McDonald's faces boycott threats in India for serving halal meat


T20I Captain
Apr 16, 2013
New Delhi, India - McDonald's has faced boycott calls in India from right-wing Hindus after the global fast-food chain said its outlets served halal meat.

The controversy erupted after McDonald's India said on Twitter that all its restaurants are halal certified.

"All our restaurants have HALAL certificates. You can ask the respective restaurant Managers to show you the certificate for your satisfaction and confirmation," the fast-food company said in a reply to a user's inquiry.

However, the reply angered many people on Twitter, who called for a boycott of the US chain, with the hashtag #BoycottMcDonalds trending in India.

Many questioned why McDonald's was serving halal meat in India where 80 percent of the 1.3 billion people are Hindus. The McDonald's menu in India has no beef or pork products, serving instead a range of vegetarian options as well as chicken and fish.

The Arabic word "halal" means permissible and, in relation to food, refers to meat and meat-containing products that are prepared on the basis of Islamic law. Halal certification indicates that animals were slaughtered according to the Muslim tradition.

A user wrote: "This is a blatant and intentional assault on Hindu beliefs. India is 80% Hindu, and there 4% Jain, Sikhs & Buddhists in addition to it. But, McDonald's had betrayed all these 84% people just to appease the 14% Muslims.

"It's time people of all Indian Religions #BoycottMcDonalds," he added.

Many Twitter users branded McDonald's insensitive for not using the "jhatka" method, another form of slaughter in which the animal's head is severed in a single blow.

Others alluded to the hypocrisy of some people who earlier this month had called on Muslims not to slaughter sacrificial animals on Eid al-Adha and to celebrate an "eco-friendly" Eid.

Some activists said this was yet another instance of right-wing Hindu groups finding an opportunity to attack Muslims.

"It is an absolutely Islamophobic atmosphere which is existing in India now and each and every occasion is used by right-wing Hindus to attack Muslims," Shabnam Hashmi, an activist based in New Delhi, told Al Jazeera.

"It's the extreme right asserting themselves to convert India into a Hindu nation."

Vishnu Gupta, national president of Hindu Sena - a right-wing group - said that McDonald's was ignoring the sensitivities of Hindus.

"McDonald's can't force halal meat upon a vast section of Hindus who eat jhatka," he said.

"Their sensitivities can't be ignored. If McDonald's can keep in consideration the sensitivities of a particular group, why is it ignoring the others?" he told Al Jazeera.

Gupta warned: "If Mcdonald's doesn't change its policy, and start serving both halal and jhatka in its outlets across India, soon our men will protest against the food chain on streets."

But not everyone was bothered by the halal menu.

"As a non-Muslim, I do not care where my chicken is coming from. I am more concerned about the processing it goes through, the packaging, the amount of nutrition and carcinogens it contains," said Sushmita, a researcher based in New Delhi, who only gave one name.

"This everyday pitting of one community against another, in matters that were private earlier, or didn't concern a larger public, is a slow and steady way to try to instil hatred in the very fabric of the society and keep a community always on the edge, so that they feel less and less safe," she told Al Jazeera.

Nishita Sood from Delhi told Al Jazeera that this campaign is nothing but a form of prejudice and bigotry against Muslims.

"The entire nation is suffering from it. They are just making an issue out of a non-issue because of their hatred," she said.

Online boycott campaigns
McDonald's is not the first company that has faced the ire of right-wing Hindu groups in India for serving halal meat.

Last month, IndiGo, a low-cost airline, faced an online campaign calling for its boycott for serving halal meat on its flights.

A 40-year-old man's refusal to receive food delivered by a Muslim driver from Zomato earlier this month stirred public debate on rising Islamophobia in India - home to nearly 170 million Muslims.

The food delivery company responded by saying that "Food doesn't have a religion. It is a religion."
Tbf the Jhatka suppliers are very few, atleast in TN, Jhatka is mostly a Punjabi thing, why do other Hindus even care about it?
I don't understand why Hindus eat meat but are against halal meat. Like what? Is there a religious ruling on it?
Looks like just coz muslims have not allowed to eat meat which is not allowed Hindus want to do the opposite coz they hate muslims.

A bunch of Jokers.
Tbf the Jhatka suppliers are very few, atleast in TN, Jhatka is mostly a Punjabi thing, why do other Hindus even care about it?

A Noida based Sikh friend of mine never eats non-veg in Chennai's restaurants because they are halal. Apparently they are very particular about jhatka procedure while slaughtering animals.

Though we are pretty chilled out regarding these things, in our temple sacrifices the animal is killed instantaneously with one blow which is opposite of what Muslims do.
I don't understand why Hindus eat meat but are against halal meat. Like what? Is there a religious ruling on it?
Looks like just coz muslims have not allowed to eat meat which is not allowed Hindus want to do the opposite coz they hate muslims.

A bunch of Jokers.

Eventhough its petty they are not asking to serve only jhatka, they are asking for the option of both, ofcourse commercially its a nightmare for any restaurant.

Many Sikhs only consume Jhatka though.
A Noida based Sikh friend of mine never eats non-veg in Chennai's restaurants because they are halal. Apparently they are very particular about jhatka procedure while slaughtering animals.

Though we are pretty chilled out with these things, in our temple sacrifices the animal is killed instantaneously with one blow which is opposite of what Muslims do.

Yes, thats what i mentioned in my above post, which temple are you talking about that sacrifices animals?

And yes in Delhi esp west Delhi you get only jhatka meat and even Punjabi owned restaurants in Chennai serve halal, coz of the market.
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Hmmm. I thought Hindus only objected to beef being served in restaurants, due to their reverence for the cow? So is it okay to eat cow meat if the slaughter is done jhatka style?
Hmmm. I thought Hindus only objected to beef being served in restaurants, due to their reverence for the cow? So is it okay to eat cow meat if the slaughter is done jhatka style?

We all know this is just coz they hate muslims.
Next thing you know they'll try suffocating themselves just coz they don't want to breathe the same air which muslims do.
Yes, thats what i mentioned in my above post, which temple are you talking about that sacrifices animals?

And yes in Delhi esp west Delhi you grt only jhatka meat.

I am talking about some of the village temples I have visited, where we have our Kula Deivam. Not the major temples though in a nearby Angala Parameswari temple (roadside) animal sacrifices are common, especially goats.
Wow even in this day and age, surprising, apparently its even called Jhatka Bali
in some areas.(bali means sacrifice)

I don't think it should be a problem. The meat is distributed among devotees, a form of prasadam (what people relish they offer to God, non-veg in some cases). In the nearby roadside temple I am talking about poor people are fed, the priest and his wife are fine people who do the cooking themselves. Everything is done by them, just the goats are regularly donated by other affluent devotees. They would all fall in the the category of low castes if I get specific.
I don't think it should be a problem. The meat is distributed among devotees, a form of prasadam (what people relish they offer to God, non-veg in some cases). In the nearby roadside temple I am talking about poor people are fed, the priest and his wife are fine people who do the cooking themselves. Everything is done by them, just the goats are regularly donated by other affluent devotees. They would all fall in the the category of low castes if I get specific.

Yeah , I guess reading upon it sounds fair, probably to beat the Brahmin dominated temples , which makes sense due to casteism being prevalent.
Rightwing chaddi brigade wants to always stir up a controversy to stay in News. Creating animosity is their speciality.

People defecating in open is not a problem. Caste discrimination in rural areas is not a problem, Pathetic infrastructure is not a problem. But what Muslim man eats is a huge problem. Dirty low lives.
This are all ill effects of social media & unemployment. Everyday something useless topic like this is trending & getting attention instead of actual problems.
I don't understand why Hindus eat meat but are against halal meat. Like what? Is there a religious ruling on it?
Looks like just coz muslims have not allowed to eat meat which is not allowed Hindus want to do the opposite coz they hate muslims.

A bunch of Jokers.

Halal is perceived as more painful death among many non Muslims.
Halal is perceived as more painful death among many non Muslims.

Well that is not entirely true. Most of the meat is stunned before being slaughtered and even if it is not stunned, it is slaughtered very quickly most of the time.
Well that is not entirely true. Most of the meat is stunned before being slaughtered and even if it is not stunned, it is slaughtered very quickly most of the time.

May be in UK it is done like that.

But in India the way people does it looks very painful.
What's wrong with eating halal meat? What's wrong with eating non halal meat? How does this change the taste of a delicious, juicy steak
Hindus and Sikh can only eat Jhatka meat, Sikhs are very strict about this, hindus not everyone is that strict.

I myself consume meat with the exception of beef. I do not care if its jhatka or halal.

Its stupid of McDs to announce that all their meat is halal. Thereby telling people that you are considering requirements of one community only. They should provide option to the customers.
If you eat meat, it shouldn't matter whether it's jhatka or halal
If you eat meat, it shouldn't matter whether it's jhatka or halal

It's not only about meat. But it's about treatment towards animal.

For example, in a pig farm, it shouldn't matter whether pigs are kept in a pile one over the other or they are kept in a good environment because ultimately they will be eaten. But even then, animal cruelty does play its role.

From a non Islamic point of view, halal looks more painful to eyes.

It's not only about religion though. If any x, y, z religion followed the same, there will have been objection. Because the core issue isn't the religion itself.
Hindus and Sikh can only eat Jhatka meat, Sikhs are very strict about this, hindus not everyone is that strict.

I myself consume meat with the exception of beef. I do not care if its jhatka or halal.

Its stupid of McDs to announce that all their meat is halal. Thereby telling people that you are considering requirements of one community only. They should provide option to the customers.

It’s not viable, franchises esp ones which have to work in quick time are trained at a place where the kitchens are similar and then they go to live restaurants to prepare meal at quick speeds.

Now any changes to the design after all the R and D would be a massive overburden on the Franchise management and cost, already Mcdonalds has made changes specific to India to have vegetarian aisle , which they don’t in 99% of the countries, its also one of the reasons why they still do not have Veggie options for now in USA which Burger King has been investing in.

Jhatka doesnt matter to most Hindus, this is a publicity stunt, in a similar way to how McDonald doesn’t serve halal rumors occur among Muslims.
Does any other news apart from Muslims being attacked or their way of life comes out of India these days?
It's not only about meat. But it's about treatment towards animal.

For example, in a pig farm, it shouldn't matter whether pigs are kept in a pile one over the other or they are kept in a good environment because ultimately they will be eaten. But even then, animal cruelty does play its role.

From a non Islamic point of view, halal looks more painful to eyes.

It's not only about religion though. If any x, y, z religion followed the same, there will have been objection. Because the core issue isn't the religion itself.

The core issue is definitely the religion. Hindus who value animal life wouldn't contemplate killing them for food anyway as far as I understand the Hindu philosophy, but you are welcome to educate me if I have that wrong.

The underlying reason for picking out halal meat is because of the anti-Muslim sentiment rife in India at present.
The core issue is definitely the religion. Hindus who value animal life wouldn't contemplate killing them for food anyway as far as I understand the Hindu philosophy, but you are welcome to educate me if I have that wrong.

The underlying reason for picking out halal meat is because of the anti-Muslim sentiment rife in India at present.

Hindus eat all kind of meat. Except Beef. Who told you hindus dont eat meat,?
This actually started on Twitter when McD shared they only serve Halal. Besides Jhatka the other consideration was that suppliers/butchers from other religions were being discriminated as they cannot obviously supply Halal
Hindus eat all kind of meat. Except Beef. Who told you hindus dont eat meat,?

Some Hindus I grew up with at school. They were vegetarians and I assumed it was because Hindus considered eating flesh of dead animals as an unworthy practice. As I said to Itachi, I am happy to be educated on this if it is wrong. Please elaborate.
Some Hindus I grew up with at school. They were vegetarians and I assumed it was because Hindus considered eating flesh of dead animals as an unworthy practice. As I said to Itachi, I am happy to be educated on this if it is wrong. Please elaborate.

Hindus eat meat. Only Some hindu communities do not eat meat,mainly brahmins and people from certain states.
Some Hindus I grew up with at school. They were vegetarians and I assumed it was because Hindus considered eating flesh of dead animals as an unworthy practice. As I said to Itachi, I am happy to be educated on this if it is wrong. Please elaborate.

Indians are draamebaaz, read about 'Vaishnavism', this sub-section of Hinduism is to blame for 'Indians do not eat meat' myth.

Indians are liars, some aunties say they do not eat meat in front of their draani/jethani (sister in law's) just to feel this sense of superiority (self-control). Same when it comes to rishta's, they brag that their son/daughter doesn't even touch meat and he/she is completely Vaishno. All lies.

North Indians are notorious for this, they lie/steal/cheat but think not eating meat will bring them closer to God.

I have Hindu friends, who eat their heart out at weddings, but never ate meat at home. They hide this money saving tactic in garb of being pious. Repressed society.

Another reason is million of superstitions, Hindus will not quote directly from Geeta like Muslims and Sikhs do, Infact they have their own local baba, a story, or other ********. They do not follow Hinduism.
Some Hindus I grew up with at school. They were vegetarians and I assumed it was because Hindus considered eating flesh of dead animals as an unworthy practice. As I said to Itachi, I am happy to be educated on this if it is wrong. Please elaborate.

90% of Hindus eat some form of meat.

Only Brahmins (closet meat eaters) and Gujaratis/Jains abstain from meat. The rest eat chicken or Goat etc once a weak if they can afford. I know some rich South Indians who eat meat everyday.

Why would God be happy if you don't eat meat? I guess they think they get extra browny points for that in heaven.
Indians are draamebaaz, read about 'Vaishnavism', this sub-section of Hinduism is to blame for 'Indians do not eat meat' myth.

Indians are liars, some aunties say they do not eat meat in front of their draani/jethani (sister in law's) just to feel this sense of superiority (self-control). Same when it comes to rishta's, they brag that their son/daughter doesn't even touch meat and he/she is completely Vaishno. All lies.

North Indians are notorious for this, they lie/steal/cheat but think not eating meat will bring them closer to God.

I have Hindu friends, who eat their heart out at weddings, but never ate meat at home. They hide this money saving tactic in garb of being pious. Repressed society.

Another reason is million of superstitions, Hindus will not quote directly from Geeta like Muslims and Sikhs do, Infact they have their own local baba, a story, or other ********. They do not follow Hinduism.

Hinduism isn't really a religion it's a collection of ideas
Indians are draamebaaz, read about 'Vaishnavism', this sub-section of Hinduism is to blame for 'Indians do not eat meat' myth.

Indians are liars, some aunties say they do not eat meat in front of their draani/jethani (sister in law's) just to feel this sense of superiority (self-control). Same when it comes to rishta's, they brag that their son/daughter doesn't even touch meat and he/she is completely Vaishno. All lies.

North Indians are notorious for this, they lie/steal/cheat but think not eating meat will bring them closer to God.

I have Hindu friends, who eat their heart out at weddings, but never ate meat at home. They hide this money saving tactic in garb of being pious. Repressed society.

Another reason is million of superstitions, Hindus will not quote directly from Geeta like Muslims and Sikhs do, Infact they have their own local baba, a story, or other ********. They do not follow Hinduism.

Thanks for elaborating. Very informative although I believe there will be some sound reasoning behind the principles of abstaining from meat eating. Perhaps our good friend freelance-cricketer can provide some more depth on this topic.
The core issue is definitely the religion. Hindus who value animal life wouldn't contemplate killing them for food anyway as far as I understand the Hindu philosophy, but you are welcome to educate me if I have that wrong.

The underlying reason for picking out halal meat is because of the anti-Muslim sentiment rife in India at present.

Very few sections of Hindus are vegans actually. Most eat meat. So if you are talking about vegan hindus, then you are talking about a very small number of people here. Not vegan but the number of vegetarian will be a bit bigger but that has nothing to do with religion rather, concern for animal regarding the environment that they are provided before going through the butchers knife.

Then there's the philosophy of food cycle. I can concern about animals but at the same time, I will follow the food cycle too.
Very few sections of Hindus are vegans actually. Most eat meat. So if you are talking about vegan hindus, then you are talking about a very small number of people here. Not vegan but the number of vegetarian will be a bit bigger but that has nothing to do with religion rather, concern for animal regarding the environment that they are provided before going through the butchers knife.

Then there's the philosophy of food cycle. I can concern about animals but at the same time, I will follow the food cycle too.

No I wasn't talking about vegan, I was talking about vegetarians, as it was my understanding that Hindus avoid eating meat as part of their religious philosophy. I am talking in general terms here, obviously you will get plenty who ignore this, or perhaps it may be that it is restricted to higher caste Hindus, you can advise on this.

But my conclusion remains the same, the reason for the anti-halal meat noise is probably less to do with concern for animal welfare, and more to do with anti-Muslim bigotry.
Hindus eat meat. Only Some hindu communities do not eat meat,mainly brahmins and people from certain states.

Even this is not true everywhere. Bengali society including brahmins are out and out Non vegetarians, infact they can compete with Western and ME society in terms of non veg consumption. I know some of the Marathi and South Indian Brahmins are also meat eaters.

As far as beef is concerned, in South India beef is consumed by significant number of people irrespective of religion.

As far as pork is concerned, again in Bengal and North East pork is consumed by lot of Hindus frequently in restaurants.
Indians are draamebaaz, read about 'Vaishnavism', this sub-section of Hinduism is to blame for 'Indians do not eat meat' myth.

Indians are liars, some aunties say they do not eat meat in front of their draani/jethani (sister in law's) just to feel this sense of superiority (self-control). Same when it comes to rishta's, they brag that their son/daughter doesn't even touch meat and he/she is completely Vaishno. All lies.

North Indians are notorious for this, they lie/steal/cheat but think not eating meat will bring them closer to God.

I have Hindu friends, who eat their heart out at weddings, but never ate meat at home. They hide this money saving tactic in garb of being pious. Repressed society.

Another reason is million of superstitions, Hindus will not quote directly from Geeta like Muslims and Sikhs do, Infact they have their own local baba, a story, or other ********. They do not follow Hinduism.

A lot of Hindus follow Gita very closely
No I wasn't talking about vegan, I was talking about vegetarians, as it was my understanding that Hindus avoid eating meat as part of their religious philosophy. I am talking in general terms here, obviously you will get plenty who ignore this, or perhaps it may be that it is restricted to higher caste Hindus, you can advise on this.

But my conclusion remains the same, the reason for the anti-halal meat noise is probably less to do with concern for animal welfare, and more to do with anti-Muslim bigotry.

There isn't anything in the Hindu scriptures that says one has to avoid eating meat.

If you believe it is more to do with religion, then we can agree to disagree.

Animal walfare awareness is growing as more and more people are getting connected via social media. Previously, no such provision was there but since now there is, the voice will be greater not only against halal but other courses where animals are treated poorly even if they are raised to sell as a meat in the market.
There isn't anything in the Hindu scriptures that says one has to avoid eating meat.

If you believe it is more to do with religion, then we can agree to disagree.

Animal walfare awareness is growing as more and more people are getting connected via social media. Previously, no such provision was there but since now there is, the voice will be greater not only against halal but other courses where animals are treated poorly even if they are raised to sell as a meat in the market.

lol Indian don't care about human welfare if you look at the rapes of women, poverty, lack of toilets etc. This has nothing to do with animal welfare but yet another Hindu extremist move in your so called secular country. Stop wasting time watching Bollywood and wake up
lol Indian don't care about human welfare if you look at the rapes of women, poverty, lack of toilets etc. This has nothing to do with animal welfare but yet another Hindu extremist move in your so called secular country. Stop wasting time watching Bollywood and wake up

The problems are nothing different and exactly the same in Pakistani society as well. So let's not get into moral high ground mode.
The problems are nothing different and exactly the same in Pakistani society as well. So let's not get into moral high ground mode.

Every nation has issues but nowhere near the level in Indian society.

Now we have pandits wanting McDonalds to be destroyed because they sell Halal meat. What next, all footwear shops to be firebombed because cow leather is on peoples feet or is that ok? Its very confusing.
There isn't anything in the Hindu scriptures that says one has to avoid eating meat.

If you believe it is more to do with religion, then we can agree to disagree.

Animal walfare awareness is growing as more and more people are getting connected via social media. Previously, no such provision was there but since now there is, the voice will be greater not only against halal but other courses where animals are treated poorly even if they are raised to sell as a meat in the market.

Vegetarianism is considered Satvic, i.e purifying for the mind and soul in some Hindu textures, that is why I always assumed many Hindus avoided eating meat. Anyway it is not important, you can say Hindus eat meat, I can say majority prefer a veggie diet for religious reasons. Neither of us is necessarily wrong so no point in flogging a dead horse.

Moving on: do you think halal meat should be banned in India if it is considered offensive to Hindus?
Every nation has issues but nowhere near the level in Indian society.

Now we have pandits wanting McDonalds to be destroyed because they sell Halal meat. What next, all footwear shops to be firebombed because cow leather is on peoples feet or is that ok? Its very confusing.

You can't stereotype entire community because of certain number of nutjobs or because of your lack of understanding .

I am a Brahmin and I have eaten halal meat most of my life except my tenure outside India.

And by the way I don't support stereotyping entire nation of people as terrorists just because some from that country are involved in inhuman activities in the name of religion.

Let's decide on where we can agree and be constructive in our effort rather than cribbing on differences. Our failure to do so makes us behave in this virtual world and maybe in real life as well as the same people whom we are continuously criticizing and bitter about.
Nothing to do with RSS goons. McDonald's know Muslim money is as good as anyone else's so they must meet our needs. India who exports more beef then anyone else is no one to tell Muslim's what we should or should not eat.

I don't know if you missed my question at the end of my last post as we started getting into a separate discussion, but I think it is quite an important question, and perhaps can be answered by any Indian member really:

If halal meat is offensive to Hindus in India, should it be banned from sale in restaurants like McDonalds?
#BoycottHalalProducts trending on Twitter in India today.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just wondering, is it illegal to <a href="">#BoycottHalalProducts</a>?! Do I not have a right to choose what I want & what I don't?!</p>— Priti Gandhi - प्रीति गांधी (@MrsGandhi) <a href="">May 11, 2020</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
#BoycottHalalProducts trending on Twitter in India today.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Just wondering, is it illegal to <a href="">#BoycottHalalProducts</a>?! Do I not have a right to choose what I want & what I don't?!</p>— Priti Gandhi - प्रीति गांधी (@MrsGandhi) <a href="">May 11, 2020</a></blockquote>
<script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

Has the country gone mad?! Why would they want to boycott it? The halal meat is a healthy meat in which the resulting texture is tender and the meat delicious, more so than the other meats. :ishant
Has the country gone mad?! Why would they want to boycott it? The halal meat is a healthy meat in which the resulting texture is tender and the meat delicious, more so than the other meats. :ishant

Killing an animal with one stroke is thought to be less cruel by some rather than slitting its throat and letting it bleed to death over a period of time.
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This started again after a jhatka meat supplier was suspended on Twitter after the liberal brigade reported his account for not adhering to their standards of secularism. Muslims meanwhile have no dog in this game, as it’s a slug fest between right wing and liberal Hindu groups:facepalm:
If this is true, then this should be banned in India.

Fun fact: In Hindu dharma, those who eat meat belongs to lower caste and are usually considered untouchables. Modi Halal followers should take note of this.
Thank God I live in a place where I can enjoy my religious freedom and not worry about being of "lower caste" cause I eat meat a certain way or if I it at all
If this is true, then this should be banned in India.

Fun fact: In Hindu dharma, those who eat meat belongs to lower caste and are usually considered untouchables. Modi Halal followers should take note of this.

This page is the author’s personal opinion and not the official one from PETA although they’re not the definitive authority on ritual animal slaughter for human consumption.

Islamaphobes and other dark forces like to peddle this sort of propaganda not due to any sort of benevolence to animals but only to malign Islam and its practices.
Well as per some posters, if you are in majority you should demand your culture to dominate, demand your own land, why not

I'm surprised why McDonald's is serving halal meat in the first place, that too in a Hindu-majority country?
If they're serving halal meat, I think it's fair they serve jhatka meat as an option, even if I only learnt about this concept recently from Mr [MENTION=76058]cricketjoshila[/MENTION] :))

I'm pretty sure if a practicing Hindu was in McDonald's and the waiter told him, sorry sir, no jhatka available today, only halaal. Most Hindus wouldn't care a damn and eat the halal meat.

The problem here is the lack of that option. Just having that option would satisfy most Hindus. It's the feeling that they've been taken for granted that has allowed a massive space to the BJP and their allied trolls.

This is not limited to India. It's an issue in every country where the majority feels they've been asked to bend over backwards to accommodate minority interests. You see a revival of Christian aspirations in Western countries where practically that religion is dead. And that comes from decades of art and cinema being allowed to mock their religion without retribution but different standards for Islam and Hinduism (in some cases).
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This page is the author’s personal opinion and not the official one from PETA although they’re not the definitive authority on ritual animal slaughter for human consumption.

Islamaphobes and other dark forces like to peddle this sort of propaganda not due to any sort of benevolence to animals but only to malign Islam and its practices.

It's not Islamophobic, if it's backed by science. Not everything you learn through your religion should be followed blindly.
If this is true, then this should be banned in India.

Fun fact: In Hindu dharma, those who eat meat belongs to lower caste and are usually considered untouchables. Modi Halal followers should take note of this.

Who told you this "fact"?

Rajputs and Kshtriyas consume meat. Brahmins in eastern India consume meat.

You have no idea.
Thank God I live in a place where I can enjoy my religious freedom and not worry about being of "lower caste" cause I eat meat a certain way or if I it at all

Muslims in India are allowed to have halal. But halal cant be forced upon non muslims.

And the caste thing is a lie.
Who told you this "fact"?

Rajputs and Kshtriyas consume meat. Brahmins in eastern India consume meat.

You have no idea.

Apparently they all do in modern Hindu Rashtra. Modi and his chaddi Hindutwa gang making small tweaks to Bhagavad Gita. Even Brahmins have started to munch on those animals.
We hindus eat all meat except beef. I don't care whether it is jhatka or halal.

Many sikhs don't prefer eating halal meat (due to their religious reasons). I think one should respect that in the same way they respect muslims who prefer eating only halal meat.

Now this noise by some hindu right wing groups is due to minority appeasement (being done to muslims) by left wing or liberals.

So this boycott has nothing to do with halal or jhatka meat it is more to do with boycotting muslim way or of a ego clash.
We hindus eat all meat except beef. I don't care whether it is jhatka or halal.

Many sikhs don't prefer eating halal meat (due to their religious reasons). I think one should respect that in the same way they respect muslims who prefer eating only halal meat.

Now this noise by some hindu right wing groups is due to minority appeasement (being done to muslims) by left wing or liberals.

So this boycott has nothing to do with halal or jhatka meat it is more to do with boycotting muslim way or of a ego clash.
I think it's left vs right but halal, Muslims are collateral damage that's what I see looking from outside
Apparently they all do in modern Hindu Rashtra. Modi and his chaddi Hindutwa gang making small tweaks to Bhagavad Gita. Even Brahmins have started to munch on those animals.

I am a Brahmin. My family has been consuming fish for generations. Giving the grant of Ponds to Brahmins to culture and eat fish has been going on in Eastern India for centuries.

Kshatriyas eat meat.

There is an entire caste among hindus whose job was to slaughter and sell animals. They are called Khatiks.

You sir have no idea.
Does McD in India serve pork? like Sausage etc? Do Hindus also eat pork in India?

No they dont serve pork. But pork is available in India. And hindus can eat pork if they want.

Only beef is prohibited.
Apparently they all do in modern Hindu Rashtra. Modi and his chaddi Hindutwa gang making small tweaks to Bhagavad Gita. Even Brahmins have started to munch on those animals.

why do poke ur nose or post something when you don't have knowledge on ?

Bhagavad gita neither condones nor condemns meat eating. It is left to the person.

Many pandavas/kauravas ate meat and there was even a instance when a devotee (Kannappa) who was hunter and didn't knew on what to offer and what not offer to Lord shiva. So he used to offer hunted animal meat and Lord shiva accepted it.

In great sanatana dharma god is only interested in quality not in quantity of our offerings.
If this is true, then this should be banned in India.

Fun fact: In Hindu dharma, those who eat meat belongs to lower caste and are usually considered untouchables. Modi Halal followers should take note of this.

Where did you get these "facts"?
It's not Islamophobic, if it's backed by science. Not everything you learn through your religion should be followed blindly.

Science does not provide a conclusive answer to this. In fact even leading scientists in India have said that halal slaughter is better in terms of the pain suffered by the animal. The health benefits are already well understood. I'll provide example below.

Dr V K Modi, head of department of meat technology at the Central Food Technology Research Institute in Mysore, says evidence suggests that animals slaughtered through jhatka suffer more trauma than those killed by halal. “The less an animal struggles, the better the meat. When animals face trauma, the glycogen content in their muscles is activated, leaving the meat tough. Stored glycogen is the agent that leads to rigor mortis (or, stiffening of muscles on death).”

Although this discussion isn't really about whether halal meat is healthier or better, it kind of ties in so Dr Modi does add some further opinions.

the halal method is effective in draining out most of the blood from a slaughtered animal, which is vital if its meat is to be soft. “In jhatka, chances of blood clotting are higher. This could spoil the meat if it’s kept uncooked for a few days. It could also make the meat tougher to chew.”

He provides some further details on the matter with support from a Delhi based nutritionist.

For the meat to be tender and juicy, the pH count in the animal should ideally be around 5.4 after slaughter. “Struggle leads to the utilisation of stored energy, making the pH count rise to as high as 7,” In halal¸ the struggle is lesser by at least 20 per cent, claims a Delhi based nutrition expert.

Dr Modi has support from Dr Karuna Chaturvedi, consultant nutritionist at Apollo Hospitals in New Delhi. “Halal is considered healthier because after slaughter, blood is drained from the animal’s arteries, ejecting most toxins because the heart continues to pump for a few seconds after slaughter. In jhatka, not all the blood is drained, leaving the meat tougher and drier.”

Although, there is a discussion about the health benefits of halal meat in this piece, I would like to point out that the expert says evidence suggests jhatka method causes more trauma to the animal than halal slaughter method.

Apparently they all do in modern Hindu Rashtra. Modi and his chaddi Hindutwa gang making small tweaks to Bhagavad Gita. Even Brahmins have started to munch on those animals.

Hindus don't have many hard and fast rules, from the outside, it seems they tend to change whichever way the wind is blowing, and that way they are always right. So I have seen Hindus who agree with you, and I have also seen many who believe it is true privately, but would never admit it in public.
We hindus eat all meat except beef. I don't care whether it is jhatka or halal.

Many sikhs don't prefer eating halal meat (due to their religious reasons). I think one should respect that in the same way they respect muslims who prefer eating only halal meat.

Now this noise by some hindu right wing groups is due to minority appeasement (being done to muslims) by left wing or liberals.

So this boycott has nothing to do with halal or jhatka meat it is more to do with boycotting muslim way or of a ego clash.

I have a feeling this ruling is only there as way of "getting back at Muslims". This law was only brought in at the start of the twentieth century.
Has the country gone mad?! Why would they want to boycott it? The halal meat is a healthy meat in which the resulting texture is tender and the meat delicious, more so than the other meats. :ishant

They want to boycott cause it’s their choice?
I am a Brahmin. My family has been consuming fish for generations. Giving the grant of Ponds to Brahmins to culture and eat fish has been going on in Eastern India for centuries.

Kshatriyas eat meat.

There is an entire caste among hindus whose job was to slaughter and sell animals. They are called Khatiks.

You sir have no idea.

Well you said you are an Eastern Indian. They have always been kind of different with their practices. But what I have said is true. Slaughtering of animals is absolutely prohibited in Hindu culture, atleast with the ones perceived by the so called purists. If you are a meat eater back in the old days, people wouldn't have let you enter their houses.
I actually can't see it as an issue as those people are asking for "inclusion of jhatka" rather than "exclusion of halal". If muslims can boycott resturant for serving non halal meat and can ask for inclusion, why others can't request the same (their preference of killing animal)?

Why some muslims are taking it offensive way is hard to grasp. Though it does mention halal in the article, the demand has nothing to do with islam.
Well you said you are an Eastern Indian. They have always been kind of different with their practices. But what I have said is true. Slaughtering of animals is absolutely prohibited in Hindu culture, atleast with the ones perceived by the so called purists. If you are a meat eater back in the old days, people wouldn't have let you enter their houses.

South Indian meat eater here :)

Upper caste... as Brahmin as they come