Merry Christmas everyone!


A departed friend who will live in our memories fo
Aug 23, 2007
Post of the Week
Merry Christmas to everyone here on PP and to the entire world:135:.

God bless you all and may you all have a wonderful day:). Amen!
Merry Christmas to all the ppers....let's have fun!
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Merry Christmas to all those celebrating. Also, have a look at what is trending on Twitter - #IfSantawasAsian :)))
Merry christmas all! Today I'm feeling like a young eager kid too. Im gonna go sleep early tonight so tomorrow comes sooner.

Not for christmas but for the cricket :afridi
have a good one folks and Inshallah Pakistan will make it even better:afridi
Happy Holidays to all fellow Christians.
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Guys this thread is to wish those who are celebrating Christmas! If you do not agree with this their is no obligation on you to participate and I insist you simply leave the thread :)

If you wish to discuss the issue from an Islamic point of view please go to the following thread:

Thank You :)
Merry Christmas to all the people who celebrate,happy holiday for fellow Indians.
Merry Christmas once again! Stay blessed:)!
Merry X'mas to all celebrating....


From all at PP Cricket, I hope you have a peaceful and prosperous Christmas period.​
Best wishes to everyone celebrating Christmas.

Have a great time.
Merry Christmas to those who celebrating this day. Best wishes to them.

Have a good day. :)
Happy Christmas to all our users that are celebrating.

Have a great Christmas.


Merry Christmas to all who are celebrating. Happy birthday to our Quaid as well.
Merry Christmas to everyone here on PP and to the entire world:135:.

God bless you all and may you all have a wonderful day:). Amen!

Thanks mate, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all of you!
Merry Christmas.

Unfortunately Xmas is just like work - you do all the work and the fat, white guy in a suit gets all the credit..
Happy bday Jesus.

Happy bday Jinnah.
Christmas should have been today... well yesterday 26th

We got snow!

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Merry Christmas. The Mrs really outdid herself this year.

Merry Christmas! to all the PPers celebrating the festival in Britain, Pakistan and beyond :)

[MENTION=136108]Donal Cozzie[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] and everyone else, wish you and your family's well.
Even for some non-Christians in Britain, the cultural festival is something we look forward to. From the TV specials, excuse to make some nice food/over-eat and exchanging gifts with your friends and neighbours it's all really nice
[MENTION=136108]Donal Cozzie[/MENTION] [MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] and everyone else, wish you and your family's well.

PP mein maujood tamam nazreen, aur usse baahar, bharat, muttahida arab amirat, europi riyasatein aur usse bhi aage..tamaam nazreen ko intehai adab, khalus aur ehteram ke saath Christmas mubarak ho.
Merry Christmas to those celebrating and also a premature Happy New Year.

Let's all pray for a happier and more peaceful World.
Merry Christmas to all PP'ers and all the beautiful women in the world :D
Love Christmas cuz they always show Home Alone on TV.
Merry Xmas Everyone !

Hope you have a nice time with your friends and family, stay blessed!
[MENTION=7774]Robert[/MENTION] [MENTION=1842]James[/MENTION] [MENTION=136108]Donal Cozzie[/MENTION] [MENTION=139981]HitWicket[/MENTION] [MENTION=53290]Markhor[/MENTION] [MENTION=48620]Cpt. Rishwat[/MENTION] [MENTION=133972]shaykh[/MENTION] [MENTION=47617]Red Devil[/MENTION]
Merry Xmas to all.

Hope you had a fantastic day.
The thing to look during Christmas season is the holiday weekend of new year . I have to go for work on 27th and 28th and then again 4 days off.

Its really annoying to go for work for two days in between.

By the way I was off from work from 15th December , it was vaccation .