Most embarassing moment at school/class


Local Club Star
Apr 12, 2007
Well I just had mine today. Here's what happened:

So in speech class we have 3 days for speech since there are 30 students.

I gave my speech on the first day, but she gives extra credit if your review one student's speech from each day.

So I came to class today to review the first student's speech.

After he got done I Got up and was leaving when she said very sweetly/sarcastically "BYEEEEE" whole class looked and started laughing.

I just had a dumb look on my face and was thinking of playing it off like I was going to btroom but then I said nevermind.

This is college btw
lodge_boy said:
life in college is absolutely BAKWAAS i miss my old school :(:(

you dont like college? I mean in college I gave my speech and left, whats' so wrong in there.

Fact is no one really cares what the other is saying in a beginning speech class, they jsut want to get it over with.
tmac4real said:
you dont like college? I mean in college I gave my speech and left, whats' so wrong in there.

Fact is no one really cares what the other is saying in a beginning speech class, they jsut want to get it over with.

i am just talking abt colege from my point of view, u might like it but i personally hate it, just don't fell like going to college, those back old days in school i miss them sooo much wish they could come back :( :( :(
lodge_boy said:
i am just talking abt colege from my point of view, u might like it but i personally hate it, just don't fell like going to college, those back old days in school i miss them sooo much wish they could come back :( :( :(

yeah man I kind of miss HS etc too.
I wore a superman costume on the streets once when i was like 10 yrs old, and most of the 'bad boys' of the year saw me, thats most embarassing moment ever for me. Now im named 'Super' cos of that little incident.. Still gives me the cringes!!!
tmac4real said:
Well I just had mine today. Here's what happened:

So in speech class we have 3 days for speech since there are 30 students.

I gave my speech on the first day, but she gives extra credit if your review one student's speech from each day.

So I came to class today to review the first student's speech.

After he got done I Got up and was leaving when she said very sweetly/sarcastically "BYEEEEE" whole class looked and started laughing.

I just had a dumb look on my face and was thinking of playing it off like I was going to btroom but then I said nevermind.

This is college btw

I guess you had to be there...
In the US, all institutions of learning are called schools. People who go to university will still say informally that they go to school. University is barely used here, most people refer to it as college as there are many colleges that offer degrees and only some of those are in actuality universities. People generally ask, where did you go to college? The person will reply oh I went to school at ___ university.
lodge_boy said:
i am just talking abt colege from my point of view, u might like it but i personally hate it, just don't fell like going to college, those back old days in school i miss them sooo much wish they could come back :( :( :(

I am with u on that. just left school back in june and really hate college and miss school. :(

life has neded for me at the age of 16. :( :(

secondary school is what life is all about.

loved it and wish i could go back. :12:
pakistanbest said:
I am with u on that. just left school back in june and really hate college and miss school. :(

life has neded for me at the age of 16. :( :(

secondary school is what life is all about.

loved it and wish i could go back. :12:

exactly! :19:
college is freakin rubbish :6: its all about secondary school :p ,

best days ever and i just wish they could come back :( :(
lodge_boy said:

didn't u say ur go to college in ur previous post? :20: sounds fishy :p :13:
saying school for college or university is normal in US. Many people will just say school when going to college
lodge_boy said:
exactly! :19:
college is freakin rubbish :6: its all about secondary school :p ,

best days ever and i just wish they could come back :( :(

i hate luton it so boring. my life has never been the same since i left school. :(

only thing i got to look forward to is marriage as my cuzn sis said to me. ;-)
tmac4real said:
Well I just had mine today. Here's what happened:

So in speech class we have 3 days for speech since there are 30 students.

I gave my speech on the first day, but she gives extra credit if your review one student's speech from each day.

So I came to class today to review the first student's speech.

After he got done I Got up and was leaving when she said very sweetly/sarcastically "BYEEEEE" whole class looked and started laughing.

I just had a dumb look on my face and was thinking of playing it off like I was going to btroom but then I said nevermind.

This is college btw
:20: I would love to laugh at you but unfortunately i don't get it.
what the hell are you guys on about? Funny?

I said most embarrassing, not funniest moment...
tmac4real said:
what the hell are you guys on about? Funny?

I said most embarrassing, not funniest moment...
if others cannot laugh then it was not an embarassing moment :batman:

others laugh when we are emberaced one way or another cuz we make a fool out of oursevles.
I kind of did made a fool out of myself, atleast she made me look like an ********. I wonder how I'm going to class on MOnday.
Mine happened in 8th grade in Pakistan.

That day our teacher was absent and in PAK they don't have official subsitute teachers like they do here in America so while the school principal was looking for a subsitute teacher we all decided to go wild. Some folks were throwing chalk across the class, some were dancing and some were playing cricket with a paper ball.

During this mayhem one of my friends went outside to get a drink or perhaps a visit to the bathroom so i thought this was my perfect chance to do something crazy.

Program ka bakee hissa ais break kay baad....
PlanetPakistan said:
Mine happened in 8th grade in Pakistan.

That day our teacher was absent and in PAK they don't have official subsitute teachers like they do here in America so while the school principal was looking for a subsitute teacher we all decided to go wild. Some folks were throwing chalk across the class, some were dancing and some were playing cricket with a paper ball.

During this mayhem one of my friends went outside to get a drink or perhaps a visit to the bathroom so i thought this was my perfect chance to do something crazy.

Program ka bakee hissa ais break kay baad....

lol wth man, what happened then?
PlanetPakistan said:
...Program ka bakee hissa ais break kay baad....
Who are sponsoring this post? Lifebouy, Medora, Sunnyboy, Target ciggerets? who who!!!
PlanetPakistan said:
There is still about 4 lines of writing to go so i need a break

hmm ur only putting more pressure on yourself to make the story extra good for making us wait.

It's like your chasing 12 off 15 balls and have opportunities to hit fours and you hit singles/dot balls.

Now it's 12 off 7 balls required.
tmac4real said:
12 off 5 balls.
My player got hit by a bouncer so i am conceding the more story time!

ok ok...i will finish it.

i decided to hide behind the class room door waiting for my friend to come in to the class so i can strike him with the fat book. After a minute or two of me hiding and giggling behind the door i started to hear footsteps and the entire class room i signaled to my other friends to look away and be quiet.

As the footsteps got louder i was fully convinced that my friend had not noticed me behind the door....the entire class room suddenly went totally quiet, i sensed they were ready to hear a bang and then burst out in laughter so i took my leg stump guard and lifted the book over my head in an attempt to strike the friend but unfortunately for me the footsteps that i was hearing were not off my was that evil Miss Zahra(the school' prinicipal) :12: and i was caught red handed with the big fat book right over head... :(
PlanetPakistan said:
My player got hit by a bouncer so i am conceding the more story time!

ok ok...i will finish it.

i decided to hide behind the class room door waiting for my friend to come in to the class so i can strike him with the fat book. After a minute or two of me hiding and giggling behind the door i started to hear footsteps and the entire class room i signaled to my other friends to look away and be quiet.

As the footsteps got louder i was fully convinced that my friend had not noticed me behind the door....the entire class room suddenly went totally quiet, i sensed they were ready to hear a bang and then burst out in laughter so i took my leg stump guard and lifted the book over my head in an attempt to strike the friend but unfortunately for me the footsteps that i was hearing were not off my was that evil Miss Zahra(the school' prinicipal) :12: and i was caught red handed with the big fat book right over head... :(

haha what happened, and ur lucky you didn't actually hit her.
tmac4real said:
haha what happened, and ur lucky you didn't actually hit her.
Surpringly the punishment wasn't too bad...the subsitute teacher just asked me to stand for the rest of the class period(only 20 mins were left)
PlanetPakistan said:
Surpringly the punishment wasn't too bad...the subsitute teacher just asked me to stand for the rest of the class period(only 20 mins were left)

funny that sub teacher decided punihshment and not the almost victim principal.
high school were the great moments! loved high school. uni is ****. no offense!

anyways my worst moment has to be when there was 30 people in a class and we were playing who wnts to be a millionaire. class was split up into 3 groups of 10, and i was in a group (obviously). anyways, our $32,000 came up and it was

"wat is the world record of most test matches in a row" everyone new i was a cricket fanatic in my group and i was a hard core aussie supporter.

anyways the options were .....15, 17, 19, 21...............i convinced the whole group, even the class that it was 21 ( i jsut thought it has to be the highest!).....with all this high expectation ...... every1 thought i was correct. i got it was the most embarrassing moment EVER! i was picked on for the rest of the day from everyone......i was cricket illiterate.
world_peace said:
high school were the great moments! loved high school. uni is ****. no offense!

anyways my worst moment has to be when there was 30 people in a class and we were playing who wnts to be a millionaire. class was split up into 3 groups of 10, and i was in a group (obviously). anyways, our $32,000 came up and it was

"wat is the world record of most test matches in a row" everyone new i was a cricket fanatic in my group and i was a hard core aussie supporter.

anyways the options were .....15, 17, 19, 21...............i convinced the whole group, even the class that it was 21 ( i jsut thought it has to be the highest!).....with all this high expectation ...... every1 thought i was correct. i got it was the most embarrassing moment EVER! i was picked on for the rest of the day from everyone......i was cricket illiterate.
:)) If someone asks you the same question next time just say 17 :19: haha
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There was this one time in Economics A Level when the teacher asked the class what a company has to consider before bringing in a new product or something along those lines. Someone put up their hand and said 'the opportunity cost' and the teacher then spent the next 5 minutes explaining about 'opportunity cost'. I wasn't listening....was just staring out of the window and day dreaming. So then he goes 'what else?' and I put up my hand and say 'opportunity cost'.

There was also one innings of mine for my school team. We are in trouble and I was bragging about how I am going to play a great innings. I go into bat and first ball I have the sweetest of sweet drives but it goes straight to the fielder. No run but it felt good and I became a bit cocky. Second ball I go for one of those wild Afridi ugly slogs and get bowled. The walk back was very long and everyone was silent and just looking at me.
I never had any embarrasing moment in class because I mostly stay quite there :) . Just try to concentrate on what´s handed over to me to do.
DHONI183 said:
I never had any embarrasing moment in class because I mostly stay quite there :) . Just try to concentrate on what´s handed over to me to do.

teachers pet :)) :))
pakistanbest said:
teachers pet :)) :))


Well not that quite, either. I used to/still have lots of disagreements with them on various issues but always used to/still respect them :26: .
To those saying uni/college sucks, you'll probably miss it once your done. I finished a few months ago, and uni is starting again next week for most people. Today at a dinner, a few cousins and a family friend were discussing the subjects they might have together and all that, and for the first time since finishing, it actually felt like I wouldnt mind being back at uni again. I guess to an extent it didnt help that almost everyone I knew went/goes to UNSW while I went to Sydney Uni, but the chances are you'll miss uni once your done, just like everyone misses school once they finish it.

Cant think of any particularly embarrassing moments I had when still at school - either showing my age, or my beisharmi or a combination of the two
I agree Daoud. I really miss Uni.

Three of the best years of my life. Living away from home, the independence, student life....loved every minute of it.
my embaressing moment was when playing for the school cricket team!

First match I batted in 5 or 6th. I top score with 27 i think it was.. hit 2 sixes.. 1 missing the school windows.

Alot of players/teachers who were around saw me in action so thought yeh this guy is good etc etc.. got alot of praise. Guess wat happened next..
Then for the rest of the season i got mainly Ducks - pure embaressment or what
Hash said:
I agree Daoud. I really miss Uni.

Three of the best years of my life. Living away from home, the independence, student life....loved every minute of it.

What uni you went too?

Just curious since you are from London so wondering maybe we both went to same uni.
Xoib said:
What uni you went too?

Just curious since you are from London so wondering maybe we both went to same uni.

Nah....I went to Sussex Uni which is in Brighton. In the first year I was in the halls of residence and I could see the sea from my window which was something I never tired of! Second and third year I rented a house with some friends. Best years of my life.
Hash said:
Nah....I went to Sussex Uni which is in Brighton. In the first year I was in the halls of residence and I could see the sea from my window which was something I never tired of! Second and third year I rented a house with some friends. Best years of my life.

Sussex... nice, got a friend there he also finds it absolutley brilliant.
man all u guys who r saying all hate uni, i just have one word to say to u too all.......


hhaha yaar so far i am enjoying uni life, though it is stressfull, infact very stressfull and i have a very hectic schedule, but i love every minute of it, maybe cos i a m working my ass off and i prefer to enjoy it rather than wishing it to go all away.

as for the topic mmmm ive got loads of embarrasing moments but will tell later when i have more free time, but may not tell. it depends on my mood :D :p ..... lols
pakistani_banda said:
man all u guys who r saying all hate uni, i just have one word to say to u too all.......


hhaha yaar so far i am enjoying uni life, though it is stressfull, infact very stressfull and i have a very hectic schedule, but i love every minute of it, maybe cos i a m working my ass off and i prefer to enjoy it rather than wishing it to go all away.

as for the topic mmmm ive got loads of embarrasing moments but will tell later when i have more free time, but may not tell. it depends on my mood :D :p ..... lols

Agreed, uni life especially of private unis in Pakistan is one of the best.
Well mine .... I've already said it before

Year 5, Primary school me and my friends outside getting bored, so we decide to watch a few kids play basketball. And I was so bored I tried to do something funny.

There is no proper stand for the basketball net and can be easily lifted out. So I come and lift it ... and a kid takes a shot. The ball hits the rim at the top of the pole, and I lose control .... so Im trying to balance it and it comes tumbling down .... right onto my friends head.

There were about 420 kids in the playground and they all went silent. Unfortunately the strictest teacher in the school was on duty and he screamed his head off at me. I was made to stand in front of the whole school as all the kids lined up to go inside.

However I denied I did it for months, I even convinced my family. Finally I just had to say it, and after all that, the punishment was only a couple of pages of lines.

Standing in front of 400 kids was incredibly embarrassing. It was the stupid kid who hit the net's fault. :p
A female classmate in grade 1 "accidentally" hit me in the eye with a pencil. It was painful and embarrassing at the same time. Was forced to keep my eye bandaged for a week :(
Had a crush on a teacher. Gave her a rose on her birthday. To my unfortunate luck, she told the principal..... A parent meeting followed....

In the end, dad said, "teacher ko rose dene chale..... Class main koi ladki nai mili kiya...?"

I was in 9th standard back then....

I still think it was unfair. It was just a rose....
Circa 2015: The Phys Ed teacher laughed in my face when I told him my goal was to deadlift 225. I saw that fattie recently.
Had a crush on a teacher. Gave her a rose on her birthday. To my unfortunate luck, she told the principal..... A parent meeting followed....

In the end, dad said, "teacher ko rose dene chale..... Class main koi ladki nai mili kiya...?"

I was in 9th standard back then....

I still think it was unfair. It was just a rose....

Probably was expecting a bouquet.
One time in French class I was asked to translate something in the textbook that was in French to English out loud. The word petit means small and petit dejeuner means breakfast. However, the last word on the line was petit and dejeuner was on the next line (just the way it was) so I had only seen petit and not dejeuner, so out loud I had just said "I have a small..." then an awkward silence, followed by the whole class laughing as I hadn't realized the dejeuner after the petit meaning breakfast.
Once in 6th grade I accidentally ripped my school trousers while playing football,in P.E class.
I walked into a dangerously clean and transparent door sized glass window in the 5th grade waiting room, the entire room erupted with laughter, there were a few parents there as well.

That window was way too clean, I doubt I was the first person.