the people who pick and choose cases for condemnation, if those who are killed in drone attacks are not plastic toys. We are being killed for no reason. The only way out is to get out of this American war. We must not put more and more lives at risk.

About the author:

Muhammad Saad Khan is a Biomedical Engineer with a diverse background of engineering and management.

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the government should take whatever means necessary to take out the taliban in this case.

they need to do it or else it will become a mockery..
A journalist tweeted yesterday “Why Malala and why NOW?”

But before that we need to focus on ‘Why Malala’ question? The innocent brave girl was made an icon against Taliban by all those who sit in their drawing rooms commenting on social media and TV channels while remaining within their comfort zones. Her stories were recorded by BBC Urdu and published as a diary. She was purposely brought to limelight to make her a symbol. The role of media in bringing Malala to limelight and promoting her out of proportion was surprising. Poor girl was used for media ratings. To serve the vested interests, they put the life of innocent girl at risk. She became a target for the terrorists. Even now, media is surely serving someone else’s purpose by giving the issue a lot of twists and turns.

‘Why Now’? The timing is also very crucial. Exactly when the entire world was getting breaking news about drone attacks and questioning the legitimacy of such attacks, suddenly Malala was attacked, she was identified first and then targeted and all of a sudden all the pro US policies, pseudoliberals started talking about Waziristan operation and legitimising illegal drone strikes.

An important thing to note is that the leader of Swat Taliban, Mullah Fazlullah reportedly hides in Afghanistan and operates with the cooperation of US/Afghan forces; so if Taliban of Swat are responsible for this attack, they are operating from Afghanistan and not Waziristan. Why there is never a drone strike across the border, not that I am demanding it, but it’s logical that US definitely has a dubious agenda in the region.

The case looks quite simple; another event in Swat to make grounds for another military operation. Previously it was a fake video, and now the ‘tool’ was an innocent 14 year old girl. The quick and strong condemnation from USA (by President Obama and Hillary Clinton) gives a message in itself.


Really blaming media and finding conspiracy even in this :facepalm:
Worst case of denial.
Media creates symbols because they give people hope and inspiration.
And this barbaric attack, I hope, will jolt the authorities into some action for a change.
Garuda, it's clear your intentions are good but you have a tendency to oversimplify matters.

Your ideas are good but are impractical, sorry.

Saying things the way you do, you would think that the world's probs could be easily resolved. It's not that simple, friend.

I agree though that you have to start somewhere.

I very well know it is not that simple and if it were, Pakistan army would have done it long back.

What I am saying is the bolded last line of of your post which I do not see being done either by Army, govt or not even asked by media and people.
A journalist tweeted yesterday “Why Malala and why NOW?”

And it speaks volumes. The innocent girl became a victim of some people’s evil desires; desire to rule the world, a desire to dictate one’s own terms and conditions and a desire to create chaos. The horrific incident of shooting Malala and other two girls is barbaric to the core.

A million dollar question certainly is that who is Ahsanullah Ahsan and why on earth his calls are never tracked. Why does he take blame on himself (i.e. TTP) whatever the incident is and always manages to call international media but no one bothers to trace out who is he in reality.

But before that we need to focus on ‘Why Malala’ question? The innocent brave girl was made an icon against Taliban by all those who sit in their drawing rooms commenting on social media and TV channels while remaining within their comfort zones. Her stories were recorded by BBC Urdu and published as a diary. She was purposely brought to limelight to make her a symbol. The role of media in bringing Malala to limelight and promoting her out of proportion was surprising. Poor girl was used for media ratings. To serve the vested interests, they put the life of innocent girl at risk. She became a target for the terrorists. Even now, media is surely serving someone else’s purpose by giving the issue a lot of twists and turns.

‘Why Now’? The timing is also very crucial. Exactly when the entire world was getting breaking news about drone attacks and questioning the legitimacy of such attacks, suddenly Malala was attacked, she was identified first and then targeted and all of a sudden all the pro US policies, pseudoliberals started talking about Waziristan operation and legitimising illegal drone strikes.

An important thing to note is that the leader of Swat Taliban, Mullah Fazlullah reportedly hides in Afghanistan and operates with the cooperation of US/Afghan forces; so if Taliban of Swat are responsible for this attack, they are operating from Afghanistan and not Waziristan. Why there is never a drone strike across the border, not that I am demanding it, but it’s logical that US definitely has a dubious agenda in the region.

The case looks quite simple; another event in Swat to make grounds for another military operation. Previously it was a fake video, and now the ‘tool’ was an innocent 14 year old girl. The quick and strong condemnation from USA (by President Obama and Hillary Clinton) gives a message in itself. Drone attacks would be portrayed as essential, by citing that government of Pakistan is unable to protect its own citizens from terrorist activities.

The role of government is deplorable. Governments are supposed to protect their citizens, in which our government has terribly failed. Blaming terrorists and arranging air ambulance is not the solution. Government should take complete responsibility of protecting its citizens.

Malala is an asset for the nation. Whether its Malala, Aafia Siddiqui, missing persons, drone attacks , suicide bombs, target killings in Karachi and elsewhere, Pakistanis are at the suffering end.

Dr Shahid Masood quite reasonably asked the people who pick and choose cases for condemnation, if those who are killed in drone attacks are not plastic toys. We are being killed for no reason. The only way out is to get out of this American war. We must not put more and more lives at risk.

About the author:

Muhammad Saad Khan is a Biomedical Engineer with a diverse background of engineering and management.


Excellent read. Pretty much spot on. The attack on the young girl is disgusting but it's very obvious the media is aligned with the war of terror agenda to promote further military action while at the same time helping the war propaganda against the genuine resistance in Afghanistan who are fighting an immoral occupation.
I very well know it is not that simple and if it were, Pakistan army would have done it long back.

What I am saying is the bolded last line of of your post which I do not see being done either by Army, govt or not even asked by media and people.

Pakistan is a diverse country with diverse opinions, complicated by the fact that there is a war on one side of the border (in fact, within our borders). Furthermore one of our other neighbours is threatened with attack frequently as well (Iran). One of our other neighbours we have gone to war with 3 times excluding skirmishes. why do you think Pak clings to Chinese friendship so desperately? China couldn't give a damn about Pak but we act like they are our best friends forever b/c we need them so badly.

This is one very paranoid, diverse nation with many conflicting insecurities. It's not a simple matter.
Fifty Muslim scholars issue fatwa against Taliban

LAHORE: At least 50 Islamic scholars belonging to ‘Sunni Ittehad Council’ on Thursday declared Taliban’s attack on Pakistani children’s rights activist Malala Yousafzai as un-Islamic, DawnNews reported.
The scholars issued a combined ‘fatwa’ (Islamic ruling) in Lahore which said that the Taliban’s interpretation of Islam was incorrect and was deviant from the actual interpretation of the Shariah.
The fatwa added that Taliban were misguided and their mindset was driven by ignorance.

“Islam does not stop women from acquiring education and by attacking Malala the Taliban have crossed the limits of Islam,” the fatwa added.
“Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had regarded the sanctity of Muslim’s life and property more important than the sanctity of the ‘Kaaba’ (sacred Muslim place),” adding that the fatwa stated, “Murder of one innocent human being is equivalent to murder of entire humanity.”
The Islamic ruling added that United States was the enemy of Islam and Pakistan; any kind of cooperation with the US was not in compliance with the Shariah.

In response to Taliban’s interpretation of killing females for the greater good of the religion, the scholars said that Islam discourages killing of the females. Adding that, they said, “Even apostate women are not allowed to be killed in Islam.”

The assassination attempt on the life of the young National Peace Award winner has drawn widespread condemnation from the government, political parties and civil society groups, terming it a bid to silent voice for peace and education.

The banned militant organisation Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had issued a statement Wednesday, using Islamic Shariah to defend the attack.
Pakistani Taliban had said that although they do not believe in attacking women, “whom so ever leads a campaign against Islam and Shariah is ordered to be killed by Shariah.”

TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan had argued that it is “not just allowed … but obligatory in Islam” to kill such a person involved “in leading a campaign against Shariah and (who) tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality becomes a symbol of anti-Shariah campaign.”
Malala had won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat with a blog for the BBC three years ago, when the Islamist militants burned girls’ schools and terrorised the valley.
Her struggle resonated with tens of thousands of girls who were being denied an education by the militants across northwest Pakistan, where the government has been fighting the local Taliban since 2007. - DAWN
Excellent read. Pretty much spot on. The attack on the young girl is disgusting but it's very obvious the media is aligned with the war of terror agenda to promote further military action while at the same time helping the war propaganda against the genuine resistance in Afghanistan who are fighting an immoral occupation.

My friend, politics aside, Is their anyone from the Afghan resistance condemning this horrifying attack?

The article ridicules the media for making her a symbol. I think that's one of the best thing media does. They create symbols of inspiration and hope. Something for people to rally behind. We usually decry the media for giving limelight to so many bad people, but now when they brought out a Hero, its funny people blasting them again.

The attackers didn't attack try to attack the girl but they symbol she represents. In their deformed misogynist heads cannot stand a girl on equal footing. They cannot think of women as anything else than items of possession.
Why is she getting so much attention?
Majority of the people are like sheep, theyll stand behind any thing the tv box says.
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LAHORE: At least 50 Islamic scholars belonging to ‘Sunni Ittehad Council’ on Thursday declared Taliban’s attack on Pakistani children’s rights activist Malala Yousafzai as un-Islamic, DawnNews reported.
The scholars issued a combined ‘fatwa’ (Islamic ruling) in Lahore which said that the Taliban’s interpretation of Islam was incorrect and was deviant from the actual interpretation of the Shariah.
The fatwa added that Taliban were misguided and their mindset was driven by ignorance.

“Islam does not stop women from acquiring education and by attacking Malala the Taliban have crossed the limits of Islam,” the fatwa added.
“Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) had regarded the sanctity of Muslim’s life and property more important than the sanctity of the ‘Kaaba’ (sacred Muslim place),” adding that the fatwa stated, “Murder of one innocent human being is equivalent to murder of entire humanity.”
The Islamic ruling added that United States was the enemy of Islam and Pakistan; any kind of cooperation with the US was not in compliance with the Shariah.

In response to Taliban’s interpretation of killing females for the greater good of the religion, the scholars said that Islam discourages killing of the females. Adding that, they said, “Even apostate women are not allowed to be killed in Islam.”

The assassination attempt on the life of the young National Peace Award winner has drawn widespread condemnation from the government, political parties and civil society groups, terming it a bid to silent voice for peace and education.

The banned militant organisation Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) had issued a statement Wednesday, using Islamic Shariah to defend the attack.
Pakistani Taliban had said that although they do not believe in attacking women, “whom so ever leads a campaign against Islam and Shariah is ordered to be killed by Shariah.”

TTP spokesman Ehsanullah Ehsan had argued that it is “not just allowed … but obligatory in Islam” to kill such a person involved “in leading a campaign against Shariah and (who) tries to involve whole community in such campaign, and that personality becomes a symbol of anti-Shariah campaign.”
Malala had won international recognition for highlighting Taliban atrocities in Swat with a blog for the BBC three years ago, when the Islamist militants burned girls’ schools and terrorised the valley.
Her struggle resonated with tens of thousands of girls who were being denied an education by the militants across northwest Pakistan, where the government has been fighting the local Taliban since 2007. - DAWN

Guy has a point here.
“Islam does not stop women from acquiring education and by attacking Malala the Taliban have crossed the limits of Islam,” the fatwa added."

And before they were within limits right? Mullahs should stop giving fatwas on any issue.
What purpose do these fatwas serve ? Will all the Talibanis now quit their full time job of Terrorists and go to pilgrimage ?
What purpose do these fatwas serve ? Will all the Talibanis now quit their full time job of Terrorists and go to pilgrimage ?

The purpose to point out to some people who think all Sunni Muslims in Pakistan support the actions and beliefs of the TTP as believed by a poster on this forum.

People constantly demand other Muslims to condemn and denounce, this has been done.
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Good start, however, My question is,

Who and what are the "Talibans"?​

1. The cave men who want to indulge their version of Islam upon us?

2. Traitors who sold themselves for few dollars to our enemy and are now involved in terrorist activities through out Pakistan?

3. Angry tribesman who are out there to take revenge and settle the score for the loved ones killed by the drone attacks?

4. Directly involved foreign agents who are hiding behind those masks in the slaughtering videos?

5. A mix of all of the above?

(add your's to the list)
I think they are the children of ISI and CIA who have come back to haunt them. some are in league with them.

but whatever they are, I assure you they are not the True Muslims, they pretend to be and I think I dont even have to tell you that.

They could be anything else but Muslims, they are vile and hateful people who simply cannot be Muslims.
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Good start, however, My question is,

Who and what are the "Talibans"?​

1. The cave men who want to indulge their version of Islam upon us?

2. Traitors who sold themselves for few dollars to our enemy and are now involved in terrorist activities through out Pakistan?

3. Angry tribesman who are out there to take revenge and settle the score for the loved ones killed by the drone attacks?

4. Directly involved foreign agents who are hiding behind those masks in the slaughtering videos?

5. A mix of all of the above?

(add your's to the list)

It shouldn't take a scholars advice to know that shooting a child in the head is wrong.
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The purpose to point out to some people who think all Sunni Muslims in Pakistan support the actions and beliefs of the TTP as believed by a poster on this forum.

People constantly demand other Muslims to condemn and denounce, this has been done.

Why just TTP ? Why not all branches/units of Taliban including the one in Afghanistan ?

Yes I see a lot of Sunni Muslims condemning the Taliban but in a selective way .... They have a soft corner for the Talibanis that are favourable to them and criticize the ones who are unfavourable ... Something like Good & Bad Taliban ... Even though to a neutral both of them are savages .
Only this thing implies to Taliban.

So then how do these supposedly "cave men" get their hands to, intelligence, logistics, modern day explosives, remote controlled explosive, secret information about location of jets in an air base etc to launch all those heinous and terrorist activities that kill scores of innocent people?

What kinda people are these cave men that have given hard time to the ARMY OF A COUNTRY for more then 2 years? Why to spend million in the army budget? Why don't just we hire these cave men and form a formidable force?
This is what I personally looked for!!

Personally, I still despise the concept of fatwa, but this clearly depicts that Religious leaders are not going to take lightly the name of Islam being misused!
So then how do these supposedly "cave men" get their hands to, intelligence, logistics, modern day explosives, remote controlled explosive, secret information about location of jets in an air base etc to launch all those heinous and terrorist activities that kill scores of innocent people?

What kinda people are these cave men that have given hard time to the ARMY OF A COUNTRY for more then 2 years? Why to spend million in the army budget? Why don't just we hire these cave men and form a formidable force?

I dont think they needed rocket scientests to carry on sucide attacks. They use AK-47 made by Russians, they cant build anything by themsels buy dont tell me they cant even use it?
Even , Madonna Joins in ...

After the outpour of grief
and anger over the attack
on Malala Yousafzai from
world leaders and officials, the teenage girl from Swat received support from an
unexpected quarter when
Madonna dedicated a song
to Malala in a concert in
Los Angeles.

According to a report on The Hollywood Reporter, the music diva said she cried
when she heard about the
shooting of the girl in Swat
valley. “This song is for you,
Malala,” she said and then went on to sing “Human
nature.” “The 14-year-old schoolgirl who wrote a blog about going to school. The Taliban stopped her bus and shot her.

Do you realise how sick that
is,” Madonna asked her fans in LA. The 54-year-old then shouted “Support education! Support women!” to loud cheers from the crowd.

Madonna even went on to reveal Malala’s name, which was written on her name when she stripped during the concert.
Why just TTP ? Why not all branches/units of Taliban including the one in Afghanistan ?

Only an idiot would condemn a resistance movement who is fighting against the biggest military occupation in recent times. Afghan resistance are heros.

Yes I see a lot of Sunni Muslims condemning the Taliban but in a selective way .... They have a soft corner for the Talibanis that are favourable to them and criticize the ones who are unfavourable ... Something like Good & Bad Taliban ... Even though to a neutral both of them are savages .

It makes perfect sense as the original Taliban from Afghanistan along with over 100 groups coming under the same umbrella are not fighting Pakistan but only occupiers.

The aim has always been to confuse people for war propaganda and many are it seems.
Even , Madonna Joins in ...

After the outpour of grief
and anger over the attack
on Malala Yousafzai from
world leaders and officials, the teenage girl from Swat received support from an
unexpected quarter when
Madonna dedicated a song
to Malala in a concert in
Los Angeles.

According to a report on The Hollywood Reporter, the music diva said she cried
when she heard about the
shooting of the girl in Swat
valley. “This song is for you,
Malala,” she said and then went on to sing “Human
nature.” “The 14-year-old schoolgirl who wrote a blog about going to school. The Taliban stopped her bus and shot her.

Do you realise how sick that
is,” Madonna asked her fans in LA. The 54-year-old then shouted “Support education! Support women!” to loud cheers from the crowd.

Madonna even went on to reveal Malala’s name, which was written on her name when she stripped during the concert.

i'm still awaiting for the names of palestinian girls tatooted on her wrinkly body when she next performs in tel aviv
Now, lets see how many Mumtaz Qadris take arms and go to kill talibans by risking their life and ignoring law and order (to save misuse of Islam)

And yes, Mr. Railway Minister should declare award of $100,000 for killing each taliban as they are misusing and bringing bad name to Islam too. Will he?
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I dont care if Taliban kill Nato soldiers in Afghanistan. But we all know that rarely happen, they mustly kill innocents who are easy target.
I dont think they needed rocket scientests to carry on sucide attacks. They use AK-47 made by Russians, they cant build anything by themsels buy dont tell me they cant even use it?

And the intelligence is revealed to them in a dream as to the location of Jets inside a tightly secured air or army base? And they the find the night vision binoculars in garbage piles and they make remote controlled devices with bare hands, and all the finances required to give a tough time to the army of a country is supported by the trees they have inside the caves that bear cash?
Madonna slams Taliban, dedicates song to Malala at concert


After the outpour of grief and anger over the attack on Malala Yousafzai from world leaders and officials, the teenage girl from Swat received support from an unexpected quarter when Madonna dedicated a song to Malala in a concert in Los Angeles.

According to a report on The Hollywood Reporter, the music diva said she cried when she heard about the shooting of the girl in Swat valley. “This song is for you, Malala,” she said and then went on to sing “Human nature.”

“The 14-year-old schoolgirl who wrote a blog about going to school. The Taliban stopped her bus and shot her. Do you realise how sick that is,” Madonna asked her fans in LA.

The 54-year-old then shouted “Support education! Support women!” to loud cheers from the crowd.

Madonna even went on to reveal Malala’s name, which was written on her name when she stripped during the concert.

Some of the fans who attended the concert were moved by Madonna’s and took to social media websites to praise the act:

@tecknotot: The dedications tonight got me all choked up. Madonna dedicated couple sets to kids who died #bullying & to #Malala the Pakistani girl #MDNA

@rbasileh: Madonna wrote the name MALALA on her back tonight she was the Pakistani girl killed by the Taliban

@childfreediva: #Madonna talked about #Malala from stage today. I like my artists to be well informed, tyvm. #MDNA

@xavier69: Madonna Writes Malala on her back in LA for girl killed by Taliban!