New Bats


First Class Captain
Jan 20, 2011
Recently got these bats.

Any tips on how to go about properly preparing these bats would be helpful. Thanks in advance.







Beautiful! I would tell you how to prepare them for use but I am a novice myself.
Mind telling us where you got them from and how much you paid for em?
And which one do you like better?
bubber sher looks awesome the CA looks top notch aswell, when i knock in bats i only do the edges and 1 inch in from edges and the toe everything else gets done while playing.
Bubber Sher was about 11000 rps and CA was around 16500 rps. Both are 2.8 lbs.

Can't really tell which bat is better since I haven't used them yet but going by just the feel and look, Bubber Sher has great feel and balance to it. The blade is also little bigger than the CA.

Do you guys recommend oiling the bats ?
Yes definitely oil the bats using raw linseed or specialist bat oil.

If you google or look on youtube for screaming cat his an Australian bat maker and has a video on oiling he does more coats than some suggest. I followed it and haven't had any problems so far with my bats. It took me 5-7 days to oil it however as i allowed at least 12 hours before each coat
qs: is oiling still necessary if the majority of the bat is laminated? Do ppl take the lamination off to properly oil and prepare the bat?
By laminated do you mean the scuff sheet (thin plastic sheet over playing area of bat)???
I don't if there is already a scuff sheed
If there is a scuff sheet on the bat then there is no reason to oil the face. just oil the exposed wood ie the back, edges etc.
yea i meant the scuff sheet......kool so all i need now is some raw linseed oil which is really hard to come by in the States. Most likely would have to order online
These bats don't have any scuff sheets on but I have some grey nicolls scuff sheets on hand which i will put on before oiling ... As for the linseed oil, you can find it for around $12 - $13 on amazon ...

What affect does oil have on the bat stickers ?
You can fin raw linseed oil very cheap at any hardware store. It is used to make wooden furniture water resistant.
will have a look around at homedepot and see if they have it. A lot of these stores sell boiled linseed oil which really defeats the purpose..
Yeah don't use boiled linseed oil, ruins the bat.

I couldn't find raw linseed oil but you can get it off amazon for $15 USD.
These bats don't have any scuff sheets on but I have some grey nicolls scuff sheets on hand which i will put on before oiling ... As for the linseed oil, you can find it for around $12 - $13 on amazon ...

What affect does oil have on the bat stickers ?

I would suggest you to apply scuff sheets after oiling.

It messes up the stickers.